"Jill Biden Slammed For Comparing Latinos to Tacos". Today. July 12, 2022.
I remember the absolute power trip Jill Biden displayed during the Inauguration when they walked arm-in-arm along a hallway with military guards in beautiful uniform and guns lining the carpeted path. Jill reached out with her hand at crotch level and made a grabbing motion at one of the guards--not a "minority" but a white male. It was her power move. I knew that she was not sane and sound when I watched in a kind of slight horror how she just almost sexually abused the guard on national television and no one even made mention of this not so slight wave of her arm and hand exactly aimed at his crotch--but she was about 3-4 feet away.
My experience with the Biden team I have written of but of course it has been ignored by you wonderful do-nothing creeple reading this and enjoying watching me get slowly murdered or raped, beaten while you all still applause the hormone-addiction Nazi duo of skank and stupid crap out of Whorewood because they give you slight sensations of feelings you want to believe you still have somewhere. The actors seem to have no sensations but I think they play out love and sexuality like dramas in their personal lives.
Beaming with joy and delight, filthy pigpitalina has been coming at me in half naked or fully made-up absolutely glowing with joy smiles for the last two days. This has never happened in the past. She was never smiling or pleasant. All the years of me telling them and then screaming NO so repeatedly it was a daily mantra and get off me and you are disgusting as they kept on having my mutilated, tortured and they FED OFF ME AND OFF THIS CONTRACT AND THE HORMONE HISH FOR OVER EIGHT YEARS. Now a Government Senator is involved and really wants to force me into moving to his domain and is threatening me that he will make my life Hell if I don't. Filthy pigpitalina so far has given them a skank show in this private viewing session where I am stuck with that putrid skank endlessly with frenetic hysterical hate coming with jerky stupid body movements and doing sick and disgusting things only to try to get me to look at her or say something. I remain silent and try to look at other things. I can only say that this new change in her otherwise beady-eyed and ugly grim-faced thin-lipped hate endless and daily aimed at me has been utterly changed since Senator Graham came in the picture. Glowing with absolute joy just in the past two days because Graham began to attack me once I was so sick and bedridden from the detox this filthy and ugly Satanic whore put in my body--knowingly, they claim they "didn't know" they are always full of shit. And that brings me back to Biden. This is what Biden has pushed against me, along with nasty p-lousy who threatened me with murder because I didn't want that Austrian Nazi who was once Gov of CA. I don't want Graham, I don't want smug and glowing with joy at this point filthy pigalina. that Graham has promised her or handed her some incentive, as he did the pair of hateful Wall Street people just a few days ago, they appear to be gone with their psychopathy and deadly violence. They were obviously handed some huge prize by Graham via Biden the sleazy sick Bigot. Hillary Clinton when she came to scream with hate at me and offer me to live in some huge house but not telling me anything else, while I was in the sleep and basically unconscious state, who later began a campaign of having the skin cut between my toes every single night for months. Under my fingernails. I forgot to mention that pigpitalina also had my toe broken, but I have written of this long ago. Not a single one of you demonic possessed f-ers out there ever gives a damn or does any single thing to defend my human rights. Why am I bothering trying to reach any of you with information of a clue as to how to make society a sane place instead of the carnage you are all helping to bring into fruition?
But Biden has been behind a lot of hate and violence towards me and sent his emissaries AOC and Raskin and Kinzinger and now Graham and then Clinton and then probably a lot of jerk-offs who are in the shadows from Congress looking on, but doing nothing of course. I had written that when Kinzinger the Nazi and Raskin his Jewish side-kick participated in the hate contract aimed at me for their media promotions and kind of a safety zone of protection by participating with this fascist Nazi organization but working to get Trump out--as they all do, p-lousy and the rest. But they asked me about how the murder attempts and poisoning were accomplished. In my good-hearted desire to help those trying to stop this fascist push of overtake of the United States, I warned them of poisoning tactics. They looked on very seriously. When I finished they then began IMMEDIATELY to insult and mock and humiliate me. In this state and because I have been so badly poisoned with mind control drugs, I reacted in rage and told them that they are violating the Constitution by operating like this with the organization. They further insulted like teenage boys making jeering sexual and hate remarks at some woman they want to rape or push down or insult. They then began praising filthy pigpitaline who helped to put Trump into power in the first place. They don't give a damn and keep allowing this shit to go on and on, even though the people put Trump into power are part of this teleportation organization hate group. They then told me that she is so much more beautiful than me. I told them that I have been poisoned and mutilated and scarred from head-to-toe since that ugly skank began her campaign of destroying me. They began to giggle and went off with zero help or assistance towards me. I was being murdered and desperately reached out to Kinzinger via writing a post on Facebook, hoping he would do something to help me. I understood at a very deep level I was dying but I could not understand how badly I was being poisoned. This stinking liquid inserted into my bladder every night has been ongoing for as long as filthy pigpitalina the duo of Nazi shit have been attacking me--previously in the background--so that makes it over 10 years they have latched onto this contract of hate against me.
