Thursday, June 22, 2023

Failed State: The sickness of my dying country continues. The pig apes controlling the tech and rotted "culture" believe that their techno-warm-gloved tyranny spouting "Democracy!" every minute into cameras and "Freedom", believe that all the implants, mind programming and convenience is going to absolutely prove a world of happy slaves servicing rotten parasites who are truly plastic-coated psychopathic killing dumb bots to begin with, being handled people embedded and people glued to tubes and screens to control. This includes politicians of highest rank down cascading to the lowest and entertainers lacking anything but sleazy posturing entitlement that they have been coached to emulate by their fascist Nazi/mafia 4th Reich exploiters who they gyrate for and get awarded by.

 Introducing the general theme of all my posts I have written since I became exposed in the "private" covert torture situation of being teleported and having to have my disdain for them turned into shock and then chagrin and then dislike and then hate and then trying to kill them if I can only reach them trying to get away begging the filthy United States culture--or so rotten now to the core lack thereof of culture--to please get this shit off me. Only the next generation of fascist Nazi politicians come to replace the old, the old dinos completely plastic surgery modified claim that what they had so augustly ruled is now a "circus" and they were so austere and professional. It was they, the lousy and the profane, who turned America into a huge global sick joke upon the planet of death and hate.

But meanwhile, I was teleported while in deepest sleep to some scumbag yelling from an oblique angle, of course they always come from behind or at some visual angle the target is unprepared for--while my vision of course is impaired, and I am "woken up" in the deep sleep state with two body entities separated and vision largely remaining in my prime body state where I am being sliced and damaged by mechanical arms (formerly raped my hips put out of alignment my money stolen) and then I am forced to have to be around vicious dirty foul and stupid sick professional scumbag whores who act like filth and crap and are exalted for it by a dirty dark money vacuum of skill in political realms of hate and murder and imperialistic 4th Reich Nazism and criminal Mafia partnership.

Thusly--the scumbag, whichever one it was, or one of the onlookers vying for a higher position in Whorewood, began shouting at me while I was in this dark passage, not able to see really where I was, not knowing which angle this attack was coming from, only "waking up" in a time-frame of about 30 seconds--shouting as this pig ape had been instructed to do like a fascist-- with rage and hate at me some insult as I was in some dark passage way, (confined on all sides by some structure) I grimaced and grit my teeth to brace and then I was put into some dark sleep state, waking up to all the panoramic views of the shit whores in my mind fleeting from years of the sickness I have been exposed to, like some pornographic vile display of hate and ugliness, bigotry to the extreme and all behaving and following one single script for their promotions; it comes to my mind as I wake up--I always forget to breathe because I am now in my real state but the shock to my system can be seen clearly on the deterioration of my body into premature old age and destruction of my health and life---which I strive to rejuvenate every day--they severed otu part of my uterus and have been inflicting daily torture upon me that spans hours per day never ending day and night--with cheers, giggles and applause and full participation from highest political sources and their greasy dirty nasty media counterparts--so I go through the panorama of the pigs attacking me in my mind, and relive shortly their years of violence as I have been fighting for this concept of freedom and democracy and fairness and to stop racism--as I am shunned, tortured, mutilated and violated for every day. I hear on the "alternative" news sources that poor Julian Assange is such a victim. The very people who endlessly sympathize with this man from Australia who published top secret US military torture information is held up as a hero. AT least ONE of the people who has proven to be a main pundit for Assange whom I met briefly one time decades ago has hacked his videos with his "America is an Imperialistic death culture" style rhetoric since before T-rump came to power. Nary a single thing has he done with his following cult members who shower him with applause the longer he remains silent about this actual travesty facing the United States and the world which his technocratic buddies in high power, who sit alongside him in the academic halls, all have worked on, their Theses and all the feces they have accrued towards their research contract for the behavior modification, and the lecturing is part of that behavior modification so people feel appeased in their sole representative who goes along but makes very light-weight condemnation which is vociferously praised and endlessly rehashed for podcasts created by Progressives who all chime in that Poor Julian Assange is a great hero of American freedom and expression. They watch silently as I am silenced and I fight for actual freedom from torture as they join in because they need to have their air time in media podcasts and news interviews about how Julian Assange is being tortured for trying to expose US Government torture, which they fully support either actively or by doing nothing and continuing the silence when I do it. Obviously this is a racist-based differentiation because white male with white hair is so much more deserving of concern when he is imprisoned but when I am TORTURED AND MUTILATED for writing about state-sponsored torture and I fight against the system which puts these fakes into positions to blather about how they "care" they remain mute and the violence is never stopped as they continue to feign that they "care". How many of them have connections to Whorewood, I wonder? Well, many of these Progressives who are so damn concerned about freedom of press and Julian Assange have joined in with the filth pig ape whores of Whorewood to teleport me and then they have gone off happily being re-put into "lead" position of alternative voices condemning abuse-of-power--the roles they have been paid in huge sums to play.

