Sunday, March 21, 2021

My blog--here---has been blocked entirely from WWW by hacker terrorists. I want to continue to document my experiences and also I need some outlet for the stress. I realize that this group is doing everything possible to both steal my ideas and then suppress even this hateful blog that I write on to alleviate the deadly stress this group forces upon me on a death cycle on a 24-hour basis. Until I create a new website, I am still going to post just until I find other options. I discovered that there is a 3rd party internet service blocking access to my blog site and I believe that means it is being blocked from all www traffic except for a small group of terrorists suppressing and monitoring, stealing and blocking and censoring and obstructing all I write to the point that this site is being hacked into never being published whatsoever. I cannot access any blog on blogger at this point.

*Post script: once I got up from this laptop at the table, I was so dizzy it felt like my brain had been spinning around while I was typing--this sensation of either oxygen being blocked, neural synapses blocked from firing, pulses aimed into my brain, the microchip implant blocking functioning or WHATEVER this group of psychos has done to my brain, or what they are aiming into my brain and body as I type-the effect is like spinning around with no solid base underneath me. Sentences turn into emotional rants and I can't access my real writing style, thoughts or higher cerebral functioning as excessive emotionality takes reign over cool and controlled explicit style.

 I am pasting what I wrote on Facebook two days ago (while I must fight still against hackers blocking the keyboard and deleting and inserting letters as I type) while my brain and body are also under attack (my hands can't move, they are frozen as my brain's motor skills are being thwarted by this technology).


This part below details my attempts to locate the source of this problem but even while writing I was in a frenzy of fighting to type against hacker interruptions and I never wrote the name of the 3rd party internet source that was mentioned on another browser after weeks of seeing this message come up that I cannot access my site due to "privacy settings" and etc on Google, which are not the problem the problem appeared more clearly in my other browser (Maxthon) but as soon as I tried to describe it in FAcebook the information vanished from the Maxthon page for this blog site and it was blocked from my access afterwards.


This is a long rant due partially to drugging and duress from nightly terror teleportation hate I have experienced from the actor I mention in the last segment of this huge diatribe. I was severely drugged up and sick from detox and there is always brain-altering tech that opens my brain to pour out ideas and "truth serum" effects, while also through the subliminal messages endlessly poured into my brain as my own brain functions are somewhat, to some degree, suppressed and these words and phrases are then input their their most sophisticated technology interaface with, probably, the microchip implants--

but here is what I wrote, which tuned into a near hysterical hate rant because the ugliness of the attacks due to this one actor are the continuation of years of hate and ugliness, but he's been stretching the limits and boundaries right up to the edge of absolute violence for over two months and almost every day he tries his best to get more credit for causing hate and negativity as undoubtedly he's been handed endless promotions for himself and the creeple surrounding him for these contracts and deals. There are also endless photos of him and his family in these media publicity shots for these stupid tabloids like EOnline. I'm so sick of seeing these hate-mongering violators being endlessly adulated by this Nazi-controlled foreign dominated Nazi media cartel industry, aka "Hollywood" and also it's obvious the news media and of course, don't forget Congress and those wily politicians who I have had to see are very clearly aligned with Mafia and fascist Nazi cartels, which are so linked to these foreign performers and actors and mafia associates who have attacked me endlessly for years and decades--


