Saturday, November 5, 2022

Waiting for the Midterm Elections to be the beginning of the end of the 4th Reich;---**I can't express how much interference I have had from hacking terrorism for the HOUR I have spent recopying and rewritng and entire pages deleted while in the middle of writing this post--absolutely blocked endlessly it has taken me over one hour to write the equivalent of one or two pages which this entire post covers--such a small amount of writing but ENDLESS blocks and deletions and I had to rewrite this post 5 TIMES.// But first, here is my Unfortunate Midterm Election prediction, on the predilection of favoritism towards Barnes. Necessity to a realistic perspective of what will be elected in that State, as I used to know it, demands that I recognize The bitter reality check of what Wisconsin is, or was 40 years ago, as I have experienced it having lived in that State and travelled around during my high school years (1979-1982). It was long enough to be exposed to just a small number of the various Nazi networks in that State, being the MK ULTRA target I am, I am always exposed to that circuit everywhere I go around the planet::


**Orwellian moment: Completely out-of-it-correction to this post (written a few days later): I was under "mind control" and hacking assault and thusly, I must correct this post that Barnes is running for THE U.S. SENATE and not Wisconsin Governor. I was looking for this campaign to ensure I was not just blustered by mind control and hacking incessant interference to my thinking and written efforts--I got on the internet on a search that they were running for Governor---(Johnson v. Barnes). Literally the campaign information was hacked and in Orwellian fashion rewritten to discredit my writing---I was so drugged and sick at the time that I just struggled to write the post. I "knew" that something was wrong and as I did a search the subliminal wrong information was "confirmed" by the hacked and skewed and misleading wrong information. ***

I do not want Johnson or anything like him to win any of the upcoming elections but I believe that Wisconsin will not put Barnes in the final position of power of Governor. I find that sad, but considering that outside of Madison and Milwaukee, with a perhaps exception of Green Bay, the rest of the State is like a yee-haw white supremacist haven (as in Neo-Nazi Party). I hope I am wrong, how I hope I am wrong. I know from having lived in Wisconsin and being sent to various places with Nazi enclaves (rural areas) that indeed their true wish is that various elements of society NEVER have a chance to have a decent life, only subjugated and serving them if they want any crumbs from the table of plenty that they grasp in a most greedily way--
That is "The American Way" according to those folk.

I hope, I hope that Milwaukee will override the endlessly sprinkled around Wisonsin, highly (redneck) conservative hamlets like La Crosse (Fish Frys on Friday nights, baseball games on Friday nights with little tents put up for sex forays--getting drunk and playing pool to music that accompanies such arenas of white supremacy). Neo-Nazis up to the highest ranks of Milwaukee (who I attended high school amongst and know how fascist they truly are and conformist and demanding to conform and submit--in a very deadly way--) who definitely will vote for Johnson.

It is amazing that someone like Mandela Barnes has even won the Democrat nomination in the first place in that State. I so hope Barnes wins but my prediction is Johnson.

MANDELA BARNES for Governor of Wisconsin.


"Tour of Greater La Crosse, Wisconsin". La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce. September 19, 2020.

I rode bicycle from Minneapolis to La Crosse in one day with a friend/fiend from my dormitory (female-only dorm called Comstock at U. of Minn./Mpls).--She introduced me to the locals and bars and food and culture and an Elvis contest (really great imitators of Elvis at that party---seriously great imitation in costume and vocals and body movements it was the best I've seen). Lots of very fattening food and laughs---but extremely White Supremacist---The ride on bicycle along the Mississippi and into the country of La Crosse (it was du ring Autumn) was more spectacular than I could begin to describe in this little post--beautiful country, and the peeps of that area (and all the areas around the State just like it) want to keep it White and Right (wing)--


"TOP 5 PROS and CONS of Living in Eau Claire". Living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. February 15, 2022.

