I have never focused endlessly, as I do now almost every day, on racism and the slots of hate under-towing riptide imposition of subordination that I have experienced in the last 10 years when these expletives have the teleportation technology to unleash what they cannot really say or do when there is real 3-D reality and the law prohibits them from this kind of endless violence and hate speech in any realistic situation where I am a stranger to these creeps except that they are famous and I am "supposed" to appear deranged for saying they are "teleporting me while I am sleeping", and thus engender a label additionally of being delusional and schizophrenic--labels the police are only too willing to apply within a few seconds of hearing me attempt to garner any legal support or protection. I am blamed and threatened whenever I do. This is standard protocol for targets of this kind of death squad activity; it is not my experience alone.
But I focus on the hypocrisies of racism as applied to the minorities in higher positions of power, as they unleash their pent-up hate and rage upon me. When in "normal" society as I assumed I was a part of, just another American citizen with perhaps some freak accidents which rendered me "disabled" and then some undiagnosable problem after surgeries to correct scoliosis which left me partially paralyzed although I knew it should not have happened and I could not understand why I was so bloated, huge and sickly endlessly although I exercised and dieted constantly for years and years without end.
The labels these hateful proponents of racism are throwing at me every single moment they can, the "minorities" are the most keen on forcing the labels they have personally ingested which have made them toxic with hate and repressed internal violence, which they spew onto me at every given chance in teleportation. They then have their gang stalking terrorist groups to inflict every kind of damage when I fight to restore my sense of self, which they are trying to rip apart and turn into a self-loathing figure of discrimination, which I believe they are. Their one and only enabling sense of personhood restored is handed to them if they participate in targeting some other person who is not playing the game as they all do. They are all responsible for the upsurge in Nazism and racism which has "swept" America, including helping to put #45 into power. That is ALL of the celebrities and politicians I have mentioned as terrorist teleporting agents for the past many years, since late 2015 and since then, the endless line-up of celebrities who are various sides of the racist equation (representing the opposition but fully participating in the Nazi fascist emerging order they expect to endlessly have monopolies for their k-rap into their deaths and then their children will assume the positions of power just by sheer nepotism; that is the "system" they are all working towards).
I never, ever in my life focused this much attention to racism. It is now foisted upon me daily as one hater after the next assaults me in most vile and violent disgusting ways of hate. They hiss and roar and assault and do vile disgusting things as if it's me and not them imbued with "demonic" evil--just using a kind of symbolic representation as they appear to be monstrous filth spewing something from some lower filthy depth of some cesspool--thus it could be tentatively assumed that "demonic possession" is indeed possible when and if you see these parasites in their real skins in teleportation, as I have been forced to do.
Racism and putting me "in your place" is the prime aim of this endless terror operation aimed at me. Endless subliminal "loser" "bitch" "shut up" and every single opinion I express they torture me for and then they steal it if at all possible. Silenced endlessly, can't operate any computer system around the entire planet without it being immediately hacked and censored and blocked. Attacked without end. The hate aimed at me is intended to destroy any shred of self-determination and self-love and turn it into a submissive slave obeying every order which would destroy me but help a pig ape group of shit I think should be eliminated--they can't abuse this association of what they do and are with a pile of rotten feces and that is all I can see of them now after years of their filth, hate and disgusting filth that they force onto me, making it appear as if this is "me" and not what they really are behind all their cleaning slaves and wives and minority people cleaning up their filth and crap for them or taking the blame or being forced to live in filth --I truly believe that as my situation demands that my living space be turned into a brown-goo-sprayed filth stink covering and coating every single thing possible in my home, into my food, on my body making scars, broken toes, deformed bones, poisoned so my body is huge and endlessly deformed, etc endless attacks to make me appear filthy, deformed, destroyed and endlessly "miserable" as the violence, abuse and hate is never stopped and I must be alone to deal with it alone without a single loving and kind entity in my victinity. They won't return my cat(s) of course, as they stole that to take all love away from me and try to make me appear as broken down, filthy and dishevelled as possible. The insults from how they have forced this upon me are supposed to destroy any sense of achievement or empowerment. The racism aimed at me by Black men in particular, with Jewish men coming only in second place, but latinos, oh, how vicious and eager they are to fully comply with vicious assaults upon me--I guess there is no group that is discriminated against which won't most viciously attack me for the sake of alleviation of their own sense of dread at being subordinated and subjugated--a position they accept and operate from within--they feel elevated and empowered by pouring their endless pent-up hate and rage out upon an innocent target and then deride and accuse the target like a gauntlet because me--the target in this case--hasn't done what they have done--accept the crap group and obsequiously accept their humiliations and subordinations but only for a brief moment of empowerment--a position of power perhaps but with a crucified sense of selfhood as the price to pay. Their reward is being offered more slight advancements or money (in America, the "freedom" system is a huge goal of breaking and destroying, so like my relatives on the grandparent level of time, the rewards were extremely huge with financial "free" flowing rewards for selling off their children or relatives into this Nazi mind control programming. As the decades go by, the lowering of economic status is evident as the rewards are now a trickling stream instead of a pouring endless font of free money and promotions. I am facing homelessness now as a result of the minorities endlessly participating in this system. In the case of the celebrities, they are extremely wealthy and they are ensuring that I am discriminated against in the most severe ways as they publicly claim they are fighting the very system they are upholding.
