Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Pumping poison as deeply as possible into my body and using rape as pumping action. The fascist pig ape "famous" male actors' tactics as trained and instructed by the wealthy Europigapes who had me poisoned slowly to death for years while they kept pumping poison via rape into my body via teleportation and while my body inert in the "prime" state, pumped by vicious ugly pig ape Europigape "neighbors" and their minority minions so raped in both states. Waking up entirely sick from poison being pumped as deeply into my system as possible. Daily I wrote asking them to stop, first politely then more desperately until now all I do is call them pigs and whores and that is the only definition I have for them that is the nicest on my list of words. As I cried to stop, every day, they tortured me for saying no to their sexual abuse and exploitation. They wanted me to never say no while they were poisoning me to death via pumping poison into my body, murdering me in a slow, deliberate and horrific way. They stole my one and only loving, and kind family member I had left, my cat La Moux because I said no to greasy, rotten disgusting Depp after 2 weeks he stole her and they have kept her as a torture tactic manipulation object ever since--that was eight years ago. If she is still alive, that would make her 24 years old now, waiting for me to pick her up for eight years. When will this injustice be stopped? How sick and primitive in nature this country truly is, people cannot gauge solely based on the lying crap and smiling bs these subhuman creeps crank out in the media and for politics.

 Not only that, but the rat spawn of Depp got her entire career and spate of plastic surgery out of this contract out on me. The pig sacrificed my "daughter" so his  multi-millionaire-funded and backed rotten and ugly stupid spawn could get free entrance into the hallways of public notice. The Europigape fascist fashion industry embraced her every spitting and physical assault upon me. I had spat on Depp's face after the years of telling him to stop raping me in teleportation. Of course, the pig would not stop, the parasite would not stop. I reacted in utter "ecstasy" under extreme drugging, torture and the inability to dissociate from this teleportated, hypnotized state in that teleported, sleeping state. I finally was able to mentally program myself to not react sexually, so the pig began to beat me with punching and slaps. His girlfriend-turned-wife watched on giggling and sneering in hate. I wrote of feminism and domestic violence issues constantly for almost a year or longer in connection to them and these pig ape men who teleport me. The women of this pig ape crew have since stolen the feminist concepts, using them as their platforms to be projected into more media prominence as representatives of women-against rape and violence. They all continue to sit on the chairs in the rows watching me get raped and beaten. Filthy dirty rat spawn of Depp began a campaign of spitting on me, fully embracing his rape and torture of me. Ever since she has been put into lead roles in major Whorewood movie productions about roles of equality,  concern about the planet, etc. She also stole concepts I had written of on other topics and used them as some platform for her advancement as being somehow unique and not just another dumb slut coming from a protsituted greasebag out of Whorewood with millions of dollars already in their bank accounts, but attacking me and enforcing subpoverty income upon me while they continue to pump poison into my body, blocking access to ANY health care whatsoever, and then torturing me every day and every minute possible--and THEN feeding off the hormones of torture and violence (adrenaline, dopamine, etc etc and just power highs).


That is is clear from the one month of one of these haters having stopped the insertion of poison into my body so I can finally begin to excruciatingly eliminate the poisons as they continue to torture and beat and abuse me in this healing state--endlessly it's gone on and on for years and years--but somehow you can see that obviously one month of the insertion of hardening and muscle-stiffening poisons not inserted into my bladder has effected a huge change in my body from external appearance--and the internal damage is so great I fear really for my life at this point the poison is now sinking even deeper into my body as it's a malleable substance that seeks for every vulnerability to settle in. Thanks to the US Government for that, all my life. My cat should be returned to me, please have her returned she is barely hanging on to life waiting endlessly for me to return as she is my loving and wonderful daughter and only family left. They have taken everything else away from me only because I won't comply with being slowly poisoned and raped to death and submitting to false idols who are stealing ideas from me only to appear as if they have anything to say other than the trite usual formulas they have been repeating endlessly in their crappy and stupid movies and output.


As for the politicians: they helped create the Insurrection in one form or another by allowing this situation forced upon me to continue. It was this group of whores from Whorewood who helped put T-rump, their buddy, into power. His actions of rape and violence against me proved to the masses that he's going to install a fascist nazi dictatorship and they yearned for him to fill that pivotal role. Now there is a spate of others doing the same actions and behaving in even more violent ways--running for Congressional and major State and Local seats, along with those controlling election outcomes.


But please have them return my cat La Moux to me alive and healthy. I also can't picture being forced to be a slave of any of these people, the current lead person in control has proven he's very violent and wants to re-establish a kind of brutal plantation slave system of beatings and violence--this was proven last night in the teleportation skit where pit pig did an action he has never undertaken before--but he's now very willing because after EIGHT years of me telling him I don't want him or like him, and his nasty ugly wife, he's ready to commit every kind of violent action upon me because that rotten pit pig didn't get what he wanted, and that's the only reason. He's been handed Oscar awards for the first time in his career ever since participating in this hate crime against me, for roles in such mediocre movies they are never shown again and no one cares about these stupid and awful movies that keep "winning" these top Oscar awards--for the most part. It's as rigged as the rigged political system these pig apes are trying to create for the United States.