Now they are being handed some amazing deal or bonus or huge payment or promise of every cost deferred and/or awards for the upcoming hate season of Oscars--the deals that are handed these amazingly sick pricks who participate are so unbelievably out-of-sync with the reality of how they operate or their talent. I think all of this is being given the green light by rotten and disgusting Bigot Biden. Oh yes, I could not forget to once more mention Kamala Harris--and many others of the Democrat Party who are as fascist liars working in every way to underhandedly promote blonde Nazi fascist corporate takeover of America and the constitution, keeping the latter only as a formal document to be observed only for the fascist pig apes who will make sure none of it applies to me--and many others who may be killed in the streets. Homeless, poisoned, denied health care. I remain near the brink of homelessness with no availability to earn money on this hacked system.
I want to emphasize how rotten and sick they really are. Please do not put Clinton the shit fake feminist into power any longer. Why are you fuckers in Whorewood still applauding filthy pigpitalina the pieces of filthy shit? Why is this violence against me never taken as a crime or seriously but only as a stepping stone for more ruthless creeps in that field--and every field?
Biden has only been slightly exposed by this blunder. When I first heard the clip without commentary I could not understand her pronunciation of Bodega. I was listening to get what the commotion was all about. I had to read the subtitles later on to hear actually that she mispronounced that word. She has obviously nothing whatsoever to do with that world as Bodega is a grocery store, one of the public communal places where people go to get coffee and chat and buy food. Its' a very cultural thing.
When I hear the crap that Biden cranks out and his affinity for promoting blacks--I am certainly glad. I think perhaps his years of working with Obama made him more inclined to caring about blacks, I suspect it took him many a year to reach that state, if at all.
Why do I make these references to calling Biden an "Illuminati" Nazi figurehead deceiver? It's because of his recycling of references to the Sun Rising. The illuminati has used the sun as it's symbol for millennium. The day of Inauguration was "A New Day Dawning" was his cheap slogan. The advertising for the airing of the segment had a sun just rising over the Capital Building.
Just two days ago he made another cheap reference to the sun rising when he gave out awards at the Freedom Awards ceremony. I am very glad he is honoring a representation of a spectrum of colors in this awards deal and promotional election cycle event, but, it's just that after two of the women--P-lousy and then Clinton--both violently verbally attacked me and then had parts of my body damaged and scared only because I am fighting for my constitutional rights, there were with a few days photos or news segments of Biden hugging Clinton, or Biden saying the p-lousy is a perfect wonderful aid to the Democrat Party and should run for office in the next term. to have lead politicians award shit crap lowering-in-rank officers as they are supposed to be some kind of protectors of people against thuggery and injustice to a minimal degree--that I am so relegated to being dehumanized by EVERY PRESIDENT for the last 6 years and their Congressional members only so they can all collectively get more media deals, is almost shockingly murderous in proport and understanding.
But now Graham, acting as a conduit for Biden and their partnership--the old Biden in the Senate for so many decades, buddy-buddy with very influential Graham--
and there is filthy pigpitalina glowing with absolute joy because Graham has offered incentives to the Bloomberg haters, and now to filhty pigpitalina who keeps teleporting me. This makes it over 8 or 9 years of me screaming that she is a whore and to go away. They latch on getting more and more and more awards out of this hate crime.
Luckily at least some semblance of the Biden bigotry has emerged like a crack of the sun coming through a massive wall of bullshit.
Oh yes, Obama also has participated in this hate spree slow murder operation with me CONTINUOUSLY begging online for help, for protection, for law, for justice and getting NO RESPONSE. Besides the LAST SIX YEARS of presidents sending out their families, friends or political partners to assault me always with pigpitalina who appear to have MORE POWER THEN EVERY PRESIDENT AND PIGPITALNA with her connections to the English Crown (corporation of pigapes imperialist fascist Nazi bigots) has been handed unbelievable power and wealth and offered awards and deals without end for continuously mutilating my body, laughing like the demonic whore that it really is, and getting only more Senators, Representatives and celebrities to literally almost bow down to be handed the prizes that are being meted out if they partner with her.
But here is Obama, his wife in a tv show. Clinton is once more going to run for President. Etc etc. The country is a bit sliding downhill very quickly for a lot of people who have been disenfranchised so they have no voice. Homeless. More and more every day. Fascists taking over also trying to control Congress. Filthy pigpitalina will be turned-to by every pig fascist group or fake posturing liberal sell-out and destroyer of the country when they want a power-up by the English fascists and Nazis who are operating through this disgusting whore skank and her nasty ugly husband. I write about her because she's just getting in my face with her nasty breasts and huge smiles because obviously she has been promised something big by Graham, with Biden right behind him. Jill Biden's little slip-up above is just a glimpse into how stupidity racist they truly are.
"Biden Announces Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients". MSNBC. July 2, 2022.