Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Brown people "are like tacos". Illuminati-referring, covert Nazi membership Biden's racism has finally emerged through his blundering bigot wife. The lies that have been dispensed and that he has blathered for how many years now tarnished by the reality of this slip-up. I realized how VIOLENTLY racist Biden the bigot is when his Caucus members came one-by-one to assault and threaten me alongside filthy pigpitalina, the fascist Nazi criminals who have been gratified for years by being handed awards for their torture protocols. Filthy pigalina has been named a UN Ambassodor after demonstrating how much she supports rape aimed at minority women while blathering her own filth about how isolated women have "no voice" wearing white pearls, the politician's garb that all these women who support the rape and torture all wear. I can't imagine how many strands of pearl-like necklaces fellow rapist pig ape skank Clinton has in her huge closet all obtained by her own version of blathering bs-. One-by-one bigot Biden has embraced with enthusiasm every skank piece of shit crap who helps these pig men with raping and abusing me. That is how these fake scam artist creep women get their higher positions in Whorewood and in politics.


"Jill Biden Slammed For Comparing Latinos to Tacos". Today. July 12, 2022.

I remember the absolute power trip Jill Biden displayed during the Inauguration when they walked arm-in-arm along a hallway with military guards in beautiful uniform and guns lining the carpeted path. Jill reached out with her hand at crotch level and made a grabbing motion at one of the guards--not a "minority" but a white male. It was her power move. I knew that she was not sane and sound when I watched in a kind of slight horror how she just almost sexually abused the guard on national television and no one even made mention of this not so slight wave of her arm and hand exactly aimed at his crotch--but she was about 3-4 feet away. 

My experience with the Biden team I have written of but of course it has been ignored by you wonderful do-nothing creeple reading this and enjoying watching me get slowly murdered or raped, beaten while you all still applause the hormone-addiction Nazi duo of skank and stupid crap out of Whorewood because they give you slight sensations of feelings you want to believe you still have somewhere. The actors seem to have no sensations but I think they play out love and sexuality like dramas in their personal lives.

Beaming with joy and delight, filthy pigpitalina has been coming at me in half naked or fully made-up absolutely glowing with joy smiles for the last two days. This has never happened in the past. She was never smiling or pleasant. All the years of me telling them and then screaming NO so repeatedly it was a daily mantra and get off me and you are disgusting as they kept on having my mutilated, tortured and they FED OFF ME AND OFF THIS CONTRACT AND THE HORMONE HISH FOR OVER EIGHT YEARS. Now a Government Senator is involved and really wants to force me into moving to his domain and is threatening me that he will make my life Hell if I don't. Filthy pigpitalina so far has given them a skank show in this private viewing session where I am stuck with that putrid skank endlessly with frenetic hysterical hate coming with jerky stupid body movements and doing sick and disgusting things only to try to get me to look at her or say something. I remain silent and try to look at other things. I can only say that this new change in her otherwise beady-eyed and ugly grim-faced thin-lipped hate endless and daily aimed at me has been utterly changed since Senator Graham came in the picture. Glowing with absolute joy just in the past two days because Graham began to attack me once I was so sick and bedridden from the detox this filthy and ugly Satanic whore put in my body--knowingly, they claim they "didn't know" they are always full of shit. And that brings me back to Biden. This is what Biden has pushed against me, along with nasty p-lousy who threatened me with murder because I didn't want that Austrian Nazi who was once Gov of CA. I don't want Graham, I don't want smug and glowing with joy at this point filthy pigalina. that Graham has promised her or handed her some incentive, as he did the pair of hateful Wall Street people just a few days ago, they appear to be gone with their psychopathy and deadly violence. They were obviously handed some huge prize by Graham via Biden the sleazy sick Bigot. Hillary Clinton when she came to scream with hate at me and offer me to live in some huge house but not telling me anything else, while I was in the sleep and basically unconscious state, who later began a campaign of having the skin cut between my toes every single night for months. Under my fingernails. I forgot to mention that pigpitalina also had my toe broken, but I have written of this long ago. Not a single one of you demonic possessed f-ers out there ever gives a damn or does any single thing to defend my human rights. Why am I bothering trying to reach any of you with information of a clue as to how to make society a sane place instead of the carnage you are all helping to bring into fruition?

But Biden has been behind a lot of hate and violence towards me and sent his emissaries AOC and Raskin and Kinzinger and now Graham and then Clinton and then probably a lot of jerk-offs who are in the shadows from Congress looking on, but doing nothing of course. I had written that when Kinzinger the Nazi and Raskin his Jewish side-kick participated in the hate contract aimed at me for their media promotions and kind of a safety zone of protection by participating with this fascist Nazi organization but working to get Trump out--as they all do, p-lousy and the rest. But they asked me about how the murder attempts and poisoning were accomplished. In my good-hearted desire to help those trying to stop this fascist push of overtake of the United States, I warned them of poisoning tactics. They looked on very seriously. When I finished they then began IMMEDIATELY to insult and mock and humiliate me. In this state and because I have been so badly poisoned with mind control drugs, I reacted in rage and told them that they are violating the Constitution by operating like this with the organization. They further insulted like teenage boys making jeering sexual and hate remarks at some woman they want to rape or push down or insult. They then began praising filthy pigpitaline who helped to put Trump into power in the first place. They don't give a damn and keep allowing this shit to go on and on, even though the people put Trump into power are part of this teleportation organization hate group. They then told me that she is so much more beautiful than me. I told them that I have been poisoned and mutilated and scarred from head-to-toe since that ugly skank began her campaign of destroying me. They began to giggle and went off with zero help or assistance towards me. I was being murdered and desperately reached out to Kinzinger via writing a post on Facebook, hoping he would do something to help me. I understood at a very deep level I was dying but I could not understand how badly I was being poisoned. This stinking liquid inserted into my bladder every night has been ongoing for as long as filthy pigpitalina the duo of Nazi shit have been attacking me--previously in the background--so that makes it over 10 years they have latched onto this contract of hate against me.

Now they are being handed some amazing deal or bonus or huge payment or promise of every cost deferred and/or awards for the upcoming hate season of Oscars--the deals that are handed these amazingly sick pricks who participate are so unbelievably out-of-sync with the reality of how they operate or their talent. I think all of this  is being given the green light by rotten and disgusting Bigot Biden. Oh yes, I could not forget to once more mention Kamala Harris--and many others of the Democrat Party who are as fascist liars working in every way to underhandedly promote blonde Nazi fascist corporate takeover of America and the constitution, keeping the latter only as a formal document to be observed only for the fascist pig apes who will make sure none of it applies to me--and many others who may be killed in the streets. Homeless, poisoned, denied health care. I remain near the brink of homelessness with no availability to earn money on this hacked system.


I want to emphasize how rotten and sick they really are. Please do not put Clinton the shit fake feminist into power any longer. Why are you fuckers in Whorewood still applauding filthy pigpitalina the pieces of filthy shit? Why is this violence against me never taken as a crime or seriously but only as a stepping stone for more ruthless creeps in that field--and every field?

Biden has only been slightly exposed by this blunder. When I first heard the clip without commentary I could not understand her pronunciation of Bodega. I was listening to get what the commotion was all about. I had to read the subtitles later on to hear actually that she mispronounced that word.  She has obviously nothing whatsoever to do with that world as Bodega is a grocery store, one of the public communal places where people go to get coffee and chat and buy food. Its' a very cultural thing.

When I hear the crap that Biden cranks out and his affinity for promoting blacks--I am certainly glad. I think perhaps his years of working with Obama made him more inclined to caring about blacks, I suspect it took him many a year to reach that state, if at all. 


Why do I make these references to calling Biden an "Illuminati" Nazi figurehead deceiver? It's because of his recycling of references to the Sun Rising. The illuminati has used the sun as it's symbol for millennium. The day of Inauguration was "A New Day Dawning" was his cheap slogan.  The advertising for the airing of the segment had a sun just rising over the Capital Building. 

