I could not keep balance, I am still not standing still from the impact of yet another day of deadly poisoning and drugging
I spent the day glued into a sitting position, I believe they are also pouring muscle tightening drugs into the cocktail so the hard poisons I can't get out are compressed as my muscles contract--
I think they are doing that to keep me perpetually in too much pain to move as I sit a helpless target while they blast mind control into my drugged body and brain to watch their bs K-rap everything they hack into my system, which is a perpetual line-up of crap actors and directors who take turns yelling, raping abusing and insulting me. No exceptions for Jews, by the way.
the drugs are still in my system, because they never stop.
I have huge liver spots on my arms, a symptom of liver damage and poisoning. All I do is fight to heal, detox and not get poisoned but I cannot protect myself in this hateful condo where every wall is a series of panels that can be opened from the other side.
My room was further slashed with knives on the artwork I put on the floor--there are tatters of the remnants of the flooring that were fixed on the floor yesterday before I went downstairs to get this delivery
and I wrote of something I really like, which I would not have done as they destroy everything that helps me
for instance, they have been pouring cockroaches into my room for years and years and years and years. I have begun to order these little cockroach poisoning plastic units (Combat) and for the first order, they worked, and I could smell the odor of the poison and whatever "food" was used tto lure the roaches into the bait trap. But the next order has no smell, feels empty like there is nothing inside the little black plastic units, and the roaches remain as they were. So they just sent me empty black plastic squares. You can't see inside the little things but the smell is undeniable and they absolutely sent me nothing this time.
that means the next time I order the essential oil, they will poison and taint it or put stinking crap or deteriorating poisons into the oil
And so, I reacted, I wrote a series of posts which the pig apes are using to steal ideas from
their objective was somewhat met
when the Jewish Nazi about 8 or 9 years ago, just prior to the seasons in which they stole the ideas I had writen of, I think it was Season 3 for that American Horror Story and the season in New Orleans--so it was a very long time ago--many many years ago
I said no, the Jewish man stuck his h ead up in the pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi pose but said nothing. They then stole the ideas while pig shit pitt profited, a usual, from this and was invited to the Golden Globes, along with Tarantino who yelled a Nazi slogan about sending me to a concentration camp after I said NO to just giving him ideas for him to use, while they continue to poison, drug destroy my property steal my money posion and drug my food my body breaking from it--and they never stop poisoning me and my body is breaking my liver and kidneys are severely damaged and they still never stop this murder of just poisoning, plus non-stop stress on top of it all.
and another fellow conspirator Gaga then were awarded as she joined in. Years and years later, the blonde bigot scumbag is yelling Nazi cliches about what he really is, not me
and demanding that I provide them with ideas for them to take credit for, get paid excessively for, while poisoning and abusing me to death having me raped so the next filth shitbucket celebrity can also exploit me to the mex for their entire shitwhore group to endlessly have monopoly, with non-stop awards to bolster their image because of the creative ideas they stole from me, in part, not all of course
and it never ends
of course, for all the years that I wrote that just allowing this to go on will create a fascist movement in America
but apparently, everyone wants this and that is why no one has done anything to stop it and still no one is.
You don't want to be limited yourselves, but when it happens to me--then "good" you all say in unison doing nothing.
Now that it's happening to everybody and the pig apes I write of are profiting with untold BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in awards for this sick contract, you still cheer them on. Never are pit shit pitt the filthy stupid dirty parasite and prostitutalina ever once questioned in any capacity for their filthy and stupid sleazy sick imagery. They are considered so sacrosanct by the industry for their fascist Nazi role in putting ever Nazi director and scumbag celebrity into a non-stop never-ending rotation of Oscars and monopoly in the industry, with politicians beginning literally with Obama and his greedy and fake pretenses along with his wife, with dirty and foul "evil" Hillary the most foul Nazi blonde racist crap, and of course Biden and his team--in Congress and all obtaining movie deals, getting awards for their "feminism" or their "black strong female" parasitic a$$-groveling Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom roles for the Nazi plantation of America for the 4th Reich overtake.
I should add two back-up items to this accusation against the most coveted acting performer of the decade: Obama. What grandiose speeches he gives with a perfectly poised acting skill--and that is all it is about. I knew what he was the year before the Primary when The Wall Street Weekend Edition put two-page features about how Obama plans on supporting Wall Street prior to his Primary Caompaign, and I knew that any Black Male professing for equality and et al would never be so advertised by the financial community unless he was a cardboard one-dimensional fake promising to let them get away with more plunder. That was two years before the finanicial crash in which Obama allowed the corporate thieves to consolidate more power while the public lost their mortgages and homes and properties and sometimes their lives.
