Thursday, July 21, 2022

The "feminine touch"--what a relief (sarcasm).

 The contract, or teleportation torture, has been taken over by some women from Congress. At the moment I don't want to say whom. One is a Senator, one from the lower chamber. The skits are now becoming increasingly menacing and dark--in the last day or two of this next shift from violent rapist men, bigots with their women behind them stealing all and any concept from me about women's rights in order to project themselves as being hip and not fascist Nazi symbols. All the "good" in the world is "supposed" to be only coming from that group, and so people will constantly associate benevolent feminism and all human rights to the very people who are trying to take all and as much away as possible, hoarding as much as possible for their whore lifestyles.


The dreams are now of me going into something like group showers with women, in something like a modern day concentration camp. How wonderful the female touch is! Also, kitties dying is yet another theme being forced upon me. And then there are women coming at me punching into my face with sinister evl faces. how nice instead of a male rapist it's a rapist enabler woman! The female touch is certainly an improvement, albeit really incrementally only slightly. I'm sure as time progresses, like all the criminals who get hold of these technologies, the violence will increase as the hormonal need for more titillation and more violence becomes an addiction on the part of the wonderful Congressmembers and the incredible actors who are scripted with every kind of benevolent speech to utter out--always written by someone else of course--about how much they care and are fighting for justice, equality and their constituents or fans.


My laptop is so hacked I can barely use it. I spent over 10 mnutes waiting while every click on the browser became a frozen spinning cursor and the page freezing. The hackers disconnected the laptop portal repeatedly while I was trying to type as well.

I still can't perform a factory or restore function because I have only one browser in which to access my bank account and the last time I did a restore function, the 2nd option was blocked afterward. I'm not going to take chances so it remains a completely hacked and blocked system that I can't EVER do a restore function on until I return to the US and go into a PNC bank and try to have this resolved where they can't openly lie as they do on the phone--long distance where all calls I make are diverted to terrorist agents who lie and hang up and keep me on hold and lie perpetually.


I am bedridden to a degree that I am unable to move. I am sitting up but it's excruciating. I had to check on my financial situation and thus far the pig apes haven't taken my money away for this next month. 

They poisoned me for so many years via insertions into my bladder with hardening and stiffening/bloating poisons while I was fighting ceaselessly to remove the LIFETIME of this poison out of my body--I have been exacting in protecting my food--but while asleep and in the unconscious mode where my brain is shut down partially so I can't feel anything in my "prime" body--the body is literally split in twain in a way that I appear as if "whole" in the teleported state, but things like sight, digestion, taste and other faculties are diminished or completely not functioning. But while they teleport me to their hate and abuse skits, I am inserted and maimed slightly every single night--a slow murder, basically it's murder. The people who ordered this are out being celebrated to this moment still. The Congressional members continue the contract out on me, albeit using the "nice" feminine/feminist touch of gracious abuse without males threatening to beat me or rape me. How nice. Although I was "in bed" in some weird situation with a stock broker, and the stock market was supposedly being displayed in German on the side of a huge building which resembled the main train station in Stuttgart. I lay there stiff and not wanting to be next to this person, not even being able to see him. I was then teleported to the concentration camp shower scene but something like a modern day gym (because the pig apes haven't yet constructed their desired concentration camps for mass murder yet so they are using real edifices but making it out like it's a modern-day concentration camp I am taking a hot shower in with a lot of other women surrounding me--always clustered in between pieces of shit everywhere I go never having space or decent human being around me. All loving animals either killed off or stolen from me.


That is the feminist/feminine version I am now subjected to. The teleportation began in a friendly manner yesterday, while I was in a deep healing sleep. It has since degenerated into abuse and death scenes of kittens and women now punching into my face. I lay in bed in near agony as the hard poisons which got much worse from the decade of MORE hardening/stiffening/bloating poisons plus horrific mind control drugs pumped into my body directly into my bladder every single night--so the damage internally is so great that my emtire back has hardened into a shell that my body is trying to expand--my knees are being attacked by poisons directly swelling up underneath the knee caps. It won't recede, I just sit here fighting and sleeping for hours, being subjected to the utter sickness and depravity of the people responsible for being leaders of society.

I can't get to the bank to pay rent, I am sitting here helpless. I have no one to help me whatsoever, all my time has been spent confined in near paralysis because the pig apes from Whorewood kept pumping poison into my body as they also had me raped, my hips and spin put out of alignment, my hair damaged, my skin doused with disgusting damaging chemicals, my food poisoned with fungus and other substances, my money stolen from my purse every month so I was even in more dire straits financially--and on and on and on adn on the abuses are just showering on in non-stop and for years and years. But if someone had stopped this group I would e able to somewhat heal instead of sitting here in near deadly paralysis trying to starve the poisons out of my body so I can n nominally move.

Meanwhile, in this deep healing state, I am being subjected to more torture psychologically now with hints of violence punching into my face by more rotten creeps using this tech as the pig apes who have been handed these technologies are being championed--prizes and awards handed to them because the Senator wanted to wrest control over this contract--as they continue to advise on how to torture me to the wonderful tenderness of the women from Congress now having the time of their life torturing me--these people become addicted to just pressing a button and having someone to beat, abuse and rape and threaten endlessly.


