MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
"OLAF SCHOLZ IS NOT YOUR FRIEND" (Jacobin Magazine). It's now an officially recognized international trend. Corporate politicians on any /an/or/all sides of every aisle and Parliamentary debate. Whichever side is on the weaker side of the divide will expose the corruption of the other side until they gain electoral advantage. Then the game shifts to the other side(s). Olaf Scholz, if you read the piece below, is almost a redundant theme to me by now of former "liberal/anti-corporate/pro-freedom" advocate who upon tasting power and money, has morphed into a near fascistic-orientated leader espousing police brutality and other forms of despotism. It's so typical and I see it on a daily basis so often and have lived through seeing it almost all my life that at this point I would say that the current fascists were former hippies at one point or of some other "alternative" ilk in their "rebellion" years.
The 9/29/21 Forbes Breaking News clip below is all about lobbies and "dark money" influencing corrupticians in Congress who egress the law without redress. One must undress the lies regarding the Emperor(ess)es clothing that is a shady thin veil of shabby pretense.
"'It Just Makes You Wonder': Matt Gaetz Brings Up Pelosi's Husband Multi-Million Dollar Stock Sale". Forbes Breaking News. September 29, 2021.
Just posted: hours after I wrote the above--concrete evidence of malfeasance and corruption of the above-mentioned lousy (it appears that the corruption is making newsworthy and Congressional attention): I find it almost amazing to side with Gaetz but it would befit the opposite side to bring out the truth when it can enhance their own side of the aisle. This is the true benefit of a Democratic, bipartisan society and it's still operating somehow in some form:
Just posted: hours after I wrote the above--concrete evidence of malfeasance and corruption of the above-mentioned lousy (it appears that the corruption is making newsworthy and Congressional attention): I find it almost amazing to side with Gaetz but it would befit the opposite side to bring out the truth when it can enhance their own side of the aisle. This is the true benefit of a Democratic, bipartisan society and it's still operating somehow in some form.
This shady corruptician featured above with the sneering wincing shenanigans of sarcastic acting skill sets displayed alongside Matt Gaetz above is only one more component in the force that has inflicted this corrupt and future devastation upon humanity that technologies like teleportation and the psychopathic programming for the torturing terrorists who inflict their misery and ugliness in what can only be described as a micro version of forcing an innocent into endless torture, physical harm to the point of slow death, rape and non-stop destruction heaped upon them by lascivious. Sponsored by this woman above who is a Charlatan of irresponsibility. Evidence is coming out and complaints about her incompetence are pouring into the media at this point from both Progressives and Republicans alike.
Farewell to Kmart. Shopping at Kmart used to be a socially-viable institution. A kind of homage to Super Walmarts of America.
"Last Kmart store in Michigan, the chain's home state, prepares to close doors in November". The Hill. September 28, 2021.
"Classic Kmart Commercials From the '80s". Rob's Classic Commercials and Retro Stuff.
January 21, 2021.
Ameica really needs those ole Kmart "Dollar Days" back: (don't miss Martha Stewart claiming that "class is imagination and not how much you spend" line for the first commercial filmed back when she looked like a completely different homemaker, promoting places like Kmart which were considered "chic" but not expensive by the advertising campaign reps and some American people as well.: But when I was growing up even at the beginning of the Kmart empire, shopping at Kmart was not a sign of consumer chich it was considered working class and/or lower class even back in it's heyday.
The sad and potentially deadly irony of the Republican Party stalling or stopping the Debt Ceiling vote, which could cause a Government shutdown: the police would be defunded certainly. I could be defunded as well. The people who funded this health crisis that I have had to endure to the point that I must leave the USA to survive, is now threatening to destroy my life through it's fiscal incompetent policies which have ravaged the country and perhaps segments of the world for many decades. Still, there is always funding for this covert terrorism aimed at electronically manipulating human beings in what is called "Mind control experimentation" with microchipping and UNLIMITED funding for all the criminal activities, exploits and torture apparatus' of this terrorism that is directly tied to many tiered layers of the U. S. Government. Where does the money come from to fund these illegal and unconstitutional exploits of torture, behavior modification, torture, rape and theft of the individual targets with untold millions of people being promoted and paid in this global structure of targeting, mind control and terrorism? You can bet that Homeland Security will continue to be a top priority of government funding along with surveillance and then there are the pockets where these "loopholes" of financing of these illegal activities of terrorism, aka mind control/gang stalking crime are being funded without any hesitation or oversight. Yet those on Social Security and even the police risk being defunded because the resources for actual smooth functioning of the civilian population is of such a low priority to the government and it's international allies (who want to see American "Democracy" Gone with the Wind).
