Thursday, July 7, 2022

New P-A terrorists have taken over the torture technology with approving nod of yet another political leader (unquote). Foul, stupid, immature and nasty as hell. Just another pair of sick examples of how society has degenerated into a chaotic pig-ape culture that barely remains intact on the surface--but it's imploding every day that these creeple are being given these technologies and the system expands of terrorism and murder/assassination/mind control and torture. The lowest common denominator has risen to the top, they are pompously parading with their wealth and yearn for a completely fascist Totalitarian master-slave society. Racism is of course the dominating factor.

 They have cut off access to my online banking. During the pandemic I was actually able to reach a few legitimate banking representatives who were extremely friendly and professional. Since the pig ape Nazis swarmed into Phuket and moved into this condo, once the borders opened up, phoning any agency is impossible I can't reach anything but disgusting creeps on the phone. The teleportation creep show has never stopped despite the pandemic. Their sickness never stops. If there is such a thing as Evil these creeps are definitely imbued and saturated with Evil--that means millions and hundreds of millions of the people involved in this effort for a master-slave take-over of all existing forms of freedom and representative government. They have completely overtaken the US Congress to an alarming degree, as far as I know from the various sides of the aisle representatives who work in concert to promote the worthless, sleazy and stupid into higher positions of power; especially the children--the age level of which is now becoming a "red flag" in US news stories as this age level is going out on mass shooting sprees. I think there is something indelibly wrong and sick with that age group--and the child I am dealing with acts like a 12-13 year old but is tall and lanky which means efforts to be a model and not have to deal with responsibility are combined with an anti-Semitic Jewish father and mother who are of mixed Jewish/Nazi marriage presentation.

The daughter is attacking me with the most hateful insults and using subliminals virtually all day and night long. I can "feel" absolute hate hissing into my body from this loathsome pestilent personality who begins to yell at me fascist style with daddy watching on silently--urging her on as the worthless miscreant is being handed probably endless deals and promotions she otherwise is completely inadequate to obtain upon mere competition or her own capability. The one and only qualification for advancement at this point is of being a turd personality with racism and hate backing every attack.

so they are forcing this microchip implant in my throat to constrict just at the point when I am falling asleep. It is constant, every night, and just today when I am very ill from trying for the 11th+ year to remove this hard poison out of my spine, back and hips, shoulders, skull, into my legs, feet and stuffing up my intestines which has been exacerbated by the last group of endlessly increasing pig apes sitting in rows having me constantly repoisoned and pouring hardening and bloating deadly toxins into my body via insertions of stinking sewage type water into my vagina. 

