Tuesday, February 20, 2024

FINANCIAL DISCRIMINATION INTO COMPLETE INSOLVENCY/POVERTY/INCAPACITY TO CONTACT--ANY AND ALL BANKING authentic institutions or obtain legitimate service---Agents literally hacking via the global hacking network to create, in partnership with the local death squad terrorists who can relay the hacking: Statement and financial record's BLOCKS while online. Constantly wrong information and sometimes outright LIES, ABSOLUTE Discrimination via hacking blocks to access, While this is ongoing, the terrorists in my vicinity are busy blasting my brain with waves, blocks and contorted emotional response blocking cognitive function to the point that i can't remember how to name the word "statement" and anything else, while the freezes, pages just disappearing while I am retrieving information, the internet being turned off--and if I am on the phone my voice is constricted by the microchip implant in my throat as I choke and can't utter any words and begin coughing and choking while trying to speak as the terrorists constantly tell me to speak louder because they "can't hear" me--as I can hear them perfectly--they triangulate with local terrorist hacker tech to coordinate something like a kill zone of non-functioning and brain alteration so that literally the computer freezes and will not operate as they lie perpetually and keep me waiting while they can't perform a simple task or answer any questions. In the chat below, one agent literally told me her coworker was going to take over, and I had to repeat filling out out a form. He then had me repeat the form three more times due to lies and then he--he this agent, told the agents near me to turn off the wifi, block the pages I was opening, block my statements. And this happens by phone with other forms of discrimination intended to appear as hacking, which is ubiquitous on this system anyway but much, much worse when I contract this bank and America is a true violent deadly 4th reich country by now.//the new Jim Crow unspoken, unwritten code of deadly targeting for financial destruction of the target (plus lack of health care or lying completely deadly wrong "health care" is also a deadly factor as doctors are murder agents as well)--: I was forced to be transferred to a Trump bank I never chose in the first year of his tyranny in this contract out on me. Odd, but my former mostly functional bank Compass closed and PNC took it over. While Trump was having me, as he is now, terrorized and poisoned and drugged and blocked from every single thing so he can endlessly profit off this, as well as the endless countless celebrities but only with a few constants constantly: the hacking has made this post absolutely unreadable, I am currently rewriting but it's taken over one hour just to try to write two paragraphs. I just inquired of this horrific bank discrimination system in chat how long before my current card expires I can reorder a new card. Telling them I am overseas and the one-month automatic renewal and mailing would not reach me in time for my current card to remain active. That began a simply overseas address form, which took 90 minutes and the system was so completely corrupted that I never even finished the chat. I copied 3/4 of the chat below, and then the computer froze to the point that I had to turn it off and I think the chat was lost. I tried to add more to the chat i had copied and the page froze and I could not add more. I deleted the entire browser I had been using (Maxthon, the latest upgrade which supposedly has an embedded VNP but obviously it was hot butter being cut with simple hacking by the terrorists---I have not read the next of the sentence after this so try to connect it all--hackers have deleted most of this initial first sentance and this is so much wasted time. I wrote more below and it was deleted so I have to concentrate on that:--- to with endless lies and discrimination. PNC Bank in Pennsylvania, the home State of Biden and the discrimination doesn't stop while he is prez: I know this is a Trump bank because Don Jr. hacked some video or article where he stated that he banks with PNC Bank and it's "really great". //I have made phone calls to managers from non-stop0 lies and conflicting inforjmation given by every agent who tells me a different policy by phone until I finally tried to look up the headquarters for information and the headquarters information was hacked out--could not get the number or address there was a blank but it is still registered and is still there. So the internet was hacked to provide me with a central manager at the headquarters, I phoned some bank manager in Pittsburgh, the corporate hdptrs, and I got someone who lied to me on the phone as my SKYPE connection was hacked while we were talking, the microchip implant in my throat awas constricted so I began to choke, my voice was altered and now on chat, I am being screwed around aws my system is blocking every function to the point that it's DOS attacks constantly and this is a "new" form of discrimination::ow to discriminate against a target using hacking and being put on hold, indefinitely with outright lies as excuses for delays and profuse apologies from the terrorist hacking into the bank account as "agents"://Complete and absolute discrimination from my US Bank, right now, as I am writing this. The chat has been hacked so badly that I could not access my online statement and the pages literally were deleted as soon as I attempted to open anything. The templates for the bank were also deleted. I now cannot type into the body of the page so I must remain here, this is the only section that works--the "intro": this bank is a Trump bank because it was set up for me to be terrorized and discriminated against by the Trump team, back around 2017, but the change in banks occurred 2018-2019--years have passed it's almost the same year for me from just endless paralysis and torture and bs. But every single agent I get into chat with or on the phone, worse on phone, lies to me, literally gives wrong information and they all contradict one another. The lies and abuse are so bad I tried to phone or contact the corporate headquarters and that information and phone number were blocked--no access, "wrong number" when I phoned the basic headquarters for this bank, PNC, which is ranked as one of the U.S. top quality large banks, not so destined to fail. It is an absolute non-stop discrimination zone for me because of the countless agents of the 4th Reich I am redirected to. You can also phone the bank toll-free from overseas as a collect call. That also does not work as they block that function as well. They keep me on the phone usually for more than 90 minutes to perform one single question. Some of them yell at me on the phone and hang up--after I receive wrong information and ask them about it, they yell and hang up (doubteful I am phoning any bank in these phone calls at all). All of this is due to Trump and his team, and his son Don Jr. made a post that was hacked on my system stating that he loves PNC Bank and is a customer. //They froze every single function on my laptop while I was fighting to access my statement--they deleted one entire statement, they literally clicked tabs off while I was retrieving information. They closed my chat session and logged me off about 8 times during the 90 minute terrorist chat session. I can't get into the body of this page now I will have to try to do the flimsy restore function that only puts my system back into a semi-cleared state, easily hacked back into dysfunction almost immediately if I use the internet and even before I turn the wifi on. //There is more to the chat, which has some of my financial information on it, but I can't access the lower section to delete it. Please send money if you are reading this--you all know who I am, look at how impoverished they have forced me, how sick this system is. What I barely managed to copy and paste becomes like a one-way "what is happening?" set of bubble questions on my part as he kept me waiting in silence, the chat session turned off 3 times, just while waiting for him to respond at the lower section of the post. He oculd not answer my questions because he is not an agent of the bank. They had me rewrite the address form three times and kept me waiting 30 minutes while they did it wrong, profusely apologizing. They kept me waiting another 20 minutes to let me know that they needed to condense the address for one line. Etc etc the computer froze the wife was turned off. I finally broke down and of course, this is not going to be stopped by any of you. Perhaps you will care if it happens to you, but of course it's only going to be me, never any of you. And none of you can care unless it's a threat to you. Even if the country becomes an unihabitable death squad zone, all you are concerned about is your wealth status and fuck everything else, right? Goddamn this is the true problem that is confronting America not Trump or even Biden, his real equal and as corrupt and fascist Nazi as Trump. THe headqtrs of PNC bank are in Pittsburgh, the State that Biden is very familiar with and grew up in or around before moving. I just believe and know that #45 and #46 are really partnering in this crime against me and this is not due to Trump at this point because Biden's associates in Congress have come fully violently death threatening and etc. This is what the world can expect once they don't have to hide any longer---

**This post was extremely badly hacked and rewritten/partially deleted and blocked I could not finish it or edit it--hackers froze the body of the template

As of this moment, after more than 20 minutes of a terrorist posing as a chat agent for my bank (PNC), he cannot change one line of an address change, citing that this reputable and  famous bank in America slows down it's functioning and has updates at night, so processing one line of an address change is now taking more than 20 minutes. The hacking is so severe that typing letters out--they don't appear when I am typing and the lag time is about 30 seconds for anything to print out. 

