Thursday, June 29, 2023

Orwell's Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood, GmbH, Ltd, Inc.://All of the news sources I click on the internet are completely hacked and incorrect and false news stories are being hacked in.//The true definition of Fake News. Orwell + NSA + Homeland Security + Dark Money + Whorewood, inc + congress-whorewood, GmbH.

 I know this because when I use a Tor browser in "private" mode, I get completely different stories from what I click on a less protected browser. The stories contradict, and even the private browsing Tor is hacked within a few seconds of me switching in a most random use (I almost never use it, because hackers blocked it's use and I had to stop trying). But without having used the Tor private browser for at least a year, I could use it again today and saw infinitely altered results for information, on the same pages, in fact.


I have tried to distance my viewing from the terrorist celebrities and politicians by finding sites like The Hill. Alas, that was hacked with every scroll down featuring another article with a huge photo and huge headline of one of the persons trying to gain it's fame by attacking me (as usual, the more vile, the more Musk favors him and puts him on Twitter as the openly declared 4th Reich applauds and the concealed 4th Reich makes slight annoyance mention and then continues with their mind programming for those who are against the open discrimination and hate progress of the 4th Reich when it is coming at them, which it is ever-expanding into full acceleration now the longer the false opposition is allowed to remain.


I had reacted to a story put on Brietbart, and I wrote and I realize it was a hacked incendiary piece, intended to evoke such a response from me in the never-ending drugged and "trauma-based" mind control situation that none from Congress-whorewood will ever stop, they are so consumed by all the huge glorified photo-ops and interviews and promotions for their real allegiance fascist Nazi/Mafia/organized criminal circuit to even have any consideration for anything beyond pumping out more "fake news".

I used this term "fake news" many years ago while describing how hacked my internet is and was and has been. The next week, Trump, who by that time, was fully immersed in this terror tirade against me with his pals from Whorewood, used the same term "fake news" and thus he got the credit, but I realize that the term was something that my mind had stored from other sources--won't mention them, as they undoubtedly will begin a slew of attacks upon me for having mentioned them in any context, whether favorable or unfavorable.


These false narratives that are being hacked into the templates of almost every news source I read daily on my "normal" browser explorations of the news, in these deadly times I just can't not look at what is happening and avoid the internet because of terrorists attacking me and trying to spur a reaction if they hack stories that are intended to get a reaction out of me, especially after they participate in terrorism, rape and torture of me (for years and years and years and years) giggling, laughing and gaining everything possible out of it.

So they hack their photos, the fake stories, sometimes contradicting the other hacked and faked stories so I have to look twice and look at other sources to see which narrative is false, or if there actually has never been a narrative in the news--I just need to know because every time one of them begins a new project, they attack me either through internet triggering, or for them more "fun" is teleporting and viciously attacking me while I am asleep, drugged up, under hypnosis, can't shut them off, get them off me, can't turn away, can't stop talking and I begin to scream in rage after they keep on and keep on and slap and hit and rape and abuse and then I wake up to stinking foul filth sprayed on everything, everything broken and ugly and shabby from daily attacks not just on my body but on my property so the place I live is just like a broken down dump, my furniture my appliances all have stains, are partially broken--often before I even use them but store them and I look and they are stained immediately  upon purchase when I return them  home. The terrorists laugh, smile, when I defend myself against their never-ending attacks they have more broken, more violence and the Congress-whorewood associates say and do nothing as they have already obtained their career boosts and think this is thrilling as they also join in laughing and giggling and participating like little children in a gang torture gaslighting ceremony ("demonic" if you use the hard-core Evangelical nomenclature--that demographic fully supporting most of the 4th Reich politicians, by the way).


So I reacted to a stupid tv show because I saw a hacked porn image put on Breitbart a few days ago. i was tortured for the response that the drugging and year (maybe a little less than a year, just newby terrorists fully playing into the scam and hate and violence as their tv show is just going into it's next season, requiring abuse of me, my hate reaction and me writing about it for them to continue to obtain more prizes, awards, deals, tv show seasons, movie front lead roles, for Congress-Whorewood, GmbH, they need more free Dark-Money funded luxury vacays, and more and more and more, plus they need their death squad lynch mobs to have more and more out of the 4th Reich, which was the silent promise the bigots made upon their campaign trails. 

I tried to click on The Hill and only got literally 5 articles with my scroll down the site of the same person who is vile and disgusting, vying for political prestige and etc through this most foul agency of terrorism. 

Cheers and awards, the Progressives just love this personality, as usual. The Black Nazis are a bit dubious because they want their black facist Nazi to be put into the limelight so they ignore the white bigot playing on various celebrity status historical pretenses to affix himself to the image that he is only shadowing in name, only.


But the infestation of their faces, most rotten and ugly to me, despite their plastic surgery complete facial reconstructions and the energy they suck out of my life force to feed off for their sense of empowerment, as parasites do, as animals do in the literal food chain on this planet. Operating now with all these agencies in a perfect Orwellian double-think, Big Daddy terrorist circuit where information is now going to be cherry-picked to suit which person will receive accurate information and who will get lies and distortions but they will "believe" they are obtaining the same news source if and when they click on any site, on the internet.


This also can be performed on "hard copy" newspapers, as I have had this experience in the past where a single newspaper has been altered when I try to get information via newspapers. 


I had to walk away to "remember" that My brain was put into a memory blank whilst writing this post. The hackers also changed the font size to large, which I had to revert back to this size.

**Correction, I have indeed used tor in the last year, but only to try to access my bank because hackers keep blocking it on every browser. I also try to access another "gang stalking" target, and I have to use various means to try to get into her blog, which I used to read regularly until it became so obviously hacked with her "voice" completely change, all the info she put was like an election committee advertising kudos for Trump--while Trump was hacking and attacking me in this terror protocol.

I get the first snippets of her blog on some backdoor style access to her blog, but I am unable to access her blog or her posts and if I am, such as what I used to obtain in the Tor Private browser, has been similarly re-arranged to literally imitate what I have been recently thinking or writing about. The celebrities and politicians also hack into my thoughts to steal ideas, making their claim that I am "crazy" even more dubiously credible if this were put in front of a court of law to prosecute. 

I finally stopped trying to access her blog but have occasionally tried to see if, in random attempts, if I could read her actual authentic posts, as she is literally the one and only gang stalking target, supposedly, that I can access online. I do get "targets" but I see they are obviously false, or I suppose they are. None of the sites are authentic and if they are, they are hacked to reflect a false narrative so I am blocked from any and all attempts at solidarity with anyone else in my similar predicament.


Thusly, I have used this Tor private browser on the Brave browser series, only to be thwarted in every attempt to use this source, whether I stop using it out of futility or any other vain attempt to gain information that is accurate and correct. I do get the mainstream information on videos, but that is also plagued by opportunists who, if I watch any interview of them, I am teleported to them immediately. It then turns into a terror chasm if I click on any article or video with the desperate for attention politico or celebrity aspirants, even those very well-established they can never get enough so they pursue me to the ends of the internet, to the other side of the planet and it's never ending in all respects for any publication or video, and most are hacked and false just to provoke this type of response from me in rage after they viciously violently assault me in every way possible and go on and on for years and years. I am told likewise to never protest and I deserve to die for having done so by the politicians who are the most "liberal" in the spectrum--


As for why I included the National Security Agency (NSA) and Homeland Security, I suspect that in some fashion my "contract" has been relegated to these agencies, which have passed me off as being on some "terrorist list" and thus requiring surveillance and torture and mutilation and poisoning and drugging (to death) to control the adverse aspects of life which may go against the agenda ((which is what you ask?))

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