My Blog on Blogger ( has been completely blocked from my server, and probably has been hijacked by this terrorist organization (aka "gang stalking" network) from any possible reach by anyone outside of a very small coterie of terrorist hackers and their mafia/Nazi/Speaker of the House/Republican/H-wood mafia/Nazi cartel associates participating in this heinous crime against me, in a league of hate that is global. The message I get when I try to open my blog (and I cannot open any blogspot blog now, the same message and absolute block to opening any blog from that entire site remains for any and all blogs) is this on one of my browsers (I must add that I did the best system restore possible, lowered all my security standards and then increased them to try to get this block off my system) however, this message which I will quote verbatim (I am not able to copy and paste this, the message freezes so I must copy and write from my other browser into this one): "This site's Certificate has expired or has been issued for another website's address. This problem may indicate an attempt to intercept the data between you and a remote server. Please check whether the URL in the window is correct." That is the message I received when I opened one browser not Google Chrome--it actually appeared on Maxthon Browser. The first time I attempted to open my blog or another Blogger blogsite I first got the message above, and then I clicked on the "continue" tab, and got a blank white page with a tiny icon box in the upperhand left corner. I clicked on that and an IP Address appeared where the signal was coming from. I closed the browser and attempted a few more rerouting of information and then, just now, tried to open this tiny box again to obtain the IP Address and THAT function has just been frozen by the terrorist hackers who are also utilizing their insidious thought-reading technology to know that I am trying to write explicitly their whereabouts by copying their IP Addresses on this page. That function has been completely blocked within a 2-minute time-frame. Meanwhile, the hacking is so bad I am spending more time simply backspacing and rewriting what hackers are deleting in the process of me writing about all of this. Thus, I think the attempt to curtail even more my writing is being done and all posts for at least the last two weeks have been rerouted to another server and absolutely blocked from the more wide (but confined) internet access by this network of terrorists. This narrowing of my capabilities to express myself has been ordered by this Austrian "actor" who is so odious to me, and has not stopped trying to drain and exploit as much as possible as he can, with full permission of Pelosi this heinous criminal who has been put into lead Democrat position to further her Mafia and Nazi ties--(she and he together discussed chopping off my foot when I called her names after she began her hate attack upon me, and her ugliness and sinister racism and mafia personality was and is so repugnant in my sleeping, teleported and drugged up state alongside this revolting actor who is so vile towards me and is such a negative energy-draining (old-making old man) I just screamed out how ugly and nasty she is, and so her response was, alongside him, to have my foot chopped off. She was not speaking in some creepy hyperbolic manner, this is what this rotten thing really is and what kind of absolute racism and violence she and her group really entail in their every block to every kind of real fight against racism for which the political climate has become a governmental attempt to redress the violence that this ugly woman who has been wrongly put into power for so many years has allowed to flourish due to her absolute racist mafia background and her California, Nazi affiliation with this actor and this crew of actors and media personalities like Rachel madcow whose rotten face never stops appearing in my every YouTube video front page, every morning and night and for every video I watch her disgusting and putrid face appears--and she along with her fellow anchor Nazi bigot have participated in this crime against me as well (her friend stole a verbatim sentence I wrote not too long ago about Carlson Tucker, stole the quote and used it for their dirty and nasty selves for their ersatz news pogram of disinformation about how much they are fighting bigotry and the Republican "Big Lie"--a term I also used before the news agencies began to use it--) but going into digressions and rants right now, which is what they want. I found a way to block the nightly hate and terror teleportation skits for just one night, two nights ago. Yesterday this network of hate that surrounds me did their usual daily brainstorming groupthink to find yet another quarter inch or 2-millimeter space to penetrate in order to unfasten the thing I tie around my entire head to stop them mechanical arms from not only damaging my hair chemically and making it fall out, but also from inserting the nodes through which this brain trip into their hate and hell is accomplished--and for one night I slept with just my own sleeping patterns, but not so after the one-day group brainstorming exercise in terrorism so these worthless sell-out creeps from now it's a huge gang of politicians, media liars, H-wood parasites and their endless millions upon millions of "normal" citizens performing every disgusting thing they are ordered to do--(of course, minorities performing the more dirty, foul and violent acts on behalf of their filthy and dirty white Nazi bigots who tell them what to do and they obey without question). And thus, either I must begin a new site, begin a new tack, or ask people reading my post here, which includes most or all of this hate and bigot Nazi/mafia/communist and whatever else network that comprises this global chain of hate--to stop this attack upon my computer, my internet and my blog and on Blogger, the entire site is now blocked to me completely. I wrote just one name above but that is a person who is supposed to represent some kind of balance and is supposed to represent what this rotten thing is endlessly driveling and slurring into her Deis about feminist month and equality and freedom and the American people and blah blah-- when I hear the hate directed towards her from the Republicans who support people like Marjory Taylor Greene, for the first time, I can finally feel gratuitous affiliation with the hate they direct at this fake horrid traitor, but for different reasons than the Republican Conspiracy theorists write of. There are so many other names and ideas I want to write and I am being tortrued by this Austrian actor because he is so reliant upon the mythology that surrounds the fascist myth that he relies on for his image and for the automatic assumption that he's a grandiose personality instead of a parasitic user and liar set out to infiltrate and inculcate the American population further into Nazi mythological ideology. His every act towards me has been suppression of my concepts and silencing and violence and hate directed at me--to stop my concepts--it is apparent to me that the critics of film completely circumvent any such analysis of these rotten and boring movies filled with recycled formulas, but adapted from historical texts, themes and mythologies, turned into block buster movies and if in recent times (outside the decades of movies about Nazi imagery that this Nazi actor has been so famous for promoting and has turned into one of the worst governors of California, if the one page I was able to access was correct--as all information has been blocked by this man) I want to add that his country, Austria, was right on the border of Soviet control and Stasi style suppression of ideas and art and politics. His is well educated in the tools of false dialogues and mind control propaganda for Nationalistic Socialist memes but all now, adapted into seemingly underdog movie formulas where Nazis appear as endless victims fighting against oppression (the usual theme these Nazi actors all use to sell off their bigotry disguised as altruism and anti-Nazi imagery). The deep deconstruction that is necessary to point out these idiosyncracies is smothered by these media personalities who have been put into