Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Stop the tyranny programming of the world: Boycott American Horror Story. If you want a decent society, do not buy into fascist Nazi sadomasochistic dark shadow "entertainment", programming you, children, and even government officials into more depraved sadistic dehumanization combined with sexual enthrallment on all kinds of cruelty and injustice. This same pair, the blonde male writer in particular, is a most ugly and sinister person behind the facade you all have been programmed to "love" which is the blonde little boy scumbag you all worship and love--scumbag as in psychopath creep but when this is performed by a swagger creep blonde/blued eyed sleaze you all applaud. If it were done by me, if this same sort of sleazy violent crap were made by a Jewish man acting alone, he would be labeled another Weinstein or Epstein. But revered. So he ordered some sleaze minion to rape me like a scumbag, and threatened my life--I only began screaming the "truth" from the years of this torture, my truth, and all the racist bigot gay men who have come to abuse and yell fascistically at me, the black gay scumbg male porter who is a most sinister and ugly mostly stupid personality in the teleportation--endlessly promoted ever since for his flamboyance and his endless grinning inclusion--and he attacked me with spitting hate and accusations of being the worst thing to happen to blacks, almost 9"this is for what you did to blacks" after I called rotten black Nazi oprah an an=unt jemima after YEARS of her participating with stealing my ideas--so theother black aunts and uncles have come to terrorize and violently assault me claiming i am racist when it is they absolutely. And all I did was write a complimentary post about the singing of this ugly sinister creep--nothing about racism, only praise for one singing bout in which he performed for Pose--he came with spits, insults, yelling, abuse and threats of violence and walked away with awards, prizes and has not stopped being awarded and in the spotlight ever since. The same for the German blonde violinist I praised his violin playing he came and violently brutally raped me and when, after about a mnth of me telilng h8im to stop, I began calling him names and wishing him and his German town death after it flooded, he had my hair removed permanently 80%. The pig ape shit come after I watch a video, say it's great, they come with insults and violence. I defend myself they inflict endless violence. That is what the pair of shit from American Horror Story has just done--had me raped, yelled Nazi slogans at me, but I had also yelled about the blonde wife of the Jewish Nazi male who had put posts a bout her vagina on my social media in most disgusting terms, as if this was regarding me, but it's really aboutr her and her lowness and ugliness. I said she was an ugly and dirty creep, I yelled about how the black Nazi was programmed to be racist and the blonde racist bigot began Nazi hate terminology straight out of Neo-Nazi culture which he knows very well. that began the torture for concepts after I said no and no yelling about why they are not competent to deal with this subject matter. And last night they tortured me to obtain the ideas in my most deep sleep state, inserting poison into my bladder via the terror network. the piueces of filth then had me raped because I fought back after having said no and no as they pushed and pushed to get what they believe th3ey are entitled to and I have no say 8in my life, my career absolutely gone and them stealing ideas from me non-stop for years (maybe not Non-stop but to me it is from this entire group non-stop--the ideas parceled out to whichever scum skank can use the concept, male or female and it's b een ongoing for years like this). Please boycott American Horror Story they are a corrupt bunch of Nazis, the jewish Nazi as well. Then boycott Maestro, the movie about Bernstein because I wrote about Bernstein years ago and this group steals all my ideas. Burn the Klaus Barbie movie and the blonde Nazi Australian star and n ever allow her to get into the Oscars ever again. Get Lady Gaga the filthy fascist participant out of the limelight, as well as Billie Eilish (has stolen sentences from my writing, verbatim and then hacked ugly snarling hate looks into the camera) there are better singers even, and also of course Swift who has participated in this for over a decade, endlessly promoted as well. The list goes on and on. But do not promote fascist genocidal blonde Nazi filth that is associated with this team from The American Horror Story--I can't say that Kathy Bates has ever participated and I watched a movie starring her and wrote a commentary and it was a breeze, no abuse not threats--maybe because she is a stellar actor and has the staunch creativity to not need to torture me like this. The pair of scum writers from AHS are just sleazy filth rotating the bondage murder S&M gay theme around various sleazy and dirty sick murder plots--go to hell scumbags. Please get them off me and boycott them and all their work. The actors, the black male porter and evans, they have assaulted me, otherwise the rest have never done a single thing and they are very good actors.

 I am not being racist, despite a lifetime of Nazi poisoning, murder and endless violence from this group, but it's always that blonde-haired men and women with blue eyes are especially protected by blacks, and then Latinos, and then Jews, and then politicians as the most "precious" of the lowest circle of their hell that is at the bedrock of their foundation of a swirling hell machine

The blonde/blue bigot has an "attitude" that the years of that pair taking at least, at the minimum, two ideas which made their early seasons actually unique, which they tied their sadism, racism and cruelty combined with witchcraft references and witchcraft--I am not condemning any of that whatsoever and no one should as this is freedom of religion, except when people or animals are being killed as a ritual--keep the human sacrifice as an effigy on a cross made out of plastic or wood, please and drink wine and eat wafers as a replacement for cannibalistic sacrifice)

but, he mentality this pig ape low scum has is that he is "entitled" that I have no "right" to say no to being poisoned to death, into a coma, vertebrae and bones broken, my hair poisoned almost out permanently, my skin destroyed and my  property stolen and destroyed after I am date-raped/drugged/microchip implant deluged with incapacitation

and I have no "rights" to say no to any trash pig ape who wants to get a free promotion by doing one, many or all of the above-mentioned abuses to me. Supposedly, through a series, a lifetime of torture for defending myself because there is this thing called "law" which the 4th Reich deems I am not allowed to have as protection, I am to be slieced tortured broken for fighting to stop this, as it's been a repeat torture rape poisoning situattion for decades by now, each and every shit scumbag who teleports and poisons me gets Oscars without end--that being filthy rotten shit pig pitt who is endlessly the blonde blue fuck America just can'at do without, no, you can't have an Oscar without him or his buddies out of mostly Europigapeland colonies

and you Must put them into top corporate position to replace Weinstein

so, this rotten filth creep, who has stolen two concepts which made his series unique and FAMOUS--my concepts which they stole from my very short posts on facebook, because I can't publish I can't write on the computer the hacking has been ongoing for decades, for half a century I have been continuously poisoned so I can't function and get much more than a tiny bit done on any writing/intellectual level; although I spent 6 years in grad school and only got less than A's due to professors discriminating against me (not an excuse but a long story, sort of).

I am so drugged I can't think I can't function, they all yell at me what a "loser" I am for being stuck with no career, no money, my body completely damaged; all they have done to me as they laugh about it and yell insults about what they have done as if it's my personal failure. I was a top athlete, a straight A student until LI was so drugged I could not function, and beautiful and joyous in life so they have worked every mooment of every day to torture and traumatize me with rape and murder that I am constantly fighting agains, while people really just masturbate over rape and torture and these people are put on top levels of society for this and more and more people join into this contract to get their own free everything for their hateful mediocrity.

This bigot blonde pig ape gay fucker is so violently assumptive of his Europigapeland superiority Nazi status that I have never seen anyone act like this in my life, he's been so programmed by Nazis and is so imbued with sadomasochistic Nazism and "dark" themes (aka "Satanism" but his themes are really in conjunction with Satanism which is, of course, aligned with Nazism, as is murder, homosexuality--and trust me, German men are very bisexual if not almost completely homosexual when they are in this Nazi organization because they are emulating  Hitler. My years of living in Germany I heard often about how homosexual, and partly Jewish, Hitler is supposed to have been. The S&M content of German men is very high and in private they are as Nazi outspoken but this filth creep from AMerican Horror Story is very keen to display overt Nazism towards me)

and of course, behind him is Baryishnikov and a slew of Europigape women he wants to impress, who have their fingers tethered to Fascist Nazi organizations in both Russia, Europigapeland and everywhere else.

Disgusting. And they really MADE their fame out of stealing ideas from me and turning them into macabre dystopian themes about Gay Conversion Therapy (season 3)?) along with the DSM III-TR reference to mental disorder (but as I wrote the 4th edition above, which I studied and not the third, I think I wrote about the 4th edition maybe before realzing it had been the 3rd, or maybe not, I think I did not make this mistake, but they copied that as well adn turned it into a unique t heme, which of course they NEVER could have thought of). Rather than even credit me in any way, they have viciously joined  in and partnered with brutal rape, waiting for me to "break" sot hey can obtain more from their Nazi "masters" with all the black trans fuckers waiting to get their share of the award, and porter joyously violently attacking me screaming about "this is for what you did to blacks" which...I asked him what I had "done" he spat and went off from that point on in the spotlight without end red carpets and lead roles and awards--

but it's he who is the racist and the sick crap who should be excised not me--

and on and on. they show not only no thanks for the ideas that made their shit tv shows exceptional in theme, but now it's rape and threats nazi death slogans and sucking ideas out of me using torture so this blank bunch of shit can have more themes from ME from all the years of them stealing idea after idea (they stole more, by the way) and giving--like shit pig pitt and prostitutalina--NOTHING not just NOTHING but destroying my health, my beauty, my cat my home my life and eveyr day and night for years and years feeding off this and now their shit daughter, who has physically assaulted mein the past, has joined in yelling and screaming, laughing watching as I get beaten and raped aftrer they extract more ideas out of me because they are sick and stupid and blanik sick Nazi fucks following orders.

EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY ARE TORTURING ME TO OBTAIN IDEAS FROM EXTRACTION FROM TORTURE AND POISONING/DRUGGING/TRAUMATIZING PROGRAMMING. EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT END FOR YEARS AND YEARS. DUMB AND ROTTEN PIG SHIT PITT AND PROSTITUTALINA ARE DUMB AND BLANK AND NEED IDEAS WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN USING NON-STOP FOR A DECADE--EVERY PRESIDENT FULLY AWARDS THEM AND HAS ME TORTURED TO SHUT UP. STOP THE TYRANNY PROGRAMMING FROM A BUNCH OF PIG APE DUMB SCUM WHO REALLY MAKE NAZI COMMENTARY EVERY SINGLE DAY THEY TELEPORT ME. abbsolute shit filth. The Jews who participate should be condemned but they are also promoted. I can't describe how many movies Steven Spielberg has come out with in the years of jointly participating with Orpah, and the rest the list of "important" impotent Jews is never-ending. It's such a continuation of the real victim program of Jews and they have conformed so well to destroy maybe the one last chance for Jews on the planet: the United States. Every time a Jew participates in Nazi endeavors of this magnitude, which is to foment Nazism and genocide within the United States, they are ultimately bringing about what Nazis hope will be the genocide to end genocides, with all support for Jews destroyed (The United States completely taken over by this filthy stupid Nazi shit--who have been stealing my ideas about anti-racism and anti-sexism from their decade of racism and rape aimed at me because I am saying no, while all of the Jews who are put into any lead position always say Yes to being abnegated, humiliated at crucial moments they remain silent as usual. Passively they are helping Nazis to create another genocide. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Hacker terrorism: blocks to wiping my system clean, which I did two days ago. Now the function no longer works. It requires an internet connection and they are turning it off while I am in the bios. Once I can't get past the block to connection, I must go back to the severely hacked and blocked system that I can no longer alter at the core level. I did it perfectly two days ago. Once they began to pour malware onto my system a function that was not on the original factory setting appeared--"remote desktop connection" which is not part of the original makeup of this Dell Inspiron laptop. No, they hacked it in, plus an untold number of malware remote viewing, keystroke logging, etc hacks. I cannot remove them. The computer shop took away the recovery disc before I got the laptop, telling me they had to order the laptop at the very low price that they advertised in the shop. They reconfigured the system, and I saw 2 days ago how badly they had changed everything from the original system that I should have recieved, along with recovery disc.

As for a similar problem, which is interconnected to the general malaise of every single electronic device being hacked and unusable and blocked and slowed down at least 15 times the normal:

I ordered another music player, as the two I ordered this month were brooken and hacked because I was poisoned and literally passed out on my bed and they stole the music players and then took the components apart, returned them with the screens pried off which I replaced by snapping back on, and then they are turning the music players off while I am sleeping as they torture, rape, beat and abuse me and I can hear it all becasue the music player is being remotely turned off.


These are "sports" music players, aka walkman--tiny and I can bury them in the layers of material I wrap around my head to stop the balding chemicals (still working on regrowing hair that was permanently destroyed, just as zero hair grows under my arm pits because they literally destroyed the hair follicles on my scalp and my armpits---but on my scalp it is horrific. After more than 2 years of constantly microneedling and using every kind of natural and healing thing I can barely (not) afford, I am using other chemicals and only a tiny fuzz is appearing (I can only feel it) but it's still 80% of my hair is gone)

but anyway, everything I order online, including the hair repair, goes through a terrorist opening and destruction.

I ordered another music player, at a much higher price, which had a song by Aerosmith downloaded on the files system before I opened the box, still on it, which means they had to inject their "message" that they are behind the terrorism, and they have been behind it since 1997. The scuumbag cock rock scum are still there for all these decades, along with Stallone.

And with my laptop, I tried to get into the recovery bios page and I was unable to use the function I had used just two days ago--the internet remained on and I could do a complete recovery factory restore--but the internet is now turned off in that bios state but is resumed when I am forced to get back to this origin point of having the same corrupted system

I therefore believe that ordering a recovery disc, and also my attempts to phone Dell have been bypassed to terror agents who say "whaaa?" into the phone, as if they "no understan English" and remain silent and then hang up. That is my every single phone call to Dell, all the delivery companies I use for any deliveries, and all the online chat I get terrorist agents.

So I cannot restore this system to it's original state now because I did it once, they have learned and got their "experts" to give advice (I did the restore at night, while the pig apes were out partying and eating after another day of doing every kind of sick and disgusting thing to block my laptop, zap my body, infuse hate via teleportation and voice-to-skull with this sick and disgusting shit from Whorewood who instruct them to brutalize me. The white pig apes who are here do it with absolute thrill and follow me smirking and glaring with smug violence with non-stop brown and black scumbags walking into me violently glaring with deadly hate--the usual. In America it's the likeness of Lice Pube, a most repulsive fake "anti-racist" black Nazi

they are never pried off me

so I can't restore this function to factory settings now because it's morning. I have spent about 4 hours this morning alone typing and fighting to get this stress out from having been raped, abused and screaming my ideas which worthless shit has now stolen because I said NO about 8 years ago. But I watched their K-rap tv series only three episodes and was accosted violently. Saying NO once more, screaming after death threats and Nazi statements after I yelled about how their Black Nazi gay boy toy was violently antisemitic and abusive and their white trash actor was yelling and Nazi abusive and they are racist and the blonde skank married to the Jew was sleazy and disgusting, thus supposedly "elitist" and the blonde bigot began yelling Nazi hate slogans that accompanied the Nazis in the Holocaust and geared the Germans to beat and kill Jews in the streets before transporting them to worse fates.

So they abused and raped me and sprayed stinking filth on my clothing and inserted metal into my cuticles which are mangled beyond anything and I screamed the ideas I never wanted to give shit like this in response--after they injected me with poison

**I have been re-writing the above post, correcting the endless typos inserted after I posted. I watch intently every single word I type, and while the stress of constantly having to backspace makes inserting all the correct commas sometimes impossible, I know I do not write so many misspelled words as I watch while writing and all is correct, minus perhaps a few commas because I am fighting so hard to pound every letter out, constantly. Every key I use is a great effort.

This morning after all the deep sleep rape and hate and yelling while they turned off my brand new music player--and then turned it on again so I woke up with the water streaming sounds for tinnitus I use--have downloaded and deleted immediately the Aerosmith song that was hacked into the player upon opening the box; walking around putting all the items I sleep with away, having to sniff each one to see how disgusting it smellsl because of the non-stop spraying of stinking substances on my clothing--As I moved around trying to shake off the ugliness and sinister disgusting filthy bad energy that they forced upon me, while the rows of the pig ape whores were still watching looking for anything to insult or make comments about--me getting undressed, comments about how bad my body looks, etc all the damage they have inflicted upon me as they stole ideas I wrote (usually on Facebook, years ago, all the ideas I have mentioned that The American Horror Story duo of bs stole were written before I knew that my ideas were being stolen. I stopped writing creative ideas many years ago and began these blogs only to write endlessly to NOTHING almost about the sick crimes being committed to the endless awards and presidential embrace into the White House--but of course, only for the white fascist supremacist pig apes, never for the minorities, oh no--and as I tried to move slightly like sort of dancing, (**and now I will stop correcting the sentences, I just wasted time, but usually I never correct as typing in and of itself is so stressful for my hands and arms--so every post I write is absolutely rewritten with endless typos and misspellings and grammar deleted and words deleted and partial fragments deleted and restrung to other half fragments: **I listened to old  hip hop--the more happy or light stuff not the angry death and hate stuff that the Black Nazi pig apes are now famous for, and I see this is promoting racism in all it's apparent anti-racism it's truly a component of a various theme inherent in racism-- and was slightly dancing as they were watching with their hate as the black bigot pig ape yelled that this music was too cool for me, but I am listening to it because it's older than his hate crap rap and more fun and not victim-turned-Nazi bs that he sybmolizes along with Farrkhan-and the entire black Nazi gamut and that is a whole contingent by now in America--which this rotten pig ape and his crew have fully helped to brainwash into this Nazi "entitled" Trump Train mind controlled Brain drain--


And so, I can't restore my laptop any longer. I can't order a recovery disc for like this music player I paid a lot for, it was tampered with and they spent much longer in delivering it than it should have been, thus giving them time to completely wreck the system so they can hack into it and turn it off so they can rape and abuse me and I can hear everything

I can't buy this type of music player anywhere in my local area, and if I thought of going to sports shops, they would know beforehand and only have tampered-with items on the shelves, and that is how they operate all the time.

Still applauded, cheered on and supported in every way by all the Presidents and their filthy wives, --all "feminists" of course.

Minorities, oh all the minorities fully in line. 

Goddamn all I can hope is that there is something better out there in the political and media spectrum.

When I wrote that I don't want to help this Nazi/Jewish team of writers, (I believe it is the Jewish man who makes the subject matter intelligent and witty, but the blonde one who has all the dysfunctional and violent sickness--and that is why I wrote I don't want his "gay shit" meaning all the vicious verbal spats and power struggles and S&M--he is a loveless b-tard and a completely violent Nazi adherent to a very dark side--which is put into intelligent terms by the Jewish man--I suspect because the blonde one only says the most stupid cliches while the Jewish man is silent, and at least doesn't spew out stupid Nazi cliches as this blonde violent and dirty creep does constantly with violent physical intimidation and threat).