Just two days ago he made another cheap reference to the sun rising when he gave out awards at the Freedom Awards ceremony. I am very glad he is honoring a representation of a spectrum of colors in this awards deal and promotional election cycle event, but, it's just that after two of the women--P-lousy and then Clinton--both violently verbally attacked me and then had parts of my body damaged and scared only because I am fighting for my constitutional rights, there were with a few days photos or news segments of Biden hugging Clinton, or Biden saying the p-lousy is a perfect wonderful aid to the Democrat Party and should run for office in the next term. to have lead politicians award shit crap lowering-in-rank officers as they are supposed to be some kind of protectors of people against thuggery and injustice to a minimal degree--that I am so relegated to being dehumanized by EVERY PRESIDENT for the last 6 years and their Congressional members only so they can all collectively get more media deals, is almost shockingly murderous in proport and understanding.


But now Graham, acting as a conduit for Biden and their partnership--the old Biden in the Senate for so many decades, buddy-buddy with very influential Graham--

and there is filthy pigpitalina glowing with absolute joy because Graham has offered incentives to the Bloomberg haters, and now to filhty pigpitalina who keeps teleporting me. This makes it over 8 or 9 years of me screaming that she is a whore and to go away. They latch on getting more and more and more awards out of this hate crime.

Luckily at least some semblance of the Biden bigotry has emerged like a crack of the sun coming through a massive wall of bullshit.

Oh yes, Obama also has participated in this hate spree slow murder operation with me CONTINUOUSLY begging online for help, for protection, for law, for justice and getting NO RESPONSE. Besides the LAST SIX YEARS of presidents sending out their families, friends or political partners to assault me always with pigpitalina who appear to have MORE POWER THEN EVERY PRESIDENT AND PIGPITALNA with her connections to the English Crown (corporation of pigapes imperialist fascist Nazi bigots) has been handed unbelievable power and wealth and offered awards and deals without end for continuously mutilating my body, laughing like the demonic whore that it really is, and getting only more Senators, Representatives and celebrities to literally almost bow down to be handed the prizes that are being meted out if they partner with her.

But here is Obama, his wife in a tv show. Clinton is once more going to run for President. Etc etc. The country is a bit sliding downhill very quickly for  a lot of people who have been disenfranchised so they have no voice. Homeless. More and more every day. Fascists taking over also trying to control Congress. Filthy pigpitalina will be turned-to by every pig fascist group or fake posturing liberal sell-out and destroyer of the country when they want a power-up by the English fascists and Nazis who are operating through this disgusting whore skank and her nasty ugly husband. I write about her because she's just getting in my face with her nasty breasts and huge smiles because obviously she has been promised something big by Graham, with Biden right behind  him. Jill Biden's little slip-up above is just a glimpse into how stupidity racist they truly are.

"Biden Announces Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients". MSNBC. July 2, 2022.

Goofy Nazi/Fascist/Satanic possession: Disney movies today (OPINION). Why, oh why, are Disney movies so GOOFY nowadays? The name of Disney has been discredited a by a new generation of the 4th Reich. Concerned Citizens should sue the company to have it's name changed to preserve the integrity of the REAL Disney productions and instead name the company which cranks out mind programming into the 4th Reich mentality as Goofy Movies, Inc./Ltd./GmbH incorporated.

"Night on Bald Mountain--Fantasia (1941) (Theatrical Cut)". Oliver Hayhoe. July 29, 2014.

Here is top quality music put to serious themes (even the romantic, soft parts of Fantasia) without blumbering silly songs and quick plot devices for easy resolution.

Don't say GOOFEY.

Satanic possession, the theme. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov the composer. The movie came out in 1940, when America was in the middle of fighting fascism, Nazism and The Axis Powers instead of the general policy in entertainment media I have been exposed to today, which is putting fascist actors to play lead parts. Fascist Nazi-supporting producers and directors, even with their politically correc5t themes. The music is so awful in these movies the bombastic horrid singing is so mediocre to horrible. The quality of the "state-of-art" is so computerized and quantized.

Satanic possession, a theme people need to reconsider when they watch the movies which are like Satan luring with every kind of promise of abandon and licentiousness every dream coming true---the seething demonically-possessed are writhing in delight even when Satan is crushing them down and grinding them into even more disfigured and hideous monsters.

**so nearly impossible to write, hacking is awful. I have to fight to get words out. Whatever "mistakes"/typos appear are due to hacking insertions or deletions.

@ around 5:00 minutes into the video, there is a direct reference to a sculpture that had been in Dresden with blonde women dancing in a circle, representing the blonde ambition that has since become H-wood. They are flames of fire with long blonde hair, bathed in fiery red and blazing white heat. Naked and absolutely representing the Nazi ideology of racism, this Disney-manufactured Satan smites them and they turn into Pigs, apes and tI think that was a donkey. How accurate and realistic Disney was! AT least for a brief moment in cinematic history truth prevailed over Nazi programming.


Because the hacking has made typing nearly impossible--retyping, backspacing, pounding down--I'm going to try but after I got away from this system I "remembered" some of the ideas I had originally wanted to write but the slowness of the keys responding and the struggle to backspace and rewrite and the attack on my brain to stop cognition in certain respect made it impossible to go further than a few brief sentences.
In this video clip which is a true artistic rendering in all respects, a quality I find almost impossible to find in modern cinematic artistry at least for the public, and Disney made sure to allow the public access to his work rather than keep his work confined to a small "elite" group of viewers who are by-invitation only. I am subjected to the rather endless mediocrity of movie selections, often Disney movies but not excluding all all the others, which always have death, unless it's a blonde Nazi bigot woman in a romantic comedy. There seems to be almost no exception. Every single movie is a hell-storm of human sacrifice, which is what I consider Satanic Christianity to be all about. Yes, there are Satanic Christians who attend church meetings in rooms with crosses. The cross being the centerpiece, representing murder and human sacrifice, of course, as a basic tenant of their form of Christianity.

They all call themselves Christian nevertheless.
In one of the scenes of the Disney clip which makes very many references to licentious and grabbing sexuality with evil behind every sexual titillation of devouring the other, into a consummation of devout (Satanic) ecstasy. This has become the dominant strain of formulaic movie fodder of modern times along with the inevitable death scene, it seems it is a regulated industry demanding these two essential factors embedded into each movie.
One of the celebrities who sells sex and feminism--was coming at me like a flesh-starved zombie but naked or from the top down. I was asleep, in deep healing and sickness sleep, couldn't say anything really because I was in this deep sleep state where my body was shut down from light responses but needed deep healing sleep. Of course these possessed people attacking me all attack with almost more ferocity when I am always in a completely sick and desperate state for rest, peace and healing. Of course, they not only blocked that from me and everything else, but continued the poisoning.

Thus in addition to the dancing Nazi pagan women who, upon being crushed by the fires of mutation by Satan, they turned not into a pig and ape and donkey, I was wrong, but more accurately, a pig, a donkey (ass, in other words) and a Goat ( the endless symbol of Satanism).

But a few minutes later into the scene came the naked women, perhaps representing the Valkyries, yet another Nazi metaphor for the "power" of the Nazi Germanic and blonde races--topless, and seemingly seductive, but just a second later appearing in the camera, close up, as hissing and hideous woman bearing sharp-edged razor teeth--all beauty gone once you are close up to them and see what they are.

Last night I was subjected to a few of the teleporters who, after hours of me being teleported hither and thither from some part of "The South" in America to some mutual meeting place and I have no idea where--the woman who has played in Disney roles, one of which was derived from ideas she stole from me. But blurring the lines between "good and evil" and making "Evil" look "Good" for the traditional movie (a former Disney movie in fact) that had entrenched the usual stereotypes, in almost all respects.

"The Lost Maidens of Berlin/History/Smithsonian".

There's quite a few statues like this in Germany--there's also one similar to the photo I can't find online at this moment, as hacking is so awful I can barely type anything out or search or do anything. This is the "lost" "Maidens" from Berlin, so the description goes. This is very much a fertility dance of paganism which Nazis adhered to in their "New" Religion, as they cast Christianity out and claimed that God Was Dead, thanks to Nietszche. This is the "Rite of Spring", the pagan observance of astrological movements of the planets which was a part of the Nazi religion.

