Thursday, March 11, 2021

How fake. The deep fake inspired misconstruction of the complete unraveling of a target. Real technologically-driven criminality creating real fake power ascensions.


Every image in the link above is the product of "deep fake" technological generation of creating a false person construct. Used to frame and indict innocent people in some cases. Multifarious means to power can be a byproduct of how character assassination accompanies the physical assassination of a stalking target.


From my Facebook post today:

A quote from a "deep fake" indentifyer/researcher:
""Unfortunately, a big chunk of these kinds of fake videos were created for pornographic purposes, and that (caused) a lot of … psychological damage to the victims," Lyu says. "There's also the potential political impact, the fake video showing politicians saying something or doing something that they're not supposed to do. That's bad.""
As I watched the new Queen Latifah tv series, I learned about how "deep fake" videos are used to "frame" innocent people. I have only heard of this term in passing on the internet, and never knew that absolutely artificial images can be produced/reproduced using computer-generated magick.
This person is not real--so the title goes. The reflection of the glinting light on her corneas is replicated to appear as natural.
How could anyone without microscopic software facial recognition capabilities ever know the difference between a "real" face and a deep fake?

as I type, the hackers are blocking letters and deleting as I type. Computer capabilities for thwarting real humanity and for encouraging criminality are so immense--since I am continuously forced to have to be exposed to this type of computerized refabrication of reality and it's effects of discredting and targeting and "gaslighting", I have to reconsider how much of my own credibility and personality has been constructed due to the immensity of the technology available. That problem also includes the automatic belief generated in the influencing factors that the viewers are prone to digest and believe, and then act upon. It is integral to the targeting, personality assassination and absolute discrediting of the target being "stalked" terrorized, targeted and essentially it's the precursor to the eventual murder of the target. In the Queen Latifah tv show (it's akin to a soul-searching, political activist turned rogue on CIA exploits and performing deeds of conscience to defend innocents against a corrupt system. One such person was an innocent bystander to a murder who was then artificially-inserted into a grainy surveillance tape at a convenience store back alley. In this tv show the premise that a an image of a human being can be altered so greatly that clothing and face can be artificially inserted onto an "actor" performing a crime or deed. In the tv show, a white male who shot a target in the back alley of a convenience store was altered by "deep fake" technology into appearing as the dark-sinned Latina who was in the alley doing her clean-up chores for the store. I have to seriously wonder if such a switch of entire body size, height, hair, face and movement can be so artificially sliced into footage to appear as absolutely real and natural?

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