That is the "gay shit" I could only blurt out in this state of drugged up rage post rape and torture, then ahving to clean stinking foul substances sprayed on my clothing. Discovering my laptop corroded with malware and trying to do the same 6 hour recovery function that worked 2 days ago, now dependent on an internet connection because the internet shop called Mr. Com hacked my laptop, stole the recovery disc, and I assumed that I cannot get an actual recovery disc if I try to order online, and it's expensive.

They are breaking the monitor and have completely doused the cover of the laptop with damaging chemicals, ripped and stained the laptop which I never use as I always use a remote laptop--the front of the laptop is smeared with permanent staining crap, the stickers are faded and worn off the edges. I never touched them except to gently wipe cleaning fluid with a very soft tissue or cloth--completely frayed, stains are everywhere, the monitor has huge red lines that appeared suddenly after I returned from shopping. 

And every single other thing I own is frayed ripped stained and broken down by this same group

and so, with all the rape, poisoning, block to my body to having even growing plants my cat is stolen and dying or dead every other animal I got they killed brutally or took away

and I have been writing these posts for years and this sick group continues to be cheered on at the Oscars and in particular the Golden Globes first for top awards consideration.

Endless red carpet, modeling for their children, politicians inviting them to the White House and media exposure without end.

Me sitting trying to heal as they keep poisoning, mutilating my body, yelling insults about how bad I look compared to them, and then torturing me to obtain more ideas so they can no appear like dysfunctional meaningless violent scum--which is all they appear as, for over a decade, in this hate situation of teleportation.


One hour later (longer) I had to restart and delete entire files to try to get the block to function off from all the malware dumped on my system

I "forgot" to write that when I said in one of my hacked, blocked posts about how, if you invite a demon into your sphere by listening to a song, clicking on a violent movie or porn or whatever, you are inviting to be "demonically possessed" as the Christians claim, some of them do.

I had been writing of the most obvious American Horror Story with the gay S&M extremely brutal and violent murder and sadistic violent themes and supposedly some lesbians playing lead roles but no scene of them, as usual except for one idea that WAS STOLEN FROM ME years and years ago, when I wrote of the DSM-IV-TR "mental disorder"--oops, I mean the 3rd edition (DSM-III-TR) version where homosexuality was deemed a mental disorder but it was revised in the 4th Edition. I also wrote of --I can't remember the name of this shock therapy, it was used in A Clockwork Orange which I wrote of at the same general time era--my memory is very much blocked and I don't want to risk the internet being turned off as it's been constantly every 5 minutes for all the time I've wasted writing to the void about the cesspool terrorism

but they stole that as well


the "demonically possessed" are not just the "obvious" who use themes that Christians have pointed out (in the 80's mostly) about how "Satanic" the entertainment media has become. I have been accosted by news media outlets constantly from MSNBC--obviously it's Black president is a part of the 4th Reich as are most of the anchors. I never get the seemingly obvious culprit of Fox News, but then again they don't have to "prove" their allegiance to the 4th Reich by attacking me. It's the "liberals" who go full-on assault to prove their actual allegiance to Nazi/Mafia hate theology.

I also was raped by "Christian" House Speaker Johnson, with his endless sermonizing righteousness condemnation and hints of sanctions imposed upon those who deviate from his Christian theological reprimanding constrictions restrictions, which he, himself, fully "enjoys" in teleportatoin. Justifying it all by calling me a "witch" because I was listening to "witch house" music and I also sometimes read tarot cards and I don't pray to his Christian Church following their sacrificial rites of blood drinking and flesh eating, aka Communion (does his sect cult drink the blood and eat of the flesh?)

It is now almost impossible for me to download anything, watch any single news outlet, movie even from 50 years ago without either the royalty benefactors attacking me to get more royalties, or the stars and writers and directors rushing to vent their hate into me and punching into my face raping abusing and yelling insults sitting next to smug A$$-holers from Whorewood who have beren going on and on and on and on and on eveyr single day for over a decade to endless applause, endless Presidents former or current and their "feminist" blonde bigot Nazi wives, the black "feminnist" wives and children rushing to get "in" to H-wood Whorewood

including Jewish Nazis claiming they are conservative but rush to join in the orgy antisemitic violent sleazy "woke liberal" crowd in order to get more promotions for their "anti-woke" tv production and movie studios.

Apparently, if the former Christians who warned the dumbing down dumb children of the Baby Boomers that watching the Satanic fare would induce them into every kind of addiction and Satanic Panic possible, I now find this has encompassed news media and most of the "liberal woke" content but only that faction because the fascist Conservaties are now so openly Nazi and hateful that they are constantly proving openly their Nazi affiliation.

Included in all that is the "Satanic" component, that the Nazis also embraced in the version of supremacist Aryan Nation nationalism guided by the "Gods and Goddesses" of the Past. Rotten dirty and foul Game of Thrones was SUCH A PROGRAMMING into fascist Nazism, and I use that only as one example of scumbag actors from that show, when I watched it, assuming that years after it had stopped aiiring, the shit actors would not come--but no, even movies where the stars have died years ago, their royalty inheritance controllers rush to plant endless videos which they also capitalize off and obviously they are in the endless rows of chairs while they watch on greedily hoping they can get their own microshipped torture and rape object to abuse to death and hoping that Elon Musk will hurry up with his brain implant manufacaturing plant

which the Jewish "conservative" Nazi who came to attack me (two weeks ago) was fully demonstrated with at Auschwitz during the "I Stand with Israel" pose that Musk has donned as part of his Whorewood training by the same celebrity Nazi "woke liberal" filth I write of every day.

Their torture is too much for me alone to take, tthey torture me to elicit a reaction and then they "justify" violence for me writing in reaction, under drugging I can't stop and under torture conditions no one else will stop.

Herre is your daily dose, and their daily quota filled by my reaction.

One day maybe America will not be a shithole of whores selling the country to filthy Nazi fascist Europigapes.


25 minutes later

because they hacked my system so badly that it takes over 10 minutes for the system to turn on, plus the endless clicks to get the browser open because clicking it correctly 2 times doesn't work I must click repeatedly and wait for that, it only stopped 2 days ago and they took that function out of availability, to clean up the system (but they hacked the 10+ minutes of start-up time into the harddrive somewhere I don't have the hacking skills to remove)

As soon as I walked away, the term "Conversion Therapy" came instantly bounding back into my memory. It was completely a blank while I sat here recounting another wrong response--that i had written it in conjunction with A ClockWork Orange

that was a different name for a different sort of m ind control operation

but I had also written of Conversion therapy while also writing about the DSM-III-TR and I think in American Horror Story they used the wrong manual--they quoted the mental disorder for homosexuality from the 4th edition, or maybe they checked it and used the 3rd

no way I am going to investigate to check

but I had to add this on, that they stole these concepts as well as one of the earlier seasons about the New Orleans woman who kept slaves in cages, mutilating them and forcing them to wear masks to their death kept in these cages, horrific mutilations of the tongues and bodies--which was also used by this team of hate and sickness--

and I know this is accurate and correct on my not-assumption

but they have paid me nothing, have participated in mutilation and torture and are now brutally attacking me, after the stinking filth of Fonda and the obvious continuing filth cesspool iugliness of Baryishnikov, who has probably been waiting like a leech for his life-sucking opportunity to latch on when I finally was not so bloated and sick from the endless poisoning his A$$-list hole partners have had dumped into my bladder with sewage urinated water and poisons and fungus (into my vagina, into my bladder, murder attempt via sepsis) as they went to the Oscars every year, plus hav8ing my toe broken my teeth nearly knocked out my gum tissue cut to the root my fingers mutilated my skin destroyed with damaging chemicals most of my hair permanently removed and it will NOT grow back despite years of struggle and now using the "gold standard" hair regrowth it remains at a tiny stubble, stubbornly fixed at balding stage but a tiny stubble of hair growth (my arm pits completely no hair the follicles likewise permanently removed, like my scalp)

my most beautiful cat tortured, broken and dying waiting for me to return while these filthy loveless parasitic pieces of sick and rotten shit keep her from me to torture me into giving this worthless bunch of rotten filth a baby--to just destroy every single thing I have ever worked for, created and to destroy what little I can barely afford to buy, what i make, what I love, and then my entire body poisoned so badly to break my spine (vertebrae fractured, they also had people putting my spine out of alignment and then raping me, here in this place, the shit from whorewood still sitting blankly now with their filthy and rotten shit spawn waiting for instant lead roles and executive position because she is fully programmed into intellectual stupidity Nazi mediocrity and doesn't have to think or perform anything--just needs a ton of plastic surgery and modeling /acting instruction from mommy and daddy but she has no soul as they also have none--they can only perform swaggering sleazy pornographic violent filth criminals--at best--)

Writing about how sleazy, stupid and violent and Nazi these scumbag shit whores from Whorewood are, only encourages them, always urged by their Nazi "masters" to inflict more of the same that I write about.

 This is similar to the crap from Europigapeland on vacation here in Phuket, who throng around me rubbing on my "bottom" while I am doing something, they come from behind and rub sexually against my behind and I turn around, my brain uinder remote tech terror influence, smiling like it's a joke and saying" sorry" as if we just bumpted together. the shock of being touched like that in public plus the subconscious injection of this "apology" while the brain is in a state of temporary shock from a physical violation--and that is the "brain hacking" that the pig apes do. They continue because I react in some way, and in the shopping line, from behind, the Thai terrorist agent cashier whom I have never seen before rubs my behind sexually while  blondish dirty ugly white Europigape is watching on, pretending to be searching through her wallet for change, but in parallel line to the action of her Thai slave rubbing my body from behind. She did it walking away from the cash register and had to slip behind me so she rubbed me in front of this dirty Nazi skank as my foot immediately moved to block the attack, she tripped. She yelled "sorry Madam" and then, upon returning, under the gaze of the same ugly Europigape skank, rubbed me again as she returned. I was busy paying and was looking at my bags to my left from the terrorists on my left side, the price of the items because the cashers constantly overcharge me and i have to report and go to the special counter, now almost all the time (it happened again) and while my back was turned she did it again).

