Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Men in Love (or not).

 *I am now writing/copying posts on both Facebook and on this blog. While writing on Facebook earlier today, that which I will copy here now, the hackers were blocking functions which I tried to copy from a text--I had to click on functions 4 times in a row and delete as many times in order to get a simply copy and paste function accomplished. I would write a commentary and that was deleted while I was writing it. This post below I am not going to re-read for hacker inserts or deletions or rewrites. The hacker terrorists also changed the order of the pasted text to jumble all in the wrong order of the book after I published. Often entire passages I pasted would be deleted after I copied them and stopped pressing the function keys/mouse to copy and paste. Parts that I added as commentary were deleted and the text appeared as a black block when I tried to copy as well. Entirely much time spent simply trying to correct the pages I was copying--which on Facebook now are completely out of alignment with the text due to hacker terrorist intervention and censorship and discrediting of me.


Chapter One, page One, first paragraph.

"Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen sat one morning in the window-bay of their father's house in Beldover, working and talking. Ursula was stitching a piece of brightly-coloured embroidery, and Gudrun was drawing upon a board which she held on her knee. They were mostly silent, talking as their thoughts strayed through their minds.
*' Ursula," said Gudrun, " don't you really want to get married? " Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up. Her face was calm and considerate.
" I don't know," she replied. " It depends how you mean."
Gudrun was slightly taken aback. She watched her sister for some moments.
" Well," she said, ironically, " it usually means one thing ! But don't you think anyhow, you'd be — " she darkened slightly — *'in a better position than you are in now. ' '
A shadow came over Ursula's face.
" I might," she said. " But I'm not sure."
Again Gudrun paused, slightly irritated. She wanted to be quite definite.
" You don't think one needs the experience of having been married ? " she asked.
*' Do you think it need he an experience ? " replied Ursula.
" Bound to be, in some way or other," said Gudrun, coolly. " Possibly undesirable, but bound to be an ex- perience of some sort."
" Not really," said Ursula. *' More likely to be the end of experience."
Gudrun sat very still, to attend to this.
" Of course," she said, " there's that to consider." This brought the conversation to a close. Gudrun, almost angrily, took up her rubber and began to rub out part of her drawing. Ursula stitched absorbedly.
*' You wouldn't consider a good offer? " asked Gudrun.
" I think I've rejected several," said Ursula.
" Really ! " Gudrun flushed dark — " But anything really worth while ? Have you really? "

(my commentary) ..random page quotation from same source above: (very symbolic, hint hint)

"So again she drifted into the green-houses, looking at the lovely roses in their pots, and at the virginal cyclamens, and at the mystic white clusters of a creeper. The beauty, oh the beauty of them, and oh the paradisal bliss, if she should have a perfect bouquet..."

...near the end of the book, another randomly-selected passage: 

"Suddenly Ursula said to the company at large, in a bright voice, " Rupert and I are going to be married to-morrow."
Her father turned round, stiffly.
"You what?" he said.
" To-morrow ! " echoed Gudrun.
" Indeed ! " said the mother.
But Ursula only smiled wonderfully, and did not reply.
" Married to-morrow ! " cried her father harshly. " What are you talking about."
*' Yes," said Ursula. *' Why not }" Those two words, from her, always drove him mad. " Everything is all right — we shall go to the registrar's office — "
There was a second's hush in the room, after Ursula's blithe vagueness.
" Really, Ursula ! " said Gudrun.
"Might we ask why there has been all this secrecy?" demanded the mother, rather superbly.
" But there hasn't," said Ursula. " You knew."
"Who knew?" now cried the father. "Who knew? What do you mean by your ' you knew ' ? "
He was in one of his stupid rages, she instantly closed against him.
" Of course you knew," she said coolly. " You knew we were going to get married."
There was a dangerous pause.
" We knew you were going to get married, did we ? Knew ! Why, does anybody know anything about youy you shifty bitch ! "
" Father ! " cried Gudrun, flushing deep in violent re- monstrance. Then, in a cold, but gentle voice, as if to re- mind her sister to be tractable : " But isn't it a fearfully sudden decision, Ursula ?" she asked.
" No, not really," replied Ursula, with the same maddening cheerfulness. " He's been wanting me to agree for weeks — he's had the licence ready. Only I — I wasn't ready in myself. Now I am ready — is there anything to be dis- agreeable about?"
" Certainly not," said Gudrun, but in a tone of cold re- proof. " You are perfectly free to do as you like."
" ' Ready in yourself ' — yourself, that's all that matters, isn't it ! 'I wasn't ready in myself,' " he mimicked her phrase offensively. " You and yourself, you're of some im- portance, aren't you ?"
She drew herself up and set back her throat, her eyes shining yellow and dangerous.
" I am to myself," she said, wounded and mortified. '' I know I am not to anybody else. You only wanted to bully me-^you never cared for my happiness."

...continued passage from above: He was leaning forward watching her, his face intense like a spark.
" Ursula, what are you saying ? Keep your tongue still," cried her mother.
Ursula swung round, and the lights in her eyes flashed.
" No, I won't," she cried. " I won't hold my tongue and be bullied. What does it matter which day I get mar- ried — what does it matter! It doesn't affect anybody but myself."
Her father was tense and gathered together like a cat about to spring.
" Doesn't it ?" he cried, coming nearer to her. She shrank away.
" No, how can it ?" she replied, shrinking but stubborn.
" It doesn't matter to me then, what you do — what be- comes of you ?" he cried, in a strange voice like a cry.
The mother and Gudrun stood back as if hypnotised.
" No," stammered Ursula. Her father was very near to her. '* You only want to "
She knew it was dangerous, and she stopped. He was gathered together, every muscle ready.
" What?" he challenged.
" Bully me," she muttered, and even as her lips were moving, his hand had caught her smack at the side of the face and she was sent up against the door.
" Father ! " cried Gudrun in a high voice, "it is im- possible I "


a page down in the text (she leaves her home and flies to her lover soon-to-be husband Birkin) 

