Saturday, June 3, 2023

Woe to "man" and his disobedience and fall from grace and loss of innocence, forced out of the Garden to Eden to that desolation wherein Satan sat brooding over the churning abyss (loosely adapted from John Milton's Paradise Lost): Dirty and foul, immature and fascist Nazi Apartheid terrorist (now part of the pro-Nazi movements of America) Elon Musk has "won" approval from the FDA for the officially recognized system of brain microchip implant technologies.// The years of his participation in the terror and torture of me from his lovers in Whorewood and his skank friends has gotten me to the point that I must add a bit of warning to the sheeple that you are truly stupid for allowing this group to continue--my usual admonition which is always left ignored and silenced///A few hours later--Please watch these videos, fully to the end. In honoring Myron May, although he may have shot and seriously harmed people who may have been innocent. Considering the scope of people who fully approve of the terrorism that May tried to warn humanity and American society about (which has remained pushed out of all media consciousness and relegated to being the rantings of a delusional schizophrenic or whatever they claim, the endless usual claims of people who are targeted being mentally sick, which all adhere to). It's logical, actually logical to try to reasonably infer that there is a high chance of the people who were shot were either a part of this terror organization in some facet, or would have approved of May or me being attacked (viciously to death). And that is statistically probable to some degree-I can only surmise in tentative gestimation. I can't express how many people love attacking a defenseless and innocent person who is targeted. So while what May did was deplorable in some way, the probability of some of the people who were shot and injured or seriously harmed is that they were terrorists or part of a terror group who fully do nothing when they see this kind of violence being inflicted. I can state that the "authorities" fully covered-up the crime being committed against May, which the "authorities" in the media and police always fully adhere to and comply with, usually violently (in my case many are very violent towards me).// Trust me when I say I care more about his death than the celebrities who gyrated for their big Daddy fascist Nazis to sell their identities for the "game" which they appeared to have "won" but Myron May was one of the "losers' that was destroyed as a result of the sell-outs who are attacking me. People who care about your "community" should perhaps not "hate" me for this message but I believe this is the case and that is why I criticize you endlessly for your sell-out stance. If you think targeting like this is not due to racism than you are truly brainwashed. But to continue:--Courageous hero trying to gain recognition for other targets of state-sponsored mind control and brutality terror protocols. Rest in Peace--Myron May brought attention which to this heinous state-sponsored crime which was very abruptly dismissed by the media as being a crazed sick personality and the family and friends (really feinds and enemies) complemented the lie, as they were instructed to do which they did--which they do, and the terrorism is covered over as usual while it's being expanded in scope and size around the planet. Always silenced and always grasped with glee by the death culture that is thriving in the misery of an abyss they are creating around the planet. 

"Mind Controlled Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Talks About 'Voices and Demons' During His Arrest". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Remote Neural Monitoring--how they spy on your thoughts". Targeted Lives Matter. March 26, 2019.


I have been detoxifying poison that has hardened into my back and congealed and solidified--it is coming loose (only barely and there are huge body-length layers of poison glued to my hips and extending into my neck area, into my skull--down my legs, into my knees--

I am extremely exhausted from non-stop fighting to remove this poison and my body dealing with seriously deadly toxicidy

but nevertheless, the attacks upon me are never ending. I fell asleep because I could not sit up any longer after writing my posts for hours--because for the last month it's been the Heard/depp/spawn filth attack (meaning that rotten creep that came out of Depp who has been feeding off torture and feeding off obtaining promotions for a DECADE for her entire career and has been promoted into instant highest promotion for latching onto her filthy violent father

but it was Depp the week of Cannes, then Heard attacking me--as I screamed in hate at Depp, he replaced his odious presence with Heard as I predicted back in 2015 or whenever the beginning of their marital feud began, they would conjoin once again in their mutual greed, sleaze and hate (obviously to attack me as is the case now)

so they are operating together, just as Heard operated with the shit spawn of Depp together spitting at me while I was teleported, and then the ugly filthy piece of crap daughter coming at me, just as her skanky rotten tv show is about to air with the black and Asian nazis groveling in abject devotion to the Nazi imagery that they project through a stupid plot about Los Angeles being some kind of repository of sleaze and scum and stupidity--at least that part about the entire crap of these scumbags is accurate and true and real.