And then once I had to return the item which was overcharged, I was again rubbed in the same way as I kept trying to hit this Thai women with my cart and another white Europigape was watching encouraging the Thai slave to never let me have an y kind of reactive "pwoer" in defense.

And the exact same thing is ongoing with the shit from Whorewood. The pig ape blonde bigot yelling Nazi filth at me yesterday returned with the proocols of inserting poison and drugs into my vagina and bladder, then violent abuse and me yelling in rage for tne nth time why I don't want to help this pair of Jewish-Nazi shit to make more schlock shock crap for more promotion of Nazi and pornographic S&M homosexuality and etc instead of the serious themes of what mind control really is. The piece of parasitic shit then asked me, in my deep, freshly drugged up, traumatized enraged state, "why" and I went into a very prolonged explanation so this filthy and ugly sick blonde Nszi/Jewish Nazi pair can steal the ideas that I was screaming out about how they are not competent to pursue the ideas in the way I would do it. They then screamed I was a loser and then they obtained, all video-recorded, my ideas for them to crank out about mind control for their American Horror Story shit that is cranked out every season, and even during the writer's strike and actor's strike, their Nazi Satanism is so endlessly required for the 4trh Reich that they werre exempted from the blocks to producing this hate violent sadistic thrill kill S&M gay shit repeatedly--

Of course, they will claim that I am homophobic for having written this, as well as extremely racist for having called Oprah an aunt jemima as she, like Lice Pube who was there today watching on seeing what that rotten cesspool sludge pot of K-rap shit could likewise steal for his "rage" and "rebellion" bs K-rap songs and tv appearances and movie roles about what a "fighter" he is with his anger endlessly promoted

yelling at me that the "Old School Hip Hop" I was listening to was too cool for me, and anything black was reserved only for white pig ape Nazis to groove to. Odd that my posts about his NWA No Vaseline song was the impetus for his movie about his antisemitic fight against Jews, because that is the major focus of the movie and along with the most dumbly antisemitic ranting Farrakhan, this fit in perfectly with partnering Blacks with Nazis--and that was the main goal of that movie. Like all the "angry" white males who were ranting about wealthy privileged men ruling them --once they get a taste of Europigapeland fascist opulence, they all crank out Vaseline-coated bs songs and become fasco fashionistas, in particular their rotten shit children who are coated with plastic surgery rennovations because the female models these rotten "alternative" men all spawned with still cannot override the ugliness of these formerly poorer white male fascist Nazi aspirants

so the Blacks are doing the same, their children spawned with whiter as possible black women or just whites

and, he told me that the music I was enjoying was too cool for me, not anything a Jewish person should ever listen to and I was slightly dancing with the hard rock of poison he and the rest endlessly have injected into my food and body, I could only slightly swerve around while I had this little corrupted music player in my ears trying to block out the pieces of sick sleaze from their hate yelling

any time I listen to anything resembling in beat or style anything resembling hip hop or rap, this same sludge parasite comes to attack me because obviously it all belongs to him

and he's like the white trash males, once he has obtained power and money, not only is he fully in line with the worst racists, but fully violent and one of the minions doing the dirty work for the complacent smug and smirking white trash who use these minority minion prostituted meaningless creeps as their violent death squad operatives. They then glorify death squad culture while claiming they come from The ghetto"

meanwhile, the blonde Nazi is also administering in the form of the Jewish man putting the level into an intelligent sphere, all the Nazi homosexuality that Hitler really was. I have not met a German male of this group who 8is not bisexual and S&M. They got this from the 3rd Reich and this group is cranking this out perpetucally, using direct Nazi statements at me. The Jewish man sits silently as usual. H is blonde bigot wife having hacked her rotten howdie Doodie face with long blonde hair (the one key factor) and slim body (endless body fat sucking and diets and plastic surgery) 

and.....I sit here shitting their black stinking poison out this morning again, writing to the 4th Reich smug and nasty pig apes who are ordering all this violence

so this Nazi bigot increased all the attacks I had written of yesterday and it's the same exact replica of the attack I wrote of above at the check-out counter in this "top quality" store, which the 4th Reich owns as they own everything and business now with so many covert killings and coups and mind control now.

So I had to give them an entire plate of information about what I would do, so they can steal it now as i remain being called a "loser" who has never "done anything", is "ugly" and a "bitch whore" and a "nothing". I have to scream in rage, because I've been drugged and have no barriers and from a decade of this going on and on, I scream about how they blocked my y years of grad school in which I pursued a career and they were poisnoing me to death to the point that i had to go to the emergency room and then fly to Thailand to get massage in stead of dying form internal suffocation. They have kekpt me poisoned into a huge, deformed square shape while screaming about how their gasric bypass surgery and plastic surgery makes them so superior. They steal my idea and then call me stupid and continue to torture me so I scream outt ideas in reaction to the sick ness and stupidity of the violence and sick and stupid things they yell and shout into my inner ear, while I am drugged up, unable to move, and mostly sleeping or seriously drugged and alone, tortured and paralyzed and constantly shitting poison out as they keep poisoning me.

Writing about it day after day, the shit who reads this only instructs the dumb shit to continue and use the tactics of terror and torture to obtain ideas, today it was through more violence, poisoning and in my deepest sleep state, I was screaming ideas for this pair of utter ugliness and sickness to steal. And that is how they obtain their ideas whether I agree to feed the monkey pig ape scumbags willingly or not. In the end, they pay nothing and destroy and poison and ab use and leave me fighting to heal from hard posion and destruction of my every single material property as they laugh at my written reactions and then steal more ideas.

Always fully supported by the white trash dinosaur contingent in Congress like filthy and really evil Graham, Cruz, Kennedy, et al there are a lot of them and many more i don't know about, these are the ones who have either teleported me or constantly hack their bs onto my internet social media as all the pig apes do.

I forgot Hawley with his fight against antisemitism but fully supports what is happening to me, as part of the support for the Trump insurrection.

Not to exclude the Dems hillary pelosi Aoc and many of the podcasters

and this attack from this pair of sleazy filth and sick ugliness only has happened because I began to watch American Horror Story Season 10, thinking that the Jewish fucker had telpeorted me years ago and I told him I would not help him to write about mind control.

He got his "master" blonde bigot piece of ape filth to attack me and the threats, racist commentary from the entire gorup, Lice Pube incluced the black Nazi as Whorewood rep for the Farrakhan hate organization so fully embracing Trump and the MAGA

and hacking is so bad and typing is impossible and tiresome

another day of writing about them to the pig apes instructing them to increase all the violence that  I write of, hoping someone will have any soul or compassion but there is none. You all spit on the homeless that America has created. People are dying on the streets as you all vote for the most corrupt pig ape who will hand you all more tax breaks and more allowance to torture, mutilate and abuse me slowly to death so they can steal ideas, which they have none of themselves, now they are torturing me in deepest sleep with Nazi statements and violence as I scream about how sick and stupid they are-=-they steal the ideas, because I am screaming how ugly and stupid and mediocre and what shit they are, they spray stinking filth on my clothing and that is after they have been paid in millions for the theft of my ideas for years and years and years without a shred of thanks or payment but more abuse, destruction of my body

and my home and property and all block to any earning whatsoever

my home a stinking shambles eveyr day they are ripping and spraying shit on the walls, floor and clothing and slashing into my skin, hair body feet toes fingers etc every day without exception whether they obtain an idea ornot. Evey day they inflict absolute violent torture upon me to obtain the ideas and when I scream how sick they are, they then have me raped and now they are going to use the ideas I screamed out for their own work and continuye to torture me to get more

only because I watched this shit tv series

like the Christians say, if you venture into an unholy alliance by listening to the K-rap music or watching their shit evil tv shows, you are inviting "demons" into your sphere

clutching as the sick and ugly parasites that they are, inflicting damage with endless death threats

Again, I have to "take responsibility" for having watched this shit tv show only for 2 days. It has resulted in absolute death threats, endless interrogation for ideas for this pair of sick and dirty shit filth to steal, and the group from Whroewood threatening with the usual team of filth and their shit spawn, totally mediocre negp crap with plastic surgery rennovations waiting for instant lead roles and promotions into executive positions only because of the plastic surgery lookalike from their parents and the endless years of listening to me yelling my ideas as they torture me so this group of crap can obtain more funding to produce and crank out more Nazi propaganda "poor black victim" bs "humanitarian" Nazi programming.

The same exact formula is now being employed in the Navalny Jesus simulation, which of course all the Nazis will use to further tie Trump to a Jesus figure.