Hackers have pou

I will copy and paste the info from the chat--deleting of course my personal information: for this entire chat, the internet connection was turned off once, the monthly statement I was trying to access was frozen. The laptop froze constantly every time I clicked on the statement page


gent please
 - 8:44 PM
Thank you for your message! We look forward to messaging you as soon as an agent becomes available. Many account questions can be answered by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions Page .
Your conversation has been assigned to Itorria. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 8:47 PM
I have been trying to change my phone number for months and I am still trying. for the 2nd time in 3 days, I got into chat today and once more changed my international phone number in Thailand. I don't know if the change has taken effect. The number should have been changed to 011 66 082 841 0134
I input this number last month. It worked, I received an SMS and was able to access my account. The number was changed to an outdated number that I changed over 3 months ago. I got into chat, had the number changed and saw that it was not changed today--two days later. I need to know if it is ever going to be changed to this number and how much longer it will take to actually refleclt on my account
I also never requested a 2-step verification process but I am forced to deal with this problem of having to rely on receiving SMS text messages sent to a mobile phone in order to access my account. I have been told that it's a problem of your system not recognizing my browser or computer.
 - 8:55 PM
I changed my phone number 2 months ago to the number I wrote above--ending in 0134. I received an SMS on that number and was able to access my account through the verification process. Because I was able to get into my account I didn't check the phone number because I assumed that it had been changed, and it was changed. Then I saw that somehow the old number I had put in 3 months ago was put back as my contact mobile phone number in Thailand. I tried to change the number to the same number that had been input into the system 2 months ago that was listed 2 months ago. After more than 24 hours the change was not registered.
 - 8:57 PM
Hello Madeline I am happy to help. I do apologize that you are experiencing issues with this. I do show that the number you have provided is what is showing on the account.
 - 8:57 PM
Thanks, can't find that information on my personal information when I log in.
On the personal profile page I see no phone number listed at all
The other issue is that I have been fighting to have the standard 60-day deadline for opening the Money Market account I have pending, ending in 0129, not closed earlier than the actual deadline set by PNC.
I applied for this account by phone on April 29, and last week I received a letter stating that the account would be closed if PNC doesn't receive the signed application by then. The information package I received along with the application form to sign stated that there is a 60-day waiting period before the account is closed if there is no signature mailed or personally brought to a PNC bank.
I have mailed the letter to my mail service in Miami (my mailing address) and it will arrive in a few weeks at your PA address (in Pittsburgh). I have phoned once and asked multiple times in chat to have the due date extended to the actual date it should have automatically been set--at 60 days, on June 29. I actually requested an extension until July 9, just because mail may be slow arriving.
 - 9:03 PM
I was told last week to wait 2-3 business days to see if the "CIS" department would make a determination. I chatted back and was told to wait another 2-3 business days. I need this situation expedited, because they are leaving me to wait until the week that this account is going to be closed--but it's not supposed to be closed until June 29 if you get no signature before then. Please help me to sort this out today, because your CIS department is not acting on this, and they've had more than a week to just reestablish the terms set by your bank for this account and the waiting period to submit the signed application to open the account.
 - 9:04 PM
When you add an international number to your account you are not able to see it online or on the app but it has been updated on your profile with us. I do show that there is a note listed on your account in reference to receiving the paperwork later than expected. I do not show an expiration date on the account as of yet.
I wanted to let you know I will be away from my desk for the next 15 minutes. If you send a message I will be sure to pick up where we left off. Thank you!
 - 9:06 PM
Conversation closed by you  - 9:07 PM
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 - 9:07 PM
Jun 7 2023
Hello, I need an agent please
 - 9:03 PM
Thank you for your message! We look forward to messaging you as soon as an agent becomes available. Many account questions can be answered by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions Page .
Your conversation has been assigned to Heidi. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 9:03 PM
This is regarding my Money Market Account ending in 0129. The signed application form is being sent to my mail service which will forward the letter to PNC. I used a mailing address for PNC that I had received on another letter, and I want to make sure this is the correct address to receive this signed application.
The address I have is: PNC Bank, P.O. Box 3429, Pittsburgh, PA 15230-3429
This is the application form required to open the account officially, it is currently pending this sign app form
 - 9:07 PM
Hello Madeline, I understand your concern regarding the letter that you sent to PNC. I will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for the information. The address that you have provided is the address for PNC to officially open the Money Market account.
 - 9:07 PM
good. Can you pls put a note on my account that the letter is taking a very long time to be delivered to my mail service in Miami. I sent the letter from where I am now in Thailand on May 25. It is currently sitting at the NY Customs office waiting for clearance, and then it will be sent on to Miami. From there, my mail service will forward it to you. I have had some problems with PNC regarding the closure date deadline for receiving this application.
But it is on the way. I will be sending it USPS using Priority Mail. Can PNC accept a Priority Mail if it is sent to a P.O. Box? (just asking this simple question to make sure--)
I mean, will the P.O. Service accept a priority letter and sign for it? I realize this is a basic question but I am asking because I never know how many glitches there are that I don't expect.
 - 9:11 PM
I can place a note on the account for you. The P.O. Box will accept a priority letter and sign for you.
 - 9:13 PM
I knew it would
I encounter so many unexpected problems and changes to services I have to ask the most obvious questions anyway. Thanks so much for your help. Goodbye.
 - 9:14 PM
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 - 9:14 PM
 - 9:14 PM
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 - 9:14 PM
 - 9:15 PM
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 - 9:15 PM
 - 9:15 PM
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 - 9:15 PM
Whether the agent is good or not, I am always very thankful that PNC has this most excellent message service.
 - 9:15 PM
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 - 9:15 PM
 - 9:16 PM
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 - 9:16 PM
Jun 29 2023
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 - 9:54 AM
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 9:54 AM
Let’s get started. Select which goal best meets your needs to get information from our virtual helper. Or, select “Something else” to enter your own and connect with a Care Center consultant.
PNC Helper
 - 9:54 AM
Something else
 - 9:54 AM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 9:54 AM
I need an agent please for a specific question re: my money market account
 - 9:54 AM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 9:54 AM
Your conversation has been assigned to Kaitlehn M.. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 9:54 AM
Hello, I have sent in my application signed form for this new account, but the account is still not open. I can't transfer money into the account it is registered as being invalid.
I tracked the letter I sent priority mail via USPS and PNC has received the letter at the address I sent (a PO box in Pittsburgh)
 - 9:56 AM
Good evening Madeline,

This is not something we can assist with in messenger.