Thusly, I remain in the vice of the criminal sleazy whores of all the various branches of American incompetence and ineptitude, well-coached, trained, modified and pumped up by endless awards and rhetoric about how they are "the best"; and their antics of violence that have accumulated into a vortex of a shit stain upon humanity that Whorewood and Congress and the "Search and Destroy" society that has emerged after all the covert murders, assassinations in America that have plagued the country with ineptitude put into highest position.


I do not refer to well-educated a$$-groving professionals as being incapable of doing their crap jobs of lying, stealing and then posing as "Democratic" pundits for "Freedom" and "Democracy".

I mean the most basic and inherent necessary qualification to handle such an entity based on fighting ancient regimes of oppression as America has stood for, not functioning in this capacity by any means but the standard has lowered until the jockeying for higher position by demonstrating absolute affinity for fascist Nazi and Mafia criminal and genocidal inclusion are the standard by which anyone is "allowed" to basically survive the onslaught of violence upon humanity as a whole that the United States has since been generating.


In short, what you perceive as a smiling host of plastic surgery miracle performers is truly anathema to further survival of the planet. They are so short-sighted and greedy and incapable of human compassion with the tech they are being handed absolute destruction is assured--hopefully it will be mutually-assured so they cancel each other out.


This group of undeserving shit ape whore pigs from Whorewood with the endless rotation of lying, sleazy dirty shit politicians coming at me with parasitic vicious intent to exploit, torture, mutilate (and that's the "Democrat" feminists and their "freedom/Democrat" male partners and the Republicans are just thrilled and delighted and rush at me with death threats as their counterpart Democrats just jump on in and then are included in the higher rankings of political power, shitty fake "feminist" tv shows and how incredible they are (NOT).)


This group of loveless, meaningless whore shit has stolen idea after idea from me for over a decade with not just NO money repayment but destruction of my entire body to the point I have been fighting for my life to not suffocate with poisoning and have been detoxifying for 12 years (and much longer, but I was not fighting every single day to protect my food and life because I didn't understand the magnitude of this organization prior and even then, I am still always shocked that every single creep who joins in the teleportation is actually a disgusting bot imitation of the entire group of meaningless shit who claim they are independent and original).

Stealing my concepts and ideas, they then torture me afterwards, block my ability to earn any money, scream "loser" at me constantly, have me raped by a rotation of shit pig "men" whom I just listened to the crap they come out with, like most of the planet, beguiled and mesmerized by the very coached performance they have all spent years in acting class perfecting as if to appear "normal" and that this image is actually what they truly are and not a fabricated construction, concealing absolute malice and sleaze, selfishness and any lack of higher intelligence worthy of leadership position. That includes the Ivy-league professionals in Congress. 


So, rather than even THANK me for the ideas they have stolen, according to the contract some Europigapes concocted while they were stealing ideas from me, (a pig out of London, with ties to English Royalty because his daddy painted portraits of the Royalty YEARS and decades ago) and now the rotten pig ape scumbag son--old by now, don't know how old but he's old like a rotten dirty foul dead thing--he has to appear maverick and original although all he is is a complete imitation of the good ole boy rape and plunder Imperialist fascist 4th Reich shit society out of London which I have lost all respect for, as they have shown me murder and hate even though I have only tried to befriend them and have never harmed them. They then have ushered in shit after shit wealthy English fucktard with a lot of money, bestowed by a corrupt Crown system, to rape and steal and then pass me off to the whores who obtained their positions by showing their T's & A to onlooking rape old pig men, and then there is the actual real Italian mafia with their French Connections to the Brooklyn Mafia which the US Government has been working hand-in-hand with since WWII (or earlier, much earlier in their secret societies).


