Friday, July 22, 2022

Endless death threats from Petty, tyrannical foul and stupid pit pig the "actor" and filthalina his skank whore parasite companion in crime. Endless torture and violence for years and no one can get this pair of filth off me.

 I've spent 8 years telling them and then screaming in hate that I can't stand them. 8 years of them having my body polluted with people raping me and inserting fungus into my vagina, hair and on all linens and clothing. 8 years of them passing me around to Europigape fascist "actors" who threaten and yell at me as the Americans hover around them waiting for instruction on how to become more fascist, Europigape Nazi style. In the 8 years of their terrorism they have cut out part of my uterus via their proxy terror agents. They have inserted hardening poison into my body every single night all this time and constantly claim, after hours and years of torture and abuse where I am continuously screaming in hate at these pigs who teleport me, as they go off afterwards laughing and partying in their new luxury deals and promotions derived just from behaving like sleazy and sick foul apes using modern technology. They have killed animals I took in after they stole and nearly killed my cat, La Moux, who they keep hovering as incentive to be returned if I just allow them to have access to controlling everything I do, with threat of making my body tortured with microwave torture, implant torture technology (i.e. heart palpitations that are DEADLY), tears streaming out of my eyes constantly due to the microchip implant in my throat---chocking on food while eating as they constrict my sphincter muscles--also while drinking. Endless death and rape and hate while sleeping in teleportatoin as the pigs have their nasty and foul minions insert deadly poisons into my vagina and into my bladder--every single day.

After more than 2 years of this and seeing how many movies and ideas filthalina the skank whore stole from me derived out of this kind of non-stop torture, covert of course, as they get pounded with money and millions of dollars and promotions endlessly and non-stop Oscars for pit pig the filthy stupid sick psychopath thug--I wrote on my Facebook page that this should be stopped that this pig was getting Oscars only since having participated in this crime against me--and then every year since he's been featured in one way or another at the Oscars, either through the dumb movies his production company cranks out about how anti-racist and sexist they are, or whatever--he's been put into lead Oscar winning role ever since. I wrote that there should be justice and he should be stopped and this practice of awarding them for this crime should be stopped.

He began a campaign of deadly torture whereby Melaina Trump yelled at me that the car that drove from the side of the road and hit me, causing me to fall on my chin on the pavement while driving at around 45 mph, and it was a death threat coming from that rotten skank of Trump's because I asked for JUSTICE and that this pit pig stop being handed Oscars. After this group then tried to have my lower teeth knocked out (they went into my room and smashed my teeth in a way that they were loose, on the verge of falling out--then they came in nightly to cut the gum tissue away to the bone so the damage would create literally a toothless gap)

The pig then tortured me every single night until the next Oscar Season, where that stupig and sick pig filth got awarded an Oscar for supporting role in a movie that Tarantino also stole a concept that I had written about Charles Mansion but turned it into an absolutely racist and anti-peace movement violent movie where pit pig killed his wife and was just granted permission for every kind of ultra violence possible in this tawdry and mostly stupid flick, where blonde white Nazi culture of Whorewood was saved in a stupid twist of the real-life events. I had originally written that I believe that Mansion was an MK ULTRA product of that horrid Congress which has since expanded on mind control and torture technology, handing these terror instruments to blonde Nazi filth of Whorewood to extract ideas. Pit pig has stolen verbatim ideas from my writings and instead of any kind of recognition or thanks,just continued to pummel my body with poisons and torture to cause multiple systems in my body to collapse from stress.


The pig has taken people who attacked me in Jr. High school who I never really hung out with--one of them raped me while I was sleeping, a nasty white trash creep from Geneseo, NY as the group of people who surrounded me, she being one, put endless violence upon me. Filthy pit pig had her teleported to me to use the technology to torture my body if I said anything she didn't like. First asking me about health tips, and then when I said I thought she shouldn't drink coffee, she began using the technology and gang stalking groups to torture me. Pit pig then had them teleported to me --the other one being a white male who sits in the legs spread position that filthy stupid pit pig sits in with filthalina the whore next to him, glaring in hate with ugly beady nasty eyes--(but so changed once the big boys she prances around topless to impress are there all attacking me and loving her for making them feel any spurt of sexuality--her one and only forte--the filthy whore has stolen so many ideas from me and had me disfigured as payment for so many years and has constantly harped about how much more "beautiful" she is than me. The entire ensemble of scumbag whore actors shouts this at me and make fun of my bloated, crooked, scarred up body, which this group of shit has forced upon me in the nightly raids, rape and dismemberment and disfigurement they have created.