"Why Weaponizing the Law is a Losing Republican Strategy; Republicans Seek to Defund Federal Police". Glenn Kirschner. September 29, 2021.
Since I depend on Social Security and many others in poverty and senior fragility and illness and impoverished unemployment, that program not only is in dire threat in the future of being cut off, but government default on it's tremendous loans, which has bolstered so many others besides those who are currently in financial desperate tenuous balancing acts monthly or daily as I am and have been due to Government malfeasance and experimentation and drugging and poisoning and thus paralysis and thus utter helpless dependency upon Social Security. Thanks USA.
"Nancy Pelosi Betrays Progressive Lawmakers (Of Course). The Rational National. September 29, 2021.
Bad Old Nancy Pe-lousy---quite nastily with not just condescending abuse but threats of severe life-threatening violence along with the Europ-a humungous thug actor glared in hate, threatened and joined forces with the Nazi fascist infiltrator actor to misappropriate funds from the Stimulus Bill for California graft--using me as part of the package and for approval of Europigape fascist partnership--in teleportation of course which of course I cannot prove unless there is a video or any kind of record taken by this exacting organization of terrorism that has been teleporting me non-stop nightly for sleep and brain dysfunction and break-down of my existence and with complete support by Pe-lousy who absolutely threw me to the dog pig apes to be raped and tortured brutally, drunk with powerr, incompetent and sleazy and corrupt and rotten and nasty. Now a semblance of that corruption has shown up but the extent of the rot can not even be conceived of by the commentators or if they do understand the depth of the betrayal, they cannot out of fear utter anything resembling my ranting tirades after having been literally handed over to be raped and tortured by Democrat-after Democrat with Republicans laughing in the shadows because I assume the Democrats who are this corrupt like Pe-lousy are akin to the brown/black minority minions who they so use and abuse and program and condition and brainwash to get them likewise to do their bidding; just as rotten fakes like Pe-lousy is and does just like a minority minoin for the approval of the fascists and Nazis who really control people like Pe-lousy and unfortunately much of Congress, which is backed by huge swaths of millions upon millions of civilians who form these covert terror gangs, aka "gang stalking
More electronic manipulation of the body politic and of the body humanity...another reason why I am extremely anxious and worried about the global crush to rush into cryptocurrency as forms of legitimate central banking and/or banking units of finance:
"Special Report: Thaksin Shinawatra's Latest Investment Has Experts in Awe and Big Banks Terrified....Thai citizens are already raking in millions of baht from home using this "wealth loophole" - but is it legitimate?" (I have to wonder about that last statement as a subtitle to the article--which doesn't copy and paste like a normal link so you have to click on the vague link that appears below).
This deposed Thai leader (Thaksin) hails the potential to become an instant millionaire if you invest in the loophole bitcoin investment he mentioned in an interview. Yeah--Thaksin, your rush to extract money lead to a political and financial crisis in Thailand (which followed a complete burst of the Thai economy back in the late 90's) which lead, ultimately, to the military coup that is still holding down basic rights to protest or freedom of speech in Thailand--under the former military junta which was part of the team that ousted Thaksin and then his sister who then followed the "Red Shirt" revolution to become likewise deposed by military junta.
Monday, September 27, 2021
All I see on some news broadcasts are people around the world yelling into microphones about their "rights". All angry, yelling and demanding their rights. So far, no one will fight for me to defend my rights. My rights are all human rights that have gone before me and extend into all history.
This technology and the misuse/misappropriation of it by sickening people like Nancy Pelosi, who has to be one of the most greasy, sleazy and disgusting examples of malfeasance in the political sphere (and she lisps and sounds like a grease machine when she hisses out like a slurring drunken slut (that is how I perceive her, how I have seen her when she teleports me, a hideous bigot a most disgusting evil and sick person, like the rest of these celebrities it is sickening how violent, ugly and sleazy and nasty and putrid they behave and this kind of sickness is being used as a promotional tool by even more evil and sick unworthy types who have demonstrated absolute evil in the name of power and pretense: but back to this ugly and foul woman who is chief Democrat in the House of Representatives who partnered with a most nasty and also evil Austrian celebrity who is vile, filthy, nasty, sleazy and it's just one component of the entire gang of these creeps I have had to suffer through for over 8 years and longer--who are so immersed in this torture apparatus they utterly believe they have every single entitlement to torture me for ideas and then torture me when I fight for my rights which NO ONE else apparently is fighting for.
