"Miep Gies, 1994 Wallenberg Lecture". Raoul Wallenberg Medal and Lecture. November 12, 2013.
"A Small Light/Official Trailer/National Geographic". National Geographic. April 4, 2023.
*I have some additional criticisms of this tv series A Small Light--some very excellent, some disparaging to a degree--but the point of this post is on the protagonist Miep Gies, who in the lecture above is of a different culture than the modern actors. Also, if you listen to interviews with Otto Frank, he is not the sad and disparaged destroyed half-man that Schrieber plays him--but a bold and strong man with stern determination with no sad and droopy countenance, as so many of these half-Jewish actors play the victims of the holocaust who portray these resistance fighters portray in these sappy Disney shows and glossy Spielberg fantasy movies lacking in the real brutality and the psychological terror of the society. They also ALWAYS portray the Jews as being passive and/or looking like non=-Jews in these movies and shows. None of the actors looks actually "Jewish" in the tv series, and I feel no real compassion coming from the English actors playing the resistance fighters who actually have no idea what it really means on a daily basis and in a spiritual and psychological sense--they play the roles, they look p-d off, they look angry, they kiss one another they "love" on screen. But the reality is far different and the Jews being portrayed really are a facsimile and an insult--at least goddamn Whorewood could put actual Jewish actors in these roles for a change, which is so obviously racist in the first place. Besides all that, the hacking is ever-present which means this post will be partially deleted and rewritten to sound scattered. I can't think clearly and I am backspacing to retype every word I must pound out because the keyboard is hacked and too hard to write on without pounding every key as hard as possible, and then they don't print out anyway and keys are juxtaposed.
This post is a bit scattered anyway because I can't write, can't think and am trying to convey a relatively complex series of ideas in one shortened version because typing is so hard and thinking clearly is impossible with the tech and drugging afflicting me, every day and the ugliness of these putrid creesp you all cheer on, most of them past their f-ing prime, forcing themselves on me perpetually to continue their monopolies in Whorewood. The rotten criminal politicians keep them in power as a mutual pact for power. Nature is screaming in rage from the conspicuous consumption that these ape whores are constantly portraying as celebrities in their "haute living" parasite living photo ops.
Here is Otto Frank speaking on the ordeal forced upon him and his family. You can see immediately that although he looks a bit worn with age and struggle and murder of his entire family and theft of all his property and his home and his culture and country turned into a fascist Nazi citadel which the world still considers the epitome of modern Haute Culture and fashionable status to obtain---how lovely those old houses look with the embellishments made sometimes by the Jews who were also craftmen of highest standard, then silenced and their work and even the identities of their craft work sliced out of existence and all credit given to meaningless empty and blank Nazi and Mafia filth on this planet. You can see easily that Otto Frank was a very strong man, he had been a warrior--a captain in the First World War fighting for Germany. He was promoted and he was I believe decorated as well. He states in this interview that "you cannot ever give up, you cannot despair you must always fight" (paraphrased)---the character played by the half-Jewish Liev Shriebner (sp? sorry it's too hard to look things up hacking and DOS attacks are rampant)--but he's already resigned to giving up in his appearance and his demeanor before the story line ever begins. You see a tired and vacant man prior to the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in the first opening scenes. In the actual interview of Otto Frank, AFTER he had been sent to death camps and worked nearly to death and rescued by Russians (but that would not happen now, I believe as Russia is fully a Nazi country and Jews are severely oppressed, so I have been told by Russian Jews fleeing Russia to live in more "free" Germany just after the fall of the Wall in circa 1993--now Germany is becoming it's former self much more openly so I don't know where these immigrants have now run for some kind of non-Nazi culture to live in? Certainly not America)
