Monday, July 4, 2022

The aborted portrait of the USA Independence Day presented to me on my *gov-sponsored* hacked laptop yesterday, July 4, 2022. Driven by the rape-culture, white supremacist (including all "minorities" who are merely for the most part minions and mental slaves of the bigots) media-driven propaganda machine. It was very clear who and what is losing and winning in the race and rape wars of murder and mayhem celebrated by white men devouring as many brown phallic objects per minute as possible (aka "hotdog eating contests").

It was a true spectacle of disintegration of society yesterday when I perused my hacked, thanks to Uncle Sam's Cabin(et):

The first thing I saw on my politely f-u-ed-up internet machine tube of mind conditioning and programming (my brain addled by technology blasting my brain into compliance to all the would-be pimps with their ho's popping their images on my YouTube and other social media pages, along with endless inserts into every news outlet source with their information to "trigger" me into consciousness of the odiousness I want nothing to do with and never want to see and most importantly: never want to promote but by clicking on any of their clips or videos seemingly I am doing so, unfortunately. They would teleport and abuse and poison me to death if it got them another promotion while they pushed the agenda of selling off Capitalistic Capitalism I mean Democracy--oops, a "gaffe"):

IT was, first thing on my "news" source, a photo of white males wearing American flag hats and eating I mean snorting down as many hotdogs per second as possible as part of the yearly ritualistic demonstration of closeted homosexual aspirations of which no one will admit unless they are a conscript of the Freudian schools of psychological interpretation. I am sometimes one of those, and after watching P-Valley yesterday I had this notion that devouring these elongated phallic symbols as many as possible, it is a closet desire to actually have fellatio with black men but disguised as a hotdog eating contest. Eating and devouring as a symbol of course for castration, as a racist theme combined with virulent and violent sexuality, of course. 


The next news clip was of about 60 people in a black neighborhood being shot, with a large number of those having been executed, at a 4th of July "party". Both the covert castration ritual of hotdog devouring and the shooting occurred in Chicago--not far from where I grew up in Champaign. Not far from the recent rally where an Illinois candidate tried to excuse her "gaffe" by stating that reversing Roe was a victory for "white life". So if you think that what I am referring to in this page is somewhat wacky and delusional, as you are all wont to project upon me instead of upon yourselves, then I suggest that you stop watching these dumbing-down movies and read more books on such risky psychological topics, even if it's just to learn about the subject matter, as the "leaders" you cheer on, the people chanting slogans in politics and actors pursuing political careers because a scriptwriter wrote a well-funded movie plot about Democracy and Justice in various ascending order--to promote and sell off "Democracy" to an ailing and being over-taken by fascism country aka USA---these "leaders" truly do not want you to do anything resembling questioning the obvious or subliminal. They want their technology of brainwashing and mind control to override all critical thought, while replacing it with the illusion that you are making your own decisions. They want you to see these movies and news clips and assume that the natural order is for the bigots to enjoy symbolic castration while their minions, those slated for abject destruction, are killing one another off (not a new plot to movies or news clips but the leaders are still scratching their collective heads about this issue and can't understand how it's continuing to transpire).


The next news clip I saw yesterday was at the finale of the day--of cleaning up the stinking filth that the terrorists spray into my room, clothing and into my body--yet another day of the poison in my body not coming out, another day of seeing my body disfigured--another day of not receiving a response from my bank which is blocking my access almost completely to accessing my account--all done courtesy of Uncle Scam's cabinet deciding that I am going to be punished forever for not being what they expect and want out of me. Their "good" minority minions pursue me with the most vicious hate they can muster up while the white bigots sit back applauding and praising them as they announce the white supremacy awards and get more lead roles and movie slots for the entrainment of the brains being squeezed into the boxes allocated for them by the mind-screw operators aka your "leaders". I would not call them "fearless" as they are cowards operating en masse as a force of ignorance="strength".


The last news clip was about abortion. A woman, now a professor at a  university--had been RAPED BY HER FATHER AT THE AGE OF 10 AND IMPREGNATED BY HIM and was on her way to dying from the pregnancy and only an abortion saved her life. She was in an interview, as a bona fide intellectual professor with a legacy of books written on topics including incest and rape and abortion, amongst other issues. I am unsure of which department she is a professor in, but I suggest that women like her are or will be on various death wish lists by the prevailing white supremacist bigots who are your cowardice Leaders put in place to destroy resistance to anything resembling their utter right to rape and destroy life: aka "lifers" I mean "pro-lifers". 


She said that her body went into shock after the rape by her father and her hair turned grey in parts at AGE 10. She and the presenter for this news clip discussed ways in which the Supreme Court will be blocking other laws allowing for all kinds of freedoms of sexual expression for those not included in the "right to rape white supremacist and male suppression" cliques who are fighting for the good ole days when even minority minions could take and break the women and children beneath them as icons of the castle premise that they "own" everything that is vulnerable and "beneath" them in what they would call the "natural order" or the food chain, as others may call it.


This news clip I saw is probably destined to become obsolete in the near future and the consolidation of the bigot networks will become the one source of information possible.

I predict, how many more years of Independence will it take before I see only one point of view put out into a spectrum of a lopsided brown and black-skinned representation of the same concepts but just put into victim status endlessly and complaining about it while behind those closed doors they all must bow and scrape to the rapist white male culture with their most vicious and disgusting womenfolk standing behind them, making damn sure that the wrath and hate of their most brutal and really kinda stupid white males is inflicted upon those they castrate and/or rape slowly to death.

It is happening to me every day and no one will even lift a finger to help me in any significant way, and I mean decades of me trying to get anyone or any agency to actually step into this situation and stop the injustice, the absolutely endless breach of every law on every book in every country is being violated against me and the perpetrators are being applauded and cheered on by all involved--all skin colors all genders all races all branches all levels of society.

The micro will extend to the macro, but none of you are concerned, as far as you are concerned, I get what I "deserve" which you all make up as pretext for not doing anything but the system is slowly creeping into society like a rot and the system is collapsing. The bigots who expect that they will always be granted a reprieve for all the crimes they commit against people "like me" expect that the huge wealth of America will always remain in their "hands" as they grab and grasp at everything they can exploit and use it to death while all ecosystems implode and catastrophes are looming, they can't even connect the undeniable reality confronting the planet as they continue their pursuit of dominance and exploitation.


That was what I gleaned from my hacked courtesy of Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Sam internet service yesterday.



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