Oh boy, I am so befuddled while sitting in front of this mind control apparatus--memory is so completely distorted that I had the wrong city. We rode from Mpls to EAU CLAIRE Wisconsin, only 90 miles away not the 170 from Mpls-La Crosse. This was way back in 1983 so memory served me unwell while brain-altering tech blasted into my brain to disrupt functioning--as it always does in every verbal and written encounter I have whether online, in teleportation or in person (it's very bad in all cases)--Eau Claire is much smaller and rural--a real small town but the atmosphere is definitely marked by what I had written above and the socio-political atmosphere. Most of Wisconsin is dotted with towns like Eau Claire. Of course, since the time I was in that area the demographics of Wisconsin have indeed changed, but probably not by much as the blocks are still supporting the Nazi networks that run the gamut of the State (and elsewhere of course).



Nota Bene: "First of all, hackers completely rewrote this section of the post, and I am now endlessly correcting what they destroyed of my writing. Sentences were partially deleted and then strung and pasted into other sentences which were also partially deleted. I could not understand what I had written clearly expressed after hackers got through with their terror operation of discrediting me. As I type, the page I am writing on jumps to another part of the screen so I "lose" the very line I am writing on, and all the other attacks are ongoing (keyboard won't operate, the internet is being turned on and off repeatedly while I am fighting to surf. I had to wait for over 20 minutes earlier just to be able to use the computer at all as it was frozen. It kept freezing and I had to reload and restart and then it was frozen again (I clear out the cache a minimum of 2x/day--I just did a restore operation two days ago--hacking is ever-present. My brain and body are also under attack. I have not checked the post above, but by the time I get to the 4th paragraph for any post hackers and brain-altering tech have skewed my cognitive capabilities, motor skills, keyboard functioning and then they delete words and rewrite entire sentences after I am finished typing (correctly, cohesively and clearly).---------------------------After having corrected this post for the 2nd tim I can't do it any longer adn the entire post is a mixed jumble of partially pasted together sentences that hackers just cut copied and pasted together after deleting parts---------------------------------------------I am not obsessed with Nazi and white supremacist culture, but being this MK ULTRA mind control victim where people can manipulate me while sleeping and etc, I have been surrounded all my life by denizens of all races, who have been incorporated into this huge "gang stalking" mind control organization, which I label as the 4th Reich from my lifetime of experience having to be thrust upon it's concentric circles of operation. So I am fully aware of their leanings and activities at least to some degree, the degree to which I have been invited and privy to their operations against me and also against others--who in turn attack me and others and then they too are under attack but don't realize it. In particular Wisconsin was very much open about it's racist and neo-Nazi tendencies, albeit cloaked and not openly Nazi but hinting at it at every opportunity (and that was 40 years ago)-- when I lived in that place whereas in other places such as NYC the "liberal" groups discriminate with as much fervor against me (i.e. "Jews" who I have also been subjected to, which I must admit are not the entirety of the culture for that location but they did constitute a large majority opinion and behavioral activity relating to participating in white supremacist operations---I have had very wealthy relatives operating with full exemplary hate at me using all the protocols of this organization--sad to say they even attacked their own children--with absolute hate when they didn't comply with the racist hate protocols--against me--and that cousin is now dead from "cancer just as her parents also died from "cancer" and my family in all it's branches has been poisoned and drugged so I have serious doubts about how they actually died and the reality behind their deaths). What I am trying to say is that this upcoming election is almost my lifetime of fighting against this group put to the test whether America will continue to outright support this now not concealed fascist and Neo-Nazi organization. People can easily see that the problem of white supremacy is not confined to "white" people alone, although the media pundits will not expose the reality as such they juts label the one or two "extreme" black and otherwise "minions" who blast out their hate diatribes but don't get to the root of the problem. They conceal their true affiliation much more cleverly to the point that they can't even admit their participation even to themselves, but they are as hostile and pro-white supremacist as the peeps belonging to the same organization in good ole Wisconsin. Hopefully this trend and group will be eliminated in the upcoming election next week; I hope in my lifetime I will see the utter exposure and destruction of this organization. I am working towards that goal. I will not enhance it further by participating with any single terrorist of that organization and certainly not to have an unwanted "baby" with one of them or live around them or have any relationship with any of them on a personal basis. Note that well M-fu**ers hope the upcoming Election will bring a cycle of change into the world so this elimination of that insidious evil pernicious group will create a different paradigm. I hope I can contribute to that. F-U and waiting for the elections to determine the fate of how well a change long overdue will arrive or be squashed once more.

