Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Terrorist hacker report: opening two pages on one browser so far has not been accomplished after more than 5 minutes of staring at frozen screens with nothing happening. The hacking is so bad that if I click on more than one window the entire computer freezes for at least 2 minutes. Typing is as usual a mess of spaces inserted while I type, letters juxtaposing and my hands not being able to move as my brain is also under attack. The computer freezing completely has begun a few weeks ago, along with various other attacks, due to the NEXT person teleporting and attacking me adding to the YEARS of others inflicting their hate so they can also obtain free new promotions, deals and prizes for participation in this horrific crime against humanity--because it's not just a crime against me, but against every bit of liberty and justice anyone has ever fought for in the history of the planet. Not that any of you care, it appears. Each new multi-millionaire/billionaire celebrity and politician has to "add" a new set of attacks out of the endless circulation of attacks that the other celebrities/politicians have poured upon me for years. Each one gets a huge bonus and prize for adding more and more burden, hate and destruction heaped upon me by these people being handed every kind of free bonus and desired promotion for every single act of hate and sabotage and violence they inflict. How sick this entire organization is. Yet it's so popular. Now, back to the "new normal" as the situation of death squads and electronic torture continues until all goes back to pre-Insurrection days with the NEXT presidential administration allowing more politicians and celebrities to join on in, go on, just torture, rape abuse and use and you get more promotions and then get to play hero rescuing society from the ills of the last defunct administration (every four years a new script is played out with the same themes just different actors in politics, but the same old actors in H-wood playing the exact same roles. They are so intertwined that becoming an actor is a sure bet to winning top political office, against the qualities of Harvard graduates who have studied political science, for example). . That there is a connection between the Insurrection and this group teleporting me appears to be a complete blank for the politicians now participating whose lives were threatened and they participate as well. Oh well, they are "safe" now. It's so disheartening to see top politicians absolutely participate in these acts of anti-American terror heaped upon a lone individual. How near to the truth some of these "wacked" conspiracy theories about how criminal and psychopath some of these famous people are, how true the amount of criminality and psychopathic violence they are delighted to inflict really is, in actuality they really are what the conspiracy theorists were fighting to eliminate. Now that everything is going back to "normal", they continue to participate in teleportation and "gang stalking" death squad activities laughing like psychos and terror agents but turn around extolling the most virtuous platitudes of love and concern for the minorities and those affected by their previous policies that they now "regrettably" are rectifying, with rectal blathering of their wonderful goodhearted natures for cameras. How sickening that I am writing about this for years and they have still gotten away with all of this crime and that in fact, it is the US Government that is responsible for these acts of absolute racism, terror and death and murder continues to allow it to go on from one administration to the next, under the cloak of both major parties. Back to the internet terror, I must click on the "start" menu to either close the computer or open any other program such as skype and it requires clicking on this tab literally 6-8 times before it slowly pops up, nearly visible and just slowly, after waiting it finally comes up. Not that I have anything else to do because this group has blocked every single thing I could possibly do to achieve any single thing on this planet besides sitting around thinking of ideas that these loveless parasites can steal for their own claims of having original thoughts. I just heard someone literally quote my words verbatim once more--this time it was a news commentator, connected to the female who teleported me from NBC. It is a sick situation to be sure.

 And yet it is "the will of the people" and what they voted for. This is what the hundreds of thousands of people, or really it's been maybe a million or more people by now who are supposedly "normal citizens" who have participated in attacking me, if not more than a million, who want this situation to go on indefinitely and for people to be murdered using silent death technologies and stifled and blocked from participation and "winning" anything that could threaten these creeple and their theft of all top positions in all aspects of life. This is the dismal truth about this entire situation. This is what people want. I keep writing about these crimes and the criminals keep being promoted and obtaining highest positions in society for this egregious sleazy and sick protocol of torture and rape and violence, all supported by all law enforcement, and all condoned by all governments, and all participated by "society" at large in all walks of life, from the homeless up to the most wealthy--but ALL acting in the same disgusting manner regardless of wealth or status. In other words, all sickening psycho scumbag creeps acting like subhuman crap. If only people could see it that way, but somehow, this kind of disgusting behavior is deemed an "elite" status and people are clamoring to participate and get their new free deal too. Meanwhile, the planet is dying from global warming and I wonder also if there is a correlation between the utter subhuman traits these pig apes display when they are not beholden to putting up a fake facade of social sobriety and responsibility to other human beings. And more people are disenfranchised, homeless and dying and starving around the planet and more dictatorships are popping up and more women are being abused and more fascism and Nazism and hate is rising. I am only quoting the realities not elaborating on a sarcastic appraisal of what I associate with this group and their effect on the planet. 