" What is it, then ?" he asked.
Suddenly she broke away, wiped her eyes, regained her composure, and went and sat in a chair.
" Father hit me," she announced, sitting bunched up, rather like a ruffled bird, her eyes very bright.
"What for?" he said.
She looked away, and would not answer. There was a pitiful redness about her sensitive nostrils, and her quivering lips.
"Why?" he repeated, in his strange, soft, penetrating voice.
She looked round at him, rather defiantly.
" Because I said I was going to be married to-morrow, and he bullied me."
" Why did he bully you ?"
Her mouth dropped again, she remembered the scene once more, the tears came up.
" Because I said he didn't care — and he doesn't, it's only his domineeringness that's hurt — " she said, her mouth pulled awry by her weeping, all the time she spoke, so that he almost smiled, it seemed so childish. Yet it was not childish, it was a mortal conflict, a deep wound.
" It isn't quite true," he said. " And even so, you shouldn't say it."
" It is true — it is true," she wept, " and I won't be bul- lied by his pretending it's love — when it isnH — he doesn't care, how can he — no, he can't — "
He sat in silence.

(My commentary): In a Freudian transference of love for the father figure, now abandoned after a bout of violence and despair, the woman runs illicitly to her unmarried lover--soon to be married and thus commensurate with acceptable state of martial norms.
First she must, tho, kill the father figure in order to love another father/son/husband triangle figure. He sees her as his redemption, his magna mater, the nurturing life-giver who sustains his rejuvenation to his old, debauched soul and spirit. 

" And I have loved him, I have," she wept. '' I've loved him always, and he's always done this to me, he has — "
" It's been a love of opposition, then," he said. " Never mind — it will be all right. It's nothing desperate."
" Yes," she wept, " it is, it is."
" I shall never see him again "
" Not immediately. Don't cry, you had to break with him, it had to be — don't cry."
He went over to her and kissed her fine, fragile hair, touching her wet cheeks gently.
*' Don't cry," he repeated, " don't cry any more."
He held her head close against him, very close and quiet.
At last she was still. Then she looked up, her eyes wide and frightened.
" Don't you want me ?" she asked.
"Want you?" His darkened, steady eyes puzzled her and did not give her play.
" Do you wish I hadn't come?" she asked, anxious now again for fear she might be out of place.
" No," he said. " I wish there hadn't been the violence — so much ugliness — but perhaps it was inevitable."
She watched him in silence. He seemed deadened.
" But where shall I stay?" she asked, feeling humiliated.
He thought for a moment.
" Here, with me," he said. " We're married as much to-day as we shall be to-morrow."
« But— "
" I'll tell Mrs Varley," he said. " Never mind now."
He sat looking at her. She could feel his darkened steady eyes looking at her all the time. It made her a little bit frightened. She pushed her hair off her forehead ner- vously.
" Do I look ugly ?" she said.
And she blew her nose again.
A small smile came round his eyes.
" No," he said, " fortunately."
And he went across to her, and gathered her like a be- longing in his arms. She was so tenderly beautiful, he could not bear to see her, he could only bear to hide her against himself. Now; washed all clean by her tears, she
was new and frail like a flower just unfolded, a flower so new, so tender, so made perfect by inner light, that he could not bear to look at her, he must hide her against himself, cover his eyes against her. She had the perfect candour of creation, something translucent and simple, like a radiant, shining flower that moment unfolded in primal blessedness. She was so new, so wonder-clear, so undimmed. And he was so old, so steeped in hea^'y memories. Her soul was new, undefined and glimmering with the unseen. And his soul was dark and gloomy, it had only one grain of living hope, like a grain of mustard seed. But this one living grain in him matched the perfect youth in her."


"But the passion of gratitude with which he received her into his soul, the extreme, unthinkable gladness of knowing himself living and fit to unite with her, he, who was so nearly dead, who was so near to being gone with the rest of his race down the slope of mechanical death, could never be understood by her. He worshipped her as age worships youth, he gloried in her, because, in his one grain of faith, he was young as she, he was her proper mate. This mar- riage with her was his resurrection and his life.
All this she could not know. She wanted to be made much of, to be adored. There were infinite distances of silence between them. How could he tell her of the imma- nence of her beauty, that was not form, or weight, or colour, but something like a strange, golden light ! How could he know himself what her beauty lay in, for him. He said " Your nose is beautiful, your chin is adorable." But it sounded like lies, and she was disappointed, hurt. Even when he said, whispering with truth, " I love you, I love you," it was not the real truth. It was something beyond love, such a gladness of having surpassed oneself, of having transcended the old existence. How could he say ' I ' when he was something new and unknown, not himself at all ? This I, this old formula of the age, was a dead letter.
In the new, superfine bliss, a peace superseding knowledge, there was no I and you, there was only the third, unrealised wonder, the wonder of existing not as oneself, but in a consummation of my being and of her being in a new one, a new, paradisal unit regained from the duality. Nor can I say *' I love you," when I have ceased to be, and you have ceased to be : we are both caught up and trans- cended into a new oneness where everything is silent, be- cause there is nothing to answer, all is perfect and at one. Speech travels between the separate parts. But in the per- fect One there is perfect silence of bliss.
They were married by law on the next day."