**and the hacking is now so bad that it's impossible to get an y more out unless I spend hours. Already just the freezing, the amount of time I have to go into all the bios functions to get malware out, restart the computer which ha been hacked to spend 10x longer to restart 

and every key I press is replaced by another key so I'm stopping now

the above will have been hacked and rewritten undoubtedly by terrorist hackers

none of you will stop this team of your fellow Whorewood shit whores you all adore

for another day

so *I have to not let in the demons by watching a single thing from Whroewood and really, I never watched this shit until they began to teleport me, just to try to understand how evil they are, and the bottomless pit of stupidity and ugliness brainwashed dumb scum white and black trash angry men who are contented with the lucre they obtain after they esll out, now threatening abusing me to get more using Nazi slogans and fully being handed endlessly more and more mansions inplaces like Thailand

such shit, it's just sickening

but you all cheer them on, never stop it., applaud their movies and their shit red carpet endless rotation year-after-year the same corrupted scum are put on display for the movies obtained by ideas they tortured out of me, funding obtained from the 4th Reich Nazi cartel and the blacks are no different

promised luxury forever, they keep cranking out their poor victim arisen from the dead ghetto K-rap and fully violently Nazi towards me, only to be promoted on a scale they could only have dreamed of

then torturing me to obtain more. Lice Pube got a huge promotion because I posted a video of his shit music about how cool and real he supposedly was, but insulting the "Jew" who seemingly died very shortly after the movie came out, so he got permission to kill the man *I believe by the 4th Reich, as Jews are so completely targeted in Whroweood at this point and the only way to have anything is to fully go along and spawn with blonde Nazis, the usual trend.


I was about to get up from the hour of fighting to type out and backspace about 8 paragraphs, which otherwise would have taken me 10 minutes if not hacked and blocked

and I was so dizzy I could not get up

the b rain attack forced me to get into hyperbolic ranting

the pig apes use that as justification for more torture

and the years of this gttoing on every day has accumulated

 I so ask the world to just kill them all as they are worthless shit

they are murdering me

as you all watch on

they have also changed the line format for this page, they are hacking consatntly into all that i write and do.

Terrorist Mutilation Report: I think the terrorists injected a silicone into my forehead to create another pseudo-"cyst" disfiguration. They also injected an infected substance into my chin, which is swollen and infected as well. There is a huge round cyst-like bump on my forehead on the right side of the area--

 None of this was on my body last night before going to bed. I woke up with this stinging irritation on my chin. I was so busy trying to get ready for the arrival of a new music player to try to block out the yelling, abuse and violence in teleportation and deep sleep and the delivery came much earlier than usual, I was put into a deep sleep undoubtedly with drugging so I woke up very late (for me) in the morning. It left me fighting to get ready as I must pack up literally everything I need and eat and put on my body so none of it is contaminated while I am out of the room. Otherwise, everything is tied up in multiple layers and strings and rubber bands so the mechanical arms can't break though (but of course they could rip the material but the terrorists remain concealing their actions--for now).

I had really nasty teleportation skits, was drugged obviously (so more poisoning for my body which is breaking down from non-stop drugging and poisoning and abuse and violence and stress, all combined literally every day for 15 years now without even a day of it stopping whatsoever).

I had to rush around, but the drugging "forced" me to have the urgent need to get the stress out of my body, because they made me exercise too hard, I am in pain, I can barely move as usual from how they manipulated my brain and nervous system while I was exercising so I have to rest and not do anything but eat and rest while they brutalize me every moment possible

they force me to write every day so they can suck i deas out of me, literally this is the endless proram

because I am fighting and fighting this violent fascist tyranny

they are "punishing" me with yet another silicone injection

not on my thigh above the knee cap, which has been done and then redone so it grows constantlyh

and there is one on my left rib cage as large as a marble under the skin--hideous, disgusting and deforming

now they injected one into my skin on my forehead. I am feeling for an injection mark but I believe they use very miniscule needles for this very purpose of making the fake "cyst" appear like a natural occurrence.

It is the filthy ugly diryt parasites I have been trying to get off me for 2 years reacting to the endless cornucopia of fame, money and promotion that they have used by murdering me ever-so-slowly

and in the rage of the parasites not being able to endlessly inflict 4-6 hours of verbal torture, rape and beating abuse insults and death threats, the usual daily event in the morning routine and homelessness and people abusing me in teleportation plus death and murder and rape--in deep sleep

so they injected a silicone implant into my forehead. 

I took an antibiotic and I pray that I am wrong

that this huge bulge that is exactly like the symmetrical bumps that nothing removes, and I will require a surgical procedure to remove it

and in my sleep the terrorists will be pouring permanently scarring chemicals onto any scar that I fight to heal

they put mere scratches into my skin 2 years ago which are like red scratch mark tattoos on my chest

just from little small slices with a little knife that look like slash marks but less than one milimeter in depth

scarred and never-removable

so any real procedure they will do the same while I am sleeping

 iu this hell torture surveillance and murder chamber

like all the other places I have been forced to live in for decades

all and every living situation was a construct, I had only 1-2 choices from what should have been a long list of opportunity

but every time I look for a place to live, all options are removed from news papers I buy or people say they will call me back, I get no response, I get my phone calls diverted and I am stuck with 1-2 terrorist optsions.

So even if I ran to the hospital to pay money I don't have to get this awful disfiguring blemish on my forehead removed

they would scar it up permanently

I can only hope it will go down but it is stuck there right now

this would be both Fonda the blonde nazi trying to "help" me by using the nervous system attack to make me overdo the exercises, then saying with sarcastic hate that I can't "blame" her for the pain I was going through (whatever they did to my body while sleeping afterwards, by the way, also a probable factor in the inability to move or exercise, every time she "helps' me I am in absolute pain the next day and can't move or exercise while they violently assault me in teleportation). Her endless and typical "I'm more beautiful than you" that all the filth skanks of this Whorewood group yella t me, after years of them poisoning me into a mutilated huge cellulite and poison ball crooked and deformed while they smear harsh damaging chemicals on my skin, put mold and fungus all over my clothing, furniture and curtains and blankets and skin and hair and food--for years and it's still enver ending

and on and on

and to try to get her off, her violence and smug sickness in how many sick people there are willing to destroy my body

resulted in this permanent disfiguring of my face

this ugly huge bulge in my forehead that looks like a hideous ugly cyst right on my face

I can only hope it will go down or go away

it is hard, round, completely perfectly symmetrical not a soft bulge that a "new" cyst might be, it's completely hard and formed within an 8-hour time frame during which, every day, the scum of Whorewood have ordered endless slicing mutilation torture and injections into my bladder with sewage water and drugs and poison to keep me sick, dying from stress, unable to handle stress due to the drugging, always writing ideas which they steal while they are dismembering and disfiguring and torturein and poisoning me to death

If anyone had at least tried to help me years ago

to just live in a place that is not a continuous murder operation

and still they have gotten away with more violent crime against me

and they are off laughing about their "punishment" for me writing about how sick and filthy and Nzi and sleazy and stupid and sick they are

which they demonstrate constantly

it could have been teh blonde crap married to the Jewish Nazi who ordered this, or the blonde writer associated with the Jewish Nazi I wrote of yesterday, or all "punishing" me for reacting to YEARS A DECADE of their filthy hate hacks into my every social media post by the blonde Nazi skank married to this Jewish writer of filth and hate and violence and Satanic Nazi programming with the blonde Nazi piece of shit violently yelling Nazi slogans at me about Jews (the male gay partner, the S&M scumbag creep I have to say this)

it was one of them

 endlessly awarded and promoted

my ideas they have stolen they profited off while torturing me and now disfiguring me for writing about their crimes and violence

I need now money to pay for a hostpital visit to remove this thing

plus a safe place to live so they can't disfigure me while the scar is healing

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Terrorist teleportation report: the expletives are now hitting me the instant I am put into consciousness when they teleport me. They can do this while I am awake--it is unbelievable. THIS time it is one of the due who make American Horror a sensational sleazy sexual debauchery story---everyone loves the instant violence and sexual gratification combo that they create season-after-season. I made the mistake knowing that they are all partners with the expletive gang who I have been writing of non-stop for a decade and longer (how long has it been, a decade just for this group and before that it was others (Europigapes ) who instructed them on fascist torture. Now trained by this KGB bot hateful violent person (and a Nazi bigot) they are punching and hitting into my head the second I am teleported so a fist comes at me in less than one second of me recognizing that i am being teleported. This has now become the standard from this group of filth and expletive-dung. Every day another hateful parasite is attacking me and using torture via the body electric shock and manipulation torture tech plus endless verbal abuse.

 This lecture by John Todd is a good example of an examination of the inner workings of how--as an outside--I can only use as a guiding tool for understanding. I have heard similar lectures by people who have been initiated and have studied these organizations and the behavior of the Whorewood A$$-list is absolutely in line with the monotonous endless repetition by which they all follow the exact same protocol, which shows absolutely that a central authority is instructing them and they all completely comply so that they ahve no ideas, no soul, no personality, no inner beauty, very ugly and sick in this teleportation hate situation making it impossible for me to confuse plastic surgery and wealth glamorization with what I consider to be "beauty". So I add this video because it's one of many that this man, John Todd came out with. He spoke of having been part of the Whorewood Luciferian Occult programming and helped to create the tv show "Dark Shadows", based on his family history and he was a script advisor or helped in some way. I don't know how exact this lecture for this video is, it is not so easy to find his lectures and I have not saved them. I add this as a suggestion for further listening to anyone who cares. 

"John Todd--Highest Rank Ex Illuminati Exposing Satanic Illuminati Organization, Pt 2". seattlepatriot1776. October 16, 2011.

