Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Goofy Nazi/Fascist/Satanic possession: Disney movies today (OPINION). Why, oh why, are Disney movies so GOOFY nowadays? The name of Disney has been discredited a by a new generation of the 4th Reich. Concerned Citizens should sue the company to have it's name changed to preserve the integrity of the REAL Disney productions and instead name the company which cranks out mind programming into the 4th Reich mentality as Goofy Movies, Inc./Ltd./GmbH incorporated.

"Night on Bald Mountain--Fantasia (1941) (Theatrical Cut)". Oliver Hayhoe. July 29, 2014.

Here is top quality music put to serious themes (even the romantic, soft parts of Fantasia) without blumbering silly songs and quick plot devices for easy resolution.

Don't say GOOFEY.

Satanic possession, the theme. Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov the composer. The movie came out in 1940, when America was in the middle of fighting fascism, Nazism and The Axis Powers instead of the general policy in entertainment media I have been exposed to today, which is putting fascist actors to play lead parts. Fascist Nazi-supporting producers and directors, even with their politically correc5t themes. The music is so awful in these movies the bombastic horrid singing is so mediocre to horrible. The quality of the "state-of-art" is so computerized and quantized.

Satanic possession, a theme people need to reconsider when they watch the movies which are like Satan luring with every kind of promise of abandon and licentiousness every dream coming true---the seething demonically-possessed are writhing in delight even when Satan is crushing them down and grinding them into even more disfigured and hideous monsters.

**so nearly impossible to write, hacking is awful. I have to fight to get words out. Whatever "mistakes"/typos appear are due to hacking insertions or deletions.

@ around 5:00 minutes into the video, there is a direct reference to a sculpture that had been in Dresden with blonde women dancing in a circle, representing the blonde ambition that has since become H-wood. They are flames of fire with long blonde hair, bathed in fiery red and blazing white heat. Naked and absolutely representing the Nazi ideology of racism, this Disney-manufactured Satan smites them and they turn into Pigs, apes and tI think that was a donkey. How accurate and realistic Disney was! AT least for a brief moment in cinematic history truth prevailed over Nazi programming.


Because the hacking has made typing nearly impossible--retyping, backspacing, pounding down--I'm going to try but after I got away from this system I "remembered" some of the ideas I had originally wanted to write but the slowness of the keys responding and the struggle to backspace and rewrite and the attack on my brain to stop cognition in certain respect made it impossible to go further than a few brief sentences.
In this video clip which is a true artistic rendering in all respects, a quality I find almost impossible to find in modern cinematic artistry at least for the public, and Disney made sure to allow the public access to his work rather than keep his work confined to a small "elite" group of viewers who are by-invitation only. I am subjected to the rather endless mediocrity of movie selections, often Disney movies but not excluding all all the others, which always have death, unless it's a blonde Nazi bigot woman in a romantic comedy. There seems to be almost no exception. Every single movie is a hell-storm of human sacrifice, which is what I consider Satanic Christianity to be all about. Yes, there are Satanic Christians who attend church meetings in rooms with crosses. The cross being the centerpiece, representing murder and human sacrifice, of course, as a basic tenant of their form of Christianity.

They all call themselves Christian nevertheless.
In one of the scenes of the Disney clip which makes very many references to licentious and grabbing sexuality with evil behind every sexual titillation of devouring the other, into a consummation of devout (Satanic) ecstasy. This has become the dominant strain of formulaic movie fodder of modern times along with the inevitable death scene, it seems it is a regulated industry demanding these two essential factors embedded into each movie.
One of the celebrities who sells sex and feminism--was coming at me like a flesh-starved zombie but naked or from the top down. I was asleep, in deep healing and sickness sleep, couldn't say anything really because I was in this deep sleep state where my body was shut down from light responses but needed deep healing sleep. Of course these possessed people attacking me all attack with almost more ferocity when I am always in a completely sick and desperate state for rest, peace and healing. Of course, they not only blocked that from me and everything else, but continued the poisoning.

Thus in addition to the dancing Nazi pagan women who, upon being crushed by the fires of mutation by Satan, they turned not into a pig and ape and donkey, I was wrong, but more accurately, a pig, a donkey (ass, in other words) and a Goat ( the endless symbol of Satanism).

But a few minutes later into the scene came the naked women, perhaps representing the Valkyries, yet another Nazi metaphor for the "power" of the Nazi Germanic and blonde races--topless, and seemingly seductive, but just a second later appearing in the camera, close up, as hissing and hideous woman bearing sharp-edged razor teeth--all beauty gone once you are close up to them and see what they are.