And so, you can see that the real Otto Frank was vibrant, alive and strong in character even after all the violence and murder and theft. This was not a complacent and weary accept but struggle like lukewarm milk toast type personality that is portrayed in the tv series A Small Light---it's a propoundment of a stereotype of racism that is embedded within the "victim-rescue" narrative, and that non-Jewish women even from the Nazi country of Austria can actually not be nazis and help to kill off minorities in their own country if and when the 4th Reich comes to full power. The implementation of the death camp training facility in Georgia is one such obvious manifestation of the emergence of a miltary-grade Totalitarian fascist system with more death squads and not less, as the politicians make their tv appearances but don't dare touch the MAGA country club for death squad training facility that has already killed protestors and raided with SWAT teams the houses of people trying to gather funds to defend those imprisoned for protesting. One was shot and killed while staging a peace protest to protect the forest that will be destroyed to build this facility. Biden has made no mention of it because he's fully into lecturing about his fake ideology but in secret letting all kinds of violent racist Nazi/Mafia s*** go down with me and with operations like the MAGA death camp training facility being built in Georgia. As I stated, I was threatened with death for writing a post criticizing MTG and her gun-toting tv ads (which demonstrate not her personally but her culture, which is American culture) and the pig apes from Whorewood who have been put into political farce acting positions for the United Nations as "feminists" protecting "women"--as long as they grovel in deference to the pig ape whores who "rescue" the little children of black and brown skin and then use the drooling little obedient slave children they adopted to serve as theatrical props for their further "victim-rescue" narratives for all the roles of political and media proclamation that the reality is not actually happening. The reality of people doing nothing as the death camps and Nazis are mounting their decades-long assault and rise to power. But Disney had to delete the reality of what Otto Frank was, and instead make sure to get an actor who will do nothing as he sees I am being raped and tortured and poisoned to death from his fellow colleagues, and the actors out of England see that I am being raped, beaten and poisoned and tortured to death by their fellow colleagues in the film industry--as they, like all the do-nothings of the culture they play in this tv spoof about Jews, which is supposed to bring a Hallmark tear of compassion and that the world is not a cold and heartless place after all---while the real violence is being now openly implemented and when it comes to "scary" things like actually protesting the rise of a fascist State-sponsored entire compound for training in tactical warfare against the US population---they do nothing. They try to get a foot in the door and participate and let the world of their sinister compliance know that they will not interfere and will usually laugh about it and their blonde Nazi wives who control them will be the first to obtain the rewards and money prizes for all the silent compliance to the rise of authoritarian Nazi 4th Reich Mafia control over media and huge death squad training facilities being built in Georgia with MTG coming to threaten to kill me and make sexual rape gestures at me and grab me sexually while pig shit pit and whorealina watch as usual having told her what to do with the Europigape 4th Reich Nazis and Mafia holding more awards and huge mansions on the coast and mansions in Europigapeland and more accolades and more standing ovations for the shitty and meaningless roles they play to beguile and mesmerize the public that they "care" about society (the "under privileged is their focus point as this is a huge Democratic Party demographic they are trying to lean into becoming black fascist Nazis but voting "Democrat".)
This is what the Nazis killed off in the Jewish population, even in Israel which is much controlled by German interests which cause the divide and conquer strategy, with blacks aiming hate at Jews for what they are doing to Palestine. The black Americans who claim this then watch gleefully as I am beaten, raped and tortured because somehow I "represent" their claim that Jews are mistreating Palestinians and somehow that means they are racist towards blacks and that means me. I think that is the line of stupid blank rationality they follow and "justification" for participating in attacking me. Most of them have no other justification other than they are just greedy and fake stupid rhyming scum put into lead position for playing a double duplicitous game of lavishing love for white supremacy and then making some cheap and basic rhymes in rap songs about how tough they are in fighting "racism". They have stupid and blank Oprah to do this for the mediocrity mainstream population as well.