But now someone has sort of stopped this and is attacking me to appear as anti-Semitic as possible using his half-Jewish daughter who is using subliminals to inflict skin-color differentials as a hate tactic at me. I can "feel" her hate barbs about how my skin is of a darker hue than her half Nazi/blonde mother and Jewish father and her skin tone is much lighter than mine. I have never really thought about this skin tone color too much, but she is making much ado about it. When I watch shows about racism like P-Valley the emphasis on skin color is marked and extreme and appears as a dominant theme amongst blacks and people of "brown" skin color. I never paid very much attention to it. BUt this nasty creep is constantly making hate racist comments that are inaudible but I can feel it like it's something pounding into me--mind control, hate, racism and more attempts to break my spirit and sense of self-worth and she is so extremely nasty and stupid there is no way to have any kind of conversation whatsoever. I consider her to be an absolutely incompetent personality but I may be wrong--she's very competent at being insulting and vile and nasty--as the surrogate for her ashamed father who represents a financial empire--but I have only seen him pushing her to yell these types of racist slurs using the subliminal and inaudible technology, but I know that is what is being done. It is very typical for the Jewish community so broken and destroyed by racism. I have had to deal with Jewish anti-Semitism all my life and the hate and violence with which Jews attack me is even more pronounced when it comes to the Jewish higher circles of the finance world which integrate as much Nazi culture into their every nuanced deal in order to not be targeted, I think that is the impetus behind all their hate directed at me. As I have had to deal with this condition of my relationship, or lack thereof, with this group which I have no affinity or identification with but am being tortured for having been born into--but more importantly, not conforming to the submission, the subjugation and for just daring to try to compete and be happy and beautiful and this is a "crime" according to the pig ape community of terrorist Nazi culture that must be met with murder and destruction of every single thing about me--the ultimate aim is murder but beforehand to see me groveling with no help, other "jews" like this family abusing me and torturing me with hate and name-calling and insults about how they are more blonde and Nazi in skin tone and color--Jewish Nazis in other words--as I am supposed to according to skin tone gradation be on a much "lower" level just by virtue of skin tone (and then in summer or in tropical climates that means I have to become even more "dumb" and non-threatening, according to the chart they obviously have somewhere about which skin shade is supposed to represent the ultimate in intelligence and power and control). I am only referring to the operating mentality of the machinery of racism and people are either keenly or unconsciously aware of this. I have ignored it and done my best to compete in this world and be the best I can be. They want me to bow and scrape and "accept" being poisoned and raped and turned into a sex slave, all my years of grad school wasted, only for pieces of white trashy shit who have been paid to appear as sex objects and white Nazi iconography can steal the ideas I have studied and tried to create in an artistic form as their idea--all stolen, nothing for me except more torture, mutilation because they also want my body destroyed and they want to see me completely broken down and obeying before they murder me: George Orwell's 1984 vision of the Future.

so they are making this microchip implant in my throat, which is constricting my voice every time I try to talk on the phone, I can no longer sing as I used to love singing, and they make it constrict in such a way to make my throat pinched and a kind of horrid almost snorting noise comes out of my throat and wakes me up--just as I am beginning to fall asleep. I desperately need sleep as they are abusing me non-stop and suck my life force and energy out of me--this pair I am now loosely referring to are a hateful pair--one brings a deep sense of depression and racism, and the other a very high-strung nastiness of frenetic hate and racism heaped upon me--both simultaneously. They are utterly immature and repugnant. They represent Wall Street and the NYC Jewish Community which sold me to this technological torture as a kind of sacrifice for their "get out of Jail" Nazi status. Jews flock to attacking me, and here I am stuck with creepazoids verbally abusing me and torturing me with this weapon, cutting off access to my bank account and threatening me, as opposed to thugs from Brooklyn who have a long background of Jew-bashing and every other kind of minority hate bashing (as they also simultaneously screw sexually the females of these groups, but try to humiliate and weaken and symbolically castrate the men, and then the women once they are tired of them--yes, I have seen this so many times). The entire NY scene is something that created this hate and racist system but it's the world of white bigot Nazis who really are responsible. I am just having to deal with the minions of the Nazis who are "proving" that they are one and the same with the white supremacists. Their eagerness to push others down in order to assume a kind of supremacy is almost like watching drowning people trying to climb up by pushing someone else down so they can lift themselves up by destroying others. They are then beaming with satisfaction as they get undeserved deals, promotions and they go on indefinitely attacking and torturing me.

Every single one of them who abuses, tortures and attacks me is beset with indignation when I react calling them names as if this is also a crime worthy of death. The pig apes from Brooklyn deniro and pesce and also the gottis have gone on and on torturing, maiming inflicting deadly poisoning and hate and abuse and my reactions after years of trying to "ignore" them hoping they would finally go away after writing to this throng of do -nothing complacent thugs reading this who fully approve of all this violence aimed at me--but writing begging to get them off has produced nothing and so I resorted in desperation to finding yet another pair of abusers who are going on and on until, the time differential between waiting for years until I break down and call them names is now narrowing to just not being able to tolerate more pieces of shit attacking me almost instantly. 

