Friday, June 16, 2023

"They" all saw that Trump did it and got away with it, and not only that, but was promoted to the very top, in part, for doing now it's a cascade of filth being poured upon me who yearn to also be promoted or even be put into political leadership or get exonerated or get a free deal or get a huge amount of money--for pouring hate and violence upon me in cascading concentric circles of shit; and it's all ordained by Trump and co. (from Whorewood) and from beyond, from Europigapeland and their 4th Reich global cartels. All heaped upon me, it's unbelievable to me that this is happening to me. There has to be either other microchipped implant MK ULTRA torture victims besides me cranked out soon, or Trump gone and this system stopped because I think Trump is handing out "for sale" ticket just like he offered $ for classified docs. Nothing is sacred except for their money monopoly game. Thusly, they have all joined the 4th Reich train but why the f*** this is constantly being placed as some burden of proof by attacking me I really can't understand. Am I the only person resisting nazi pig apes in America and around the world who has a microchip implant they want to use as the future of slavery in the USA?//.**This post has been badly hacked/rewritten by terrorist hackers so pls bear with my attempt to communicate clearly: ALL of these pig ape whores I mention in this post are living, mentally, in their fake-it-till-you-make-it landscape of a Nazi-occupied America. All make Nazi-style statements directed at me in teleportation terrorism with threats, insults, hate and violence endlessly aimed at me every single day and night.// Their pre-genocidal violence only increases the longer they have access to this teleportation terrorism and torture technology but most importantly, the longer no one ever does anything to stop this or punish or inject Democratic policy or fairness or equality--all are vile lying a$$ groveling scum slaves of Europigape shit and all talk like Nazis and use Nazi cliches and or mannerisms. Some make direct reference to Nazi superiority and make genocidal Nazi statements to me as if they are living in the 3rd Reich, and to them, the movies and videos they make for their careers, or the lectures they perform, or the endless WWII Nazi and concentration camp videos they plaster onto my YouTube channel, every single day a spate of them constantly appear--and this has only begun when they began attacking me years ago. so I get a constant stream of 3rd Reich videos, documentaries and concentration camps stories about death and racism--all programmed by hackers all forced upon my every search on YouTUbe when I am looking for current news--and these pig apes live by this historical episode and yearn to re-create it in America. Every politician I mention is operating within the jurisdiction of a global 4th Reich protocol system and all are fully indoctrinated into Nazi mentality.//they have learned more than anything ever taught in a class from these WWII videos and they constantly make reference to me being sent to a concentration camp or being made homeless and all threaten me with murder, every single one in one way or another. Either they openly state it or they masturbate or threaten to kill me or make insults and let the other pig ape celebrities constantly rape, beat and poison and torture me which is the same thing as ordering murder.//. I am beset by endless Nazi videos on my YouTube channel in particular about concentration camps adn the killings of Jews. This is their landscape this is what they are working to re-establish, in effect. The only difference between any of them and Trump is that he instigated the political access to this tech whereas before him it was shit celebrities using Nazi Jew-killing language.// and behave and believe that they are Nazis and have carte blanche to carry out genocidal Nazi and Mafia policies within the US. All have ties to Europigape cartels and bow obsequiously down like slaves to Europigapes as if they are royalty. I mean every single one of these pieces of shit. It is so hard for me to type and write I can't get more out--this is my 4th attempt to re-edit this post///////Besides over 100 H-wood American, English and French and German and Spanish and and and... "A-list" terrorist, fascist Nazi black, white, jewish, et al celebrities in the past decade, Since 2016, in the sleeping or waking teleportation state, a total of SEVEN--SEVEN SEVEN SEVEN US f-ing Presidential candidates have sexually assaulted or threatened me with sexual or physical violence; have orchestrated both sexual and physical assault through this gang stalking/teleportation/4th Reich System. The count is Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Michael Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey, RFK, Jr., Kamala Harris and Cornell West. Unfortunately, until the videos or the spectator "sport" participants involved in this most endless heinous crime against me is corroborated by ANYONE besides my posts which are endlessly hacked and rewritten--I can prove nothing and thus my claim is supposed to make me appear "delusional". I have had most disgusting Senators Graham and Cruz and then Bernie Sanders assault me in one way or another (the Progressive was just insulting and nasty as opposed to poisoning me as Graham did and threats of rape by Cruz), then Elizabeth Warren (internet stalking triggering techniques), House Reps Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Green (sexual assault twice), Hakeem Jeffries, Alexandria Cortez, Raskin, Nancy Pelosi (threatened to have me killed, threatened with amputation while sleeping, I presume), Kinzinger, Cory Bush (internet hacking/stalking triggering but creepy and nasty videos hacked into my system). If there are more I can't remember them. I always "forget" ideas and names and places when I try to recount this never-ending saga.IN all these years, one of them has become a twice Impeached, twice Indicted former President--his ascent into the presidency was heightened in 2016 after raping me for the benefit of Amber Heard, who watched on glaring with hate at me because I had fought to get Depp off me for two years prior to this incident where she handed the tech and me as a victim for Trump to use, with Elon Musk, her boyfriend at the time and the ever-present exploiter abuser behind so much of the violence against me ever since that time; the violence has escalated into severe and deadly mutilations and poisoning. I have been raped every night in real 3D time in this horrid terror and torture condo unit because I could not figure out that mechanical arms were opening my door locks from the inside. I struggled for a few years to try to stop the violations and break-ins, and once I did that, they began using mechanical arms to sever my body and damage my hair until I had to figure out how to cover my body in wrappings every night to stop all that.// The other presidential condentors lost before they gained access to sexually abusing me in teleportation but once Trump obtained his huge following, in part I believe from having done this to me, the other former candidates, many of them out of NYC or New York connections (i.e. Clinton, Bloomberg) rushed to assault me and obtain their own political aspirations or career boosts. Bloomberg made grabbing motions at my breasts with a snarling hateful ugly look; which is what Deniro has done but he acutally grabbed at my breasts in an act of sexual violence with extreme malice, after having punched me to the ground, after having punched into my face when I was fighting a German piece of shit who was raping and beating me and I kept trying to get him off me until I called him a "pig". Deniro stepped in to violate me and has not stopped for years and years and years and years. They are taking turns as I wrote. //