They have also had my hair mostly chemically treated out so huge balding gaps have remained on my head for years--my hair poisoned with chemical crap so it's nasty and gnarly every day. They had my toe broken so it's pointing to an extreme angle and jutting out. They have blocked every single iota of earning so I can't afford any health care whatsoever.


I have been writing about this pair for over 8 years begging people to get this pair and pile of shit off me, for so many years. They keep being awarded heavily by the shit like greasy Graham and now McConnell has joined in, making stupid coughing animal noises at me. When I make a joke telling him he isn't a turtle as everyone says, but really a bullfrog, he yells that I am the b-word. I begin telling him that I'm not barking and making stupid animal noises as he is, and the fight got underway at that point. They then tried to "invite" me to meet their friends because this pair of rottten parasites on the US, who are very much anticipating a re-creation of the Old South with plantation style slavery albeit modern technological torture and brutality, as greasy Graham has been only brutal--as they all are.


And I am asking this world once more to get these sleazy and stupid pig ape whores off me, for the nth year in a row.


And not to replace them with anyone or anything but this situation being stopped, them having to pay me restitution, and my safety and security assured, my own house in my name in a decent and safe location and this sick crap being stopped against me.


The pigs also have teen instructed to never have anything to say to me. For all these years these pigs have never said a single interesting thing or had any kind of conversation. What they do is use the technology to force a happy, friendly "truth serum" effect upon me, they ask questions about the concepts they want to use as their own material, after they get some answers they then change the brain-wave function to hate and rage and begin to punch, abuse, insult and threaten me. I respond in rage and screaming in hate at them. This has gone on for years and it's still ongoing every single day. They then feed, vampire style. of the energy of hate and watching me yelling in rage makes them feel splurts of power and sexual gratification and hormonal highs--last night when the friend of pit pig teleported me and used TORTURE on me after I told him nicely and politely no about him using me, after he extracted ideas from me because my brain was put into friendly "truth serum" mode, while I lay in agony here in Phuket due to the years of poisoning that pit pig who handed this tech to the next piglet star to exploit and abuse and torture me in, with increasing death threats because these pigs have been granted immunity from all law for so many years that the threats of murder are now the next step in their de-evolution and into the fascist Nazi realm, and this too has been carefully crafted to be an integral component of fascist Nazi genocidal training. The pigs then project these fascist attributes in their every pig sniffing the air posture and their movie crap while having stolen concepts about justice from victims like me, they then spout all kinds of bs in order to promote yet another Big Lie that fascist blonde Nazi culture in Whorewood is actually a benevolent, caring and concerned entity--and it's the ruse people like Pelosi have used as well in Congress--to the delight of the greasy crap like the Repug continent that has come to bash and instruct pigs like pit to punch into my face in a rapid succession of blows. The actor last night looked smug as hell as he sat with his arms outstretched on his huge couch while I stood shouting in rage at him, silent and grinning in a smug delight and feeding off the rage he created. He had jolted my leg, the one with the seriously painful swollen poison, so that is spasmed and this was done while I was sleeping and he was abusing and accosting me. I began to yell in hate as he glowed with satisfaction and fed off the hate and negativity The lesbian skank creep undoubtedly was there too, the one I wrote of a few days ago, just from having written a little joke and not really about her, but knowing subconsiously that she's a creep and part of this team. The come to threaten me with pit pig there urging them to shower threats and murder and death threats at me. I think that ugly pit pig is still trying to force a "baby" out of me. I so wish him and filthalina every kind of destruction and for this group of shit in Whorewood as well. That is how little I think of them, and their stupid movies are a complete waste of time. The masses of dumbed down people in America don't know the difference between art and consumer shit and bs crap any longer. But they exemplify fascist Nazism packaged off as humanitarian anti-racist/anti-sexist but ultimately are the worst kind of atrocity-bringers and are as deplorable as the most foul of the Insurrectionists on January 6, 2020. My brain is now under attack and the keyboard is made stiff, keys won't operate, I must pound down to get anything out--my thoughts are reaching hysterical hate mode because the technology is blasting into my brain. The pigs are reading t his--the culprits--and laughing and bemused and glad about the rage and hate they engender. So far, for years, NOTHING has been done to stop this or t hem. They are so emboldened, imagine if the January 6th rioters were allowed to completely get away with their crimes and then promoted and paid in millions for every kind of breach of law and sanctity of life and property. That is how these pigs are, and worse than the rioters. Yet you remain putting them in lead roles and allowing them to continue indefinitely. Nothing is being done to stop this technology. The creeps being handed these technologies are incompetent and sick and foul parasites and should NOT BE HANDED THIS TECHNOLOGY ANY LONGER. It must be stopped IT MUST BE STOPPED this onslaught of torture technology handed out to greedy, sleazy and immature stupid and foul parasites any longer. It must be stopped.