The creepy daughter began calling and yelling at me about what a "loser" I am (meaning she's such a winner in comparison). This is her reaction to me having been raped, tortured and my body mutilated into disability so I can't move while pigs and apes she now clusters around giving them compliments and bowing in deference to are handing her rewards for her immaturity, stupidity and hate and nastiness. It's the one and only qualifying feature for which all of them are being promoted into highest position.


so this is a form of torture undoubtely--sleep deprivation especially while I am fighting to heal from decades of poisoning. Just as I am in bed very sick they teleport me to her screaming at me while I try to kill her, my usual reaction to these pig apes by now (meaning all of them they are all so disgusting it's putrid having to be forced to hear the shit and crap they scream and say and yell and the filthy sick things they do are so repugnant and they are so low, common and absolutely incompetent for leadership position).


It's non-stop. Screaming that I am this "loser" for having been raped consecutively by this group of shit--the Nazi pig ape men who I detested and never had anything to do with who came after me with insults, sleazy sexual overtures while I ran from them and wanted nothing to do with them. That makes me somehow a "loser" because they are part of criminal organizations and have been handed these technologies to force their disgusting hateful pig bodies upon me, sucking out my light, love and passion and returning it literally with murder. The drugging combined with the subliminals makes you feel like you are "in love" and the poisoning is so awful that my entire body is suffused with this sexual desire that is more powerful than any drug you can imagine. That is how disgusting this group is. The men suck out the energy from me and dump their sleaze and hate and then destroy, steal and rob and break parts of my body or cut them off via their proxy pig apes and go off getting huge businesses, deals and with the celebrities it's been every single thing handed to them that they never deserved and for over a decade (with stallone it's been for 30 years that putrid parasite dumb and ugly thug with his Italian mafia and Brooklyn mafia absolutely violently attacking me--fully under the umbrella of protection by shit like pig-lousy the speaker of the US House of Representatives who fully hisses death threats at me because I am fighting only about the 50th pig from this group in the last 20 years who has teleported me and "expected" immediate sexual gratification out of me without resistance as I am supposed to be a "sex slave" who can never say No according to these filthy and ugly loveless pig whores who are repugnant in every aspect--physically not being just the only facet of their disgusting lack of appeal.


Now it's just another pair of shit attacking me, threatening me completely with yet another politicians observing and giving them the green light. He's up for review with the J-6 committee just like Kinzinger and Raskin before him, they all need "protection" and are participating in this crime so they will also be included in the Nazi zone and not targeted if they, under oath or by their so-called Duties (which they never fulfill regarding me and with this technology which bypasses every single article of the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution and all State and Federal Laws--but no problem! There is no evidence, everyone watches and does nothing--therefore none of them are "breaking the law" because they can't get caught. And so they pile up on me and now it's just another pair who are by this point repugnant and getting more disgusting as time goes by.

Per usual, all my begging and appeals for this to be stopped will be met with silence. The pig apes are completely set upon the notion that i have no human rights and thus writing on my personal blog that they are shit is their full entitlement to cut off my money, have my body mutilated as "punishment' to conform to their plan of filth and crap forced upon me and other people who will probably be unaware, as I have been all my life, of the expectations that are "demanded" of not fighting back against murder attempts, rape or abuse but just to accept and give the pieces of ugly, sick and rotten shit whatever they want to steal from my body, spirit, work and anything else and it's all protected they have full entitlement, according to how politicians treat this situation and the police and law enforcement and all society is backing it all up as well.


The Jewish community no exception to this. You can add a more extreme version of this tendency for conforming to Nazi ideology coming from the Jews out of Israel, or many of them I have encountered.


