Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Disenchanted movie review of Mrs. America and The Trial of the Chicago 7 (Mr. Sondheim, you did a pretty good job of writing but nevertheless, you neglected to mention the anti-war sentiments of the time).

Ms. Steinem is happy she has been put into two film productions in the last year! However, as a bystander, I am not happy about Mrs. America which, like the actors out of England and Australia who play lead roles in this rendition of American feminism and I should add the opposition (the Australian played the role of Schlafly, badly done, because like the others I mention, she has no clue whatsoever as to what she is portraying and that is the point of her being put in this lead role). Like all I mention in this post regarding these foreign actors playing American radicals: she, he, they, completely got it wrong to the point that I am offended greatly not just by the actors' performances but by the production companies and the film industry in general. This sentiment I write of today is Nothing new here today.  The many years of me writing about my experience of being teleported to "A-list" celebrities in this "experimental" teleportation torture situation, the entire spectacle of the movies they come out with after torturing me or stealing my ideas and adapting them to their fascist/Nazi controlled perspective,  to my perspective is a very ugly macabre distortion of the real beauty that these highly intellectual and sensitive real-life American radicals possessed who were also self-possessed in character and were not sloppy clowns or stoic but vacuous antagonists. These foreign-controlled (ostensibly, with foreign actors playing lead roles portraying Americans)  productions with their elaborate costumes and make-up and fake acting (horrid acting in my opinion) can't begin to try to portray the stark reality of the real era, the real people and thus, completely castrating the effect of the radicalization that these fighters engaged in.

Really serious American maverick activist versus status quo English clown performer (but good actor in some instances).

Horrid acting, horrid portrayal, horrid accent, otherwise good actor in one film I have watched--horrid example of the English co-opting America and the radical elements as they put their mushy and weak (political) actors in lead roles for highly controversial American political agitators and activists. Here is one example I wrote of last week, and I made a prediction that this actor Kaluuya would probably win some award based on the fact that he's English and this movie was a theft of American culture and that the rigged Golden Showers Awards is an foreign press theft and domination of American culture (and politics). 

Badly performed, horrible accent, inauthentic, a complete watered down version BUT WON BEST ACTOR and voted in by fascist Nazis and their black nazi minority minions posing as art critics, called "governors" of this awards voting. This English actor re-killing the real activist in his portrayal is also connected to another black male who has been a part of this attack system on me--who stole an idea, modified it to his movie theme, and then with other blacks in Whorewood participated in this crime against me. This actor as far as I know has not personally been present in the teleportation hate attacks, but then again, he may have as there are rows of these people observing while I am assaulted in every way by these "actors" and their producers, assistants, children, spouses, lovers and other wanna-be's participating. The circuitous route of one predator attacking me to the next is an endless loop of who-is-connected-to-whom in this never-ending concentric set of circles that have attacked me out of this Whorewood throng. That they are stealing the identities of people whose concepts they are actually anathema towards in real life further insults the spirit of the revolutionary people and their concepts.

As for the legitimacy of the acting when it comes to victimization, anyone can pull some memory of having been slighted to portray a victim or racism, sexism or any other "ism" (this can also apply to whites who believe they are supreme). 


BUT THIS IS WHAT IT WAS ALL ABOUT, BABY, BACK IN THE 60's. These actors I made mention of above (and many others throughout all these years of me writing about my H-wood experiences of being teleported to thugs who are put into multi-million dollar lead roles year after year, who are pawns of the fascist, Nazi take-over of the United States) they have no clue as to the mentality, the urgency and the death facing these activists they portray in these dumb, glossy movies. The actors: they sport around in sports cars and in mansions and are corrupted, bigoted sleazy prostituted essentially (for many) underqualified for any elevated spiritual, intellectual or radical role. With all their blown-out-of-proportion wealth from all these royalties, and their endless deals they are offered,  they are fat (metaphorically speaking), contented and winning million dollar contracts and they are supporting further racism in these watered down roles, written by white males who are fully a part of the fascist nazi circus mind control circuit.