(my commentary):  The end of the book, full stop. The last mournful reminiscences of the man who is capable of love, but not fully to another woman, and the woman who loves him unconditionally but without awareness of options, or of possibilities or of ability to make other choices in a closed and cloistered environment, where women were kept for marriage and for spawning children and taking care of the cleaning and cooking and tending and nurturing and that includes for the male. The other dead man who loved unconditionally committed suicide when his cold wife, Gudren, who was capable of questioning, of not loving unconditionally and surrendering to the man who rules her--cast him aside in what she called a "hate triangle"..the eternal hate triangle of passionate death to love with a 3rd party interloper as a mere prop for the explosive cataclysm of the inevitable chasm between those who have no real bond but are put together, glued into a fashionable domestic arrangement.

The first woman, Ursula, gentle and naive, open like a multiple-petaled flower waiting for the first and final thrust of impregnation of commitment and solidarity to security, cannot begin to understand the yearnings for unfathomable thirsting for the forbidden love and the forbidden fruit that a male lusts for in other men but not as completely as in the love found in his "other" soul flame, the domesticated women. The modern term for this is "male bonding". The end is death, the beginning is an incomplete sense of longing that can never be satiated. The book was written by a male describing women who are in love partnerships but it's really about men who can't love other men in secret or in private or in public--in the rural sphere of normal existence in small town and middle city death trap life. Trying to escape, going to the Tyrol and finding only black rocks heaving up like daggers into the sky as the masterful controlling man kills himself in response to realizing that his attempt to love found himself in concert with a woman as equally incapable of love as himself.

" You can't have two kinds of love. Why should you ! " " It seems as if I can't," he said. " Yet I wanted it." *' You can't have it, because it's false, impossible," she said.
*' I don't believe that," he answered.

(my commentary):

THE other pair that survived is left with a gaping hole betwixt them. The woman has been programmed to love a male forever and the male, in this case, has spent much of his time hanging out with aristocracy where male bonding is not forbidden and is held in higher esteem than in the milk cow mud fields of England. The story is called woman but it's about men and their control of women so that in the end, they can never receive nor give or offer another woman infinite unbounded love that they give and taste from other men in their bonding and respect for one another in this bond of control over women--who are in love but not really, are trained in a cloistered environment and are not able to spread their wings and fly to other realms of concept or identity. DH Lawrence wrote a quote about beating women if they respond with hostility towards a man, in the marriage. He doesn't mention what grounds a woman may have for such a reaction towards the man. That infinite desire to bond into a special unit of one solidarity remains an unfolded flower, a gem uncut and a promise eternally broken by a divinity that is as uncompromising in lackadaisical unconcern as the father in the book is towards his questioning and outspoken daughter--punishing for not doing what one is told, and beaten for questioning authority--and the men can only love one male god and truly love other men while women remain as Eve in the fallen garden, left out of the conversation, left ignorant and left without the information to make informed consent a possibility of kicking these men to the curb and finding independence from codified attachment and meaning in the mysterious concept of Love and of, in fact, the love that men hold for other men and their lessor love for women, unless they play the Madonna love nurturing mother figure to them until they are ready for the final diaper stage of old age. That, in essence, is my rendition of a commentary on DH Lawrences Women in Love and his resounding in-the-closet book on how badly he wants to break free of the bonding rituals and of society's thrust into his desires and foregoing his Hobbit Shires of the glorification of the mundane bourgeoise existence of conformity to the boundaries of acceptable love and it's practical and violent assumptions about women--who are trained to love abusers while men love abusers as well. In reality, when the situation is set out of the Shires of postcard bliss, the real love is reserved for the cold, dead hearts of those who cannot love but master the animals and tame the throbbing desires of other men until it's a cold, death-like experience of love restrained and women can't dare complain. Thus, in order to get away, they kill those they cannot love who cannot love them but cling to them for the sake of appearances and are unable to love those they control--other men with woman falling far down the food chain of desire, unity and unification of true love abandoned and lost.


(my commentary--out of sync and order on my Facebook page but I will add it at the end, although the paragraph above was intended to be the last. If it turns out in this hacked and haphazard way, it's because I will take this as a form of synchronicity that the mention of God is contemplated and commented upon by the poetic lover who can really only love a cold, dead God and a colder dead would-be male lover, love unrequited and thus, to him, the infinite potentials of love are lost in his miserable state of regret and disappointment in his former bliss in the unification of the woman he has chosen to be his one and only --mommy remembrance of nurturing love unconditional and unspoiled by knowledge of the forbidden fruit of knowledge. Near the end of Women in Love...Birkin the living bemoans to himself the loss of his near Brokeback Mountain moment, eulogizing about the love's labor lost:

"God can do without man. God could do without the ichthyosauri and the mastodon. These monsters failed creatively to develop, so God, the creative mystery, dis- pensed with them. In the same way the mystery could dis- pense with man, should he too fail creatively to change and develop. The eternal creative mystery could dispose of man, and replace him with a finer created being. Just as the horse has taken the place of the mastodon.
It was very consoling to Birkin, to think this. If humanity ran into a cul de sac, and expended itself, the timeless creative mystery would bring forth some other being, finer, more wonderful, some new, more lovely race, to carry on the embodiment of creation. The game was never up. The mystery of creation was fathomless, infallible, in- exhaustible, forever. Races came and went, species passed away, but ever new species arose, more lovely, or equally lovely, always surpassing wonder. The fountain-head was incorruptible and unsearchable. It had no limits. It could bring forth miracles, create utter new races and new species, in its own hour, new forms of consciousness, new forms of body, new units of being. To be man was as nothing compared to the possibilities of the creative mys- tery. To have one's pulse beating direct from the mystery, this was perfection, unutterable satisfaction. Human or inhuman mattered nothing. The perfect pulse throbbed with indescribable being, miraculous unborn species.
Birkin went home again to Gerald. He went into the room, and sat down on the bed. Dead, dead and cold !...Then suddenly he lifted his head, and looked straight at Ursula, with dark, almost vengeful eyes.
^* He should have loved me," he said. " I offered him."
She, afraid, white, with mute lips answered :
" What difference would it have made ! "
" It would !" he said. " It would."
He forgot her, and turned to look at Gerald. With head oddly lifted, like a man who draws his head back from an insult, half haughtily, he watched the cold, mute, material face. It had a bluish cast. It sent a shaft like ice through the heart of the living man. Cold, mute, material ! Birkin remembered how once Gerald had clutched his hand, with a warm, momentaneous grip of final love. For one second — then let go again, let go for ever. If he had kept true to that clasp, death would not have mattered. Those who die, and dying still can love, still believe, do not die. They live still in the beloved. Gerald might still have been living in the spirit with Birkin, even after death. He might have lived with his friend, a further life.
But now he was dead, like clay, like bluish, corruptible ice. Birkin looked at the pale fingers, the inert mass. He remembered a dead stallion he had seen : a dead mass of maleness, repugnant. He remembered also the beautiful face of one whom he had loved, and who had died still having the faith to yield to the mystery. That dead face was beautiful, no one could call it cold, mute, material. No one could remember it without gaining faith in the mystery, without the soul's warming with new, deep life- trust.
And Gerald ! The denier ! He left the heart cold, frozen, hardly able to beat. Gerald's father had looked wistful, to break the heart : but not this last terrible look of cold, mute Matter. Birkin watched and watched"

*my final commentary on this book about men in love (or not):

And that's the story of women in love and the men who love other men and their fathers who beat animals, women, wives, daughters and control and keep regurgitating more children in that old marriage system as the pondering philosophers stuck in the suburbs or yet worse the rural areas have to ponder alone the existence of God or whether God cares just like father doesn't care in the household to their womenfolk--(following the plot and the line of violence and activity in the book--not my personal commentary on existence, rural kinfolk and their disputes or on homosexuality in general).

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Jews of Europe were not able to defend themselves and were unable to obtain weapons. I assume. I gather from watching The Merchant of Venice.

*I have already spent over 30 minutes rewriting this short few paragraphs of this small post. Hackers are very busy deleting words and pasting partially deleted sentences together, the usual attack that always happens on every single post I write. The below is partially reconstructed by me to try to make it readable and understandable. They deleted so much I could not understand what I had written very clearly. I wonder if anyone will ever stop this hacking attack upon me and if anyone will ever stop this group of shit attacking me as well? Is America going to become the last country of refuge for Jews and the death will spread into the US as so many are absolutely willing to do while Jews continue with the old status of doing nothing and praying that if they  just bow down and adore their worthless abusers they can live through the "next storm" and I just wonder how so much stupidity can be spread from generation-to-generation of subservient Jews who now have the absolute capability to defend themselves with weapons and with training adn they are still DOING NOTHING BUT ALLOWING ANOTHER POGRAM AND HOLOCAUST TO GO ON WITH THIS TECHNOLOGY AND THESE SHIT CREEPS ATTACKIING ME. At least in Whorewood they could try to not let the pig apes destroy more jews in the industry so more fascist Nazis can take it over, as they are doing and have been doing with the full permission of crap like Spielberg who has fully participated in this as well--with his fascist, nazi black and white actors who have played lead roles in his films defending justice and freedom and equality but in reality, just like Spielberg, are drooling like the scum rabid crap that they really are to obtain deals while I constinuously write about torture, murder attempts and by now, after more than a decade of this shit going on and on with one pig after the next ape after the next rotten disgusting ugly hyena attacking me to obtain free deals- until it's Pelosi the rotten ugly hyena skank participating with more hate than Trump even--what a rotten sick skank that piece of rotten shit is--calling her nasty ugly self an "Italian-American" and how I wish the Insurrectionsts had actually captured that skank and disposed of her--I would have been spared the reality of what a piece of shit that creep really is and how racist and disgusting it really is behind all it's blathering and slurring like an alcholic about "fighting for the American people" in her every slurred drunken voiced bs media production about how she's working so hard but behind the scenes operating with a bigot racist fascist Nazi from Austria actor who is disgusting and both are undoubtedly absconding with a lot of money from this relef Bill just passed. It is disgusting. Yet they go on and no one defends me and they keep being paid in millions and promoted.


The question one must ask is how the Jews tried to protect themselves against the barbarian whores who inflicted Pogram after pogram, mini-holocaust after genocide upon them for centuries in good ole rotten Europigapeland and Russia and etc. Could Jews obtain guns? Could they form militia units to defend themselves? I have read of pre-Holocaust Jewish organizations that fought to stop the racial discrimination laws. In response to these centuries of these blocks to Jews owning property and participating in legal financial pursuits in countries like Germany, the Jews as a result of legal battles and protests fought hard enough to legally ease these restrictions. The bans on Jews owning businesses and not being blocked from financial competition paved the way for success as Jews began to easily surpass the bigots in all walks of business and in life (except for maintaining viable defense against another Pogram or 500 more of them).As soon as the Jews began to prove that the theories of racial supremacy of pig apes was a farce, as they began to rise far above in achievement and began to own businesses and outperform the stupid ape Europigapes, the fascist pre-Nazi whores organized with the desire to mass murder them, which  turned into what we now have in America: bigot Nazis denying ever happened--the Holocaust. Now this urge to destroy the Jews of America has culminated in American Jews and their associates in many other already decimated countries fully participating in this attack upon me, as if I represent the worst of America and only because I just want to compete and succeed and don't think of this Nazi/bigot racist group of pig shit crap as being worthy of any adulation unless they prove it, instead of demanding upon entrenched racial stereotypes that they are automatically superior (which they are not and reality has proven this--if only people are allowed to fairly compete and only if people like me are not poisoned into partial paralysis for a few decades so they cannot compete and beat this group of pig ape shit any longer--which is what they have done). Now ultra wealthy pig ape shit, both black and white and every color inbetween including Jews, are attacking me because they all want the bigot Nazis to love them and promote them so they are safe and snug in the warm confines of a burning building that they are supposed to eventually get burned to death in after they have helped their murdering bigot controllers kill off other "enemies".