So they were handed this contract to steal ideas, torture me for having the ideas, blocking my every attempt to have a career so they can claim I am a "loser" so they have poisoned me into paralysis and blocked all finances except for basic bare subpoverty non-survival financial dire straits--keeping me blocked from earning anything and screaming at me in hate using teleportation endlessly that I am some "loser" and have never done "anything and nothing" and etc. I have done so many things and studied and obtained a graduate degree in Criminal Justice which, after having seen the crime of the leadership (or lack thereof) of the United States, studying Criminal Justice is just a precursor to understanding how to circumvent the legal system and commit major crime the higher you climb the pig ape ladder until you reach Europigapeland approval and get red carpet treatment and mansions if you commit every act of internal sabotage against people like me in America, the targets the Nazi 3rd Reich screamed were nothing and "losers" and then mass murdered more than 6 million Jews and many others. 

So they just keep on torturing me after the stupid pig ape shit have made millions off stealing my ideas and mutilating me so my body is a flaccid and broken down destroyed thing that I can't look at in sunlight they have put so many scars, blemishes--my hair is so damaged my skin is like sandpaper my hair has huge grey streaks from them putting follicle killing chemicals on my scalp--every day.

Adn they never stop torturing me. They have stolen my cat and killed and robbed and raped.

Nothing I write about this seems to shock anyone or move anyone to make any move towards some semblance of a fair society.

Not the shit lawyers and attorneys in Congress who have studied Constitutional Law and spout bs to the public about how they are fighting for freedom when they are actually vying to be included in the higher tier of the Senate so they can be truly more welcomed into the Nazi 4th Reich club. That is just a small example of how these ignoramus filth crap losers of life are behaving and it's being handled as if a glorious triumph for the Europigape cartel of Imperialistic overtake of American society.


But the shit whores I have to deal with all scream and yell at me using fascist behavior, mutilation, death threats constantly, babies held by their filthy dirty minions surrounding me

and America just continues to lavish these pig apes with every kind of award and prize and applause possible.


I know that the networks of hate and murder abound all across America from coast-to-coast, and I know that every law enforcement agency fully conforms to this group of shit and is only part and parcel of the hate and murder culture that is now openly baring it's fangs while the "opposition" (completely fake) feigns shock and dismay and the pundits of false narratives spout shock and dismay for their media "News" exploits, fully aware of the problem and laughing and giggling about how they are going to get their own tv shows when they comply with fascist Nazism. 

There is no color or race differentiation now amongst the plundering scum of this organization, any longer. All the activists have been slowly and covertly assassinated off and the rest are completely brainwashed as I have been. 

Even with my years of experience of being mind controlled and knowing how it operates, I am usually manipulated and fall into the teleological trap of "beleiving" that some creep lecturing about justice and fairness is authentic. I click on the bs shit they post and hack into my youtube and then I am beset by their terrorism as they join into the group. Imagine the generations coming out of skunk Musk's brain implant factories--the fellatio slaves the willing sacrificial victims who will do anything to be slowly murdered so they have a chance at some "career" if only they are affixed to a "handler" who will poison them to death when they get tired of them and want to see them dead--which they will enjoy exploiting and will also enjoy killing and then will enjoy stealing whatever that person has accrued all their life.


