MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
A brief moment of laxity (hackers are sleeping, it's the middle of the night) shows how much constraint is imposed upon me.
Monday, May 17, 2021
British Israelism/Christian Identity: Connecting more seemingly disparate and unrelated threads of the entangled web I am forced into from this ensnarement of mind control targeting and assault, with the cover-up by media and politicians (on all sides of all the socially-distanced aisles). "...It is nothing more than Hamas propaganda. ...If Hamas puts down it's weapons, there will be peace. If Israel puts down it's weapons, it will get destroyed." (Senator Tom Cotton, May 18, 2021). Shouted from a vehicle roaring down a London street, the sentiment expresses the reality, the utter sheer horrid reality of why I am silenced endlessly after being teleported, drugged, raped, tortured and assaulted without end after my concepts are stolen and I am blocked from all participation in ecnomic activity and in life and in gereral from almost everything: "Kill the Jews! Rape their daughters!" screams the bigots driving in a black SUV down London Streets. This same sentiment is shared with Naomi Campbell, Donald Trump, Brad Pitt and his gang (to no end, years and years and years of them profiting off this system and being promoted and rewarded for it), Nancy Pelosi completely agrees with this (racist Mafioso that she comes from), and the list is far too long but members of the Squad are absolutely in goose step with these sentiments as well and they actively allow this to continue against me and do nothing to stop it, despite all their posturing blathering about how they are so hip and cool "brown and black" "fighters" with white as white polluted snow Elizabeth Warren also participating (in this creepy covert assault system that I can't describe right now but it's very covert but operates as a triggering mechanism and is part of the overall discrediting strategy to attack but keep the attacks at levels that actually discredit the victim being targeted should they attempt to denounce or bring this situation to anyone' s attention. In short, I have no evidence of any of this until people get the surveillance footage from the "Dark web" or all the tapes made of me being teleported and assaulted--until then I can do nothing but write all that discredits me but remaining silent is also life-threatening at this point.
*This post has been copied and pasted from my Facebook page, written today. After beginning to type, the keyboard and computer began to freeze as pages stopped operating. The hacking/malware had begun. I had to wait, get up and do other things to get onto one single page. I have not since re-read any of the portions to do another retype or re-editing of what hackers delete/rewrite or obscure or make unreadable.
"Tom Cotton Rips "The Squad" For Condemnations Of Israel During Hamas
Conflict." Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.
"JUST IN: Tom Cotton Rips 'Dupes In The Media' For Israel-Hamas Conflict Coverage." Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.
**I do not mean to imply that Democrats are responsible for this contract out on me. If anything Repugs are the ones administrating the contract but it's the Dems who are performing the violent tasks so they will be promted by their more cloaked fascist Republican promoters (as many people note, this is not a plural system it's essentially a moderate Republican party calling itself Democrat, and fascist Nazi Republicans or their offshoots claiming they are independents, and the Republican Party of RINOS. As for the independents, they too join in for the "fun" of gang stalking, targeting and are absolutely racist when they are able to conceal it--blacks most openly of all the subgroups then latino and jews are very much thrilled to participate. I do not exclude any political party or group in anti-Semitism including Jews who make great ado about how they are fighting anti-Semitism. It's all very sick. I don't know how I can be almost the only person fighting this while the entire world appears to be fighting racism...?
"British Israelism - William Cooper (13-May-96)".
"GOP Senator Assails 'Global Media' For 'Patently False' Depiction Of Israel Amidst Clash With Hamas." Forbes Breaking News. May 16, 2021.
"Marsha Blackburn Slams 'Celebrity Influencers' In Pro-Israel Senate Speech. Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.