Meanwhile, the Nazi 4th Reich takeover continues. Biden is pumping money into the Northern European fascist Nazi alliance aka NATO. My ten years of living in Phuket have shown me the Nazi proclivities of Europigapes especially from the north and the utter slavish adoration the dark people have for serving and obeying them. You can add any mixture of lighter-skinned other groups such as Jews who want to be as white as possible into that mixture of obsequious adoration slaves serving and hissing in absolute hate at people like me--who just want to live life in MY way and not have to undergo crushing of my spirit and personality in order to not threaten the Nazi pig apes in any way. Serving and servicing worthless pieces of shit who are users and abusers and murdering bigots who want to exploit me and then slowly kill me off. That is the option available to me if I am "good" and not a "Loser" as the half-Jewish rat wanna be pig ape shrilly shouts at me because her daddy is the most groveling slavish minority minion--also being used as a mascot for the slave representation of Jews on Wall Street. Any concern about humanity is void and meaningless and an embarrassment to all of them, and only "snooty" disdain and elitism is the one and only mode of existence. This also is anathema to me and I find them to be effete as human beings and part of the destruction of the United States.


These are the people who have been elected as the representatives of culture. All of them are on a death power trip with crushing mass murder as one of the ultimate goals of their coalescing system which is coming to a mass gathering in the form of the new NATO Europigape alliances, the fascist Repuglicanism and the reversal of decades of fighting for womens' rights--which these rape fascist pig ape celebrities all claim they are fighting for--but really brining about mass poverty and rape and forced impregnation because they all feel more entitled and "beautiful" in comparison to the miserably struggling women who are writhing in poverty and despair underneath their endless whorish hoarding of wealth, being handed out to them for being "good girls" by the fascist men like the Senator from the Carolinas who wanted to drag me into his pit and beat the s*** out of me to death, ultimately, after forcing a "baby" out of me.

He's now off grabbing his "rewards" for his week of slithering into my consciousness while I was in the agony of this poison expanding internally and into my knees. I lay in bed in agony as he sat next to me in teleportation talking softly to me. I advised him on health issues, which is part of the protocol they all ask me for advice from the years of me struggling to heal from the poisons they themselves completely supported being put into my body. After extracting the information, the abuse and threats and violence, sexual abuse and hate begins. They give nothing, and take as much as possible. 

Even though I detest them and tell them this constantly, they continue to clutch and grab on--8 years of telling pit pig I can't stand him and his filthy whore wife, years of telling all of them who teleport me I can't stand them. They grab on and never stop. They keep getting every top award possible every business they could never obtain until they began torturing me in this contract.


How sick America now is should be evident but no one cares, they only are concerned with what THEY can get out of joining into exploiting this contract, in the hopes that more and more people will be microchipped and teleported for torture, rape and information extraction, more women kept pregnant and not able to compete--or they hope, dying from complications from pregnancies because access is now being shut off from even life-threatening pregnancy complications. You can thank filthy pigalina for this, as she and pit pig personally are responsible for having put Trump into power. She ben off on her "feminist" crusade (ALL and almost ALL ideas stolen from my years of ranting and writing about feminist issues as these whores all participate with their "feminine" touch of cheerleading the pig men to beat and abuse and torture me extremely violently--they love watching it, they feel so empowered and emboldened and superior for it--the half Jewish screeching rat coming from the nasty Jewish sell out old man from Wall Street has been one of the most nasty offensive screeching haters of this entire group--

The feminine touch, how wonderful it is.

How sick America is, a dying country I really believe there is no chance for it to recover any longer. Biden is a disaster and worse is coming up in the Repug Party because Biden really is a fascist conservative playing both sides of every issue but ultimately betraying the "Left" by using one or two Senators to muck up his agenda--oops, how could that happen!--and then allowing all this gerrymandering to continue, and alas, the country will be beset by a feudal fascist Nazi dictatorship soon. The technology being used upon me continues to be passed around like a joint at a drug addict party to Senators and Representatives and celebrities--all with full permission by Biden, and of course T-rump, and then Obama did nothing, and of course this situation has been endorsed by every administration all my life.


Approx. One hour later: I have decided, whilst laying in bed in agony as the poisons don't abate the swelling into my knee caps--(three days now completely stuck in bed in excruciating pain--now over 2 weeks of this ongoing while parasites teleport me to exploit this new weakness--and this extreme sickness was brought about by the poisons not being inserted into my bladder as they have been for over a decade--nightly. The shock to my system has resulted in something like the poisons trying desperately to expand in order to shift--).

