Monday, June 26, 2023

Stand up, stand up for your rights; There's more of "US" then there are of "Them/They": "Demonic possession" and State-sponsored terrorism aimed at the civilian population, a co-dependency//is the theme I am thinking off as I write this today; as yesterday very late at night I wrote an extremely hacked (hyperbolic aka "hysterical" post yesterday on fb which I will /maybe copy and paste here) but first morning awakening commentary on the deluge that the brain-altering tech induced into a state of rage, which was pent-up waiting to be released but not as a torrent of cursing.

I have no doubt, whatsoever, that Michael Jackson was put on a target list for "soft" murder via overdose in what "everyone" understood to be an operation, but which was not disclosed legally so it's now in the realm of "crazy" conspiracy theory mongering. A video like this is certainly one of the nails pounded into his coffin that the sinister bigots used to get their neighborhood death squads to do the dirty work. It took the black doctor, perhaps as the theories go, to finish the job for the Nazi white supremacist death squad operated by the US Government and all it's tentacles around the world, creating death squad societies in every country included in this montage video (below) of death and brutality by the State against uprising civilians.

"Michael Jackson--They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version)(Official Video)". Michael Jackson. December 12, 2010.


I strongly suggest to anyone reading this who is not a sleazy foul sinister parasite expecting to have everything handed to you for free forever in your dirty foul life, not caring about people like me, but still concerned about your position in the power structure of hate and death--perhaps you will not survive the next round of Me Too or some so-called "Witch Hunt" aimed at something you have only emulated that all the bigots around you do openly but in private for your Whorewood and Congressional Party lives of the sleaze and filth degenerates who are destroying the country--but morality is something that has been deemed "uncool" and the moralizing people who spout hate at me and claim they are religiously pure are filled with bigotry and only too willing to castigate me into their mental boxes with only condemnation and demand that I submit to their own version of moral imprisonment--so I hearken to Bob Marley, a voice I rarely listen to because it's so hopeful and I am now in a state where I am extremely sad thinking that the activists like Marley and Jackson have been so methodologically killed off in covert assassination schemes to silence these very sentiments. I am too sad about these killings to listen to Marley, and I am almost shocked to see this Jackson video that was so attuned to the plight of homelessness and the prison-industrial-complex--in rage, rage that is real---and that had to be killed off. A desire for love and to stand up against state-sponsored terrorism in the form of Marley likewise had to be covertly killed off (with a brutal cancer, one of the many lethal weapons of covert killings the 4th Reich uses an infinitum in the civilian population to excise anyone they deem not corruptible, compliant and/or silent in the face of injustice going along. 
Why wait for your turn to be next? It could and probably already is being inflicted upon you (mind control, poisoning and mind control drugging through various mechanisms sponsored by the state to control and exploit you with your full consent and participation by remaining silent when you see it happening to me or others).

"Bob Marley--Get Up Stand Up + Lyrics". Γιάννης P.,

It is very impossible but available in my mind to mention these expletives as anything but lower classes of subhuman expletive matter mixed with a huge dose of "evil" darkness--

the disgusting plastic-coated parasite spawn of the  ugly sinister rapist celebrity who has been championed by this group of hateful celebrities and politicians--his nasty dirty spawn who has been energetically feeding off torture for a decade--the technology these parasites who come from cocaine addict, alcoholic parents is addicted to torturing me. It's vaguely the same hormone drug component that is a continuous feeding trough for the animals to feed off --for years and they can't stop. Mostly because they lack the skill to actually perform, but it was crazy-making when this putrid dirty nasty thing came for the tenth year in a row to suck something out of me, after a few months of her and her dirty rotten father attacking me because they were showcased by fascist Nazi/Mafia genocidal murdering bigots in France a few months ago. 

Riding the continuous wave of exploitation, torture and dumping hate, malignant filthy foul putrid bad energy onto me, elevated by torture, hormonally-driven by feeding off another human being in a sense of exaltation to dumping interior blackness onto someone else in non-stop terror Nazi contractual terror technology that the dweeb Elon Musk is fully funding and cheering on--he brought them back by using Heard once more to bow down and play dead dog for the jury which exonerated this filthy abuser (the trial was held in his home state of Kentucky, also the Bastion of the Republican Party and it's pivotal cornerstone of corrupt and malign power-mongering righteous bigotry ensconced in the form of Mitch McConnell (who threatened to kill me alongside the senator from S. Carolina).

Asking me for ideas about feminism. This dirty stupid spawn of the fake posturing comical psycho scumbag father and dirty gold-digger mother (the women surrounding these "men" are gold diggers who play that game and bow and bend over at the appropriate moment)\

This putrid stupid skank once more, after years of her and the rest of the scum in this group of filth asked me for more ideas after I had written about the sexual debasement of the basement of American society which is put on a pedestal for public viewing in the form of Whorewood tv and movie mind programming to be undulating sexual objects while the divide-and-conquer strategy of eliminating abortion and the castration of women who are not white, or black and brown or any other race and privileged who can easily go out in a debauchery spree every weekend but alas for those targeted or destined to have nothing at the expense of more mansions for the parasites who learn only to feed off anyone and everything and then kiss up to the power structure like obsequious whores that they are.

