Wednesday, July 13, 2022

"Accountability for crimes is for losers--we are winners and we can do whatever the f-we want to you because we can get away with it. We are the elite, you are losers. Go f-yourselves or die or we will do it for you"--the pig ape "leaders" attacking me currently. Dear H-wood & co in Congress: this is aimed at you and you know the dark secret you keep silent (my situation, your inclusion in the very problem being presented aka The Insurrection, a Civil War, a fascist Nazi takeover of the country--not my theorizing, not a conspiracy theory any longer but openly referred to by a witness involved in former militarized Nazi "militia". "I fear for the world they will inherit if we do not hold those people into account"---Jason Von Tatenhove, testimony before the January 6 Select Committee. Former Oath Keeper.

 "A Warning from Jason von Tatenhove". The Lincoln Project. July 14, 2022.

As I make my Pilgrim's Path through the thorny valley of the Game of Thrones out of Whorewood, Inc and Wall Street, and now exploring the various corruption crevices of Congress I see many converging factors which have put someone like Jason von Tatenhove into this predicament.

If I were to go into the mind programming into Nazi ideology with these Nazi-supporting actors, white supremacists (please do not exclude black, latino, jew and other "minority" into these categories, part of the HUGE deception that someone like Biden is constantly billowing out and puffing into the vapid airwaves about how many colors are being represented in his "New Dawn" leadership. Filthy pigapealina has been torturing me--TORTURE--poisoning, drugging, rape and violence and through the ideas screamed out of me, has obtained a high Ambassador position at the United Nations as some kind of foreign diplomat--only because she has learned to repeat scripts and mouths--her mouth is one of her biggest assets and not her brain, I can assure you--the slogans she took from my rantings and writings and has turned them into her "mission" (of more Imperialistic English-supported takeover of the United States in all and every capacity--armed Nazi militia included who yearn for white leadership with absolute brutal and violent indoctrination of birth right of entitlement to murder, beat, rape, destroy and steal anything they want to from anyone if they do not have pristine white skin. All else had better submit, obey and lovingly service the pig apes with all their stupidity, greed, hate and excessive luxury consumption wants which have created the onus of global warming, as everyone only obeys and follows their pig ape consumption example.


Besides wasting time and space on filthy pigapealina, I can assure that HOLDING PEOPLE INTO ACCOUNT FOR THEIR CRIMES AND ACTIONS is a serious problem at top leadership levels as far as I have seen greedy, nasty and completely shitty creep after creep assault me and love one another for their violence and their disdain and ability to get away with every crime. They ALL have some kind of religious or moral enshrined paradigm they cling to as their outer wrappings for the cold-hearted, absolutely loveless but sleazy and foul underpinnings of their every action aimed at the public. They do cling to their children, however, as a prime source of love because that bond can't be so easily ripped from their lives unlike the fellow gold digger whore skank meaningless dumbass pig apes who they consort with--aka  their "peers".


I just asked a few days ago, not asked but yelled as I was in pain, being offered a nasty deal to go somewhere and be abused in a remote location, beautiful for them, but not so nice for me to be stuck in without any resources available to me when the inevitable abuse kicks in, as this is all this contract aimed at me is about. I told the person offering "sanctuary" that the pig ape shit out of Whorewood, who stole ideas from me so they have something different to say than the stupid shit they normally think and say all day---petty conversations, their attempts to be lofty and philosophical in their movies has been, for nearly a decade, bolstered endlessly by the information they extracted out of my writings and through my drugged up dying torture information extraction sessions.

I said precisely the same words that James von Tatenhoven just said to the J-6 Committee (remember, two members of that committee came to abuse and extract information out of me leaving me to be terrorized by shit filth pigapealina the pair of crap you have all, every one of you, allowed to get away with these crimes for over, or near a decade.). I hope you can get the connection--this person is bravely standing up and saying that the "crazed" mob of Oath Keepers, with semi-automatic rifles who von Tatenhoven said directly in this statement wanted to take over the government. I have stated for years that these pig ape whores, who helped bring Trump just another one of the greedy, sleazy and nasty H-wood whore ensemble, into power. Their deals and top awards ever since have been non-stop flowing or so it appears out of the endless cycle of crap coming out of H-wood.

