Tuesday, May 18, 2021

A brief moment of laxity (hackers are sleeping, it's the middle of the night) shows how much constraint is imposed upon me.

In writing my last post, I discovered that at this very early point of time in the middle of the night, the keyboard was not, for once, not stiff, hacked and nearly impossible to use. I could type without pounding down on each and every single key while having to backspace continuously as hackers insert letters, block keys, and insert space bar interruptions --which is happening now as I type but for a little while I could type almost seamlessly.

The difference was almost unbelievable and the realization of how much obstruction this group is forcing upon just my typing and the utter difference in speed and agility is also almost unbelievable. How much time and energy and blocks to my real writing capabilities have been blocked, thwarted and stopped--and for years and years and years and years without end, every single laptop everywhere I go operates with the same exact hacking malware obstructions. If I try to use a mobile phone keypad on any device the entire system is inoperable as well. I have no chance to buy a mobile phone and use it without blocks to every single function.


Right now hackers have once again inserted their blocks. The difference again is stark: I can't write without having to pound each and every key nearly as hard as my fingers and hand can possibly operate. I have to backspace and retype words continuously while pounding down. My hands now won't move as my brain is under the brainwave altering attack system--affecting my motor skills. My thoughts are now dispersed like a beam is splitting my brain functions into randomly disorganized particles.

The endless block to me having any kind of access to communication or any chance whatsoever to have a career, get my words out in any way to any public, to have a chance at all in any endeavor has been ongoing for so long. This injustice continues unabated while my country discusses how to reverse discrimination and racism and intolerance and hate crimes and rape culture.

Pages are frozen, things won't operate, I remain having to fight just to get words out or surf the internet for a few pages while most information is filtered through a vetting machine of supression so I can't get reliable information from any alternative sources, nor can I offer any input or output in any tangible way to any real platform.

What more must I do to stop this injustice and intolerance and this hate crime and this supression, censorship and racism and sexism and criminal violence endlessly aimed at thwarting my every chance and my every action (including my body, health, home and property always under non-stop assault).

Now, once more, the mouse is being blocked so if I attempt to copy and paste hackers are blocking that function as well. Half of a sentence is highlighted in blue while I hold the cursor down to copy, and then it all turns to grey after only half of the sentence will copy and highlight. This goes on as I attempt to copy and paste until I have to fight to use the function keys to try to get anything to copy and paste. I really type so quickly and accurately and well. My capabilities for writing and doing any work are also copmletely hindered to the point that it's impossible for me to have any kind of mode of earning money or achieving anything. At this point hackers are completely blocking the copy and paste function. What I highlight immediately is hacked back to the un-highlighted state. One or two words highlight and then return back to being in a "normal" written state. I cannot, absolutely impossible to copy and highlight. Other functions are likewise blocked and impossible to use. Typing is at a 80% reduction of function at ALL TIMES EVERY TIME I USE ANY LAPTOP ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET at all places I go and on all systems.

I literally cannot copy and paste this last paragraph without having to copy and paste the entire page of this post using the control +A and then copy functions. I don't want to go through that so I am leaving this as is on my blog--

I will have to go out and buy and buy and buy more things to try to stop this block to the mouse by having to buy a new one. This is my continuous state of having to constantly go out and repurchase things that are broken every single time I go shopping I must replace at a bare minimum one not inexpensive item that I need. That soon is broken and the rotation of things broken and destroyed and inoperable now extends to everything I own (and this has gone on for years as well). This mouse operates perfectly by the way. It functioned completely correctly for the brief few minutes I wrote (which I described above in this post) and then all was blocked and hacked. The difference was so astounding and realization of how much of my life has been spent fighting to pound words out and fighting to think clearly. How I wish this "mind control" sinister trap was also stopped so I can think and express myself at a level that I have worked to achieve for my career aspirations that are completely blocked by this hate organization which wants to keep me absolutely in poverty, desperation, begging for my life continuously and writing about torture and blocks that are still supported fully by my government and society.

Monday, May 17, 2021

British Israelism/Christian Identity: Connecting more seemingly disparate and unrelated threads of the entangled web I am forced into from this ensnarement of mind control targeting and assault, with the cover-up by media and politicians (on all sides of all the socially-distanced aisles). "...It is nothing more than Hamas propaganda. ...If Hamas puts down it's weapons, there will be peace. If Israel puts down it's weapons, it will get destroyed." (Senator Tom Cotton, May 18, 2021). Shouted from a vehicle roaring down a London street, the sentiment expresses the reality, the utter sheer horrid reality of why I am silenced endlessly after being teleported, drugged, raped, tortured and assaulted without end after my concepts are stolen and I am blocked from all participation in ecnomic activity and in life and in gereral from almost everything: "Kill the Jews! Rape their daughters!" screams the bigots driving in a black SUV down London Streets. This same sentiment is shared with Naomi Campbell, Donald Trump, Brad Pitt and his gang (to no end, years and years and years of them profiting off this system and being promoted and rewarded for it), Nancy Pelosi completely agrees with this (racist Mafioso that she comes from), and the list is far too long but members of the Squad are absolutely in goose step with these sentiments as well and they actively allow this to continue against me and do nothing to stop it, despite all their posturing blathering about how they are so hip and cool "brown and black" "fighters" with white as white polluted snow Elizabeth Warren also participating (in this creepy covert assault system that I can't describe right now but it's very covert but operates as a triggering mechanism and is part of the overall discrediting strategy to attack but keep the attacks at levels that actually discredit the victim being targeted should they attempt to denounce or bring this situation to anyone' s attention. In short, I have no evidence of any of this until people get the surveillance footage from the "Dark web" or all the tapes made of me being teleported and assaulted--until then I can do nothing but write all that discredits me but remaining silent is also life-threatening at this point.

