Sunday, March 7, 2021

The threat to the United States in the form of China and the Europ-a collusion. The terrorist network from here (Phuket, Thailand) to China and back to the USA and back again to here.

 Posted on my Facebook page today. Many hacks deleted parts of sentences the first time I re-read through the first sentence I had written. I have not gone through more of the long post series to correct more of the intrusions by terrorist hackers. It was too hard to pound words out because if I don't pound down almost with my entire arm strength I can't get letters to print. Once I finally get that out, hackers then go in and delete parts of sentences and rewrite various words at this endless discrediting process.

I also got into a name-calling hate state of mind due to the technology lowering my analytic capabilities and enhancing the hate mode, plus all the other brain-altering effects that this technology effects upon me as I fight arduously to pound words out and backspace to rewrite endlessly due to hacker obstruction.


...and I had to copy and paste the portion below 4 times because hackers would insert paragraphs from other posts instead of what I had just copied to paste. They blocked the content 3 other times and added the functions of Facebook into what I had copied but blocked the writing--I had highlighted the writing portion 4 times in a row and every time hackers blocked every single attempt with these endless obstructions. This is the usual endless block to my functioning so I can never produce anything online and it never gets out to the main internet WWW anyway. WHEN WILL THIS BE STOPPED when will this hacking be stopped by my government and/or anyone else? I remain here while creeps who have had me raped, have teleported and raped me, have all threatened to murder me have had me hit by cars and have ordered my teeth to be broken my toes and fingers nearly cut off (which I have barely been able to thwart and they would still be doing it if I hadn't taken extreme steps to defend myself, and I can barely manage to do this and politicians are still monitoring my situation and doing NOTHING to stop this--meaning top politicians in Congress are a part of this and are milking this situation for the deals they can also get out of it--especially in CALIFORNIA--guess who is from that State in the Executive and in Congress and who has formerly been a governor and also an actor?).


I just tried to paste what I had written and terrorist hackers had mutilated the print so it was half-blocked--the lower portion of the letters appears completely crunched into a tangled mess of print. The copied words also were encased in a black background and were indistinguishable from the font color--when I tried to change the color that also was blocked by terrorists. I copied and pasted one section over 4 times and each time either paragraphs I had not copied appeared, or the functions for Facebook appeared but not what I had copied--and etc. The hacking is so bad I must copy and paste onto some other site (all my Word for writing tools are also being blocked I can't even open my Word applications--the hacking is so bad it's nearly impossible to write or get anything out).


Thus, copied from Facebook, recopied onto my email account and then pasted here--that is how hard it is for me to copy and paste anything and I can't even get into this blog to view how it will turn out so I don't know if it will even be printed correctly.

When will anyone ever stop this crime against me and this hacking terrorism and home break-ins, mutilation of my body and home and destruction of everything I am and have worked for?

Once I opened my email account to try to copy and paste from Facebook what I just wrote, under extremely stressful hacking and brainwave altering conditions--the pages are now frozen and it will require over 20 minutes for me to simply copy and paste a few paragraphs I had written which took at least 6 times longer than it should have taken due to these obstruction--only to have to wait for the pages to stop being blocked and frozen--thus 20 minutes or longer to try to copy paragraphs and paste them from one source to another and then into this page--with endless hacks and rewrites after I finally am able to publish--

But now, as I attempt to copy and paste from Facebook onto my email page, just to try to recopy onto this page because the hacking is so bad I can't even copy and paste directly from Facebook to this page from endless blocks to this process making what I had copied blank with only Facebook functions appearing--the same thing is going on so maybe it will take me 30 minutes to copy four or so paragraphs from Facebook onto this page. The copied paragraphs are also coming in as having black block backgrounds and are very hard to read with the colors. I will not know if this comes out at all on the published page as that too is inaccessible.

