Saturday, June 10, 2023

Terrorist Report: June 10, 2023. While I was out shopping all day--trying to get enough food for approx 14 days of fighting to clean poison embedded into my spine and back and legs and skull so unable to move or go anywhere--my bimonthly shopping spree

 "Special counsel Jack Smith speaks on Trump indictment case/full video". CBS News. June 10, 2023.

The terrorists stole a brand new bottle of skin lotion--(vitamin C, skin lightening because my skin is so scarred and blemished from years of poisons being smeared on my skin while sleeping by the terrorists and then by their mechanical arms. This is special lotion I ordered from China--it is potent. I ordered three, and I had to in their original plastic sealed shell sitting side-by-side in a specific area. Today there is only one. The third I had opened, so I have to carry it around with me or they will insert damaging chemicals into it--I fear. however, I have skin lotion that I use which i can't carry, because I carry so much with me at this point that I have huge bags surrounding me I must carry (in pain, etc) before I even begin to shop. 

The terrorists poured literally 3 gallons of fungus and mold water into the bottom of the cabinet below the sink. It's sealed off because the terrorists insert mechanical arms through the very flimsy thin panel (you can simply press on it lightly and it bends). I have a large gallon bucket and I poured three of them out (I actually poured 4 but not full up to the brim).

Once I spent over one hour dipping a small cup into the mess in the various plastic trays I put on the floor of the cabinet and then I also have a large plastic bowl on top of one of the plastic trays--over the pipes which don't leak--but I began doing this when the terrorists poured fungus water to the brim of the trays. Now they are simply pouring water into every tray to the brim, the bowl to the very brim, and then pouring a gallon of this stinking fetted water on the bottom of this wooden panel cabinet--so the wood is bucking inward. Eventually they are going to make the wood break and water will crash everywhere in the room below.

I am so exhausted whenever I return from shopping--I spend at least 3 hours packing and unpacking everything I store in multiple layers of plastic bags hidden behind my couch which is sandwiched next to another huge couch (takes up most of the room, the landlord won't let me remove any of it) and the huge bed, which I can't budge an inch, it is bolted down and underneath the bed are the terror weapons aimed into my skull and my body to burn and force the microchip implants to constrict in my throat and nose and to force me to be teleported to absolutely sick skits that people concoct--their filth is endlessly everywhere and they can't stop pouring it everywhere in my mind in my home and everywhere I go bigot Nazis are attacking me with concentric circles of brown and black skinned minions. It literally is a ratio of one white bigot to at least 15 dark-skinned minions (or light-skinned by of a target group).


I had bought a very small air conditioner unit, a portable unit--I paid a lot for my income (a small amount for people or reasonable means). I literally put it on my motorbike and risked my life bringing it to this room. Once I plugged it in, it barely worked. The air stream was so low on the high setting, upon first use, that I just left it and then somehow the weather changed and my room was not boiling hot any longer (climate change or El Nino or whatever) but for the past two years, the weather has cooled to a degree that I can have a few fans and remain okay. It used to be boiling hot in this room, and the weather has changed a bit in the last few years.

But I finally got rid of this thing in my room. It was something I could store things behind because I can't use a single cabinet that lines the entire wall on one side--(portals for mechanical arms to breka into the room spanning the entire room from floor to ceilling--the cabinets extend this wide into the room. It is not a wall separating my room from the next but a cheap constructed panel and the cheap material they used to plaster the coat over this thing crumbles if I try to pound a hammer into the wall in the tiny space that is supposed to house a huge tv console. I have sealed all the cabinets, pounding the plastic wood coated cheap things but hard to hammer any nail in--it took me months to finish but the mehcanical arms get through the crumbling cheap plaster and I literally can't stop this endless terror action of slicing into my body and spraying stinking filth on my body, clothing, food and furniture on a nightly and daily basis. 


But, I just hauled the little air conditioning unit that the terrorists destroyed--the electrical units, or the power of the unit was reduced to almost zero air coming on from day #1. It worked a little, and I was too sick to drag the huge thing back and fight to get them to "understan" English and fight to get another unit so I left it and the room cooled down due to whatever change in climate happened--

yesterday, the unit I had put in the little area which the cleaning people use as the elevator exit--they have their own little off-side elevator system to haul trash down to the bottom in this large condo--

I put the air conditioner there. As I was driving into the garage, a Thai guy had this same unit, brand new, and he had it right in front of the entrance where I stop to pick up my carry cart to lug all the huge items I buy up to the floor I live on. He was working with the cables and the electric parts, and it was symbolic to show me that what they broke, they are now fixing for their own consumption. 

I parked near the elevator doors to drag the huge bag down on the carry cart as quickly as possible without the interference of the motorbike parking area constricting my movement. While I was doing this, the Thai guy (not the electrician) who I have seen every day I drive, for over 2 years, who has played his little back-and-forth game--friendly and then nasty--to first try to lure me into his game and then to attack me once my guard is down (thank you Mr. Phil for filling in the blanks on that tactic).