I have just re-edited for the fourth time. My brain feels like I'm spinning around--the same sensation of being spun around while trying to type is what I experience and with the hacking blocking keys and output and my brain under other motor skills blocks, this has come out like a scattered attempt to write. I realize that hackers continue to delete parts of sentences and that, just from the paragraph above, huge gaps are left in meaning due to these hacker rewrites and deletions. At this point I feel ill from all the attacks upon my body and cannot go further rewriting and deleting and fighting the hacking and rewrites so I will leave the rest as is below. Any gaps in meaning and typing and grammar are due to this terrorist attack upon my brain and laptop.

I will copy paste the ideas I wrote earlier from my Facebook page (it's posted on this page below)--I had intended to write a very short statement but it diverted into a relative theme on mind control. I also got the name of the movie wrong, as I  had juxtaposed Mrs. America with The Glorias. I am under strict mind control every time I write and my brain is being hindered to having maybe 30% or more reduction in memory and cognitive ability to think clearly or write. The hacking remains absolutely a hindrance preventing even relatively quick typing speed. My hands/brain are under attack so I can't move my hands and the keyboard is dysfunctional due to hacking. All these factors contribute to this post not being at the level I truly would like to access from my real capabilities. I have no idea how badly hackers are going to delete/redact or otherwise rewrite my post after I publish. I doubt I will re-read and go back to find out. This is so hard just to pound out and backspace and correct constantly that I am not going to rewrite the incorrect reference to The Glorias--but every time that show is mentioned (I never watched it, I only saw a review of it--but I have loved Julie Taymor's work in the past so I can only say it is probably much more aligned with what I appreciate than the movie Mrs. America---).

Under so much surveillance and subsequent torture by this organization, I have to walk on "egg shells" when I write, and thus that stymies my ability to really write (and hacking blocks the rest).

This is thus a very short and unelaborate sense of the frustration with what I deem to be the Imperialistic enterprise of the Monarchy inserting it's big foot into the brains of the American viewers. To inject their CLUELESS actors into roles that so weaken the force of the movements as to nullify them completely. The wardrobe departments from these films complete the jocular account as these horrid renditions of 60's fashion make the already badly informed actors look and appear so clownish that the entire spectacle, for anyone who is familiar with this time, area and the politics involved cringe with disgust at what an insult these movies are to the real, serious efforts and the seriousness to which these personalities applied the force of their lives into serious political change.

The very forces that these activists were aiming to eliminate have since taken over the movie constructs and revised according to a very cheap but effective form of reconstructing the narrative into a meaningless, shoddy fashion movie mind control exercise in completely obfuscating the intention of the revolutionary ideas that had been such a threat to these fascist, Nazi Imperialist bigot, fascist woman-hating (including the women involved in the effort) thuggery which has dominated the entertainment media (I suggest also the news media) for far, far too long.

One of the American actors who always plays an "anti-racist" character has participated in teleporting me along with outright racist white celebrities--her "friends". When it comes to attacking me somehow even though the whites make absolutely open genocidal Nazi statements to my face, the blacks present who profit off receiving top lead roles in movie-after-movie if they participate and defend the whites who are attacking/raping/torturing/disfiguring me through their proxy terrorist network--and if these blacks also steal ideas from me when I write and detail how the racism operates, which they do with no hint of understanding that they are actually racist and they are assisting in a racism of a most insidious nature in H-wood--they seem to consider what they are doing absolutely their entitlement and when I point out that they are acting like slaves on a plantation serving their white, bigot racist Nazi fascist masters, they attack me most viciously. They then get absolutely endless awards and celebrity status for these roles from their "efforts" at being programmed into fascist, racist torture technology and protocols. Behaving exactly like their "masters" in the movies and the discussions where they site centuries of slavery in their enraged shows, performances and singing/dancing performances against racism, nevertheless after they steal ideas from me, they turn around using the exact same system of racism but absolutely lie and deny everything they are doing. One of these has been featured in the Glorias movie, and that is also just the same thing as writing about a European as I truly would bet that this actor spends much of her time in Europe shopping and partying and living on the Riviera if possible--the golden arches of paradise all these Americans yearn to cross over the threshold of their American "low brow" status of not having fashion or grace of Europigapes they adore and worship who then hand them lead roles in movies if they learn to use technology to create an absolutely LETHAL RACIST DEATH SYSTEM using this technology upon me as the prototype for future hate crimes and genocides and brainwashing and mind control operations to completely STOP ALL ACTIVISM AND TURN IT ALL AROUND INTO A SHODDY CLOWNISH FASHION STATEMENT.


