Saturday, June 3, 2023

Welcome to the 4th Reich Black Magick terror Social Darwinism psychopath dome: It's beyond "Narcissistic Personality Disorder"--it's an entire social engineering project to create a group of "aristocrat" "entitled" murdering bigots who are adept at, coached, trained and handed prescribed scripts in order to be showered in millions of dollars and endless highest promotions for their performances of being the exact opposite.

"What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?". Phil in the Blanks. October 19, 2021.

I need to correct the spelling of Mdme. Blavatsky, which I wrote as Lavatsky below--My brain is under severe attack while I write and I can't recall names until I walk away from this laptop and the influence of brain-manipulating tech. Either way, her name is Blavatsky and one of her books was always sitting on the bedside of Hitler, so I have heard in a podcast---This video below is a very positive review, it seems to imply that Blavatsky is a naturalist merely writing about forces of nature controlling all life. it would appear innocuous and also for groups like Wiccans and nature-worshippers (many in England, which embraced her) this would appeal to many. However this philosophy brought about a huge shift away from Christianity in Europe and helped bring the Nazi occult system in place, much derived (like the Swastika) from Blavatsky's writings. 
 "Who was Madame Blavatsky? The Esoteric Movement and Theosophy". Artnetwork tv. September 9, 2021.

This video below details briefly an encounter Hitler had with an astrologer and occultist who instructed him to wait 30 days for a shift in his political situation and then, in the meantime, go to his birth town and pull up a MANDRAKE root and perform some kind of mojo on it. Firstly, I think of the Harry Potter series and the author, who by the way is good partners with the celebrity I mention below and encourages this type of "spiritual" conversion from traditional "Christianity" as ("Muggles", sounds like a combination hybrid word of mud combined with piglettes)--and then  urges viewers, children mostly in this situation, to explore their "magickal powers' and the movie is highly influential, the author given extra powers in the mind programing field of celluloid social engineering, the usual plastic surgery complete makeover they all obtain if they conform to the Nazi occult and political schemata. Yet the video doesn't delve into the Madame Blavatsy angle. Hitler had, as I heard, the novel Isis Unveiled by Blavatsky by his bedside---everywhere he lived. This book explores esoteric practices (unveiling them) and even moreso in Tibet--and one of the actors who has taken the replacement position of terrorizing me out of the clutches of the expletive actor and his spawn I make mention of below--has played this role as advisor to the Dalai lama--but playing a Nazi out of Austria. A role I'm sure he delighted in playing, especially the womanizing Nazi part of the role--
But in essence, throwing away concepts of compassion and replacing them with "finding your inner God/Goddess" in connection to ancient practices that Christianity replaced in it's fear of power and independent thought--so the Nazi occultists claim. And Nietzsche just capitalized on the sentiment in  his Thus Spake Zarathustra in response to the general movement, which of course also gave rationale to the Nazis to "do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". The modern equivalent of a compassionate society would be the mental disorder compartmentalization of what Christians may call being possessed by Demons. The 4th Reich is actively encouraging this evil possession and the analysis of mental disorders will be only confined to those in confinement, in prisons, who will be drugged up into zombie states--this has happened to me by the way and I committed no crime except to fight for my basic human rights as expressed by the Constitution--now discarded in favor of all kinds of temptation spiritual and sexual and monopolitistic practices being programmed into the "entitled" psychopath and Narcissist class of low-class and down-low---. What ultimately Blavatsky and her movement proposes, or what was picked up, was the concept derived from love of nature to the Social Darwinism, that Hitler's camp used to justify helpless civilians. In the current technoterror-cratic situation, it is technology forcing a kind of engineering so the lessor can overtake the superior, in some cases. No one has a chance against mind control tech at this point unless someone finally comes out with serious shielding materials and adequate defense systems--which are not available and whatever may exist is being kept secret. Thusly, while Social Darwinism is the real and true philosophical basis for the current fascist Nazi/Mafia criminal take-over of America and of global society in general (from what I have experienced having lived on three continents for many years apiece) I can state that those who are antithetical to nature and life are being put into highest positions. They are truly nature life-fuckers to say the very least. They are not nature's superior they are the constructs of a desired outcome for social engineering. This is what the planet is now not recognizing as a threat but as a social climbing structure to which everyone possible wants to jump into in order to not be in the "loser" class of homeless or imprisoned or dead. The 4th Reich. The mental disorder classifications will be used only for those who rebel or resist and will then be drugged into a zombified state and imprisoned either in a domestic situation or in actual prison/ and then slowly killed as if to appear "natural".