 *This post has been copied and pasted from my Facebook page, written today. After beginning to type, the keyboard and computer began to freeze as pages stopped operating. The hacking/malware had begun. I had to wait, get up and do other things to get onto one single page. I have not since re-read any of the portions to do another retype or re-editing of what hackers delete/rewrite or obscure or make unreadable. 


"Tom Cotton Rips "The Squad" For Condemnations Of Israel During Hamas 

Conflict."  Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.


This next article regards THAT WHICH POLITICIANS AND A-LIST CELEBRITIES participating in this hate crime againast me dare not utter directly. It is shouted in the streets of "hip" and "sophisticated" London. Immediately denounced as an embarassment by Boris Johnson. This is the real reason no one will defend or support me, because this is the real mentality behind this targeting of me and the absolute global complicity of all people surrounding me to get involved or do nothing to stop it (almost the same thing from my position of needing a support system and never obtaining anything but silence--or not knowing if anyone is doing anything or if the brief respite of torture is due to a kind of mind control trick used to make me believe that writing will somehow reduce torture--but it's being used so I continue to write and thus the blank and rotten parasites attacking me can continue to steal ideas--which goes on and on and it really never ends.

"Kill the Jews...Rape their daughters." This rape and torture and attempted murder situation of teleportation, gang stalking/gang rape through these technologies and the absolute compliance of all people including famous "Jews" is an astounding testament to how scared so many are to fight this, how many want this to happen, and how many are trying to kill off and rape Jews--me being the target for some reason because I was microchipped and am being teleported as some prototype of a futuristic exploitation machine that can also be used to enhance all kinds of infidelities and sexual trysts, murders, assassinations, parties like zoom conferences and all kinds of nefarious and cladestine operations can be conducted using this technology. But at the heart is this article, which resonates with what most people actually are following and it's put so succinctly. It's the unfortunate reality, but what is even more unfortunate is that this is a current social engineering project and the media is 100% complicit in helping to convey this mind control/brainwashing genocidal operation.

I wrote a research paper for a class in my Criminal Justice Studies maybe 8 years ago. Much has changed but not much regarding Hamas and it's strategies. Cotton above mentions the collusion of Hamas with Hezbollah in a unified strategic alliance, a coalition that surrounds the State of Israel. Hamas has without fail broken every peace treaty and attempt to unify and create a peaceful Two-State system that has been ratified and in agreed upon by both Hamas and the heads of Israel. In all the attempts made to create a peaceful two-State solution, it has been Hamas (up to the point that I studied back in 2005) that broke every very heavily bartered deal between the two nations.
I absolutely find is sorrowful that civilians are being killed and the footage of course is alarming, but it is ALWAYS IN EVERY MAINSTREAM MEDIA PRESENTATION representing ONLY Palestinians and not Israelis being blown up and killed. The superior defense capabilities of the State of Israel are partially responsible for the imbalance in casualties but regardless there is also blood and death in Israel heaped upon innocent civilians as well. Where is the footage of these family members bereft of their bloody bombed and shot at children and relatives put into any compassionate context in these very repetitive types of clips that all the major networks endorse and put out in their news broadcasts? It is never there, only the sad plight of one side. The information about why these attacks began or how is absolutely deleted from the entire media narrative on this subject. Of course it was Hamas that began it but the media won't cover any of the real story or why Israel is bombing buildings with NEWS OFFICES OF MAJOR NETWORKS where the Israeli Army claims Hamas terrorist operations also are in the same building. I wonder how that is being so relatively silenced in the media in these networks which refuse to cover MY STORY which is not just a small little "experiment" in covert technology being used by a few minor characters--all of whom are rabid racists and violent extremists put into celebrity status who are so guilty and so exonerated endlessly by these media outlets (on all sides including the "Republican" sources of media information). I have not watched Fox News on this subject and I never watch Fox News so I have no idea how extensive their coverage of this issue is for both sides of the conflict with accurate and balanced reporting--seems completely absent.
Whatever Senator Cotton's motivations are for issuing such a statement, at least he is putting out more of the realities of what I have studied from peer-reviewed research also backs up and that is why I agree for a change with a Republican on one single issue.
I see almost no information regarding the Israeli civilians whose homes were bombed, or who were carried off dead after Hamas rockets fired thousands of missiles into Jewish civilian spaces in the last few days. Only Palestinians crying and screaming about the innocents killed are shown endlessly in media video after video. The propaganda is obvious.
I have not been assaulted by Republicans but I have been by some of the most famous of the Democrats in the last few years in this teleportation situation of government funding and participation (except for the "Big Cheese" of former highest ranking status, of course who was a Repu but also had his tentacles into the Dems).
I do not associate myself with Repubs but...however, the stance against Israel seems to coincide in some way to me personally as attacks that are easily and eagerly meted out by whomever is promoting this hate agenda (of anti-Semitism but that is just a guise, the situation will morph out into broader segments of the population when this technology becomes fully integrated into society on a larger scale and more people will be targeted regardless of their religious or societal identification or status). It's just easier to target Jews at this point because first it's become trendy for Blacks who claim they are victims and being discriminated against--so eager to damn and condemn and inflict violence upon Jews, the Blacks are full in to anti-Semitism. As for the future of targeting, the situation is now only at this very easy stage of targeting a few isolated Jews (or the entire diaspora for the final ethnic cleansing) but eventually Blacks will also be murdered off (oh, some already have been in this system that Blacks are fully participating in so they can get promoted to sell off their BLM "fight" which they never endorsed or created in the first place they only latch on to every bandwagon as if they have created all the bravery and courage that they truly lack in reality to actually fight for justice). But back to "The Squad" and how they have also participated in attacking me: as I have written of in the past, and will not delve into any longer today, just for today as I had no intention of writing anything I really don't want to get more torture and attacks because no one will defend me any longer--but, the points are so salient to the threat that this technology poses that none but me it seems are aware of so I must write about it endlessly until something shifts and this attack upon me and anyone else being targeted (except for the perpetrators, as this technology should really be turned upon them for THEY are the real threat to society and the planet and not people like me and perhaps other targets who are whistleblowers and people who want to expose the corrupt incompetence of these fake criminals putting out this K-rap endlessly as if they are grandiose saviors when it's exactly the opposite).
The squad: I was attacked in various covert technological ways by members of The Squad--a few of the most famous--not directly teleported but the internet attacks which are so nefarious and unidentifiable that simply trying to describe these attacks, as I have done anyway in the past, is very challenging in terms of me presenting myself as being "delusional" somehow--their discrediting tactic.
But I post this today because of the endless pro-Palestinian propaganda I see on literally every news broadcast where only a tiny sliver of information regarding the Israeli defense or rationale for these bombings and attacks is at best only so briefly mentioned it is so absolutely incomplete in information that the only point of view given is of the utter "victimization" of the Palestinians (which of course is accurate, but the information is heavily skewed towards that one picture of the situation, which is PRO HAMAS PROPAGANDA).

