Monday, March 29, 2021

My very first Academy Awards/Oscar predictions. Hackers made such a complete mess of my post that I have had to try to copy and paste the entire text in the next post above this one--this is UNREADABLE BELOW but I won't delete it or change it. Through this post you can see my utter frustration at trying to navigate the blocks hackers put on my every attempt at the most simple functions this computer should very easily perform in less than 30 seconds. 30 minutes later I have finally been able to accomplish a simply copy-and-paste operation of a few paragraphs from Facebook. Please read it above this post, but otherwise the below is a sheer example of how badly I am under attack, how my posts and body and brain are ALWAYS under very subtle or overt attack as I attempt to write, publish or get anything out that is clear-headed and concise. I try to get through it but it's been hacked so badly I can't get through it even to correct it. sO MUCH HAS BEEN DELETED AND BLOCKED. THE CENSORSHIP AND SILENCING CONTINUES while these same people I write of below continue to profit in millions off what they have stolen from me in concept or idea and the money handed to them for using technology to torture ideas out of someone and etc etc. Please see next post for another "clean" attempt to copy and paste what I am trying so hard/nearly impossible to copy and paste from Facebook. ---When I actually watch the Academy Awards fully that will also be a first. I have never watched a complete showing of these awards (or any such types of awards). Thus, you can bet that my awards for this post are most rancorous and dripping with a coating of golden venom for the statue of Oscar that B-actor model replica that I will cancel in this post.

I have now just clicked on the font size tab 4 times in a row and finally this is printing out at some size that is not of the tiniest size that it's unreadable. No font size functions actually operate except for the largest. I cannot review this blog any longer as hackers have completely blocked every access to my blog and it's not being published on the web any longer (if it ever was, but they worsened all the attacks upon me and my writing in the last two months). I then Laughingly bring what I have tried to write brought to you by: me. Paid for in full by Torture, Ltd (GmbH) *the co-sponsors to Today's awards commentary by Moi. The attacks are so infuriating that I can't even write without becoming almost insane from the attempt to make it light and fun. This was intended to be a well-written satire. In this endless attack form with all the tech I am veering off even formalities of attempting to be witty and sardonic into the far-off silliness that the mind control subliminal haters are inflicting into my brain. THis is now almost one hour of trying to copy and paste the post that I finally did post above. The rest is just another example of how badly I am brain-manipulated into silly incoherency while trying to write something funny instead of endless hate ranting which has been the bulk of my posts for years. The attacks are very serious and absolute proof of what this group has in store for the planet once they have an iron grip on your privacy and the lack thereof using this technology--after they steal all they can from you that is, after they make movie after movie about how gregarious, wonderful loving and compassionate they are and how much they are fighting for justice as the underdog class and always for your fight for Democracy and Freedom. All controlled by Imperialistic infiltrators in the H-wood awards ceremonies, and so, please read my next post which I finally did copy and paste in entirety after writing and complaining in this post as I am now. I think perhaps one of the people doing the surveillance has perhaps gotten my alarm and has stopped the block to my computer because I was finally able to do it after an HOUR of trying to copy maybe 6 paragraphs that probably comprise 3-4 pages of double-spaced typed pages--if that much.



From Facebook today, written under a most serious mind control program that is always blasted into my brain while I am at this laptop surfing around to find out what more criminal activity I can identify in connection to my situation and in the world in general. Top awards for best criminal enterprise movie stuff/fodder mind control bs for 2020 goes to:


(first a little important segue and public concern notice):

What has come out due to hacker interference is mostly unreadable but my brain is in a state of dizzy dysfunction due to the further attack upon my cognitive processes by these evil and corrupt terrorists aiming sophisticated technology while hackers are just blocking functions, deleting words, rewritintg and etc etc.

*Please note that for this post, not only did hackers delete words while or after I typed, but also attacked my brain with brainwave altering technology. I tried to read what I had written and it was as usual made chaotic by hackers and this mind control tech always putting me into a spinning mode while sitting still and dizzy and nearly fainting after fighting to type for much longer than it should take me if not blocked or hindered by this terrorist operation.