But here is a remnant of what was killed off concerning strong and elegant Jews, replacing them with frumpy and sad protestors fighting for justice but who actually fight for their own station in life and to be accepted into the Nazi/Mafia fold. If I were to explain how in my entire life the number of "Jewish" people I met who belong to the greed and sleazy quota, it far exceeds any who fight for justice and against Nazis. This has been social engineering to destroy Jewish culture internally while keeping it intact for superficial appearance sake. This is what the brainwashed modern actors can't understand or aren't allowed to portray in order to solidify the racist stereotypes that Jewish men can only rely on blonde and Nazi/Mafia pig ape women in order to remain alive in this 4th Reich (Miep Gies is not what I am referring to, I am referring to the modern version of the "victim rescue" narrative which this dumb tv show represents. As well done as it is, all these racist Nazi productions are always very well funded and they are produced with highly trained and skilled professional artists and make-up and scriptwriters but always there is the mind screw element underlying the words, enforcing racist stereotypes and using mostly programmed 4th Reich "minorities" to play the lead roles. ** You can see that Otto Frank looked sad and tragic, but most people would after being put into death camps and their families killed off by neighbors and associates. You can hear the resolve and strength in his voice. What Schriebner portrayed was a man so passive and devoid of personality he appeared to be a limp biscuit from the onset of the production. He never had a spark of strength, cultivation in arts or the articulate well-educated high-ranking wealth status that the Frank family had been before all was stolen from them. It is always disgusting that the pig ape Nazis stole as much plunder as they could, which thankfully this production showed in some detail, while the Nazi pig apes called the Jews money-sucking parasites on their "country". The Jews are always demeaned with accusations that they only are money-sucking, but the pig apes did everything to suck money out of the Jews and now from around the world--as the 4th Reich is now a pan-Europigape cartel extending across the Atlantic, of course (even into Central and S. America) and everywhere else--now Asia of course and from Ukraine as well. But, digressing. Frank was not the character portrayed in the "A Small Light" tv series produced by Disney and a few other companies as part of a mind programming series to make people feel good about how Jews are not going to be killed off while death camps are being built in Georgia and murder is showered upon people protesting this death concentration camp facility (the general US population is becoming a death camp situation--there won't be any transports the cities are becoming death camps the civilization has become a death camp for a huge majority while the shit pig ape stupid meaningless dumb like these celebrities and most of the politicians who watch on and do nothing get "Haute" living as their prize for participation. Now with teleportation the stupid pig apes have ratcheted up their "game" a much higher stake in the 4th Reich death camp concentration pig ape facilities which will be the central operating command center for city and state-wide conceptration camp ghettos of the major cities, which the Europigapes will take over when they can with more Austerity measures once the French-controlled IMF offers huge indebtedness loans to the US, which is always on the brink of default on loans because of the graft of shit like Pelousi who is a crook and a money-grabbing parasite--exactly the Mafia who works to enhance the blonde Nazi iconography in Whorewood--but, these are the politicians turning American into a controlled, Europigapeland controlled, controlled by debt IMF French/German partnership austerity once the debt ceiling does actually crash and the US does go into default, which most say is inevitable.
"Otto Frank, father of Anne". jonghtube. October 20, 2012.
Maybe the only loving spirit left on the planet is the destruction that the Earth will wreak upon the planet to stop the hate from devouring what is left of the beauty and love because the shit on top of the 4th Reich are truly hideously life-fuck ugly and death culture blankness. I still can't get anyone to pry this group of shit and filth off me because you all have completed the 4th Reich agenda so completely you all just shrug and like the people who did nothing to stop the Nazi massacres of their neighbors and friends (whom the do-nothing f-ers also stole and profited off) you all are the same. This glossy Disney tv series with droopy despondent ugly Jewish men (the real Jewish men were dynamic, strong, good-looking and virile and FOUGHT for justice and for their lives, not meekly only relying on one non-Jewish woman to do everything for them, as this tv series shows. All the Jewish men are made to look meek and kind of stupid and weak and worthless as men--which is NOT the actual case. The women are absolutely NOT jewish and those who do look it look like the types who have completely sold out to being kind of loud and obnoxious, the stereotype of Jewish women that is part of the Nazi and Mafia iconography). Disney puts all these roles along with all the Europigape media concerns, but the entire schlocky tv series is supposed to make you feel-good that people can still "care" about others as long as the Jewish men are ugly and worn down and weak and leaning on non -Jewish women for their