Friday, March 26, 2021

Meanwhile, I continue to have to try to heal the nightly burning/peeling away layers of my skin on my toes that the terrorists inflict while I am being teleported to hate and "trauma" torture skits so my consciousness is not in my prime body but instead teleported elsewhere as they cut into my prime body and rape and abuse and insult my ephemeral teleported twin body (which is lacking in some essential physical capabilities like vision and sensation and awareness, like being in a dazed tunnel vision and I suspect much of this is due to, in part, from the technology narrowing field of vision and acuity). I know NONE of you reading this either will do anything or cares to do anything to stop; this crime against me. That they are dismembering me is apparently of no concern for anyone reading my posts and the guilty are left to be promoted for doing this series of hate crimes while they are stealing all ideas they can from my writing. They are praised for it. I am innocent I have committed no crime either against them or against society except for wanting to compete and not willing to back down when insulted, threatened, raped and robbed. They just want absolute compliance and it is a shame to US society that so many others comply to this system of discrimination, torture, and murder.

I am still going to write about this even though none of you does any single thing to stop this. The smug gloating smiles of the bigot Nazi women who watch as I get deformed and mutilated nightly--scars are now all over my body, covering every inch of my skin and body and my legs are crooked, the bones are literally crooked. Every toe has been broken, part of my uterus has been cut out, my fingernails on two fingers are now almost dead and I can't use them due to YEARS of metal objects inserted underneath the cuticles every single night without exception so the nerve endings have literally been severed completely--and nails are in shreds and won't grow back. My toes are now being cut to the bone and have been every night for months--that is making me paralyzed but none of you can give a damn or a cent to help me live in safety instead of this enforced poverty.  Half of my hair has been chemically-treated out and is been in a half bald state for over 4 years due to the endless attacks on my body. For 2 decades or probably more like 3 my hair has been smothered with damaging chemicals night after night. My arms and legs are covered with scars, spider veins from creeps going into my room while I am comatose and teleported who pound do hard on my legs that the capillaries explode. My spine and hips have been put out of alignment since I was very young and my vertebrae has been fractured in two areas of my spine and my spine is completely crooked from the hardening poisons which have pulled my spine out of alignment. They also caused vertebrae to not only fracture but to stick out in one area (after a surgery to "correct" the curvature). 

They have been cutting into my teeth after nearly crushing them out after they forced an accident--and for over a year they cut into the gum tissue to make the teeth fall out--I sleep with packaging tape covering my face to try to stop this, tape wound around every toe, my feet and all over my arms and legs. I have made a sleeping cap with many layers and two clasps--they open the clasps and then insert these nodules onto my skull to use the teleportation hell of abuse and hate they have forced upon my sleeping state for--at least a decade but probably much longer. I wonder if I have had a real dream for most of my life at this point.

What is my crime that for decades and decades people in huge seething with hate groups have forced this upon me and while others are may be against it have been aware  of this and yet never stop it?

The answer to that question is that the racism of this group is so over-arching that they want to create a death torture and rape prison system where people appear in a normal state of living yet are being put into prisons because they represent a threat to the bigot system to so many others participate in for their security and comfort. As I watch the millions of people in the news being disenfranchised due to the pandemic I can see the years of people who have attacked me now suffering due to the huge increase in wealth that the creeple who are teleporting and torturing me are swimming in wealth due to the profit that they have amassed during this crisis. I see clearly that there is a correlation between the complicity of the pawns and the death system that finally engulfs them but they remain trying to go back to more worshipping the wealthy who have obtained their wealth from posturing, lies, bs and death squad activities. Glamorized and offered plastic surgeries and luxury imagery they remain as if in a bubble of entitlement and the more vicious their attacks are the more they are protected and shielded and the more they are idolized by the public. I wrote months ago and then even more recently that I believe that the virus is a de-population program designed by criminal fascist Nazis (I did not write all this out explicitly exactly in that line of thinking but in that same vein--as my words always come out in hacked rambling but all the words are combined in the mixed-up paragraphs that hackers destroyed nevertheless). I believe that Elon Musk is definitely behind much of the death and  his technology is being used to create genocide after genocide--his technology of brain/body computer interface is tied to his endless participation in this crime against me--with all the microchip implants and all the drugging and all the groups helping to thwart my every move and activity, keeping me in a prison being deformed, robbed, raped tortured and slowly poisoned and abused to death.