"The Lost Maidens of Berlin/History/Smithsonian" is the link to the image above. If you enlarge this photo, you will see underneath in the depths of the pool that the "madles" are dancing around, is a version of the Skull & Bones iconography, albeit without a skull but a bearded and groggy creature from some depths of the undead--so it appears. There is of course Masonic imagery here alongside the Nazi new religion Order. I don't consider the contrast to be very beautifying. The dead underneath the dancing maidens seems more like yet another religious homage to human sacrifice and the Nazis dancing over the corpses, as they did laughing in gaiety. As the torturing Nazis out of H-wood do, as the vile and Satanically-possessed women who dance and laugh as the undead men they look to for approval rape and beat me. All made possible courtesy of Project Paperclip good ole Uncle Scam--with their Nazi technology bringing such characters as Nazi Trump and Co into power--this very group, these very people. Watching the January 6 Select Committee hearings now only to realize what kind of militarized violence is being coagulated even at this very time--Nazis, with genocidal formulas they can repeat due to movies such as what the 4th Reich Disney contagion is programming their children and the adults as well to believe and conform to. The programming is intense. It is real but people like me with good intentions who want to expose it are being silenced by these top executives and celebrities into not having actual real-life access to publishing, having real access to the internet, or having anything reach anybody as all is hacked and blocked--part of the fascist government overtake of freedom of speech. Meanwhile the white supremacists are going on rampages stealing every Patriot phrase in order to state that the government is not going to block their freedom of speech. All of them, mostly all completely agree with me being censured and blocked and silenced and if they had their way: killed. So far they have gotten these celebrities to slowly poison me to death which they claim they "didn't know" anything about. That is what Disney is all about right now. This image above is part of the imagery used in the real, and authentic Disney clip above with Satan bringing these Nazi dancing over the joy of death maidens and showing by this art what they really are and act like. I hope in one sense all these years of me calling these absolutely vile and ugly celebrities "pig apes" will have a bit more credibility because Disney who was alive during the reign of the 4th Reich and was aware of their true intent, the destruction of Christianity for instance, which is almost never brought up in modern documentaries and I bet most of you would claim that y ou were aware of this fact. The Nazis are further glamorized, just like the Mafia Movies (waiting for Disney to put out a poor person rising up to avenge some death and conquering the Mafia out of Brooklyn, only to become a Mafia Don in the process--but, will have to wait a few more years for that plot to thicken. But the Nazis are continuously being honored in various ways in the movies, while the movie plots appear like innocuous anti-Nazi formulas. The actors who assault me slowly to death play the "heroes" fighting Nazis. Connect the dots.


Topless and in a flurry of trying to somehow seduce me or appear as this sexualized thing trying to entice some reaction out of me. In this sick state, I was blase about her breasts and her body and face, only thinking of the YEARS she has spent destroying mine and destroying everything and stealing all she can from me. As I have written countless times in my facebook pasts on this topic of hormonal highs derived from torture, I just recalled the years of her torture and how sexualized energized she is after over EIGHT YEARS of her violence with her brutal husband coming after me to get high on torture, get high on violence, get high on stealing ideas from me, get high on watching me fight for my life as they continue to poison me.

I was sitting earlier in a space with a Southern Christian family. They began to ask my opinion of Christianity and it didn't take long for some of the members in the room to walk out, backs turned away from me in cold displeasure. I can't write it's so hard to get into the details of why. I am also so very sick of my ideas being perpetually stolen from me by all you readers. I discussed Satanic possession, or the term is "Demonic Possession" in the South. I began to discuss this and then, after a kind of very luke-warm ending of this session of more people absolutely opposed to everything I am and believe in and with all their stereotypes they try to force upon me and categorize me into.

I am now going to add something that should be in the middle of this page but I can't find it as mysteriously my reading glasses are missing. They got lost while I was in a deep sickness sleep state. Also things were broken by the mechanical arms while I slept and obviously they did something to my glasses.

Besides that, writing is so arduous. My brain is also under attack so I get into ranting hate speech instead of calmly analyzing. They want me to appear hysterical and something more close to illiterate.

The hideous monster who sat with every kind of plastic surgery perked-up in her bare-breasted display for all the men and women to look at as it was a sexualized show--probably something she really wants and is most qualified for.. Now that she's in a more central light as more "important" people are joining in from Wall Street and Congress, she's got her lip silicone injections neatly done, instead of her clamped down, glaring and frowning lips I have seen for almost 8 years as her really ugly feature besides her beady and hateful glaring eyes.
Now with every cosmetic and plastic surgery implant perked up for these important audiences, she is going either full naked or halfway--thus the image on the Disney clip of the naked flying bare-breasted thing which dips below the shot and then flies up with a kind of Golum hissing hateful devouring conquering worm stance--I wrote that if you get close enough and dispel of the fantasy which is one of the byproducts of Satanic or Demonic possession, whichever way you want to label it, and I said that you would see this hateful grimace face. I got lost in fighting to type and I could not include that I have indeed seen this very same look when she was alone with me in some house, as she wore all white and asked me what I thought of her. I came out with hate and told her, as I tell her English partners and people like her who teleport me, that I am not a fan of theirs I am not a member of the fascist Nazi ideology fan club. My words came out much nastier than that, and that was years ago, after years of torture and her stealing my ideas to make Disney movies (a Goofy Movie production glamorizing her misuse of feminist ideas that she took and adapted to a sinister sexualized and Satanic disguise coupled with this "freedom/feminist" concept (set of concepts, I wrote a few paragraphs on this topic) and mixed and blurred lines between good and evil. It wasn't independent women that was the featured digression, but other points I can't get into as this is very long and I don't want to emphasize this nasty ugly thing more than I have to, and have written far too much already without getting to the point (mind control blasting into my brain + hacking):

She then put on the Golum face hissing in rage and urinated on me, in a most disgusting display of how evil and vile she really is. That was years ago. Last night looking to seduce the audience as I have been only accusing her of the reality of her crimes along with her equally repugnant former husband, the crowd is now allowing her to pit her sexuality against my mutilated body which she had stinking urine, fungus and fish oil and bloating, hardening poison and mind control poison/drugs poured into my bladder directly so I had to relieve myself all day, every 30 minutes or 45--all day, every day, for years. Cutting into the skin between my toes. Having part of my uterus cut out. Damaging my hair and then making nearly half or more permanently fall out. Smearing chemicals on my skin to completely break down the integrity of the skin--my hands and forearms looking like parched ancient Egyptian scroll paper in a museum. All permanently put on my skin with permanent chemicals. Today I eliminated stinking fungus liquid in the morning, and fish oil a few hours ago--each time limping in great pain to this bed and falling into a deep sleep from sickness. I have been forced to live in this state due to the ugliness and Demonic quality of this woman--and her husband, my government and everyone reading this who has never stopped in to protect my rights as a human being. I would call you all Demonically possessed at this time.

The qualification for getting any kind of help from this pornographic crowd reading my posts, besides just being wealthy, which was blocked from me in all respects years ago, and what little I had was all completely stolen, all attempts blocked, but because this woman who understands how much selling herself as a willing sex object but a sadistic conniving abuser is so titillating to the power-broker men and the women who go along with male rape culture and love seeing other women getting beaten, raped and destroyed as they join in and tell the victim that they deserved it. They know that you have to look damn good in order to get any respect or help from anybody.

I also think of a recent Goofy Movies product about a fashion designer--one of the leads in the movie came at me in teleportation with outright Nazi genocidal statements only a few months ago. The film ran on the original Disney premise, but ran from there into murder (which never happened in the original Disney) the protagonist turning into the "evil" opposite--with colors of black and white intermixed as yet proof of another blurring of lines between Good and Evil. This acceptance of going over the lines of true goodness and true hateful evil has nothing to do with not being a good or bad girl or woman in male superiority terms. Thus again, what's seemingly good is bad, what's good turns into Evil but it's done so slightly with the lines so blurred you can't tell with all the American hipster music playing in the background (a total discrediting of Jim Morrison and The Doors to boot). That is how Nazis have taken over the old top quality and turned it into a maelstrom of Satanically-possessed "do-gooders" who can't wait to beat the hell out of you, rape and plunder whenever possible.