I am writing about it, they will attack me for having written it. No one will come to stop this or protect me. It's just another day. They will go on allowing this 12-year old idiot daughter of this sell-out hater anti-Semitic financial tycoon to continue to spew utter racism at me and calling me a "loser" after having been raped by gang rape Nazi thugs aka Donald Trump and co and then the rest of the pit crew for years--somehow that makes me a "loser" and not someone who has done what they wanted, and been the kind of sell-out scum that is handing acceptance to the Nazis that the "good" Jews hope to "ride out the storm" of the next Holocaust, as Spielberg included in his movie fantasy about the Holocaust, starring a bigot Nazi-member racist who played the "compassionate" lead role fighting to save the Jews (but in reality has threatened me with death after having raped me--not in a time-frame of that successive order of events but it's all been done in all the years of that piece of shit with his blonde Nazi piece of pig shit female partner all attacking me year-after-year while the American celebrities defend them and attack me with more hate and violence--in particular the mafia out of Brooklyn, always so eager to play up to the Europigape blonde Nazis and always wanting to be seen with blonde women in their money-gilded social settings--so eager to merge with Northern European nazi culture and not look like dark Southern hue skin tones that many Italians used to have--now integrating as much as possible into the blonde Northern Nazi genetic line--just as the Jews are. The effect is of minions viciously attacking those of darker skin tone and color with more vicious hate even than the Nazis--as they are the proxy minions by now doing the dirty work while the bigots sit back bemused at how successful their system really is.


As with all the rest of the pieces of shit who for years have teleported me to the point of murder and poisoning to the point of my body collapsing while they torture and abuse me and never stop the physical violence inflicted upon me body---

I just want this new crew of crap off me. Their money and status is meaningless to me. The only thing is that they now have access to torture technology and a world of bigots and rotten brown-black-skinned pig ape minions performing despicable acts of violence upon me. Again I ask that more pig apes are pried off me because the incompetent daughter probably can't really "succeed" unless it's all pre-arranged and bought and paid for. Nepotism is now the rule for these pieces of shit who have been handed these mind control and torture technologies. They can suck out energy, life force and then steal ideas and block success from others. They have it all promised to them for life. They are never going to stop attacking me, this new pair, and if they are stopped, there's a plethora of new recruits waiting to do the same sick and dirty things. My YouTube and other social media pages are "blowing up" with videos of more celebrities who are just dying to get promotions out of this contract.

