Sunday, March 21, 2021

A propaganda pro-English, Imperialist/Colonialist (racist and silly/stupid) movie has come out of Los Angeles once again, worshipping an English band, the Smiths, as if that English band is to die for, something that epitomizes the 80's alternative movement trying to be Madonna (another English-based sell-out along with Mafia and whatever hands her more promotions for her nasty pop musick which is NOT great enough to be at top of the charts for decades).. I was never really into that band in the 80's. The English have taken over H-wood and I have only just begun to detail a fraction of my observations. As much as I want to write, it is extremely stressful to attempt to write all I really am capable of and thus I only write small amounts. The time required to navigate the hacking intrusions alone makes it impossible, literally, to write more than a brief bit and then "recall" what I really want to express but only after I get off the laptop. Maybe I need a tape recorder to try to record my thoughts and then attempt to write them down later? But onward HO--how HO-wood has been bought and sold by English Imperialists operating for this global Mafia/Nazi continuum of programming and mind control over the thoughts and $$ of Americans and for the world. The alternative movements are being co-opted--many of the movements I have been involved with in my lifetime and thus I see how they have been turned into English-dominated actors playing similar but strikingly wrong characterizations. All to co-opt the movements and to extricate control from Americans as they welcome these Imperialists into all highest positions of power. This has gone on until this year, 2021 the overtake of the H-wood media is absolutely apparent but absolutely silenced and not a word of protest or acknowledgement of this huge co-optation of America has become so visible and open.



Regarding the co-opters of the planet which have put out this pulp K-rap movie which I make hate comments on (but also mirthful at heart but angry at this theft of culture and the misappropriation of US alternative szene and it's roots, all stolen by foreign fascist Nazis who have attacked me and others to steal these concepts adn then have silenced us or killed off others only to co-opt and claim all as their concept, with their (foreign)actors playing key lead roles. Turning formerly alternative movements into Nazi fashion displays of blondes and a few angry blacks all operating together to fight the kind of racism that the producers and those who control them actually represent behind all their rape culture closed doors policies.

And just to add to this a little bit. The fashion that I have worn for years, which was formerly "alternative" but I just wore what I wanted but it was in a style that is now "fashionable" amongst Millennials. I have been insulted by these fascist puppets like Thai people and my landlord who mouth what they are told to say (and think and do). They say that I am "trying to dress like younger people" when in fact, as I inform them, I have dressed like this for decades and these people they are referring to who are dressed in the same similar style as me, have not created these fashions but more like I did or was a part of that movement (I also imitated what others wore, but I find this clothing very comfortable and I don't want to change how I dress, which is how I dressed back in the 80's and now it's fashionable for this Millennial culture. I am castigated endlessly for this but with absolute rejection of what I am saying now that I dressed like this first and these people now dressing in these 80's styles are merely imitating what designers like the co-opting fascists have stolen and sold off to millions or billions of dollars in "new" fashion apparel. They are, now, in other words, trying to evict me from a movement that they are stealing and kicking me out, as much as they can, and then turning it all into blonde Nazi fashion statements but then telling me that I don't belong and I am out-of-place. That goes hand-in-hand with this co-opting and theft of both culture and intellectual property that this group attacking me is so very well funded to do by my government and it's associated criminal arms of enforcement.



stupid movie and a more stupid premise awaits you for the next onslaught of a lineup of stupid movies for 2021. Endless movie-after-movie, as endlessly goes on and on, of blonde women playing lead roles to portray people who represent "alternative" culture. The dark-haired women, in particular, do not play dominate roles and must follow the lead of blonde bigot nazi women. That is pure nazi brainwashing put into effect. That is all I can endlessly pound out for today but suffice it to say that these "alternative" movies about protest and American independence, the punk movement, the hippie movement, the rest that have dominated the H-wood landscape for the last two years are absolutely taken over by foreign controlling, fascist Nazi actors and their controlling bigot Nazi conservative executives and the funding parties. All is to weaken any real alternative movement and to search and destroy in COINTELPRO fashion all those who really represent a true intelligent response to these agencies of domination, control, suppression and censorship aka Russia under Stalin.