"Kill the Jews...Rape their daughters." This rape and torture and attempted murder situation of teleportation, gang stalking/gang rape through these technologies and the absolute compliance of all people including famous "Jews" is an astounding testament to how scared so many are to fight this, how many want this to happen, and how many are trying to kill off and rape Jews--me being the target for some reason because I was microchipped and am being teleported as some prototype of a futuristic exploitation machine that can also be used to enhance all kinds of infidelities and sexual trysts, murders, assassinations, parties like zoom conferences and all kinds of nefarious and cladestine operations can be conducted using this technology. But at the heart is this article, which resonates with what most people actually are following and it's put so succinctly. It's the unfortunate reality, but what is even more unfortunate is that this is a current social engineering project and the media is 100% complicit in helping to convey this mind control/brainwashing genocidal operation. But at the top levels of this pile--I mean hierarchy--so many names and personalities left unmentioned in the above list of only a few named: Danny Moynihan, English art thief by called "artist" by trade---who has assaulted me using all these technologies for over 3 decades in either direct or indirect means--now operating as one of the Europ-a benefactors and controlling agents of this H-wood group, Ltd, GmbH, Corp conglomerate--with his connections to ENGLISH MONARCHY through his art background (his father was one of the royal painters)--repeat, CONNECTED TO ENGLISH MONARCHY and (recall the interview from Oprah? Now there are Monarchy sections for American media magazines that weren't there before that interview). But....as with Oprah and the English monarchy and the benefactor (one of) to this American group of vicious Neo-nazis you all call your "A-list" celebrities. The real sentiment they are fully endorsing is that shouted below. I am also under attack for not being associated with or deferring to Europigapes like the rest of these racists including the blacks, jews and asians and et al all do, always and every time they bow down and serve and obey and perform heinsou acts of cruelty and violence and all fully supported by rotten bigots here in Phuket, or in America, or in every country who fully coordinate these attacks--which are home break-ins, rape, drugging, poisoning, deformation and dismemberment of my body, endless electronic weapon assault of many varieties--24 hours a day, without end 365 days per year, year after year.
Always silenced, ignored by media and all authority figures, silenced by society--while this is being shouted and publicized in magazines "Kill the Jews! Rape their daughters!". At least the people shouting these genocidal slurs were arrested. The others who perform such acts of hate but are kept protected and silenced by this huge media apparatus of silencing and consent to every anti-Semitic performer and hate crime (including Hamas and it's actions which are terrorist in nature--while if what Hamas has been doing to Israel happened just one single time within the contiguous United States the outcry towards the terrorist organization would not be of pity and hate but of the war cry for revenge. If Israel does this, it is instead called a terrorist country and the Nazis are pouring out to shout what they are covertly participating in like rabid cockroaches attacking me in the streets and in my endlessly breached homes and privacy, while the celebrities are orchestrating such attacks and endlessly being promoted for doing so.

Four arrested in London as convoy shouts ‘F–k the Jews’ . New York Post. May 17, 2021.

"Let me provide a little clarity that the President and his Cabinet are incapable or unwilling or articulate: Israel seek peace, terrorist groups seek death and destruction. Hamas...is a terrorist organization...they purposely fire waves of ...rockets at unarmed civilians while they shield themselves with babies and civilians at hospitals.". If ANYONE shouting "Death to Jews! Rape their daughters" would only do a bit, just a light bit of research into how Hamas has used human shields and planted their centers of activities in the middle of civilian homes and offices--. That Hamas has always broken every negotiated/brokered peace accord. Nothing of the sort is being reported by the media and by these hateful celebrities so fully engaged in Nazi cultural assault upon Jews (in the form of me, with full approval by H-wood Jews who also do nothing and that goes for all the so-called "Jewish" groups and organizations I have come across, and I have tried to no avail to get anyone any group any "Jewish" person anyone to intervene or support me. Jews flock so devotionally to Nazi terrorist activities if they can get promoted or not listed as being targets that it's a total disgrace for the entire so-called "Community".

I am under very strong hacking and mind control assault while I fight to type/pound this out, the first part of this sentence in fact has been hacked/sheered off I don't know what was there before this-this post therefore has been rewritten/partially deleted and I am really not feeling very strong today due to poison detox so I can't go through all of this again (and again) to correct what hackers are destroying of my words and post. I add this as a final thought that is so correct not just from my point of view but backed up by fact and evidence that the media ignores, that all the bigots ignore because their prime goal is to have a huge anti-Semitic movement including every "minority" group possible (preferably doing all the violent work for the Nazis so they can continue the Big Lies that they are not racist but instead compassionate advocates of Democracy and are "not racist any longer."

"JUST IN: Tom Cotton Rips 'Dupes In The Media' For Israel-Hamas Conflict Coverage." Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.