This writer is attacking me, under instruction by his Nazi bigot friends in Whorewood on how to become more like a Nazi fascist/Mafia. Willingly he complies with his blonde partner. I was watching Season Ten of the Horror of America made into extremely violent sexuality and pagan human sacrifice and no holds on all the extremities you could air on tv which correlate to "Satanic" ritualistic programming. Trauma abounds but they manicure it all with glossy elitist fashion and high-end living, coiffures and lavish wealth, as the reward for the programming completion for training into the "exclusive" witch/bitch elitist top percent. Homosexual S&M usually a theme, included with that is sex and murder as a common theme. Today it was snuff films, drinking human blood and a mock comedy on how celebrities will do anything for their fame (the aforementioned activities relating to "Satanic" ritual).


Having been put into a state of shock, the old-aging process they are rapidly accelerating in me from non-stop torture and abuse and violence, and poisoning so I am literally partially paralyzed sitting here with no human contact, no animals, all plants i grow are killed just as they begin to grow, withering and dying-=courtesy of the Nazi Europigape scumbag rapist filth creep these pig apes all gravitate around because he's training them in how to appear caring, concerned, put on a fake, warm voice and then completely screw the target over while trying to coerce them into believing that the victim owes them gratitude for the unasked for "help" that they are forcing in exchange, literally for everything possible they can suck out of you and if resisting, then endless violence, destruction and sinister sick attacks that really render the person on the subhuman scale of humanity--but glorified by the "elite" for this proves how dehumanizing and "elite" the scumbags are supposed to be in their disdain and crushing cruelty.


So they began by punching my head as I was walking around my room, thinking how great it is that the pig apes are finally just taking a day off for a holiday this weekend. But that was only for the preparations for the parties they are probably going to right now as I type this. No, they had to hit me so I reacted in violent rage, which was also created by the simultaneous attack on my nervous system. all of this enhanced by the non-stop drugging and the endless mutilation of my skin. They are now slicing into my cuticles and under my nails and gouging skin under my nails and spraying damaging chemicals on my hands so they look huge, swollen wrinkled, aged and grotesque--as most of my body now appears.

This attack is now almost a daily event from one piece of sleazy over-paid sac of hate to the next.

I began screaming as they asked me for the 2nd time to help them with ideas about mind control. They meant, for free, nothing paid to me, the torture continuing just that I should do it for free, they take credit and I get fucked, raped, beaten, mutilated and tortured and poisoned as usual slowly to death the entire time. I had to scream that one of their seasons had a situation about a New Orleans Civil War sort of era (pre-Civil War) where an American woman of French descent tortured her slaves in her attic by keeping them in cages and putting disgusing masks on their heads, mutilating them and cutting limbs off and keeping them in these cages until they died, torturing them in brutal ways. I wrote posts about this on Facebook (around 2013 or maybe earlier) and lo and behold, this same pair of nazi bigot men (Jewish Nazi and blonde bigot with his very violently racist Black Nazi performer for many of their shows endlessly yelling stupid lies at me about how I have caused so much harm to black people yelling and spitting at me, "this is for what you have done to blacks" while behind him are genocidal racist bigots yelling genocidal murder Nazi slogans at me, his good friends (the black Nazi). and I never did anything to blacks I called Oprah an aunt jemima because she is a rotten and sick Black Nazi on the same level as Enrico Tarrio but in Whorewood, disguised as "fighting for black girls" as she puts it by crushing me and viloently which she has done in conjunction with this group. 

So they obviously stole ideas from me in the past, and there are other ideas and similar to the ten years of my ranting about the parasites and vampires of Whorewood. So season 10 was reminiscent of my every post about what parasites this group, sitting next to these rotten men really are--as they as well.

I told them that they are not capable of writing anything serious about this situation of mind control because they have no compassion and all they do is sensationalize and program the masses into Nazi psychopathy and ultraviolence, glorified by wealth display combined with sexual violence and murder, and human sacrifice adn then a lot of campy other gory details intermixed--titillation and gore and sex for every episode and creepville glorified in Whorewood.

Finally they were abusing me and yelling so I began screaming about how they probably stole these ideas from ,e as they remained silent and I then got into how this "Jewish" man is a Jewish Nazi with his nasty ugly dirty blonde wife who DID participate in the visual attacks and psychopath social media hacking that went on for probably 2 years with smug looks into the camera, as her "friends" the other Nazi blondes went to the Oscars every year as they went to town beating, raping, posioning, and torturing me every single day non-stop for hours and hours, invited to the United Nations and to Chuck Schumer's Office as advocates for Violence against women and then to the United Nations as speaker about Me Too and to the White House for a lavish publicity stunt and on and on they are endlessly awarded by the top (of the lowest of the low, in actuality because those who support this are really supporting the lowest of human debaucher and substandard behavior and really they are facilitating a great slaughter.


I then began saying, from the years of this blonde filth creep woman so "beautiful 'according to the bigot standards, but to mer her face looks like Howdy Doodie and her behavior is not "elite" but just low and sick and bigoted--the "elite" snobbery these pig apes all learn from their Europigape partners only makes them low and substandard not glorified elite--and I also see that in the Europigapes who are only superfieically very poised and extremely well-funded from a century of continuous slaughter and exploitation on the destruction of cultures and genocide and the furtherance of Imperialistic Colonization which means murder and destruction and theft--in the most simple but barbaric lowest common denominator terms.

I said that this blonde woman was a creep, the blonde male stood up shouting that she is a pure white "goddess" and I am "mud" using straight-up Nazi terms. I told them first that the pig apes they are sitting next to had me poisoned so my body is filthy and stinking like ":mud" hardened into all the cavities and joints of my body into my intestines and blocking literally most movement (and it's much worse than this mere light description) and they also made me repeat something they hacked into my subconscious that I would NEVER have said--about them drinking my  menstrual blood--something I would not have ever said, ever--it came out while I was under stress, which is how the subliminals operate, when you are put into a "traumatized" state. 

So I try to breathe and be calm and "ignore" the pig apes and not react so they are using multiple weapons simultaneously: first hitting me within a fraction of a second when I am teleported to them--from a side angle while my "vision" in this alternate state is still in the nascent "black" vision state. They hit me, I react violently in self-defense and begin to scream--but they jolt my body using the microchip implant and they assault my brain as it jumps into a frantic rage state, all happening simultaneously so the effect is instant and because they are able to penetrate my subconscious like this from the initial punching at me and hitting me, from the side angle, I react in a way that I can't over-ride the breach of my calm.

They are always insulting the damage they have done to my body and they never ever stop attacking my body, which is now aging so badly from non-stop torture and violence.

the alternative is something like if I "succumb" I think it will mean Trump or that MAGA getting part of this "win" (maybe?) I know that Trump and his advocates abound in this hate contract and it's still ongoing with his team

but on the other side, is the Biden Team

neither and both are so heinous and anyone or anything like them is unfathomable to "help" obtain more power

the celebrity cesspool is similarly unfathomable to help with more ideas more of anything

so I have to keep on being mutilated and tortured

 no help, no one stopping it

But these pig apes are always insulting the damage they keep inflicting to my body, plus the stress is now me being punched, raped, beaten and abused every single day for hours--pieces of sick creepy shit taking turns assaulting me and me screaming the ideas that these sleazy and dirty stupid sick pig apes are using for their movies and tv shows and Trump is still using the word I used so often which he then stole--"It's a DISGRACE" which Trump is now using all the time. I wrote that before he began using it, as he also is part of this concept theft operation.

how can I prove this? I cannot only that I wrote all of this and if my posts are being saved then the proof is there

So they won't stop and they won't stop insulting how broken down they are torturing and poisoning me into, with endless comparisons to rotten dirty blonde nazi piece of shit whore skanks who have giggled as these pig men beat, rape and they all get sexually and hormonally totally high on mutilating and abusing and torturing me asi fight they get paid and plastic surgery and beauty treatments with these pig filth fuck men abusing and stealing my ideas non-stop about all the cruelty and sickness (the horror story of America these Europigape bigot racists really are implanting by twisting my ideas into glorification of torture and mutilation and rape and sadism and sexual depravity on the scale of absolute snuff film level, glorified on tv constantly now).


I began screaming at them that they have not only stolen ideas from me--I suggested but of course without evidence, only that the chances of me writing about a specific woman in New Orleans keeping black slaves in her attic and dismembering them and keeping them in cages is not coincidence considering their alliance with this group--all inter-orgy partners by the way--the euphemism is "girlfriends/boyfriends" in the nomenclature of media fodder tabloidism

They undoubtedly (in my opinion) stole ideas from me and watched me begging for my life to stop the poisoning as they are still poisoning, mutilating and destroying every peaceful and beautiful thing possible in my life, my body my home and in every action I take I am under assault and surrounded by people almost pounding into me from behind every elevator opening to every corner to mechanical arms constantly mutilating and poisoning my body every single time I sleep--and I am so sick from detox I can't keep awake to protect my body--which I spend over one hour just wrapping items around my head, feet, hands and anywhere else I can to stop the no-stop mutilation and slicing into my body, plus slathering damaging chemicals on my skin everywhere, injecting silicone bumps under my skin, making my hair fall out, and torturing me using teleportation (and it used to be people breaking into my room, raping me, smearing stinking fluids on my body and hair and then putting my hips and spine out of alignment every single day and poisoning my food with bloating poisons and mind control drugs--plus fungus and mold in my food and in my drinking water

and besides about a billion other types of violence

this pair of horror story Americans were just plan Nazi towards me and have been along with this group, for over a decade now without end. 