So the dumb creep asked me for MORE ideas for them all to steal, after years of making MILLIONS off my ideas which they tortured out of me and stole verbatim off my writing--I wrote on Facebook because every computer I wrote on was stolen. My every item was being ransacked and I thought I could store my thoughts on Facebook; instead all was blocked from the actual web as the parasites in a f-cluster have stolen ideas and then mutilated my body with the intention of permanent disability, paralysis, my body, skin and figure completely broken as they stole my money (literally) stole my cat stole my ideas had poison sprayed into my body/furniture/clothing/food EVERY DAY while they have had me raped by their minions in the rooms next to me, who also put my spine and hips out of alignment and then went off smearing stinking filth into my food/body/clothing stole ripped and tore and sprinkled stinking filth on the floors, everywhere--every single night--for years and years and years as I could not even move. The expletives continued to mutilate and torture and teleport me to death and rape and hate while I was being raped in the prime body state as they constantly asked me for ideas which filthalina and the rest of the Nazi group of skanks all stole as they claimed I am ugly, stupid and a nothing loser.

Me screaming after more than a decade of this going on and on while politicians have just turned into snarling parasites themselves as they all attack me alongside the scum and filth who they order to have endless monopoly so they can work as a tandem mind programming-into Nazi and Mafia criminality and lack of concern for human life while posturing as if they do.


So yesterday I began to scream for what seemed like forever in the teleported state. Thus, I tried not to react but when I am on the internet there is a mind control effect that emanates from the pairing or integration of whatever electromagnetic force is being aimed into my brain and nervous system affecting my limbic system (heightened nervous hate and near screaming hysteria--induced by altering my brain waves) while various parts of my brain are being blocked off (higher critical thinking) while excessive hyperbolic reactions are likewise forced, as subliminals are pounded into my brain while I am fighting to think as I repeat them, literally, on paper thus totally discrediting my appearance while simultaneously hackers are rewriting and deleting at least 1/5 of all I write so sentences are half-deleted and then pasted together or partially deleted and rewritten to turn my concepts into the obverse, which makes it appear as I am agree or think the ugly sinister parasites are beautiful or great (the hackers rewrite my words to change the meaning 180-degrees).


After a decade of this putrid parasite and it's loathsome rapist filthy ugly father and the French filth around them, I have no admiration for that culture or those people as all I have met from France are violently fascist, anti-Semitic creeps--unfortunately, I am always surrounded by the absolute worst of humanity so I never get to see people I would like or have any positive interaction with. These types of people are always like sheeple who sink back into the shadows in fear of having to actually fight the system which keeps them comfortable. The other types who would fight are being and have been systematically killed off in various covert operations of assassination. Do I have proof of this? Only in what I have seen of these people and how some people react who are first friendly towards me and then they are transferred, lose their businesses or are actually killed in suspicious but normal-seeming ways (i.e. fentanyl overdose, cancer, suicide, "accidents" all various covert murder operations that this death squad operation can so easily perform, and they do).


I am sick of seeing glistening-with-hormonal sexual heightened parasitic sadism the filth and creeps who are being handed death squad weaponry to attack me. I see it in the shopping mall I go to, now polluted with the vicious Euro-p-a throngs with people glowing with delight as their dark-skinned minions perform nasty attacks upon me (i.e. I was handed a fake bill when I was shopping at Macro, it was yellow instead of the customary pink for the 100 baht bill. I only saw it after I had walked away from the register and this is a huge warehouse and I didn't want to wade through all the clusters of terrorists and shoppers so I went to a cash register and asked for the bill to be replaced. That began a series of 8 Thai people surrounding me immediately, all wearing the store uniform and surrounding me saying "Wha?" as if me showing them a bill was something they "no understan"--they talked only in Thai in this store where normally everyone speaks English to the huge English-speaking tourist population upon which they all rely for their sustenance--after I repeated six times to the "wha?" Thai women encircling me as the white Europ-a's stood in the background--finally I repeated that this needed to be changed and etc... the Thai woman who finally "helped" me yelled "OKAY" just in the same way that the Europigape fascists yell. My brain was frozen, my body was frozen, and I could not move or talk. I silently took the bill as this woman slammed her register closed and walked away in a huff. I took my cart to pack the items into my bags, as a glowing and glistening with the tell-tale hormonal high pair of white Europ-a's came laughing and ambling towards me with their shopping cart full--going right alongside me. It was not that they were laughing, but the hormone glow that is so recognizable--that no one else had, it is the glow that the filth parasite of the celebrities all obtain from endless torture. It is what these people look like who orchestrate hate skits while they also have government-funded torture brain-altering weapons so I can't speak or defend myself. My brain is blasted at these moments with a non-understanding inertia, and it takes me at least 30 seconds to recognize what has happened. There are a few reactions that the terrorists always have, and I see glowing skin from hormonal dopamine or seratonin like having a slight orgasm from the ones who sit back not actually performing the hate acts--usually the whites who have their darker skinned or poorer or minorities of white skin--whatever--do their hate work for them. They glow like they are having orgasm watching the hate as my brain is being blocked from all cognitive function I am simply mentally paralyzed at these moments and can't recognize that I am under attack. I am just frozen, I walk away as my brain is being blasted by subliminal "commands" and I can't think, my natural reaction is to get away in a fight-or-flight situation because I can't think to fight back against a verbal attack that is vicious and filled with hate and violence--under these constraints all I can do is walk away not able to think but I can physically move away--and all I see is the same glow from this putrid parasite who has come after me since her puberty as her dirty and foul father (probably a pedophile, along with his endless sexual violence and hate attacks, which all the Nazi models who claim he never harmed them are completely shielding as the $$ and contracts flow for them to shut their dirty foul mouths and just play along, as they always have anyway)