It is all intertwined--the movie industry and politics. Very intimately intertwined and its' all interconnected to the tentacles of society in all the trickle-down pyramidal formation that these organizations operate upon.

Not that I'm telling most of you anything you don't know as you know more about it than I do. I am merely summarizing and tying thoughts together, hopefully I can reach someone who wants some semblance of a decent society instead of a  Games of 
Thrones fantasy fictional world that is going to be nothing like the tv show. But more sinister and ugly and nasty--and the slavery is not going to have Abraham Lincoln to come and rescue it in the future, as these types will be "culled" and massacred out not only by the mind reading tech and brainwashing capabilities at hand by these groups in this pyramidal trickle-down structure, but also the kind of education required to create a moral and ethical stance on human freedom and equality will be stamped out, but replaced by hallmark card sentimentality formulaic represenatives who mouth the formulaic victim impact statements but won't actually QUESTION or threaten the power structure. They, in turn, will help to bring out those who really care so they can be pin-pointed and eliminated.


I realize most of you reading this truly want such a system to be fully implemented and it's in the process of being installed as I write this; me being one of the prototype targets of the practice session for the upcoming open-season on "liberals" and "Jews" and anyone who you pig apes don't like or want questioning your crap and death system.


Just to add a little bit on the pile of injustice, a topic I have been writing of for the last year since it happened exactly one year ago. Another huge, apparently (in my opinion) hormone-Nazi-growth Europigape fascist posing as a "humanitarian" and "loving/passionate" life-affirming celebrity but a musician--whose video turning a Mozart piece I know very well into a rock n roll transposition--I copied and pasted it alongside his movie stint playing a virtuouso violinist--because I played classical violin and thought this was extraordinary (meaning outside the norm)--and this pig creep RUSHED immediately on his private jet to get involved in raping and torturing me. Pumping the poison that filthy pitpigalina knew, as she controlled the rape and violence endlessly being forced upon me here--knowing I was being poisoned with deadly toxins that form clumps of black, stinking chemical reeking crap which stick into my bones, intestines and everywhere else--rotting and fermenting inside my intestines for YEARS and fighting ceaselessly to get them out as the pigs continue to have it inserted into my body directly while I am sleeping--turned on, excited, glowing with joy over it, feeding off the violence--they unleashed this sexual predator whore slut male German fascist Nazi upon me as he pumped as hard as possible the poisons into my body. He kept trying to hypnotize me into repeating that "this is healing my body" as I repeated it in a drugged daze. I was so completely drugged I could not handle the ongoing banking/mail assault upon me as my bank was sold out and bought by PNC and my debit card expiration date ended one month before the transition--it should have not expired at such an early date--only 2 years they gave for the expiration date when I had the cards reissued before the older ones expired. It was calculated by the BANK to create this one-month gap so I would have to pay the highest price (and they made it the slowest delivery possible and tried to prolong the "next day highest rate Fed Ex" price to me waiting for over 2 weeks to receive my new debit cards, while I had zero money. ) But so drugged up I could not function even on this financial level and lost $200 in the process of paying fees and then paying for expedited delivery which was blocked. As the pig filth kept teleporting and raping poison as hard and deeply as possible into my body, because the pigs instructed him to do this out of Europigapeland--his peers and Nazi buddies and partners--the Americans like pit pig and filthy Europigape-backed filthalina were EMBRACING this pig, along with s-negger and the rest. He remains a stoic partner of them, always there sitting advising and waiting to get more tours for his performances out of this, perhaps another movie deal, etc etc etc. The pigs never stop feeding off this it's now a complete feeding frenzy.

Because I finally kept saying no, as he would beat and rape me for saying no, as I felt increasingly very seriously ill, drugged up with pain killers, the usual daily dose of amphetamines so I could function but not realize how badly I was really internally dying and being murdered and constantly poisoned--

I said no, then began yelling no, as the pig continued. finally hitting him after one month of this, as I felt nauseous, sick and disgusted, I began hitting him back finally and calling him and his greasy dirty rape member pig meat and a piece of shit. The pigs then had most of my hair PERMANENTLY chemically treated out so my scalp felt like burned but greasy rubber---whatever they put on my scalp has left no hair growing for one year. I have had to sleep with a system of head wrappings and layers tied, sealed with rubber bands, etc for this past year and the hair still won't grow back.

the pigs who raped me are still being cheered on, the Senator is now presiding and instructing them on plantation types of brutality which they are also embracing. They are all being paid in millions of dollars by this Nazi and fascist group which is meeting out these contracts and awards. Don't forget fascist Nazi H. clinton in the mix here, as she ran to get involved in yet another scam attack upon me. The last time she joined in and I didn't agree to be the sex slave of Bill she ordered the skin between my toes severed and cut into every night--that went on for months until it felt like my toes were being severed off. I have slept with things tied around my ankles with socks sealed with rubber bands to stop the mechanical arms from severing nerve endings in my toes and slowly cutting my toes off. They also inserted fungus into the cuts as well.