I also watched the White House Correspondent's Dinner in which Trump was invited to glower and glare and shake his head at Obama, during the "Birther" movement when Trump had accused Obama of not having been born in the United States, and thus was illegitimate.
Obama made his usual "jokes" and used a clip from The Lion King as his "joke", implying that Trump was the Priest King "Ape" or Baboon--or the Priest class offering up the baby Lion King--but of course, the Priest class takes precedence over the Royalty and always has decided which front to put in front of The People but behind the Kings are the Priests ruling from behind their veiled insittutions.
I urge people to listen to the William Cooper podcast from The H our of the Time in which The Lion King is deconstructed along these lines to understand that Obama was actually welcoming Trump into the presidency with full permission of the Democrat Party--including of course Biden. The collusion between Whorewood and Congress was decided upon at that very moment, and the rise of Trump into the presidency was decided long before Trump rode down that escalator.
I will not copy and paste the stuff here. You can find the Cooper lecture on his Hour of the Time mp3 collection, online the title of the podcast is The Lion King. You can look up the White House Correspondent's dinner with Trump yourselves if you want (none of you will do that).
But it was symbolic.
to this day, they are ALL profiting off this contract imposed upon me. That they are poisoning me to death with non-stop drugging destroying my liver, kidneys and nervous system--they could give a flying f*** about any of that.
Their administrators of Nazi programming, the pig shitalina prostitute duo of swaggering nazi filth have been so endlessly lavished with awards and by now billions of dollars in mansions prizes--there is a "Kung Fu Panda" resort here in Phuket which is one of the most beautiful properties in Rawai--it is secluded and a very, very beatuful property that prostitutalina obtained from her more than decade of non-stop poisoning, administering rape and brutality upon me to physically mutilate, beat rape and tortrure me
without end, fully welcomed into Chuck Schumer's Office the day after his Jewish religious sanctimonious observances he advertises on his Faceboook page, the day he walks in unison with the Latino Community in New York--so fully dedicated to antisemitic collusion with the 4th Reich--the Latino community is fully a functioning death squad unit--and thanks to the decades of the Clintons and their policies of destroying countries and communities, thusly turning the victims into violent puppets to be used as surrogate death squads for the most rabid antisemitic Democrat fascist Nazi party, headed by a "jew" by the way at this point in the Senate.
And so, I am "ranting" again but this is all accurate. The hacking block to keyboard function plus my brain is without a doubt under extreme block to rational thought and heightened hyperbolic ranting with subliminals poured into my subconscious constantly to urge me to rant in hate speech at these sick and sleazy disgusting parasites
so I was drugged
they never stop poisoning my body --to death
I don't regret it, but I am writing about it hoping people will fully stop this poisoning--how many years of me writing about torture and poisoning to death until any responsible person actually intervenes I have no idea
I don't think it will happen until these filthy lying dinosaurs of the ancient regimes of fascist totalitarian oppression are gone
including in Whorewood
**written 30 minutes later after having gotten up from this mind blasting hacking spot:
During the Trump-Obama confrontation at the Correspondent's Dinner back---during the "Birther Movement" which, I believe was quashed somewhat after that fateful encounter that the public would not have understood the significance of
and I would not have either, as I had not watched The Lion King, nor understood the "Mysteries" but I was "illuminated" as to the symbolism by the William Cooper podcast titled "The Lion King" (it's in the 400's of the series, around 450 in the archived numbered podcasts, and it is worth listening to anyway about power structure based on the Old Regime which is still in full effect now, and was the secret code of power-sharing. It also involved a MOVIE --which fellow black Nazi antisemite Beyonce also made a new version of btw which I also have not watched--but I did watch the old Disney version after listening to the podcast).
Obama made a reference to #45 as being the "ape" because of the hair color and similarity, supposedly, of the Ape Priest (maybe it was not an "ape" exactly but close enough").