lives (the programming my fathers completely played and were slowly killed for by the ugly and hateful skanks who played their "loving" wife handlers who stole all their property and humiliated and poisoned them-and me). And tv shows like this further the racist stereotypes while feigning that they care. The actors are then interviewed as if they personally were and are part of the "resistance" to the emerging 4th Reich, with obvious Nazi squads roaming places like Ukraine--which wants "freedom" and now in Georgia with a cop Nazi training death camp being built. For protesting it with analysis yesterday in a Facebook post, focusing on one of Georgia's main female remnants of Hillary Clinton's version of "feminism" is MTG--and the cold and ugly and sinister pig pit and skankalina sitting on their dirty asses waiting to hear me yell in hate and expound on ideas for them to steal in order for them to portray roles of "resistance" in their creepy and dirty fake "compassionate" roles for Disney and et al... I can assure the "you" reading this that the actors who play these roles in both the Miep Gies rescue non-Nazi feel-good Vaseline butt-f** tv show about people who "care" about saving "jews" --the actor who played the frumpy and withdrawn, obedient and endlessly sad and tired role of Otto Frank (who was vibrant, strong, determined, had come from aristocracy which the pig apes stole all money and property from) but had a style of classic antiquity of composure, well-educated not a sad little "Jewish" ugly man hiding behind spectacles or whatever as this tv show portrays by the half Nazi pig ape Schrieber who is being interviewed as if he personally has participated in resistance fighting. I believe that he knows very well about my situation and like all the rest like Spielberg has only either done nothing or actively participated--as Spielberg has done--. They make their sad and tired interviews with their blonde Nazi wives sitting next to them nodding in agreement (sucking out the money from the millions and billions of payment for playing these destroyed and ugly Jewish male roles).
I wrote a post about Marjorie Taylor Green yesterday on Facebook and how she and her bigot colleagues in Georgia are bringing a Taliban-style "Cop City" complex of White Christian terror into the population of Georgia, and for the eventual addition of even more death squad enhancement around the United States. She appeared while I was awake in evening with the usual shit pig pit and filthy whorealina the disgusting stupid pair of filth psychopath scumbags--endlessly this pair of shit coming at me and sucking my life, beauty health and most importantly the stupid pair of empty, meaningless and blank whore prostituted scum steal ideas and claim them as their own, pay nothing and have me brutalized, poisoned in disgusting deadly ways without end while I am healing from murder attempts at poisoning, and have an entire arcade of psycho politico and "entertainer" clowns viciously attack me in a never-ending line-up of sleazy and rotten shit and filth from that stupid empire of meaningless stupidity and filth of the media and entertainment and political "spectrum" which is just one small line on any spectrum with an extremely limited mental capability and they can perform lying stunts in front of cameras and recite lines and obey and follow orders and for that they are giving Nazi-modifying plastic surgery and top promotions for DECADES until the movies are such boring crap only the mind programmed idiots watch it--and the rest get slowly killed off so only dumb and hateful blank sleazy wanna be Nazi Imperialist remains all that is left of a once striving for some higher ideal society.
The one and only place I have heard any inkling of this Cop City disaster in Georgia has come from one single mainstream news source. It is supposed to be an "alternative" news pipeline of the same coming out as "caring" for black and brown but the people they interview who are in the mainstream political and entertainment media absolutely are front clowns who are put in place to render NO CHANGE to the status quo.
The idiot wind YouTube Progressives, so called, have said nothing about this death squad institution being built. Instead they are focused on interviewing bigot Nazi rock stars from the 60's who pose as "fighting" for American Democracy, particularly if they come out of the England that died but they were put as the iconic fronts for the "Revultionary" movement instead while fascism and Nazism flourishes while the network kills off the beautiful soul people.
Because I am so constantly surrounded by hate, filth and ugliness, the beautiful I had in me which was expressed as genuinely making "love" while drugged up, was sucked out every day, for years, by ugly sinister putrid Europigape shit so-called "men" and their wives and children watching on, greedily sucking vicariously off my energy and profiting with endless promotions for this death culture technology of teleportation, gang staling and torture.
that beauty I had grown up around which came out of Europe, I read books avidly as a child coming from the philosophers and my parents and grandparents had many beautiful and loving friends who had left Europigapeland--they never discussed Nazis with me, I don't know if they escaped or they just left and had survived. Knowing my family, they were traitors and betrayed people but came to America to live outside of that system. But the system has been brought into America and the Stasi/KGB system of eliminating anyone who disagrees and who spreads good will and love for humanity is killed off.