You will have to call customer care directly at 888-762-2265 Monday- Friday from 7am- 9pm est and Saturday- Sunday from 8am- 5 pm est.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
Kaitlehn M.
 - 9:56 AM
the letter containing my signed app form
 - 9:56 AM
I understand.

This is not something we can assist with in messenger.

You will have to call customer care directly at 888-762-2265 Monday- Friday from 7am- 9pm est and Saturday- Sunday from 8am- 5 pm est.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
Kaitlehn M.
 - 9:56 AM
thanks, will phone them. hold on a min while I copy the number
 - 9:57 AM
You're very welcome, it's been my pleasure to assist. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you for banking with PNC!
Kaitlehn M.
 - 9:57 AM
got it all, thanks and the same to you
 - 9:59 AM
Conversation closed by you  - 9:59 AM
Jul 11 2023
Get Started
 - 9:58 AM
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 9:58 AM
Let’s get started. Select which goal best meets your needs to get information from our virtual helper. Or, select “Something else” to enter your own and connect with a Care Center consultant.
PNC Helper
 - 9:58 AM
Something else
 - 9:58 AM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 9:58 AM
I need an agent pls
 - 9:58 AM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 9:58 AM
Your conversation has been assigned to John Z.. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 9:58 AM
Hello, this is regarding my Money Market Account 0129
It is a recently opened account. I am not able to transfer funds online internally thru PNC. I get this sentence when I try to transfer: "The 'to' account is not valid. Please contact us at 1-800-762-2035 for assistance."

RETURN CODE: P12453023
I just received a letter from PNC titled, Premiere Money Market Statement", which means the account is open.
Instead of informing me to phone PNC, which is difficult for me to do as I am in Thailand and a 12-hour time zone difference, plus I have spent months trying to open this account with many problems not due to my negligence or failure in following your protocols. I need you to please send this information to the appropriate department and have them officially open my account so I can transfer, because obviously this account is open but it's not operational online.
 - 10:02 AM
Hello Madeline. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please clear your browser history (cache). If that doesn't work, please try another browser.

If you are still having issues, we ask that you call PNC Online Banking Support directly at 1-800-762-2035 M-F 8-9 EST. Weekends 8-5 EST.
Thank you for messaging PNC, I hope you have a nice day.
John Z.
 - 10:04 AM
The letter is extremely technical, but states that it is an "arbitration provision" in terms that are legalese. I have tried to open this account for the past two months and I don't know if there is a penalty for not having funds in the account, but the account was not open so I could not transfer funds
I clear my cache and browser at least three times a week. and I do a "restart" to my computer system 2x a week. Cookies and etc is not the problem.
 - 10:05 AM
I sincerely apologize, although we are unable to help you further here in the messaging center, I am showing a request has been placed for a manager to view your inquiry. I am showing that the manager has contacted you and left voicemails on 7/5 and 7/10.
John Z.
 - 10:07 AM
I need you to send this information to that department, please. I have now spent hours on the phone just asking PNC to extend the deadline for the account which was supposed to be a 60-day time limit but PNC shortened it to 40. I had to get on the phone and request extensions and write in chat and it required hours of my time as I was put on hold constantly and told to wait for 2-3 biz days before the request was processed--3 times in a row . I need something else other than phoning and asking about this account. Please send this information to the department responsible
I have repeatedly informed PNC that the US-based phone number is not valid, but I had to input something in order to register with PNC
My phone number is a Thai number, which is also registered in your system.
Every time I try to phone a manager whenever there is a problem, and there is almost always a problem when I try to do any single thing outside of just withdrawing money and when I try to get anything done I have to fight to get accurate answers, etc. So I try to phone the managers and I get only voicemail. I am 12 hours ahead, which means that whenever a manager is available I am waiting up in the middle of the night to speak to someone.
Please make an exception and pass this information to that department.
Your departments are separate but your bank is one entity.
This is not me having cookies problems with my computer.
Is my account active, can you tell me that?
You have only told me to phone another department.
So I don't know if the account is valid or active or what is going on? On my end, and for all the weeks I have tried to open this account, the letters for the account are in bold black numbers while the other active accounts (Virtual Wallets) are in light blue
 - 10:12 AM
so, is my account open, the 0129 Money Market? Is it active, is it valid?
Are you there?
 - 10:14 AM
Conversation closed by you  - 10:15 AM
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 - 10:15 AM
 - 10:15 AM
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 - 10:15 AM
 - 10:15 AM
Based on this conversation, how likely are you to recommend PNC to a friend, family member or colleague?

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 - 10:15 AM
 - 10:15 AM
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 - 10:15 AM
This guy John is incapable of answering any detailed questions about your services, apparently.
 - 10:16 AM
If you'd like a transcript of this conversation, enter your email address.

Make sure the email address is correct. The transcript will be sent immediately to the address entered, and you won't be able to edit the address.
Survey Bot
 - 10:16 AM
 - 10:16 AM
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 10:16 AM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 10:16 AM
give me an agent
 - 10:16 AM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 10:16 AM
Your conversation has been assigned to Tiffanie. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 10:16 AM
Hello. I need you to check the status of my Money Market Account ending in 0129
Is the account active and open?
 - 10:17 AM
Hi Madeline I am happy to assist. After reviewing your account, I o reflect the account is still open
 - 10:19 AM
I get this statement when I try to make internal transfers: The 'to' account is not valid. Please contact us at 1-800-762-2035 for assistance.

