Tuesday, March 23, 2021

And now I have spent another day of ranting. I had planned on doing this repair work using the tape that was stolen and I don't feel like doing anything because so much of my energy is wasted on the exertion of screaming in hate at people who are not actually responsible and who also are obtaining their own promotions and so they have zero investment in doing the right thing in any respect. I am tired and my body hurts because of the poisoning that this group has inflicted upon me and so movement is very painful. I carried 6 huge gallon containers of water and huge bags of stuff (using a hand cart once I got to my building but still the exertion was far too much). I am too tired to control all the bundles and packages I have bought and in too much pain. They are always exerting mind control tech into my brain while I am in public so it's very easy for me to be distracted and not vigilant. I also am so wary of anyone coming near me and in such a state of exhaustion that it took me one day to realize that this bag was gone but I had not dropped it (it was fastened to the hook on the shopping cart--but stolen while my back was turned for less than one minute). I must buy so many bags of food and items every trip because I am in too much pain from healing and detox where muscle tissue is literally being ripped out at cellular levels every time I detox, and I detox almost every day as all I do is fight to get this poison out. I am thus extremely weak and exhausted bgy the time I am ready to leave any store--and that is after scores of people walk into me and attack me from all sides as these energy parasites go off bloated with energy from having attacked someone else--an instant power-high for parasites.

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Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other lette...