It has taken me over 30 minutes to rewrite this post as hackers deleted the entire page after I had posted it--it was just deleted so I had to fight to type and paste and scroll with endless blocks and deletions. I could not get through retyping the entire thing a 3rd time so there will be inconsistencies in this post which I cannot fight to change any longer. My brain is under a "fog" of mind blanketing from brain-altering tech (aka mind control bs).

I wait for any intelligence to stem from upcoming newly elected human beings instead of the corroded and corrupticians who have created all the chaos that has brought about this near collapse of the United States' Democratic system of operational elections. As I wrote in an earlier post (on Facebook) I predict that Democrats will win both the House and Senate for the 2022 Midterm Elections. Whether that prediction comes true or not may not be resolved for quite a while, but the election day is just three days away and that will tell quite a bit about what will prevail or fall away. What needs to fall away is the endless selfishness and greed and participation with this covert 4th Reich terrorist organization that so many put--wrongly--into high positions of power belong to. They become inhumanly corrupt and play a Janus game of deception about their false ideologies versus the ugly reality of their "backroom deals". They love torture, rape, brutality, lies, theft and murder on a huge collective scale. May they be ousted from office and it must begin to be realized in the next election. They cannot be allowed to prevail and hold sway any longer. The reasons for why they must be ousted range from environmental destruction because they all truly don't care about nature or life or sustaining the highest quality of life on the planet (only for themselves, but they languish in schadenfreude delight in destroying entire communities and forcing people to live in filth and squalor and sickness--my experience as a microcosmic example of what they force upon the majority of the planets' inhabitants on a macro level. They are foul and filthy and life fuckers they must not be put into highest office any longer.


"What The Fuck?"

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

Your fire is melting both soil and soul,
In plan maybe, is that not enough?
Your war and raving of it is so total,
You're consumed by it as you'd consumed us.
Would you see the fire from your sanctuary of death?
What terrible pain you need to hide,
In your hatred you'd seek to destroy the earth,
What is it that you have been denied?
Your mind and its rantings are so barren,
What the fuck are you thinking? What the fuck?
Your eyes and their vision, empty, staring,
What the fuck are you seeing? What the fuck?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

So singular your motives, yet impossible to define,
How finely lined my destiny in the cobwebs of your crime.
So insular your future, so alien your plan,
Take all of this if you will and I'll take what I can.

A town that is no more,
"My god", you say, "what have I done?"
But you won't heed what's gone before,
"What pity?", you say, "There is none."
And so you drive the world to war,
But this war will not be lost or won,
The desolation that you've seen but never saw
Is the lesson that you teach, but never learn.
But would you see the fire in the world where you exist?
Will your hard eyes register the pain?
Are you so cold that there is no distress?
Where there's death would you give death again?
No flowers in your landscape, some withered rose
Kicked amongst the corpses where they lay,
Halted where all hope died, froze,
By the horror of your acts compelled to stay.

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

Unnoticed all this in your lusting after death,
How determined that your darkness should be shared.
Unnoticed in your blindness this miracle of breath,
What element of beauty attracts your cruel desire?
Would you see the burning? Is that your delight?
Would you have me see it in your stead?
Would you feel my yearning? Peace, life light,
Body, breath. Would you take all this?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incandescent in the heat.

What is it that you're seeking, so cold & so deprived?
What is it that you dream of in your empty eyeless head?
Why must I share your lust of death? Can you not die alone?
Why must I share your fear of breath, light, life, PEACE?

Friday, November 4, 2022

White Supremacists and their White Nights handed all hegemony Heights for superficial Lights but truly itching for Black Fights. Blackest intentions. Blackest souls piercing the Heart of Darkness in lies and deceptions about their black-spirited ways and means. Musings on various themes, controversial, tedious, tenuous tensions of torturers in teleportation. As opposed to their public media presentations, a stage fit for a horse unfit for a Kingdom. White Supremacists Transported to the top of the pinnacle of the circus tent: Bigots. Haters. Fascists. "Elitists".