High regard to Itzhak Perlman and a deserved diss to the "African-American" perpetrator (who is involved with white males using Nazi holocaust references aimed at me while they all teleport me in th eir group torture sessoins and information extraction for their hateful output). This is aimed at an "A-list" actor involved in what I now realize is yet another "Black" "fighting against racism" hypocrite who participated and starred in a veiled anti-Semitic plot (it was actually not so very veiled it was quite open and apparent--the steroetypic of the greedy Jew and the struggling black pitted against one another as "adversaries" of sorts is the usual template they all stick to because they can't think of anything else to put in films it seems). This is obvious but only hinted at in the film The Red Violin. I also include Itzhak Perlman playing Paganini because that composure was not very subtely hinted at as a lead character possessed by this blood-soaked violin, where the Jewish modern violinist is so unjustly portrayed as a greedy and selfish hoarder of high-end violins of the Renaissance. Oh what stereotypes this "anti-racist" bigot Black actor whom I have lost all respect for has portrayed which I now fully understand.
FIRST and foremost: Itzhak Perlman plays Paganini--the theme of this post. (this post is very skewed in angry terms due to the technology blasting my brain into various negative emotional states. I always remember words and phrases that were blocked from my brain while writing-only to "remember" them after I get off fighting to pound on this hacked keyboard and now mouse).
Paganini - Caprices 4 & 13 (Itzhak Perlman / Violin)
As for the perpetrator, yet another "black" anti-semite who so glibly pours out racist hate upon me when "no one is looking" except for the bigot Nazi network promoters who employ these character assassins for lead roles: Yes, that famous "African-American" dude that "everyone loves" because he's so great at portraying the angry, disdainful and snide character of assassination yelling in movie after movie as the signature mark of this endlessly repeated character typology--made famous in film after film with the same director (hint hint---whomever could that also veiled bigot Mafia Nazi type be, do you wonder? There are so many in H-wood of white skin, which one is it? Well, this white male who the Black minion backed up when he made anti-Semitic comments of genocide and death aimed at me because I was saying "NO!" to more theft of ideas and then torture and murder attempts as my payment afterwards--which had been going on for over 5 years by that time---more like 8 consecutive years). But of course the greedy and lacking in all artistic senstivity and sensibility set of dudes from that mileau of thesbian farcical output just went on without blinking performing their hate antics for the Nazis promoting them. Yes, the white male has come out with a movie (which this black male also made a kind of cameo performance only in spoken word for) but it was about a blonde Non-Jewish female fighting a real Europ-a actor playing a fictitional portrayal of a Nazi (meaning not real).
and oh
based on my years of writing about this reverse discrimination tactic used for promotional purposes by nearly EVERY FAMOUS BLACK PERSONA IN H-WOOD FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS--some of them the loudest in shouting and singing and blathering about how they are fighting against racism and are so well-paid but have attacked me with hate that is beyond mere contractual obligation--
and so the pudgy Jewish-looking male in the movie The Red Violin, with the sauntering and theiving "African-American" famous, one of the most famous of "black" men who pose as being righteous defenders of black male strength and prowess--somehow misses the mark 100% like a weakling and coward when he is faced with the threat of his white, bigot Mafia partner in crime and business glaring in expectation at him to get in line and abuse and insult me while I was teleported, asleep, vulnerable in ways no one can imagine and then attacked while fighting to heal from poisoning while this very same group of millionaires and billionaires block all my financial earning capabilities to keep me enslaved in a system of desperation so they can extract as much as possible out of me while I have no support, protection or any avenue of normalcy left to me because everyone conforms to this system and to the demands of these incompetents who in turn obey the exactitudes of their "superiors" who really are inferiors if people would just stop judging these fake icons by the merit of their financial standing and social acceptance--which is all contrived and socially-engineered and not based on worthiness or having the apex of talent of capability.
Back to this honor of the most extravagent Itzhak Perlman who was portrayed in such a negative light by the anti-Semitic filmmakers who put out this otherwise entertaining film (I also have played classical violin and had a violin made in the 1600's so this movie struck a resonant chord within my poisoned and harened body which cannot play these instruments at this time).