Monday, July 11, 2022

A very disgusting situation forced upon me by sick and rotten.

 They are all being awarded and praised and promoted as I write this. Their violence upon me is being met with cheers, applause and pats on the back with perhaps millions of dollars in prizes for this hate crime that is never stopped. The endless pursuit of easy money is the one and only force driving every politician, every celebrity and now the echelons of terrorist gang stalking murdering bigots and their nasty minions around the world.

I have been stuck in bed in a state of agony so pronounced that I believe I need to be hospitalized and taken care of. Forget about being able to pay for this.

Meanwhile, the expletives who are profiting off attacking me can't stop pushing violence upon me when these repugnant parasites see how sick and weak I am. This is their main operating principle and meanwhile they all claim that they are such "winners" but have to use every low and disgusting tactic of exploitation with lies and from behind and when the target is vulnerable. The heart palpitations continue, I have been beset by Graham very nicely trying to lure me into his trap for his endless promotions in this contract--allied with trump and the nazi forces they both adhere to and obey. Just two weeks ago Graham was threatening me with KKK murder and hissing in hate slurs about his penis--aimed at "humiliating" me--the tactic that many of these low and scum perpetrators use to try to make the target feel insulted. It's not they, the filthy and disgusting, immoral rapists who are supposed to be considered as filthy crap--not, its always the target for being "bad" (Bad girl not obeying and letting ugly pregnant, unattractive, disgusting shit pig ape albeit white trash lifted into top position somehow, usually by their mommy's and daddys'--but to not just smile and let these less than "men" rape, beat and poison you to death as they steal ideas as well--it's only been going on for more than a decade. I now have every filthy whore blonde Nazi laughing and smiling on as the pigs beat and rape me in front of them--filthy pigalina along with this ever-increasingly repugnant pig pit the actor who have not stopped this torture and information extraction upon me for over 8 years. They are so ugly and sinister and what I can only ascertain from over 8 years of being teleported to them to be tortured without end, as they have not stopped having fungus, sewage water and bloating hardening poison inserted into my vagina and my body, hair and all furniture and clothing sprayed daily with toxic fungus sprays that are so stinking it's a toxic shock to my already damaged and stressed internal organs. The abuse they project upon me as they  go off afterwards getting awards and free funding for their ever project has made it apparent to me how unbelievable that a pair of posturing Nazi shit like this ever were put in this position in the first place. All they do is exemplify Nazism and they are put in charge for it. As I  have been writing, this is a complete take-over of America by this fascist Nazi cartel which drives all these repugnant pig apes into their ever act of violence against me. You can add sinister and sick as hell Stallone into this grouping as he's gone on and on in the shadows fully supporting this contract and profiting off it while constantly cranking out his dumb movie formulas about the underdog rising against violent adversaries and winning the day by brute force. It's been bought and sold so endlessly for 4 decades and he's been touted as a leader of H-wood for so many years. Undoubtedly fully working with every perpetrator attacking me and obtaining his hate crime tactics and protocols from his fascist Italian Mafia operators and "handlers" has enabled him to remain in the spotlight and get lead roles for years. He's been attacking me because I wrote about how disgusting and sick he is as they all are. Like all of these pig ape scumbag creeps, he comes at me with haughty hate telling me they all can do whatever the f-they want to me and they are entitled to murdering me and stealing any and everything from me and blocking all access to everything from me. Augmented by Congress where AOC, P-lousy, Raskin and Kinzinger, now Graham who just after his death threats and penis aspersions aimed at me, is offering me a quaint little housing deal where I go to some remote location in his state, not even sure if it's north or south carolina or exactly where--I used to know, but hacking is so bad I can't look up information without having to wait at least 2 minutes for any function to open or operate at this point. But, it's amazing how he's so kindly and gently offering me this after completely nudging the NYC battalioni of groveling wanna be Nazis into increasing their hate attacks in to death threats and teleportation skits of murdering me or suicide--just one small month into this contract and they are at this point already. I know that coming from Wall Street they also have an arsenal of hacking tools so, of course, blocking competition as one of their "winning" strategies as they are doing to me now--the hacking is horrific and worse than I've had to deal with for years--but it only takes a small incentive to get them to commit every crime in absolute hate aimed at me because I have been labeled some persona non grata only because I fought to save my life and stop being abused, poisoned and raped constantly by sick and disgusting pig men--all of them white shitty supremacists who are boring and unattractive. Pig pit is now one of these repugnant ugly white trash creeps and has earned the title from me. His disgusting pig whore ugly wife should be in prison for assault crimes and disfiguration of my body as well as shit pig pit. They are both not just awarded but granted absolute immunity as the politicians come to threaten, abuse and insult me while they fondly embrace the pigpitalina pair and kindly compliment pigapealina for her plastic surgery and pat pig pit on the back cuz he's just a good ole boy. Monsters have now been created and expect to have every right and entitlement handed to them. Behind this pair of shit is the English Crown, a slew of rotten and disgusting English who hiss in hate programming these apes that I am not supposed to say no, and cut parts of my body off, as they lather damaging chemicals on my skin and have my bones broken in addition to inserting bloating poison into my body every single night. The day that Bloomberg got involved I had an immediate surge of energy because he had stopped the poisoning. But within a few weeks, not just a few weeks, IMMEDIATELY upon taking this contract he began sexual assault harassment that was disgusting, ugly and sinister. His nasty daughter whose voice is like some buzzsaw that grinds into your ears, goes on and on with "loser" and all kinds of hate ph rases pumped endlessly into my ears. Telling them initially that I did not want to get involved with them, they told me that they would "take care of " me anyway, gently patting me on the back. Since then it's been increasing violence, heart palpitations while I am bedridden and other such violent tactics. This used to be the Mayor of NYC and has proven what a worthless personality he is and was to have been put into that position. Imagine the "minority" women he grabbed or abused if they didn't obey immediately or give he what he demands as they sexually gropes and abuses them--the fascist Nazi police of course trained with their systemic racism to ignore the calls for justice, as has happened to me non-stop for decades. Now the incompetence and hateful pair are being promoted as Graham takes over trying to gently persuade me with all kinds of incentives that he's gonna take care of me as well. I know that he promised the NYC rats what they wanted as promotion for the dirty and nasty incompetent daughter and thus--as with all of them involved--THERE IS NO RESPECT FOR LAW, NO RESPECT FOR THE US CONSTITUTION. That also includes rotten Kinzinger the Nazi and his Jewish groveling wanna be Nazi pig ape Raskin--but now I am in too much pain to sit here nay longer backspacing and endlessly fighting to pound words out. Meanwhile every function I press still won't work. I tried to click on publish and nothing happened. I tried to open a downloaded archived file and open it with my VLC player and nothing happened. I tried to click on my speakers and nothing happened. etc etc. This is after having spent a half hour in too much pain to sit trying to clear out the cache as those functions also would not work. 

Not being able to move almost, just limping and clinging onto every thing I can to lift my body up as I struggle to limp a few feet--literally three feet--and can barely do it. Getting on the laptop I saw this morning that hundreds of files had been hacked into my system while I had not used it for days. It took me over 30 minutes to clean out the cache, having to waste time sitting which exacerbates the excruciating pain. Every word I type is a great effort. I CANNOT RESTORE MY LAPTOP USING THE "RESTORE" FUNCTION because the terrorist hackers continue to block access to my bank account every time I do a restore function. Every phone call to this bank PNC is re-routed to lying abusers who yell at me that this is mandatory and cannot be chanced. I have spent hours on the phone being yelled at, lied to or abused and this block remains. The last time I did a restore function my access to the Edge Browser log-in to my PNC account was blocked. I can only access my account from one single browser now, afraid to clear out the hacking mess because it may shut off all access completely. I have no way to phone anyone to get this cleared. IT IS AN OPTIONAL FEATURE and I am being yelled at and lied to continuously on the phone when I tell them I need this block removed.