The screaming and violence was escalated as I could not control my emotions or mind--

and they compared the rotten blonde bigot to my destroyed and mutilated body calling me "mud" and her a "white goddess" so pure and clean he would drink her vaginal liquid etc etc after they forced me to say, after watching this tv show about people (writers and artists taking some cannibal pill to get superhuman artistic skills and then needing to replenish their lost life force by drinking freshly killed human victims of murder--the scenes of all shown in vivid musical display--as usual for tv now the shows have endless murder and sex scenes, for so many shows and movies).

I got into a fury from the endless insulting of how much they are constantly tearing, ripping, slicing and poisoning my body which has broken down also because every day they are hitting and abusing me and yeling and insulting.

The frenzy of violence and my futile attempt to block them out has prompted them to find ways to shock me into a "trauma" state so they can suck ideas out--I scream the ideas which they are then stealing--this goes on day after day these scumbags appear to hsve no soul, their endless sex death violence parasite glorification of elite wealth in a non-stop programming to elicit endless desire for wealth attainment "by any means' which means this kind of sexual debauchery sleaze and violence and murder

that is what they really are selling

they need to endlessly adorn that with some kind of "righteous' victim story byline

so they torture me to obtain it

and it goes on and on.

I am now being made artificially as old as the two presidents of the united states who are profiting off this contract, simultaneously

old as biden and trump now, aging and my body breaking down

Jane Fonda comes with her fellow Communist fellow B-KGB-bot who is a tricky dicky and uses fake warmth in his soft-spoken fascist vocal training to sound like he "cares" to "instruct" me with his" help " that is so invaluable that people pay so much and I should owe him my life for it (while he was diverting me from what I had been doing which was really helping my body, and using a few pointers that any novice in any body therapy should instruct, that many do not actually) and very basic tips with a plethora of videos hacked onto my social media page, at least 50 videos mostly of stretching arms and neck--I have been writing of this endlessly

Fonda is repeating what I am thinking as i am stretching like a little child repeating what someone is saying as they are saying it

b ut doing it with her "mature' voice like she is instructing me. From the outside, it appears that she is "helping" me but I am thinking these concepts of how to hold my body and what to do which she almost instantly repeats as if she is instructing me. I tell her in my thoughs that this is what I am thiinking, but on the outside, she appears to be giving me "good advice and help". I am in a 110% concentration mode so I don't have time to stop and yell into my brain to this creepy parasite to shut up for the endless-th time--like B-KGB-bot I screamed to get off me every day after his violent rape and he has clutched on because this one contract has restored his loss of ballet spotlight and he is clutching on for life--along with a slew of Nazi women, all fully intertwined with Europigape culture and live in Europigapland as Nazi recruits for infiltration and programming. Shirley McClaine is one who is selling "New Age" but it's a precursor to the more gentle side of secular humanism--which is to believe that you are a God and you can transcend any limitation if you justt embrace your 'inner god" which means you don't have to listen to ethical or moral guidelines, only what empowers you,, and etc.


I told the more swarthy-appearing "Jewish" Nazi who is now much more violent and abusive than he was, but his blonde partner the male who co-writes and produces with him, was there in the rows of chairs ( I eventually as I recall tried to throw a chair at him after their endless egging and abuse and punching into my  head and violence as I fought physically and screaming-and this is going on every single day, literally non-stop as the crescendo of violence is not constantly abusing me to the point of utter chaos and violence reaction to being raped beaten trortured with utter violence upon instant teleportation to the next sleazy parasite looking for instant promotion. All yelling every kind of insult at me and then asking a slew of questions so they can have something actually original to say when they are interviewed or questioned or just ideas to crank out more and get more awards. The parasties are so endlessly waiting in line to do this it's a non-stop circuit of shit coming at me punching to elicit this same reactgion out of me. I then shout and yell out ideas based on huamity on equal rights on feminism--these rapist scumbag whore parasites then steal the ideas--because I have stopped writing my creative ideas--they are still coming out with movies that I wrote of, this same group (their partners in this coming out with the ideas, the main Europ-a-connected Americans doling out the contracts all funded by some endless money supply for this programming and torture "mind control" operation (they are being mind controlled and the viewing public is being mind controlled at this point; that is the real mind control operation going on, and on ongoing on and on. Still, no one is alarmed and no one can carea, in the frenzy of my yelling I told the pig ape Nazi of the Horror of America, the Story

that this subject is very subtle just as mind control is very manipulative and subtle and a schlocky tv series with gay themes in S&M context and vampires is not going to cover this topic in any way except to induce more closet psychopaths to yearn to participate just as the open psychopaths of Whorewood are doing, and politicians as well in Congress (and most of society, yes most of society).


The Swarthy Jewish man I told him that he is a Jewish Nazi and his bigoted ugly blonde wife is a creep. I spoke of the black gay male who has starred in Pose who has become a sensaation came to yell at me blaming ME for racism against blacks--as he insinuated. I told this Jewish Nazi that his friends were so completely bought by the 4th Reich, so programmed just as he is and no Jewish man in Whorewood, and in many businesses in the mainstream, can really get ahead unless they are tied to a blonde woman--especially in politics and in the media. The Jewish Nazis from Congress, one in particular, has a "Jewish" wife but her hair is blonde her skin is very white-a facsimile of white supremacy.

Otherwise, the blonde and blue-eyed partner began his Nazi tirade of how this woman made the most obnoxious and nasty stupid sleazy looks into cameras, making comments about her genitals just because the more filthy and vile and nasty the Nazi piga pes are towards me, that implies their utter dehumanization of me to completely destroy any credibility of me, as if their sick, sleazy and violently sexual debasement is supposed to imply what I am, and not they who are actually behaving like low scum sleaze as I never have not once in my life but they do it all the time. Then they are put into celebrity status appearing extremely "dignified" with Nazi postures of elitism, all coached and trained and meanwhile they never stop the mutilation of my body to the point that I am broken down physically, hunched over from hard poisons they keep putting in my food, mutilated my skin is broken down most of my hair has been chemically removed permanently on m head and arm pits and etc

and more and more and more disgusting things they ahve done to my body and the rape and sexual violence and abuse has made me call them pig apes

I told this "Jewish" man who was hitting me, under the direction no doubt from the blonde bigot who 8is so famous for his programming into S&M ultra violence and programming for racism disguised as putting some black gay people into trans and gay festival glorification

but so racist underneath it

yelling that she is a white goddess and I am mud

I am actually, or was, very beautiful this group this Nazi organization made sure my First Prize competitions were no more with poisoning that began very early on in my life

and so, they nefver stop the mutilations and yelling insults about how ugly I am from over a decade of their poisoning until my body is a huge bloated and misshapen box-shape of hard poison and I can't move, so blocked with poison my skin has broken down

etc and non-stop abuse so my nervous system is always in a survival mode, constantly day after day and night after night so this is murder just in that respect

 and I scream every day about how their body shaming is wrong due to the poisoning that they all watched on and glorified the blonde Nazi pig ape whores who are their partners, the rape cheerleaders all putting Weinstein away and then taking over the vacuum in Whorewood for their crappy hate tv shows and programs, filled with macabre references and sleazy filthy crap and glorification of white supremacy and black Nazis all tough and fighting and "strong" black women who just bow down to white supremacy in the privacy of this hate situation; all programmed to be Nazis and want to beat, rape and abuse Jews--the rappers are the worst, coming from the supposed "poor" areas of America (but not really, none of them grew up really "poor" they were working class or middle class and full of bs in their false presentations of how 'hard" they had coming up from "the ghetto" and now they are fascist violent antisemites along with the worst of Whorewood 4th Reich programmers)

I told the "Jewish" Nazi that the endless wrath and violence in his tv shows is due to the suppressed rage he has built up from constantly being in the crosshairs of the Nazi league for which he supplies with death and hate and wealth attainment--his pent-up rage. The first time he teleported me he was much more calm and docile, but around his blonde Nazi partner the other writer of the duo, and perhaps the blonde sleazy dirty filth wife (ugly and stupid and sick) but glorified, thin from endless plastic surgery, dieting and the best of body training, while I have been poisoned and then told WRONG information by an "expert" who was torturing me and poisoning me for another TWO YEARS

so I am wrecked now

 and I so desperately need peace to heal

but none of the crap of American political subterfuge will do anything


Finda has been intruding while I am screaming at her to get off me, now rushing violently at her to shut up shut up shut up

when she "instructs" me I push my body too hard. Her presence is right alongside B-KGB-bot (Baryishnikov this murdering Nazi goon "ballet" very wealthy scumbag, originally not extremely wealthy that i am aware of from his blathering talk shows, he grew up not wealthy so I am dealing with "upstart" wanna be powerful and wealthy and violently abusive and murderous, concealed by his posturing of warm placid concern for "freedom" from his "defection" from the USSR--an absolute hoax he is as rabidly Communist KGB as anyone I have met from Russia/USSR. I lived around Russians in Germany and he is NOT a kindly person he is like fascist Nazis I have met, little nasty men from Europaland who are trained in pretense sophisticated "charm" but underlying is murderous "seek and destroy" operative instruction.

Fonda, who has been accused of being a Communist, sits next to him employing  the same tactic. Her methodology is very smug and insulting while borrowing the fake friendly warmth to lure me in--plus the drugging I responded to this "hand them sugar to lure them into the butchery" ploy.