THE HACKING IS SO BAD that I can't open any pages on this laptop without having to wait for the page to stop being frozen, as I then re-read what I have written and words like "really/actually" are added in repeat fillers for sentences that ramble on because commas and periods are also removed as these words are added *by terrorist hackers. Also my brain and body are under strenuous attack as I am literally dizzy with the sensation of being spun around for more than one minute as I fight to type against hacker blocks to keys and etc. My thoughts are jumbled always and thinking in a linear and complete fashion is made impossible by the stream of subliminals thatmust be poured into my subconscious by this nefarious technology and it's blasting effect on cognitive functioning and writing and all expression


*I am now struggling to copy and paste what I had written on Facebook repeatedly, this is the 9th time attempting to copy and paste here as hackers are blocking functions completely so every attempt is erased as soon as I paste. Every click of the cursor is met with frozen inaction. What I finally copied and pasted below has not only been partially deleted but then rearrenged so half is deleted from the left-hand margin--the exact paragraph that I had written on Facebook has already been deleted and I cannot find it anywhere on the already badly hacked post that has been completely rewritten, redacted and turned into an unreadable mess by some creep hacker doing as much damage as possible. As soon as I highlight even one word the hackers stop the function and I cna't even copy and paste or get what comes out into the writing I had actually written.  Every attempt to do anything on this laptop is now blocked to the point of sitting waiting for the page to stop freezing.  I am now into the 9th time of trying to copy and paste a few paragraphs onto this blog--which is blocked by the terrorist operation hacker system anyway and CENSORED by the same people who bring you these movies about how loving and wonderful they are about caring about minorities and the like whom they crush as often as possible in the real world of non-edited technocratic unreality that they are pursuing to turn into a virtual reality so that all reality other human beings they hate and want to see crushed and servicing them--the minorities and et al--can be technologically and drug-interfaxce edited and controlled--by them of course.

Now I must try again to copy and paste and as soon as I highlight the entire series of paragraphs I wrote the hackers delete or what copies here is nearly invisible--the words are so opaque that you can't read the text. I keep trying for the 9th time now to copy and paste what I know I will eventually be able to get copied below. What creeps these creeple are attacking me, but of course, I now make jest at their movie awards for which they are attacking me non-stop to "win" or infiltrate through their eager American agents or they are just part of the terror cartel who have formerly participated in this attack upon me and are now "winning" top awards as usual, year after year the same ones. Some of the reasons for this never-ending set of Nazi movie award seasons is barely copied and pasted below, barely typed out due to hacking inserts and deletions, and barely thought out in a coherent fashion due to my brain being put under siege by brain-altering tech blocking whatever and inserting whatever--I can't tell the difference as the target while under the influence of this technology.


OSCAR PREDICTIONS 2021. Not for the politically-incorrect who are the usual suspects reading my posts by hacking and then stealing ideas or torturing me for writing something that questions their mind control censorship totalitarian authoritarian regime:

When I finally copy and paste what I had written, the hackers have inserted parts of this commentary about how bad the hacking and rewrites are inbetween parts of the paragraphs--when I try to correct and delete what they have made a complete mess, they block my highlighting or deletion efforts.
My Attempt to copy and paste this set of paragraphs, number 10 in the last 15 minutes. Now, even though I have set the font at the "large" size, the hackers are blocking that function as well. I have to copy and paste what took me over 15 minutes to copy below, and to highlight it so I can enlarge it from the tiniest print is now taking as long due to even sentences being blocked from being copied so I can enlarge them. The interruptions and hacking has increased in the last few months until it's very hard to even surf the internet and I have not had normal surfing speed for over a decade and that was while I was in Germany and even that was slowed down. The block to my functioning bodily and in society is such a full-scale operation of attack I can't even begin to type here and get this out or copy and paste. Regardless, I have to keep on wasting time to get this out because I have not seen any parodies of these awards and someone has to do it--everyone else is so compliant and accepting of all they are told to call great and wonderful like these movies and their actors and what and who is behind the multi-billion dollar enterprise in mind control and political propagandthat these movies really are:


Best Film:

MY choice is the Two English actors and a group of others playing Americans on trial in Chicago. It probably won't win best but it's my choice because of the mixture of comic and serious themes, along with a variety of personalities represented and the well-done quality of the movie in general (cinematography and etc).
However, I doubt it will actually win the top award for Best Picture. I think the lamer choice will be something like the expected Nomadland because it's another recognition of the destitute and "forgotten" MAGALAND marginalized refabricated into meaning that has no reality. Always a favorite for propaganda brainwashing to let people know that they are not forgotten during a crisis where homelessness and wandering and wondering about the future is more endemic than the pandemic. However, that probably won't win either. The toss between the English-lead actor movie about a black and white rendition of boring movie replications from a long-gone past era of glamor and intrigue could "win", or, our favorite yearly winner in the teleportation terror circuit with his production studio probably will be the top winner as usual in a streak that is almost miraculously effected by the H-wood cartel choices awards.
Hint hint, The American Dream as lived out by comic Korean actors. Cute and cuddly, warm and fuzzy. Let's stop hating Asians. That's the propaganda pitch that probably will win out over the other themes. As for the punk movie: why did that English dude playing the American punk have to have "please kill me" and also a cockroach tattooed over his body like he's really stupid and a huge masochist also behaving like a minority minion slave to the blonde English actress also playing the American punkster who sings like a banshee from Scottland during a pre-menopausal phase of blood clotting. Oh the plot? Whatever. Won't win.

Best Actor: Not nominated but perhaps yet another English actor playing an American radical from a past era that has misappropriated by English Monarchist infiltrators into US H-wood media. A sure "winner" to be sure, surely.

Best Supporting actor: Lakeith Stanfield. Again, he probably won't win the award because he's too incredible as an actor. The award will go to most entrenched white supremacist/Illuminati/mafia/Nazi actor which would be the old man from wales who is a goat in disguise/or, The award will probably go to Kaluuya because he's an ENGLISH actor playing a radical American and that's the point, the co-opting of American rebellion by the English monopolistic monarchy.

ed a lead role in the movie that the terrorist teleporting me, with his associations into English Monarchy and this connection from H-wood exploiting me. She's American but is well established into the sell-out pro-English mob fob that people think is so ultimately fab but it's just gobshite. She's probably going to win not only for her English servility and servitude as a blonde curvaceous and younger woman, thus cutting out the rest of the older ones. There is the other blonde woman who played a seductress and was funny about it, she's a contender but her connection to Royalty is just too outer zone from the epicenter of the EU established hierarchy to win top prize.

Best international film: probably wilBest dish served cold for the after party for the multi-million billion dollar event: mind meat balls served with creamy oyster sperm floatsam jetsam.
No alcohol will be served for the event because everyone is already high on power and promotions and huge millions of dollars in tips and deals and bribes and bought and sold people and categories.

Best Actress will probably go to the youngest blonde who is the most associated with English infiltrators: Seyfried. She playl go toDenmark during this time of the last vestiges of the MAGA influence upon the mind control film industry. Denmark a most Nazi country. ANy film will do, as long as it represents the white supremacist country closest to Germany but not exactly labeled as such (to disguise the real Nazi element controlling the outer circles of the mostly English control over the English-speaking media conglomerate, Ltd (GmbH ha ha in the background pushing the envelopes and awards really).

Best Documentary: something really uplifting about a depressing situation where injustice is being fought and heroes are fighting for the under dog. Whichever one wins, the formula always used by H-wood will be a repeat offender for best doc category. The more miserable the brown or black skinned victims and under dogs are, or whatever category (women, another top contender for victim award status when it comes to righteous portrayal denoting that the film industry in general at these top levels of money are so worried about the violence that they really are endorsing behind their grind viewpoints of the carnage that they fully sponsor with their "Dark money" partners in politics and in terrorist organizations (the people attacking me out of H-wood ARE TERRORISTS ACCORDING TO THE LEGAL AND DICTIONARY DEFINITION OF THE WORD).