If I had to choose between the endless refabrication of the smug and snide character this hypocrite considerred so "hipster" actor plays in role after role and the talent and the real capacity for genius that Perlman obviously displays with the very real music of the likewise under-represented Paganini in this horrid ficticious film--so bigoted behind the beautiful lavish costumes and the music---I could go into more detail but it's always impossible for me to write more than a few paragraphs without stumbling in some way due to blocks and terrorist intervention/hacking.
Here's to Itzhak Perlman and to Jews who far overshadow your incompetent posturing--bigots of Whorewood who are so racist it's beyond the measure of belief and what a bad orchestration you all display in your horrid movies (the costumes and the people who do the costumes and make-up excluded they are excellent, as well as the CGI and all these other "bells and whistles" of filmmaking--but otherwise when it comes to representation you bunch of haters crank out the most insidious hate movies possible and are even more hateful and despicable in reality and when you can do so with technology the real incompetence just pours out. I truly suggest that most of these actors and personalities, writers, directors are heavily modifed by implants, brainwashing technology and are absolutely unconcerned about it all but they are under influence of mind control I believe this and so do many others who are even remotely aware of how such operations are conducted. As they are prominant in one of the most blatent mind control operations on the planet: Hollywood, it is clear they are not being "left to their own devices" when it comes to their output and what they truly represent.
SO HERE'S TO REAL TALENT AND GENIUS AND SOME KIND OF HONORING OF THE DISGRACED ITZHAK PERLMAN IN THAT K-RAP MOVIE THE RED VIOLIN (and also an ode to Paganini--listen to this beautiful music and then compare it and the portrayal of Perlman in that awful mind-f movie with the black nazi bigot playing the "hipster" righteous dude fighting so "black people" can have a shot at being part of the Europ-a tradition of racism, genocide, imperialism and colonization.
The film really made Paganini out to be demonically-possessed (or Satanically, if you will). From the tiny bit I have heard about Paganini this may not be a far-flung assumption but nevertheless--these inaccuracies are offensive to people who are not estranged to classical music, violin, or Jewish artists who should be held in reverence instead of being plied-upon with racist hostilities by another "minority" who, like the rest of his peers in this awful industry, are using anti-Semitism as a route to promotion by the virulent Nazi controllers who tell them what to do, which they obey and without a blink will be as racist as the most nasty bigot if they are instructed to do so, without hesitation--all denial possible and then near violent retribution if this hypocrisy is brought to attention. My experience from years of this going on, and on, and on. I can't look at this rotten black male without feeling disgust and I must get him off my screen as quickly as possible. I feel that way about most of the peeps who participate in this crime so don't take it as some personal slight because personally you are slight in comparison to a real talent and artist, like Perlman.
A true artist with rigorous training and highest quality
Cognitive dissonance involved in the over-excitation of malleable, flexible computerized chips that can be implanted or put into elastic technologies.
As I now have another obstruction added to the long list of hacker inserts, deletions, keyboard blockages, brain-function stifling by remote brain-altering technologies interfacing with microchip implants--I now have a problem with the cursor being manipulated so pages won't open and what I click on doesn't function (but it functions at late hours perfectly once the hacker terrorists get off their work schedule and it's very sleepy time for these hyped-up franatic frenetic psychos attacking me).
The rest is copied from Facebook from my page earlier today--after a few hours of pounding down and fighting to copy and paste and open and close as now there is a 4th or 5th block to my writing by this terrorist hacking entity assaulting me for the people who are attacking me to steal ideas I can barely write a paragraph about, and also they steal ideas I am thinking about through "thought-reading" technologies.
But bad and good news concerning technology development:
(the rest is copied from my FB page today, I have not re-read it to do the endless re-typing due to hacker rewrites and deletions so sift thr
ough it if it's completely obfuscated by terrorist hacker intrusions)
"Flexible, stretchable electronics | The Economist." March 17, 2011
"Flexible, stretchable electronics | The Economist." March 17, 2011
Terrorist report. May 17, 2021: Hackers are now blocking the cursor functions so it's impossible to click on anything, copy and paste, or open or close pages.
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