 "Mikhail Baryshnikov in White Nights--'Capricious Horses'". joeblack. June 28, 2015.

This is yet another one of those days when something like former CCCP/Soviet Union-style death squad terrorists conducting surveillance are blocking my internet connection as they would have done if internet were up and running in the time when this film was made. As usual, the actors who represent those who "fight for Freedom" are those explicitly using Gestapo style tactics and the modern convenience of all these technocratically-endorsed technological gadgets to enforce former Nazi/fascist/Stalinist protocols of torture, abuse, violence, rape, theft and all that goes along with that (ultimately murder and genocide). The actors in this clip have both attacked me and are good buddies. Each one has been paid in millions or perhaps billions of dollars for their performances, and both feel absolutely entitled therefore to assault me and treat me with absolute callous disdain afterwards.

But this movie, White Nights, contains so many things I abhor about Dumb Whorren Mirage (the blonde rapist enabler, violating bigot in this clip who has been programmed to both absorb as her "right" for her racist and fascist sense of entitlement while also in public performances such as in this film presenting a false deception as to how much she, like they all, are "fighting" to protect "freedom" and for "women's rights" et al--perhaps and obviously only when it applies to their white supremacist goon squads and not to people like me who are just open season for them all to steal ideas from and rape and poison and mutilate in order to ensure that only they are perceived as being at the top of everything--social engineering and propaganda movies like this also help to distribute the K-rap and the lies and distortions, which the other white supremacists who also have pushed so many others down also buy into because it also assists in their own blackest intentions and motivations to deceive and retain control and power and money. One could say that these power-mongering tactics are "just human" and ubiquitous, however when they are selling this crap especially in a "cold war" mainstream media movie version, it's being broadcast to the minions and the masses (using that old Marxist term, "the Masses")--now not just emboldened to use every version of Stasi/Nazi/fascist and former Soviet style of surveillance, torture, threat, intimidation, mind control, drugging, poisoning, gang stalking at their disposal oh how the blackness pervades their every move at me, which are always with black energy, black motives, and then they have their minority (black) minions spew black filth into my body and home to put more black poison into my very intestines. But gleaming from the hormonal high from their black energy exploits, they are handed every kind of White Light in order to be presented as White Knights to the public.

I had to correct this post because hackers changed what I had written that Dumb Whorren Mirrage believed she is was "entitled" to have her friend rape me and to feed off t his contract of destroying my life so she, like all the others, could get all those hate wrinkles off her hateful ugly face and feel light and happy to have someone to beat and abuse and rape and torture due to her bigotry and the white supremacist paradigm she and these terrorists all cling to (often those who believe that White Lives Matter far more importantly than anything else and also are handed billions of dollars to espouse these views in the blackest of their presentations which are also and likewise cloaked in White LIghts so they are perceived as being White Knights).


So hard to bear that this man in the clip, very famous, is now partnering with this woman I have absolutely no doubt. He threatens me physically and then talks about how he is going to have sex with me and in his opinion I am going to comply. It doesn't matter to him that I have screamed no and continue to do so. No, he's far too "important" over me now with his background in fascist training to care when the technology is allowing his continuous White Knight persona to be concealed by his Black Fight Black Hate Knight side which is always so hidden from the cameras and now with all the silencing of this contract and the protection to every filthy and black parasite clinging to me they all can dump their black filth onto me and get off with plastic surgery to appear like White Knights in White LIghts.