I cannot see, therefore, any single positive thing about these parasitie whore scumbag creeps. I see them after their daily torture sessions on me out laughing and schmoozing and making jokes and commentary. I see the public statements they make which are obviously written by some scriptwriter about how sensitive and incredibly artistic and meaningful they are supposed to appear as. All I have ever seen of them is this pit pig threatening me--oh yes, he also raped me in a very violent way, threw baseballs at me, has been threatening to kill me in increasing ways for the past year until it's death threats constantly coming from that red-faced scumbag fake posturing piece of pig meat and filthy stupid skankalina.


They've also had harsh chemicals lathered on my skin so the skin looks like ancient parchment--curdled up and with chemical splashmarks all over my forearms and hands. The list of scarring and blemishes is non-stop. There is always a black and blue mark on my thighs, every morning. Slashes are in my skin, constantly. Every night they ensure that some cut or damage is made to my body, without fail, night after night.


When will this shit be stopped? When will crap like Senator Graham this violent and threatening creep and that contingent including Pelosi ever be exposed, put out of office or stopped endorsing these facsist Nazi genocidal technologies anda torture groups?


Talking about Graham, I am watching the news seeing that another detainee of Guantanamo who was never put on trial, never given any protections, was tortured and probably waterboarded--is being released after something like 20 years of longer of confinement. No Habeus Corpus for him. No charges ever brought against him.

There was Senator Graham at the Ketanji Brown hearings referring to the detainees (prisoners) of Guantanamo as deserving of death and all torture. Almost shouting this spitting in hate. Nothing like cruel and petty and unjustified racist torture that makes these terrorists feel entitled, and "superior" over their helpless and perhaps innocent (as I am) victims. Graham then cited some recidivism statistics that were a complete joke on how the cycle of recidivism operates. The quote was something like 25% recidivism rate for those released from Guantanamo. The fact that about 4 people had, at that time, been released makes the statistic less than relevant. Unfortunately, Katanji Brown agreed and said everything he wanted to hear. That's the good girl doing and agreeing with statements that would make any undergraduate of Criminal Justice shrink in awe and disbelief by the use of such maladaptive statistical skewing of fact. But torture and death for people not indicted on crimes, not charged with crimes, but only suspected of "terrorist" activities but never held on trial--this is what Graham is endorsing for me--in his most racist proclivities--and loves the idea of more and more of these technologies being dispersed to every b-word female of a darker skin complexion (or white) who doesn't agree and submit IMMEDIATELY to what he wants, claiming that he's very important and you "can't talk to me that way" as I was screaming hate and insults at him after more than a few weeks of his hate and violence and torture. Smirking with delight and feeding off the hate he engendered and the misery he has caused, gloating and smug, he's off with his new promotion feeling entitled as NOTHING also has been done to quell the fascist violent KKK aspirations he and his Repug faction have for re-instating various forms of plantation slavery, torture and partnering with fascist Nazi operations, in particular in Europe. I have no doubt that the prize the pit pig got from Graham after he tried to take the contract over was stolen from the US Treasury or whatever funds he could so easily graft from out of his role on the Budget Committee.

Include Pelosi endlessly into that stream of theft and graft, and the endless H. Cliton into that as well. Her facade of being a "feminist" is only a ploy, or only intended for white women and some of their minority minions but only if they are gratifying, non-threatening to their false claims of superiority and then they all steal and rob from "The American People" to fund this ever-expanding fascist Nazi system of violence and torture, graft, slavery, etc and it's still being protected by Congress as a whole.