So I keep writing. I understand that the Jews could not defend themselves just as I cannot do it although I never stop trying instead of giving in to worthless shit creeps attacking me.

I don't want to finish watching this dreadful movie which is SO realistic about this situation--if only it would be made into a very modern version I would have Aprah playing one of the racist bigots and many of her black friends from Whorewood, and other Jewish actors playing anti-Semites and the smug blonde actors attacking me all glowering in smug attitudes as their stupid pawns do the filthy work of hate attacks upon the targeted "jew" who has nothing to do with the Jewish community which has sold the target out so they can also attend the luxury parties after they sell their Jewish targets off to be raped and killed while they go off feeling entitled and warm in the snug confines of the enemy's embrace for having helped them so much in creating the solidification of a completely genocidal hate-driven policy and what this organization is working towards, the kind of destruction of people like me who just wanted to compete, not be associated with the hateful stereotypes and I tried to be beautiful, successful and compete and win--and so I was poisoned, tortured, raped without end, drugged, now dismembered and parts of my body cut off and incised with metal weapons EVERY SINGLE NIGHT FOR YEARS with no help or support from any single person except in hiding as they all must hide and then run away before they are caught.

6/8th of the way through the movie The Merchant of Venice (2004 version). I feel certain that much of the original script has been deleted by the redacting editors of this film and scriptwriters. Regardless, the dismality worsens with each moment (intentionally using my own word creation of dismality--). Shylock gets not only screwed by pre-Nazi fascist Pig-ape racists, but the spitting, hate and near murderous atmosphere is really akin to a holocaust held in a courtroom with things like credentials and credibility absolutely thrown into a cesspool of personal animosity. When I think of these actors who have raped, tortured and disfigured me for nearly a decade, and the predecessors out of EUropigapeland who are STILL involved in attacking me through these ape hyena actors--pigs and pieces of whorish shit that they are--and this movie is almost an exact replica of their behavior towards me and the injustice that rotten crap like Obama and Trump (even worse of course) and now ugly rotten skank Pelosi (with her side-kick "black/asian" Harris operating with her for the benefit of their California Nazi base pilfering bigots they operate for and with).

 This is going to be pure ranting, but please be sure that what I write has transpired, it is accurate but unfounded with evidence. When I told hyena rotten skank ugly Pelosi that if I could only obtain evidence, digital forensics for one, I could prove my point. That was when she openly attacked me instead of glaring in hate into my eyes--but I was sleeping/teleported/drugged up and unable to see clearly and I could not really see the malice I just was sleeping/teleported and drugged up and not knowing this rotten foul and ugly piece of undeserving crap that has been put by Mafia Nazi interests into highest political power--and the behavior of all of them when I try to obtain defense, when I react in rage from YEARS of rape and poisoning torture and violence which they feed energetically off of, before they feed of million dollar contracts this organization of hyena pig apes hand them to help further the promotion of a Medieval hate culture of absolute despotic tyrannical despotism with racism openly expressed--which is their absolute goal. now they have the fakes putting out all kinds of Black Nazi propaganda in the guise of fighting against racism. Oh the blacks even in You Tube stardom absolutely support what is happening to me because the blacks in whorewood are obtaining higher positions of influence and thus, they can tag along and screw the racism if it's deflected from THEM and aimed at ME as the symbol of the group they have been programmed to hate and they do it most eagerly.

This movie is so realistic and the actor playing the victim with his real-life enthusiasm of trying to pin me down to be squashed by racism and into such an oppression that I can never stand up straight--with pride--

so knowing of how to "break" a spirit by crushing any act of defense or revenge. The movie opens up with Christian fanatics (call them Evangelicals now in the USA) screaming that Jews should be killed if they are profiteering off charging interest for loans--as Jews are so discriminated against they cannot own property or do more than lend money out for interest--conveniently for racists that this is considered a grave crime and the hate spittle directed at Jews is murderous. The attempt to try to cut a pound of flesh of a racist pig ape who spits into the face of this Jew in the beginning of the film, and then tries to obtain a loan with interest and then later has to default on the loan--the conditions for default are a pound of flesh. However, the bigot blonde Nazi female married to the playboy rapist bigot nazi user/party dude fake who needed to marry a wealthy woman to get out from under debt before the story begins as forerunner to the theme of lending money and the hate directed at Jews for lending out at credit as the only means of earning a real living but then still being bottled up in curfew every single night--and by the way, I have seen film footage of the ghetto in Italy, maybe in Venice--it was a black and white but then adapted with colorization--the ghetto was filthy and filled with trash in the streets--the jews were so humiliated and for so many decades that they looked unhumanly deformed in stature and in feature--from having to bow down be oppressed raped living in filth ==which is what this sleaze group of pig ape hyenas are forcing upon me with absolute block to all earning (but stealing ideas and making millions off the concepts and depriving me of earning enough to live in some way that I can defend myself from their endless disfigurements and poisoning and stinking filth their mechanical arms pour into my room every night and day and when I leave they put cockroaches and brown grease is sprayed on every surface. And etc etc the list is far too long and for many many years going on and on without a day of it ending. 

