Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The rise of the technocratic terrorist pig ape planet://Please note this post has been severely hacked. Many of my posts that are deleted or hacked are often concepts that are stolen and used by one of the pig apes hacking who is part of the mind programming mass machinery of entertainment/political import. Thus, you can't read my ideas which they steal, because most are completely jumbled by hacking deletions and rewrites. Most of the ideas, which I have re-read, are botched and incomprehensible and distorted almost 100% by hacker rewrites/deletions/censorship/theft.// Many typos appear which hackers inserted. Words have been deleted. Halves of sentences are pasted onto other halves of sentences. Critical words have been changed to opposite meaning, etc.//Since years of writing as clearly as possible, trying to not be hyperbolic, writing with my graduate school level of interpretation--all ideas thusly stolen by ignoramus uneducated or under-educated ignorant apes and pigs and whores of Whorewood and also out of celebrity into politican position---so I must write now at YOUR collective level in order to "entertain" you with the rage of endless torture and violence which you all think is a fun game and joke, and when I react as a real and authentic human being to state-sponsored rape and torture, mutilation and murder attempts I don't remain silent and "accept" this sick shit from you fuckers reading this who go along with it and are promoting it--I must write at your REAL level of violence and seeming hysterical rage. This is the ape ;mentality I only mirror that is being foisted upon me every single day by your reps in Whorewood and in Congress---////Every politician I have been teleported to is a phony baloney scumbag sandwich who has scripted blathering bs only to say in front of cameras but are illiterate apes in private--incompetent, sleazy and foul and greedy and the scourge of America and the world as a world domineering Imperialist country trending towards fascist organized crime Mafia 4th Reich stupidity with a take-over by the Europigape cartel imminent because they are too stupid and pumped up on fascist fashion and white supremacy to have any ground basis in America--operating as agents provacateur for Europigapes whom they grovel in a$$-wipe deference to: The 4th Reich is invested in destroying MOST of society around the planet so only a small "elite" group can enjoy ownership and pride in self. The greed of piggish sleaze of these operators of constant bullshit is the one and only motivational programming that entices the "leaders to react or do anything beyond lecture crap into microphones, in front of cameras, or holding telecommunication devices in order to follow orders for death squad infiltration and obfuscation of intelligence in human society. They hear my writing they read it and laugh and promote the most sleazy and mediocre of plastic surgery inepts (sic) into lead roles for posturing K-rap in order to undermine any kind of Freedom or organized sanity. They only want to destroy and take and rob and steal and rape and kill and then have lavish parties congratulating their plastic surgery "miracle" 4th Reich plastic models as proof of their "success".//Terrrorist Report/filth, sickness, stupidity now reigns and is endlessly being put into promotional status: I have to revert to Neanderthal descriptions of the depictions of sick, sleazy stupid moronic ape pigs. Sleazy and dirty putrid pig apes and a disgusting government funding and supporting their death, usurpation and dumbing down apery for the rise of the planet of the pig apes to fully congeal over all of society around the planet. A film of filth that is being funded by a dinosaur administration-after-administration (globally).-

"Pig Destroyer--'The Diplomat' (Official Video)". Noisey. October 6, 2012.


My food was poisoned last night--turned rancid while I slept (the food was perfect yesterday), in my refrigerator and sealed with the layers of things I do to protect my food, but this was in a small bag so the mechanical arms just lifted it up and probably carried it out my patio sliding door which I have to keep open without any screen--just so I am not breathing in stinking fungus which is killing me---and so they carried and lifted it out and poured something rancid in the gelatin, which is an animal-based product so they made it dangerously poisoned. I didn't smell the package upon waking up, I pour this in my morning drink and so I drank it because I put a lot of strong citrus and flavors in the mix.

