It's just endless hate, sickness, stupidity and vile ugliness directed at me by people who are instructed to "hate" me as they go off laughing obtaining Grammy's and Academy Awards and being nominated into President position and/or just obtaining a new free something or they don't care, they get to abuse someone and get away with it and it's just filth surrounding me continuously.
Stupid sick people being promoted how can anyone actually seriously protect this system?
I must stop getting on this internet because I am seriously being prompted to write--so idiots, whores and sleazy skanks can continue to torture me for writing about how sick their "masters" are, which they strive strenuously to emulate and are as ugly and sinister as any decaying animal road kill but like zombies they are miraculously alive.
At stores I was surrounded by rancid and rotten ugly old Europigape men and their rotten Thai slaves blocking my path, jumping into me from around every corner as I pushed my cart slowly and gingerly around all the aisle corners. Rotten ugly disgusting putrid whoremongering old white Europigape men who are in Thailand on their rotten pensions from the endless lucre their rotten Nazi countries obtained by genocide and the Holocaust. I can't describe how they behave but it's just like the accounts from people who were attacked in all wars and genocides except in the middle of society in a store--
and ugly basterds that they are, the younger versions, including American tourists, are as rancid and rotten just younger with more beauty treatments because the money has exponentially increased in all these decades of the 4th Reich instituting it's rancid grip around the world.
When I descry, write with rage about cement pouring over the planet, I refer to Phuket and how it was so lovely when I moved here first. All the beautiful areas I used to love are now covered with box cement structures for rotten pig apes to come and get their nearly free, but ultimately cheap whore vacations with prostitutes at a mere $20 per pop (for Europigapes the cost is less if you transfer money to Europigape increments of corruption). My hate for Europigapes is from over a decade of being attacked by at least 500 people per trip to a few stores, a mere 4 hours of driving around and shopping in stores which equates to almost 100 people attacking me per hour, and that alone is a conservative estimate.
It really is no better in America. I went to Orlando in 2012 and it was horrific, the Americans are fully enmeshed into this system. It was blacks and Latinos attacking me more viciously than the whites who stood back as the minorities did the nastier jobs, while they stared at the white pig apes with adoration and love and utter worship as they attacked me (for no reason) with absolute hate. The bigot white pig apes stood back silently smug and composed as their rotten minorities did the very ugly sinister dirty and foul work. I can't express how this is copied in H-wood and how disgusting it all is to see this endlessly repeated from the lowest scumbag nasty place to the wealthiest in Whorewood.
I am waiting for the day when someone will actually "hate" me for something nasty I have actually done rather than dumbed down idiots attacking me and told to "hate" because they want a promotion. That also includes the people who are supposed to represent "art" and "culture" in the media and in politics. The dumbing down trickle down idiocracy is truly anathema to the United States which is supposed to lead the world as a Free society.
well, I have written for over a decade adn I remain in this situation and the pig apes who have tortured me are still in their mansions but now with a new suitcase of awards and prizes and are in higher positions than ever before, after having tortured ideas out of me with not only no thanks or payment but my life nearly destroyed my body scarred up and them with more and more and more beauty treatments plastic surgeries and endless lead roles in every single facet of their rotten nasty lives.
I just want to get away from them (not "just" ) but in terms of having anything to do with anyone who is part of this global organization---to find at least people who are somewhat not pigs, whores and hyena ape hybrids on this planet.
to just live in peace with my cat La Moux returned alive and healthy and happy, if she is still alive. To have my own home and my own money and for this group to be stopped from this tyranny forced upon me. For protection and to live in peace in prosperity and to just get this group of stinking foul ugliness and hate and rotten evil putridity off me.
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