In this ugliness, for all these years of finally turning into a ranting hateful person out of years of contact with this parasitic filth and shit coming out of Whorewood and the dirty and ugly filth and shit from Congress, I think the apex of the hate and ugliness was nasty ugly Graham and Cruz from Texas, but it's a never-ending line-up of wasteland products put into power in both of these facade enterprises--
But Kathleen Battle, yet another black middle aged woman coming to violently assault me in any way, with her videos of little black children who she is "fighting" to save from Africa or whereever put on my YouTube channel with a not-great singing black woman who is famous because she can hit a few high notes in her limited register of singing scale propensity. Coming at me with death in my teleportation sleep---ugly and sinister. I had posted some of her videos in the drugged mind control state they force on me while I remain paralyzed and watching tv because I only hear screams and cries from the rooms below mine and hacking coughing every time I move near the window--al the plants I bought are dying and no flowers appear, all are picked off by mechanical arms--there is filth and dirt and scum everywhere
Dirty nasty MarJorie Taylor Green and ugly stupid digsusting filth shit pig pitt and shit-whore alina sat with demands that Green abuse me because I challenged her Georgia fascist death squad facility being built, which under all the Georgia Senators who have been put into Democrat positions, I have not seen any publicity of them speaking vociferously against this death squad training facility. Instead, they go on about the usual disenfranchised issues but they don't fight to stop this very obvious 4th Reich Gestapo training facility. Protestors have been killed while they were sitting on the ground with hands up, because they were protecting the land which will be cemented over---entire eco systems will be destroyed. The police are already in fascist killing mode before the building of this death squad training camp is built. A Squat team came with guns drawn in military gear to attack the home of people from a non-profit working to obtain money to bail out and defend those who have already been arrested and are in jail for protesting the facility.
So filthy ugly dirty and stupid pig shit pit and his whore skank stupid ugly wife came to watch as another person violently attacked me. I am in a state of "truth serum" effect and I tried to not answer her prying questions to get me to "open up". MTG is extremely manipulative in her "cheery" fake demeanor. She uses this saccharine acting style to grease up the target and then once the defenses are lowered, she begins her real operation. I know this and I knew this, but I could not stop the teleportation. I could not get away from them. Dr. Phil talks about how to defend yourself and how to identify yourself against such parasites and scum who try to parasite everything off you, but in teleportation I literally try to turn away and they can manipulate my body to never turn away--I walk away I try to get away they follow me and are constantly in my face. I can only see a 5-foot diameter around my body in this state, and then only in a grey and black fuzzy capacity. I literally don't see where I am, what environment, and I believe my eyes are being controlled to not be able to focus while I am in this state.
I could not stop talking, and it's always like this. I try to remain silent and it's like the drugs they endlessly insert into my body while I am sleeping keep me unable to protect my silence capabilities.
So I responded, she was saccharine psychopath/sociopath and extracted ideas out of me, and then smirking in glee with shit pig pit and ugly filthalina, said that "okay, now let's kill her!" they all had a little titillation surge of enthrallment as I tried for the next time to fend aggressive and dirty nasty Marjorie Taylor Green off me with "humanitarian" shit pig pit and UN humanitarian sleaze and whore icon shitalina sitting as they have done for a decade siccing every aspiring scumbag into higher promotional power. They put Trump into power, trust me, they are building a death culture and you are all applauding them because their plastic surgery they've been paid in millions and millions to obtain for all these years keeps you delighted that America has Nazi-modified icons to represent your greed blood lust for empire and power and to become as European aristocrat fascist Nazi Imperialist Colonialist as possible. You are all then adored by the Europigapes who come to suck out and steal as much as possible in the guise of being advocates and helpers for "Democracy" which of course they are "experts" at even though their cultures are also now turning obviously into fascist Nazi subcultures which are "rising" up while the cock stars of the 60's come to "help" America with all their musical riffs about what John Lennon, targeted and shot by the US Government---wrote of in his attempt to help white boys not have to fight in the endless 4th Reich war.