Last night I was subjected to a few of the teleporters who, after hours of me being teleported hither and thither from some part of "The South" in America to some mutual meeting place and I have no idea where--the woman who has played in Disney roles, one of which was derived from ideas she stole from me. But blurring the lines between "good and evil" and making "Evil" look "Good" for the traditional movie (a former Disney movie in fact) that had entrenched the usual stereotypes, in almost all respects.

"The Lost Maidens of Berlin/History/Smithsonian".

There's quite a few statues like this in Germany--there's also one similar to the photo I can't find online at this moment, as hacking is so awful I can barely type anything out or search or do anything. This is the "lost" "Maidens" from Berlin, so the description goes. This is very much a fertility dance of paganism which Nazis adhered to in their "New" Religion, as they cast Christianity out and claimed that God Was Dead, thanks to Nietszche. This is the "Rite of Spring", the pagan observance of astrological movements of the planets which was a part of the Nazi religion.

"The Lost Maidens of Berlin/History/Smithsonian" is the link to the image above. If you enlarge this photo, you will see underneath in the depths of the pool that the "madles" are dancing around, is a version of the Skull & Bones iconography, albeit without a skull but a bearded and groggy creature from some depths of the undead--so it appears. There is of course Masonic imagery here alongside the Nazi new religion Order. I don't consider the contrast to be very beautifying. The dead underneath the dancing maidens seems more like yet another religious homage to human sacrifice and the Nazis dancing over the corpses, as they did laughing in gaiety. As the torturing Nazis out of H-wood do, as the vile and Satanically-possessed women who dance and laugh as the undead men they look to for approval rape and beat me. All made possible courtesy of Project Paperclip good ole Uncle Scam--with their Nazi technology bringing such characters as Nazi Trump and Co into power--this very group, these very people. Watching the January 6 Select Committee hearings now only to realize what kind of militarized violence is being coagulated even at this very time--Nazis, with genocidal formulas they can repeat due to movies such as what the 4th Reich Disney contagion is programming their children and the adults as well to believe and conform to. The programming is intense. It is real but people like me with good intentions who want to expose it are being silenced by these top executives and celebrities into not having actual real-life access to publishing, having real access to the internet, or having anything reach anybody as all is hacked and blocked--part of the fascist government overtake of freedom of speech. Meanwhile the white supremacists are going on rampages stealing every Patriot phrase in order to state that the government is not going to block their freedom of speech. All of them, mostly all completely agree with me being censured and blocked and silenced and if they had their way: killed. So far they have gotten these celebrities to slowly poison me to death which they claim they "didn't know" anything about. That is what Disney is all about right now. This image above is part of the imagery used in the real, and authentic Disney clip above with Satan bringing these Nazi dancing over the joy of death maidens and showing by this art what they really are and act like. I hope in one sense all these years of me calling these absolutely vile and ugly celebrities "pig apes" will have a bit more credibility because Disney who was alive during the reign of the 4th Reich and was aware of their true intent, the destruction of Christianity for instance, which is almost never brought up in modern documentaries and I bet most of you would claim that y ou were aware of this fact. The Nazis are further glamorized, just like the Mafia Movies (waiting for Disney to put out a poor person rising up to avenge some death and conquering the Mafia out of Brooklyn, only to become a Mafia Don in the process--but, will have to wait a few more years for that plot to thicken. But the Nazis are continuously being honored in various ways in the movies, while the movie plots appear like innocuous anti-Nazi formulas. The actors who assault me slowly to death play the "heroes" fighting Nazis. Connect the dots.


Topless and in a flurry of trying to somehow seduce me or appear as this sexualized thing trying to entice some reaction out of me. In this sick state, I was blase about her breasts and her body and face, only thinking of the YEARS she has spent destroying mine and destroying everything and stealing all she can from me. As I have written countless times in my facebook pasts on this topic of hormonal highs derived from torture, I just recalled the years of her torture and how sexualized energized she is after over EIGHT YEARS of her violence with her brutal husband coming after me to get high on torture, get high on violence, get high on stealing ideas from me, get high on watching me fight for my life as they continue to poison me.

I was sitting earlier in a space with a Southern Christian family. They began to ask my opinion of Christianity and it didn't take long for some of the members in the room to walk out, backs turned away from me in cold displeasure. I can't write it's so hard to get into the details of why. I am also so very sick of my ideas being perpetually stolen from me by all you readers. I discussed Satanic possession, or the term is "Demonic Possession" in the South. I began to discuss this and then, after a kind of very luke-warm ending of this session of more people absolutely opposed to everything I am and believe in and with all their stereotypes they try to force upon me and categorize me into.