So I had to pour it all out, thus costing me money. I use this to help heal from the permanent damage to my hair and scalp, nails and skin which these plastic-surgery millionaire and billionare pig apes order to be inflicted upon me because I don't think stupid dirty ugly skanks are "beautiful" and so under truth serum while under hypnosis I don't tell them that they are "superior" to me, and so they must mutilate me FOR YEARS without end. Their ugly filthy shit pig ape men then rape and beat me as the women laugh, and then ALL take the ideas I write of regarding feminism and steal them all as their own for public promotion as being "feminists" fighting "for women. Clinton had this "down" before she met me, so she stole ideas under hypnosis for how I would renovate a house she showed me, what food I would serve for her party listening to Schubert's Winterreise, which was something I posts clips of on Facebook years ago. Ever anxious to appear as "classy" European-based as possible, dirty nasty Chicago Suburban Hillary then asked me about what I would serve for this, and other such items she tried to steal from me, before ordering my nails and toes to be sliced (which happens every time I literally pass out from detox from the poisons she and everyone else of this group of shit has ordered put in my food to paralyzed and make my body huge, deformed as they also had their rapist Europigapes and Russians go into my room and put my hips out of place after raping me with fungus and semens stinking out of my body--every day. My body turned into a literally hardened block of poison that looked like a huge rectangle coming out of my back and all along my sides and hips and etc---they made fun of my body after that while stealing my money (literally while I was sleeping) and blocking every kind of healing modality from me (eating healthy food being one, and thne poisoning my food to kill me and suck ideas out of me while I was paralyzed and tortured and "traumatized" every day--which is what they do in teleportation every single day.

The sleazy and low quality of this group of shit and stupidity--which includes the articulate politicians and all the bs artists--black, jewish, etc with all their "causes" who obviously are put into these positions for the huge skewing of actual "rebellion against tyranny" that they are being endlessly paid for. But the low and sleazy stupid quality--or lack thereof--of their personalities is something akin to some Neanderthal ape pig quality that the politicians so support and underwrite and promote and then they come and appear like sick and putrid apes when they don't have to posture as being intelligent, and highly articulate lawyers and business scum put into power positions. AFTER MORE THAN TEN YEARS OF BEING TORTURED FOR WRITING THESE POSTS, WHILE THE IDEAS I WRITE WHICH THESE PIG APE SCUM WHORES CAN STEAL FOR THEIR FAKE SHIT OUTPUT WHILE TAKING AWAY ALL I LOVE AND HAVE WORKED FOR, ARE THEN SUPPORTED BY EQUALLY SICK POLITICIANS AND THE DESTROY AND CONQUER DEATH SQUADS HAVE COMPLETELY ELIMINATED ALL INTELLIGENT OPPOSITION AND SO..I can only write in similar vein, like any severely abused victim of domestic violence now a circus of shit clown whores taking turns because I don't think they are beautiful, competent or superior and so I write like a Neanderthal because you reading this are also like those pigs attacking me. Perhaps writing like this will reach your Neanderthal stupidity you f-0ers reading this but doubtful unless you are victimized will you begin to understand the serious threat that your incompetence to protect the sanctity of life and liberty for all will bring you to your sleazy and selfish lives. So read this and continue to do nothing and laugh about how "hysterical" I sound, but a decade of writing about some shit sleazy and ugly celebrities has brought only a swarm of shit politicians coming to get media applause for participation and a huge swarm of shit celebrities doing the same. All lacking any and all intelligence that would further both art, any decency in society but with all the protection and money and coaching and plastic surgery people aren't aware of how sick, ugly and stupid you really all are.



Another plant on my patio has been killed with fungus poured into the soil. It was a beautiful flowering vine.


Teleportation skits of death, dead people in stupid and sick skits of murder and death and people speaking recited skits. Then waking up to people shouting foul and filthy sexual abuse hate screaming crap at me, which is exactly what they are and not me. Their sleazy movies and pornographic personalities are nothing but pure scum and unfortunately my government has fully turned into a dinosaur colosseum of colossal inadequacy exalted, which has rotten ugly dirty greasy old men coming to attack me while the prostitutes of Whorewood go naked in order to obtain part of the free promotions and deals that the sleazy and corrupt senators offer in exchange for media promotion without end to promote their criminal enterprises now exalted in a colossal fashion for the fascists of America and those pig ape cartels from other countries--notably our "partners" in  NATO--sounds much "nicer" than calling it Europigapeland.