so, ugly Dumb Whorren Mirrage, as I have stated seeing them in teleportation is in now way similar to seeing them in movies, with their posturing and all the scripts they recite about how great they are and benevolent and etc---ugly, sinister and sick and stupid so all I can do is continue to call that piece of ugly shit a piece of shit--dumb whorren mirrage it's my own fight against her blackness---my name-calling as opposed to her technology which enables that sick and psychopathic scum creep to inflict violence of every kind upon me along with that host of infernal celebrities and politicians that now Baryshnikov has conjoined in--Dumb mirrage is so happy to have me tortured with her friend from Ireland raping me for a few weeks and violence and then when I called her aptly a piece of shit, about 20 actors, mostly from the conglomerate of The Crown out of England, came to threaten to kill me with tortures that haven't stopped--the poisoning into my intestines was an ongoing death situation before this skank creepy woman began her endless YEARS of exploitation of having me raped, mutilated, my ideas stolen with this skank ugly woman getting every kind of plastic surgery and much higher promotions ever since the 7 years of her inclusivity into this most highly coveted and lucrative contract and with absolute hate she has assaulted me in teleportation using the most nasty means of psychological violation of the most basic of human impulses on my part (friendliness, under hypnosis, unable to not pull away from vultures and parasites like her as she used every means of technology while I was sleeping while I was under hypnosis while I was drugged after years and years of torture she attacked me for not calling her some English title and calling her instead a piece of shit. I stand by that label, but obviously because people can't see that piece of shit in the light of the dark of blackness that they truly are when vision is impaired you are left with the true nature and essence of the parasite confronting you in teleportation--and so she is just another piece of shit).

This movie not only has that rotten ugly thing---but music I absolutely HATED back in the 80's and it was why I turned to Goth, Punk, and all alternative because of people like this who held so much domain over culture and movies and art and they still cling onto that power with their awful movie hate themes and sexualized power and control---rape culture abounding in and within all of them. They appear as White Knights cloaked in white lights but they are Black Knights of the blackest spiritual hue--I am trying not to equate black with skin color, but using the theme of white and black I must go with the usual and mostly because of the very title of the movie).


I truly hated Phil Collins, to be more specific, during the 80's (except for one song). His music was forced upon people who were in social settings as I used to be before rotten skanks like Dumb Whorren Mirrage and her crew had me poisoned nearly to death, put in accidents, blocked from financial earnings, mutilated maimed and then raped in teleportation as the men raping me pumped the poison as deeply as possible into my intestines and torturing me for fighting to get them to stop. This is what black and ugly Dumb Whorren Mirrage has fully enjoyed getting promoted for participating in. Her propensity for deception and ugliness is very well matched by the male dancer who has so kindly helped me with stretching tips but then has used a lot of violence in this CCCP-style terrorist protocol system that he, like her, feels "entitled" to participate in and calling himself very "important" at that (as that ugly dumb whore has as well, confirmed by the scores of actors who came to defend her, her immediate promotion by the fascist Nazi Stasi Stalinist media conglomerate system which has fully endorsed this Torture-(me) system for promotion that these scumbags have all fully clung onto for more and more and more and more. Like the music of this movie I truly hated and it made me absolutely turn away from American and English mainstream to the point of nausea--I watch this and see only mainstream cloaked in white but Black Knights of something akin to the Ku Klux Klan being presented as saviours rescuing art and defending poor blacks against racism and all the benevolent White Knight symbolism that has been the endless theme to white out the black nature of what these creeple truly are about. Monopoly, murder, rape, theft, abuse, elitism and destruction of people like me who have striven for a career, in art, in life they enjoy stealing my body my life my work my thoughts and they rape and discard with absolute contempt, augmented of course by the top politicians who seem to never do anything but confirm that America is really just another fascist Stalinist country on the bring of implosion due to the false dichotomy of false presentation of White Knights who operate as Black Agents of Death, riding dark and Black machines but as Knights of Death---cloaked in White Lights.


I am watching this movie and the horrid music, the fashion and style of that time which I was brainwashed into in those early days of my College life--which I threw off once I got away from my highly conservative High School brainwashing experience and began to really explore alternative culture and music and art. It became a black and white division for people I "hated" who listened (in those days of the 80's) to music like all the music in this film, and the people who listened to music that was sharp, not dulling and glossy for "yuppie" fashion (which has now turned into covert fascist fashion).