**I do not mean to imply that Democrats are responsible for this contract out on me. If anything Repugs are the ones administrating the contract but it's the Dems who are performing the violent tasks so they will be promted by their more cloaked fascist Republican promoters (as many people note, this is not a plural system it's essentially a moderate Republican party calling itself Democrat, and fascist Nazi Republicans or their offshoots claiming they are independents, and the Republican Party of RINOS. As for the independents, they too join in for the "fun" of gang stalking, targeting and are absolutely racist when they are able to conceal it--blacks most openly of all the subgroups then latino and jews are very much thrilled to participate. I do not exclude any political party or group in anti-Semitism including Jews who make great ado about how they are fighting anti-Semitism. It's all very sick. I don't know how I can be almost the only person fighting this while the entire world appears to be fighting racism...?


The finishing touch: what I cannot research or write about due to all the impediments this organization is forcing upon my ability to produce anything but a couple of ranting paragraphs that are later rewritten and partially deleted by the same-said terrorist hackers who perform this function of censorship upon my every post and spoken utterance (using of course various different types of similar technologies, all performing the same silencing of speech function).

British Israelism and Christian Identity: absolutely genocidal and racist ideology under various different names and titles, but all with the same or similar goals. Destruction of Jews, the State of Israel, and like everything else this organization does, usurping and stealing, robbing, causing the "divide and conquer" strategy of taking over "The Promised Land" of Israel. Death and carnage always a true strategy that never fails, decade-after-decade, in this region. How covertly this same operation is being conducted in targets like me continuously assaulted by people of all levels, makes, types and molds in every other country to help achieve this goal of creating Israel into a Nazi colonized tourist destination for spiritual pilgrimage. Perhaps they hope, like in Raiders of the Lost Arc, to gain some kind of special place at the foot of God and to achieve status as the "Chosen People", which I believe is one of their stated premises that they actually ARE the "Chosen by God." Note that Trump also made this claim in one of his tweets, to his Christian Identity (politics) following/Evangelical some of them are labeled as. Please note that I wrote earlier this week that Evangelicals in Germany are also involved in operations in Israel under the guise of being charitable religious organizations (but the peeps in Stuttgart are vehemently anti-Semitic but Zionist to the extreme).

This lecture by William Cooper was researched and documented but I cannot find the sources as Cooper was shot by Arizona police in a "sting" raid that is akin to a terrorist murder operation. Cooper had backed up every statement by research and fact and offers in this archived radio program the origins of this English racist ideology that has turned into pro-Nazism. The lecture encompasses two days and I think this is just one of the parts. I have copied this link before in other posts but it is so crucial to our modern zeitgeist that I include it in this theme once more, as my references have included English pro-Nazis more than once just in this post (my original intention was not to mention any English, yet it has come out despite not intending it to because it really is England which established the State of Israel in the Balfour Declaration, while the UN officially established the State of Israel.) The anti-Semitism I believe has a very long history when the subject of Israeli relations in the Middle East are concerned (former colonies of England and France and other Imperialistic countries dominated that region for far too long and the legacy continues through the minions. This training into being violent terrorists through minions is what I write of in every post in this blog--that is why this subject is very much a part of the entire entanglement that I am focusing on every day because the attacks from this group continue every single day (and night).

Laugh and smirk and gloat and smile as you will after you participate or do nothing to defend me (or anyone else) but the ULTIMATE results of such conflagrations could potentially destroy your lives, reading this, you complacent and compliant perpetrators of this hate crime. All you bigots and anti-Semites and all you Jews who go along with it and participate in it.

"British Israelism - William Cooper (13-May-96)".


I just discovered on my YouTube feed a confirmation of my premise above (which is not really a premise but I call it that because I am unable at this time to really bring "to the table" any kind of substantive references to my claims. These concepts and themes however are now verfied by authority figures and thus, made a bit more credible.

That is to say: I discovered this video after I wrote the post above. The media is so skewed that it is hard to find some kind of decent analysis of this topic. I listened to The Hill with Saagar and Crystal and I got something that was an immature mimicking and mockery of "Jews" saying "oy vey" while someone claimed that The Associated Press literally turned all evidence and the death toll completely into a fabricated lie. Not only was it an unprofessional explication but also used racial epithets. There is some excellent political analysis on that show but I am too offended by their casual slippage of racism, bias and silliness and then to compliment a claim of the AP lying to the public to watch it any longer. It is not that I admire the AP but other sources outside of the AP also put these same death toll figures down as those who were killed in Israel by Hamas. Also, I looked into the AP coverage of the conflict and found that there was no obvious bias towards Israel, as the mocking commentator had claimed.

Yet this part of my post is regarding this speech given by Republican Senator Mike Lee (Utah). The byline for the Forbes video reads thus:

"On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) slammed the portrayal of Israel in the global media, stating that there is often drawn a false moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas."

The essential points of interest are this:

Hamas began the violence within this current conflict by issuing missiles and rockets--"thousands of"--into Israel regardless of whom may be killed. "Indiscriminate" was the word used by Senator Lee.

As I have tried to explicate above but with hacking and brain-altering tech blasting my brain like a terrorist bombing attack, I could only get out the few paragraphs which were not at the level I would have liked to have written and were hacked/confused like all my posts are due to these various suppressive attacks in a multi-pronged endless attempt to silence and quell my every ability to write or even think clearly.

The media, of course as I stated, has complied with this "poor" victimized coverage of the wounded and killed Palestinians which is true, but not the whole truth by any means. That Hamas began the violence is not mentioned in any single one of the media clips I have been watching for the past few days. Every barbed accusation is directed like psychological weapons at Israel to influence the public into believing that Israel is the lone perpetrator and has no cause or justification to commit "acts of terrorism" that the media calls these defensive actions.

"To paint this as anything other than, 'Offensive terrorism' is a mistake." Lee continues.