I strained my body and once again, from her unwanted repeating of my thoughts while I am instructing myself on how to stretch, which she is literally copying half a minute after I think, so interrupting my thoughts by yapping this into my brain. My body tenses up from having screamed at her and that filthy ugly sick "man" next to her to shut up go away shut up go away shut up go away and finally hoping that the exercises that ugly filthy ballet scumbag rapist had me believe really were better than what I had been doing, because he's the world expert--but it was a deception and trying to stop my healing to keep me poisoned, which he did and killing me and abusing me endlessly and he still is

they are all following instructions from him, and he's getting his training from I believe the Putin group--probably as I really believe that Baryishnikov is an agent of the KGB and has been ever since he stepped his greasy foot into America.

Welcomed and embraced by this group and by Biden and probably Trump as well, with Putin and the KBG

so I tried to meditate and ignore them when they teleported me

now they are punching my face or head from the side the instant I "wake up" in the teleported state as they attack my nervous system and use the drugging and mind onctrrol interface to traumatize me into raging yelling and physicaly violence--while I am doing other things in this room to clean the endless stinkingi destruction and filth they are ordering be done to my room and my body

all of this because I have been fighting for over 12 years and MUCH LONGER to stop this torture and rape and poisoning sex trafficking enslavement and MURDER and intellectual property theft and saying NO non-stop to ugly putrid all Europigape-based men, either form America and fully integrated into the 4th Reich, or the already fully programmed genocidal murder bigots from Europigapeland who are trying to put me into a coma and rape me in the comatose state to see what that would bring, while poisoning me into paralysis from this poisoning. Millions of disgusting sleazy sick creeps attacking me as their proxy terrorists at the same time in every inch of society

except for the Covid time when all was shut down. So this group increaed their nightly and daily teleportation torture

which has never waned

and as Trump is clutching onto his campaign, the frenzy of the awards system for "breaking" me is now non-stop violence

and this is just me saying no, I have never harmed blacks (I have actually lgone to protests and marches defending blacks

I have been attacked by blacks all my life, literally all my life 

and etc

the hacking is very bad, they probably have deleted and rewritten much of this post

waiting for the day when there is not this evil constantly being allowed to teleport, rape, steal my ideas, poison and rape and mutilate me and then call me bitch loser ugly stupid and etc on and on yelling abuse hitting rape torture mutilation non-stop attacks in every store while driving by scumbag pieces of sick shit everywhere around the world creeple are FLOCKING to attack targets.


I really need Jane Fonda to shut up and go away because she is making me tense while I am concentrating. I have hurt my body repeatedly while she injects her most unwanted "help" which, for about 15 minutes is helpful as like B-KGB-bot she gives basic helpful advice but adds what B-bot did not: hips forward, etc (I already knew this, but the hard poisons from having my spine put out of alignment and hardening poison making the imbalance literally glued into my hips aand spine--and I could not do more than just fight to creak some of the hard poison while b-bot told me to stretch my neck--said "keep going" you will get there type "help" while I was in agony because it was absolutely so wrong

not having any kind of information on how to break hard poisons out of my back and this expletive is a world famous body expert, I took his advice and hurt my body badly--every day--but my body was so riddled with poison nevertheless the poison cracked and broke off--but I was shitting out stinking liquid diarrhea which they/he kept ordering put into my body/food--and because my body was still out of alignment the poisons accumulated and I was so weak from two years of just stretching to exhaustion doing the wrong thing, every day and being poisoned and tortured

and Fonda has come, sitting next to her Communist comrade full of hate for me, her racism like all of them the major factor

and interrupting my exercising with her fake warmth, which puts me on edge in hostilitty and rage instead of exercise I am struggling to ignore her endless repeating of my own thoughts about 15-30 seconds after I am instructing myself on what to do

which they have not done exept for a few very basic beginner tips that anyone can realy give

as I tense up, i just spastically work too hard because she is pumping agression into me through her negativity but her fake warm voice makes the outside observer believe she really is a great and humanitarian helper and body enthusiast. Every time she "helps" I end up in extreme pain afterwards, but the poisons snap back into position after I overwork, and it takes a while for this to happen as the poisons are an elongated mass and they contract with barometric pressure and time but the poison eventually snaps back

so I can't exercise once more

and she spent hours yesterday using all kinds of mind control while I was in pain, freshly drugged (they are poisnoing me to death with their greedy exploitation of drugging me to get their promotions by forcing reactions out of me)

so please get this rancid parasite off me, as I feel old around her and b-kgb bot and that old man has sucked about a decade of my life out of me with his hateful feeding of my energy and feeding off torture and rape and abuse plus all the endless awards and money and attention he is getting.

He is further training this group of expletives in Whorewood on KGB tactics of utter psy-ops terror and trauma to "break" me because Biden is relying on B-bot to break me and Trump is relying on the endless A$$-list crew who have put him into power in the first place, to break me. Either way, the group will get their monopoly regfardless of which tyrannical dino gets elected unless there is a significant change in both the way Americans view politics--whiuch will never happen with trauma-based mind control emphasis on using any means possible for wealth and power (human sacrifice, torture, mind control, etc)


I believe that Fonda is using a nervous system brain/microchip attack on me while I am exercising, plus her subliminal attacks and hate and then "help" by just repeating what I am thinking on how to stretch properly, what to do next as she quietly interjects her "help" audibly so people can only hear her saying her "helpful" hints but NEVER offering me a single bit of advice. Her lies are further amplified by saying after I am in so much pain, because my body is being tweaked and I just am so tight from the endless negativity as they have people saying "loser" while I am in the hardest point of concentration, their goal to stop me from healing, to keep me huge, deformed so the blonde Nazi women look on gloating about how much more "beautiful" they are after years and years and years and yuears and years (ten years plus) of daily mutilation, rape and torture and abuse non-stop for over 8 hours a day, literally every single day and night it never ends)

and so, to keep me broken, and them more broken, and irretrievably broken and destroyed permanently they are yapping constantly insults and "help" intertwined while I am trying to not let them break my concentration. My nervous system IS being affected by their tech as I know this all-too-well from YEARS AND YEARS of these attacks. So my body works too hard, is under hate and negativity energy from their insidious "help" combined with "loser" at much lower audible levels, almost indiscernible, but constant combined with endless body shaming, insults about the huge silicone injections that look like disgusting cysts on my legs which are jhuge, swollen with  poison trapped underneath the skin but the cellulite subcutaneous layers of adipose are pushed upward--I can't exercise because the hard posions are literally latched onto my hips as hard as rock. But they are tweaking my nervous system. Lying Fonda says "You can't blame me for that' which is like the endless lying reversals of their violence towards me, the results of their violence, which they claim is my inadequacy (broken down body, etc because they are just intrinsically more "beautiful" as white supremacist pig ape skanks) and they revel in all this.

So I fight for my life to remove this poison and even in this most horrifically mutilated state, they are STILL trying to permanently destroy my body so I am completely wrecked, I ma literally fighting murder but they are using mind control to prove that they can absolutely screw someone over while using all the subliminals to both insult the person while openly appearing like they are warmly "helping".

Any claim the victim may have of "hearing voices" is automatically assumed to be various levels of mental disorders which could qualify someone to be institutionalize.

so silenced endlessly on that point as well because this technology is n ever being reported

while so many of the major news outlets are very much aware of this tech

never reporting it, not once.

I remain writing these posts

please, they are trying to kill me, please get B-bot off me and his Communist mind fuck prototype manipulative-as-hell Fonda off me.

She is much, much more nasty than the endless rumors of her I have heard of. Her corruption and rot is complete. She was a "hippie" looking for free sex and glorification of her fake postruring

or she has been completely mind controlled herself

but I also know that she "wants" to behave like this

on some level, but perhaps she has been severely mind programmed I have no doubt that she has been, as many of them have been

yet she is working to stop me from exercising. Every time she "helps" me I overwork, which is because I believe she is using nervous system attacks and then subliminal absolutely nasty hate commentary while I am working at 110% concentration to exercise, to heal they are trying to stop me and using this mind control in so many duplicitous nasty and "evil" ways

I really can't exercise correctly with these filthy and dirty creeps going on with insults and my body being attacked by nervous system attacks while I am fighting to relax and stretch correctly and heal

B-KGB bot also got the spawn of Depp to yell insults at me giggling and she as well laughed while B-bot the whore creep from Latvia, the Nazi country of genocidal white trash during WWII (so many civilians happily killed Jews in brutal ways and this creep is really an offspring of that)

but he had instructed her to yell abuse at me while I was in the middle of exercise. Constant body shaming, and this ugly sinister filth creep did the same for 2 years of endlessly insulting me and how I had to eat and eat because they kept poisoning me with thickening hardening chemicals in my intestines so I was starving and not absorbing nutrition.

Now he is doing the same with subliminal hate messages and then attacking my nervous system now using Fonda to make the "warm" overtures of "help" while abusing and deterring me from what I am working with all my might and energy to accomplish, which they are stopping as much as they can, trying to really destroy me to really kill me to extrac as many ideas as they can

in the process

Get this pair of disgusting filth dino hate parasitic crap off me

Fonda and B-KGB bot

once more, as Biden loves this Latvian Nazi KGB creep

probably he has many contacts that Biden can use in Ukraine, a neighboring country to Latvia and that is probably the real connection

Biden is a corrupt sick dino and absoluely a filthy racist with his nasty black Nazi hoards serving  him