That one of them won top actor award for his portrayal of a black activist out of America--when I watched a few minutes of this English actor I had to stop watching the movie in disgust for reasons stated above: it watered down the meaning, the actor had the wrong accent (as did the other English in the Trial of the Chicago 7--who played this Jewish activist--his fake accent was more like a Boston dialect of wealthy privilege more than how the real personality both spoke and also how he wore his clothing, which was not comical nor was his demeanor or speech--but this English actor turned all into a farce and disrespect for this now-deceased leader--who is supposed to have committed suicide but others who knew him believe it was another COINTELPRO ASSASSINATION.


What I wrote today on Facebook:

In the last year I have been--not surpised, and unsurpisingly dismayed--that three actors out of England (one comes from a colony of England) who have been selected as representing American POLITICAL ACTIVISTS in movies that have either won awards or high esteem by, either people who have no clue and thus put other people who have no clue about these types of personalities and the time and it's zeitgeist--or they are deliberately co-opting and watering down, making comical and much weak and ineffectual the movements. All of these movies involve the Chicago and Illinois region, where I grew up (two hours drive South of Chicago, at the University of Illinois where I met and encountered many a Chicagoan and was friends--best friends--with people from that city).
Not a single actor who portrayed these political mavericks from the 60's-70's even remotely portrayed the energy, the personality or demeanor or even ACCENT and definitely missed the mark FAR AND WIDE for the POLITICAL CONTENT which was gone, like plastic vegetables dressed up with comical clown outfits supposedly representing the time fashion as well. They wore everything wrong, spoke wrong, acted wrong, their accents were horrible and they won awards for this.
Australia and England, this is where these ersatz actors hail from.

My theme for years has been the absolute take-over of America by these foreign powers through this very mind-controlling portal of H-wood and it's multi-national conglomerate interests, which range from purely fiscal policy to every kind of mind programming manipulation possible over the mentality of the United States, and thus, panned out to the rest of the planet that has access to these then turned-into streaming movies for more consumption.

I was there--my parents were activists--were part of the academic "hippie" anti-war movement. I was at demonstrations against the Vietnam War, in my baby stroller. I lived in a house where my professor father held student parties, very often, with people thronging to my house to listen to The Beatles and pass joints around discussing how to protest the war. My parents were filmed in front of an air force base just outside of the city with a huge group of protestors in 1968 or thereabouts (a year later or earlier).

I know the energy. I know the time frame and I was around this very set of activists who come from the Chicago region and were familiar with ALL of these movements. My mother was photographed with her arm around Gloria Steinem.

These British and Aussies who have nothing in common in any respect, either personally or their weak and ineffectual portrayal in these movies is a BETRAYAL of what actually was a pivotal era of change and counter-culture thought and political action. It is no wonder that me and my family are victims of targeting and mind control.
However, to have to remain silent in the face of more actors who are all "friends" with these other so-called "actors" is more of the tyrannical fascism that these real activists who were supposed to be portrayed were descrying in their pre-post arrest/assassination (through these covert murder operations such as what I am writing about aimed at me) and all that was being fought for, these actors are in fact enabling because I know that they are familiar with what is going down with me.

The "Jewish" actors in the movie about the Trial of Chicago were dressed like CLOWNS because they wore the costumes like dopey clowns to begin with. This is because one of the actors essentially IS a clown in his acting and his smutty movie material belies any real depth in terms of political or meaningful content.