RETURN CODE: P12453023
I just tried to transfer from Virtual Wallet Performance account ending in 2483 to the Money Market 0129
I have been trying to access this account for weeks, it is recently opened. I get the same statement that the account is invalid every time I try to access it or transfer internally
 - 10:21 AM
As it is currently our processing time from 10PM EST to 6AM EST the Online Banking and the mobile app will be updating with the pending items for the day, when this time happens parts of the app and full website may not be available to view or show messages like this while that information is updating for you.
 - 10:21 AM
I have cleared my cache and performed many recovery functions on my computer
 - 10:21 AM
Are you going to the website using a saved bookmark?
 - 10:22 AM
That is not the problem and I can't believe that a modern computerized system will block access to an account to transfer internally for many hours per day
 - 10:22 AM
Have you attempted to do the transfer through the mobile app?
 - 10:23 AM
So the account is open so you are saying if I try to make a transfer between certain hours I will be able to access my account, and if banking hours in the US are off, then I can't access my account, potentially?
no i don't have a smart phone
 - 10:23 AM
I would recommend reaching out to our online banking team tomorrow during normal business hours to see if the issues can be escalated.
 - 10:24 AM
This is a computer and it should work
Can you make an internal transfer for me?
 - 10:24 AM
As I do see the account is currently open.
 - 10:24 AM
I have been trying to transfer 20,000 into that account
There is a penalty for me not having sufficient funds in that account, and if I can't access it online I will be penalized
please transfer the money for me, as I cannot do it. The problem will still remain if I phone your department
I have had experience after experience of disrupted service and when I phone, I get told to wait 2-3 business days to check and see if something will be done. After the 2-3 days (business) nothing has been done--this happened to me when trying to open this account finally I asked for this to be escalated.
But now that the account is finally open, I can't transfer funds, so please transfer for me
from 2483-0129
 - 10:27 AM
I forgot to mention that I am living in Thailand and I can't go into a PNC branch. I am in a 12-hour time zone difference as well.
(or did I mention that?)
I have also informed your many agents I have chatted and spoken to that the US telephone number listed under my account is invalid--I had to input a US telephone number to access this online system in order to get into my account. My account was transferred from BBVA Compass, btw. So, that is why I need more assistance
are you still there?
 - 10:35 AM
After reviewing your account, I show that there is a no signature card on file for the account which could be the reason it is not allowing you to make the transfer You would need to contact that department directly during normal business hours to have that hold removed. There can be reached at 855-226-5671.
 - 10:39 AM
Will you make an internal transfer for me so I am not penalized for not having sufficient funds?
I sent in, from Thailand, a signed form that PNC required, and there was no "signature card" in the letter I received, only a piece of paper with a signature form which I signed and mailed-in to PNC
I need to have funds transferred and I cannot do it online. While I am dealing with this signature card issue, please transfer the funds so I can have enough money in that account
I sent a letter with the signed form weeks ago. It was received at the P.O. Box in Pittsburgh by USPS.
I have the tracking numbers for that mailed form
I need funds transferred please respond
 - 10:47 AM
Unfortunately we can not until the hold has been removed I do apologize.
 - 10:49 AM
So over 30 minutes ago when I asked you if my account was open and valid, you could see no hold on the account?
After sitting here asking questions finally I am told there is a hold,
If you had told me that from the beginning I would not have wasted 30 more minutes
 - 10:52 AM
Conversation closed by you  - 10:52 AM
Dec 1 2023
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 11:42 AM
Agent, please
 - 11:42 AM
Our virtual helper is able to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need to speak with a PNC Care Center consultant, they are currently not available and can respond to your inquiry during the next business day.
 - 11:42 AM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 11:42 AM
this is regarding the 2-step verification process for log-in
 - 11:42 AM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 11:42 AM
Your conversation has been assigned to John Z.. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 11:42 AM
Hello Madeline, how may I assist you today?
John Z.
 - 11:43 AM
I have never chosen the 2-step verification process for any of my Wallets or accounts
I have tried to resolve this for a very long time with PNC but so far the problem remains
I am living overseas in Thailand.
I have some constraints upon travel at night where I live and internet shops close very early here, post Covid most of the late-night internet shops are closed permanently.
So if I have a problem with either my laptop or my phone, I will not be able to access my account at all.
Right now my laptop and phone are working but there have been times when I have problems with both/either and I am trying to mitigate any future problem now if possible.
 - 11:46 AM
Many of our online banking services are not compatible with international addresses and phone numbers. These include:
· External Transfers
· Bill Pay
· Zelle
· Two-Step Verification

If you need to call PNC while abroad, you can dial 1-412-803-7711 for the International Operator. The International Operator line is a collect call, so PNC will accept the charges. You can reach this number Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 9:00PM ET and Saturday and Sunday 8:00AM to 5:00PM ET.

We do offer Additional Sign On Security as part of Two-Step Verification. If you are enrolled with this feature, a unique one-time passcode will automatically be sent to you via text message every time you sign-on to Online Banking.

If you wish to turn off Additional Sign On Security, please follow the steps below.

1. Click the Customer Service tab
2. Click Two Step Verification
3. Click Manage in the Additional Sign On Security box
4. Under Settings on the next screen click the option for Off.
5. On the small pop up window click Save to complete that process.

Please let me know if there is anything else that I could assist you with for today.
John Z.
 - 11:46 AM
Thank you but no go. I got this message when I clicked first on Customer Service and then two-step verification: Two-Step Verification

We are currently unable to process your phone number registration. We do not have a phone number on file for your accounts. Please visit the Telephone Number link within the Personal Settings section of the Customer Service tab to update your information. If you need further assistance, please call us at 1-800-762-2035.
Return Code = P25250100
 - 11:48 AM
I apologize as you may have missed this in the previous message...

Many of our online banking services are not compatible with international addresses and phone numbers.
John Z.
 - 11:49 AM
The phone number listed on my account is a Thailand phone number, ending in 0134 (+66 082 841 0134) which I had to personally add using this chat system. I have no US phone number so your system won't let me get past this next step once I click on the "Two-Step verification" link under Customer Service.
So sorry, I skimmed
 - 11:50 AM
Many of our online banking services are not compatible with international addresses and phone numbers.

Two-Step Verification being one of them.
John Z.
 - 11:50 AM
yes, it is definitely incompatible
what to do next?
 - 11:50 AM
I listed the options in the previous messages.
John Z.
 - 11:50 AM
It says to to go to the personal settings to update information, but I have done this before. I will try again, or should I not try again?
 - 11:51 AM
I apologize, and I understand frustration when a response is given that is not agreed with. Although we aim to please, sometimes the available option is not the desired one, although the one that will assist you with your request.
I apologize, i do not understand your question, please clarify.
John Z.
 - 11:51 AM
I cannot change my phone number to an international number on your "Modify Telephone Numbers" page, as you wrote earlier but I missed it as I skipped to the instructions, and then you repeated that the system is incompatible with foreign phone number input.
so I am still left with being unable to click the "off" for 2-step verification but I never once clicked on it to begin with.
 - 11:53 AM
I apologize as we are unable to assist with this here in the message center. For this, you can dial 1-412-803-7711 for the International Operator. The International Operator line is a collect call, so PNC will accept the charges. You can reach this number Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 9:00PM ET and Saturday and Sunday 8:00AM to 5:00PM ET.
John Z.
 - 11:54 AM
thank you
 - 11:54 AM
You're very welcome, it's been my pleasure to assist. Please contact us again if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you for banking with PNC!
John Z.
 - 11:54 AM
I am copying and pasting the info, thanks again sorry for the confusion.
 - 11:55 AM
Conversation closed by you  - 11:56 AM
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How satisfied are you with this Message PNC conversation?

