"Come and SEE"!! The time and space era from over 70 years ago that your favorite celebrities and most entertaining politicians are living in:
(Excerpt From the film Come and See, "Faithful restoration of war crimes habitually committed by Germans during The Second World War---meaning from testimony of witnesses, who shaped the making and direction of the film and actors' performances. Meaning they really were there. They want you to come and see. All YOU see out there are plastic surgery celebrities and their politicians trying to recreate a master race fantasy of victory over America. They truly would applaud, laugh and cheer if this happened in America, as they don't give a damn about homeless people suffering to death in the streets, it's the same thing). THIS is what the terrorists in "power" in America, with a host of foreigners, yearn to re-create in America and around the world (they are already achieving it in various other forms but in effect, all is burning as they rise to take power over the burning pyre). Everyone is only concerned about how much the celebrities can induce their hormones to be stimulated into near orgiastic mesmerized enthrallment. That is what they are using to sell death and an orgy of death, Come and See what they really are all chiming in when they use genocidal Nazi language aimed at me because I am saying no and actually fighting for justice and freedom and equality--as none of them are, not a single one. Come and See what they really are bringing about with the 4th Reich technotyranny State they are all building by attacking me as the first step for their inclusion in the new 4th Reich power stratification.
"German war crime during WW2". proarte. December 9, 2018.
With all the heart palpitation technology that co-operates with the facsimile of sodium pentothal--truth serum, an hypnosis agent--which I am certain is being injected into me through whatever carrier they use--inserting it into my body through any orifice--a skin patch, however it's being done
the expletives teleporting me, after deep sleep skits of death, murder, homelessness, people endlessly surrounding and attacking me from all sides as I have to react within a split second to defend myself against all the attacks. The expletives from W-wood then sit in their dirty nasty chairs staring at me as one of the lead terrorist celebrities goes into digging mode into my psyche to try to force a reaction of hate, rage, and violence. They stop the teleportation once I rush at them trying to kick them in the face or strangle them or whatever. I am so weak I can barely do anything as it is, but regardless, they stop the action and click their nasty dirty buttons and I am teleported back to the torture situation cubicle they forced me into, in this unit in a mostly empty condo building with terrorists on all sides attacking me constantly.
Every time I write any post, always under drugging and mind control, trust me, this is how this is being operated all my posts are written under some drugged and mind control technology impulse and exacerbated stress from non-stop attacks rendering me fighting to get anyone to listen to me as I write of how dangerous this is. People keep flocking and gravitating to it nevertheless.
So if I click on some celebrity's music video, they immediately jump and sprint to be a part of this group. Everyone who is a terrorist abuser rapist black nazi jewish nazi latino nazi asian nazi and etc are all welcomed to join in on attacking me to break my spirit and drive me into death slowly and extract ideas and rape and suck out sexual life force energy and abuse and maim and mutilate me afterwards with hate and derision. All join in, sitting in their nasty chairs watching as the drama unfolds daily.
If I don't post anything, they come at me digging into my mental state while I am in the most vulnerable state possible, and they continue with the same questioning as annoying parasites until I react in anger. Once I react, in this most vulnerable state, the back door trap of the technology exerts a tremendous force that is almost irresistible. It's a force of electricity literally altering brainwaves and changing placid composure into hysterical rage because of the endless provocation these annoying parasitic rapists beaters abusers force upon me. The cumulative years of their violence also plays a huge role in my natural defense system while under drug truth serum effect, in a sleep or just waking state but still highly drugged (and it requires HOURS for the drug effect to wear off).
The pick and pick until I begin to get angry, then they increase the attack until I am in a complete rage fighting to strangle, kick their heads in, or do whatever I can to get them to shut up and die and go away. Once I am in this enraged state, which they induce every single day without fail, one sleazy dirty rotten celebrity parasitic scum after the next, day after day, year after year, sprinkled with politicians and aspiring Presidential candidates and people sitting in rows so elongated now that I can't see past the first or second row any longer.
So I wrote a post about climate activism which came out of Germany. It was a morning of hate and my reaction of rage at some bigot out of Europ-a-land who has ordered violence and destruction upon me, and obtained a lead role in a tv series and whatever else as a result.
Thusly, the creeps are literally auditioning to be mentioned in my blog, and in this sense, I have only laterally mentioned this person and even that is cause for a promotion because I have mentioned how annoying, parasitic and disgusting he is to me, towards me, and for that, they get lead roles. So in effect, I am the first stage of an elaborate audition for lead roles as the prerequisite is being a complete sinister parasitic abuser who annoys someone in a most vulnerable state to the point of hysterical rage while either in a deep sleep or in a nascent waking stage after having been drugged with something akin to sodium pentothal.