But besides that, I decided to list the names of the women from Congress who have conjoined with the rapist throng of celebrities and fellow politicians: of course P-lousy pig-lously Pelosi the absolutely anti-Semitic "Italian-American" fascist Nazi--blathering in warm tones of concern about helping people while her caucus just can't get any legislation passed--as she rushes to leech money out of any and all legislation she can by inserting her death threats and rape enabling hate into this group against me, sitting alongside the most virulent of fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland turned Republican in American politics. The Repugs claim they "hate" Pig-lousy but they truly love her for her duplicity and racism. She even has a black male in her team, who acts something like a friendly bouncer for elite parties. He was involved in a skit yesterday where he excluded me from a private party, acting as a bouncer. Telling me that I could go to the "big house" on the hill and watch free movies and get free joints to smoke. I declined this offer and they had me repeat really stupid insane things about not being able to reach "water" (because I really need a swimming pool to exercise my muscles and I can't get access--the price is truly affordable here in Phuket if I could not be blocked from earning money online I could feasibly achieve this effort, but the bigots want me in poverty stuck in a tiny cramped and toxic stinking filthy dishevelled room where they can insert every kind of toxin and poison into my vagina and into my bladder every single night without me having the slightest chance to defend myself. 

But the bigot Pelosi is undoubtedly the "female" behind the aggressive, face-punching antics. The genocidal Nazi shower scenes and the stock broker scene which was brought about by nasty Bloomberg and his rat stupid idiot blathering daughter. Most offensive to me in all respects at this point. Their most well-rewarded point for which they have been paid in millions is to never question the prevailing fascist Nazi paradigm, for which they serve and obey and support fully. Everything else is to be scorned, crushed and broken according to them. I do not exaggerate. 


I think the other woman, Klobuchar (sp?) who also included her name into a skit that was forced upon me yesterday in one of my many hours of deep sleep in pain and agony---I think it was piglousy who inserted these hate and rape male violent antics into the last few hours of the attacks, and so I write this now.


The "Italian-Americans" I have come across all my life are rabid racists and virulently genocidal in their aims. I was accosted by most violent and disgusting deniro and pesce for YEARS until only last month. Their sleazy and putrid commentary--making imitations of me urinating the poisons they probably order to be inserted into my bladder--their comments endlessly about how my body is ugly and bloated how unclassy and ugly I look compared with filthalina their mascot who has endlessly had me disfigured and stuffed with chemicals inserted into my viscera so the poisons would get stuck in my intestines, endlessly stuck and poisoning me--amazing I have not died from sepia. That is how hard I have had to fight to cleanse my body every month, and have been doing detox sessions once per month for over 2-3 years and still the poisons lingered until Bloomberg came and stopped the poisoning over night. He and his rat then began a campaign of abuse and violence that almost exceeded what his partners had been doing until they too were a threat to my life. But in this ensuing time, I have exercised a bit and a clump of hard and stinking foul poison ripped--literally ripped--out of the side of my body. Parts of this clump extended into my neck, into the vertebrae. And thusly, after greasy Graham cracker first came at me lunging in hate, a few weeks ago, screaming about the KKK and how they want to lynch people like me, grabbing his genitals and hissing in hate abou this penis as if this is an insult to me and not to him. While I was in the throes of agony he then greased his way into my sleeping and near comatose agonized pain situation of laying in bed, last week, this is now 2 weeks of this agony pain going on and on day after day all I can do is lay in bed while they torture me, as they always have and kept me in paralysis and sickness blocking all access to me protecting myself--)

But then suddenly I was going to go to some redneck Nazi place where I would have a baby with this greasy ugly pig scumbag and his Nazi KKK family were going to glob onto the contract, every kin folk getting promotions and deals as they all jointly abused me to death--

And glowing with joy over this, Pig-lousy the pig ape skank who is the Speaker of the House of BS, loves watching it all unfold. Waiting for yet another chance to get and take out of this contract, along with H. Cliton a few days ago, lunging on in to abuse and attack me as well. The people who are fighting T-rump are joining into these fascist Nazi sessions also to appear as if they are not really against the Nazi fascism that is really emerging openly, they are just fighting T-rump but are still part of the racist genocidal fascist team. That includes the Jews I have mentioned earlier.  And then there's a lot more of them who aren't famous but all are doing the same things on their local and State levels (or international).


The "Italian-Americans" I have always encountered were dead set on destroying me, and having my family become servants and slaves for them. My brother sits smiling as his "Italian-American" wife makes anti-Semitic jokes in front of my family. He is violent and abusive to me in return because I resist these pig apes and he bows and scrapes to them. I see photos of him now grey, looking sheepish and ugly, completely worn down and broken in and like half a man, if that at all. The old Europigape fascist oppression of Jews, by all means, must be re-instated in America and the Italians are some of the worst minions in respect to keeping this arrrangement of endlessly oppressing jews into deformity and ready victims of plunder and genocide and pograms and massacre with all stolen as the Jews silently go along to the slaughter.


that is what they are trying to do to me, Pig-lousy being one of the most vicious in her threats, but the pig apes of Whorewood have taken her cue and are acting like vicious fascists towards me after th congressionial members like Greasy Graham and pig-lousy act like deadly Nazis and are making now references to concentration camps once more.


Every time I write about these disgusting expletives they only get more promotions. However, I continue to write about it because I want the world to know as much as possible in case some people don't want this kind of oppressive destruction of America for the benefit of people who truly are NOT superior in any way, shape or form. They are adept at lying and manipulating and crunching numbers and obeying and not questioning and fighting for the system which keeps them in perpetual situations of power. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...