In addition, I paid a lot of money for a mail service which has not reported my mail for over 6 months. I had to phone them, they told me I had three letters, they scanned three pages of one letter (crooked, unreadable in a way) and then would not respond to me requestiong that they scan all my mail. That too has been a terrorist hack into my system, and every mail service I phoned was met by a lying atgent, where "street addresses" were promised but every mail service told me that the address would have a "suite" number attacked. It was a lie as well. I am not able to phone a single business without the calls being diverted to some lying abuser who blocks access to normal business functions.

The abuse from the parasite group of hate, your famous "leaders" and "celebrities" goes on as they perpetually call me a loser and ugly and stupid. I also try to remind them that not only have they poisoned me non-stop so I could not remove the bloating poison stink death mess they and others put in my body, as they kept having hardening poisons inserted into my vaaina along with sewage stinking water, causing internal shock to my liver and kidneys ever day and retaining the poisons in my intestines as their violcnce when I am sleeping as they teleport me to hate and yelling fights every single day/night has been ongoing for YEARS YEARS AND YEARS--causing further shock to my system.


Now they are blocking my laptop with horrific malware. I deleted just now hundreds of files from cache and the system is still blocked and won't work. 

The heart palpitations continue, and I am so ill I can't move. All the poisoning that this pig operation put in my body and then continued to put in while they teleport me so I am slowly dying while they obtain creative ideas from me day after day and sell them off as their own concept is as repugnant and disgusting as they are.

It continues, no one ever stops this. I could go on but what a waste of energy it is writing about such shit operator parasites. When nothing but disgusting people are reading this glorifying these pig apes for their fascist Nazi takeover of the media and of politics. Every Democrat representative or politician who has come after me (P-lousy, rasin, AOC) are adamant supporters of this fascist organization and play the role of fake counterpart. They firmly support the takeover and want to capitalize on the rewards of helping it to transition. That is what I have seen of these pig ape pieces of shit for all these years.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

The deadly heart palpitation terrorist attacks continue on a 24/7 basis. The attacks never cease or stop to my heart, but a bit lower in intensity than yesterday and for this past week. It is a murder operation, this particular attack. They are also attacking the muscles on my face, pulling lips and cheeks downward. My face has become sunken from YEARS of this attack forced upon me, with corresponding tears forced out of my eyes every day--for hours--going on for years until I felt like my eyeballs were going to pop out. The second I wake up from sickness sleep, the daughter of this "new" but very repetitively old in formulaic protocol attack formation--man and this daughter begin immediately to hiss the most hateful insults just as I am on the waking point. I am obviously extremely ill and can't move to get out of bed most of the time.

 I really am in excruciating pain as the hard poisons latched in serpentine intertwining knots and constrictions of my internal organs and bones/spine/knees in particular both knees are so swollen I can't bend at the knee without excruciating pain and can't bend at all.

The parasites never stop attacking me with deadly hate technology such as the heart palpitation torture/murder weapons which their proxies in the rooms next to mine aim at my body while I remain stuck in a stagnant paralyzed state--as I have been forced into for over a decade. This was years of begging online for anyone to stop the last bunch who have just conjoined with the current terrorists to inflict, by now, deadly attacks because I won't accept being abused and then love and have a baby so some people I consider not anything I want to have this kind of life-affirming situatin with because they are death-mongering idiots on a personal level--

all of them, the group prior to them, and in general the entire operation

They are also forcing huge explosions of sneezes out of me which come instantaneously so I am unprepared. this mocrochip implant in my throat is a favorite for attack with all the terrorists. The expletives who are now using every means to slowly destroy my body because I didn't take being yelled at in hate with vicious abuse and grabbing lunging of sexual harassment by this former mayor of NYC--how do they put these sexual abuser predators in that high position for that seat in NYC?

I fought back, as I always do because they went after me and after me I told them to go away long ago and they keep attacking until finally I am screaming in rage at them--which of courfse is their intended goal and they get promoted for creating this reaction. They energetically feed off it as well and never tire of it. Parasites and vampires and etc etc how many hate adjectives can I employ to describe the packs of filth and shit who endlessly attack me so they and their children can get promotions and deals that last for years and years?


They are so detestible, I am trying to "ignore" the hate insults but I am great pain. They are attacking my heart and nose and throat (endless "snorting" by constricting my throat while I am on the brink of falling asleep--that went on for weeks, since the beginning).

It's sick people being handed torture technology, telling the victim of torture that they had better accept being abused and then give the perpetrators every single thing they demand without complaint or question. 

I can see obviously that this is how these people have been living most of their lives, accepting being humiliated by racists who they cloy and cling to for acceptance. 


The whole reason I have been put into this situation was because the English attacker Moynihan and the Italian rapist associated with Rambo approached me with sexual abuse, insults and almost demanded with glaring looks of hate that I do and give them what they want. They always have a coterie of associates standing around them to protect them and shield them and I always reacted with polite NO but didn't take their bs, just walked away silently. I was mind controlled to not react. I never responded to their sleazy hate attacks with hate in return. it's now decades of them instructing their American allies that in order to get promoted into the European-controlled media and fascist Nazi cartels which control all media output and in politics as well, they have to follow these guidelines: approach me with nisutls and demand sex. If I try to get away, torture me almost to death and go on and on for years and years. They all get endless top roles and deals and are put into office afterwards. There is no end to the awards handed out for following this contract.


As for this pair out of NYC--it only reminds me of my very wealthy distant family who very gladly sold me off to be poisoned and tortured  to death in this MK ULTRA campaign of Nazi purport. They actively participated and went out golfing and golfing. All my grandparents went out golfing and golfing as the status symbol for belonging to the Nazi elite group where endless wealth, going out to parties and to dinners and playing golf ad nausium, was all that they cared for and about. LIke this daughter of this man who so closely resembles this NYC hell that forced this contract upon me only to alleviate their own burden of racist attack, they all have the same hobbies such as horseback riding=--another status symbol. But not content with the billions already handed out for being essentially not as intellectually on a high level as a major newspaper mogul should be in my opinion, having been exposed to the immaturity, hate and viciousness of this pair I can't see any acumen very notworthy in this man or his very low-level daughter. They attack, gnaw and lie and steal and viciously attack when they can get over on someone else without punishment. So I am stuck with another pair of potentially murdering bigots playing pawns for the Nazis mostly out of Europe, who want their child to get endless undeserved promotions and to obtain leniency for being Jewish and to have most notably someone to vent their oppression of self-loathing upon as on a lower status. The hate insults are endless by this pair, the death threats go on. Sickening of my government to be handing this technology out endlessly leaving me to literally fight for my life by writing these posts as the only recourse I have available.

Ongoing touchless "murder" via heart palpitations, artificially-created by technologies. It's been going on 24/7 for at least a week, or longer, but the new perpetrators have used so much hate and vitriol I have not been able to count the countless attacks or write about them. I am always blocked from cognition when I attempt to write about their terrorism, as part of the discrediting process.

 I am currently in extreme pain and bedridden due to the swelling of poisons that have been  latched as deeply as possible into my body's crevices, bones, spine, skull and extending to my knees and feet.

As I lay here, I feel the exertion of heart palpitations that are the tell-tale sign of heart palpitation electronic attacks that various expletives have forced upon me all these years. *As I type letters are remotely inserted or deleted to cause endless disruption of my every word output. 

The heart palpitations are painful and now a serious threat to my very fragile health at this point of more than a decade of non-stop torture, poisoning and violence endlessly being aimed at me.

Additionally, as I lay on my bed feeling my heart being squashed and trying to breathe, pit the terrorist with his wife and the group of terrorist celerity thugs teleported me holding up a carving knife, shiny so I could see it clearly. Saying that he would gladly cut away the poisons from my spine. I tried to divert the hate and hostility by saying that the knife would be more suitable for carving a toy or something beautiful in wood. Then the mind control "trauma-based" hate kicked 9n as I said in a thug tone being subliminally injected into my subconscious: "Why don't you stick it up your ass and try to remove the bullshit?". It was nothing I had consciously prepared as a response, it was artificially induced and under death threat conditions the brain is put into a very susceptible state of malleability. 