Select a rating from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 5 (extremely satisfied):
Survey Bot
 - 11:56 AM
Dec 8 2023
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 11:22 PM
Get Started
 - 11:22 PM
Let’s get started. Select which goal best meets your needs to get information from our virtual helper. Or, select “Something else” to enter your own and connect with a Care Center consultant.
PNC Helper
 - 11:22 PM
Something else
 - 11:23 PM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 11:23 PM
May I have an agent please
 - 11:23 PM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 11:23 PM
Your conversation has been assigned to Shakena. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 11:24 PM
I need to check if my Debit card for account ending in 2483 is active or blocked. Can you please check the status for card ending in 3225
 - 11:25 PM
Hello Madeline, I am happy to help you with the card status today. I definitely understand your concerns. Please provide me with a few minutes to look into this for you.
 - 11:26 PM
fine, thank you
 - 11:26 PM
Thank you for your patience Madeline. I show the card is open and active. After reviewing your card, I also do not show any declines listed. This may have been an error on the part of the merchant's processing. We would suggest ensuring that the card information entered is correct including the billing address and attempting the transaction again. If you continue to receive an error and the merchant indicates there are no issues, please contact our Card Loss Prevention Group at 877-841-9125. This team is available 24/7.
 - 11:30 PM
I am in Thailand right now and tried to order something on a Thai online delivery service and the card was declined because there was some discrepancy. I listed my Thai address as my home address and probably that didn't sync with the card address listed as in the USA. I am guessing that was the problem. Should I contact PNC the next time i want to order something online in a foreign country so the card will not be declined because I may need to order something important in the future. I have never used my debit card to order anything in Thailand but there may come that day. Thanks.
I always use cash and an ATM
 - 11:32 PM
Thank you for the clarification and your patience Madeline. I do apologize about that. Yes, you can reach out just to confirm purchase. Currently, PNC as not declined anything on the card for today.
 - 11:36 PM
I see.
So the problem is with the bank in Thailand
The bank connected to the delivery service which processes the debit card information I am referring to (Kasikorn Bank, Thailand)
Ok, thank you for your help. I must go.
 - 11:38 PM
Conversation closed by you  - 11:38 PM
We're here to help with your banking needs. Select "Get Started" to begin the conversation.
Get Started
 - 8:50 AM
You are now messaging with our virtual helper.
 - 8:50 AM
Let’s get started. Select which goal best meets your needs to get information from our virtual helper. Or, select “Something else” to enter your own and connect with a Care Center consultant.
PNC Helper
 - 8:50 AM
Agent please
 - 8:50 AM
No problem! How can we help you today?
PNC Helper
 - 8:50 AM
I'd like to contact an agent please
 - 8:50 AM
Thanks! We'll connect you to a Care Center consultant to help you.
PNC Helper
 - 8:50 AM
Your conversation has been assigned to Ta'Rayia. They are currently reviewing your message and will respond within 5 minutes. You will receive a notification when they respond. If you have any additional information that will help them resolve your issue, please send it now.
 - 8:50 AM
Good evening Madeline,
How can I assist?
 - 8:50 AM
I have a very basic question about my Visa Debit card and how to renew when it expires in a few months
What is the earliest I can order renewal cards before they expire? For example, my cards expire in November, how soon can I reorder new cards?
 - 8:52 AM
And I have two more questions regarding the same subject
1. I often travel overseas, is it possible to have the renewal cards mailed to me at an overseas location?
2. Is there a renewal fee and if so, how much?
 - 8:59 AM
A debit card is sent out automatically to the address on file previous the expiring month.
 - 8:59 AM
Can I order a new card personally to expedite the process as I am overseas?
 - 9:00 AM
If a new card is needed sooner we can review options.
I understand.
Will your international address be on file?
 - 9:00 AM
yes, because my card would expire before a new card was sent to me
I have my international phone number on file and it is +66 082 841 0134 that is the number the 2-step verification computer bot phones to verify the OTP.
I am unsure if my international address is on file, I think it is not. I can add it now if you need and I probably should do that.
Let me know if you need it or not
 - 9:02 AM
Secured forms are embedded with additional encryption to keep your personal information safe and secure.

I will be sending you a secured form in this messaging session. To access the secure form, please click the underlined portion within the message below. Please answer the questions asked in this secure form and press the Submit button once completed.
Ta'Rayia has sent you a Secure Form: Address Verification
 - 9:02 AM
I have another quick question about the form link I just clicked on
I am in Thailand and the address fields are very different. I would have to type in many characters that may not fit into this form. There are "district" but I will try
 - 9:04 AM
No worries, this was my mistake. Please fill this form out.
Ta'Rayia has sent you a Secure Form: International Address Change Request
 - 9:04 AM
got it, working on it now thanks
 - 9:05 AM
You are welcome. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
 - 9:06 AM
I'm still working on it all as some of the punctuation for Thai addresses won't work in the field (i.e. 147/63 ) give me a few minutes to work this out and get the fields enttered. Thanks
 - 9:06 AM
I understand. The form above will be the best.
 - 9:08 AM
It's working out, I'm still reading it slowly to figure it out--due to the difference in address types, etc
 - 9:08 AM
The following Secure Form has been submitted: International Address Change Request
 - 9:09 AM
ok, form submitted hopefully correctly!
so now what do I do to request an expedited new card which will be sent to my address? how long before I can request?
 - 9:09 AM
Thank you for the information.
We do understand how important your time is and are working as quickly as possible to resolve your request in a timely manner. I am researching your inquiry and will respond, once I am finished. Thank you in advance for your patience.
 - 9:10 AM
 - 9:11 AM
I am not showing this address on file. I can have this updated with verification of 2 recent transactions you made to the account.
 - 9:11 AM
So this is for both of my accounts, 1. 3369 and 2. 2483
 - 9:12 AM
 - 9:13 AM
my computer just froze
I will retrieve info
sorry I have a very slow connection at the moment, please bear with me less than 5 min
 - 9:15 AM
No worries.
 - 9:17 AM
This is very bad, the system is freezing every time I attemp to log in
I can tell you that I get a direct deposit into 3369 on the first of every month (or the 31st of the previous month) and I transfer that money to my other account ending in 2483
for 3369
I'm going to try it again but the system is freezing and really DOS when I try to access information. Sorry I will try again
I have to click on another browser tab and the entire browser freezes
 - 9:19 AM
I am so sorry I will need the exact amount and date.
 - 9:20 AM
I'm working on it there is a problem with my system keep waiting please
All I can get is the Wallet activity from the Jan 19 monthly report
 - 9:25 AM
I am so sorry this system is being disrupted constantly and I am clicking and wiating it's completely freezing constantly please wait again
 - 9:27 AM
 - 9:28 AM
account 3369 december 29 $933 direct deposit from Social Security Admin
 - 9:30 AM
I will just need one more.
 - 9:30 AM
January 2,transfer to 2483 of 933
I can't express how much hacking there is on this system at the moment. I had to open pnc three times, the tabs would close once I began to type. The account information would not come up so I had to download the pdf file. That would not open upon clicking. the browser closed.
So now for the next account and 2 transactions
so if this hell happens again, please have patience I am a very quick person and this is bs
 - 9:32 AM
Perfect. I am processing you to the address change.
 - 9:33 AM
Eddy is analyzing your request. You can expect a message from Eddy after your request has been reviewed.
 - 9:33 AM
for the 2483 account, I clicked on open and 20 pages of the same account activity opened. So the hacking is abysmal, I just cleared out my system completely 3 days ago and did a restore function this morning
so ready I am for the next
Statement from Feb. 13 2024
account 2483
 - 9:35 AM
Good evening, Madeline! I apologize for the delay! I am taking over for Ta'Rayia and I would be happy to help!