He told me not to park there at least 6 months ago or longer. I said okay and that I was just unloading. But he came with nastiness pointing and making some signal and almost shouting "NO" and pointing to the motorbike parking area. The mind control technology kicked in immediately, I said something that I had not formulated in my mind--and I said it in the most silly chirpy happy as a clown voice that I had NOT intended to use. This literally is the mind control forced upon me; that someone is nasty towards me and I respond with silly joyous happiness that is something like elation. My entire mood is artificially rendered into a "love everyone" mood as they attack me with hate and negativity and I can't differentiate between this attack and what seems to be a very beautiful experience. It takes me walking away and realizing once again that like the electricity pouring through my body so I can't control the mind control tech, it's not my "fault" but because I react like this in public that is how I am perceived as being something weak and accepting of abusive people. It has happened many, many times in the past and my words and tone of voice and emotions are all completely out-of-sync with the situation. 

So, the Thai guy (the guard, not the electrician) is being trained and coached in fascist Nazi/Mafia mentality and behavior. Steal and then attack the person you stole from ("attack" means kill, but for now, they are just forcing me to appear happy while they are yelling or being very rude and controlling, as I can't "understand" the malevolence because my mood has been changed to something like euphoria).


Steal and act like the person means nothing and abuse them afterward, that is the training the Thai people are being taught when they (very eagerly) advance their careers and finances and feel empowered by having blonde bigot Nazis befriend them or love them--so it would seem as they walk hand-in-hand to the law firm r representing a co-partnership in real estate under Thai law, requiring a Thai-foreigner partnership in investing in property in Thailand.


Now...I could have tried to sell the air conditioning unit by advertising, but I would have 100%, as literally always happens, some terrorist creep coming to ask every kind of personal question about where I come from, what I am doing here, and why don't "you go back and why are you staying here?" has been a frequent series of interrogative harassment techniques disguised as random commentary while I try to sell something that has been broken, or more likely, when I am moving as I have not stopped doing literally for decades trying to find some kind of safe harbor in which to live instead of endless stinking filthy places that I move into are clean, and then within a few days things break, if there is a beautiful tree outside the window, it is dead or cut off within a few days after I think how beautiful it is. Usually construction begins and doesn't end almost everywhere I go to live in peace. Usually the construction is on all sides extending for months or longer than a year--until I finally move. 


So I chose to not go through another hell of facing terrorists coming into my private space while I am still here, as undoutedly it would be a mind control operation with the people stealing something if my back is turned or damaging something if my back is turned (has happened in the past) and etc. I have had so many problems simply trying to mail letters to the US, receive items from Fed Ex priority which take over one week and then I am lied to and told the package has to be returned and I have to fight and fight for every simple action I take in any semblance of the "business" world.

I have been verbally attacked by teams of Europigapes here in this place, I won't elaborate, but it was a situation of a house-moving sale and I was confronted by an American woman and an Italian and they coordinated a hateful verbal situation of one of them talking at me loudly and my brain put into a cheery love everyone mode, as I spoke to this loud-mouthed creep working with the fat American woman (blonde of course) as she yelled at me, "If I could just get you to shut up" while I was in the middle of saying something in this conversation. I began cheerily to laugh because my brain was under severe attack. I only later realized that I reacted in a way that was very embarrassing. That is how I mentioned the mind control operates with personal contact, that people are very nasty but I begin to laugh as if everything is copacetic. Only to realize after the attack, where I appear giggly, happy, and joyous and say very nice things to the person who is attacking me as if in "submission" to being attacked with hate and etc. 

So I just threw the air conditioning unit into the service elevator room, and they created a skit of an electrician repairing the circuits they dismantled so the unit would work at around 20% capacity-restoring it to full operational power but right in front of the parking area just as I was parking at the entrance of the building, in a place I obviously had to go to pick up my carry cart to lug all the heavy stuff up. But in response to getting a free expensive thing I had bought, I was again put into a mind meld of emotional-altering tech--while under verbal assault as if I were very "bad" and this creep was yelling at me. He plays nice sometimes to "bait-and switch" when the attack is ordered. It's the usual tactic. 

I also realized long ago to never let my guard down around him, and I also "forget" about this, I suggest I "forget" because my brain is under mind control assault to be open and friendly as the drugged-up and silly prey to be assaulted once the tech is blasting my brain into a zone of easy vulnerability and happy joyous world all flowers and butterflies while the vicious parasites press their buttons and then through all this destruction and attacks on my property, get to actually steal my property not even by going into my room as they did yesterday and stole items which were there the day I left--because I had to order this skin lotion and it is not cheap but I put the two bottles in a specific place--gone--gone, stolen. Other items have been stolen like jewelry--(silver and turquoise ring and bracelet I got at the Thai open air market--so something nice that some pig ape wanted to steal for herself--or give to one of their pig ape partners--also skin whitening lotion (from China, imported, and I had to pay delivery and wait two weeks for it to arrive now stolen by some greasy sleazy creep endlessly spewing filth into my room, stealing the nice things I can't carry around with me as I also carry food which I can't afford to replace, and etc


All of this ordered by the expletive goon squad in Whorewood as "punishment" for me not being able to "take" being murdered and raped in a gang rape situation, with the shit wives of the pigs and their children stealing the ideas I write about feminism in regard to rape culture--(which definitely contributed to the defunct "me too" movement which has petered out to become something more like a huge bowel movement and the hate for "woke" culture is a reflection of the ineptitude of the skanks who steal these ideas but have no idea what they represent or mean.