"Hitler's Supernatural Rise to Power?/National Geographic". National Geographic. May 5, 2007.

As I am listening to the next spate of hacked videos put on my YouTube channel, this time a bit "too late" for me to have my guard up in the endless revolving circumstance of terrorist psycho expletive celebrities and political "leaders" who exhibit every type of Narcissistic Personality disorder, combined with Mafia "entitlement" to commit crime and be handed every kind of mind screw technology to further their coordination with the corrupticians in their exploit of lucre that flows past their grasping fists lunging at plundering from the masses. Then there's the Nazi-inspired wanna be Europ-a-land aristocrats who are being paid for their mind programming skills with castles and mansions in Europ-a-land (trust me, only for a temporary amount of time, once the transfer of power occurs and the fascists from Euro-p-a-land is finalized officially or unofficially, the lands and castles and mansions will be rescinded and the actual inhabitants of the country will reclaim their mansions and castles).


Listening to this and realizing that in teleportation I can't do the savvy self-defense tactic of pushing psychopaths away once I recognize the tactics they employ to manipulate and draw people into their scamming, life-sucking microcosm universe. The situation I am forced into is turning each little greedy and sleazy selfish celebrity with their "Dark Money" 4th Reich benefactors into a social engineering project so what educated students and professors and mental health workers and politicians may sometimes draw from in identifying mental disorders in conjunction with criminal activity--is now being transferred to a fashion "haute living" couture culture mainstream social engineering project--using the mind control torture apparatus that engulfs my life. 

I recognized immediately that the people I was forced to be teleported to were lying users and that I needed to get rid of them immediately. Decades later, I am still screaming into the internet for "help" from anybody to get the clinging life-screw operators off me as I am forced to be stuck in a semi-straight jacket in teleportation as they physically, sexually, mentally, intellectual and emotionally assault me in the most criminal egregious ways--every day, they never tire of sucking and draining and using and exploiting and abusing--truly pathological in the mental health genre but proclaimed the "winners" of society in the media and political sphere--which has far more influence over our modern culture than psychologists and manuals of mental disorder which no one has heard of anyway.


I have written of their foibles for so long and yet have been completely ignored. People do listen to the tv gurus who far exceed my professors in terms of entertaining the listener instead of confounding the multiple terms into a kind of mixed blend of sterile definition of behavioral characteristics, which do merge with other definitions so it becomes confusing for the student without any actual real-life definition to delineate each one and remember, most importantly.


I think of this Latvian-turned-Russian-turned Canadian-turned French-turned "American" ballet dancer who has played me and raped and beaten and has the giggling half French psychopath "narcissist" daughter of the (former or current) drug addict actor, alcoholic, rapist, abusive and violent to women user, but is "entertaining" and thus exempt from all law and consequences according to the dumbed down dictates of society but in particular by the law enforcement branch of government at the highest level--at the executive who is "friends" with the rapist and like all the rest, raping women who are not blonde Nazi women is something of a masculinity contest and a mutual homoerotic bragging back-room schmoozing fest for them to indulge in and brag about afterwards for consideration of being top dog in the rat race.


He has played me in ways that if I had not been teleported and forced into the confines of this imprisonment technology whereby any psychopath and abuser and rapist and sleazy and sick but wealthy or aspiring violent fascist Nazi or mafia gets to do what they want within some boundaries--yes they are given limits as to the near-death violence which they all puff up in power and feed energetically off every day that they are "allowed" or it's their "turn" to get their next promotion or to promote their next product--(years and years they all go in rotation attacking me for these reasons).