Obama made this reference to Trump being of the "Ape" class similarity to the Priest who actually ordains the Lion baby to the inheritor of the throne of superficial "power" but behind the Lions are the actual ruling class of the Priesthood. In Whorewood, it is said by "conspiracy theorists" that "Satan" is the true ruling Priest class. I only know they all conform to Nazi slogans and racist memes based on old death squad identification along with using themes that also coincide with various sacrificial and "Satanic" principles, in particular the celebrities and politicians involved in this contract. They learn very adeptly how to perform the walk and talk. It comes out as sweet and pleasing and is adorned with plastic surgery modification and all kinds of window-dressing. Bombastic lectures and joking are two of the very great weapons Obama has used, and Biden tries to put on the sweet concerned and ever-caring death dealing veiled adherent of the Nazi Priest class--
Bill Maher, who has also stolen verbatim at least one idea I wrote before I stopped writing creative ideas (but I still am, by the way but not as openly creative as I had done before, now I am only analyzing this group to try to reach anyone who can get beyond the drugged up ranting/hacking discrediting imposed upon me by a multi-pronged discrediting apparatus of hacking and drugging and subliminal craze being pumped into my subconscious constantly through the "voice-to-skull" technology and emotion and brain tweaking.
He used one thing I had written of Trump's Tower being a black penis symbol and his wife-daugghter--I wrote of this and he used it. Maher has constantly referred to Trump as being an ape or a some gorilla ape type animal, with photos comparing some gorilla with blonde hair next to Trump--but this, I believe, is also a reference to the Lion King Priest Class that Obama had used, almost freely while making mention of Trump as the "ape" and he (Obama) the "Lion" and "King").
That priest class reference, understood by the "adepts" of the society, has been in use for a very long time. Maher has constantly made predictions that Trump will win the 2024 and put many Trump feverish supporters on his show, fully admiring them and their political careers working for the Trump administration.
I listen to Maher very often, and I have no intention whatsoever to condemn him but I am writing this in conjunction with the entire gamut of people posing as one identity but actually part of this larger symbolic "cult" that controls Whorewood and Congress alike.
The "Dark Money" that rules them all is the Ring of Power that they all wear secondary little power king rings around their nasty genital proclivities for subordination, sleazy sexual immersion combined with sociopolitical realignment of identity (all carefully constructed--for them--symbolically or as the 4th Reich progresses in numbers, it's now literal)
RECOMMENDATIONS for a change of this old guard (the dinosaur death squad "priest/king" ruler monopoly oppression Old World takeover of the United States
There must be transparancy between celebrity and politician activities. There should be audits of politicians, the federal reserve and the president and the senators and House of Reps must be mandated to have randomized drug testing, as should the celebrities if they want to remain in power.
They should not be allowed to take foreign money for U.S. business interests, in Whorewood and this is like asking the impossible
H-wood is completely under the dictatorship of the 4th Reich from Europigapeland which in turn feeds the political careers of the politicians. Trump is the most perfect example of this corrupt collusion. Shitpigaalina are never questioned, put under scrutiny but they are dumb puppet skanks performing fascist Nazi Mafia roles as the middle men for careers like Trump's rise to power THROUGH THIS CONTACT ON ME which no one stopped, least of all the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens and ALL have obtained endless movie deals, book and Whorewood awards, leadership roles, media promotion and the Presidency which is a damn shame at this point.
They are so well-trained by Whorewood to perform false compassionate "Democracy" roles while being active fascist Nazi/Mafia members of the 4th Reich. Their violence is deadly murder they are callous psychopath murdering bigots inducting black and Latino and Asian and Jewish thuggery into their ranks.
Every single day it increases. There is no resistance to it. I remain writing about it every single day. Have been writing about it, warning of what was to come, for over a decade. Still, the long list of comfortable and sleazy nasty 4th Reich posturing bigots wait to torture me to get their lagging careers back into full force by just raping beating and torturing me--to death and poisoning of course that is the "silent" death that goes on and on to my endless writing asking for some relief and for this to be stopped.
Their ideas constantly stolen out of torturing and drugging me into ranting hysteria using mind control and deep sleep torture every single day while everyone watches on as they are all put into awards every single year without a shred of questioning from anybody.
Basically, the policy recommendation is that people are given access to movies and tv shows not showing fake idealistic "woke" culture which turns into a "joke" for the Nazis to tear down, thus destroying the actual and real concepts by legitimate people who are "yearning to be free" but also, all the entertainment to focus on caring and sharing and concern for society and humanity that is not performed by rapist blonde Nazi parasitic dirty "demonic" posturing bs parasitic lower-than-ape pig apes with their filthy trained minority minions fully on board and trying their best to be as vicious and violent as their white Nazi "masters". Uncle Tom's and Aunt Jemimas are the rule and not the exception in Whoreweood and in Congress, unfortunately. /Screw you if you are going to call me "racist" for this, as you are racist in watching me get tortured by the minions who are now fully going to the fascist Nazi Trump death train using antisemitism as their stepping stone when they brutalize me, yelling with fascist violence and death threats at me so the dirty pig ape fledgling wanna be's will be included in the Nazi ranks for the global overtake, as they also screw over their own countries and communities for the eventual "be the abuser or the abused" dichotomy that fascist politics really means.