Blinken is currently in Vienna discussing terms of nuclear power with the prime supporter and defender of Hamas, the Iranian delegate. Blinken has currently stated that he has found no evidence whatsoever to support Israel's claim that the building where the AP was located also held offices where Hamas operated a terrorist operation.

Every side appears to have "authentic" facts and claims. However, studies on the behavior of Hamas and it's allies and other splinter and smaller terrorist organizations can understand the general pattern involved with this conflict and the proactive aggression that Hamas has demonstrated and pursued as their foreign policy towards Israel for almost a decade.

"GOP Senator Assails 'Global Media' For 'Patently False' Depiction Of Israel Amidst Clash With Hamas." Forbes Breaking News. May 16, 2021.


The title of this video is self-explanatory: the bigot, Nazi-controlled major media is caked in make-up and plastic surgery but their racism is very exposed and full of pockmarks and ugly pretty much regulated and mandatory hate Nazi corporate protocols.

"Marsha Blackburn Slams 'Celebrity Influencers' In Pro-Israel Senate Speech. Forbes Breaking News. May 18, 2021.

Mention of the anti-Israeli United Nations response of refusing to acknowledge the hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas into Israel at the onset of the violence which has lead to the conflagration is included in this video. If anyone has read my posts or blog for all these years (so many years by now) of how these actors are completely under the influence and control of Europ-a's and other foreign promoters and "friends" and partners and the influence of this Nazi ideology has completely overridden what used to be a kind of sympathetic response to the victims of the Holocaust. Now these same countries and the UN which helped ratify Israel into the State that it now is, are calling for the complete dismantling of Israel as a bona fide State (the UN is not calling for this but the celebrities who are mostly involved in Nazi pyramidal promotional schemes such as this endless assault by what is now an uncountable number of people involved in that specific H-wood clique--with all their other actors performing the hate skits when they teleport me and all the others invovled--they are completely immersed in this Nazi ideology while professing to the public that they are fighting these very "evil" entities. The UN and the actors are not as distanced as one may assume if one, like I am, is an outsider except that I am only privy to a mere glimpse into their power structure through the telling reactions of these actors while they are under surveillance to perform the hate skits and actions upon me from their influencers (from what I see it truly is corporations and individuals out of Europe, mostly and probably many other countries like China--at least one of the actors involved, an A-lister--had photos of himself as a partner in Disney in China. All kinds of nefarious deals are being made but none that involve patriotism towards the United States except only in posturing K-rap output.


Blackburn then continues to point at Iran as the leading supporter of terrorism around the world, whose stated goal is to destroy Israel. I have never been teleported (as far as I know) directly to any Iranians. I do know however that I have personally been attacked by Iranians who played the "game" of pretending to be friends while using the MK ULTRA microchipping and mind control/drugging interface to assault me, perhaps in ways I would rather not write of although I have openly written of these hate crimes (as recently as yesterday). I write rather brasenly because I believe it is the perpetrators who are shamed and not me, however the world always blames a woman for being assaulted especially if sexually and thus, whatever you may assume about me, your negative assumptions show more about what you are or believe about the world than what the reality of my situation and of me is. (as I am innocent, most of you are not--however you define innocence I am innocent of willingly succumbing to being exploited or assaulted--as often the "blame the victim" comes to the fore when these cases are brought up).

**again copied and pasted after more than 10 times of fighting hackers I finally got this done! Hacking is awful. I copy and the hackers block half of what I have highlighted and then delete the parts I am trying to highlight and then it all goes into a grey panel and I must retrieve what has been deleted and then try again. This is more than 10 times per paragraph to try to get this done. The people ordering this hacking are going to steal these ideas because they don't want to have to spend time or money actually doing the research or thinking. They continue to mutilate my body in return for all the years of them obtaining ideas and raping all the energy out of me, destroying all I love, klling animals I love, abusing me day after day while they go off laughing and partying--and this is the group that is "friends" with the celebrities who are claiming that like Iran claims, Israel should not exist. Unfortunately this is sponsored by the United States government in some or all of it's covert functionaries up to the highest levels of the Executive. It is amazing to me to hear Republicans fight for Israel but knowing from all my years of being targeted that it's these very types of people who have helped to create this terror and murder operation of terrorism upon me with funding handed out year-after-year to full applause of the celebrity "influencers" (of the dumbed-down sheeple).

However, my years of having lived in Germany have shown me a definite link between Islamic attackers and Nazis (or Neo-Nazis if you are meticulously picky about terms).

The Iranian stance of completely eliminating Jews/Israelis definitely echoes the Nazi mentality. I believe very strongly that Europ-a Nazis absolutely have coercive power over the Middle East and have established bases of influence which help to fund and sponsor terrorism against the US and also against Israel. Please note that the 9/11 terrorists had lived in Germany prior to committing these acts of terrorism against the United States. I have more anecdotal "evidence" I could write of but it's really very hard to write even a semblance of a straightforward post like this. The attacks on all fronts are continuously aimed at my brain and laptop I can't get much out. Today what I spent far too long to write should have only taken me less than an hour if this laptop weren't hacked and my brain so blocked and the laptop so slowed down so finding information takes much longer than it should.

I got a bit carried away when calling these controllers Nazis but that really is the situation and the reality. They may call themselves by other identities but their force of control is the Nazi contingent. I see this almost every day here in Phuket, living here has shown me a much more stark example of this influence than people living in the disguise of Democracy could imagine.


"To the misinformed celebrities posting anti-Israeli tweets. Your posts have more followers than the entire population of the State of Israel. Your posts and tweets are causing anti-Semitism."--Actress Noa Tishby. i24 News English. May 18, 2021.