Please allow me several minutes to review the account and your previous conversation/s with us. Once I have an answer or an update, I will let you know!
 - 9:35 AM
ok. account 2483 2 transactions
when you are ready but I'm going to type them in while I can because this system is having a severe malware atttack so I'm not waiting
First transaction (recent) for 2483
February 1, 2024 online transfer from 3369 of $933
February 6, 2024 ATM withdrawal $709.62.
When you are ready I have more to describe about this address change and information to authenticate my foreign address.
 - 9:39 AM
Thank you for verifying these details! I am happy to help with completing your International Address Change Request!

I do have to apologize ahead of time as due to our security processes, the secure form that you filled out previously with Ta'Rayia was deleted when I received the conversation and I can no longer view it.

To complete your International Address Change Request, can you please provide it again by filling out and submitting the secure form below? If possible, please provide an abbreviated version of the address in order to make sure that none of the address lines exceed allowable character limits:
Eddy has sent you a Secure Form: International Address Change Request
The following Secure Form has been submitted: International Address Change Request
 - 9:47 AM
form submitted
you have all of my other information
2 accounts, 2 details of recent transactions for both
 - 9:51 AM
Thank you for this information! It turns out that the first line of the address "Panason Green Places Condominium, Bldg A #304" exceeds the character limit and it is not allowing me to enter the information.

To proceed, can you please provide an abbreviated version of that line? You may provide it on this chat.
 - 9:54 AM
How about putting the Bldg A #304 into the 2nd line?
I don't know how many characters each line has as max or min--
 - 9:55 AM
hell o
what's happening now?
hello r u still there?
 - 10:04 AM
my system went down
so I am asking if you are still there
no answer
 - 10:05 AM
Are you still there? It's been 15 minutes of weaiting?
sorry for typos
 - 10:11 AM
I apologize for the delay as our system is undergoing nightly upgrades during this time.

Thank you for this information! Please allow me several minutes to complete your International Address Change Request. Once I am finished, I will let you know!
 - 10:14 AM
How odd that my system is not working at th same time that your system is not working quickly at normal speed. You would think that your entire system would not slow down at any time of day due to the immensity of your banking online system. to change one line of a form requires over 15 minutes of waiting for the small change to process?
 - 10:16 AM
Thank you for your patience! "Panason Green Places Condominium" is still too long for the first line. Is there an abbreviate version of that?
 - 10:16 AM
Panason Green Places Dondo
sorry, CONDO
 - 10:17 AM
Thank you! I will let you know once I am finished. I am sorry again for the delay.
Okay, thank you.
 - 10:17 AM
Thank you for your patience! I have completed your International Address Change Request! Please allow 5 business days for this change to become effective. Your Confirmation Number for completion of this request is 24051411034. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
 - 10:23 AM
Hold on and wait so I can copy this


 - 10:23 AM

Every day these sick fucking pieces of shit are going to go on as they have done for over a decade with NO ONE STOPPING this sick fucking sit from Whorewood, in partnership with sick fucking Congress-whorewood the shit politicians, sleazy and sick and disgusting--the list is endless. I try to ignore these fucking pig whores so they are drugging me using mechanical arms and punching me in the face, raping me, threatening to kill me constantly--abusing and asking me for ideas as I am screaming in ragea bout how stupid and sick they are--they ask me why, I rant on for hours with ideas about how sick and vile this group of Nazi fucking shit really is--they record the ranting they steal the ideas--the go on the next fucking day with another piece of rotten shit who needs more creative ideas to sell nazi feminism--I never claimed to be a feminist except for many years ago in fReshman year in college--I studied feminism in college I studied domestic violence in grad school and I have been raped beaten by fascist racist sick fucks who are obtaining all the ideas I studied for a future career--which they have blocked as shit whores get promotions worth millions of dollars for the ideas they have their shit men rape and beat out of me as I react in drugged up, deep sleep ranting rage about rights of women of rape and rape culture. They suck out the ideas, the shit bigot men like this fucking blonde bigot pig with the shit baryishnikov has been stealing ideas from me and having the blonde skank put videos and articles talking about her rancid vagina as some insult to me--hacked into my account--as if that makes her an "elite' while they are non-stop mutilating and poisoning my body until from torture, stress, poisnonig mutiilation and inhaling fungus, mold and layingin bed being tortured and poisoned I am aged, grey hair, balding, broken down crying out endlessly for justice and for some fucking support from whorewood or congress. IT NEVER HAPPENSl I ahve to go through this every day. They torture me to obtain this reaction of me writing becaue they keep poisoning me into paralysis, I remain bedridden while they torture me into a kind of traumatized rage, I write under extreme drugging and torrture and murder conditions--literally--yoy fuckers read it and hack your fucking shit on my youtube and other social media pages and if I click on the fucking crap you hack, you then participate in the hacking to show that I am "delusional" and "ranting" with my posts--trying to reach out for any fucking sanity any sort of humanity any sort of actual "feminist" any sort of person who cares about racism and injustice towards anyone--you all fuckers do nothing nothing nothing but promote these pigs who are torturing me as they gather and more and more rush at me with violence and hate. Every single day until Trump dies and Biden dies and maybe someother sick sleazy fucker wil replace them with a team that is not as sick as the current spate of shit put into power. Doubtful.

Of course, forget completely about one single Christian member of Congress actually being a Christian and not a self-aggrandizing hypocrite espousing white supremacy. Mike Johnson this condemning creep is the perfect example.

Think of the infamous Marjorie Taylor Green sticking her dirty and filthy claw fingernails into my vagina after all her speeches in front of Congress disparaging various bills that won't help women and her lectures about the plight of women who can't afford anything and whatever else is only regarding blonde white bigot Nazis like herself, absolutely nearly worshipped by America.

So I have to call out to the empty air for someone to care.

Otherwise a full decade of murder via poisoning, being passed from one sick and ugly dirty fucker white pig ape and his filthy shit Nazi wife and crap children to the next, all ugly, completely sinister and abusive rapist scumbag whores (plus their wives) who become violent when I say NO endlessly in years of repetition because they are foul, abusive and nasty ugly shit for so-called "men", all of them. THey treat me with absolutely dehumanizing sex trafficking precursor to murder as I fight and fight and fight while they have their technology mutilate slash into my body poison my food and torture me for hours every day by filthy and disgusting celebrity pieces of pure shit while they are endlessly awarded for the ideas they have tortured out of me.