The reason I wrote first on Facebook was because I had originally intended only to copy a weblink or video concerning China. The mind control tech aimed into my brain renders a kind of truth serum effect where I pour out ideas--their intended goal--once I begin to write. This can also be used for verbal situations where I tell my real thoughts about a situation and/or words come out not in my own vocabulary or what I have actually thought but speak in a tone of voice not mine (because my vocal chords also can be tweaked by this organization with that implant in my throat that can cause all kinds of damage including suffocation while eating or etc, they can constrict my vocal chords and my throat and they do it all the time while I am eating/drinking). But to continue...I began to write a short comment and all this came pouring out in a disorganized hate rant-by the end of the post I was ranting as the brain-altering tech blasted into my neo-cortex to extract all the discombubulated thoughts into a kind of cohesive rant of disparate-seeming events all interconnected. I tried to write but it came out as a huge sprawling rant that had a "life of it's own" due to mind control. And thus, I write this here not only as an examplar of this situation but also because of this terrorist organization and how it operates. This is not a regional situation any longer, I try to emphasize the enormous scope of the terror organization and the long-reaching effects it has so far had under this situation of attack upon me--that I witness and tie the pieces together. This is not a "conspiracy theory" but with no direct evidence I can only state this as my experience. I am already so "discredited" by now that there is nothing I can say that will be used as a credible witness testimony--that is, until this technology is not kept secret any longer and thus exposed to the public. That appears to be a distant future as the people who are in power so much want a huge monopoly of power and this technology is enabling even the most stupid to achieve great leadership positions and those who are alternative and against their fascist Nazi system are being destroyed--killed, drugged, brainwashed, silenced-etc etc etc. So many have already died by this group and organization for this very reason of their hegemony and the destruction of any alternative competition, using this "gang stalking" proxy group of thugs and whores and stupid idiots stalking innocent people in the streets. You can see their modus operandi in the Capital attacks and the threats of death for anyone not complying with all their lies and aspirations for absolute power. 


(DRUM ROLL: AND THE WINNER IS!!!!###): Without citing direct sources/quotes, but according to Foreign Policy (magazine) China's forecasted economic growth for the year 2021 is projected to increase as much as 8%.
(AND THE LOSER IS): The same 2021 anticipated projection for the USA (GDP) according to Reuters is at 4.2%.
If the end result is what really counts in a competition when fair play does not matter: China has far outpaced the US in economic growth, and if these statistics can easily be used as some gauge, then China has twice as much economic projected growth for the coming year than the US. Clearly the fight to be "winner" over the last year has created a chasm of defeat for the US with China surging way ahead in growth, for this huge under-represented statistic of the Gross Domestic Product.
In addition, China's MILITARY budget is also projected to increase by a parallel percent for the upcoming year.
by the way, I had to go into this post and re-edit as hackers had deleted parts of the sentences, such as deleting the year 2021 when I wrote of projected yearly GDP. As I type, letters are juxtaposed by the malware that has infected my laptop. I must pound down on keys so I can get them to print out, etc etc.
The censorship continues by the US GOVERNMENT against me. H-wood actors (one of whom) has participated in my attack by mocking my writing in her posts that were clearly adjacent to mine whenever I posted on FB (years ago, maybe back in 2015 or that time frame). Her movie that just won this blonde actor (in my opinion the division in color almost automatically makes her a Nazi adherent, if in racist undertone hypocrisy). She used a theme I had written of concerning US torture at Gitmo and also played a "concerned " attorney representing not only Habeus Corpus but also a fight against US torture, which this actor has personally reinforced by her collusion in this torture and theft of intellectual property of me (along with non-stop censorship, partially due to the hacking intrusions but also the continuous block to my posts which never reach a general main internet population). Plus endless hacking into my private Facebook page by people just like her. In the end, she re-inforced the lie, further, that Whorewood is getting "better" in the fight against sexism and misogyny and rape culture. Must I delineate the sleazy hypocrisy of this person and her claims further or do I have to write explicitly how horrifically fake this cheesy, greasy person and her claims are? Supporting fully this "covert" version of absolute torture, rape and attempted murder upon me and keeping silent about US torture via these technologies is tantamount to being a guard at Gitmo and watching as an innocent person is being sexually assaulted, raped and violated and standing firm in supporting the establishment which is paying for a free vacation in surfing while on weekend trips to the beach--a metaphor. How this ties into the above on China is actually not so dissimilar and the connections are there, most intricate but there nevertheless. This actor group in particular is responsible for the advent of T-rump and that's thanks to Obama handing T-rump the technology so fake, posturing Obama can continue to rake in the benefits of this contractual torture system/technological tyranny which is all concealed by his well-coached acting skills.
The theater goes on. But clearly the loser is THE UNITED STATES. As for the sleazy, greasy and lying actors who have prospered and benefited financially during the last year due to the near exponential growth for the millionaire investors who have been delighted to see their incomes increase from millions to billions (per day in some cases--but I exaggerate a bit using this leap in numbers) however, they are thrilled and not only that, but they have "won" awards for continuing this huge lie that they project into the media brainwasho-sphere.
The losers are the American people and probably many Chinese people as well.