The politician who came to threaten to kill me for fighting to stop putrid rich white pig ape men, this "first woman" in power who is supposed to represent white female Nazi/Mafia power aspirations who has fully incorporated male rape culture into her posturing for political power --and oh, by the way, she was trained in Whorewood, California USA and you can find her listed on IMDB because she was trained to pretend she cares, professional acting classes and has performed in some thing I never looked it up it's probably a dirty greasy semi-porn "feminist" scam celluloid crap thing just so this creep can demonstrate her fascist Nazi Mafia propensities for the casting couch fascist who also put their whores into political power through the agency of Whorewood into Congress (it's not the East Coast controlling the media or entertainment now it's completely the other way around, contrary to the distortions and lies that people claim about how the real power base is back in the East --"Jews" they claim, ever so racist and lying and false using the same old Nazi lie and acorn that it's the "jews" who control all the finance and all the problems the sleaze and corruption comes from "Jews" from Jew-York as the black Nazis call it or whatever they also do as followers of white supremacy indoctrinating their own masses into black nazi inclusion with full hate against "Jews")

But this Oreo shit sandwich had been and is still being lead by this "woman" in power, calling herself a Europigape in origin but she was raised as a Mafia scumbag on the East Coast--told to destroy "jews" and that has been a platform for the Congress-backed Mafia for years as part of the overall US 4th Reich Nazi unspoken policy.


Congress is now a "joke" this joke of a politician claims. Having been trained extensively--and I saw clips of her in the early 90's and I can attest that her voice, her face and every single thing about her has been Whorewood modified, completely altered, much work has been done to re-configure this rotten creep so her voice is softer and sounds like a computer-generated AI bot, her fake smile and her plastic surgery and endless extremely expensive attire rotation (never wears the same thing twice--all the money she has stolen "from the American people" has been used, in part, to furnish her wardrobe and her acting and speaking classes.

That it's now a Circus once she has left. What I saw of this filthy vile clownish skank was a disgusting clown putrid filth whore, fully embracing racist rape and genocidal clownish filth put into highest political office in the form of nasty and dirty actors who also have been likewise trained in how to feign having a mind and some semblance of a positive "spirit" (completely devoid and plastic-surgery coated over).


It was SHE and her antics of hate, submerged behind a huge veil of top security clearance by the dinosaur-in-Chief, fully committed to an "Italian" Nazi Mafia controlled techno hate tyranny society--his wife is "Italian" an American creepy woman I saw grab with her hand at the crotch area of a guard on the day of their inauguration. Sleazy and a grabby creep for a "woman" whom this rotten dino-in-chief claims is of "Italian" origin and thus he's tough himself because his daddy told him so many things which he listens to (the pig apes always have their mommys and daddies as reference whenever they make public speeches, letting you know that they obey authority and the real code underneath it all is Big Daddy whom they listen to and obey. The black women also use this same tactic and it's put into 2nd Dino position.

And so, it's disgusting for me to have to see this. If only I had just "accepted" I would have been poisoned to death and beaten and raped and abused to death by now.

But waiting for anything sane to come out of this, when I see the line-up of the next generation of crap vying to be put into positions of power, who are less trained, some of them, appear to be more authentically fascist than their predecessors, and thus the coached and plastic-surgery rape skanks claim that they are far "superior" to the less-coated and less-trained in acting followers whom they actually were the representation of graft and easy cheap and sleazy deadly money-making endeavors using this technology of teleportation to appease the Europigape Dark Money donors and to have more opportunities to work at the Consulate in Italy, have more standing ovations, go to the Vienna Opera with full welcome and applause for their participation in making America a broken down colony for Europigape invasion and overtake, through these sick and stupid albeit sometimes very well-educated pig apes

As I have to see this constantly. All the ideas they tortured out of me on how to heal, they return with deadly poisoning and go off getting every award for it. I spend my entire life fighting to heal and clean now, that is all I do, and begging online for some kind of fucking response from my country and there is NONE.


So it's a disgusting culture--or lack thereof--I fully can't stand America any longer and it's leadership. There is nothing left. But they still won't leave me alone even though I am halfway across the planet telling them I hope they are raped and beaten to death that they are shit I try to hit them and kill them but they have made me so frail and sick I can't be any kind of deadly threat in response to years of slow murder and torture. The stress is killing me. 


*As usual, the disgusting crap surrounding me in this condo torture unit chamber have hacked into this post and deleted/rewritten to discredit my writing and me. I re-read it and the parts about skunk Musk and his implants were completely deleted, every sentence. Many such sentences were deleted in this post. Musk's nasty implant factory is going to provide, these worthless sleazy parasites hope, fellatio slaves, bend-over slaves, pedophile paradises as most of these pigs are truly sexually debased and can't wait to debase anyone they hate and want to ravage and destroy, they hope, for the rest of their lives using this tech. 