I just have to sit here still writing about this endless disgusting group of crap forcing it's death and hate upon me and all animals I love and as they steal all they can, I sit here thinking that surely someone will at least stop them from trying to force a "baby" out of me. Please can anyone ever stop these filthy and sick people and their creep contract out on me, to have a "baby "with pig men who have tried to rape and torture me to death with their disgusting ape women laughing and participating watching as the men rape and abuse me? In teleportation I mean. Otherwise, they order people to insert mechanical arms into my room and slice my fingernails, toes off day after day, and my hair so damaged it appears like straw, with huge balding spots because they are chemically treating my hair completely off my head using some compound. I have fought for over 2 years to stop this and I am still fighting--having written about it for years. I have written over the years the names of these celebrities participating but I now have stopped writing their names because it appears that once I write their names they suddenly obtain many more huge promotions and deals. When I "ignore" them I believe they only get a short burst of these awards. Thus, some of the more cold-hearted "go getters" are using more and more violence in order to obtain a reaction. I sit here day after day detoxifying from extremely deadly poisons that this group of millionaires not only blocks all my health care needs from, steals my money and breaks the few items I have so I spend all my money on fighting to stop being raped and my property destroyed--but anyway, all I do is write about this because I am too ill every day to move. Today I spent the entire day sick and unable to move or get anything done because I eliminated more hard poison that came out in a sickness from the trapped poisons that have remained stagnating inside my body for DECADES. This has gone on for a decade with me detoxifying from poisons--so much poison has congealed into my body and hardened it is literally the truth that for a decade all I have done is try to get unfathomable poison out of my body--it literally has taken that long to get poison that was put into my body all my life. Not a day of exercise or stretching for years without end--so ill and all these pig apes do is torture me on a 24 hour basis with heart palpitations, everything blocked, my food poisoned (and disgusting things put in my food by these mechanical arms and my food is tainted, disgusting due to this group) and I just sit here reacting to this stress and abuse. Every night I am abused and tortured in these teleportation skits as well.The theme last night was about how "stupid" I am and this is done by people who are torturing me because they are too stupid to think of any original idea and too stupid to actually not be violent sleazy ignorant parasites in order to achieve anything on this planet because they are at the prime age of either going downhill in their careers--so they participate in this and the bigot Nazi network keeps handing the same endlessly coated people with the same lead roles--but they must prove that they don't give a damn about humanity while playing these heroic roles of saving the world and the political roles as well. 

Thus I sit here sick and needing rest, at least one person to communicate with who is not an enemy and my cat returned my own home in my  name money to live on--I realize that these parasites are part of a huge global effort to make millions of people disenfranchised so they can live in endless luxury and create so much misery that there is a complete divide between rich and poor. So many more people are suffering as a result of their policies, or the people they support from the last administration and the one before that and that prior to the last debacle administration. 

*Right now, hacking is so bad on the keyboard I am completely backspacing three times in a row to just get one single letter out).

Thus, my situation is just one more miserable case of the inhumanity and violence that this organization has created in the world, the swarms of desperate and homeless and dying has spiked in the last few years and I am another person who is joining the chorus of the disenfranchised. But for them to steal ideas from me and then torture me and try to murder me when I fight back and to block any potential for me to earn any single bit of survivable money ...

with me continuously writing about this for years and years and still my government is just an entire criminal bigot organization of hate and lies. 

And they represent "the people" who gleefully participate in the torture gangs and death squads and technological terror that this group is inflicting upon me--using their constituents as the street pawns performing the terror activities for this now emerging fascist Nazi State.


I still am unable to access this blog in it's published form. I have changed all my security settings to reset and default and still, a page appears claiming that there is a security problem and I must increase security levels. I have put high security as a result and the problem remains. It is all due to hacking terrorism. I can never, thus, access this blog in it's real format I can only get into this page through a more remote url instead of just logging in and being able to view the blog as it may appear to whomever is reading this. 

how long--how many years, how many people destroyed, what will it take for my government to NOT be a torture apparatus for special interest Nazi and other hate crime organizations, including the mafia? How long before crimes such as what I have been writing of for years are actually stopped by anyone or any organization or any government or any part of society?  Obviously almost everyone knows about these operations. I was kept so in the dark but around me everyone was participating. How can America have sunk to this very low level of abhorrent behavior and then kept it such a secret for decades upon decades?