lead position by people like Pelosi and this very deadly Democratic institution that is now in power--not far removed from the far-right but only in terms of a false pretense. They all support fascism and Nazism but in various different disguises. One party is more open about it, the other conceals it in order to lure in the desperate and the needy. They are all greedy and flow in whatever direction they can to usurp funding from the bills--I just witnessed this type of collusion between Pelosi, along with Harris and a few others like the Clintons and it's disgusting--a $1.9 trillion dollar relief bill and I don't know the particulars but the attack upon me, for the benefit of this foreign Nazi perpetrator actor out of Austria to collude with Pelosi and Hillary Clinton only clearly demonstrates how insidiously they operate. However, as this is "heresay" and I have absolutely no evidence unless someone can come up with whatever surveillance footage there may be for this encounter, or any of these teleportation hate skits that keep going on and on--I can write anything but not prove it and thus I remain discredited by simply trying to write about these criminals and their sleaze and violence and and murder attempts for which they keep obtaining huge contracts and promotions for. I now have no access to my blog, and this is a product of the now over 2 months of this pig ape Europape creep Shit-nigger the ugly unwanted huge bodybuilder actor who is repugnant--(this is my first time using the word nigger to describe anyone, and whoso more fitting than a white, bigot Nazi pig ape? I mean this literally I have not ever used the n-word until now and he's the perfect candidate). But I am now digressing into hate diatribes which are also discrediting for me--I realize how bad it makes me sound but I will not censor it--to please understand, readers, that this is not just two months of torture but a decade of it which is never stopped by any party in Congress and certainly not from the most charitable, anti-racist actors in H-wood who make it big-time, as they are fully members of these fascist, nazi parties who own and control them at every mind control aspect of existence. But please get Rachel madcow this ugly sinister creep off my YouTube channel and her co-host Chris Hayes who stole my words verbatim about Carson Tucker (I can repeat the quote, if only someone would actually stop this silencing of me and actually do something about this) I can name so many names, I have so many other ideas and critical analyses and I am not just threatened by this rotten pig ape hyena from Austria but he's violent--and this pig never stops trying to exploit everything he can out of me along with his coterie of shit that hangs on for their drooping careers to blossom from participating in this crime against me and all the rewards the fascist, Nazi FOREIGN companies and interests have in endless incentives. promotions and bonuses they use to buy all these whores who do whatever it takes to get a "slice of the pie" until they are bloated and disgusting parasites with zero soul or personality but putting out ideas they torture out of me. I remain here fighting to stop them from destroying my body and home--i.e. flowers picked off from my plants, my hair damaged and balding, my feet cut to the bone every day for months and months, and etc etc the list I have written over an dover for years and years which is never never never stopped by any administration., How I hope there is another attack upon the Capital and ths crap like Pelosi, and I must add Harris the absolute fake into this equation--that they are taken down like the false representatives of Democracy that they claim that they are. Because they have female genitals instead of male, and because one has darker skin than the bigot pasty white Nazis who are their real controllers and who put them into these high spots for very calculated PR reasons, they are nothing but rotten and foul perpetrators of rape, racism and terror and murder culture. All of them, and yet they remain. Obviously my writing is restricted to only the most firmly entrenched members of this bigot hate group. I am trying to fight this and have not stopped for nearly a decade while fighting to remove the poison they put in my body ("they" meaning this entire organization which is a global and endlessly entrenched system of lies, duplicity and assassination organization). Suppression of ideas is one of their main avenues of mind control programming so they retain power exclusively with thought control so there is no question about how they are supposed to be viewed and with all their destruction of my body and home, it's all I can do to have a somewhat normal presentation but all I do is clean and repair and repurchase and fight to heal as they continue to damage my body, home and now all I write is being blocked by this Stasi/Nazi/fascist actor you have all embraced because his films have never been truly analyzed for Nazi imagery or content. I was accosted by this huge ugly pig ape this morning while the usual terrorist actors who have not stopped torturing and dismembering me for years upon years sat in their rows and circles watching me duel with this pig actor. His one response is always violence. He has no verbal defense. The point of suppression of what I am saying and this endless probing into my thoughts is so their network of K-rappers like Madcow and her friend Hayes at NBC can come out with their tailored versions of my words or ideas, but put into a mediocre presentation of expose but absolutely lacking in real journalistic investigation and thus, each piece they come out with sounds like a pure op-ed with no backing or support. Thus it can so easily make them appear as if they are "liberal" or "woke" but lacking all the real vigor of analysis and actual journalism to achieve the striking jolt that is necessary to really invoke an atmosphere of change or of stopping the real perpetrators--their allies and friends, in other words who are criminal and violent fascist Nazis--their employers, in other words or those behind all the investment and the financiers of these mind control propaganda operations. And thus, I have gone into another rant and diatribe for which these apes are being applauded and promoted with raises and new deals because they have "successfully" used the mind control drugging and torture, surveillance and hate technologies to obtain ideas out of me--because the drugs they smear on my body and use skin patches to drug and poison me, always are so strong that i react and they also abuse and threaten me and extract ideas and ask millions of questions and I respond while I am in a nascent sleeping state--they keep asking "why" and I go into long tirades as they take notes on what I am saying about how and why they are despicable--I go into analytic discussion wh ich they just steal and suck out and use as their own concepts. Then I turn on YouTube to get information and the first thing I see is the ugly face of Madcow with a sneering look of joy because this rotten thing has participated in this attack upon me with vicious hate (unlike her endless giggling for her stupid news presentations as she laughs about corruption but her ugliness and hate when attacking me are most sinister and ugly--her face on my pages every single day for every video I watch her face appears on the next video and I have to click off the page--this is so constant--I have subscribed to almost every major news channel except for NBC/MSNBC and all I get for every news stream is her rotten and ugly face--she's so disgusting by now to me that it's like revulsion to have to see this rotten mug every day every time I turn on the computer and try to obtain news every youtube clip has her rotten ugly face as the next video if I stop turn off autoplay-- please get this rotten thing off my system--if possible, please get rotten shit-nigger the white nigger pig ape from Austria off this contract. He is a disgusting enemy of the United States and is a fascist Nazi and his suppression efforts so completely demostrate his background and training in ideological suppression coming from his background in CCCP Communist rule that was right next door to his rotten shit country of Austria.