I slept on my bed, not able to keep awake any longer at 5 pm, so exhausted from fighting and healing--my fingers have been sliced into--there are huge gouges in my cuticles which are already mutilated and deformed

there are new huge bumps on my knees and legs--there have already been silicone injections that appear like round cysts--there is one just above my knee cap on my right thigh--another one one my rib cage on the peripheral side of my body---huge and disgusting. I got rid of it and they injected it once again. Now there is a smaller hard thing on top of my knee cap that wasn't there before I fell asleep--believe me I have put cream and all kinds of lotions on my skin and I know the state of my body--it wasn't there t his morning, but is hard and feels like another ugly disfiguring hideous injection of silicone to appear like a cyst--now on my knee cap.

My hair feels like straw--they destroyed it years ago but for the past two years they have permanently made hair fall out and the texture now is completely damaged.

Another plant has been killed on my patio--this is the third one in one month. The place I found growing flowering vines--as all the orchards in this area have taken all the flowering vines out of display every time I am driving to see if I can find some--for all the years I have lived here, these were the most visible types on display and they have ALWAYS been hanging in every plant yard in this area. But since I began to make a trellis to have more flowering vines, they have stopped putting these plants out. I found one single place I had forgotten about, and now after this group has killed my plants repeatedly that I just bought a few weeks ago--so it's now three plants in the last month--now all hanging flowering vines are gone from the one remaining shop--and a sneering ugly woman has replaced the formerly friendly male and there were rows of hanging plants to chose from which I could transplant into a pot and hook the metal hook into the trellis. Now there is almost nothing there--

and a most beautiful plant with red flowers and vines is dead--they keep pouring stinking fungus water into the plants and they do this repeatedly every day until the plant is dead. I see white fungus growing on the stems of the plants and the last plant I had to dig up and throw away had stinking moldy fungus water inside the plant base and it had completely died and shriveled up, just as this plant is doing.


It's just years, and years, and years of constantly fighting to get the poison the expletives keep putting in my body after a lifetime of non-celebrities doing the same--but very coyly

It's years of screaming in hate at ugly disgusting so-called "men" who are teleporting and violently raping and assaulting me--famous and Mafia and Nazi pig scum apes I never would have anything to do with if given the choice--regardless of their "fame" as I never held "fame" to be anything to sell my body or soul to---

years of disgusting filth creeps teleporting me for their promotions. 

years of writing posts desperately asking the government, demanding that people to do something to stop this.

I am reminded of Myron May, who went out and shot people in a library at the Tallahassee university because he was a targeted gang stalking victim and all the people surrounding him had turned against me, and/or pretended they were concerned and "helping" as they betrayed him; according to the protocol. He was an attorney and put out videos of how the stalking was destroying his life. He was a decent person and helped people in need. He was killed by police but he never killed anyone (although shot people). The people interviewed on campus stated that it was an affront that someone who had gone on a shooting rampage was being given any voice in a news story aired on the man killed because no one would help him from the gang stalking crisis that no one will admit to. He put out many videos on his situation and all were debunked as being the work of a deranged "delusional" schizophrenic and he was mentally ill and blah blah blah.


Years of never-ending disgusting putrid "men" so-called attacking me in teleportation using every kind of manipulation and hate tactic I never thought existed. They all stole my cat, my last intimate partner (meaning affection and actual real love) because I was screaming no at putrid filth Depp to stop teleporting and raping me. Giggling like his psycho filth crap daughter afterwards as I cried to return her to me immediately--it's now a decade later and probably she has died wondering why I never returned as she was my baby and my only love on this planet in a close living space type of way--a family member--the rest have viciously turned against me to get their promotions)

but years of screaming at them NO as they take turns, ugly and foul disgusting rotten crap men who are "famous" but should never have been put into positions of power in the first place, in a dying planet on a cursed country that is going bankrupt and decay and disaster and people are dying in the streets from these personally bankrupt crap so-called "men" and their even more filthy women who attack me.

One disgusting sick slime filth f*** after the next, who viciously and violently assault me as I say no, and no, and no and no. It's not an automatic response it's always a decision I make after seeing how ugly and rotten they are when their facades are removed and they teleport me to be like a good ole "boy" in the network of human sex trafficking pedophiles and rapists who are put into highest positions on the planet to wreak terror but make it appear like they are there to help out and create calm and security (for the other wortheless life fuck pig apes in their good ole boy and filthy skank cheerleader organization).