Do ANY of you hacking into my posts actually give a damn about anything but sucking the life out of every single thing you can steal and rob and rape and destroy from? Do any of you actually care about the mess you have helped create in the US and abroad?

P.S. Some of China's largest trading partners are out of the European Union. The EU members that I have met in years of living around them (isolated and continuously attacked by literally waves and waves of them trying to kill me at random times) has proven to me, plus all their endless vitriol about the US and it's power--is that they are a staunch enemy of the United States and are using China as a means to an end. The NAZI Empire has not stopped by any means but has expanded into all the now socialized countries of the EU member states. The huge benefits the "people" enjoy such as weeks and weeks of paid vacay in Thailand has proven to me how much they want to see the US goe down and down with them up and up. China is also a huge investor country into Thailand, this Nazified country under endless military Martial Law. The celebrities I write of nearly bow down in deference to the Europ-a's woh come in to train them in fascist, genocidal hate crime attacks using this system of technology and death squad "gang stalkers. Year after yaer the actors "win" top awards for participating in this hate crime, fascist Nazi protocol system of technological terror and murder and assassination and theft of ideas and property and even of sexuality--they then call all the people suffering as "losers" and especially those who can't get out of the pits that these actors have helped to create in America society, with the firmly anti-American Europ-a's (who back the Chinese and invest in China and bring Chinese into Phuket to help them build their luxury Nazi plantation colonies).


I also want to state at this tiny little "comment" section that another person I believe (with no evidence but..) who has stolen words verbatim that I have written, who has operated with an English person who tortured/raped and nearly killed me using poisoning and this terror operation and technology--for a movie based out of London. She "won" top music song award for 2020. My words stolen by her verbatim for one song I heard on the radio before I was able to buy this laptop in Summer last year. I had to deal with US pop music--her domain--as I searched desperately for any music on Phuket Thai radio that wasn't unbearable, plus the one English-speaking station which "hacked" into my tiny mobile phone "radio" source (not delusional schizophrenic delusions of grandeur on my part--as anyone can ascertain from the sophisticatation of hacker capabilities, radio stations can also be hacked and diverted and etc--into a tiny easily convertable mobile phone/cheap Nokia radio source such as mine which was partially broken and destroyed by terrorist stalkers who ravaged my home and body every night and still do and that is never stopped). I heard my words, my words on a song this rotten female singer with dyed green hair (when I dyed my hair an extremely unique fuscia pink color which I created by mixing dyes and it was an absolutely unique color--as terrorists poured chemicals on my hair ot make my hair fall out so I had to stop dying my hair--that exact color I had created was on the head of a woman interviewing Sasha Lane in Camden Town, London)_ but anyway--I believe thta color was stolen but the puppet (stupid as hell) Thai creeps who assaulted me at a hair salon after I dyed my hair hissed in hate at me how stupid my hair color was, and that is one of the main protocols for theft of my ideas is first to destroy whta I make, insult what I am doing, then to steal it and make big money out of this original concept that mediocrities and hateful Nazi scum havew stolen for their concepts while I remain fighting for my life in dire poverty as they continue to poison and drug and ransack my home and make my body broken down an ddying from stress, sepia and toxic shock and stress and abuse on a non-stop basis) but... this Thai creep said that she would dye her hair green but still mocking me and my hair color and etc--which goes back to this rotten singer who IS connected to this attack upon me and HAS STOLEN words from me, with her English benefactor helping her out and her promotions are the result--these pig apes who attack me from Whorewood end up WINNING top awards year-after-year by participating in this crime. I want to add this as their inclusion in this crime against me has resulted in this indirect assault lupon the entire United States by China with it's partner EU terrorist "friends" and INVESTORS into the United States, who are also CELEBRITIES who become things like GOVERNORS OF CALIFORNIA who are still sticking their big dirty mouths into American politics and affairs with the full "friendship" of politicians like Pelosi and other Democrats associated with that rotten hyena pepperoni face liar. I am now under mind control and I am ranting in hate--due to years of torture, the inclusion of the US government in this torture and hate crime againast me--with these celebrities helping in really bringing the US down into a cesspool of destruction mostly orchestrated covertly by the EU celebrities and their very vicious silent partners who have infiltrated the United States with ultimate ulterior aims of destroying the country--believe it or not--none of you actually care, the country is still so plentiful and there are so many more free deals to obtain out of participating in this contract NONE OF YOU GIVES A DAMN AND call me "crazy " for writing what I have experienced and seen living in Germany (5 years), England (2 years), Amsterdam (6 months), Phuket (around a plethora of anti-American, Nazi Europigapes who are violent and extremely fascist and Imperialistic who make open anti-American statements aimed at me for policies I have never created but the people in America who are their "friends" actually HAVE created. The bs continues and is never stopped but I write of it anyway. Perhaps in 50 years if my writing is preserved people can then comment on how I was accurate but for now the greed and stupidity outweighs everything else.