I thus, now, simply copy and paste what I wrote today on Facebook, while my brain was not as inundated as it is at this moment after trying to pound out words for the last hour (which I could have written in 20 minutes if not endlessly backspacing and pounding down almost as hard as I can to get the keys to operate--which is a block that has not stopped on all laptops I have used for YEARS). I copy all I wrote in it's hacked and not rewritten entirety (all I write is hacked and rewritten by terrorists) . I can't go through it all and because of this blankness attack upon my brain I must stop now I feel ill from the effects of this technology being blasted into or from the microchip implant/interface that has so adversely affected my cognition and ability to mentally function (plus physically type as that is blocked as well---which also happens while I hand write and it's so bad that hand writing is painful and illegible they make my nervous system go into a shaky state and my hands clench up so badly I can't write after more than one small page of hand writing--this literally is an effect of the microchip implants--I deduce that is the cause).


The English overtake and the insult to real political activism and alternative thinking--co-opted in media by (boring) conservative fascist Nazi/Mafia cartel rapists, abusers, racists and genocidal fascists and their blonde, Nazi lead actors and their minority minion co-stars (the same black-white continuum always appears in these movies there is almost no other cultural representation in these blockbuster movies, which are mostly dominated by blonde actors and then shadowing them are black actors). ALL under control of foreign Imperialist colonizers who have now taken over H-wood very visibly (but so silently suppressed in awareness from any media observer, as they too are controlled I would hazard to say by foreign interests at the corporate level and controlling editorial boards).


So after all this rambling (due to mind control exerting undeniably strong influence over my brain and writing style and blocking my hands and functioning and hacker terrorism) 

this is what I wrote earlier this morning, which I will not re-read to correct the endless rewrites and blocks from this terrorist organization. also this blog is blocked from really being published anyway. And of course I feel dizzy from this attack on my brain and body, and am incapable of really writing to my fullest truly capable extent (at least 60% of my real capabilities are being blocked and stymied by these attacks).