As for Myron May, the three, 3-hour long videos he made regarding his targeting and the reactions of his family, his friends, and community around him--all betraying him; and consequently after his death by police gunfire, all claimed they had "no idea" and were "shocked" although May made videos repeatedly stating that he told them he was being targeted and they all ignored him or let him down. They all knew, but claimed afterwards that they did not. That is classic terrorist redaction of reality, 101. I cannot find any of the videos that May made although they used to be easy to find on YouTube. Now there are only news clips about how "delusional" May was and how everyone around him was "shocked" and "had no idea". That May had detailed his endless fruitless  attempts to get help and to get his family to help him, which he stated they turned into gang stalkers themselves. THis is exactly what my own family does, on all sides, all the extensions and the spawn of the siblings are waiting to attack me likewise to get their own free promotions in life. All of them claim I am crazy and they begin to abuse me using the protocols of this system that everyone else adheres to almost immediately upon seeing me after years of me by necessity having to stay away for my sanity and to try to preserve my life from their murder attempts and attempts at destroying my life completely.


This is what all the people surrounding the targets do anyway. But now the internet has taken off the 3 hours of videos that Myron May made about how he was targeted, he was EXTREMELY PROFESSIONAL in these videos. he was not deranged, he used law vernacular to express the types and modalities and methodologies of the terror gang stalking units as clearly as possible so it was extremely easy to understand. All that is written of him and all news videos state that he was deranged, delusional and crazy and incompetent. When you watch the videos, which have now been taken off I can't find them anywhere on the internet any longer--he is more explicative than most people would dream of being, extremely competent and not delusional in any sense of the word. That is why his videos have been taken off the internet and only slurs about his mental delusions are replacing his persona that has been fabricated on the internet and for society to shield and protect the ever-increasing onslaught of the terror units and sick and in real terms deranged psycho scumbags who pursue people like rabid bitches in heat on crack.


It has taken a while, but the videos could be discovered. As you can see, oh blind people reading this--Myron May was NOT delusional. He was highly articulate and able to identify the problem, analyze it's various tentacles of operation and provide rationale for his action (mens rea, actus rea). He knew but he was giving a rationale for his actions. People denounce this behavior and yet some of those who denounce this type of behavior nevertheless approve of death squad actions and genocidal leaders and holocaust protocols and are eager to enact them into society through covert means. The silent genocide is their little weapon against people like Myron May--why he was targeted? Was he too defensive against people trying to exploit him and not bowing down with gratitude for being allowed to be black and an attorney in this most racist land of America?

Whatever the "reasons", he is explicating this situation like a pro, which he was as an attorney. These videos are considered "dangerous" for the public to have too much access to, and he is just simply labeled as being delusional by Big Daddy controlling your mind programming on the tube network(s).

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 1 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 2 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Targeted Individual Myron May's Last Words, Part 3 of 3". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

In the third video, May recognizes that the media will jump to state that "targeted individuals" are automatically claimed as being schizophrenic and he urges people of authority (Senators, Congress people) to reconsider these designations and to consider the possibility that the people claiming they are targets are making accurate statements. How careful May was to avoid blaming the actual culprits of this terror operation--the Senators and the Congress people, many of whom (the notable ones and some I don't recognize perhaps in these awful terror nightly deep sleep teleportation "skits"). Maybe May is giving these filthy people elected but unworthy of the position far too much credit for being rational human beings instead of greedy sleazy and sick psychopath sell-out whores who will drain the government to line their pockets and order rape and death squads to kill people who are not "powerful" if they say anything that bothers them. I suggest that is what happened with Myron May and someone in authority didn't like something about him and wanted him slowly killed in this torture-to-death system. May decided to expedite the process and I do not see a mental breakdown I see a person who intelligently realizes that there are no options and living a life of endless torture is not worth living for when everyone around him, as he explains in the first two videos, have betrayed him; all claim they "didn't know" after the shooting and many jump in to the chimes of "he was mentally ill". I know the system so well and how people are instructed to mouth these like parrots. I seriously assume that his family were handed incentive awards for their roles, just as my family has as well. The "friends" he was surrounded by were actual agents who he had no idea were his dire enemies until it was too late.

some of Myron May's last words, directed to US Senators and Congress traitors:
"We as targeted individuals are subjected to daily torture *(which for me, the writer of this blog, experiences from Senators and Congress people in addition to filthy slime scum celebrities who are adorned with images of pristine glamor in photo ops)* YOU TOOK AN OATH (Myron May continues, basically acknowledging that the politicians are actually the real culprits of these covert murder and torture operations). And you have a duty to see to it that every American has a shot..."