BUt I ask in vain again: please please please goddamn please get this group of sick and incompetent shit off me--all of them--for me to live in peace after DECADES of torture, rape and poisoning mutilation and violence--can't I ever be fucking left alone to live in peace? They should be all forced to pay me restitution for this endless destruction of my life instead of being promoted. They are repugnant and repulsive there is not a single person of this entire organization I could ever respect or have any single thing to do with.
**Hacking is endless and this post is full of typos and errors but the keyboard has been made so stiff and nearly impossible to type on I'm leaving it as is.
Hours later: I had "forgotten" to write that the father/"man" also had me hanging by the shoulders from a helicopter in mid-air in a brief flash of the teleportation that I was aware of. This putrid psychopath is being programmed by his Nazi "handlers" to become violent and nearly murderous as time goes by. These putridity teleporting terrorist celebrities and politicians all become more and more violent the longer they have access to the technology which allows them to vent their pent-up psychoses and problems out on a vulnerable target. Since each one follows a routine protocol system but each has a particular path of abuse and torture, I can discern from the YEARS of this shit going on what types of problems each pig ape whore scumbag has and how deep their psychological trauma has been buried in their shitty pig ape lives. That they have been put into powerful positions and yet even promoted now should be a huge serious "red flag" but no one appears to be listening to me.
------- I had received this treatment for, in rage, writing two days ago that he is repugnant to me, after weeks of increasing violence. The violence began immediately from his nasty rat spawn daughter who began the exchange with screaming "NO" at me while I had told this nasty man I had "chosen" him in a drugged up and completely desperate state--I was being murdered by the throng of pig apes you all cheer on as your colleagues and celebrities (one of them yet again has come out with a "comedy" about what a "feminist" she is--she has been attacking me with her rapist partners and murdering bigot openly expressing genocidal Nazi statements at me for years--these shitty sick women are so foul and disgusting who operate as cheerleaders for these Nazi pig men--but the Jewish man is filled with loathing and hate and his surrogate abuse alter ego, his half Nazi pig ape daughter, is the hate spewing out that I believe he has imbibed from having complied with Nazi programming probably all his life. Deeply rooted in loathing and hate for Jews, I suspect while these same types make the rounds at the JCC's for their deals and schmoozing campaigns to get investors and be part of the financial community (or at least, what I have seen of my family in Miami, for example, people who handed me over to the mafia on South Beach literally telling me with hate that these were their "friends" while they sold me off to be raped and destroyed. In addition to being well-respected members of the so-called Jewish community they are benefactors of the JCC where they hold positions and go playing their games and preening in the luxury of the club membership and all it's deals and financial possibilities. They go from that to the fascist Mafia Nazi cartels in Miami without blinking an eyelash.
It is a ubiquitous event, this form of switching from pretense to really partnering with Nazis that many of the Jews I have personally gotten to know in Miami and they, many of them, hail out of NYC and it's just what I have had to deal with as the prime reason I am in this hate and murder situation in the first place: sold into it by my family basically.
So here is this may now really threatening me with murder as his shitty spawn rat daughter is spewing whether inaudible racist comments that are designed to break my spirit--I feel like I am sinking in depression I know that I am being pummeled with hate speech subliminally and I try to brush it off. Like all the rest of the Nazis, this filthy stupid daughter of this sick fucked-up man goes on and on for hours. I have no doubt she has already been handed a role in some movie and a modeling contract by the pig apes out of Whorewood with their Nazi Europigape partners. Welcome to the club, sell-out whore daughter of a shitty sick man who is just like about a millions others just like him, albeit most are not as wealthy which means he's sold out even moreso than most.
This is really hate speech on my part, but I so much want this pair of parasites off me. THey drain my energy and block my sleep and like the Brooklyn parasite pair of s hit ugly old men who did this for years until I finally reacted in a way that they could then vampirize my energy by increasing the violence once I began to react in great distress-my body was shutting down, the abuse was reaching a critical point of destroying me into a breakdown I had to do something so I told this rotten man I "chose" him. That same day his shitty daughter began yelling that I am not "good enough" and I said immediately that this was a "NO" situation and I don't want him and to leave me alone. That was one month ago they haven't stopped attacking me non-stop since then (meaning the subliminals and now they are increasing the violence as they become more programmed into the hate pact and are being given every incentive to become murderously abusive towards me. This is such a common curve of behavior I think you could assign on a curve how often this same trajectory appears in each scumbag who is handed this technology and the near exponential rise in their levels of violence towards me and others as time progresses.

Just by the way: this month THREE of the very violent, rapist bigot Nazi type men who teleported me in nearly a continuous succession are all being put on trial and this is an international spectacle in each case. One for domestic violence (he was not charged but he is very guilty, at least towards me with endless violence) and the other by his equally or moreso abusive wife for a dispute over their holdings which they are grappling with--and then there is of course #45 who is behind the mafia torture of me, as he brought them in, and the endless waves of thugs and pig apes from Europe who have proliferated as terror agents training the dear and dumb Americans on how to behave like fascist goons as they all greedily comply with gusto. The children of these scumbags like the daughter I mention above are absolutely an insult to modern culture--it's greed and selfish self-centered "give me give me I want" combined with a relative lack of higher education or anything beyond anything special as all I can see are kind of mediocrities as intellects in all of these people--only trained to follow orders and calculate I have never heard nor seen anything exemplary from any of them and their children are even more violently brutal and stupid and primitive in emotional and intellectual terms. Forget about any ethics or morality except for what they can get away with and how much.
I keep writing that handing these sick miscreants these technologies is extremely dangerous for society and for all the victims who will be and have already been murdered by shit people like this. So far no one has taken this issue seriously whatsoever.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...