The shit who began torturing, raping, having part of my uterus cut out when I said no to being raped and exploited, had animals I loved stolen and killed when I said no, was hit by cars when I wrote on my Facebook page that the pig apes should stop being awarded every year for the endless violence they were inflicting upon me--hit and threatened with murder by the President and his filthy dirty skank wife--threatened with murder constantly

the shit that began the celebrity whorewood colossal shit parade of clown proportionate infantile erectile dysfunction soothed by rape and violence for the loveless scumbag white privileged old men celebrities and their partnering politicians with their crusty and nasty old dino women whether young or old, they have all conformed to the same ancient regime.


The shit parade of the filth has not stopped coming to violently assault me for over a decade for every shit movie and crap thing they want to get promoted. After years of them stealing my cat, my last family member on this planet, making my home toxic and this is never-ending, of having president-president black, white, shitty fascist shitty "liberal" all with a host of blacks and Jews and other "minorities" encircling them all attacking me for white privilege which they represent as the "good" dumbed down a$$-groveling contingent voting demographic and subservient fascist operators of the 4th Reich

And so, in a desperate rage to get the filth, their rotten stupid whore spawn and their never-ending circular rotation of the shit parade off me, after they came once more after taking turns after me never-ending writing after politician after politician coming to violate, abuse, threaten, order the mafia to spend hours every day--for years--with insults at my body as they poisoned me with bloating and hardening poison-after the celebrity shit and mafia and Nazis conjoined had me raped with the pig ape operator terrorists in the rooms next to mine or coming while I was sleeping--as I was teleported--to rape me, put fungus and semen into my vagina and bladder, then put my HIPS AND SPINE OUT OF ALIGNMENT every fucking night---every night for years. The hardening poison then put my body out of alignment so badly and then stuck my hips into this lop-sided position so badly I was in excruciating pain just sort of falling sideways out of bed to try to land on my feet and then limp in a crooked agonized hip-out-of alignment pace to get the stinking pot of liquids they inserted into my bladder--this they did every single day for many, many years

as the stress made my immune system go berserk, they also then blocked my ability to pay for food or medicine much less go to any doctor. This in addition to hours of violence and torture and literally hundreds of people assaulting me while driving for years with cars constantly nearly hitting me from all sides--for years thi went on as I wrote and wrote about it.


The incompetence continues as the same pile of sick shit is coming at me once more, the current administration, which partnered with the administration prior to the administration prior to the current

obviously with Clinton as their Secretary of State--operating absolute violence upon me for calling people who were murdering and raping me "pigs"--

and so, it's going on. Reacting from a decade of this in-your-face rape torture sickness of teleportation, I am writing posts trying to get the dumb stupid audiences to understand that the porno filth that the pigs are putting out for "entertainment" is brain entrainment into trauma-based mind control mixed with either constant trauma and death or porno sleazy crap mixed with mind programming crap K-rap.


There is no amount of intelligent analysis that reaches anyone. I get attacked by extremely literate MSNBC broadcasters and anchors who appear dumb and hateful black bs operators. They spout extremely eloquent lectures on freedom and are being hosted at White House special dinners alongside the media "entertainment" fashion programmers into fascist fashion.


Nothing reaches them except money and cartel mafia influence to further the partnership between criminal enterprises, money grafting and fascist Nazi programming.


The pig ape celebrities who have viciously tortured me for over a decade--in a collective that is always enlarging if I "dare" click on any show, tv clip, music clip, watch a movie, the actor in lead roles will immediately rush to join in under this sick pretext terrorist click-baiting operation. I therefore cannot watch a single news show, tv show, movie, musical performer without threat of some psycho scumbag coming instantly to join in the fray of attacking me to break me on every level and thusly obtaining their dirty promotion for which they are applauded and awarded for. They never stop and go on for years. The shit who are attacking me from Whorewood I wrote once two lines on Facebook to, and since then, it's been a never-ending rotation of piece of shit after piece of shit who I don't even click on. I then became lax and clicked on videos because they keep me so drugged I can't think or read. My body is out of alignment so my energy is always at a near comatose level of exhaustion as they continue to poison and drug my body and food and environment and sleep and mind and atmosphere where I go and where I live.