As for the women who played Steinem, they were likewise a JOKE and INSULT to the movement, the personality of Steinem, and the utter SERIOUSNESS that these real activists carried with them in their lectures and their actions.

I want to add after having gotten off the internet for 30 minutes, that in this interim I have "remembered" the ideas I was writing and literally got lost fighting to correct and backspace while my brain was under a severe "mind control" attack so I stopped writing the thoughts in mid-sentence while fighting to correct and pound out letters which were being blocked. (as my hands would not move to keys, and the attacks are going on right now as well).
This year has been a most dramatic example of the "conspiracy theory" that I have posited for years, that H-wood has been over-run by Imperialists (as in the English man connected to the English Monarchy who has stolen verbatim ideas, sentences and concepts from me and then tried to murder me and has endless subliminals of "shut up stupid bitch" and poisoning and my brain is rendered blank while terrorist agents in stores assault and insult me and I can't "understand" what is going on. I lose at least 30% of my higher cognitive functioning during these attacks, which also occurs while I write. The hackers do the rest of making my attempts to convey very much obsolete.

I have written for years that these actors sit with clipboards in their laps when they teleport me, asking me for concept after concept which later they hand over to the English or their foreign promoters or endorsers, who then back the productions for these movies using ideas they have stolen from me--while having me mutilated, raped, disfigured, poisoned to the point of disability and nearly paralyzed state both physically and mentally. They then call me "stupid" and in public all I can do is fight to not succumb to the endless slurs, insults and attacks by terrorist sales agents while my brain is rendered mostly incognizant of how the attacks are continuously going on around me and directed at me. However, as I am trying to write, while I write this block is going on. My ideas are still stolen because I think them but then, as my thoughts can be read and documented by these brain hackers, the ideas remain intact for purposes of theft, but I cannot then convey them. The ideas materialize as movie themes, concepts and literal quotes from what I have either written or even thought.

This ties into the English (and other country Imperialist, fascist Nazi and Mafia goons) who have taken over these awards ceremonies, award those who are the most adept at performing racist hate acts (especially blacks who identify with elitist culture and that also includes every other "minority" but in my case, it's especially prominent with blacks as they are being tested to continue a most racist program but become leaders by manipulating people into thinking that racism is being fought by these ersatz "actors" and people of their industry levels.

The overtake of the United States is not a "home-grown" terrorism, thus, but it stems from a very wealthy and powerful international cartel. These awards are more awarding for stealing revolutionary ideas and then rendering them mute in terms of political activism. Taking over these movements, the trend backwards into a more staid and entrenched Imperialism can thus continue unscathed but appearing as if radical change and liberal concern for humanitarianism has prevailed instead.