Apartheid Nazi Musk has been elevated by my sick society into top wealth and leadership position since T-rump was handed this nefarious death technology by the same crap group which has latched onto torturing and mutilating and destroying me since 2013. 

They are just torturing me now to say "yes" to them extracting a baby out of me. I imagine how I can kill them and wish them death every day. They have cut out part of my uterus, mutilated me non-stop after forcing "love" rape out of me where I was so drugged I made passionate "love" to ugly sleazy worthless "men" while groups of pigs and whores watched on applauding these men for being rapists using genocidal language and abusing and torturing and insulting me immediately afterwards. When I finally tried to hypnotize myself into not responding with "love" to people essentially murdering me and stealing everything from me and destroying me afterwards and insulting and abusing and poisoning and laughing as I begged them to stop pounding poison into my body and then torturing me afterwards as they laughed and were handed awards and lead roles for themselves and their now sick and putrid filth whore children and groups of friends, endless oscillating filth creeps from Whorewood and Congress now encircling me with hate to pump out more from me as I cringe in hate after first having been friendly, loving and nice to them. Years, literally years of the pig shit from Whorewood sitting on chairs staring at me and taking notes after they would have "trauma" sleep teleportation skits forced upon me, so they then acted vaguely "friendly" as I was "desperate" in this most vulnerable deep sleep state, I told them ideas as it was like a "friendly" sort of mind-sucking enterprise to suck everything out of me for their own use.

Instead of even thanking me for the ideas they all stole, they continued the torture to suck out more and more and more and more, and then mutilation for me fighting to get one ugly filthy pig ape shit man or woman to stop raping me as I reacted with "love" and then disgust and tried to pry them off, as the energy life-sucking parasites tried to literally suck my sexual energy out of me while I was in a paralyzed sleep excessively drugged state as they abused and insulted and stole from me and sprayed stinking filth into my body and property immediately after they would have me give them full passion and love, which they obtained by poisoning and drugging me slowly to death and then raping me while I was sleeping in a sick and dying state.

NOTHING OF THIS is shocking to anyone who is reading this. 

Thus I can only state that the United States is a sick clown circus as I wrote above, and when Nancy Pelosi states that after she stepped down the House of Reps is now something of a circus, she fully created that environment as has Biden, Trump, Obama, et al.

You reading this now, as well. Certainly I haven't done any of this except through my drugged up conformity to doing nothing. That is how I know that most of you are likewise drugged or under mind control. None of you care, as I didn't care until I had to realize my very life was under constant threat which I have been fighting to stop for over a decade. My country is completely gone is would appear. What am I fighting for? At this point, just for myself. But I so detest these filthy dirty shit creeps teleporting me and the stupid sick system which they claim is so superior to me but they can't stop invading my every private click on the internet, what I listen to, to see what they can steal to appear original or compassionate or have original ideas or care about anything else but their orgiastic greed consumption and profiteering.

They want a baby out of me to complete some "research" on generational mind control implant technology. I want the 4th Reich dead and gone and will try my best to destroy them. AS I am alone and absolutely not a single piece of shit in any position of "power" in the United States will do a single thing to thwart this ambition to have a 4th Reich colonized destroyed country with implanted bots to be raped, fucked, tortured and murdered or for wealthy to obtain endless body enhancements as they try to make people dumbed down to the point of having no ideas or mind as these soulless creeps have monopolized every Party every opposition and they believe that in the long run this will create some kind of perfect luxury plantation for them to rule in, like their slave societies of yore, back in old Europigapeland even before the 3rd Reich, stemming back millennia. To wit, America was supposed to be a reaction against, it has thoroughly been compromised and is a dying cesspool at this point. Rotten Apartheid Nazi Musk, you all believe, is truly your "friend" in helping white trash boys and girls to have a wonderful plantation society with Europigapes coming into help them have "class and style" in the upcoming plantation master-slave technocracy.

I seriously don't think that anything resembling this will occur as the result will become something of a destroyed Failed State on the Failed State index of global countries.


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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...