There's a movie coming out about a remake 80's theme of some krazy kids holding up a radio station with a GUN and demanding that the DJ play a night of The Smiths. The personality featured is a blonde remake of Madonna and all I can say is that, watching another nazi actor playing a lead role as an "alternative" character is almost as repugnant as the theme of someone stupid enough to hold up a radio station and risk prison just to hear some Smiths songs for one night.
Whoever wrote or made that film must have been a Bon Jovi fan trying to make a movie about the type of music he wished he had been listening to.
I have not gone to IMDB to discover that yet another usurpation and co-opting of an underground political or art scene made in America is being played by more actors out of London or the UK but so far, this year, I see only fakes playing roles about Americans who are part of alternative or radical political movements---every time I see such movies made by or featuring English or foreign actors who are as unconvincing as the plots (unless they are strictly based on historical events, but then written in such a way that is questionable) I always get not only annoyed but can't finish the movie and click it off in disgust that the overtake of America is so obvious and yet no one is discussing it. I must be just a conspiracy theory crazy person noticing these very obvious fact (being strictly sarcastic here now in that jocular last sentence).
I am also extremely tired of seeing Nazi cliche lead roles of blonde women playing all the roles and their partners the nazi males--always in every movie I have no identification with the black or Nazi actors and there appears to be nothing inbetween in identifiers of culture or appearance. It's all so boring and horrible.
My movie critique for the day. B-O-R-I-N-G movies about Nazis and their life dramas played by English or other Europ-a actors portraying alternative Americans and absolutely nullifying the real alternative concepts, co-opting it all, stealing the identity and turning it all into yet more Nazi imagery propaganda and all that is cool turned into a Nazi portrayal slowly gliding the mind anal probe into just a backdoor portal of Nazi mind control and programming, but meant to look like it's alternative and subculture by stealing the identies of these formerly alternative cultures that have been over-ridden and then watered down and finally totally inconsequential except for basic Nazi-themed fashion statements.
SHOPLIFTERS OF THE WORLD--trailer. The title spells it out, the fakes stealing all that doesn't belong to them. The current H-wood mainstream good ole boy Nazi network execs stealing the identity of alternative movements and then claiming it as a Nazi-themed movie with all the usual plots and features of bigots playing lead roles (in both reality and in the fiction) but turning the alternative movement into IDIOTS who do and say STUPID ASSININE STATEMENTS and turning it into a mockery of the real movement. The usual, some of these movies are going to the Oscars and have already won Golden Shower Global Nazi awards for this year. All completely controlled by English and UK fascist Nazis. I also noticed that EOnline has a new section on it's front page titled, The Royals. Just like a British tabloid for a Krap fodder piece of junk paper. The endless integration of the royals and of English into American H-wood movies is becoming so obvious in it's colonization. Why does no one mention this in mainstream media? Why is there no alarm that English actors are playing lead roles in movie after movie and being put into top roles and movie plots regrading American alternative or subcultural movements--and all created by fascist Nazis--literally that is what they are, Imperialists and the worst BIGOT RACISTS and politically conservative neo-nazis who posture as if they are alternative. Why am I the only person pointing this out and I am so silenced that I am blocked from accessing my blog due to terrorist hackers thus I write here--where it's all being stolen by the same group--in it's huge apparatus--of these fakes putting out these movies about how they are really the originators of these alternative concepts and even moreso, they own and control it and the people who actually were a part of these really radical movements have either been KILLED, SILENCED, DRUGGED INTO NEAR COMATOSE BANALITY or they are shunned and excluded from having access to input or output of media content.
Meanwhile, today getting the leather water-carrying tote bag I use when I drive to the water-filtration system--the bag has been sprayed with stinking fluids in the place I had tried to protect it underneath a huge plastic tarp behind a couch--the attempt to block the mechanical arms from ruining my clothing and bags I use when going out is another target that has been breached for this water-carrying purpose. The ideas I wrote of above, the concepts of alternative fashion and clothing and political activism have all been tortured out of me by the English contingent that has been attacking me with clear purposes of murdering me--and this is another example of poisoning, another murder attempt as at this stage of years of poisoning and all health care blocked to me, septic toxic shock is a very real possibility due to the endless spraying of toxic substances on my clothing, furniture and into my food as often as possible. What possible other outcome could be their intended goal of all this toxicity endlessly sprayed into my hair, body, food and furniture and clothing on a yearly basis (meaning every day, for years without end every single day). AFter these parasites obtain ideas which they then are paid and obtain millions for creating fashion or ideas that they parcel and sell off to these greedy American performers and their foreign buddies in these now foreign-dominated media franchise entities. I believe they are trying to force this "slave" status on me, that they are entitled to stealing my concepts not once, or twice, or a hundred times but a few hundred times over while murdering me at the same time through all these poisoning attacks after they obtain ideas and suck out sexuality and force hate upon me every day in teleportation and the endless creeps that surround me with not a support system anywhere in sight.

And this is me writing and them reading this and sucking out all they can steal for their performances and profit. I remain cleaning up their filth and fighting to get the cobwebs of their hate forced into my consciousness through the unconscious state of sleep--what a disgusting bunch and yet they are then trying to oppress me with poverty and blocks to everything so badly and all the real alternative people simply GONE--they have vanished, are dead, are brainwashed--and then they torture me and ask me if I love them for it, which is the prize mind control goal they are seeking as that gives these worthless creeps more and more and more promotions.

So I write of this, and I have been screaming at these actors for years about how Europigapes are taking over Whorewood and it's so clear and visible if anyone would just look and not be silenced by this group of fascist Nazis who have already taken over so much of America that Nazism and fascism have openly taken over everything from the Whitehouse, but unacknowledged in Whorewood which is still considered "woke" "libtard" stupid stuff by the Nazis who really actually support this system of false identification with "woke" culture.

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Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other lette...