They are not even beginning to enforce the actual law of the Constitution in this situation of me being endlessly tortured for ideas, raped and abused non-stop for over a decade just by the most famous in whorewood and in congress
what do you think needs to be changed if you want to see the United States remain any kind of sane society without absolute death squads ruling and torturing the population?
for further reference to my allusion to Maher in collusion with Trump (and Obama, and actually they are not inseparable)
I referred to an interview that Maher gave with KellyAnne Conway, some time around the 2015-2016 Trump campaign era. Maher had her on a teleconference screen as he asked her questions but mostly praised her career and that Trump campaign. He was fully in favor of this "MAGA"-esqe personality. I thought it odd considering his usual photos of Trump alongside an ape-type animal with white/blondish hair--talking about the law suit that Trump was ordering against Maher for making reference to Trump's mother as being an ape as well
Trump declined to sue Maher for the reference against himself. Maybe Trump has a grudge against his mother and will not allow her any "priestly" status...but himself, of near divinity and that is also in collaboration with the Trump=Jesus mythology that has sprung up. In both cases, first from The Lion King as referencing Trump to the Ape/Orange gorilla type animal to being the Priest who hands the baby Lion King to the cheering crowd of animals below the high perch of authority, above the peasants and lower animals that they all rule jointly (the King Class and the Priest Class).
Trump has now been ascribed as being a Jesus, but it follows from the Priest mention that Obama had used earlier, as the segue to the more acceptable Priestly authoritarian dogmatic religious leader in that Disney Movie, now taken from Whorewood into Congress-Whorewood and now around the world everyone wants to emulate a Disney Movie and have movie stars as Presidents dictating austerity and total control. Well, maybe not the entire world, but certainly in Argentina, the colony of the Nazi empire of the 3rd Reich, much beloved by all the Trump train advocate neophytes and wanna be fascist dictator recipients of all that lucre that they plan on stealing from the next wave of the 4th Reich plunder genocidal apparatus.
You can all all the above-written as crazed conspiracy theory ranting from a crazy person claiming state-sponsored drugging and teleportation, which in itself fully supports any discrediting claim. I am merely exercising the stretch of the breadth of how global this operation is and is becoming the longer it is never stopped.
When I say drug testing for the leaders in Congress and in Whorewood, I also include alcohol. They must be sober. they must not be crooked taking money from "Dark Money" funded by the ever-expanding fascist 4th Reich which is buying up every greedy and sleazy sick psychopath possible. I see a non-stop rotation and never-ending newbie list of celebrities fully operating under the strictest of protocols that they all emulate. Every day I see another one by now. This post is a result of that. They are promoting drug and alcoholism, crime and sexual violence. In private they are using rape and torture as a complete political platform while slinging the drug of feminism to the dumbed down generations which cannot fathom the actual struggle because the dumb puppets considered the 'icons" have no idea or concept and by demand MUST NOT understand if they want to retain any position. They must NEVER actually amplify or imbibe these ideas of non-rape and racism or they will be excluded and perhaps even worse.
They all comply, so the deepest synapses of the verbal expressions into the recesses of the unconscious mind that watches and listens and sees this concealed discrepancy cannot take the movement seriously and they actually are seriously undermining the fight for freedom from rape and abuse in domestic violence to a great backlash operation by society at large. I could use so many examples of women who stole the ideas I wrote of who have turned "feminism" into a "woke joke" and the women are hated who tried to actually pursue justice (Amber Heard is the most notable, for simply making a case for violence, which I know to be true from Depp but she participated in it too, so she could not, without having done actual reading on the subject matter and studying it to at least a nascent degree, have done anything but misrepresent and then fully make a mockery of it, which she did, and all these rape cheerleaders who are violently assaulting me who claim they are "me too" are also completely destroying any thought patterns for defense of women. Hillary further amplifies this, but her and their point is that blonde Nazi women are exempt from the violence of their Nazi men and it should, instead, be dumped on me endlessly--and "I" represent a list of the types of women they want to see broken and destroyed to never have a chance and etc etc. The writers of American Horror Story with all their lesbian "feminists" are exactly a part of this, and the male "homosexuals" are so fully in line with crushing and stealing from me for white male supremacy--and their blonde bigot women behind them. That is a theme I have been writing of for years and it's still silenced but many other themes I write of are stolen.
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