But pit just had to join in to the haters threatening me with death, the senator and the wall street representative and the rest of the haters and users and abusers. Of course he has to be included and get more free deals out of this for himself and his clan (which includes many Europ-a's urging him to beat the life out of me in order for them all to enjoy this huge deal they will get if I break and they parasitically feed upon my helplessness).


Otherwise, the pain is not diminishing but various parts of my body are being pushed with swelling poison and I need to heal and sleep. I truly request again to please get this group off me, for the 10th year in a row to no avail.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Waking up from having written hate rants in hysterical rage from yet more parasites inflicting their neuroses, problems and insecurities out on me--just endless from one disgusting immature and rotten "famous" parasite after the next. I swear they are put into power for the lack of humanity, their sell-out whoring need for money and fame, and their absolute lack of intelligence even when they are apt at calculating, stealing, manipulating and lying.

 It is me who appears like the "bad" problem and not the gloating, composed perpetrators who, after pouring out their hate and misery upon me are relieved, feel enlightened (as the only form of spiritual enlightenment they ever have in their paltry lives of greed and consumption). Like all victims of torture, I am screaming in rage and they are perfectly smiling and glad and claim that it is I who is "crazy" and of course they are wonderful. They obtain more rewards and promotions and more and more money in the millions for this, their violence never wants but only increases as time goes by. Why? The curbs to their violence are non-existent. There is no censure or restraint put upon them whatsoever. The leader of this pack at this time is Trump, and the Democrats and Repugs come to pilfer, abuse and attack with Trump smiling his goofy hate smile as he watches me get devoured, abused to death--and of course they have been poisoning me slowly to death via insesrtions of stinking fluids into my vagina for years while abusing me on a non-stop basis.

the current nasty parasite is M. Bloomberg, who I have ascertained to be a mere puppet repeating endlessly the racist Nazi programming he has been instructed to repeat in the show that only puts his name as a stamp upon it. As far as I have seen of him, he loves finding ways to rip people off and steal and attack viciously. These traits combined with an absolute deference to blonde, Nazi culture has made him and his spawn some of the most verbally abusive and psychologically nasty attackers of this entire group. So eager to be welcomed into the Nazi fold, they are constantly forcing subliminal and dream-state teleportation skits lauding blonde and extremely white-skinned models and calling me, by default for having a darker hue and dark brown hair and eyes a "loser" in comparison--as an automatic assumption of the racist paradigm. Included into that is the poverty this group has forced upon me so that is also used against me as being a "loser" and in addition to that, while calling me a "loser" perpetually and I "hear" it in endless subliminal hissing hate attacks rendered by the billionaires daughter who is as loathsome a pest as any parasite clinging to sucking the life and destroying it's target--but they are blocking access ot my money but calling me a "loser" for not being able to access online financial services. All attempts to earn money online have been blocked by their group. They keep insulting how poor I have become saying it's my innate "loser" quality, which they created and are expounding upon as a part of their torture scheme for which they will be paid perhaps in millions of dollars in awards. They also endlessly deride how I look. When they first began teleporting me one month ago, my abdomen was stuck at a huge bloated pot due to poisons that have never been stopped as hardening tools of paralysis forced upon my body. Unable to afford to pay for a better place to live where I would have some chance of protection against the breaks into my living space, I have never been able to stop the poisoning although I have spent years doing monthly detox. In this last month, I got rid of the pot--just because Bloomberg, when he was operating at the beginning of his torture tenure, still has a semblance of humanity albeit not very much. He stopped the poisoning. I felt immediately a surge of energy and began to get things done. Now I am in extreme pain because I exercised and the poisons latched into my legs and spin are expanding and I literally cannot move and am in constant pain. Thusly this parasite who has begun death threats and skits of murder upon me--after of course Senator Lindsey Graham began to attack me because he's an ally of Trump, and Trump is having his minions attack me with increasing deadly violence the longer I resist these ugly pig apes and try to retain my independence as a human being--which they try every day to crush and break. They have turned the incessant abuse into deadly violence and the closer Trump gets to having to testify at the J-6 Committee hearings, the more insane and deadly the attacks upon me have been. 

Bloombertg stopped the insertion of stinking sewage and urine water and hardening/bloating poisons into my body-for the first time in perhaps over a decade I was able to move with energy instead of sickness leaving me to sit in a drugged-up stupor all day--but now the pain of having done too much exercise has left me in the same state as these poisons are swelling up just in order to get out of my body. Graham began his assault last week, or two weeks ago. I think because Bloomberg with his rotten nasty daughter were somewhat helpful the group inserted Graham to immediately threaten me with murder--it was the first thing he yelled at me. As they are literally "in my face" and I can't "ignore" them when they teleport me, I yelled back and fought back, as I always do (it's been every single day of this death energy draining exercise from one disgusting parasite "celebrity" or politician after the next). Now Bloomberg is constantly threatening me with death, the teleportation skits are either of blonde very pale models posing as I am in some physical location far below them--a power play of course--as the Jewish Nazis so endlessly embrace Nazi and racist programming and are some of the most vicious in enforcing these racist ideologies as this controls them to their very core. 

I am now beset with this ugly man Bloomberg who is now loathsome in every respect with his regunant daughter having access to endless subliminal hate attacks where racist memes are endlessly being inflicted upon my subconscious in this hateful manner. They continue to abuse me so I can't heal and they continue with hate while I just need peace and healing. 


Lindey Graham has since been televised as going to Ukraine to prop-up more propaganda with Blumenthal about how poor the victims in Ukraine are laying dead in the streets. Undoubtedly Graham is being allowed to pilfer whatever $ he can out of the endless billions and trillions of dollars being sent to poor Ukraine while helping to install a fascist regime of murder within the US using these technologies--and as I wrote yesterday, making people homeless is yet another way of completely shattering any potential voting mass who may vote Democrat or whatever would go against the rising money-only fascist Nazi regime of the 4th Reich that these odious celebrities and politicians --and of course, Bloomberg was running for prez under the Democrat ticket, wasn't he? they have it all covered. The "Left" is being run by groveling minions who obey and pass on the hate and self-loathing to the "enemies" who want to have independence of mins and money and choice like me--who has seemingly become a kind of symbol for all they want to destroy in America. Oddly I have no following and everyone allows this torture to continue, so I can't see how I am a threat to this group of shit and pig ape scum but apparently they want to break me in every way as some kind of evidence of how wide-spread this system has encroached upon every single facet of life with full approval of the public who also grab onto having people to torture, make homeless, calling them "losers" all the while.


I have to add that this sleazy and disgusting ugly old man Bloomberg was reaching out at my breasts with his hands in gnarled postures of grabbing something to break--a sneering look of absolute hate on his most ugly and hideous face. He kept lunging at my breasts and hissing in hate at me. I just have to add how disgusting he is on every level to me at leastl--for this he is promised a seat at the Nazi table. I had tried to warn him that they do not consider him as one of them, but they have since consoled him with promises and awards and warm and smiling invitations so they are viciously attacking me in exactly the same way as the pigs whores and shit apes I have tried to ward off for years in this horrific teleportation technology.


I re-read the post above and saw that hackers had changed some of the words to discredit what I was attempting to write. It's basically in the state of understanding but just be aware that all of my writings are manipulated in this same manner.

This is now about 3 hours after having written the post above. I had to fell into a deep sleep because I am terrifically ill from detox and hard poisons that have made my spine and hips and body crooked essentially since I was around 10 years old this has plagued me.

In a deep healing sleep the parasite teleporting me who has been instructed by the English and the American fascists--I can see their influence upon him, and he follows and obeys perfectly all he and his group want is to belong and be accepted instead of potential targets of Nazis (which they are anyway despite whatever groveling they do). So I was in a very deep sleep and teleported to blonde white Europigapes who were standing over me in ominous formation while I was sitting on a tuff of grass in some park--an open space. They surrounded me as I sat there/my prime body state in a most deep healing sleep, this secondary teleported state sitting as a group surrounded me and all I could see was their legs and the hate on their rotten faces as they began making insults about how I can't afford anything. This is the training this ugly man is now getting from the group which constantly mimics and mocks what I say about them, turning it into a sarcastic joke and emphasizing that they can and will do whatever the f-they want to me and they go about doing it every day. I can only imagine the pig apes out of London instructing this pig creep rat man out of NYC on the fascist and Imperialist policy of crushing opposition and this technology is like a carnival ride of murder and hate and rape for all involved who glob on endlessly into attacking me.