It is very hard to watch this movie for so many reasons. Rotten ugly Dumb Whorren Mirrage who looked indeed very highly paid with tons of money endlessly thrown in her direction--bearing of elitist Nazi ambition but always presented as fighting for all the causes that people who truly are downcast must fight for without money being poured in the millions for their presentation of the false dichotomy of appearing like a White Knight but truly working in the blackest of psychological and spiritual warfare for a Black Right (again, no skin color should be associated with Right, and I mean Right like the stereotype of Right-wing, although of course Nazis were "Left" wing and Socialist but of a Nationalistic nature now trending towards Global domination. England of course part of the Nazi empire from it's initial origins but as usual, always cloaked in other White Knight lies. So very much like the Soviet propaganda associated with mind control operations to brainwash the masses for the sole sake of the Oligarch Class to dupe and dominate "the masses". Blackest intentions, black knights from Hell with every support system to commit the most heinous of crimes and yet to continuously be labeled as White heroes under White Lights--shadows of Black Frights Black Fights underneath the shadows of their masks draped in white.
I am writing now with excessive hacking and blocks to typing and thinking by all this tech. Every day there is always something on the internet with one or more of these terrorists and from the decade of this going on and on, I can't really present a false facade and lie, which is what all these goons participating in this contract out on me are experts in, so professional at the duplicity of appearance--a black negative lurking behind every White Lie they tell repeatedly--do they do this to themselves even or are they just openly repugnant in their personal musings about what they do to me as they play these heroic roles in these dumb movies--usually with awful music soundtracks but not always. I can't afford to pay for the types of movies I really want to see. I am stuck with this. It's not about people fighting The Communist Man at all. It's a black deception draped with White Supremacists playing under White Lights.

Oh yes, hackers have been turning off my internet connect while I have been fighting to correct their hacking inserts. In re-reading they are editing and rewriting so I sound like the pig apes are "entitled" in what they are doing instead of what I had written, which is that they are being programmed to grasp onto the concept that they are entitled and are being paid in fact for this torture which is just the same system they latch onto as their "entitlement" which is the same thing as the Stalin death camps, the Gestapo and the Stasi.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Is Murder of the teleportation victim part of the protocol system?//Teleportation of human beings a classified and "top secret" operation. Unlike the protocols for a rigid experiment in technology that should have been issued and followed, I am subject to the idiosyncratic whims of sadists and rapists and racists who need to inflict their hate, monitored by an agency that appears to be socially-engineering these traits into the highest levels so it can trickle on down via the platforms of media consumption and programming.//Legal Statement "for the record" as there is no law or jurisprudence in this situation of me as target for government/celebrity and all facets of "society". No law, no protection and this ongoing MURDER situation (poisoning as just another facet of the overall assassination upon me).

"Physicists Just Achieved The First-Ever Quantum Teleportation Between Computer Chips"

Physicists Just Achieved The First-Ever Quantum Teleportation Between Computer Chips

I have written of this many times before in many other posts and it has remained a policy of this group of celebrities, enhanced by politician protection for them and slow murder for me--with the seal of approval from "The Third Highest Ranking United States politician" who was just attacked by the network she has endorsed as her covert power back-up generator, in other words, this fascist terrorist "gang stalking" group/death squad group/4th Reich organization using mind control tutoring for high-ranking celebrities and politicians in the form of endless YEARS of non-stop poisoning and attack upon me--to the death.


As another person has come to participate, the sorts of attacks shift as they always do. Some of the terrorist teleporters are particularly obsessed with having filth sprayed on everything in my home and into my body. Some prefer the rape and violence/poisoning pumping poison as deeply into my body as possible technique of torture (and slow poisoning). Some prefer verbal violence and psychological and physical intimidation. Some enjoy having the goons surrounding me as the proxy terrorists for the celebrities/politicians halfway across the globe constantly nearly hit me or hit me directly with cars or try to. They all "enjoy" parts and parcels of the endless list of abuses and poisonings and attacks. But each one has a particular focus and it becomes apparent when there is a new terrorist forcing itself upon me in particular in the mornings just after a nighttime of sleep/dream teleportation psy-ops violence when I am at my most susceptible (but in person, the tech can literally blast my consciousness into a state where I am akin to a puppet with strings pulling my very words coming out--which are then used as justification for more attacks and these types of attacks are always pre-planned to the iota of specification of precise puppetry-reaction-attack sequences).