Yes yes, that post above truly turned into a vicious hate rant. It only is a reflection of the uglinss and sickness I have had to experience from people I consider to be psychopath criminals who are being held in reverence only because they play fascist nazi ideologies but turned into compassionate "woke" characters but played by absolutely criminal fascist abuser rapist actors absolutely controlled by these foreign and internal Nazi and Mafia cartel organizations (I have obliquely experienced from all these years of being teleported to this group and having to see in the corners of the rooms people who are sitting in smug silence observing their good little minions who become millionaires attacking me--for some reason it has to always be me???--in teleportation to prove that they are absolute followers of fascist Nazi propaganda and methodology but playing convincing roles for the media counter to these actual realities that they truly embrace. The rest is a horrid farcical performance and display to lull the viewers into a false sense of security but also to let the predatory criminals understand that their interests are being served in H-wood by these horrid fake displays of altruism and concern for all aspects of Democracy and altruism and humanity.


The rest has been rewritten by hackers, as has the above so it's confusing to read. Hacker terrorists have added words and turned the meaning into a rambling confusion. I am not going to spend more time rewriting, as it's so time-consuming and enervating to do so, every time I write a post and to have to not only spend inordinate amount of time backspacing and correcting as I type, but then to have to go through the whole process after publishing on a page that is already blocked from all internet access, in a worse way than it was before they began to block this page from access.