Thus I had written that they revel in forcing extreme poverty upon me and then claim in hissing insulting hate that I am a "loser" because they  have been paid in millions ( most of them having either raped, beaten and many of them stealing ideas from my writings after their torture--about them the writings were theories about issues that they are creating such as perpetual domestic violence inflicted by rapist sleaze and meaningless ugly shit men upon a victim---and they steal the ideas and then force poverty upon me, making millions of dollars upon the new ideas they have stolen from me--pumping it out like another formulaic plot device and treat me with hate and condescending violence for having through structures which question the illegitimacy of their hate system--which they are implementing into actual policy using these covert technologies that no one will expose. The media, as represented by this rotten and meaningless media mogul who I think only is being used as a kind of mascot for this news organization, is full gung ho at suppressing ideas, torturing people like me for having questioning disapproval of this surging fascist organization to which he is fully dedicated to. What I had thought was a high quality newspaper I now see is an extremely over-priced paper with very good writers but mostly absolute re-echoing of the news bylines that all these papers follow. Meaning they are all fed information from a central source on which stories to print and (rewrite to adjust to various audience reading level) and then a chorus of absolute compliance to the general propaganda is met--all criteria for not thinking or questioning assured. As I wrote two days ago, I believe that the Nazis want a man like Bloomberg to be used as a pawn when the fascists and Nazis want to overtake the country and will claim as they always do that it's "Jews" who are creating the problems. For having obeyed and followed the instructions of the Nazi shithead pig apes who control him, he is only setting himself up to be considered as one of the reasons why the country is in a shambles as the militarized groups who want to cast down the government can use him as an example of treason and being a traitor to the United States. The policies that this dumb and rotten disgusting man follow are what the Nazis want him to openly dispense, and then when the Nazis in the general domain come to massacre it will be this rotten symbol of the "Jewish Problem" that the Nazis will need to eliminate just as they did in Germany. They will claim that he is part of the Jewish conspiracy to destroy the country or some dumb Germanic Nazi statement used as pretext for murder and rampage. This rotten man has no compunction about being an absolute ass-wipe follower and is most disgusting about his affinity for venting his pent-up sense of inferiority out upon me, along with his most gnawing daughter who is a disgusting blathering parasite endlessly hissing most nasty insults because this group has poisoned and beaten and raped and assaulted me non-stop for DECAES and now I am stuck in poverty, my body was completely huge and bloated for years, and I have been tortured non-stop for decades and I sit here with almost nothing left. My work stolen and people making millions off it. The creeps make sure to dig into every "failure" they have created in my body and life and blame me for it. When I keep repeating the obvious that their group has done this to me and they as well, they go blank and silent and then continue the insults about what a "loser" I am and they are such "winners" in comparison. Their blank stupidity has been so fully augmented by stealing my ideas and then the awards and promotions likewise--and so they glory and revel in this system. As for Lindsey Graham, he was hissing murderous violence at me for having written about Pelosi issuing death threats at me while she was sitting next to S-negger the former Gov of CA. I wrote about what a despicable rotten hyena parasite she is, seeing that her two times of teleporting me were always one week exactly before the passing of the last two stimulus checks. I later saw on the news that huge portions of the money was handed to pig-lousy for her luxury California projects and whatever s-negger got out of it, I can only see in that his son has been put into the movies but the investments and money he also pilfered out of this scam scheme are not revealed as such in the news. Like P-lousy, Graham the cracker assaulted me one week before his Diplomatic mission to Ukraine--the third American put in the news to go on this type of trip endlessly spouting loving concern for the children and the people being unjustly killed and attacked. The first two were p-lousy and filthalina the parasite who has latched onto everything possible to steal as part of her endless promotion and the theft of my ideas has been her sole career exploit for over a decade. But just one week before going Graham came to threaten me, and now he's in Ukraine where obviousyl the money is pouring into the pockets of the diplomats as TILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars are being bandied around for all the get a share in. America and NATO continue to push for expansion, and Russia claims they have just begun the effort and will drop nuclear bombs and they are just itching to do so if the NATO forces don't back down, which they won't.

And so that is the stupid and ignorant death cartel that has taken over the seats of responsibility in America. 


But I was in a deep sleep, and this parasitic ugly disgusting man had his group of blonde Nazis surrounding me and I was in such a healing and deep state I just remained silent waiting for them to go away. I had no more energy to fight I was in a deep sleep in absolute pain as hard poisons latched into my knees, joints, spine, skull and everywhere else are swelling up and I can't put weight on my legs it's excruciating. The parasite has been viciously attacking me in increasingly violent manners absolutely emulating the pig ape whore shitheads who have attacked me who are prodding and instructing him to beat me in every way possible while they watch on and cheer and applaud and hand his disgusting daughter promotions she NEVER could have obtained if she actually had to compete in any way for any higher position. I find an absolute incompetence but probably she is adept at manipulating data and selling bs and crap just as her old man does on a daily basis. I watch his show on economics and see only one point of view for every economic policy, well-mannered and trained experts literally confirming what the last had just said in a chorus of never-questioning policy or it's complexities. Just like him, a perfect yes man always doing what the people trying to literally suck the life and money out of America are training him and them to do: remain "good" and obey and repeat and never question their policies or politics. These are fascist Nazis out of Europe to which I refer. People closely allied with the English Crown who have been part of this torture apparatus for decades, if not for over 40 years aimed at me--somehow I realize that sounds delusional but it's the reality I must deal with. Others are absolute fascist Nazis out of Italy allied with Mafia who have handed Rambo his career if he tortures, pours poison into my body and then like all of the pig ape parasites claims "What have you done in your life" with his stupid thug movie voice--after THIRTY YEARS of this scumbag pig having me raped, beaten and poisoned and the poisoning was being done with his huge Italian friend Siervo out of Miami who was beating and raping me and claiming I could not say now while he was pumping poison into my body as deeply as possible. He began the smearing of damaging chemicals on my skin, and the violence accumulated for years into objects inserted under my cuticles daily, fungus and stink poured into my body and my living quarters on a non-stop basis every single day. Murderously violence teleportation skits. The pigs are violently virile when after YEARS of this going on, I finally react and this is what the parasites have been waiting for--the attack and slowly murder and when finally I react when I have been trying to ignore them for years, they begin a campaign of murderous violence as reaction to my hate rants that I merely write on computer as I sit in vain fighting to remove the poisons they poured into my body, my hair mostly gone my skin a mess of permanent skin lacerations from something like acid being put on my skin--my teeth nearly knocked out--having to sleep every day with layers of tape and gauze and protection to stop the violence on my body while I sleep. Years of fighting to stop the entry into my room from scumba whores who break in using mechanical arms to open the front door. 

Years of writing about hos sick and disgusting these pig apes are only to be met by more incompetent politicians and the list of ever-expanding scumbag celebrities.