Watching the news as my country is embracing such a system so wholeheartedly that no one will even attempt to make contact with me to protect me, even if they care (and I can never know if that is happening or not). Watching all my life as Jews participate nearly jumping anxiously to attack me so they will be considered not Jews any longer. They are the ones who attend Synogogue religiously and they are the ones who claim they are "Jews". None of these things I have done except when I was very drugged up and living in Germany--it was a programming that I was too drugged up and incognizant of the hate crimes being committed against me to understand that I was being programmed with subliminals to say these things. I have never participated in this culture and I am being viciously targeted as a result, and for the fact that I had heard my entire life that there is this thing called "Freedom" and that America is a Capitalist society and I had/have the freedom to pursue my own capital and in earning my own keep and thus my freedom. All has been taken away from me, and because I FIGHT each and every day the kind of "programming" to make me submit to accepting this kind of endless humiliation, torture and violence that these pig ape pieces of shit in Whorewood and now ugly hyena rotten Pelosi, along with her good mafia buddy Trump and the rest of these scoundrels in Congress are trying to enforce upon me, obstensibly to help The American people to push people like me down, keep people like me from obtaining health care and people like me from being a threat to their mediocrity, their hate machinery and their stigmas and cliches that they will murder anyone for if they don't accept subservient status to incompetent whores and pieces of ignorant and mostly stupid crap, which is exactly how I view them and they have demonstrated nothing more than that. Yet I watch this Shakespeare play and I see that this behavior is supposed to be not only the mark of aristocratic and entitlement racist hegemony but also is what "Christians" do against "infidels" like people like me who do not submit to the religion of these disgusting low-life scumbags who believe they should be idolized because of the crimes they have committed to get to higher positions in society.

I have not even begun and my brain is spinning the hacking is making typing like swimming through a blockade and my thoughts are being blocked and jumbled by brain-altering technology. 

The list of people committing violence in keeping with the mentality of a throng of witch-burning Christians or Holocaust-influenced neoNazi rapists bigots and pig ape hyena pieces of shit--it's just disgusting and yet I receive no support and they keep being put into lead roles despite my years of writing about them and their disgusting, stupid, foul, rotten and whorish sleazy behavior. 

Even publishing my thoughts is now blocked. This post is being blocked I assume. The hackers keep changing the pages I obtain which pinpoint some of the problems so what I can see one time about IP Addresses and the source of the block has been deleted and blocked from view after one time of me obtaining the information. I assume that all or most of you reading this are fully supportive of these pig apes as most or al of you are likewise shit hacking into my system and gawking and tourism-thrill-seeking and waiting for your own victims to torture, rape and murder when t his technology is further passed around, as it is and will be increasingly.

Film review of a movie about hate, acted by hate actors who have acted in concert with the other hate actors in a hate crime against me that has expanded into almost every possible angle of hate that exists on this planet. The movie is a rendition of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. I will not say which version or which year. I am trying not to endorse this actor who yearns for me to write about him so like the rest of the scoundrels, he can have more promotions for my reaction of hate and disgust at his hateful and disgusting performance of hate directed at me. He plays the victim role in this movie. Like all the rest, as usual, he's the polar example of the turnaround from a role of victim played in a movie to it's opposite villain role in reality.

 The entire movie, I have not watched all nor have I ever read this play as I never wanted to know about this theme--avoiding it could have shown me that from the beginning the actors--who are so controlled by Italians/mafia and Nazis from Europ-a-land--(I mean Europigapeland) and all they do is almost an exact replica of the restrictions, abuses and blocks to finance, owning property, hate and theft, hypocrisy and ugliness that is portrayed in Medieval Venice in this play-turned-movie. 

It is doubtful that the anti-Semites in the movie who play these roles are anything but vicious anti-Semites in reality, however it's always a bit on the nauseating side when the victim of violence plays the perpetrator in real life against an innocent victim---as I am and truly that is the reality despite whatever the liars claim about me and their role in attacking me. I think they would use any mere justification such as I got upset and called them a name or after they raped me for years and I lunged at them, or called them names or wrote something on my private FAcebook page after they stole ideas from it and from all I have ever done or have, they then torture me for saying or thinking or writing anything or telling them they are pigs, whores, spitting on them or trying to kill them (as I have done with them all). I never write of my reactions to their hate against me but suffice it to say that I spend all my time under teleportation physically fighting them or verbally fighting with them or praying for them to die and trying to kill them if I can just reach them. They commit violence upon me from behind, from side angles--and I cannot see clearly in this sleeping, teleportation state so it's akin to them attacking a blind person. 

I watch this movie, or I should say, I began yesterday because is showed up on my movie search for recent movies. The movie came out in 2004, so it is not recent. I of course have to look on all the free streaming movie sites, which are mostly a repository of terror and horror movies and trauma-based movie plots--almost exclusively that is what this group hacks into my every movie search. I am too ill to study or read anything that requires concentration. My internet is so hacked and "controlled" that any real interesting movie is blocked from all the free sites and I really am blocked from access. I must emphasize how badly the drugs that are poured into my body by these mechanical arms entering my room through the panels--which I cannot stop--how badly this affects my ability to concentrate (or look at bright light) I am continuously drugged and sick and detoxifying (ten years of this going on and on every single day). Thus in absolute lethargic sickness (and not money to buy medicine, not really and I must endlessly pay for materials to try to defend myself against these break-ins and nothing stops the endless attack upon me (and of course no one stops it either).


the movie, The Jew surrounded by people spitting on him. I spat on psycho-Depp the Jew bigot (I am turning their accusations onto them, because they are the n-word pig apes and not me, they are the rats and they are the garbage and they are the losers but they have been paid to play these roles to drag everyone else down--overpaid losers really that is what they are).