When I react in rage after a few years, for example, with ape-rah--I called her a term that Malcolm X used regarding sell-out slaves on the white supremacist Plantation. I got non-ending, and this is still ongoing without end, black pieces of shit coming to attack me for "being racist ..and for what you did to black people" as they spit, threaten, tell me to obey Nazis out of Europigapeland they call "your superiors" and then they go off lecturing about fighting white supremacy without end. The line-up of this shit has been without end, and every demographic group has a simlar pretext, but the underlying "behavior modification" principle is no resistance and only obeying incompetent sleaze and scum who make themselves known as being dumb and scum every time I see them in teleportation; ostensibly this is supposed to be "me" that they are treating like this and not "them" and so to try to show, after they steal ideas from me which they have not thought or, read about, studied for years as I have, nor done any damn thing but bend over, with or without vaseline, and get plastic surgery and learn some lines and make some movies and then get elected. But on a personal level, there is nothing above a basic neanderthal level of personality evolution and that is what I am referring to when I say they are dumb scum and not worthy of highest credentials and most importantly, not equipped mentally, psychologically and especially emotionally to have covert electronic death and torture weapons dispersed to any shit scumbag who wants to rape and steal and threaten and otherwise act like a thug whore, which they all jump to do instantly--not just a promotion that they get but being able to finally act like what they truly aspire to be. This, in turn, is "supposed" to mean they are so entitled and elite and sophisticated that all this pig ape behavior is their wealth status entitlement, something that Nazis did and were loved for having done--kill and rape and destroy and steal and plunder and stick your head up saying you are superior--

and so, they are considered Europigapeland "superior" according to those traditional Medieval and archaic lines of "entitlement" like they are royalty. And then, they are handed MORE money in which to get plastic surgery and the Europigapes, who undoubtedly control Whorewood, to which political (lack of) Leadership gravitates to in order to obtain their aspirations for higher political office (and thus more graft and corruption and orgies and murder "get out of jail free" entitlements).

But when the glitter dust settles and they settle down to their lascivious orgy group screw against people they force into dependency, financial insolvency, destitution, therefore making great slaves out of all the dependents--they can do whatever they want and congratulate themselves on how they have restored the "Old World" to the United States, leaving "law" and the "Constitution" only applicable to themselves because they want this system in order to fight one another off in all their thievery and rape and murder culture aspirations.

With the new technology these ignoramuc pig ape shithead filth buckets have obtained, they have no training in ethics or any basis in moral philosophy beyond Nazi and selfish creeds. The technology is a NEW force in the planet, capable of great destruction being handed to stupid and ignorant ape pigs who are resorting to their old trained behavioral patters of shit sleaze and rape and murder and theft and genocidal Imperialism and etc etc.

This is a huge tragic mistake that the dinosaurs who hold the keys to political and socio-economic power are likewise misusing by observing and doing nothing to monitor or shield society from.  

The above video by Pig Destroyer is an extremely apt depiction of how the pig apes really behave, and this is no exaggeration.

The shit ugly dinosaur old men who teleport me also castigate and insult me for the music I sometimes listen to. It's very threatening to the rotten dirty rape pig scum ugly old whores--with their shitty wives and children having been trained to obey and believe what the pig father figure tells them to do and think. They say the music is "angry" and therefore there is some pathological problem with me that they can easily diagnose: "you are a freak" they claim as they go off after rape, torture, mutilation and non-stop violence for which they have been promoted endlessly as they latch on to one single person--me--to endlessly get more free weapons and then their pig ape doggie treats of highest distinction afterwards by an extremely corrupt Diplomat ignorant well-dressed, even well-educated idiot savant who continues handing out weapons to the pig apes to destroy one another (eventually that is the result the Diplomats are striving to obtain--and this video  so clearly shows that the stupid "well educated/dressed" idiot savants will in turn be destroyed by the pig apes they hand the weapons to in order to kill one another off.