Of course my negative written reactions are being used to promote the scumbags currently exploiting this technology and heaving violence upon me. It never ends. The ugly old man Bloomberg was pasty, white and looked like a preserved vampire when he began to teleport me. A complete vampire parasite who feeds off torture and abuse and obtaining a reaction of hate from someone. It's the only passion that is real that he ever gets by now, I am certain. that all his money can't buy anything but people cloying for his money and he gets no emotional response from anybody because he's so insecure and dying to fit into Nazi culture. Sensing this, the Nazis only use him as a pawn and he is an empty shell looking for people to vampirize. As I have only been writing of for years, the creeple who teleport and torture FEED off the energy of torture and violence, so I can see that this ugly man has blossomed a bit from the month of abuse and hate and my screaming reactions at him calling him a disgusting ugly man are met with smiles and he now has color in his formally empty and pasty death complexion. He is energized by torture and my screaming rage as the abuse increases he feeds off more and more. His daughter obviously only is dying to get into fame and fortune--and so like kamala Harris and her "Model" daughter--Harris teleported me and I, under drugging and extreme torture conditions, said that she should be president. I never felt or thought that about her. She has since gotten her little spawn into modeling like they all have and has been promoted into a high echelon supported by the Black women's caucus, namely Oprah who enjoyed torturing me with the bigot fascist Italian-American shit creeps from Brooklyn for a few YEARS on end. I called her an Aunt Jemima after a few YEARS of her inclusion in this torture and racist scheme. That gave her justification for endless violence aimed at me. She has since gone off being applauded with her book group and whatever else. Then there is Witheredspoon this complete Nazi thing and her rotten daughter who has been included in the  H-wood cartel, and then there's s-negger and his children, adn then andf then there's depp and his nasty spawn who was put into such high public appearance that as a representation of who much can be handed to worthless shit children of rapists and scumbags, the rest have flocked into attacking me in a never-ending rotation of pigs with their shit children all getting modeling and acting positions in the circuit of H-wood blockbuster type movies.


so it's endless. I need to heal. (goddamn the hacking is very bad now, they are blocking functions like capital and I'm fighting to get words out)---they are killing me just by torturing me endlessly while I am in dire need of healing sleep. 

This ugly parasite man stopped the poisoning only to continue in the deadly abuse while I am in need of deep healing. My throat continues to be tweaked as a horrific noise emanates from my throat like a horrid "snorting" noise as I "wake up" from this constricting of my throat (which they also use to make me choke while I am drinking or eating). The teleportation skits are of deadly abuse and the shock to my system is causing more break down.

Can't anyone get this next most odious parasite off me and his filthy stupid daughter and spawn and shit Nazi backers? When will this sick and disgusting endless slow murder assault ever be stopped by any responsible politician or person?

Friday, July 8, 2022

Why does America not protest this more ferociously? Roe v Wade is a diversion.

 The energies being sp ent to fight this ungodly gold-backed SCOTUS decision is over-shadowing how BILLIONS of dollars are being spent on the war effort in Ukraine under the Biden Administration's legislation to increase military spending.

A Senator was featured in a news interview in something like Donetsk (sp?) sadly commenting on how dead bodies and blown up remains of corpses are littering the streets and the Ukrainians are homeless and living in the streets with nowhere to go.

The carnage to American society is almost as bad but this is not a priority. Homeless encampments litter and line the streets and people are dying daily due to the war on the poor that Congress has been waging and has increased with deadly accuracy policies disguised as helplessness against the travails of a greedy real estate market that they cna't impose moritoriums against as housing prices and rentals are shooting up from something like $800 per month to $2000. I watched a segment of a couple living in a renovated trailer home with units covering the expanse of what had formerly been a 2nd hand purchase of a family vacation living space--a one-bedroom on a tiny plot outside of Seattle was going for $800 per month. Now that the rental moratorium has been lifted the landlords are raising rent to $2000 per month for a tiny trailer-home cubicle-spaced type of living unit that is nearly run-down and squalid. The Senators do not mention the dying people on the streets of America, where these BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of dollars that are being shipped off to the war effort (and I just assume that it's a huge windfall for the corrupticians who are also participating in supporting this insidious technology as the people inflicting poverty, sickness and helplessness upon me as they are doing to Americans en masse are using little cheap incentives to threaten me into not writing about how greedy, sick and incompetent they are as this kind of usurpation and destruction of the living standard for a wealth-only based system with the poor left to die in the streets as these politicians keep blathering about how much they "CARE" about all kinds of humanitarian issues they are creating---ignoring of course the people who are being killed by THEM who are being forced to slow death of homelessness and lack of health care in the streets as this problem is creating war zone after war zone in America brought out by the filth and innate stupidity and greed and incompetence of these expletives and so many of them are teleporting me.

I can't go into more detail. A most vicious personality who represents a "minority" race is now torturing me and has proven to be a most nasty hateful and vicious personality and partnering with the greasy filth of the Italian-American shit out of Brookly n who have infested my life with death in teleportation, urine pumped into my body, fungus pumped into my ears, vagina, hair, and food and furniture and clothing on a daily basis for years while I had all windows sealed s hut at night fighting desperately to keep the people going into my home and raping and putting my hips and spine out of place, inserting semen-fungus into my vagina and making all my backpacks, clothing and everything stink from a distance of a few feet with me continuously cleaning the filth off. My body is covered with scars from disfiguring chemicals having been lathered on my skin every night for years---my bones are broken--my spine is crooked from hardening poison. for the last few days a huge conduit of hard poison has been swelling up in my right knee and I can't move--I am in too much pain to walk, lay down and any movement or action or any inaction is jus tpainful. I have no pain relievers and I sit here with the next pair of shit and rot attacking me--the financeer had a murder teleportation skit forced upon me last night with some kind of internet hacking into people's bank accounts--his sick and insane fantasies of how to murder and plunder. THis is why he was put as a representative of Jews into  a highly "r espected" financial position. Absolutely a devotee of blonde Nazi fascism with his rat disgusting spewing hate at me daughter--they are the perfect symbols the Nazis will latch onto for why the economic collapse that the Nazis are creating was caused by "Jews on Wall Street". With his absolute compliance and sickness and utter stupidity as a man and human being--on those levels, he is now paving the way for yet another American version of the Nazi Holocaust. He will become a symbol by the homeless and the white trash Nazis for why American has been falling economically due to greedy and sleazy crap like him--they will blame Jews as they did during WWIII and another genocide is currently in the process of being orchestrated due to pig shit like him and his Wall STreet anti-Semitic Jews bowing with adoration to every blonde and Nazi piece of pig shit in hopes they will be welcomed into the coterie circles and given more luxury everything.  The policies and politics they espouse are absolutely scripted as they mouth like the puppets that they are what they have been instructed to push. This one ran on a Democrat ticket--and absolutely corrupted group of rotten dinaosaurs fighting for white male Nazi supremacy at this time in history--those who are not are kept "in check" by the system of people like him. He's terrified that my posts will tarnish his "reputation" and I have doubts about the authenticity of what kind of "reputation" this creep really has--a sell-out sold out Jewish Nazi and I can't write anything about how insidious he and his daughter are without death threats as the fascist NYC Italian-American mafia contingent with dumbo Rambo push him to force teleportation skits of death and murder as they have been doing for YEARS EVERY DAY. This pig ape rat scumbag parasite is just following orders. When the Nazis try to mass murder Jews they will blame Jews fir his piggery and stupidity and then use that as pretext to go out and mass murder more who are innocent of the shithead rat mentality that put something like him into that position of power in the first place. The Nazi filth keep emphasizing to me that I am "nothing" and have accopmlished "nothing" and their formulaic movie crap they come out with regularly which is a huge push for white male supremacy has been toutedf by this Nazi fascist white supremacy cartel controlling Whorewood now for so many decades it's disgusting. I respond by reminding that dumbo that I can't do anything with hardening poison he and his group put in my body asn he looks down smug and gloating and remains silent.

But nothing will get yet another ugly rotten old man off me, with a shithead rat blathering hate daughter--its' one pig after the next all with shit Nazi wives, shitty rat children who get into movie and modeling positions--the pigs stealing ideas from my ranting posts while they torture me for writing them, they won't stop the drugging and torture and violence which creates this hysteria and my reaction to reach out to this shit audience and ask for the 10th year in a row for someone to intervene and sotp this state-sponsored terrorism which these pig ape rat whores you all cheer on as your leaders and celebrities keep you diverted by taking away your sex and rape privileges and "freedom" to f*** any way and time you want and allow pig men to rape and abuse women if they so want--and that it truly what these pig shit men I have been forced into having to deal with are like--their putrid penises are just weapons which suck life force energy out as they penetrate and pump hate and death and poison  as often and as deeply as possible--to me at least. 

Now they are "fighting" for "Democracy" by pouring BILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of dollars into their graft exploit lies and money-laundering schemes in yet another war-torn region.