MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
To you do-nothing parasites reading my posts every day and laughing or enjoying reading my enraged rants: I wrote years ago that if you didn't stop these stupid idiotic ignorant clowns (back then I called these actors clowns, now I call them hyena pig apes and that is an insult to those animals or even a hybrid of them). I warned the black sell out whores such as the Smiths who yelled at me in a teleportation skit of violence alongside their fascist Nazi European-bought-and-sold buddy pal bigot Depp and his rotten skanky daughter and his most disgusting racist wife who then tried to have me killed-along with his former wife a most vile racist parasitic ugly piece of rotten crap--their fascist French connection--this is NO EXAGERATION but it is hate-that I write after nearly a decade of their violence alongside their actor friends one of whom is now laughing and glaring and hitting and abusing me every night in these teleportation skits only because I downloaded a movie he starred in from the 80's--one time, and he hasn't stopped jumping to obtain anything possible he can exploit in order to prop up his sagging career as a pig performing stunts of Nazi symbolism--which American has bought and brought into public consciousness. and with these gangs of actors, their political friends and the rest are doing is adding more and more violence upon me to get me to react every day online, for which they get promotions---to the point of utterly destroying every single thing about me for which they also get more promotions out of. All I do is fight them every day and night an dfight to heal my body so I can move and not be stuck inside a room being blasted with mind control and heart palpitation microwave shock and torture--so I have even more impediments to any progress in accomplishing even opening a damn Ebay account online--but, it's so many years of this going on and on with no end--I warned them, I warned everyone reading this that they are bringing in absolute fascist nazism into America and many of their Europigape friends are fully waiting to absoluely destroy America and then absolutely destroy it and take it over. This year most of the awards for the movies are being handed out to English--actors playing American roles. They are completely inaccurate and an insult to anyone who has actually lived in the times that they represent--as I have and the movies are insulting to me as well as the rotten and nasty punk movie sound of metal which is also an insult to the punk movement--I have been writing about how they are coming in to destroy the country. As I read the news today after years of them helping Trump to come into power (this is many of the most famous blacks who claim they are fighting racism in whorewood, plus the whites who are fighting sexism, rape culture and racism--all of whom are friends with trump all of whom are glad they have been handed lead roles and promises of leadership forever into the highest positions in whorewood--none of whom like the psychopath shit that they are have a single regret about the year of mass death that they have participated in bringing about--not a single one has a bit of condemnation for the policies that have created mass death and economic destruction--because they have been propped up for so long and are assured that their investments will always pay off--and of course, they have increased their wealth probably exponentially due to the pandemic and the need for online services--one of the actors has a stake in Apple, which has boomed in the last year. Others have huge investments and like all the billionaires who have become exponentially more wealthy during this year (like Elon Musk, who has also participated in this crime, and I wrote of him and I suspect him greatly for the technology that could have been used to propagate more of the spread of the virus and the pandemic--if these conspiracy theories pan out--but he's part of this system as well and has plagued my internet for years with his rotten face which disgusts me--and he "dated" the wife of Depp who probably ordered my death which I barely averted until Trump came to exploit me and thus he stopped the murder attempts that occurred in this junction space of time between when that rotten skank divorced her violent husband and it was a major drama of her being punched by the man she laughed alongside with as he raped and hit me repeatedly in front of her--as she left him she then turned to musk who was also embraced by Trump as he became the president, musk joined the energy commission of the US and then left to endlessly fly off into orbits of wealth and status globally until right now he's the wealthiest pig ape on the planet. If anyone ever spread the Corona virus into the atmosphere and had the intelligence and technology to do this act of sabotage and mass murder he did, under approval of Trump. I am just writing about how the actions of you doing nothing has lead to this utter mass genocidal death factory that these pig apes have been elevated in wealth and status due to--you. Not doing anything to stop this crime. Against me. As I am a prototype and you all want slaves to beat, rape and murder upon whim in the future and I represent this prototype I think that is what this is all about. I really don't know but I see only death and destruction as the result of people not caring on a micro level, and that miserable hate has now extended into swaths of the population and you all still are nearly worshipping these ape hyena pig whores I have been detailing in their sleazy hate crimes and yet nothing ever changes their status they only just get more lead roles more prizes and more and more while I keep fighting to not be crippled--as that is what they are aiming at cuttin ginto my toes despite my ever effort to defend myself I can't. AFter years of asking people to stop them to help me to put me into a safe living space--I am being mutilated and nearly amputated every night because I am defending myself aainst rape and torture form a ;bunch of pigs who are also stealin gideas from me and blocking my ability to even type or get anything done whatsoever. Now they are trying to cripp;le me by cutting my toes until they are really severed off, night after night. There is puss and it's infected and yet all Ik do is clean my toes and feet and wind tape and materials around every toe and I still can't stop this endless absolute destruction of my body. Most of my hair has been chemically treated out-they ahve broken all of myu toes--I've been raped here in this room countless times and there is clear evidence of such. I can barely protect myself from that crim adn yet I am still fighting to not have my toes severed and completely mutilated to the point that I am literally crippled and then paralyzed by poisoning. This information I nkow turns you fuckers on and on, because there are only pigs waiting to torture and rape me endlessly for years upon years--and that' sjust the shit like Hillary Clinton, and now I know Kamala Harris is involved in some way, laughing like a hyena and so fake and disgusting and horrid--and biden as well it's just a pile of shit attacking me and their nasty piece of crap minions--all millions of these creeps in the streets and surrounding me every single place on earth. When will there ever be anything like justice for me and support and defense? how much more death do you fuckers need before you are satisfied you have destroyed America, made enough people homeless, killed enough people in the streets, stolen enough loot to have enough mansions , raped enough women to feel that you are "superior" , destroyed enough lives to feel entitled to raping and stealing all from people you want to see crushed--how many more immigrants due to your death policies and racist agenda? How many more genocides how many more Nazi groups are going to flourish so more pig apes can feel entitled to doing whatever they want?
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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