I "forgot" to write that the German-speaking terrorists all have an archive of their songs, talks, and movie starring roles whereby they express deep regret about Nazis and the 3rd Reich. They sigh, oh the sighs and expressions of sadness they make for cameras which click and click--showing how much they care about Jews being killed. The Jews they allow into their inner circles, for some happenstance purpose of using them as a prop to display how not-racist they are, are completely enamored with Nazis and the white supremacist league, for which they will kill in order to be welcomed into (attacking me is of prime importance for these types of "jews").
My post I quickly wrote on my Facebook page, a very two-sentence post about a movie coming out in Germany about some hyper-activists for environmental protest versus eco-terrorism. I wrote a bit more about an interview of one of the lead German actors and how the symbolism of the two siblings (one is confined to protest and fighting legally, one is planning on terrorism to make a point about dire need for environmental change).
This lead to, "Why don't you like me?" translation: why won't you have a baby with me and move to my burrow so I can abuse and control you forever and dump you and poison you and kill you when I'm finished? And you must love me for it too. Why don't you want me?
This lead to me answering first, because I could not get away--I said I don't want to talk to you, go away. This German-speaking terrorist who sat with the terror celebrity hate group for well over a year and had me poisoned, mutilated, drugged, sat with a notepad on his lap as they tortured me and asked me for ideas, which he wrote down to use as his own concepts. He had me assaulted by one of the black "activists" who always poses as if he is furious and ready to strike--a "rapper" who is extremely famous, worked with the bigot out of Austria as a black Nazi, obtaining all the luxury property in Phuket for his participation and his endless pursuit of justice for the poor disenfranchised blacks is still his resounding claim to fame besides his music which is about the same subject.
Punched me for saying I don't need the German-speaking white bigot male to "correct" my analysis of some classical music. For that I was punched and the torture increased. After many weeks of fighting to get rid of this nasty man, finally eventually he left. But my post about some German-speaking film, and a German interview, prompted him to respond within one day. The lead role he obtained for a tv show really lost all the blitz he thought he would have obtained, from all the years of him attacking me, with the slightest of pretext, he has come back to attack me to crank out more of the same towards me, and in the media in general. He gets huge mention and applause from the Euro-p-a's who own and control media magazines and media seats on the news and commentary shows (white males attacking me, but always "fighting for" some cause or another for justice).
And so, after the first time he asked, with the years of back history of him having me tortured, poisoned, mutilated, sitting with a notepad on his nasty dirty lap, etc and then because I wrote a post about a German movie and environmental activism. it meant it was about HIM and his career. He asked me why I don't "want" him, I responded with a more congenial and polite response. He asked me again. i responded again with a bit more annoyance. He asked me for a third time, I began to get angry. Once I got angry, as always happens when you lose your emotional balance, the parasites come into any vulnerability possible. The technology literally sweeps over the brain as I ascertain from the years of this going on. In "real life" I also am irked, chased and attacked and in verbal confrontations whenever I begin to get angry, I literally can't even control what I am saying because through stress, the technology literally takes over a large percent of the mental processes needed for sociological correct behavior. The point is to discredit the target, as just one of the aims of this pernicious misuse of technology.
After about the 6th time of him asking me why I don't want him (meaning have a baby with me, get screwed, abused and perhaps killed, live in my racist country and why don't you want me? And, oh by the way, I can have you killed at any moment if you do anything wrong. Why don't you want me?)
After the 6th time, even in my drugged up, teleported state, I began to yell at him to get off me. He kept on, and kept on, after I lost count with how many times he asked the same question and I repeated I only wrote a post about a German movie and environmental activism. He could not "understand" this and asked me another 4 times whether I wanted him or not. I began screaming. In this "truth serum" effect, where I can't walk away, I can't turn away, I can't move. I try and I am frozen, I think they are holding me or tying me down in this state.
So I began to yell in rage, I could not not react, I could not stop talking. I could not turn away. I could not get him to stop. So I began to yell at him and I was able to move, I rushed to physically attack him and I was teleported away. My nervous system was under attack afterwards (heart palpitations) and there was an attack skit with my condo unit--plus a cat screaming in pain in the room below mine--which happens every morning when I am just waking up and putting things outside to air.
It's a tactic of hateful harassment that is like being held in a straightjacket under these nebulous conditions of teleportation, and it's being used every day. The politicians come giggling and overjoyed to see this going on, as they attack me and harass and insult until I begin to scream at them. They are then featured endlessly in media interviews and held up for consideration for very high political positioning afterwards. All of them, likewise, claim they are "fighting" for Democracy, Equality and Justice.
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