This is a continuation of the series of posts I wrote two days ago, to comment further on the long post that turned into a hate diatribe: as I just wrote, the posts have been rewritten to sound extremely confusion so please try to figure it all out in some way.

The sentence I wrote, a few months ago, but what I write sticks in my mind but I cannot specify the exact date of writing (and it has perhaps since been deleted by this hacker/terrorist organization) the quote that MSNBC Hayes stole for his presentation just two days ago was/is: "Tucker Carlson is not stupid, but he thinks his viewers are." Yes, it's a very short sentence but it is unique enough to let it be known about their participation in this hate, torture and fascist, Nazi cartel operation behind bandied about to politician after actor after mafia after group after personality after no-bodies after losers after creeps after scumbag parasites (all intertwined into one solidified generic protocol of behavior).


The problem, the really sick and sad situation of all of this is that these thugs attacking me, these famous celebrities, media talk show hosts, politicians and their ilk whenever I mention them in passing, in reference or by name, they get immediate promotion into highest slots. Thus after months of the repugnant videos of Madcow this ugly and sick rotten thing attacking me, I see that she has been put on Time's list of influentials, and has been promoted and has been a part and parcel of this operation against me since at least 2016.

That many years of mainstream media news anchors aware of this terror and torture contract out on me and not only laughing and glad about it, in all their racism and hate, but just now the former smirking looks of this ugly woman on my Tube channel has turned into more sinister laughing frozen photos that are NOT media promotional or news clips but frozen frames that have been put above titles of news clips that they actually anchor. It is repugnant and it goes on and on. I was drugged very badly last night, teleported to this rotten huge ugly thug from Austria where they just asked me endless questions about his shitty barbarian movie which Oliver Stone co-wrote--to add the Nazi historical references to like a quote from Nietszhe and other Teutonic mythological references that someone as studious and perfunctory as Oliver Stone would include in a movie script, co-written by some more low-brow skanky writer of trashy pulpy stuff for movies. Whatever...who is listening and how cares? I care but, they tortured me to obtain my critical analysis after abusing me and having damaging chemicals poured onto my scalp and hair--I sleep wearing a cap that is tights against my skull--I must clip it on, and I awoke with the clip open because the terrorists used a mechanical arm to open it and then insert their brain-mapping nodes or however the teleportation is being done and with what technology I can only guess as some kind of external device that is put onto my scalp using some liquid that damages my hair to keep it glued onto my head--every single night--for over a decade. But...she's delighted about what I wrote as that only means a huge next promotion for her--as for the lumox out of Austria, a very sinister person who would indeed torture me to death if he were allowed by this rotten thuggery corporation--he's undoubtedly obtained huge millions of dollars from Pelosi with this disgusting bailout bill that has just been passed. From his last political debacle in California, the channels of graft, corruption and money flowing out of California into Austria and his Nazi network I am certain remain ready to suck out as much from America, their hated enemy, as possible through this smug, deadly psychopathic Nazi parasitic creep--all through the ignorance of the greed and racism and corruption of Pelosi and her black minion Harris, who obviously rose to her position of power because she's an absolute grovelling minority minion "playing the game" of racism in California to reach this position on the "top", as a symbol perhaps. I lived in San Francisco in 1988-1991--going back and forth because I was nearly killed there, as I have been nearly killed repeatedly in city-after-city by this global organization. San Francisco is no bastion of anti-racist sentiment and I have also met Harris's former lover and former Mayor of SF, Willie Brown who made a certain type of advance at me--perhaps out of curiosity but he never approached me making any overt statement about any nasty intentions. However, he did kind of follow me around and it was "weird" at the time. He operated with the fascist, Nazi network and so has Harris. I doubt anyone in any position of power especially in California and for that many years can do nothing other than operate along with this Nazi network--which is similar to anyone in NYC like my family who wants to get ahead must deal in some form with the Cosa Nostra--and they have all combined and I have had to deal with the collective hate and racism and the absolute CORRUPTION that I just witnessed with the Harris/Pelosi/shit-nigger the actor from austria corruption scheme that I have no evidence to back up, just that very shortly before that huge bill was passed they all somehow converged to attack me. I am now left in silence as that huge pig ape continues his terror assault upon me along with the rest of the mafia/nazi cohorts who have not stopped for almost 8 years consecutively every day and in concentric circles attacking me and obtaining endless top awards and contracts and deals nad businesses and mansions and businesses in Phuket--. thus I write this after so many years of having to deal with one administration after the next, but these actors and players and politicians have been involved in this terror teleportation MK ULTRA brainwashing operation and rape and murder and assault situation for so many years--some of them for a few decades, regardless of what party is in power and who controls the executive.


