Monday, March 29, 2021

Terrorist report: March 29, 2021. Terrorists continue to slash and peel skin away from the interiors, middle sections and everywhere around my toes. Cutting to the bone in areas. Every single night for at least 6 months straight, each and every single night. I can barely stand on my feet, and my hips are misaligned due to hard poison and I am asking this readership to stop the slow torture to death and these criminal terrorists who are attacking me. The skin is completely peeled off in various areas, and the skin is ragged with multiple slices into flesh and skin--like ripped up and shredded parts of my toes with slice-marks cut into my toes. I believe they are inserting lasers through the walls with these tiny mechanical arms. I need a safe home to live in immediately (it's all I have been writing of for over 8 years).

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I am facing prison or all my money stolen or both for fighting to save my life. //I am faced now, by Social Security (but really by the 4th Reich celebrity-politico terror hate teams, your celebrities and Congressmembers who have raped, tortured and poisoned mutilated tortured and drugged me non-stop on a never-ending daily and nightly basis for over 15 years. Thousands of my posts and facebook posts have been for nought, I only have amassed endless opportunists waiting in line to get a chance to beat, abuse and rape and torture me to get their, their wives and children and friends' promotions that put them at the top of every list, every award for over 15 years this current situation has been a massive campaign to induct non-stop permission for torture sadism fascism Nazism Mafia criminality in the U .S. population through their usually non-elected "representatives". Who really choses the candidates or the non-stop rotation of the "celebrities" in the U .S. population, who just want it to be done for them for the most part, to be entertained in all things and they cheer on whatever stirs any emotion in them or sense of empowerment.//I, the victim, am being threatened with jail or prison and all my money taken because I saved more money than the $2000 allotment for my disability payment slot, which is the lowest possible for any recipient in the United States to survive on. It is impossible and also I was being denied health care and being murdered by the poisoning death squads. The murder has continued without end by the celebrities you all cheer on as they get paid in millions to promote the ideas and concepts they have stolen from my writings (I stopped writing concepts, then the pop singers steal phrases I write as do the politicians who rush to threaten me threaten violence and murder and some of them rape me--these are leading politicians in Congress plus three Presidents have openly joined in the closed situation. Because I was under non-stop poisoning, drugging, my internet constantly turned off every few seconds sometimes, every search is controlled so I get no pertinent information---and I was never informed that saving the Stimuls money would mean I would lose my benefits if I left that money in my account. Or, if I did g et the letter, I never received it because my mail is constantly being tampered with--. Because I had to fight for my life to get health care, literally I was dying, I went to a place where I could get life-saving treatment. Because the poisoning must be detected by MRI technology and Medicaid refused to even help me in any way, except some very weak ibuprofin and that was all I ever got on "health care" I had to go to a place so I could get what I needed t o fight the daily non-stop poisoning. I had student loans I saved and some other money from family. I did not know that Social Security could access all my banking information. I am not able to open an account where I am, and I was in such a state of torture drugging hysteria trying to get ANYBODY to help me, as no one ever has from the entire United States, I was not in a state of mind to be able to research the situation. I have spent years looking for anybody who really is against fascist Nazism in the media or in Congress by watching endless videos on YouTube and endlessly my internet was turned off, constantly and I could not and still cannot use the internet. I never knew that Social Security could access all my information in a bank. I was asked if I gave permission to view my direct deposit account, the agent approved of the intervew and told me everything was fine. He then cut my money off instantly the next day and ever since I phoned him, he "played" yet another game by viciously yelling at me and screaming and accusing me and demanding and yelling, telling me that he was going to take literally every cent in my bank account even what i need to live off this month--and then he may charge me more than I possibly can ever have. He also is such a deceptive abusive personality that he may try to have me in prison for not having exposed all my money, and other factors defying the rules for public assistance. I am on public assistance because I was put into an accident (by the microchip implant system in my back and by people attacking me, as my roommates drugged me and I was always and still always am in a drugged daze under "control" by subliminal "commands". I was put into a freak accident, my legs literally popped up 90-degress while I was running because my bus was late for work. I was encouraged t o "let's race" by some stranger woman who I began to run next to--drugged, under mind control. As I was running down a slippery wheelchair ramp on the sidewalk my legs literally popped up into a perfect 90-dgree--which is impossible "normally" because I have been a jogger and slipping and falling does not entail a 90-degree angle of my legs popping up like that). I was okay and a little bruised. I went to a party that night and danced, I felt a bit of numbness and pain. The next day, the metal rod attached to my spine was loose----I was in extreme pain, unable to move. I had to call in sick and was fired by the temp agency because I had been dancing the night before. I now know that my body was literallly fractured by the terrorist rapists and abusers w ho not only were my stranger roommates, but also they because like a mob violence situation after I was put into this state which is now my real life disability. I have since been. I was left without health care and 2 years later, the metal rod was coming out of my back-it was within one centimeter of coming out of my back where the hook had been loosened. The metal rod was installed by an abusive doctor in my high school years, and it was a "trick" rod where the metal hook could be sprung open, I suggest that is what they did. A few years after t hat, while sleeping, my lumbar vertevrae were fractured so badly I am permanently disabled as as result. T he team of celebrities and the other teams (all stemming from the same celebrities, as one of them has been coming agter me for more than 50 years, others for 30 years, etc) and the poisoning has not stopped. The daily torture t hat continues every day, the mutilation and drugging, continues every day--and I was not able to function and unable to get information unable to do research unable to function. I have been viciously physically and sexually assaulted by this German sleazy creep with the teams of celebrities spending over 8-10 hours per day, in staggered times per day, in the shower, while getting undressed commenting on my body having me raped and punched and slapped my home made filthy and nonstop attacked by people everywhere every minute in this room non-stop on all sides, while sleeping and every day.

  I tried to save my money for the inevitable crisis and to try to have some stability. I cannot open a bank account where I am. I saved my ...