"Karen Metal (Full song)". Andre Antunes. April 13, 2022.

When this video came out, people made fun of it. The screaming woman so akin to a Karen. Now, after two years or more, when I listen to her without all the white males poking fun at this woman--I see that she is actually screaming about the push for a Nazi America. When I hear her screaming, it is out to the blank fuckers reading my posts and going along with the vile group which has proven to be so inadequate and incompetent to run a Democracy, and their "entertainment" fascist Nazi mind programmers with all their sleazy sexualized posturing they lack all good-hearted respect for life, dignity and liberty. They are sleaze and filth promoting hate and murder and death and pirating and theft and rape and death and consumption and sleazy selfishness without end.

So WAKE UP goddamn you fuckers reading this---. How much longer will Trump with his filthy dirty mafia and the endless slew of Hillaries and masturbating black Nazis and filthy shitty fake JFK imitators who are violently nasty and of course married to a blonde Nazi skank from whorewood--of course. and how many more "cool dude" technocratic fascist Nazis like Musk will it take before the planet is a pyre with a few Nazis living in pods on another non-oxygenated planet before people realize they are screwing up the planet of Earth permanently? Anyway, years and years of writing posts and fighting hacking while writing and exhaustion and this is a bit flamboyant. I had begun my posts years ago writing very carefully without expletives or insults. AFter years of being ignored, I am "screaming" and writing trying to get anyone to listen. Disgusting filthy and foul Graham the Senator (please vote that scum pig ape out of office asap for the sake of civility in America) but--he told me mockingly, "keep writing (ha ha) keep trying to convince" the fuckers--you--reading this to do anything. He understands the "sheeple" principle and the sleaze and greed of the shit reading my posts and how all Democratic fairness is bereft and my writing is restricted to the shit who are part of this fascist cartel of the 4th Reich. 


There are other peeps screaming in the next vid, so although it appears to be the same thing, it's a kind of display of screaming people ("liberal" screamers). 

"Woman Has Epic Meltdown Over The Election". TheDC Shorts. October 21, 2020.