That is the pure shit that is running America today, in both politics and in the media. For her efforts, Clinton is being handed once more a run at President, polluting the Democrat Party once more for her fascist English-backed endless pursuit of imperialistic rule over America. Her husband was programmed at Oxford during his years studying there, in order to avoid fighting in the Vietnam War.


Agents, all, of one or another Europigape country who all have combined to create a united fascist Nazi front with America as one of it's prime psy-ops targets for complete take-over.


Of course, this senator Graham I have told really from the first that I don't respect his version of the fascist Nazi empire in it's American iteration. He, of course, won't stop having babies crying underneath my window as symbol of the contract he and his family so dearly want to covet, instead of Whorewood spawn attacking me it's going to be Southerners trying to instill another new techno version of slavery in The South along with Congress also in it's iteration of being having taken over completely on all sides.


Full funding, full support, no admonition even for any of them. ...and they are just beginning to be trained in how to manipulate these technologies and the ready and standing back goons and thugs waiting to go out in a Game of Thrones "trial by combat" scene waiting to slay and kill for loot and feudal dnastic (fascist tyrannical) rulership kingdoms.


But back on down to the Southern new techno slavery plantation system that Senator Graham wants to install via his inclusion in this endless cornucopia of funding and pay-outs by participating in this hate and torture/murder technology/protocol system I find myself trapped within and without any support whatsoever anywhere and everywhere around the planet.

I have also told Graham I will not be a willing subject of his exploitation of me. He continues as all of them do to push the agenda without fail, without end, without cease or desist.

It's a nice break to not have pit pig and filthalina coming at me as they have done using one pig scumbag after the next to assault me while they sat in posturing Game of Thrones postures with full backing and all $$ support of the Europigape fascist Nazi cartel which put out this series (Game of Thrones) not without understanding of the ultimate impact it would have on viewers and their aspirations for power and hegemony. The endless disdain for everything American and the endless worship of everything Northern Europigapeland. But I am telling him once more via this post that I do not like or want him, you so get off me. Of course I 've said this and he continues, as they all do. The rewards for going on and on far outweigh any consideration of me as a human being. The laws and rules of the Bill of Rights only pertain to the pig apes who believe they are and only they entitled to having respect and property and availability to compete in the market--controlling it all as a result.


Asking for about the millionth time for intervention and an end put to this hell situation by anyone out there or people who can see a bit of the impending doom this group is putting into real-life practice in real-life terms.

No one seems to care in all of whorewood and especially in Congress. They really want the utter destruction of America and to be ruled by Europigape fascist parasites. They all assume that when they are handed their little fiefdoms and kingdoms by the Europigapes who carve out little sections for each fascist Nazi Imperialist group to control and rule over, that they will retain these titles and get the plantation system going up now a complete mind and body fenced-in partition for them to exploit endlessly. Sex slaves galore! Abused, downtrodden minorities servicing them with good ole uncle tom and aunt jemima smiles and obedience as they turn around viciously and attack people like me for their masters. I have Jews playing these roles but because they have inbred with blonde fascist Nazis they assume they truly are entitled and above me and with all the oppression capabilities with all my years of achievement and struggle these pig apes have negated every single thing I have done, all my ideas they have possibly stolen from years of information extraction through torture, they have done over and over and over for yeas and years. I struggle right now just to type this, as usual the keyboard is juxtaposing the letters I type so I can't go quickly and must retype and backspace endlessly. Just another version of blocking my capabilities, which is all this group is about, and then claiming I am a "loser" as a result, and as they steal ideas from me, being paid in millions for this mind control torture system, they are plastic-surgery enhanced told they are supreme and can do whatever they want and get away with it.

That is what politicians like Graham are fully endorsing and have endorsed all my life. This perpetrator and very violent man who is playing kinda "nice" but employing shit like pit pig to violently punch into my face while I am sleeping and in a prone position--as I wrote, this  has never happened in all the 8 years of this going on, not like this in this very ostensible violent way. Due to the new inclusion of Graham, I only can eliminate the other variables and attribute this new form of violence to him. It's plantation style violence, just a segue to other forms of beatings and whippings that his family and inheritance have kept alive in the KKK meetings that whisper such penalties into the ears of the supplicants who bow to the burning cross while calling themselves Christians.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...