Out of the 12 celebrities listed on this report on who said what about Israel (mostly all anti-Israel)--4 of them have either directly participated in attacking me or have done some of the triggering and other versions of attack to profit off this perpetual contract out on me. Can you guess which one was the most vocally negative towards me? Of course I am referring to that discrediting situation of me being teleported to every unethical opportunist possible out of this small clique of criminals posing as altruistic and benevolent icons of every wonderful and positive aspect of freedom and "art" in the world! (sorry but I can't call anyone participating in this hate crime anything resembling "beautiful").

I will say that Trevor Noah never has attacked me as far as I know and he has the very best response to all of this--

High regard to Itzhak Perlman and a deserved diss to the "African-American" perpetrator (who is involved with white males using Nazi holocaust references aimed at me while they all teleport me in th eir group torture sessoins and information extraction for their hateful output). This is aimed at an "A-list" actor involved in what I now realize is yet another "Black" "fighting against racism" hypocrite who participated and starred in a veiled anti-Semitic plot (it was actually not so very veiled it was quite open and apparent--the steroetypic of the greedy Jew and the struggling black pitted against one another as "adversaries" of sorts is the usual template they all stick to because they can't think of anything else to put in films it seems). This is obvious but only hinted at in the film The Red Violin. I also include Itzhak Perlman playing Paganini because that composure was not very subtely hinted at as a lead character possessed by this blood-soaked violin, where the Jewish modern violinist is so unjustly portrayed as a greedy and selfish hoarder of high-end violins of the Renaissance. Oh what stereotypes this "anti-racist" bigot Black actor whom I have lost all respect for has portrayed which I now fully understand.

 FIRST and foremost: Itzhak Perlman plays Paganini--the theme of this post. (this post is very skewed in angry terms due to the technology blasting my brain into various negative emotional states. I always remember words and phrases that were blocked from my brain while writing-only to "remember" them after I get off fighting to pound on this hacked keyboard and now mouse).

Paganini - Caprices 4 & 13 (Itzhak Perlman / Violin)

As for the perpetrator, yet another "black" anti-semite who so glibly pours out racist hate upon me when "no one is looking" except for the bigot Nazi network promoters who employ these character assassins for lead roles: Yes, that famous "African-American" dude that "everyone loves" because he's so great at portraying the angry, disdainful and snide character of assassination yelling in movie after movie as the signature mark of this endlessly repeated character typology--made famous in film after film with the same director (hint hint---whomever could that also veiled bigot Mafia Nazi type be, do you wonder? There are so many in H-wood of white skin, which one is it? Well, this white male who the Black minion backed up when he made anti-Semitic comments of genocide and death aimed at me because I was saying "NO!" to more theft of ideas and then torture and murder attempts as my payment afterwards--which had been going on for over 5 years by that time---more like 8 consecutive years). But of course the greedy and lacking in all artistic senstivity and sensibility set of dudes from that mileau of thesbian farcical output just went on without blinking performing their hate antics for the Nazis promoting them. Yes, the white male has come out with a movie (which this black male also made a kind of cameo performance only in spoken word for) but it was about a blonde Non-Jewish female fighting a real Europ-a actor playing a fictitional portrayal of a Nazi (meaning not real).

and oh

based on my years of writing about this reverse discrimination tactic used for promotional purposes by nearly EVERY FAMOUS BLACK PERSONA IN H-WOOD FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS--some of them the loudest in shouting and singing and blathering about how they are fighting against racism and are so well-paid but have attacked me with hate that is beyond mere contractual obligation--

and so the pudgy Jewish-looking male in the movie The Red Violin, with the sauntering and theiving "African-American" famous, one of the most famous of "black" men who pose as being righteous defenders of black male strength and prowess--somehow misses the mark 100% like a weakling and coward when he is faced with the threat of his white, bigot Mafia partner in crime and business glaring in expectation at him to get in line and abuse and insult me while I was teleported, asleep, vulnerable in ways no one can imagine and then attacked while fighting to heal from poisoning while this very same group of millionaires and billionaires block all my financial earning capabilities to keep me enslaved in a system of desperation so they can extract as much as possible out of me while I have no support, protection or any avenue of normalcy left to me because everyone conforms to this system and to the demands of these incompetents who in turn obey the exactitudes of their "superiors" who really are inferiors if people would just stop judging these fake icons by the merit of their financial standing and social acceptance--which is all contrived and socially-engineered and not based on worthiness or having the apex of talent of capability.


Back to this honor of the most extravagent Itzhak Perlman who was portrayed in such a negative light by the anti-Semitic filmmakers who put out this otherwise entertaining film (I also have played classical violin and had a violin made in the 1600's so this movie struck a resonant chord within my poisoned and harened body which cannot play these instruments at this time). 

If I had to choose between the endless refabrication of the smug and snide character this hypocrite considerred so "hipster" actor plays in role after role and the talent and the real capacity for genius that Perlman obviously displays with the very real music of the likewise under-represented Paganini in this horrid ficticious film--so bigoted behind the beautiful lavish costumes and the music---I could go into more detail but it's always impossible for me to write more than a few paragraphs without stumbling in some way due to blocks and terrorist intervention/hacking.

Here's to Itzhak Perlman and to Jews who far overshadow your incompetent posturing--bigots of Whorewood who are so racist it's beyond the measure of belief and what a bad orchestration you all display in your horrid movies (the costumes and the people who do the costumes and make-up excluded they are excellent, as well as the CGI and all these other "bells and whistles" of filmmaking--but otherwise when it comes to representation you bunch of haters crank out the most insidious hate movies possible and are even more hateful and despicable in reality and when you can do so with technology the real incompetence just pours out. I truly suggest that most of these actors and personalities, writers, directors are heavily modifed by implants, brainwashing technology and are absolutely unconcerned about it all but they are under influence of mind control I believe this and so do many others who are even remotely aware of how such operations are conducted.  As they are prominant in one of the most blatent mind control operations on the planet: Hollywood, it is clear they are not being "left to their own devices" when it comes to their output and what they truly represent.