So no one will get this group of crap off me, because you reading this are part of that same crap. No one will come to support me whether you are part of this group or not. 

Thusly, with no external threat of censure, the creeps never stop acting like psycho pig apes and are intolerable ugly sinister parasites upon me. IF they hadn't been poisoning and drugging my skin and hair, I would still have thinning/shedding/greying hair and my immune system can't cope with the stress any longer.

But they constantly have their dope operator minions carry babies around me to signify that they are demanding this item out of me--next--after years of stealing ideas I wrote because I was sick, drugged, paralyzed and unable to move or work or achieve anything; after SIX YEARS of studying for a Master's Degree and being poisoned with intention of murdering me while I was studying, the entire time. Not a single person warned me, no one stood by me openly, and the result is a society that fully accommodates this group and it's sick and violent psychosis forced upon the planet. 

And I can't get rid of them and they are like a never-ending panel of STD's which keep coming back and coming back every time they need a promotion to sling their putrid movies and tv shows and songs and career and political aspirations--to get out of testifying in the case of the criminal Senators who had to torture me for fighting for my human rights in saying no to some ugly greasy sleazy dino old man with his absolute Nazi family trying to exploit me by forcing domestic slavery, sex trafficking and every other kind of hateful crime against me so this pig ape scum could get out of testifying about the crimes against the United States that he had committed along with the other terrorist shit politicians who rely constantly on attacking me to get first promoted then to maintain the promotion then torture for more promotions and now torture because they are under investigation for all their crimes--

to attack me to get out of being punished for their crimes which they had done because NO ONE STOPPED THEM from criminal behavior in the first place when they were violating my every human rights and laughing about it and then, emboldened, they went higher and higher on the scale of absolute criminality as you all cheered them on and now are too scared and tremulous to say anything except a few disparaging comments on the sly.

-------------------And so

the destruction of the country I had to leave twice for other countries because the murder attempts on my life keep going and going and going. Having run out of the country not just twice, but I also traveled around Europe looking for a place to live due to the fantasy world of literature I had read from the 19th Century--and that mentality has been completely obliterated by the Nazis and Mafia and all  of Europigapeland is a complete Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich hate organization (called NATO or the EU).


And this group of pig shit from Whorewood have ALL been handed mansions here in Phuket for the acts of violence they perpetrated against me, by the Nazi organized crime syndicates which control the Thai economy and culture--but out of Europigapeland mostly. I came here to get out of that shit country and I so never want to live there again. Now they have mansions here because they destroyed what I worked for not just the ideas I studied for years, but the home I tried to build here to get away from SHIT like them in America. Now they have mansions because I can't get away from this 4th Reich organization for a moment around the planet, and I have no home, and they are putting shit minions in front of me carrying babies at specific moments so I must see this goon standing with a baby staring at me to signify what else this group of parasitic shit is trying to force out of me--with this fucking government of the US completely backing them and funding it all and handing out the organized death squads, discrimination all of these Hillary Clinton thoroughly enjoys inflicting upon me and any other "minority" who doesn't just automatically allow the pig ape whores to exloit and use and rape and torture them without resistance to human dignity much less law and constitution.

And so they are trying to force me to go "back" to being in a country which is a vicious racist country where murder is now a huge social engineering event of high magnitude like a major earthquake of mass serial shootings and killings every single day in America.

I keep screaming first to stop teleporting me for the next round of the shit celebrity feeding fest off torturing me to obtain awards for the movies/tv shows/songs and political aspirations that they tortured me to get a clearance for and funding for, and then they have to have the shit funded so they attack me, then they need to be awarded so they attack me, and their friends also have movies et al they need promoted, funded and awarded so they all take turns infinitely going on and on like rotten parasitic STD's that I never got from any illicit behavior on my part, it's these shit whores who are the illicit sleaze freaks and scum and bitches and stupid losers but given endless surgeries and top everything to prop them up, thanks to Uncle Scam and that government which can never put a decent person into the Oval Office and this is becoming a shambles joke as I get older how bad the candidates now are.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...