But he's so manipulative that he's raped and assaulted me in front of the giggling expletive that is the spawn of the rapist (former or current )cocaine psybocilin marijuana heroin and et al alcoholic rapist abuser but "charming" psychopath entertainer who has played a multitude of nefarious characters with tons of makeup and props and has been told that for his entertainment for the white male and rape enabler female nazi and mafia consumer base, he can do no wrong. The spawn of this, whether an actual drug addict, alcholic but probably more like a sex addict and a "fame" addict and a parasitic abuser and psychopath--giggles as this dancer is violently raping and abusing me for her to see and laugh at and love him for it. In their mutual agreement, he gets her and the father applause at Cannes due to his own sell-out of "Democracy" and his duplicitous role as a "humanitarian who fought against Russian Authoritarianism by defecting from Russia--in order to make millions of dollars, by the way, for playing this role and then for playing the underhanded role of social engineering to install al fascist Dictatorship monopolist capitalistic system with his blonde Nazi fascist French psychopath culture from Cannes completely backing him and his infiltration into America for this purpose.

So I believe that he too has profited from the sheer demonstration of how France has become something like pre-revolutionary France in it's attempt to colonize America--the USA--and turn it into yet another war-torn 3rd world country with the mansions belonging to the French Imperialists and some of the "native" "stupid Americans" who help them to play this role in a seemingly mutual grab for power over the country as a fascist dictatorship but not in name specifically.  Oh, "Democracy" will still be the term applied to the political system when this occurs--if it occurs, it's already happening now through this system of terror technocracy afflicting me that has taken me years to get any semi-serious attention to.


Otherwise, two more celebrities from tv terror land have been paid to issue statements along with the Ukrainian Jewish-Nazi puppet who are all exclaiming how wonderful Democracy is and how they are all fighting for freedom. Both of the celluloid-based celebrities have been actively or from behind the scenes of terror aimed at me for over a decade and the black female (who has run for president, or tried to get the nomination) has been fastidiously in favor of violence towards me, rape, beatings, poisoning and torture because I am saying no to being a sex trafficked teleportation and MK ULTRA mind controlled "slave". As long as it's not a "black girl" like her fond memories of herself as a child, then it's okay especially if it's an "enemy" of her beloved Nazi and Mafia cartel who have been told by their Italian/French/German/Austrian/English and et al benefactors to "hate and destroy" their "enemy" which is an American citizen--me--who has grown up in this country. To be replaced utterly by the Europ-a-land investors and benefactors and given absolutely no chance to compete in society and all red carpet and free and stealing my ideas I studied for and contemplated but have been too drugged, too unable to think, I can barely type or write this post as it is (very lugubrious to type and thinking clearly is also impossible--much less the inevitable hacking and deletion of words or entire sentences or paragraphs or rewrites).


Throw the mental disorder definitions out the window--this social engineering project has issued as a decree without actually having written it down, so there is no evidence.

There are no mental disorders, it's a complete take-over by a collective of a global unity of what the professionals call anti-social personalities operating in psychopath, narcissistic disorder borderline and a slew of other definitions to destroy and rape and steal and form a perfect union of self-obsessed narcissists working together to have their own plantations but as a collective group of slave-owners.