That NO ONE, NO ONE NO ONE is helping me should demonstrate to anyone that no matter which rotten scumbag is put into the President's office, whether black,white, Jewish, Latino or whatever else, they are never going to stop this contract out on me.

When Trump began his rape and torture of me, the number of filth from Whorewood exploded exponentially until by now it's been a few hundred fucking scum shit whores from that sick place of "entertainment" and the shit pig pit and prostitutalina and now their filthy daughter who has grown up learning to torture and abuse and expect endless awards is there insulting and yelling because she's a stupid piece of rotten shit and is expecting this contract to automatically put her into power.

And every night while I am in deep sleep I am raped, abused, insulted, stupid sick skits are forced upon me in "edited" start-and-stop situations where I am doing something I never would do

and this also happens in "real life" while I am in public. First the pigs shock and "traumatize" me by nearly hiting me with cars and pushing into me and abusing me as my body is blasted with nervous system shock by remote tech.

then words are inserted into my subconscious while I am shocked as I repeat like a puppet and appear smiling while people are abusing me

and it never ends

a decade of this going on every single fucking day as I fight for my life to rid my body of poisons so I can just simply move to go outside and not be stuck in a non-stop torture room situation

as the shit like Baryishnikov, who has violently assaulted and poisoned me with real murder intention, yelling that I owe him so much for the bullshit that he is, an ugly disgusting old man, nothing different from the younger dirty and filthy sick blonde sick sleazy pig who has stolen ideas from me for over a decade (randomly) to write his American Horror Story about murder and homosexual S&M bloody violence, endlessly putting blonde women as the only center of focus as the strong women heroes and as usual, endlessly promoting Nazi woman as "strong" witches, the only ones capable of defeating blonde Nazi pig apes who are assaulting and abusing them

the rest are as usual good minions in the background, playing an occassional strong female fighter operating on cue by the decision of the white Nazi skank who is instructing them on what to do to be part of a coven

the keyboard is now like an extreme sport endurance stress test my fingers are number from literally pounding down as hard as I possibly can

Please god, goddess, whatever

kill these fucking scumbags immediately who are attacking me and the shit whore group funding them--Congress and always every president still living (even up to Carter). Please destroy them now and get this parasitic plague of filth off me 

A U.S. Government that is endlessly proclaiming that they are fighting for human rights, is fully endorsing the most vile sleazy rapist fasco-parasitic abusers to vent their incompetence and hate upon civilians--women who they want to crush, in my case, ideas they want to steal for over a decade because of their adherence to conformity along Europigape fascist ideals and limited mindset--endlessly attacking me with deadly drugging that never is stopped and never stops, for ideas ideas which I can never capitalize on. Most of my life has been spent laying in bed in a drugged up daze with fractured vertebrae and poison hardening into the injuries of all bones and skin tissue that the terrorists create, plus the poison has kept me unable to function and it is a miracle I got through grad school. Drugged into a daze for most of my life while floating in a haze of being lead around by users and exploiters who didn't have to use many mind control tactics to play their sleazy usury games, as the drugs and mind control tech interface provided them with my "compliance" because I could not grasp the situation I was in a daze but appeared to be vital and functioning. No one can understand this, and that is one of the most dangerous aspects of "mind control" that keeps it functioning at a pervasive but continuously increasing level.//For the U.S. Government to have their rotten old racist Nazi men and women in Congress (E.Warren, Graham, Cruz, Kennedy, the younger variety of Hawley--these are some of the more conspicuous who have attacked me in various ways, along with the ultra racist AOC "antiracist" girly thang in Congress but oh, how she works comfortably with racists in Whorewood and then is invited to the Met Gala--and the list of incentives is endless as the list of violent and sick creeps continues to pour into this contract out on me).

 Apparently, fighting for any decency in society is a death sentence and a capital crime according to the fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich.

Not a single one of these "equity' and bs-versity can begin to defend a single concern about actual rights of "women" unless they are Nazi or those who have fully abnegated their sovereignty to subservience and near worship of the blonde Nazi pig ape whores who control, demean, and demand something like "blonde worship" of utter disgusting stupid shit whore ugly skanks, glorified and endlessly promoted in mind control operations always glorifying blonde women as the epitome. Now with poisoning and mutilation capabilities to destroy someone from within their own privacy to the point of paralysis and utter destruction of skin, hair and internal organs plus aging from non-stop torture using all the subliinal and touchless technologies

these filthy ugly skank whores are going full out, and so are their filthy rape ugly dirty men partners

Baryishnikov is a most foul and ugly sick sinister foul Europigape destroyer of anything pertaining to women's independence unless it involves strictly blonde women who can "enslave" and demean, destroy and cheer on filthy shit like him to beat and rape women like me. That is all he has been doing at me for 2 years and fighting to get hi off has been almost one of the hardest struggles of my life--but the pig apes are all like this

I have been trying to get filth fucking pitt and his ugly dirty prostitute wives and girlfriends off me since 2013 

when they took over from Elon Musk, who when he began with Amber Heard, tried to have me killed multiple times the month that Heard separated from Depp, joined with Musk and I was fighting for my life every time I drove as I nearly was killed multiple times with huge trucks barreling behind me as huge pieces of square greased meat were on the road as the motorbikes which surrounded me parted just as I was driving into the patch of paved shiny meat (in front of an open air market selling meat and vegetables)

so I clicked on some Trump personalized photos on my Facebook page, as the initial fake news of the Trump era (and I also wrote "fake news" one week before TRump began using the term, while he was involved with the daily torture of me and stealing ideas)

and now my fingers can't tolerate this non-stop pounding literally with all my might to get anything to print out. My hand is numb from pounding at this point

I am not Atlas and I want to shrug this unwanted planet of hell off me. I write of the burden of society that I perceive (at this point, I have to re-edit as hackers are inserting words)---the rest of this post was not only too hard to write due to hacking blocks to the keys, but endlessly rewritten/partially deleted--so excuse the incomprehensible it is due to hackers not me-- is turning it into a Wasteland for me, maybe not you. I carry this weight of trying to stop the destruction of the concept that people have freedom of thought. People have the perhaps perception of being "allowed" to compete and achieve success in the economic domain if they pursue a goal and work for it. I have a dream that nepotism will not control the American landscape of exceptionalism. I grew up in a culture whereby fathers told their children that they had to go out and work to learn how to become strong and not expect parents to give them everything for free. I feel, right now, like Atlas carrying a weight of responsibility to not allow this transgression of "The American Dream" turn into the actual American Horror Story I am currently tangled up in Blue over.