Best adapted Screenplay: obviously. The Englishman's script making fun of America.

Actress in a leading role: probably Andra Day and she deserves it. BLM during 2020 is another factor in handing out at least one top award to a "black" performer. Not that Ms. Day does not in any way deserve anything lesser whether BLM made a huge impact on decisions and appearances and being politically correct in H-wood. However, as I have not seen two of the other films I can't judge so I leave it as a political choice to honor BLM--but also Ms. Day was at top level. However, I can't pick between the others for the reason just stated. I also have not viewed the films above that I made mention of in entirety. Some of them were so boring I could not get through them, or I found the motifs annoying and how I interpreted the symbolism made viewing the movies unpalatable after a certain point. None of the movies above caught my attention to the point that I was transfixed and animated with delight or any strong emotion except for mundane boredom at the annoying stage of discontent. If you want a more comprehensive review, go to pages where people are being paid to present their opinions and must sound like they are respectful of that stuff being presented who are not also thrust into the pit of the actor's unguilded guile as I have been for years.

What else? More categories (I swear, this post is surely the MOST FUN I have ever had in connection to any of these awards shows or moments in history--I spent most of my life not even knowing what the awards were or when they were being held and I have never watched an entire awards show from beginning to end-and only a bit of Golden Globes mostly fast-forwarding only to assess the perpetrator terrorists in H-wood and to analyze the situation and how, who and what and why (journalist questions for my study on what the hell was/is going on regarding my situation).
This is the most fun I have ever had, this post, in connection to H-wood awards ceremonies, and I am having fun even if either no one is reading this or the terrorists want to inflict more terror upon me for expressing an opinion that they want to steal ideas from but then torture me for not being just blank, dumb and happy about all these crappy movies and the infiltration aspect and the co-opting of American rebellion by the English and the Nazis and etc.
and all these corrupt contracts flying about around me with these buzzing celebrities trying to suck out all my nectar and life force for their farce of appearing that they care for yet another season of movie awards according to politically-correct "woke" themes>?!

Thus, I also thought of this very funny meme: Wank is playing a Yank
who is really a skank
he stank from his gin and tonic
as he slew the chronic slavic
vying for top role as blonde Nazi iconic

Best Director: the toss-up between the American production company that has been so tied to my torture situation, oncremore this year offering yet another year of downtrodden upstart minority movie themes: the kindly but discriminated against minority in America who must rise from the ashes of stereotyping and racism and sexism and homophobiaism gism. Always a winning theme produced by people welcoming in every Nazi bigot from Europigapeland to come in and infiltrate America with Nazi culture with death squads and gang stalking--always a winning combination for top awards categories while depicting how fair and honest Americas are when it comes to minorities rising out of the ashes of racism. However, there is yet another more direct movie theme which must be pitted against the English lead role character once more, as has happened so often this year in all top movie categories: the English playing an American and co-opting the culture--with the English-connected American blonde Nazi actress playing a most convincing blonde blondeshell fail but still a racist movie about the good ole days of the Silver Screen (reminiscent of the pre-BLM movement, nostalgia at it's very hard core racist disguised as a fun comedy about old time echoes of when the divide was unspoken and understood between black and white. And lo and behold, it's a black and white movie about the good old days--when black was held in check with threat of lynching as the underpinning of interpretation of reality. Lynching also is metaphorical and not literal. The movie just reminded me of a very badly acted reminder of days when all the lines were clear in society. The cinematography was very excellent and charming. I applaud the photography for that film.

As for the other categories, that is all "shop" stuff which I am not even vaguely familiar with. I have not seen many of the films that are up for editing or costume design so I can't judge and this post is mostly focusing on the internal politics of the unpolitically incorrect apolitical partisan film follies for 2021

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...