But now, under duress and from drugging and disfigure,ment and my home stinking, foul and filthy from their daily and nightly filth attacks on my body and home, which I must endlessly clean and repair while I am literlaly nearly paralyzed from poisoning which I need health care for and they block that as well--but they are getting more deals, they are laughing at what I write as they are handed more deals for causing a reaction. I write to try to get anyone there reading my posts to understand that the calamities that the world has experienced in the last few years is a result, direct or indirect, of this very situation and of the mass collusion of these dirty and foul people either in power or being put into power only because they are vile, sleazy and violent and not because they are competent and capable of these positions.
Yep, this is a lot of ranting. The situation I have been forced into plus the drugging plus the hacker rewrites and deletions have made this an elongated and incomprehensible (in parts) huge rant. I do not delete it, omit it or change it and I continue to publish this somehow (if it's at all being published) because it is an account of the terrorism that my government, now I know that is behind this--has created. The near rambling insane hate I write is due to much of these influences but I am not trying to give a false impression of neutrality or politically-correct writing style. I leave the writing in the raw form that I wrote it in, but I must continuously add for every post how badly the discrediting effort is on the part of this terror operation and how badly my writing is blocked, rewritten censored, and partially deleted and then what is remaining strung together. This is the attack they level at me every time I write a post longer than a few sentences--and even with a few sentences.
To continue the last comment I wrote two days ago, when my feet were oozing puss from having been sliced into, half my hair is gone, etc etc torture without end and drugging and violence without end and the result is all of this.
If you read it, then good for you but I publish this as a testament and because I want to keep a record of both my real emotions and also of these activities. Perhaps this will do some good for someone else one day--I don't know, but I do it anyway because they caution me to stop writing but they want me to write so they can steal ideas and the cycle of hate never stops and I am induced to write by the tech and mind control operation for reasons of this intellectual property theft. I am still not able to write real creative fiction due to their theft of verbatim words and concepts and I have not been comfortable to know that they are going to steal all ideas and block my every attempt to publish my own creations as they steal all they can and claim it as their own.
And now my youtube page is packed/littered/polluted with the people I just wrote of smiling in huge smiles into cameras in all these top-listed slots on my youtube page. The hacking is very bad so I am not concentrating on writing with capitals or correctly (i.e. witing you tube as two words it is so hard ot write and use the functions of this keyboard). They are so smug and gloating about how I describe the hidiousness of their violence as they just get million dollar contracts out of me reacting to the stress and violence they inflict using this system. I would be able to defend myself much more if I could pound wooden boards into the walls--there are certain spaces that are easily opened from the other side which I have tried to use very cheap items made to appear like very tacky ornamental design just to try to block the opening of these tiny spaces in all the hundreds of panels and tiles and cracks in the walls and the floor of this tiny microstudio which is a concentrated series of entry portals for these miniscule mechanical arms to break through. They use solvents to loosen the paper and objects I glue onto the cracks and surfaces, and thus nothing keeps their mechanical arms out except for a solid structure literally pounded into the walls, which I cannot do. The sick and nasty violent rapist greasebag landlord is violent and I have no options to move, I really have no money and they have blocked every access for earning possible thus I am stuck here and everywhere. I need money and they should be forced to pay me and for this contract out on me to be stopped by any responsible administrator of justice that is supposed to protect my human rights, regardless of any constitution they must respect human rights and none of these pig apes are doing that--these actors who are always promoting "woke" culture are absolute frauds and fakes. I need a safe home, and with this new change of administration I ask that people intervene to stop this endless violence upon me, and to stop or alley the further promotion of these creeps into power.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...