I told this Senator that they should be held accountable, the exact words that von Tatenhoven just uttered in front of this partially and absolutely corrupt criminal committee--Kinzinger and Raskin. Don't forget P-lousy Pelosi who is supposed to have created this tribunal attack upon Trump, her ally and former good partner in hate crimes against people like me. This technology is so devestating and brings something like a fantasy world of mediocre stupid creeps the chance to break and destroy people like me so they can't compete, creating a "master slave" Nazi society with Europigape pretentions of aristocracy--their dream vision dystopia for America. But pig-lousy is a huge vicious and disgusting component of WHY the Insurrection happened and it's not because she didn't tighten Capital Police Detail the night before the riots, as the Repubs claim as her responsibility. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSIBILITY or taking crimes into account. I have since learned that Wall Street via the Jewish Nazi cartel will do absolutely everything with bowing obedience to serve the Master Race Nazi blonde filth which they are so subordinated to that not just Bloomberg but almost EVERY single wanna be blonde, dyed blonde hair Jew and many of the darker in hue ones most violently attack me to get promotion from the Nazi element. As I have written of endlessly. The trickle-down defecation process of treating people like SHIT and pushing them down and blocking their every access to having the chance not just for competition, but in many cases, for just life--to live in a free and happy way as America has sometimes been associated with but as I look into history as written by the critics instead of the bs blathering fascists, I see that this technology being used upon me is overriding former death squad/lynch mob tactics of just hanging people on nearby trees and gathering around to laugh and watch and take photos with hands on hips in fascist postures. Now they pass the surveillance footage of the victim being drugged, raped and tortured and beaten and abused. It's the same thing. I swore that filthy pigapealina's father, the red-faced conniving Southern Man, was from the KKK. I feel convinced but I really don't care as I was just subjected to Graham yelling at me that he's part of the lineage of that same organization.

As for Kinzinger and Raskin in the testamony hearings as video-taped: They appear theatrical almost and that is not a fluke. They have never taken anyone into the accountability range, and can only do so on a collective level but only if they get permission from the Nazi cartel which has offered this group of filth from Whorewood endless deals to daily exercise mind control and torture over me so they can inflict this upon more people and masses in the future. No accountability is being taken no one is demanding this. Wherefore lies the huge and serious problem for America, then? Just in some range-dwelling Montana Oath Keepers?


As usual, having walked away from the laptop I "remembered" what I was going to include in the post but just got lost in typing and fighting the hacking (and the brain-altering "mind control" tech blasting into my cognition faculties).

Accountability. Draconian measures used against the poor and less fortunate classes, absolutely obliterated for the people installing this fascist Nazi technocracy with all these militarized fascist groups waiting to go out shooting--the police joining in--just like the Insurrection on J-6, 2020.

Not only did Graham not hold filthy, greasy pigapeshitalina the pair of ugly stinking crap into account, but BOTH of the pigs were glowing with greasy hormones after being handed-I don't know what, but obviously something that they truly yearned for, perhaps their rat spawn being finally offered top positions in whorewood, and after years of being trained to abuse me, they will be able to abuse many others and keep the retain all the fake altruism and liberal and anti-racist bs crap that this pair of filth and shit who have fully put all the fascism that is now threatening to completely topple America--they have fully helped to bring in all this fascism. Their Europigape partners are absolutely Nazi parasites who only yearn to come in and take and control over all they can out of America. The American fascist racists and their minions only see these posturing bullshit Europigape creeps as being "fashionable and chic and elite". having lived in Europe for many years, and then comparing something like the real talent that was of a genius mind and capability from Prince in Minneapolis, which I think pigapealina helped order to have killed by the way, as I have written for years that I suspect this very seriously and pig pit the shit smirked and I know his "f-u" smirking red-faced violent disposition, and when he sneeringly said with his cruelty sadistic ugly sneering greasy-lipped sneer, "Who do you think killed Prince?" I knew immediately. And the timing of course was only two weeks after I tried to contact Prince to get away from this pair of ugly grease and filth--such posturing crap that they are.

Two days ago pig pit teleorted me and he looks beaming. Filthy pig ape alina is prancing around glowing with joy with half her body exposed (or all? I didn't want to see this putrid slut creep any more than I have to)

overjoyed, they are overjoyed.

They have been promoted and handed a huge package deal. Only for torture, rape abuse and violence, murder attempts, and helping to put Nazism into the White House. 

The Democrats fully come to abuse me alongside them. NO accountability.

Whorewood the fake posturing bs operation does NOTHING to hold them into account. 

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