**I am re-reading this and I see that chunks of sentences have been deleted and some paste-on hacks have made this post absolutely incomprehensible in most of the rest beyond the first few sentences. I am exhausted with pounding down on the keyboard and fighting to rewrite--as I did this often and the hacking is awful and it's too much for me to deal with any longer today. The point is, that this is a sickness of society that I am personally being confronted with, and you reading this are part of the entire situation I gauge, but when will this sick hell ever be stopped against me and for me to live in peace with some kind of justice and compensation for my uterus being partially severed out, most of my hair damaged permanently while I was struggling to get a Nazi creep off of raping more poison into my body (the murder contract, which hormone growth Europigapes in particular want to engage in) I was threatened by the American "Italian" mafia shit like deniro after I fought for a month to get this huge pig off me--and so they had most of my hair permanently burned off my scalp with some chemical and now over one year later (18 months later) I am still fighting to get my hair to grow back, having tried everything I can find to try to get it to resume growth--) and my body is huge, huge deformed into an extremely unnatural shape like a rectangle around my waist, the poison is so hard I can pound it with my fist and feel nothing and hear a dull pounding noise when I pound my fist on my back-it's a shell, literally an internal shell and I have been fighting to get rid of it for over a decade (longer actually but they injected me with hardening chemicals so what had latched onto my spine became a hard shell). While fighting to get this out of my body, the celebrities have repoisoned me on a daily basis while torturing me, as I begged for my life, to not have my immune system severely damaged they increased the violence. They have stolen idea after idea from me and have used torture to obtain ideas. As I write about justice, feminism, asking the world to stop this and to exact some kind of justice, I have gotten shit politicians coming to threaten, abuse, insult and violate me in a succession of shit from that destroyed Congress. When will there ever be any kind of civility or anything beyond sick shit scumbag whores and fucking pigs teleporting me with apparently the world which adores shit like this only watching on and doing NOTHING to stop this? My situation is now akin to Guantanamo torture but with added sexual violence--this is a horrific crime against humanity unfolding with the cheers and applause of Europigape cartels who run the entertainment industry coordinating with shit greedy sleazy pig racist shit from America. I have been treated with despicable HATE from these politicians, most of them and only because I have fought for human dignity, to not have sick fucks like Trump destroy the country, and for my life and for this I am tortured threatened with death and ignored and left to be passed around endlessly for a decade with me constantly writing these FUCKING POSTS BEGGING THE PLANET TO BE SOMETHING MORE THAN SHIT ON THE PLANET DESTROYING AMERICA AND THE PLANET WITH YOUR GREED AND SLEAZY STUPIDITY.

Disgusting filthy Oprah the a$$ groveling black nazi can't help me because she has to help black girls to gain power, so she claims. By helping "little black girls" she has stolen ideas from me to portray herself as being anti-technocratic in a movie based on the book I wrote concepts about which were stolen. To help "little black girls" she hugged the white Nazis who used genocidal hate rhetoric at me, had me raped and watched laughing on (that was filthalina the wife of pig pitt--both rabid Nazis but never recognized as such, with the plethora of their adopted brown and black props they make more promos out of the facade) and so while this rotten tv prop for the benefit of couch potatoes makes her compassionate pleas for helping other people, when it comes to obtaining a promotion for herself, she can only cite that little black girls are the reason she is partnering with fascism, Nazis, racism and theft of intellectual property and assault and rape when it's "concealed" by US Sponsored terrorist teams and covert technology everyone knows about, no one will report or make mention of.

Kamala Harris was giggly as she had skits of black people assaulting me as she looked lovingly at them while I tried to smash her because she's such a disgusting fake and a joke to the US. She worked with Aprah to obtain her position as VP by attacking me.  Harris had begun her assault upon me, as I wrote on Facebook regarding the mutual coordination of the new Biden Administration--with both Harris and Biden letting their permission presence known with hacking posts on my Facebook page by both her and Biden the president (who has not openly assaulted me but perhaps he has sat in the endless rows of shitheads who are famous for the pretenses they perform. I wrote of how she had hacked into my Facebook page by inserting herself right with Biden on the top of my FB page every day which I opened to get news and etc for the first two months of the administration). It was not a random insertion through algorithms it was the usual hack that all the shit creeps do with their endless insertion into my private Facebook feed, which is blocked from all outsiders and they are torturing me for what I write on my blocked page which they are hacking in to steal ideas from and torture me for writing anything they don't like. That is what shit Harris is, and like Aprah, she has to fight for the "equality" of black Nazi women and can't do a damn thing for me, despite her a$$ groveling Jewish husband she's another rotten Black Nazi skank and her half Nazi daughter is typical and so are they all.