How the hate gnaws at me because I watch this movie which I have avoided (the play, not this particular movie--and for years I have tried to block out the hate of this actor who is so openly anti-Semitic and yet plays in a most disparaging way Jewish men--how and why these studios never put actual Jewish men in Jewish male roles, instead of an anti-Semitic "Italian-American" operating with mafia and Nazis--who has attacked me when I tried to get a physically violent rapist German actor off me--calling me the b-word to which I called him names in return--a male bitch and what a bitch this creep is

he began to teleport me the day I watched this movie--told him he was stupid in other words and to get any mere thought of trying to get anything out of using me out of his noughuty noggin--just another parasite but famous--he played the role of Jewish victim in a way that was sympathetic and made the character looked absolutely downtrodden--which is after all what he does in real life and what he is doing to me out of pure racist reasons.

But oh well, it's the usual scumbag and the usual hypocrisy of these pig apes and the usual ancient hate being directed at me. The Jews who are friends with scum like him and this gang of pig pit actors are whittled down specimens of acceptance who most willingly attack me for the benefit of approval of the pigs they have been taught to bow down to like slaves. That particular trait can be seen in the daughter character of the despised Jew who is reacting to vicious hate and oppression. I am only continuing the movie because I want to see what will happen between the father and his most desperate to be accepted daughter. How many decades I have been subjected to this very theme of Jews attacking me most viciously and surrendering all concept of pride in order to be accepted by mere trashy shit bigot Nazis and that is almost more viciously done by blacks who are some of the worst attackers--besides the Asians and the latinos but for "Jew-against-Jew" hate, this play by Shakespeare FINALLY comes close to the actual reality of how people are trained to betray their own family for the benefit of being accepted and living the lavish life of the perpetrators who steal, rape and rob everything possible.

I could write more of a story about this, but I will watch the rest of the move. I was beginning to write about psycho-depp the fascist bigot who is and always was towards me a most filthy and nasty bigot rapist scumbag. His nasty rat daughter has been awarded every kind of prize for spitting on me after I spat at her nasty rapist father--that was 2 years into him teleporting and raping me. This rotten rat spawn has been trained by her nasty French mother in the post-Vichy regime that France is and all it's colonies and all it's black subjects and as for the rest of the Europeans, they all have fallen into Goose-step formation as well. Thus the "training" into what I see is clearly the aim of this hideous group is to reinforce an ancient form of ghettoizing (my word) jews back into absolute inferior positions economically and morally and in every way. I suspect that old Shylock will have it very bad by the end of this play that is so true, and that is why I told this pig ape actor that his performance was "Great" because he understands implicitly how the goal is absolute devastation upon every nuance of a semblance of dignity heaped with spittle and insults upon Jews until they are so weak that they just meekly step onto the trains without a fight--the oppression is so complete that Jews were not allowed to go out into Venetian society after dark. The poison that has been poured into my body has effected the same condition physically to restrain me from going out--just like a curfew. I think the barometric pressure as night wears on my body increases the poison--which acts as a malleable substance that expands and contracts with heat and damp--literally I can feel it and I know this is true. 

And so they are being trained and are trying to induct more people into this training into absolute what we call fascist Nazism, but fascism is a term from the Italian fascist Party under Mussolini--and people like Pelosi and this actor, the Brooklyn "Italian-American" mafia who can only describe reality under terms of identifying with Italy--almost their sole concept of reality is to bring as much of Italy into America as possible. All the American values of equality and freedom--what a threat that is to them. To shout about equality and The American people but in private the revival of the atrocities of Medieval witch hunts and genocides is their true aim and goal. The daughter rat of that nasty American actor psycho-Depp who seems to think that his role in movies playing various concocted characters makes up for his disgusting displays of ignorance, rape and violence along with  his rotten rat daughter spitting on me after I finally began to try to get this rotten parasite off me, and seeing that this piece of shit obtained every award possible for her incompetence as a performer but competence at absolutely following every atrocity that precedes a real genocide and being put into lead role position. Having written about these pieces of crap only means that they are going to get more funding, more awards and more prizes--as me mentioning the ugliness and hate only brings more kudos and approval for them by this hate organization which has fully subordinated every real aspect of American exceptionalism and turned it literally into a colonized fascist Nazi state propaganda complex.


Now I have written of a lot of hate and expressed it most hatefully--I fully applaud Shakespeare at this point in the drama, as I have not read nor heard of how this play ends. I can only surmise that the Jew gets killed in the end and his daughter continues to betray him and goes off into the flaming sunset of death with her bigot boyfriend traitor bigot arm-in-arm or the real scenario would be that he impregnates her and then abandons her for a fascist bigot blonde woman--that's the real story of how this group operates. Well, I will just have to see how much more insult the Jew in the play must endure and if he will be killed by the throng of pig ape Europigapes. I swear this sounds like a lot of hate coming from me. Give me a billion pounds of the flesh of these pigs to feed to the swine cut out of their black nigger hearts.


But I am drugged and nevertheless, this movie does bring out the wrath of the targets and the understanding of who the real guilty and vile people are--as the hypocrisy is very acute and Shakespeare described it well enough. The real act of betrayal in order to obtain the "love" of the enemy is the most truthful of all the dismal truths that are being thrust upon me in order to re-instate this type of pre-genocidal  holocaust that the Italians heaped upon Jews 200 years later. The Jews had 200 years to try to create an army for protection but they didn't. They waited on the protection of God that never appeared when the pig apes came to kill them and they prayed and tore out their hair. They should have been training to tear the hearts out of the Italian pig ape fascists instead for all those 200 years of Medieval torture from the pigs to the time when they were herded off to be slaughtered by the German pig apes in the Polish pig ape towns where the pig apes of that country welcomed the death marches and machinery in. As the rest of Europigapeland completely participated and they all still do in the same vicious way. Now America is heading in that direction with the full assent of Jews who just want to be loved and accepted into the folds of the perpetrators. 