btw: yes, my brain is under attack while I write and I got into a hate rant in my last comment above. I used these "immature" hate rant words which of course are discrediting to me. I want to add that when I tried to pound out what the Thai woman had said about dying her hair green, because I am under so much attack and must FIGHT just to print out words that are not destroyed by hackers, I "forgot" while my brain was also under attack with short-term memory blocked as I tried to write--that these puppet Thais completely repeat EXACTLY what they are told to say. When she said she wanted to dye her hair green, that meant that she was told to say this. That means that the English creep who raped and tortured and was having me poisoned to death for over 8 yeras and who is still participating in stealing ideas from me to shell out to more performers involved in pro-English, Nazi cartel operations but for promotions and mansions and top awards and millions of $ in contracts and studios and etc--but this rotten creep parceled out this concept of having green hair to his seemingly "alternative" pop singer who was completely mundane appearing in her former life as a mediocre singer in LA (videos I have seen, where she was absolutely boring in appearance). I also wrote of how Thai singers have these waivering voices and her vocal style also was changed, along with her hair style and I think under instruction just like a puppet by this English benefactor who is absolutely involved in the H-wood promotional scheme. Connected to English royalty, with absolute hate directed at the United States. Please read his book Boogie Woogie to ascertain the depth of his anti-American stance, his anti-Semitic genocidal hate, his misogyny and his white male supremacist stance. The woman who "won" best song award for her James Bond style song theme (not used for the movie but it sounds like something for a spy thriller movie, that song which I thought was sleazy and stupid when I heard it but had a catchy musical riff but so what?). Just going on into detail about how these operations work. The convoluted connections between the Chinese (attack upon the U S) during the last year, the current hacking attack which I posted just now, and these utter scumbags I mention in the media with backers like Moynihan out of London who is an absolute scammer, who has been handed every kind of top real estate contract in America and is brining the fascist, Europigape Nazi union directly into America and absolutely infiltrating Whorewood by way of the English Monarchy. Going back to the CHinese, a huge pandemic where the American economy is now at half the level of the CHinese in terms of projected growth I believe is an outgrowh of all these seemingly disparte elements of people who are terrorist Nazis attacking me and the larger picture of the Europigape backing of China and it's involvement in destroying the United States--as a collaborative union.