and now, after this rant above, I clicked on SKYPE and it was frozen. I tried to open another window and that was frozen and didn't operate. I know that the creeple around me, the Thais and these rotten Europigapes who instruct them on the actions of fascist Nazis and Stasi and Russian KGB tactics are instructing them on how to stop being nice Thais and become fascist Nazis instead. The numbers of Thai people laughing as they perform hate deeds is astonishing but it's ubiquitous. Even the nicest of people in Thailand so easily switch within a fraction of a second into a nasty sleaze scumbag when they are instructed to do so by their Europigape fascists. But they are the ones blocking my laptop, due to the fascist Nazi Europigape in whorewood who has joined into the circus just two long months ago of his negativity, darkness and psychopathic hate and torture fantasies, which he is like a cesspool of hate and nastiness. Much beloved in Whorewood of course, and now being elevated due to the ugliness of his rotten attacks upon me, like all the rest of the crap gang--his peers and friends in Whorewood--who have tortured me non-stop day and night for years--while they block all medical treatment by eliminating all possibility for me to earn enough money to pay for health care in a 3rd world country--that is how bad it has been for me due to millionaires needing to torture me in order to suck out ideas they can use for their sleazy presentations about how they are fighting corruption and injustice--because I detail and analyze the injustice that they are committing against me. Put into so much desperation I write and write because I cannot find comfort, connection or support from any single living human being. My cat has been stolen and I sit here sick after shitting poison out of m ybody and they just attack the laptop now so I can't surf or get even a single thing done. This block has happened before but now it's completely blocked, as along with the countless other attacks which each piece of shit attacking me adds to the endless series of abuses and attacks that their pig ape friends have all ordered be put on me. 


I just tried to open a new EBay account in Thailand. I have had to put in my email address and password 5 times in a row. Each time I was blocked and was given a warning saying that my account has been locked. I then had to change the password each time (5 times in a row) as the page froze each time so I had to wait and wait for the page to stop freezing. I then changed the password so I could just change my address to a Thai address with the old password and email account blocked because of hackers. 

It's non-ending this block that has begun with this last Europigape huge terror robotic actor who disgusts me absolutely and that is all I have screamed at him for the last two months. This is now a DECADE of one sickening rotten male and his pig ape female consorts dancing around laughing like the hyenas that they are attacking me using this sick technology and these rotten creeps being paid free rent, free businesses free promotions to vent their hate and rage out upon me. I sit here now just fighting to create a simple account on Ebay and it's taken me more than 30 minutes to sit and wait for SKYPE to open, backspacing and correcting endlessly, fighting to type in the password that was correct but over and over and finally, was blocked because the site said I can't use the same password change two times in a row after the correct password was blocked.

This is  years and years of this going on and on as I see the things I write being used for someone else who just laughs and collects the money for stealing these ideas and then for being paid to promote them as their own concept. I sit here being tortured so more and more of these creeps can steal sentences I create like the poetry and creative fiction I am absolutely blocked from being able to write. I have tried to write and literally sentences and entire ideas have been stolen. No matter that this blog has a copyright symbol they just steal sentences or ideas and block my ability to get a single thing on this planet done without hate and abuse completely smothering my every attempt to get a single thing on this planet accomplished. And then, what I am able to achieve is DESTROYED. I actually have a graduate degree in Criminal Justice and I have done nothing but shit poison out for a DECADE after that murder attempt, after multiple accidents from people driving into me which have nearly killed me (at least 10 and more for the past decade and hundreds of near-hits by cars driving into me but not hitting me by a few inches each time--for years, and every time I go out driving). Piece of pig shit teleporting and abusing and raping and assaulting me physically--punching slapping etc etc for YEARS without end, one rotten pig piece of shit from Whorewood after the next, the most disgusting creeps possible but I know there are many worse who can't wait for this technology to be further passed around so more and more people can be victimized and more can be told that they are entitled to beating, raping and murdering anyone who is disenfranchised and can't defend themselves. And now I have to see pitifully that pigs from the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT are fully responsible for all these crimes as they laugh and participate as well. 


I now have spent almost one hour trying to create a Thailand Ebay account. I have spent 15 minutes just trying to open my SKYPE application, which entailed waiting for the "start" tab to open the applications and then waiting for skype to open and while it was frozen, I tried to log into the Ebay account that was blocked and as I finally, successfully put in the password for the 5th time, I was immediately logged out and had to put in the new/old password which was then rejected as the page froze once more so I could not access anything. I then clicked on every tab possible and I was put into a loop of inputting my password, the password tab frozen so I could not change the asterisk symbols that are supposed to be my password, then when I put in the new password that I had spent 30 minutes on changing, that didn't work and I was sent in a loop back to the original password page, and then I put in the password and it was rejected. I am now not able to log into Ebay after more than 30 minutes of trying to just input a new address and getting a phone number from SKYPE. this is just an attempt to order something online which would cut costs for me in one purchase I need if I could only just be able to use any onlin function without it being blocked. Even in trying to obtain something online so I can save some money is being blocked, much less using the internet to earn any money as every single thing is hacked and blocked for me. forget about earning any money in any conventional sense as every single business is controlled by some rancid pig piece of crap who participates in this terror organization.

Asking this ineffectual audience reading my posts, I'm sure most of you pieces of crap are just laughing about this because you've really killed off anyone who may have ever cared about me or who was supportive in any way. 

I can't express how much I never want anything to do with you rotten pigs who are attacking me and yet I am forced to have to go to sleep and be tortured by your rotten pigs and then while waking your rotten pigs in the rooms next to mine to the rest of your incompetent ugly sleazy sick hate crimes for you.

Goddamn that this is never stopped by my shit country or it's shitty representatives.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...