SO HERE'S TO REAL TALENT AND GENIUS AND SOME KIND OF HONORING OF THE DISGRACED ITZHAK PERLMAN IN THAT K-RAP MOVIE THE RED VIOLIN (and also an ode to Paganini--listen to this beautiful music and then compare it and the portrayal of Perlman in that awful mind-f movie with the black nazi bigot playing the "hipster" righteous dude fighting so "black people" can have a shot at being part of the Europ-a tradition of racism, genocide, imperialism and colonization. 

The film really made Paganini out to be demonically-possessed (or Satanically, if you will). From the tiny bit I have heard about Paganini this may not be a far-flung assumption but nevertheless--these inaccuracies are offensive to people who are not estranged to classical music, violin, or Jewish artists who should be held in reverence instead of being plied-upon with racist  hostilities by another "minority" who, like the rest of his peers in this awful industry, are using anti-Semitism as a route to promotion by the virulent Nazi controllers who tell them what to do, which they obey and without a blink will be as racist as the most nasty bigot if they are instructed to do so, without hesitation--all denial possible and then near violent retribution if this hypocrisy is brought to attention. My experience from years of this going on, and on, and on. I can't look at this rotten black male without feeling disgust and I must get him off my screen as quickly as possible. I feel that way about most of the peeps who participate in this crime so don't take it as some personal slight because personally you are slight in comparison to a real talent and artist, like Perlman. 

A true artist with rigorous training and highest quality

Cognitive dissonance involved in the over-excitation of malleable, flexible computerized chips that can be implanted or put into elastic technologies.

 As I now have another obstruction added to the long list of hacker inserts, deletions, keyboard blockages, brain-function stifling by remote brain-altering technologies interfacing with microchip implants--I now have a problem with the cursor being manipulated so pages won't open and what I click on doesn't function (but it functions at late hours perfectly once the hacker terrorists get off their work schedule and it's very sleepy time for these hyped-up franatic frenetic psychos attacking me).

The rest is copied from Facebook from my page earlier today--after a few hours of pounding down and fighting to copy and paste and open and close as now there is a 4th or 5th block to my writing by this terrorist hacking entity assaulting me for the people who are attacking me to steal ideas I can barely write a paragraph about, and also they steal ideas I am thinking about through "thought-reading" technologies.

But bad and good news concerning technology development: 

(the rest is copied from my FB page today, I have not re-read it to do the endless re-typing due to hacker rewrites and deletions so sift thr


ough it if it's completely obfuscated by terrorist hacker intrusions)


"Flexible, stretchable electronics | The Economist."  March 17, 2011


This is the sort of technology I have been yearning for: flexible and malleable. I want a laptop that I can fold up, that is lightweight, and I can easily fit into a small compartment inside of a backpack with also having room to fit other objects. It should be waterproof or resistant and able to expand and function. Optimally this computer also would have the most solid protections against hacking instead of almost none that I have to suffer through. The malleable laptop would be my most probable form of preventing such endless hacks, if I could only carry a laptop around with all the other items I carry to stop the terrorists from destroying my most precious documents and items, which I carry with me everywhere I go when I leave this room.

This would be a most welcome addition to the technocratic Age, which would reduce some of the surveillance hacking (perhaps). of course "they" would find some way around any sort of physical block to hacking such as carrying a fold-up laptop around with you so terrorists could not break into your home to install various malware and surveillance and hacking/blocking technologies. I think my laptop was already installed with such items before I picked it up from the store ( I was told none of the on sale laptops I wanted were in stock and I had to wait almost a week to pick this up, which is an endless source of hacking and blocks due to physical manipulation of the laptop).


But...of course alas the video emphasizes malleable electronic microchip brain implants--which is almost an automatic death sentence to "targeted individuals" and thus this research, like so much at the University of Illinois when it comes to my situation, has enhanced great obstruction to humanity (although the Nazi terrorists welcome this tech and are thrilled that ancient systems of Totalitarian control and racism will be well preserved due to advanced technologies--in the age of "woke" culture what really can be forced into the brain is absolute compliance in a most obtrusive yet nearly invisible form of these elastic microchip/transistor type of technological chips. Every "advancement" I read of seems to connect the world into a one-circuit of inter-connected control via technology instead of protecting and enhancing individual freedoms and thought and action and real progression from older paradigms of social control.

When I write that there is a unified push to centrify technology merged into human bodies/life I refer to US ARMY technologies that you can read about on Defense One magazine, which collaborate military with a unified system of technological information exchange--I am too lazy to go look it up right now but it is part of the multi-billion dollar Pentagon budget and brain implant technologies merged into these military-grade weaponized systems is probably not a far-off deduction from what is in store for humanity if these psychopaths lacking moral compass continue to procede unimpinged by things like transparency, your complicity with all the silencing you do with people like me and the perpetrators who are your "friends" who help you to get promoted....but look it up I am not referring to some QAnon conspiracies but to military applications for combining "smart" technologies and microchip technologies and amphibious and satellite and etc etc all combined into a global integrated systemic network but based on a central framework of control and function (I guess, for now. Probably in the future these engineers will make various types of holograms for decantralization so the technologies can be more diffused or flexible in application--which in terms of how these psychopaths use technology means that the socioeconomic "divide" will increase into pharmacological and neurological Darwinism--my projection for how racist and murderous these people utilizing the technologies are and what their purpose is, as far as I have seen it for over a decade of torture due to these implants and the psychopaths being handed the technologies. Well, beware dumbed down readers who think this is still just a remote game you can play like it's something online and a fun exercise in power and promotion. so f-ing stupid really...