so glistening with endless hormonal highs, the filth spawn was attacking me to obtain yet another idea from me, in teleportation as I began to shout at her and yell what a sick foul expletive she and this group is--I went on trying to not allow the mind control tech force any more ideas for this group of stupidity to steal once more. I tried to not react but late at night last night, it came out, screaming into the void to get them off me.

So I was teleported to being nearly killed in traffic accidents with huge multiple-wheeled trucks nearly hitting me in huge traffic multiple-laned bypasses with people swerving around me in all directions and blocking the path as I tried to get out of the endless ruts they formed on the roads, which is what happens while I actually am driving as near-death accidents are nearly averted because I stop at a split-second in time to not be hit, and this is almost the norm for every trip I take. This happened a few times in teleportation, and then I was teleported to a "shopping" scene whereby people blocked my path constantly, and a blondish bigot creep female obviously part of the wealthier Nazi cartel tier came up to me dressed in a store uniform and all I saw was a nasty whorewood personality coming to participate, smiling with a huge hormone skank smile as I struggled to "wake up" and not have another parasite coming to feed off me with hormonal feeding frenzy glee and also to obtain their endless promotions for this type of social engineering, which everyone not killed off either gleefully participates in, around the world, or sit back silently not doing anything to stop it or help or defend me. 

They will when it begins to happen to them. I wonder how much longer that will take? It's like wondering how much longer Biden is going to postpone the Trump Trials but I know he's postponing all for the election cycle so this greedy and selfish bigot team of the Democrats can make the Republicans flounder just in time for a division of their power structure just at and around election time.

A strategy, not so hard to ascertain. Of course, none of the endless  Youtube white males who past and plague my every attempt to find any verbal interpretation of the posturing bs coming perpetually out of the celluloid news market can every connect those dots, everyone is just waiting. I am waiting for humanity to begin to realize how sick and deadly dumb these filthy parasites are, so for the time-being, I must write while under mind control suppression so it comes out as hysterical ranting replete with curses that go on. 

No one can imagine how sick and vile these smiling plastic-coated parasites truly are, but then again, the mainstream public is as vicious and sick and disgusting when it comes to "gang stalking" death squad promotional activities. 

How much longer will it take for enough sheeple to become victimized until there is actual coordinated response and resistance to this travesty of culture and higher intelligent social life?


*This post was hacked, I had to backspace and correct literally every other word, often every word. That means that much will have been rewritten, made incomprehensible or rewritten to sound like I am complimenting or fully brainwashed into claiming that the filthy expletives are good or great (they change words to the exact opposite meaning after I post).


I'm still waiting for any semblance of responsibility towards society from the US Government, it's "liberal" commentators and I have completely abandoned all hope for the conservative white supremacists with their black and brown Nazis to ever have any kind of concern for human life outside the enclosed gates of their 4th Reich privilege whilst the rest burn in a pyre the 4th Reich is now fully implementing as a hell-on-earth for those they want to steal everything from; laughing as they watch the homeless and immigrants and call them names, as they make people disenfranchised and impoverished with no hope unless they serve as slaves, maybe if they are good, and then, they glow with this glistening hormone orgasm glee because it's all so supported by every government around the planet. 

When it happens to me, I know almost immediately from the same sort of "mask"-like appearance of the people standing by who just happen to be right behind me, glowing and smirking and smiling or with a sort of mean-spirited face. If there is anything similar to "demonic possession" then the endless almost mask-like quality to the very near precision simulation of the same ugly demonic masks on their faces which appear like caricature faces of demons--


I was 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...