The latest one, after a few weeks (a month now) of abuse and hate and insults and et al, the usual routine of hate that has not stopped for a single day for at least a decade--after I fought to get rid of Europ-a's who were murdering me while too ill to even move physically most of the day from the poisons they had put in my body which they then pumped as deeply as possible into my body via endless rape (huge men, over 6 feet tall use this form of attempted murder as one of their most viral hate tactics--it appears that the hormone Nazi growth chemicals make them rabid rapists with murderous violent tendencies).

This one, after I wrote yesterday and then deleted it--stopped some of the poisoning that has been literally nightly inserted into my bladder via my pudendum--(aka vagina--a term that is hateful but I'm being very explicit only to be very direct in how awful the attacks are and how murderous these celebrities truly are. They absolutely deny that this has been their daily systematic torture of me which they claim I am lying about. Today there is no endless rushing to the toilet as endless bouts of urination of stinking liquids pours out--some days I must "go" at least 15 times before noon in urgency because so much liquid is being poured into my body as it is retained by the hard chemicals blocking my intestines--the hard shell that is firmly latched into my spine/hips/intestines, etc.

I was keenly aware of this poisoning and murder effort when Bloomberg came with his hateful daughter to assault, insult and exploit me, proving how viciously racist and "elitist" he truly is for the benefit of himself and his daughter being more fully welcomed as they always have been by rabid racists/Nazis and anti-Semites who are in the top positions in H-wood (while the racists claim it's "Jewish-controlled" which as a victim and target of endless circles of celebrities and producers and directors in that arena coming to gain more acceptance if they just hiss violent genocidal Nazi slogans and references to concentration camps and threaten to kill me using racist language so I KNOW certainly that Hollywood is NOT run by Jews but if it appears to be so). For a few days, Bloomberg as well halted the insertion of poisons and stinking fluids into my vagina and bladder but once he didn't get my complete acceptance of him and his daughter yelling "loser" into my face like yapping rabid attack goons--shrill, worse than extremely annoying and cloying and clutching with hate--a reaction from Jews I have had to endure all my life as they prove how willing they are to participate in this Judas contract of anti-
Semitism--, it's because these people are put into position only if they play the roles of inferior yet promoted a$$-grubbing and obsequious reverse discrimination fakes but posture as "liberals" for photo-op and studio recognition as such--as part of an elaborate "game" of appearing to represent some kind of alternative to the true fascist Nazi autocratic regime that they truly are promoting and vying for top position as media representatives right now in this contract out upon me. But once Bloomberg and his nasty daughter were so violently abusive (Bloomberg one time had me teleported to being put into a harness, hanging off a helicopter over the NYC skyline--literally hanging in air from a helicopter in the teleportation. My "crime" had been insinuation to his by then weeks of abuse and his claims of being too "important" for me, I asked him how he actually got his money and implied it was through his obvious corruption and what I was thinking was that he behaved--alongside his fellow NYC Mafia counterparts from Brooklyn at that time they were all operating together--like a mafia thug. The poisoning commenced after that and Bloomberg is now as usual pouring money into the Democratic campaign effort to fight for "democracy". I remain in a toxic shock situation of murder attempts that have not ever been stopped, and the plot is part of the anti-Democratic push which all of these same people assaulting me are playing the double-agent game as main players being promoted for their true capabilities of performing roles which have nothing to do with what they truly are--but it's represented as "reality". What a reality show game it truly is. So up until now, I had no idea if I was still being poisoned or not. The stinking fluids that continued to pour out for all this past year after Bloomberg stopped the murder attacks for a few days and then intimated murder upon me in his antics of teleportation, to the crowd of celebrities who have all made MILLIONS of dollars from ideas they stole from me (in part, of course they altered my ideas probably deleted my writings on Facebook or on this blog and claimed all their own concept which they represent to the public, as part of this ploy to claim that "Jews" control the media when it's truly Nazis who are using the same old Big Lies and people continue to repeat the lies).