And he's smiling hugely now--his factor in China that opened just the month or a month prior to the onset of the virus seems to be that he could so easily, with his technology--spread this virus through air-borne sources of his technologies and in the end--he's the richest man on the planet. If people think that this smug greaseball is anything but the most vicious and deadly and sinister CEO of a huge technological death machine they had better think just a bit more on the really dark side of the people who are being put in control over technology, who then become media stars who are put on red carpets along with celebrities (who mostly are part of the Nazi and Mafia cartels--those I have met)

and of course, this blog is being censored who is reading my post but the very pig apes who are the hyenas who are inflicting all this hate upon me--because they want another Holocaust and another genocide and this technology is just the portal to the ways and means of disseminating more hate and more violence with the aim of creating localized death chambers into each pod of every living target's private space instead of carting them off in trains to death camps. Or mass graves or trenches where they are shot. This is a clean way of killing targets while all appears like a normal death. Well, they all know this, you all know this, and so I remain writing about this to their delight, being now blocked from publishing what was left of this blog which was never put on Google dashboard instead it was always blocked--but even what little was blocked is now completely blocked because of a fascist Nazi actor who has infiltrated so completely that the "Radical liberals" as the Repuglicans call them are in a debt of gratitude for helping them to appear like good ole boys for the Nazi network as they begin their fresh assault on Democracy for the next new term--California of course getting a huge bulk of the money that "The American People" actually need but the wealthy need it more for their endless exploitation and their need to push for electronic means of genocide and oppression and murder. Thus I remain so censored and the future victims are fully engrossed in helping the exploiters because they assume that the benefits and incentives and the joy of attacking someone else instead of them being the eternal victim--well, they assume they are now part of the power structure and are "safe". How many of these types have participated in this attack upon me and how many of you reading this are part of that group of future victims of the death that your good "friends" in this hate group will eventually inflict upon you or your descendants, once you finally hand them all obedience and subservience and all you can give heart, body and soul for them to suck out with your willingness and complete permission?



Why has no one ever informed me of my status or openly ever defended me?

Why is NO ONE coming to defend Democracy or Freedom yet the people attacking me can only blather about how they are fighting to do just that? Why is it that Nazism has only increased for the past 4 years and why is it that everything I have written of warning people about in connection to the end results of this technology and the creeple associated with--all has come true, yet I am not only silenced absolutely and discredited but also what I write is STOLEN and then adapted to the Big Lies that they all put out-these actors and politicians and media mind control constructs (they are very talented at what they do, out of all of these people attacking me I would have to say that the mind influencers even on YouTube are very well-informed and work probably the hardest and certainly are much more capable than the performing con artists in H-wood). As for the politicians, they are more elusive and I don't know how hard they work but you can see clearly that the news anchors work diligently and hard and should not be so criticized even if they may be fake (some of them).

I can respect them for the sheer amount of well-done product moreso than the actors who receive millions upon millions of dollars for muttering lines from scripts who turn around to be handed every top position because they are presenting a false reality of hipness but fully welcoming in every exploiter from Europ-a-land possible if they can get a mutual huge deal or mansion or promotion out of it. It's just so endlessly sickening to have to see this as I am a kind of purist who believes that actually caring about the values of a free and Democratic society should be of prime importance to the qualifications for putting those held in high esteem to actually defend and support. 

I am always chagrined at their criminal and hypocritical stance and the corruption and the ugliness that they are truly enhancing onto the planet. The movies are very bad as well, for the most part. I am incapable of truly writing unless I get off the laptop, and then if I hand write my body is attacked with nervous system attacks so my hand clenches up and I cannot write as it becomes shaky to keep my hand steady--it becomes impossible after about one page of hand writing while my brain is under attack anyway.

If I were to try to obtain a kind of tape recorder to try to just vocalize my thoughts, it may improve this situation a bit, I know that every electronic attack is probable and that would also be broken or destroyed or blocked. 

No one ever does anything anyway. You all think this is great you all love these haters they love you. They want to force a BABY on me and that is a hate situation that you all love apparently too.

These haters love to watch me turn from a happy and loving person endlessly emitting the hate that they pump into my every moment with their swaths of hate people doing hateful things while they laugh and love every minute of it--as all or most of you do too, apparently. 

What will it take for anyone to ever protect me against this group of hate? They keep having their most ugly and hateful sinister stupid minions put babies in front of me at every turn around every aisle in every store there is some idiot with a baby--the sign of their further exploitation of me from these hate and ugly, most undeserable rotten parasitic rapist pig ape hyena whores and their even more insidious rotten whore females accompanying them--who are all "feminists" who want "equality" and "freedom" to be in top executive positions as well, as long as the "black" minions know their place, far below them idolizing them and fully laughing with glee alongside them when they attack me or some other target--even if that means their own children or friends. 

And so, I appeal to this world that if there is anybody out there who is not some skank creep attacking me, please get them and their baby demands off me--my only sensation concerning them is that I wish them utter destruction and will never want anything for them but death--that is the amount of violence they have committed against me and all I can feel for this group of rotten cesspool crap by now.

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