I find this so odious and disgusting I get revolted when I write about them. Their hate antics are so revolting and the energy they force upon me is so repugnant and toxic I am in a state of a kind of puking up their vile poisonous energy every time I write about hos sick and disgusting they truly are and how they behave. AT this point in history, they remain being applauded, promoted, put on red carpets and handed mansions and yachts and more sales for the products they get somehow but never create--or if they do, it's just mostly all handed to them in order to promote them as their "reward" for helping to push the agenda of a fascist society with them, they assume, put in charge or in positions of elitist jockying positions.
I am disgusted by them. They NEVER NEVER STOP ATTACKING ME. The goal is to watch me get slowly murdered, to break me down into a hysterical enraged hateful personality--which can be attributed to my gender or "age" or whatever--all can be categorized in some slot or cliche, and that is their goal. I react every single day because they are torturing me every day in ways that are impossible to just brush off especially when I have no support, nothing loving or kind or fun around me, only hate, endless filth I must clean that is sprayed and scattered all over my living space. Endless years of fighting to get poisons that were intended to remain cemented into my spine so I can NEVER move or get anything done but a few cleaning tasks every day, as I sit in pain and sickness every day whether they are still poisoning me or not. The decades of this going on and the endless fight I have to endure to get this sickening poison out has turned my life into endless cleaning up of filth that has been put in everything in my life in every way. That includes my finances which they have blocked and turned into a complete mess. I risk every kind of punitive attack in every way due only to what this group has forced upon me, blocked in telecommunications and in finances. They only offer me this one path to my survival which is being forced to have a baby with someone who has abused and poisoned and mutilated (by proxy of the terror death squad "stalking" groups) and then afterwards, undoubtedly it's not going to be riding off into the sunset with love and fun.
But I have been seemingly "obsessed" because these filthy ape whores are screaming Nazi concentration camp slogans at me repeatedly and threatening to kill me every time, almost they teleport me. When I fight back after they have poisoned me, stolen ideas (it's been non-stop of them stealing ideas I write of and even think of as they can use thought-reading tech to steal ideas as well)--and when I fight back just verbally they begin assaults that are almost murderous with poisoning and mutilation of my body. They then get covers in magazines featuring them as "beautiful" after their latest promotional prize plastic surgery modifications. Lead roles and producer slots are handed to them; mansions, everything for free with their children also needing to abuse me so they can also get free entrance into the entitled league of super villains posing as heroes.
So I am not obsessed with racism. It is being forced upon me. i always thought of myself as a competent person with joy as my entitlement to this life. That I can compete and not be afraid to win against pig ape Nazi white trash creeps--as I see the fascist Nazis by now and years of being forced to experience their stupidity and violent disgusting filth attacks--I can only see stupid apes who pose like pigs sniffing the air. Why can't there be racism aimed at the white pig apes finally instead of it endlessly being forced upon everybody else? If only the discriminated against would stop plaintively crying about wanting to be on equal footing instead of turning the tables and using pig analogies more frequently at least this kind of dehabilitating assault would be rendered in some way as a counteractive assault upon the filth pig apes instead of minorities endlessly forcing their internalized self-hate and loathing upon me or any other target (probably most often it's minority women whom they all attack, of their own "tribe" or of any tribe--the "bad girl deserving of torture/rape is a very ubiquitous element of this organization--it happens to "bad" white woman as well, this targeting "bad girl deserves what she gets". In my case, the list of men and women who are assaulting me like vile vampire bats with racism and hate just waiting to explode upon me is like waves of filth I never knew was so common in the internalized psyches of most people in society. Thus I must concentrate on this and write about it, trying in some vain sense to try to eliminate it somewhat but my writing only engenders more hostility from the Blacks when I write of how much they are really supporting plantation and white supremacist culture when they so violently with so much hate turn the racism onto me, whilc I am actually fighting to stop the racism; even for them. They could give a damn as they attack me and get paid in millions for it.