now you f-ers, does that sound like delusional and schizophrenic ranting? Listen to the entire sequence of videos and you will see that the filth of the media erased these videos from access and it's clear that May was highly skilled as a professional attorney, used his skills to outline professionally in a completely calm and rational manner the torture and violence being endlessly inflicted upon him (and me and many others) and these were blocked from view and a "crazy" label super-imposed over Myron May by the media instead and then he was "forgotten".
He is urging other targets to try to capitalize on his plight and for society to try to understand. It has fallen on mostly deaf ears and people just jump like greasy balls lunging for something to gnaw at endlessly and feed off--this is ALL the celebrities attacking me and most of the politicians to one heinous degree or another. Myron May outlines my family and it's the same protocol system his family used (with a few varying differences in the targeting protocols).

Last words of Myron May--part 3 (video above at 7 minutes into the vid):

"To the media, I also challenge you to try to understand targeted individuals and not just dismiss them as being delusional". And thusly, the first thing the complicit media did in terror operations was to dismiss Myron May as being delusional and interview the terror thugs who had surrounded May, claiming they were "shocked" and that May was undergoing a "mental crisis" and they CARED SO MUCH but tried their best and yada yada blah blah bs blather...
it's such a ubiquitous template and protocol system I only see scumbags interviewed by their "brother and sister" terrorists in the media who are hand-in-glove with the terrorist politicians and the scumbag most sleazy celebrities who are the worst of human beings I have ever encountered in all my years of being targeted.

The "reason" these celebrities and politicians appear to be the very worst scum of the planet is only because the other 99% of the scum belonging to their terror global operation do not have this type of access to teleportation. Need I delineate on this further to explain? When this tech continues to be dispersed, hell on earth will ensue worse than any cataclysm in history, I believe. 
It may not be the worst epidemic of mentally psycho scum unleashing their pent-up frustrations and stress and hate and racism and sexism and sadism and masochism upon any person being non-consensually teleported or microchipped, implanted, impregnated and then poisoned with hardening chemicals so when they are denied abortion access they have their bodies literally ripped apart because the hard poison that has been put in my body to cement the mind control drugs and keep the microchip implants firmly attached to my spine and into my nervous system, in addition to some in my brain (or maybe "just" one implant is there, I have a scar on my skull from a tiny incision just small enough for a breach of my skull and a tiny microchip implant to have been inserted). No normal x-rays will pick up on the hard poisons I believe that perhaps an MRI would pick up on the hard poisons. Otherwise most women would not be able to afford to pay out of pocket for an MRI and her claims of not being able to have a baby due to "back pains" undiagnosed will be rendered obsolete by the pig ape medical establishment cartel. There was a murder attempt made on me in this vein in Pensacola, after the near-death car accident while making sure I could not attend the university of Florida @ Pensacola (back around 2003 or something like that--memory is gone now from years of my brain and body under non-stop deadly attack).
If the filth creeps attacking me had the technology and could access being able to teleport me so they could inflict even more damage to me--those in the Pensacola region who tried to murder me twice within about a 3-month time frame--once using car manipulation and a coordinated attack which police completely coordinated with in Pensacola, and then another form by date-rape pregnancy and being psychologically assaulted when trying to obtain an abortion---by "christian" fascist Nazis. If these people had access to the technology of teleportation I would not be stating that the celebrities were the scum of humanity. This is a "warning" that the technology is going to bring about a landscape of the Wastelands of the dregs of humanity in a kind of dystopian nightmare scenario of future portending disasters facing humanity as a whole.
I can't imagine how the FDA would have granted Musk access to implanting brains with microchips after a few thousand apes in his laboratories had to be killed because they were mutilated by the attempts to insert microchips into experimental animals--thousands died as a result. But the "progress" of "helping humanity" has to go one and brain implants are just another "improvement" in the future of humanity (for the 4th Reich, that is what the pig ape scum of humanity assume is going to happen--what a bonanza of torture, rape and murder they can force upon unwitting "slaves" who don't "obey" in their plantation 4th Reich Master-slave world they are social engineering and covertly assassinating anyone who is too intelligent to think they are "superior" without inspection and critical analysis.

"Shooting Suspect Esteban Santiago told FBI Government Controlling His Mind". Targeted Lives Matter. April 18, 2020.

"Washington Navy Yard Shooter Believed He Was Controlled By Radio Waves FBI". Targeted Lives Matter. April 20, 2020.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...