Monday, March 8, 2021

My musical source of solace is still being blocked by this hacker/terrorist group. The WNYU archives, which have functioned for over a decade with no problem for most people, has been listing "no file" in what should be daily archived shows. All is being blocked, and the template for the site has been hacked and is being compromised. I cannot contact the station as all my emails are rerouted to terrorist "stalking" agents and I can't get a legitimate response through any electronic means.

 That includes all phone calls. I do not know how badly the postal service is participating in blocking my communications.

This is all being sanctioned by the U.S. Government at highest levels.

This began last month, at the near onset of the latest terrorist celebrity who is coming at me with "guns drawn" to get his free promotions, deals and lead roles for more shitty stupid blockbuster movies. The rest of the usual criminal celebrities love this thug and they laugh as I am fighting (for my life) to pry the next disgusting and extremely unwanted parasite off me. The Government continues to allow this to go on and on and on and on and on and on. Deals made with the latest stimulus bill are part of this politico-celebrity scam of the pyramid scheme that continues to use me as part of their more massive mind control operations. I continue to be silenced. But now my music is being blocked by this sickening thug who disgusts me and all I do is hiss hate at him and he responds by having me tortured and it goes on and on with the next one, after the last pig ape who tortured me from Whorewood, and the last one, and the many who took turns teleporting, raping and poisoning me to death (but I managed through my own resources to try to save my life) and the last one, all of them have stolen ideas from me. I don't know about the current creep but I won't ever watch one of his movies or bs videos so I will never know what or if he is stealing some concept from me. 

Will someone get him off me, and them off me and force the US Government to stop allowing torture and violence to continue against me as if I am the worst criminal possible when I am actually innocent of any crime, blocked from Habeus Corpus with this endless torture and violence only because I was microchipped, they want to get huge fortunes and deals by "crushing my spirit" and forcing a mind control agenda on me while blocking me from all financial and all and every kind of success and freedom and love and joy on this planet. These parasites are utterly sick, depraved and filthy and vile.

I also want my cat La Moux returned to me immediately. Alive, happy and healthy. Please, she is over 20 years old and I hope still alive. Trump has stolen her but he has handed her to some male who is taking care of her some place--I don't know where but Trump knows where she is. 

These creeps should be forced to pay restitution for their crimes so I can purchase my own home, in my name, which is further protected from more terrorism by my supposedly Democratic government instead of the same government sponsoring domestic terrorism against me.

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Landlord death threat terrorism: not direct death threats, but threat of pulling the tiny fragment of a rug underneath the endless block of all telecommunications from me so I am stuck with ZERO resopnse when I look for apartments online, all personal emails are deleted and blocked (for decades all emails I send out to people who might be friendly are never responded to, not a single friendly email has been in my inbox for over 20 years of absolute isolation through block to all telecommunications. //Landlord has viciously had me tortured and near-death murder attempts in this room from the trash Trump teams and the filthy Biden terrorist Nazi "Democrats" for years and years and years and years non-stop. THEY KNWE THAT TRUMP WOULD WIN YEARS AGO. I have tried to write about t his, but obviously I don't have documents of "evidence" and obviously none of the participants have any evidence either as "they" are careful now with an ever-increasing growth of experts in sabotage, such as Elon Musk, a most vile Nazi bigot out of S. Africa who has learned in Whorewood how to posture like he's just a cool dude playing video games of soldiers rushing into population centers shooting "enemies". I know this from one of the podcasters out of California who tried to run for Governor, "Met Kevin" who detailed the Musk "games" online which the white Nazi "dudes" played along with about soldiers going into civilian centers and shooting the "bad guys". It was a token symbol for what actual real murder they are building up in reality right now.//The landlord has begun, in the past week, but was plotting to do this months ago I feel certain--to begin a terror campaighnn of showing this apartment every few days as a form of torture and abuse while he told me over one month ago that he would renew the rental agreement in December.

 The hacking is now as usual extremely obstructive as keys I press appear as a three-key mess and letters I pound down appear as other lette...