But the Latvian-turned-Russian-turned French-defecting to Canada-being married to an American (blonde Nazi fascist and I know this as I have been teleported and attacked) who fully embraces the fascist racist Nazi ideology with the spawn of the pair--) has played "both sides" of this lopsided "fence" in this situation. He has helped me with body posturing to help with the stretching I could not do otherwise because my body was pulled out of alignment and stuck in a completely immovable position so I could not pull at the poisons latched into my body--that the giggly skank blonde spawn of his partner out of Whorewood spawned, but in their mutual "love" for France, both "helping" me so they can force a "baby" out of me for this heinous contract, or....and....then completely using his influence in French culture as an icon of "style" to have the bigot skank absolutely lifted in status in French culture because this is providing him with a higher platform for his "art" and his and his family and friends's promotion. One of the "friends" in his circle was identified by one of my favorite social commentarists as being an absolute fraudster in the "new age" movement, truly selling books on the Nazi ideology but cloaked as "new age" ("new age" was indeed and actually a term that the "spiritual" leaders of the Nazi movement used to define the texts by writers like Madame Lebatski who was a prime influencer of Hitler and his ilk, including of course philosophers like Nietzsche, who urged people to discard "God" and pick up on the "narcissist" Philosophy that they can become as "Gods" in their quest to push down, nay slaughter brutally, anyone they want to steal from who is not a blonde Nazi psychopath like them. The rest will follow after a few generations and be part of the global 4th Reich--and that plan has unfolded and is in the process of being implemented and the minority minions of H-wood fully exemplify this trait--as do the people I have grown up around, fully indoctrinated into this plan)

but that is digressing from the point. 
He forces himself on me at the height of my concentration to break the poisons while I am exercising. I got the exercises not from him, he has only pointed out things like "don't lift your shoulders" and pull your hips back--basics of ballet and also of physical therapy. For this and for a slew of videos he has hacked into my youtube channel with tons of stretches and exercises, he has told me that I owe him my life, a baby, and that I need him. 

I wonder what categorical mental disorder this type of double-play manipulation would be characterized as by professional psychiatrists or psychologists working in "the field" of mental health? Would it be characterized as a disorder at all? 

The man who attacks me but is fully promoting blonde Nazi Imperialism, the overtake of American society by the worse form of Totalitarianism then what he "fled" from and "defected" from in Russia--and by the way, he told me that his heritage was part "German" and I can assure you that people don't get through the Iron Curtain without permission from the Nazi-fascist good ole boy network. I have been around people in Germany with "German heritage" who were paid to re-unite with their culture of origin and it's been an official policy of Germans to re-integrate those who were stuck in the real heart of CCCP Soviet bloc countries to bring them to "the West" and I truly believe that he is one of these. The claim that he is a brave defector following a political ideal of freedom is a complete distortion and lie, to put it bluntly.

But I can't get rid of them, these are expletives that I fully recoil from the instant I am forced to be teleported to them. They latch on literally for years or decades and they are instructed that they are "entitled" to force their ugly putridity upon me and dump their mental and psychological filth on me and dismember and torture me for fighting to stop them and get them off me. With years of it going on and constant drugging and torture, by now I am calling them admittedly somewhat ridiculous names like "pig ape" but it's extremely accurate and real as a reflection of their actual (symbolic) behavior--no offense to pigs or apes these scumbags are sub-animal and subhuman at that.


Exemplified and continued to flout their "mental disorders" and to be glorified for every breach of civilized society in favor of a slave murder genocidal regime with absolute plastic surgery and unbelievable wealth (rewards beyond comprehension) for this social engineering project to completely destroy any semblance of analysis on human behavior, and only grabbing, sucking up and fucking over are the real power traits that matter in this new world order of the 4th Reich. They have spiritual pretentions to back up their claims of being other-worldly saints--some call themselves "saints" because they operate tax loophole charities and work for the UN--all filled with death threats, rape, torture and psychopathy and narcissism which is being REWARDED by the government and by the Dark money ruling society. I suggest that the origin of the Dark Money controlling them all does not originate in the United States. In their own countries they heave up constitutions and protections for their Imperialist citizens with the usual discriminatory practices for the black and brown and Jewish and etc etc

But for themselves, all law and order and the "right" to sue if they get screwed over by one of their own applies--only.


**Correction to above post--written 3 hours later. Hitler did not have Isis Unveiled on his bookshelf next to his bed. He had The Secret Doctrine (also by Madame Blavatsky). Neither books I have read as reading is too strenuous for me with the detox and mind control fermented and toxic poisons coming out every day (for over 12 years). I managed to get through grad school because I was always sick from "fresh" poisons. The poisons coming out now are those that have been trapped in my body for decades (or years). 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...