If you do not want a global system like this to continue to oppress Jews, then first please read the play or watch the movie (but I do not endorse this actor and I repeat, get the thought of trying to exploit me out of your noughoty nugget brain--bitch).

and, I am not miserable I am not in a state of hate although it sounds like it. I am relieving the hate that is being endlessly directed at me by haters. This is a reflection of what they really are--this hate I write of. The statement I make about ripping their hearts out is correct and a pound of that rotten stinking flesh is not even the beginning of reparations that should be done to these ape hyena parasites. 

That this movie so clearly encapsulates the racism and hate that is being aimed at me by American actors along with their Europigape handlers--for they are animals and are being trained by their controlling agents who hand them these parts and roles year after year the same shit never goes away and by now their dead souls are stinking with rancid spiritual half life decay.

Perhaps this does sound a bit hateful. But, the movie is poignant in how awful that racism is. The fact that pieces of lard like Aprah the performing hyena talk show host is as ugly, racist and stupid and vicious as the rest is a testament to how blacks are so anti-Semitic it's not even a joke--as they blather endlessly about racism being directed at them, they play the daughter of Shylock so well and that role is almost the most significant key to the entire spectacle of how racism is inculcated into the next generation of victims-turned-perpetrator.


If you do not want this system to continue, then stop watching me flail around asking for help for years and years and instead get busy learning to defend your honor and that of any kind of free country or system. Instead you will be living in a Medieval hierarchy where the worst hypocrites can burn, zap, stun and kill anyone they don't like but rape and torture and steal from them beforehand. The Democracies of the world are there only in name at this point. They are being destroyed and this Medieval fascism is taking root with the full assistance of these modern technological equivalents of Medieval torture dungeons, Ghettos and enforced incarceration upon the innocent and the vulnerable. Even if you have a fortress around you the technology can penetrate every wall even if it has a lead base. This group has a base that can break into every home and through every defense system, but most importantly they have a global network of minions mostly minorities who do every kind of disgusting attack and they laugh and giggle about it as they steal, rape rob and murder. If you do not want this then stop doing nothing to stop it continuing and growing and expanding as it has been the 8-10 years I have been writing about this the fascism and Nazism has grown absolutely DUE TO THIS SITUATION forced upon me. If you do not agree that Trump has brought fascism and Nazism into clear focus in the last 4 years, then you must understand that this group of actors handed him this technology shortly before the 2016 primaries and that boosted Trump into leadership position--or greatly enhanced his chances and his polls and standing--like a leap of approval after he began to torture and teleport me along with this very group attacking me. The person responsible for helping Trump rise to power is also OBAMA THE FAKE BLACK ANTI-SEMITE who has also heaped torture upon me by allowing it to go on and on. The list of the guilty who are absolutely famous and still being awarded and praised is enormous by now who have participated in attacking me. Because I am not famous and have been thwarted from all achievements except for a few--just getting through grad school while various murder attempts were made upon me to stop me from getting this higher education--that I barely survived and ten years later after first beginning to try to fight this poison out of my body--I can now say that although I have not been famous and these people are, and so many of them converging upon me--makes my claim of being attacked by the very wealthy, teleported while sleeping--it makes me so vulnerable to being labeled schizophrenic or delusional. 

however, whatever you may want to believe or not, the fact is that Nazism and fascism are on the rise regardless of what has happened to me--but that these people are being promoted for imitating this Medieval style of hate that is very clear in The Merchant of Venice and is a behavioral pattern that is being awarded in MILLIONS of dollars worth of deals, contracts and awards and prizes which trickles down into free rent for the lower levels of scum who attack me--with this system increasing in popularity because of the freedom to torture combined with huge awards and incentives poured out like candy upon grasping greedy who inflict hate upon the needy and they create that desperation. The only way "out" of the holes that are forced upon the newly disenfranchised is now going to be following the orders and making this hate system completely inescapable. 


Later on the same day: the hacking on my laptop is so awful that more than 5 minutes elapsed before I could access one single page with information I need. 5 minutes of waiting for the browser to stop freezing.

 The hacking and the blocks get worse and worse until it's becoming a block to almost everything I use on the internet (and in financial terms, a complete freeze on all activity, from all quarters of all economies all the time in all aspects of solvency).

More and more is being blocked from me, and surfing or opening a page or typing or accessing information or phoning a service and actually getting a helpful and friendly person has become nearly impossible. 

And now I have spent another day of ranting. I had planned on doing this repair work using the tape that was stolen and I don't feel like doing anything because so much of my energy is wasted on the exertion of screaming in hate at people who are not actually responsible and who also are obtaining their own promotions and so they have zero investment in doing the right thing in any respect. I am tired and my body hurts because of the poisoning that this group has inflicted upon me and so movement is very painful. I carried 6 huge gallon containers of water and huge bags of stuff (using a hand cart once I got to my building but still the exertion was far too much). I am too tired to control all the bundles and packages I have bought and in too much pain. They are always exerting mind control tech into my brain while I am in public so it's very easy for me to be distracted and not vigilant. I also am so wary of anyone coming near me and in such a state of exhaustion that it took me one day to realize that this bag was gone but I had not dropped it (it was fastened to the hook on the shopping cart--but stolen while my back was turned for less than one minute). I must buy so many bags of food and items every trip because I am in too much pain from healing and detox where muscle tissue is literally being ripped out at cellular levels every time I detox, and I detox almost every day as all I do is fight to get this poison out. I am thus extremely weak and exhausted bgy the time I am ready to leave any store--and that is after scores of people walk into me and attack me from all sides as these energy parasites go off bloated with energy from having attacked someone else--an instant power-high for parasites.