I am now going to add something that should be in the middle of this page but I can't find it as mysteriously my reading glasses are missing. They got lost while I was in a deep sickness sleep state. Also things were broken by the mechanical arms while I slept and obviously they did something to my glasses.

Besides that, writing is so arduous. My brain is also under attack so I get into ranting hate speech instead of calmly analyzing. They want me to appear hysterical and something more close to illiterate.

The hideous monster who sat with every kind of plastic surgery perked-up in her bare-breasted display for all the men and women to look at as it was a sexualized show--probably something she really wants and is most qualified for.. Now that she's in a more central light as more "important" people are joining in from Wall Street and Congress, she's got her lip silicone injections neatly done, instead of her clamped down, glaring and frowning lips I have seen for almost 8 years as her really ugly feature besides her beady and hateful glaring eyes.
Now with every cosmetic and plastic surgery implant perked up for these important audiences, she is going either full naked or halfway--thus the image on the Disney clip of the naked flying bare-breasted thing which dips below the shot and then flies up with a kind of Golum hissing hateful devouring conquering worm stance--I wrote that if you get close enough and dispel of the fantasy which is one of the byproducts of Satanic or Demonic possession, whichever way you want to label it, and I said that you would see this hateful grimace face. I got lost in fighting to type and I could not include that I have indeed seen this very same look when she was alone with me in some house, as she wore all white and asked me what I thought of her. I came out with hate and told her, as I tell her English partners and people like her who teleport me, that I am not a fan of theirs I am not a member of the fascist Nazi ideology fan club. My words came out much nastier than that, and that was years ago, after years of torture and her stealing my ideas to make Disney movies (a Goofy Movie production glamorizing her misuse of feminist ideas that she took and adapted to a sinister sexualized and Satanic disguise coupled with this "freedom/feminist" concept (set of concepts, I wrote a few paragraphs on this topic) and mixed and blurred lines between good and evil. It wasn't independent women that was the featured digression, but other points I can't get into as this is very long and I don't want to emphasize this nasty ugly thing more than I have to, and have written far too much already without getting to the point (mind control blasting into my brain + hacking):

She then put on the Golum face hissing in rage and urinated on me, in a most disgusting display of how evil and vile she really is. That was years ago. Last night looking to seduce the audience as I have been only accusing her of the reality of her crimes along with her equally repugnant former husband, the crowd is now allowing her to pit her sexuality against my mutilated body which she had stinking urine, fungus and fish oil and bloating, hardening poison and mind control poison/drugs poured into my bladder directly so I had to relieve myself all day, every 30 minutes or 45--all day, every day, for years. Cutting into the skin between my toes. Having part of my uterus cut out. Damaging my hair and then making nearly half or more permanently fall out. Smearing chemicals on my skin to completely break down the integrity of the skin--my hands and forearms looking like parched ancient Egyptian scroll paper in a museum. All permanently put on my skin with permanent chemicals. Today I eliminated stinking fungus liquid in the morning, and fish oil a few hours ago--each time limping in great pain to this bed and falling into a deep sleep from sickness. I have been forced to live in this state due to the ugliness and Demonic quality of this woman--and her husband, my government and everyone reading this who has never stopped in to protect my rights as a human being. I would call you all Demonically possessed at this time.

The qualification for getting any kind of help from this pornographic crowd reading my posts, besides just being wealthy, which was blocked from me in all respects years ago, and what little I had was all completely stolen, all attempts blocked, but because this woman who understands how much selling herself as a willing sex object but a sadistic conniving abuser is so titillating to the power-broker men and the women who go along with male rape culture and love seeing other women getting beaten, raped and destroyed as they join in and tell the victim that they deserved it. They know that you have to look damn good in order to get any respect or help from anybody.

I also think of a recent Goofy Movies product about a fashion designer--one of the leads in the movie came at me in teleportation with outright Nazi genocidal statements only a few months ago. The film ran on the original Disney premise, but ran from there into murder (which never happened in the original Disney) the protagonist turning into the "evil" opposite--with colors of black and white intermixed as yet proof of another blurring of lines between Good and Evil. This acceptance of going over the lines of true goodness and true hateful evil has nothing to do with not being a good or bad girl or woman in male superiority terms. Thus again, what's seemingly good is bad, what's good turns into Evil but it's done so slightly with the lines so blurred you can't tell with all the American hipster music playing in the background (a total discrediting of Jim Morrison and The Doors to boot). That is how Nazis have taken over the old top quality and turned it into a maelstrom of Satanically-possessed "do-gooders" who can't wait to beat the hell out of you, rape and plunder whenever possible.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...