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I am facing prison or all my money stolen or both for fighting to save my life. //I am faced now, by Social Security (but really by the 4th Reich celebrity-politico terror hate teams, your celebrities and Congressmembers who have raped, tortured and poisoned mutilated tortured and drugged me non-stop on a never-ending daily and nightly basis for over 15 years. Thousands of my posts and facebook posts have been for nought, I only have amassed endless opportunists waiting in line to get a chance to beat, abuse and rape and torture me to get their, their wives and children and friends' promotions that put them at the top of every list, every award for over 15 years this current situation has been a massive campaign to induct non-stop permission for torture sadism fascism Nazism Mafia criminality in the U .S. population through their usually non-elected "representatives". Who really choses the candidates or the non-stop rotation of the "celebrities" in the U .S. population, who just want it to be done for them for the most part, to be entertained in all things and they cheer on whatever stirs any emotion in them or sense of empowerment.//I, the victim, am being threatened with jail or prison and all my money taken because I saved more money than the $2000 allotment for my disability payment slot, which is the lowest possible for any recipient in the United States to survive on. It is impossible and also I was being denied health care and being murdered by the poisoning death squads. The murder has continued without end by the celebrities you all cheer on as they get paid in millions to promote the ideas and concepts they have stolen from my writings (I stopped writing concepts, then the pop singers steal phrases I write as do the politicians who rush to threaten me threaten violence and murder and some of them rape me--these are leading politicians in Congress plus three Presidents have openly joined in the closed situation. Because I was under non-stop poisoning, drugging, my internet constantly turned off every few seconds sometimes, every search is controlled so I get no pertinent information---and I was never informed that saving the Stimuls money would mean I would lose my benefits if I left that money in my account. Or, if I did g et the letter, I never received it because my mail is constantly being tampered with--. Because I had to fight for my life to get health care, literally I was dying, I went to a place where I could get life-saving treatment. Because the poisoning must be detected by MRI technology and Medicaid refused to even help me in any way, except some very weak ibuprofin and that was all I ever got on "health care" I had to go to a place so I could get what I needed t o fight the daily non-stop poisoning. I had student loans I saved and some other money from family. I did not know that Social Security could access all my banking information. I am not able to open an account where I am, and I was in such a state of torture drugging hysteria trying to get ANYBODY to help me, as no one ever has from the entire United States, I was not in a state of mind to be able to research the situation. I have spent years looking for anybody who really is against fascist Nazism in the media or in Congress by watching endless videos on YouTube and endlessly my internet was turned off, constantly and I could not and still cannot use the internet. I never knew that Social Security could access all my information in a bank. I was asked if I gave permission to view my direct deposit account, the agent approved of the intervew and told me everything was fine. He then cut my money off instantly the next day and ever since I phoned him, he "played" yet another game by viciously yelling at me and screaming and accusing me and demanding and yelling, telling me that he was going to take literally every cent in my bank account even what i need to live off this month--and then he may charge me more than I possibly can ever have. He also is such a deceptive abusive personality that he may try to have me in prison for not having exposed all my money, and other factors defying the rules for public assistance. I am on public assistance because I was put into an accident (by the microchip implant system in my back and by people attacking me, as my roommates drugged me and I was always and still always am in a drugged daze under "control" by subliminal "commands". I was put into a freak accident, my legs literally popped up 90-degress while I was running because my bus was late for work. I was encouraged t o "let's race" by some stranger woman who I began to run next to--drugged, under mind control. As I was running down a slippery wheelchair ramp on the sidewalk my legs literally popped up into a perfect 90-dgree--which is impossible "normally" because I have been a jogger and slipping and falling does not entail a 90-degree angle of my legs popping up like that). I was okay and a little bruised. I went to a party that night and danced, I felt a bit of numbness and pain. The next day, the metal rod attached to my spine was loose----I was in extreme pain, unable to move. I had to call in sick and was fired by the temp agency because I had been dancing the night before. I now know that my body was literallly fractured by the terrorist rapists and abusers w ho not only were my stranger roommates, but also they because like a mob violence situation after I was put into this state which is now my real life disability. I have since been. I was left without health care and 2 years later, the metal rod was coming out of my back-it was within one centimeter of coming out of my back where the hook had been loosened. The metal rod was installed by an abusive doctor in my high school years, and it was a "trick" rod where the metal hook could be sprung open, I suggest that is what they did. A few years after t hat, while sleeping, my lumbar vertevrae were fractured so badly I am permanently disabled as as result. T he team of celebrities and the other teams (all stemming from the same celebrities, as one of them has been coming agter me for more than 50 years, others for 30 years, etc) and the poisoning has not stopped. The daily torture t hat continues every day, the mutilation and drugging, continues every day--and I was not able to function and unable to get information unable to do research unable to function. I have been viciously physically and sexually assaulted by this German sleazy creep with the teams of celebrities spending over 8-10 hours per day, in staggered times per day, in the shower, while getting undressed commenting on my body having me raped and punched and slapped my home made filthy and nonstop attacked by people everywhere every minute in this room non-stop on all sides, while sleeping and every day.

  I tried to save my money for the inevitable crisis and to try to have some stability. I cannot open a bank account where I am. I saved my ...