Thusly, the poisoning continued, Bloomberg and his vicious daughter commenced their activities of having me threatened, poisoned, of making mockery of my gulping down food because they continue to poison me so my intestines are stuffed with bloating chemicals that are as thick as gravy---which harden into the flesh if they are trapped, which they are.

It appears one thing in the light but in the dark underbelly it's actually it's polar opposite. I realize this rings as usual like a wacked-out conspiracy theory. Please note I refer to actual events and an analysis of all that has transpired and I can only hope that one day my accusations will be bolstered and supported by what may be video and written evidence by onlookers, bystanders or the organization of this terrorist global group which must be taking some video or written notes on the types of responses and stimuli and interchange betwixt me and these terrorists.


So today I am not running endlessly to the bathroom. A small amount of liquid came out and was not stinking of rotten flesh/dead meat/stinking foul substances. My intestines are rotting from at least a few years, if not 6+ of this ongoing and probably longer. I began trying to protect my food from poisoning years ago so the terrorists have resorted to sticking hardening/bloating and poisoning chemicals and liquids into my vagina and into my bladder. People like the former wife of Pitt joked about how I had to run to the bathroom in one of the early morning teleportation sessions. Please note that this form of the teleportation entails that I can see my physical surroundings and then "see" a kind of opaque and almost transparent view of the people only in close proximity--their faces apparent but the fine lines of their faces I can't make out--I also cannot turn away from them as I am literally split in twain in some ethereal version of a quantum mechanical manipulation of physical matter--which I would tentatively suggest is a version of Quantum Entanglement---

Just like the MAGA crowd has mocked and joked about the Pelosi attack just this week, the terrorists trying to murder me have mocked and made jokes about all the results of the years of poisoning me via insertion of hardening chemicals and poisons and toxins of stinking fluids inserted, probably via a tube, deeply into my vagina, into my bladder, into my intestines, etc (plus whatever other damage they can inflict, which is visible on my body and they can't lie about but of course they deny it all--however Pitt made a hateful smiling gleeful joke about how he was instructed to cut parts of my body off and has since ordered this to be done to my body and the evidence is clear).


This next person has, at least for 2 days, and today it is very noticeable in how my body is not stinking upon urination and the urination is not some kind of pent-up explosion coming out, repeatedly every 20 minutes or at least every half hour. For the first time in YEARS I am sitting here very comfortably not having to run to the toilet every few minutes or so because this murder attempt has finally been quashed at least for today. If I am "bad" the murder attempt in this form will commence, and if the person who ordered this stopped gets upset or I do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing I suggest he may just have the murder via poisoning by insertion of toxins into my bladder as deeply as possible will continue.


I am potentially dying from the years of poisoning which the list of celebrities I have been writing of for years have all been aware of. I wrote of being semi-paralyzed and sick for years as they all made their jokes about how I ate like a "pig" because the sickening bloating chemicals were stuffed into my intestines. The hard shell of poisons remains into my spine and back and resembles a turtle's shell--absolutely hard as a rock and impenetrable and water-resistant. Almost nothing gets it out. They have continued this kind of poisoning while I have been fighting to remove the poisoning.


I am writing this as a declaration of murder intent by this group. So far politicians like Pelosi have not stopped this situation and are fully embroiled in protecting it, and apparently even when the range of these types of attacks threaten her own life. Other politicians continue to "enjoy" the media coverage they have been handed for their roles of spewing hate at me directly after asking me for information and/or advice on how to protect themselves and etc---all playing the same "game" which demands to first interrogate me for ideas which they steal, and then destroying my body and property and blocking all financial and career and all avenues of power they can possibly block. They are taking turns, and the turn has gone to this next person who is more aware of body than the others and more connected to the source of physical boundaries, injuries and connectiveness to the inner core. If I do the wrong thing --which according to them is just expressing any opinion unless it is a glowing "good little girl" admiration for their every theft of my ideas and every glowing adoration after they rape and abuse me afterwards---