Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A U.S. Government that is endlessly proclaiming that they are fighting for human rights, is fully endorsing the most vile sleazy rapist fasco-parasitic abusers to vent their incompetence and hate upon civilians--women who they want to crush, in my case, ideas they want to steal for over a decade because of their adherence to conformity along Europigape fascist ideals and limited mindset--endlessly attacking me with deadly drugging that never is stopped and never stops, for ideas ideas which I can never capitalize on. Most of my life has been spent laying in bed in a drugged up daze with fractured vertebrae and poison hardening into the injuries of all bones and skin tissue that the terrorists create, plus the poison has kept me unable to function and it is a miracle I got through grad school. Drugged into a daze for most of my life while floating in a haze of being lead around by users and exploiters who didn't have to use many mind control tactics to play their sleazy usury games, as the drugs and mind control tech interface provided them with my "compliance" because I could not grasp the situation I was in a daze but appeared to be vital and functioning. No one can understand this, and that is one of the most dangerous aspects of "mind control" that keeps it functioning at a pervasive but continuously increasing level.//For the U.S. Government to have their rotten old racist Nazi men and women in Congress (E.Warren, Graham, Cruz, Kennedy, the younger variety of Hawley--these are some of the more conspicuous who have attacked me in various ways, along with the ultra racist AOC "antiracist" girly thang in Congress but oh, how she works comfortably with racists in Whorewood and then is invited to the Met Gala--and the list of incentives is endless as the list of violent and sick creeps continues to pour into this contract out on me).

 Apparently, fighting for any decency in society is a death sentence and a capital crime according to the fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich.

Not a single one of these "equity' and bs-versity can begin to defend a single concern about actual rights of "women" unless they are Nazi or those who have fully abnegated their sovereignty to subservience and near worship of the blonde Nazi pig ape whores who control, demean, and demand something like "blonde worship" of utter disgusting stupid shit whore ugly skanks, glorified and endlessly promoted in mind control operations always glorifying blonde women as the epitome. Now with poisoning and mutilation capabilities to destroy someone from within their own privacy to the point of paralysis and utter destruction of skin, hair and internal organs plus aging from non-stop torture using all the subliinal and touchless technologies

these filthy ugly skank whores are going full out, and so are their filthy rape ugly dirty men partners

Baryishnikov is a most foul and ugly sick sinister foul Europigape destroyer of anything pertaining to women's independence unless it involves strictly blonde women who can "enslave" and demean, destroy and cheer on filthy shit like him to beat and rape women like me. That is all he has been doing at me for 2 years and fighting to get hi off has been almost one of the hardest struggles of my life--but the pig apes are all like this

I have been trying to get filth fucking pitt and his ugly dirty prostitute wives and girlfriends off me since 2013 

when they took over from Elon Musk, who when he began with Amber Heard, tried to have me killed multiple times the month that Heard separated from Depp, joined with Musk and I was fighting for my life every time I drove as I nearly was killed multiple times with huge trucks barreling behind me as huge pieces of square greased meat were on the road as the motorbikes which surrounded me parted just as I was driving into the patch of paved shiny meat (in front of an open air market selling meat and vegetables)

so I clicked on some Trump personalized photos on my Facebook page, as the initial fake news of the Trump era (and I also wrote "fake news" one week before TRump began using the term, while he was involved with the daily torture of me and stealing ideas)

and now my fingers can't tolerate this non-stop pounding literally with all my might to get anything to print out. My hand is numb from pounding at this point

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