When I looked at the modern photos of Kethleen Battle, because her voice HAD BEEN so beautiful and regardless of race of country, she truly had one of the most beautiful voices--long ago--back in the 80's and 90's--now, she looks to me like a kind of corrupted monster. And lo and behold, she put a monster style huge ugly fish in a tank trying to eat a small and colorful tropical fish. I was trying to save the little fish, feeling very sad as the huge ugly monster--which reminds me of what she looks like now and now behaves as in conjunction with the ugly shit and filth from Whorewood who strive so endlessly to emulate 3rd Reich fascism and Imperialism but are working to represent the 4th Reich, which is even more ugly and stupid than the 3rd and has no "mystery" to see of occult pretense at being "superior" pig apes greedily devouring all they can possible, but now just devouring apes and pigs snorting up all they can because they can't snort up cocaine any longer as they all used to do--literally they are all drug addicts or various other addictions plague them, and the country and planet as well. Their shitty stupid and ugly crap children are the spawn of addicts and behave like addicts.
So there was this ugly grey fish with a huge ugly mouth opening to devour the beautiful little colorful tropical and rare fish. I felt such sadness. And that was the effect the ugly pig ape strove for. I can't feel sadness for people who are part of their group if they die, as they have killed off any sensation of concern out of me. I was once a truly loving and compassionate pe rson, and now I pray for their deaths every day. They have forced so much of their ugliness and sleaze and filth out of me and sucked as much life and beauty and positivity out and all I have are videos of pigs now who were beautiful then, when there were still some remaining beautiful souls in the public perspective whom they entertained and were influenced by.
I watched Miep Gies and then was assaulted by the shit of Whoreood and nasty violent Marjorie Taylor Greene with the endless shit pig pit and ugly dirty and equally stupid meaningless shitalina sitting with endless millions poured at them to fulfill these terror operations against me. I have not heard or seen anything of that former soft and sensual beautiful concern for life and love that the Europeans used to have which they killed off; those who escaped Hitler were then killed by the Nazis in America and everywhere else they ran to.
Although Miep died at age 100, she was protected by the people who were influenced by her real genuine love--and she was surrounded by those not of the Nazi tribe completely. But otherwise, this group has family, leaders, celebrities and death squads to fulfill these roles for them as proxies.
Now they are building a huge death training camp in Georgia, killing off a natural preserve area and of course Biden is saying nothing. He goes along with the fascist agenda just as Obama and Michelle had done (with Biden behind them probably influencing them as the white bigot mafia "Italian" and "Irish" that he claims he is).
Behind MTG is of course Trump, and partnering with Trump is the Biden Democrat Caucus and Hillary Clinton most fixated on having violent rapist Mafia doing her filthy work for her.
there is no "feminism" in regard to her "concern" for women, it's the female component of the Nazi/Mafia brigade of death squad operators and influencers who want a bit of power and that is all.
Woe to the world. I watch as the hate and ugliness and stupidity of these worthless pig ape whores is reflected in the devastation of global warming devouring the planet. The pig apes continue on their path of "entitlement" which is literally based in a death culture of hate and bigotry and lack of meaning, heart and soul. The planet is dying as a result. Everyone wants to emulate the sleazy and dirty ugly multi-billionaires endlessly faking concern, being put into political leadership as a result. The result of the "feminist" movement in that regard is Marjorie Taylor Green, and the death squad factory of the 4th Reich coming out of Georgia. It's also Obama and Michelle Obama being put into Whorewood industry to promote their fake and stupid books and tv shows about psychopath mass spree murder black "girls" who go out killing people if they offend the black Nazi gyrating skank who fully supports genocide when it comes to Jews and then cries with her hubby about black people being discriminated against--dying her hair as blonde as possible. Endlessly beloved by the Nazi/Mafia public because all the thinkers and intellectuals have been either brainwashed to say nothing, under a terror-dome of torture and mind programming death squad technologies.