Putridity: the bs banter about how much she is fighting for Democracy and The People)--she's one of the most vile examples of this, but if NO ONE will fight against this gross injustice but they are demanding their "rights" when it comes to technological torture and slavery and rape and slow murder and absolute oppression and endless circular attempts to crush my mind, spirit, body and replace all with decay, destruction and obsolescence while the criminals laughing about their criminal exploits using this tech and being promoted by the grease sleaze that is responsible for this huge injustice system that everyone just watches going on--won't fight or help or defend me--but all are yelling about their own rights if they see these rights being eroded. None can make the huge leap of intelligence to understand that this system affecting me is as deadly as any plague throughout history and as deadly--in it's budding stage no one can even begin to perceive how dangerous this technology and this system of gang stalking terrorism and its' subsequent death squad psychopathy is utterly a threat to everyone's rights. I find myself having no options or choice despite over 7 or 8 years of writing these posts to the people responsible for protecting the most free society for the masses, and yet none can even do more than jump to participate in this heinous technocratic system of perversion and fascism and bigotry just to get a leap up in temporary promotional status. In the end, many of the perpetrators will also fall victim to the greed of their partners and of the system which seeks to slowly eradicate and eliminate, refine and narrow the profiteering-circles of elitism and that means that the culling process will also entail mass murder but probably of a covert nature.
"The Devils & Self Transcendence" : Our legal drug addiction fixations and the disaster that accompanies socialized and prescribed chic addictions. Learn to CHILL THE FREAK OUT!!!! Claiming you need THREE CUPS OF COFFEE to get up the energy to fight for that corporate right to rule every day? Claiming that as you get older you get lethargic, grumpy and slower? Using legally acceptable drugs as a way to pump up and then slow down your over-excited adrenal glands to the point that you can't explain how your body needs more and more to get up and then down?
"You wanna live in this lousy world, play it cool boy. Boy, boy, crazy boy, be COOL boy. Just play it cool boy, real cool. (boy, boy, crazy boy)."--"Cool", West Side Story.
"West Side Story - Cool (1961) HD". John Long. December 15, 2013.
"7 Telltale Signs You're Addicted To Caffeine". Mashed. July 13, 2018.
"Coffee In Chinese Medicine. Yin, Yang, Blood and Qi". Acupuncture-Points. May 18, 2021.
The "Running from Myself" song from ye olde year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Nine.
"Scorpion - Running From Myself (Rock) (1969)." foreal1992. May 19, 2020.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Musings on Love weaponized and war. Thoughts on love and consciousness. Thoughts on governmental missives directing war on Love. Leo Tolstoy who transformed from a good ole boy to a Lone Wolf leader through the power of grandiose universal love of his brothers to whom he was exalted as being the Keeper (except for that love of his wife). ""All the things that he preaches for the happiness of humanity only complicate life to the point where it becomes harder and harder for me to live," wrote Sofia – who transcribed all of Tolstoy's manuscripts, including War and Peace, in longhand – at the start of 1895. "His vegetarian diet means the complication of preparing two dinners, which means twice the expense and twice the work. His sermons on love and goodness have made him indifferent to his family, and mean the intrusion of all kinds of riff-raff into our family life. And his (purely verbal) renunciation of worldly goods has made him endlessly critical and disapproving of others."---Sophia Tolstoy (Leo's wife and historically misaligned partner).
"War and Peace (1/9) Movie CLIP - The Greatest Pleasures (1956) HD". Movieclips. May 18, 2012.
"Tolstoy the Spiritual Anarchist: On 'A Confession'". Paul Griffin. December 7, 2013.
It was just a dream. Some good (but not ole) American music from Delta Blues genre. It was recorded way back in 2012, but fits nicely in a playlist of recordings of Delta Blues from the late '20's and 30's.
"Just A Dream , Billy Boy Arnold. dooWopMan 1961. July 7, 2016.j
Friday, September 24, 2021
Video below: "RAW: Body cam shows domestic violence victim thrown to ground, handcuffed | KVUE." All MY so-called "neighbors" are terrorist "gang stalkers" and they punish the victim for the authority figures who also punish me/the target with the "good" girls and boys who punish the victim. This is what "good neighbors" do to women who they think are bad girls--with police assistance. This is what real injustice looks like but it's never turned into a publicity stunt like celebrity divorce is (with the women claiming they are "victims" of abuse--as they are the good girls who assist in rape and torture. It's all so sick. Sad.
Video below: "A Psychopathic Sex Offender - An interview with a real psychopath - Disturbing!" WHY teleportation and mind control technology are so chic, so popular, people are so happily engaged in participating in it: this video entails the real psychopathy involved in how to control, manipulate, torture, (maim, rape, brutalize--what has been forced upon me through this system of hate, teleportation and MK ULTRA mind control, microchip implants and of course a very willing global community of terrorism funded by top levels of government oversight, with private financing of course.
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...