In mid-summer, because I was endlessly being attacked at night while sleeping, so ill from poisoning and drugging, I would lay in bed and had only this tiny mobile phone radio to listen to. Too ill to read, absolutely drugged with my hipe being put out of place every night and just paralyzed. I listened to a song by out by this rotten singer I mentioned above, whose lyrics were a direct copy of what I had written on Facebook a few months earlier--I can't remember exactly the words, and thousands of posts later I have no idea exactly on what date I had written this but I DO KNOW WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN and I am also very aware that my ideas are continuously being stolen by these performers who then market off the ideas as their original concepts--while they are promoted absolutely to conforming to mind control operations and have nothing to say when it really counts except for what they can repeat from what original thinkers have formulated--which this group en toto strives to suppress and to quell any "upstart" faction from having any chance to compete against their tyrannical, lying monopoly on "both sides" of every seeming balanced system of debate or power (as in the supposed bipartisan politics of Congress and of the media). Her song ending with the lyrics about "they don't even know that they are scared" or something to that effect, verbatim theft of my words (which are loosely quoted above, as all these months of drugging, torture and more and more stress and not able to go back from thousands of posts I have written in the meantime makes it impossible for me to accurately quote or find what I had written, and often this group simply deletes my posts which could provide evidence for my claims of theft). After I had written my post about her theft, there were MONTHS of personalized hate photos by this ugly and sinister fake put on my every search on Facebook and YouTube. My Facebook stream was a pollutant of her rotten face sneering in hate into the camera, as were at least a few hundred photos of hate glaring into the camera for videos of this rotten skank put into highest position by US but Nazi-backed/controlled/Imperialist UK and all the other foreign state actors involved in media manipulation of the US Whorewood factory and their prostituted performers and power brokers. In addition, the lousy one English-speaking radio station for Phuket, along with other sorts of weird seemingly "normal" radio talk discussion, had one woman endlessly talking about this one pop singer and how this singer would become a top award winner for the next season of skank awards for best K-rap song of the year. All these awards are pre-ordained well in advance of the actual vote by the governors of these awards. I.E. pit the actor was aware he would win at least one week prior to his top award, after a few YEARS of nearly murdering me via his proxy scumbag terrorist team here in Phuket, and years of torture and you can see him absolutely energized from YEARS of torturing me. His postures prior to the years of attacking me had been more subdued with the usual fake smiling smug posture that many of these celebrities don for their photos. however, a few YEARS of daily torture and the hormone high that is obtained from just these acts and you can see him nearly floating in energized psychopathic smugness. And that is the same with this rotten creep with the dyed green hair, under the rubrick of the English Imperialist who absolutely HATES the United States. however, the US population worships these types and hands them every best property to invest in, to bring more of their hoards into the country--and you can see that the Golden Globes was completely dominated by English performers acting as American political agitators and anti-establishment actors. Yet, I am castigated, tortured not only for writing about what they are doing but nearly killed when doing so and these pig apes continue to endlessly gain more and more power over the US media and real estate and politics. I want to add that an Italian mafia pig ape in Miami has been hanging off this contract of torture and rape and violence upon me in conjunction with Stallone--a huge symbol for the Capital Insurrection on January 6--but never mind that, keep putting these pig ape whores into lead position keep letting America put them into power--as you have been doing all these years while I continue begging for assistance against one piece of shit after the next attacking me--all operating with Europigape whores who are absolute threats to American National Security and yet I seem to be the ONLY PERSON capable of identifying this--and because their attacks upon me, which America in general approves of. Well, I can only say that I should not have to suffer for the stupidity of these Americans and their greed and racism and need to stop competition from people like me who they don't want to see succeed--but to be tortured non-stop for years, ostensibly until I am murdered by them--is just unbelievable to me that this is still never stopped by my government. I am now trying to make you do-nothing idiots reading /hacking into my post now to try to begin to think otherwise that your smug gaiety at watching this happen to me, as I appear to be one of the main public enemies of the US population as so many people in America approve 100% of what is happening to me as if I am public enemy number one--well, you will continue to allow these infiltrator fascist Nazis to invade the US while you descry immigrants who are desperate due to US economic Imperialism in places like Mexico and the devastation upon it's poorer classes. I remain now in dire poverty after nearly a decade of Moynihan participating in fascist nazis out of Whorewood stealing my concepts and I am not even able to type or even when I try to hand write the microchip implants and the mind control attacks also make the act of physically writing very impossible for any length of time and my brain is likewise stifled by the tech. I am essentially silenced after writing just a little but while sleazy stupid whores are put in lead award categories after torturing me to obtain ideas and information to steal--still endlessly allowed by top US political officials and the main of the US population. However, the US is still my country and I don't want this pile of crap to endlessly help bring in psychopaths who are destroying the country and perhaps some of you should begin to consider the destruction that has been taking place in the last few years to tne entire country and wonder if what I am now writing about actually is one of the contributing factors.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...