(I have now just spent 10 minutes fighting to open the YouTube page where I had this video on the topic. I have spent at least 45 minutes fighting to simply use basic functions of this laptop which I just did a factory restore of yesterday. While I clicked to open one page, the hackers forced the screen into a split screen function, which I could not remove until I closed the browser and lost the information I was writing and searching for. While I began to use the laptop mousepad the hackers began to make the cursor jump to other sections--I could see the remote attack easily as the cursor moved while my hands were not on the keyboard.

 Using the laptop mousepad instead of the mouse I have plugged in, just clicking from one page to the next has caused the pages to be deleted--by terrorist hackers. I am also pounding down on each and every single letter I have to fight to get out. I cannot even open new pages without pounding down on the tab using the laptop mouse pad and using the mouse itself is now impossible. It worked perfectly when I first turned on the computer for about 20 minutes. It was blocked just like this all day yesterday until 11 pm when the hacker terrorists stopped. 

I really am stuck here fighting to just surf and type--I have tried for years to earn money online and this group has forced absolute poverty upon me and has also blocked all economic earnings potentials for me (then they call me all kinds of names due to my status and that they are incredible, especially after they torture me to obtain original or creative ideas and concepts but not just not paying me in return but dismembering, raping and torturing me and for a DECADE.) Now I sit here writing once more for today as they are blocking almost everything I could possibly use to write even a few short paragraphs on any topic. The blocks are continuous every second I type and the attack on my brain--which is happening at this second that I write and always blocks my brain functioning and cerebral calm and composure when I type or write-) as the attacks mount I can't even close or open a page.


I really hope people can begin to ascertain how dangerous it is to continue to idolize people who do such things using these technologies (or any technologies). That idolizing and promoting people who are creating a world of microchip implants and remote-controlled possible murder scenarios--pedophile groups attacking microchipped children is another option I am sure has not escaped the bleak interior landscapes of these perverted purveyors of these technologies--and their followers. Well, non one seems to be alarmed whatsoever in this modern time when I write of this, no one reacts with shock or alarm they just want to see what gains they can personally derive from participating and how glad they are to have people to destroy with "no evidence". 

That is why I call you readers just stupid and dumb as f****ing hell. You have such an irresponsible attitude towards everything but your own pleasure and gain and promotion. The "free hand" of Capitalism is not less constricting than the Iron Fist behind all the Iron Curtains and execution walls that have confined human beings for far too many years for people to continue to want to create more of these types of electronic death scenarios. That is what these dumbed down greedy and rapacious psychopaths really want and that is all they are really going to use the technology for, in essence. Beyond a few medical procedures or improvements in other areas, the real danger lies in the huge scope of  the breadth of the reach of these technologies even into the minutia of the brain and brain manipulation and control. You are being brainwashed to believe this is all just good innovation designed to endlessly improve the human condition. What is necessary is to have some kind of intervening board of people infused with moral compassion and decision-making who intervene in such deadly projects and the hand-out of these technologies. So far, from what I have seen of the politicians who participate in this heinous technological crime against humanity that they all tout as their "Americn People" budgetary leeching, there lacks all moral consideration or even an attempt to philosophically gauge how serious the ramifications of the use of these technologies are being and will continue to be used in the future. The dire threat of this being unregulated as it is now is very dangerous. These people keep precise ledgers and accounts of who has the technologies, in that respect they are perfunctory but in the most important aspects of meaningful and responsible use of the technology they are ALL absolutely null and void of what is essential to not create a worse Frankenstein monster of technology and it's misuse. From my perspective the people who should be responsible act like psychopathic stupid and ignorant half-witted children where they should be sober, somber and intellectually adept at how and what these technologies are being and should be used for. Instead it's for instant gratification, rape and slow (or quick) murder and assassination, spying, intellectual property theft, torture, harassment, disabling another person--and on and on. When I say the scope of the technologies is far too wide for people of this lower level of intellectual and moralistic assessment are-I mean the consequences are very deadly and of global impact. They can't appear to do any real threat assessment and in this regard they are absolutely INCOMPETENT idiots who have been elected into political and higher influencing positions. Regardless of whether they graduated from Harvard, Yale, Oxford or have never gone to college they are all at the same infantile level of intellectual capacity when it comes to threat assessment and in the utter misuse for sadistic pleasure gratification that they are actually using the tech for in real time in real life. That is why I call them and you reading this (who are hacking and part of this system) just dumbed down stupid as f--- incompetents playing with nuclear bombs while you think they are sex toys that can gratify your endless desires for power and gratification.-

Terrorist report. May 17, 2021: Hackers are now blocking the cursor functions so it's impossible to click on anything, copy and paste, or open or close pages.

This problem stopped completely after around 11 pm last night, as the hacker performing these attacks probably got "off" his/her job terrorist duty and stopped the intrusion into my laptop. They are now "working" at blocking my ability to do almost everything on this laptop.
The mouse is not dysfunctional but if I must I will have to buy a new one (and mouse pad because they sprayed stinking fungus on my last one, and the one before that, and the one before that until I stopped buying mouse pads and I use a kind of foam with a paper pad underneath. It's more money I do not have to spend to replace what is not broken but being hacked or blocked or destroyed by this terrorist organization.

I just did a restore operation on this laptop yesterday. The process requires at least 2 hours to complete, if not more. The system is so slowed down that what should be more quickly downloaded takes probably 5 times longer. Right now the system is completely slowed down after one day of trying to clear out the cache and the system from malware. I have to click, when the hackers are blocking the mouse function, two or three times for something that only requires on click, very lightly at that. Pages won't close I have to pound down on the laptop keyboard and now on the cursor to get anything to work. After the hacker terrorists get off their shift(s), the functions (except for the keyboard which remains, like every single keyboard I use, in any internet cafe or from any person I "borrow" a phone from to try to type anything in, is immediately hacked and the system is inoperable except for fighting to get anything out--with multiple attempts and having to pound down on keys and doing so repeatedly to get one function accomplished--barely).

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...