Just as a note: a 25% recidivism rate is far below the US national average, which sits at around 75% for criminal re-offenses--called "The revolving door". What Graham cited was a skewed statistic intended to justify his racist violent insatiable need to have slave to beat and torture, passed down generationally by his KKK predecessors as he personally yelled at me before grabbing at his genitals--before trying to force me upon pain of torture to go to some remote hamlet in the South so he and his family can exploit and torture me to the fullest. But otherwise, that Congress would sit and listen patiently and not disagree or cite real criminal justice, DOJ statistic was unbelievable to me in this case. That someone vying for a seat on the Supreme Court would go along passively in this outright deception of misused statistics shows how much deference this fascist group of thugs has created in all their counterparts who appear as the oppositional forces to their racist and fascist policies and political blatherings. Add once again Pelosi and Clinton to the list of the "feminine" touch of bs'ers who play these roles par excellance--not really so disguised to people who can view these puppets put into power with any realistic lens..but endlessly put into power. Clinton once more is vying to run for President. It was her malfeasance and corruption that lost the campaign to Trump, but the Dems keep re-installing that corrupt fake. I think obviously they want the Graham faction to endlessly have power and sway, as they are really not very anti-fascist and I have to unfortunately see this in teleportation in increasing bouts of terrorist attack by members of Congress on "The Left". But "the Right" is really their true affinity and what they owe their real allegiance to, and I feel certain that is a truism.


Correction to the post above: hours later, after more deep healing sleep--thankfully no teleportation that I can remember just deep sleep I need desperately. A crying baby of course below my room to remind me that this contract is still hunting season upon me by men I detest and can't find a single positive thing about any of them.


Ketanji Brown JACKSON and I was under an influence probably of drugging. I am still being drugged at night but don't know exactly how it's being done. I wake up in a daze. But also the brain-altering tech whilst I sit here writing blocks cognitive function, exacerbates hyperbolic emotional hate reactions--my brain waves skewed into rage and hate mode by the tech--and subliminals pounded into my brain so I repeat hate phrases (unless you are a torture victim, you can't understand fully this kind of ranting but to an outsider it may appear as being hysterical or "immature". I can never remain calm and composed, and I write early in the morning just fresh from having been poisoned/drugged and tortured all night by teleportation murder/death/hate/homelessness/rape and violence skits these expletives create for me. Instead of real sleep, something I have rarely had for well over a decade.


I only wrote Ketanji Brown in the above post, because my brain was limited. Once I got up and began to wash something in the sink my brain shifted to realizing I had her name incomplete. I knew it immediately once I was off the computer. But under this influence of brain-altering tech I could not access my memory and recall her name fully.

The creeps do continue to spray stale and nasty fish substances on my clothing while I am sleeping--on my backside, on the sheets and around my crotch area. I have had to clean this wrap-around garment twice today already, once yesterday, and I was too ill to clean anything for days prior to just being able to get up yesterday and do only a few little things like endlessly cleaning up the stinking filth this group pours into my body and life. The crap in my body is putrid and I will have to suffer through more, for many more months or another year or longer, to get it out completely. I expect that the entire time I am struggling this group of filth form Whorewood and the politicians involved will continue the 24/7 onslaught of hate and violence and poisoning and drugging to keep me paralyzed, sickly, dying and suffering without end begging for help to a silent audience as this crap is NEVER stopped. But with this kind of paralysis, hard poisons latched into my spine, all financial avenues cut off all internet attempts to earn money blocked, all telecommunications diverted to lying agents who discriminate openly and lie perpetually and I have no recourse. All condoned by the Government by people like this Senator who really is just one of many in that branch of the government fully supporting these terror weapons, death squad (lynch mob) activities and discriminatory and murder operations that remain unchecked, unreported, and with the filth from Whorewood completely rushing to join in on the sickness of this contract all filled with smug elitism as they press buttons and torture my body and keep me poisoned and insult and steal and rob and perpetually call me stupid after they steal ideas, telling me to shut up when I express any original idea and then stealing it. Endless subliminals of hate and violent insult aimed at destroying my personality. The government under people like this senator keep funding it, waiting for their chance to reverse not just reproductive rights but ALL human rights with outright slavery enforced through these systems and weapons. They are exceedingly "proud" of their "system" (as this senator called it) and the fact that NO ONE reports it in mainstream media but all are involved or know something about my situation--or many do, and they too join in--

well, I keep trying to warn people about allowing dumb apes have violent weapons in their possession but people just want slavery, torture, mutilation, abuse and lynch mob groups to ravage and rape and steal and kill so they can plunder and rob all covered by the silence of everyone on all levels of society who either say nothing or approve fully. Any opposition stamped out, often with death.

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