No one can criticize this death camp being built except for one major news outlet, so I did it. I was assaulted with death threats, sexual hints at molestation, pig shit pit and shitalina sitting as usual when someone else threatnes to kill me as they get profit and promtion for themselvs and their shit spawn and Nazi/Mafia group who endlessly put them in positions of power and through politics have them "win" awards every year at the Oscars and at Cannes and eveywhere possible.
The general public is so brainwashed and so violent they adore and love these pig apes, as they cheer on the death-mongering gun-toting women who are the emblematic representation of all that the "feminist" movement under Hillary has ever produced. The other "feminists" like Hillary and her group, because they can only steal ideas from other feminists and are trained to perform the lines, can't say anything about any issue other than the standard platitudes and don't speak out, analyze or have any single thing to say that hasn't been said by those they stole from decades ago.
The endless videos of Kethleen Battle that I deleted, I was literally mind programmed to save them or copy them. I then realized that she's another pig ape and I deleted them. This battle for my "mind" keeps going on. Now, last night, the ugly monster black nazi worked with MTG and shit pig pit and filthy stupid whorealina to attack me using a death motif for her hate skit while I was in deep sleep.
That "beauty" which she emulated coming from the old world, which has been killed off in the way I only briefly alluded to above, the death of that former life-affirming culture out of Europe which I had the brief taste of and exposure to as a very young child, which has slowly been killed off. Replacing them, and just like the musical styles have also been replaced, are harsh, screaming but tuned and trained by motronome perfection performers absolutely void of love and kindness and only striving for media attention and more money and more lucre and more power if they can be handed it.
As global warming is eating up the planet, the crop yields, and as disasters are now looming and death squad culture has permeated America into daily mass killings and 100-mile paths of hurricanes, I can only associate the interior hate and stupidity and ugliness of these crap pig apes who have been put into "power" both in Congress and in entertainment media and news. Even that one source that portrayed the impending KGB/fascist nazi death camp training facility now approved of in Georgia, with death threats coming at me for making a series of posts about how this woman in Congress represents killing mentality with her endless advocacy of guns and white supremacy and her stupid comments and in teleporation her behavior is of a spastic lesbian ape creep fighting to parasiticially attack me while stupid and ugly pig pit and whoralina watch on so glad they will be promoted for the next cycle of the Oscars for their endless lead roles in hate aimed at me while they literally suck the life out of me as everyone stands by and watches doing nothing.
When you listen to Miep Gies, you can hear NOT an affectation of her voice, but a true embellishment of vocality which sounds a bit like a bird trilling in parts. She is the elegant loving soul with a voice that is not a linear harsh blast coming at you perpetually. You can hear this in the tone of the people being interviewed now from Whorewood and form Congress. Everything is a straight blast of informational clarity spoken with enunciation that has been trained.
Listen to the gentleness and sweetness in the tone of Miep Gies and this is the type of voice, the type of gentle sweetness that I was exposed to by the people out of Europe who I met as a 5 year old, 6 or 7, the latest age 8 and then they all died as if in one swoop.
Replaced by "direct" tones of people uttering "commanding" voices of imperious straight-forwardness. The personalities are of joy in death squad activities or ignorance thereof willingly, stating that the person who is targeted must have "done something wrong" to "deserve" it and"shut up and die" is the endless tone I hear in America now. But the next generation of shit from places like 4th Reich Whorewood are eager to participate and have been fully trained by the older generation that was not slowly killed off, who delight in endless entitlements their governments bestow upon them, obtained from brutal murders of genocides and the loot they obtained. These are trained to absolutely enjoy torture and rape and murder, and they abound in Whorewood, and if not directly from the actors who sit on the periphery of this hate crime being committed against me, they are influenced by this and are being taught that this its the path towards their careers and promotion so they are being programmed into this as well.
Whenever they speak, they have a whiny ugly tone in their stupid and blank voices. There are no embellishments of beauty in their voices, they are blank and "straight-forwards" and parasites who leech out everything possible.