 I am struggling to pound every letter out. The keyboard is so blocked it's hard just to struggle to write about it

I can only write basic sentences

I feel today more old age being injected into me by the Middle-aged and senior citizen parasites literally torturing me to death to obtain original ideas, free promotions for their mediocre children who are told by their Euro-fascist controllers that this is the system they will inherit from the long past centuries and millennia of enslavement of humanity by a few wealthy families, set in stone to rule forever.

Following in this tradition are the endless faded cardboard figures, still alive, of decades of endless media exposure and political influence trying to get their younger generation to collaterally keep them in power, as the younger emulate the "aristocracy" of elitist crushing down-pressing and their children, in turn, have very little to offer in creative endeavors but are told that automatically they will inherit the old world custom of nepotism and aristocratic assumption to top position.

I feel like I am the ONLY person fighting for equality, antisemitim and antiracism in Whorewood. They can lecture and get paid and get media attention for the speeches they make, but I am the only one actually fighting. In this case, I am literally fighting for my life. The ones who watch on, many of whom, do not realize that the time will come, perhaps too late, when they must do the same.

They remain waiting to see which way the wind blows. They assume that watching me flail every single day, writing these endless posts from VICIOUS AND DEADLY abuse in teleportation, from poisoning and torture that is never-ending

only means it's my problem


I'm so old from rotten old sleaze filth parasites old men and women coming to drain my life force, break and abuse me, steal ideas which they appear to have almost none of, and then destroy what I am, have made and push me into slow agonizing death while I fight endlessly to heal and get rid of them. 

I see my body breaking down more and more, day after day as one vicious yelling ugly sleazy dirty filth bucket crap creep comes after the next, under the supervision of Trump, pig pitshitalina prostitutes inc controlling the long list of scum filth whores from Whorewood, each sleazy dirty ugly one associated with a various charitable "cause' disguising their corruption and sick murder clutching for money and power and prestige and awards and etc

their crap children are right behind them fully trained in this life fuck mentality, as they are a huge parcel of the climate crisis because ALL they represent in reality is wealth display and consumption and consumer lucre displays.

mY body is aging so exponentially because as Trump nears imprisonment he has told his filthy demons to VICIOUSLY attack me as if me fighting for my own life is working against his interests of endlessly exploiting this contract for his rise to the presidency in the first place. Now I "owe" him a "get out of jail" card as well by allowing pig shit filth to rape, steal ideas without a single utterance of resistance or complaint--as I am doing so because, for the first time since I realized they were stealing from me this next pair of shit have come to violently yell and demand fascist violently at me to give them ideas--no commentary about any payment, and the ideas they stole from my writing they only pursued more profit by having their filth male rape culture shithead scum to come to yell at and abuse. The white bigot (Evans) just came like a white trash hamburger meathead yelling fascistically at me. The Black ugly dirty sick buttfuck b-tard came using the excuse that I am this horrific racist for calling out Oprahs abusive racism and antisemitism. As usual, her fame in film is based on her work with the sort-of Jewish Nazi Spielberg whose every film revolves around some "woke concept". but usually for the sake of having the controlled opposition in Whorewood, always with Nazi actors playing lead roles--Oprah being one of those. Calling her an aunt jemima is an old term that Malcolm X used, so f-u dumb pig apes who are using that to literally beat and torture and poison me saying I am some bigot racist and using that as excuse for torture in exchange for Nazi appropriation of lead roles and spotlight appearances for years, as ugly rotten Porter has done.

Meanwhile, I remain aging and shititng out poison they all put in my body whether by collusion or direct involvement--baryishnikov being one who deliberately ordered my poisoning while yelling after raping me repeatedly with vilence that he was stopping the poison and helping me and what expensive and rare "help" he claimed he was offering me and how much I "owe" him for it, all the while making sure I did nothing toheal but instead harming my body further by doing the wrong things--as I lay in agony he told me to "keep going" and"if you just keep going you will see results, it may take a very long time" as I lay in agony for two years.Fighting to get that ugly old rotten piece of sleazy filth off me has been an old age process of him abusing and torturing me becuae,like this filthy dirty blonde pig ape scumbag, he is told he is entitled to rape, plunder abuse insult and steal whatever he wants out of me. The blonde bigot from American Horror Shop was just following instruction from the ugly former cociaine scumbag sleazy gay sleaze ballet shithead who told him to treat me with absolute contempt dehumanizing Nazism and violent rape and threats for saying NO to the continued rape torture and theft of y ideas while they keep on abusing and torturing me immediately after both rape, theft of ideas which garner for them millions of dollars,original ideas for which they are credited and told they are incredible while I am beaten, raped called a stupid bitch and that they never stole any ideas from me

and on and on

typing is too impossible

the space bar willnot work I am pounding ashard as possible and it's not working

cna't write more under this kind of acute physical stress of pounding and backspacing without end

but kill Baryishnikov as well, this ugly dirty filth sleazy Nazi KGB piece of utter crap--sleazy and ugly and sick and mentally ill

kill him, he has been murdering me for 2 years and is instructing the dumb blonde scum to torture me for defending my rights to not be tortured so this stupid shit can have ideas --something this group of utter stupid shit has been doing non-stop for a DECADE and longer.

Rotten and ugly worn-out cocaine sucked-dry psycho pig ape Baryishnikov really needs original ideas to steal as well. His old world mentality of conformity and white male privilege has made him only capable of imitating the old world art forms and maybe a few "modern" adaptations

otherwise, they are extremely threatened by me having original ideas

being beautiful, strong and healthy and happy

and being able to compete against their hateful mediocrity

they are plastic surgery or physical athletes and that is about all they can do

and I am stuck here again after more than a decade of warning the world about not allowing sick fuck life sucking parasites to have these mind control weapons at their disposal. All to a blank silence of greed, sleaze, apathy and expectation of endless relative comfort and security

it is impossible to type by now

as I write every single day, I am being murdered in plain sight with the cheers of the Nazi 4th Reich putting all the murdering bigots into positions of power. Hoards of blacks are rushing to join in, as well as Jews, Latinos and Asians.

I am being made old, I am fighting to heal so I am not immobile and paralyzed while they NEVER stop poisoning and drugging teleporting torturing raping and beating and abusing me. I have committed no crime whatsoever nor harmed a single one of these fucking whores. I have done nothing to "deserve" this except compete to win and then fight to not be drugged, raped, discarded and poisoned to death. In addition, fighting to have a career and then fighting to not have all I think of stolen by worthless shit scum who can sometimes dance, but wtf that someone who can gyrate or twist their bodies are being handed tech to torture other people so they can claim they are"great artists" only because they learned to imitate the art of other great artists who trained them back in Europigapeland?

How many years must I write furiously fighting hackers to get a fucking piece of sick shit off me as the next rapist shit whore takes his place with his nasty dirty blonde fucking whore wife and shit stupid dirty children and groups of dumb scum partners?

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).