Likewise, Hakeem Jeffries has to help black men to have equality and a fair chance, so he arrived along with McCarthy to jostle a bit, in a friendly sportive competitive way, friendly-like, to participate but not with outright malice as people like Pelosi has done and Hillary and many of the really nasty Democrats, but nothing like the Republicans as they are far worse.

So Jeffries came and went and the pig ape shit from Whorewood has been handed back once again, after the Debt Ceiling crisis has ended, the same carte blanche to destroy my chances in life that Trump presided over with extreme hate and violence. I have to add that under Trump I was raped nightly, as I wrote above, with my hips and spine put out of alignment by the RUSSIANS who were in the building, huge Russian men who followed me in the hallways--I would wake up and my body was literally crooked and I could barely get up and it was excruciating pain. My body smelled of semen and fungus, and I was so sick I could not take a shower. I literally was in a near paralyzed comatose state while Trump laughed as he teleported me to the endless and countless hate teleportation skits.


As for RFK, Jr., he partnered with Elon Musk just prior to the interview on Twitter last week to verbally abuse me by telling me to spread my legs and to not think and that I was disposable and nothing and etc..and shortly thereafter, he was embraced by Musk and the filth Nazi rape contingent of the MAGA movement and the 4th Reich for his presidential campaign.


Cornell West began his assault upon me, with no pretext I had clicked on videos of him giving his "brother/sister" rap K-rap and but never really "subscribed" or anything like that to him. Like so many personalities on YouTube, I clicked because his videos were constantly being hacked into my stream and I want to believe (but don't any longer) that there is this "progressive" party and that something decent is possible in America politically. He began by masturbating in front of me with a huge disgusting smile. I have never seen that ugly mug look happier than at that moment in all his "brother/sister" lectures full of bs and K-rap. His momentum of course is to help black men obtain position in the 4th Reich, and thus he is laughing because  his black Nazi affiliation has taught him to "hate" me.

I must add, that like Farrakhan, the mentality is very much the same except that Farrakhan is not as sleazy and debauch as West, and so Farrakhan only criticized me for using words with more than two syllables and implied that I was a prostituted sleaze skank (for saying no to being raped but my former life where I had control over my body I was forced into a situation to have to fight for my life and in having done so, I was then deemed something so awful and also the life-saver I clung onto because the Nazi group to which he belongs both poisoned me, put me in accidents which could have killed me, and then denied me health care even when I had evidence of the problem they denied the evidence and left me to die--that is America and that was when I left the country to live in a foreign country for the first time--that was going to Germany).

What I had to resort to was a FEMINIST situation of freedom and that is far too intimidating for Farrakhan and like the rest of the rapists who disparage me for having participated in something they live off, but not in the way I did it as this was women's freedom which is so threatening to them that they have not stopped forcing rape and poison into my body for over a decade to destroy me. I am still huge and bulging with hard poisons embedded into my back as a result of decades of poisoning--but the last decade this group has constantly gone on and on and on repoisoning me. None of the shit candidates I mentioned have done anything but participate in this murder contract. Only one single person in this entire group of famous shit celebrities and politicians has done anything to help me with this poisoning--and he raped and beat me while the Nazi women watched on giggling so his blonde Nazi wife and children and himself could have more free promotions.


I could go on, the list of this is endless I could not begin to "remember" as this mind blockage is severe while I sit here and the hacking and brain-altering blocks operate to stifle my every attempt to communicate. All of this post will be rewritten with reverse meaning hacked into what I type and words deleted and etc.


IS THERE ANY POINT that anyone will begin to think that I have been raped tortured poisoned beaten abused and insulted threatened my home made stinking and filthy so when I am not in too much pain all I can do is try to not live with toxic filth so I must clean constantly and it's very painful.

Is there any point in which any fucking politician can actually connect to the US Constutition and to human rights and stop this fucking sickness--ever?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...