But the "punishment" for me telling another creep that I find it repulsive after it's trying to join in with the hateful black nazi caucus which has violently and viciously assaulted me for the benefit of them all obtaining plastic surgery, free houses in Thailand, promotions front lead roles and etc from years of assault upon me using this tech--likewise with the politicians--one currently now a historical trip down a felony count to the federal court house in Miami--just another reflection of the mentality that no one in power actually cares about as they all dip into the huge financial contract that this torture technological tyranny upon me enables criminal behavior to flourish at top levels.


But mostly, being teleported for over a decade to this ever-enlarging group of celebrities who join with various politicians of all various types of political leanings superficially but all hail to one center of power which "binds" them all, apparently, to either saying nothing about covert torture "experiments" in mind control, or they actively participate and laugh all the way to the bank but taking a detour to vote for some Bill in the meanwhile to "help The American People", as they spout into microphones--or slur as if they are drunk on power--either way they are performing the meaningless lines as the only people they are truly fighting for are their wealthy donors and benefactors and "handlers" or "controllers" (they are very much under control).


But years of being raped, beaten, tortured and non-stop vicious verbal assault (especially by hate experts in the Mafia who are very used to this kind of torture psy-ops violence--they even ask me why I don't believe that a criminal enterprise should have access to mind control technology and threaten me with violence and are extremely violent and threatening about everything--then demanding I congratulate them on some thing they did that I really have nothing good to say about and I refuse to play the role they want of telling them that they or their lives are something I hope run fortuitously now after years of them exploiting and feeding and stealing from me, my ideas my life my privacy my peace and they really were poisning me to death by inserting fungus into my bladder and stinking horrid liquids as they demand that I tell them I "care" about their personal lives and accomplishments, under threat of me saying no endlessly no no no no no.

So I finally react and yell or write hate posts and they have their greedy greasy minority minion slaves perform the stinking foul acts and behave like pig apes for them, and so I write about it now. 


The politician people are currently absorbed with in the news, for criminal charges and felony counts mounting--is like a tiny drop in a huge stinking bucket I had to pour into the toilet today--spending 4 hours of painful bending to try to not have the bottom of this cabinet fall apart now as they have been pouring stinking stagnant fungus water into that area when I leave for over a year--it was a huge wood chunk bottom and it's literally forming a hole which will break eventually and water will go everywhere to the room below mine. Then I will have to deal with people going into my room, abusing me while my brain is in silly happy mode and not able to comprehend the danger I am in or defend myself verbally or mentally as they attack--if my back is turned they will steal or destroy something in this room while they are "fixing" and telling me I did something and I am very dirty and etc (but it's they who did it, and the filth they sprayed is upon order from the nasty filthy wealthy parasites who steal and rob and return it with hate and insults and threats if I can't take it--can't take being poisoned to death and the poison raped as deeply as possible into my body while the pig apes can't stop pressing a button to force a helpless rape scenario and then they hit me while they are raping me as the women the celebrity "feminists" giggle and laugh watching on and then stealing the ideas I write about domestic violence and violence towards women--claiming that it's all about them who are fighting this violence. The filth is at all times, day and night--

The politicians come to join in, they threaten me for having said no repeatedly non-stop since 2011--when I finally began to figure out what was going on--I have not stopped fighting rapists and abusers teleporting me since--from the politician with 37 counts to the House of Rep Reps to the other "entitled" who giggle and laugh and threaten and watch on and get promotions out of it so they can help "The American people" with "Democracy".


The Black women in particular claim they are attacking me so little black girls and children can have a chance--but in the end, it's they who are getting the break and chance--

most of them have no excuse but they claim I am a bigot racist because I called one of them a 60's black activist term about Aunti Jemima and the plantation slave versus the house slave (Malcolm X) and suddenly it's ME who is the rapist racist and thus a coagulation of blacks have surrounded me ever since rationalizing more violence and describing how black children need a chance so they are going to spew filth on me and attack and hit and threaten alongside their white Nazi and Mafia extreme bigot, lynch mob partners in this huge crime. The politicians then give the white supremacists of H-wood huge mansions by the sea in Carmel and etc---and they in turn get exonerated from incrimination while testifying (officially called immunity).

No one still is concerned about the whole thing. I remain cleaning for hours and hours day after day the stinking filth that is perpetually being sprayed on my patio, floor, furniture--the black and brown stinking filth is being sprayed everywhere every single day--

I must clean and clean--I am disabled my spine is fractured--this is filth I never created. the pig apes also created the physical disability in my body. 

I appeal once more for some end to this criminal torture apparatus that is now associated with the worst crime by any US President in history. No one associates this crime he was PROMOTED into high position of power by this bigot filth organization and the situation of me, you just keep allowing it go continue as I write and my posts are like a group rape joke everyone passes around and steals whatever they want of my writing and then you all just blather into cameras about how corrupt Trump is (but you are not).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...