The life-sucking and feeding frenzy of parasites and the potential to literally transfer old age and suck out youth and health from someone else, the technology and death squad operation and this ugly old man and the old men of the government, of Trump of the shit around him who have been feeding off me, of shit pig pitt and shitalina tothe endless rotation of filth from Whorewood--and they all go from From rotting, disgusting zombie to freshly minted vampire--yes, the technology is a feeding ground for EVERY parasite looking to exhale his/her old age and suck the life out of me--the transfer of their old age, mental illness, vicious grasping for money, power and fame---absolutely evil and vile and the terms are appropriate.
"Vampire in Brooklyn (1995)--From Zombie to Vampire Scene/Movieclips". Movieclips. August 26, 2023.
I so need to exercise in peace and quiet so I can concentrate. This filthy ugly man was redirecting me to what was harming me, while continuing to poison me, claiming he was stopping it. As I was drugged constantly, I reacted to a non-stop slew of violent Nazi-spewing racists blathering hateful racist memes following exactly along Nazi slogans that were used to kill Jews out in the Streets of Germany, in Kristalnacht, before they were put in ghettos, starved en masse to death, then transported to the death camps. That is what this ugly old man and all the people of this group are envisioning and what they fully support; that includes the Jews who participate, to one degree or another, as long as they can bypass the genocide they are fine with it happening to me. That is all the leading "jews" of America plus their AIPAC (my family was associated with that organization they fully sacrificed me to the top layers of that organization and of the diaspora). But just saying, I have no silver cross but to have my private thoughts constantly interrupted while I NEED TO HEAL AND EXERCISE while this filth ugly sick parasite who has violently raped me, been poisoning me to death, yelling violently at m e, having others violently yell at me, then after I could not fight it any longer after about two solid months of yelilng into my inner ear to t his filthy pig to shut up to stop to stop interfereing with my exercises,--he somehow hypnotized m e to stop doing the exercises I really was doing that were helping the problem, and instead do the ones he had his assistant of just stretching the arms and neck as if that would break the poisons off my hips and spine--as he yelled how incredible his expertise in ballet training is, what a world figure he is, and I was desperate as there is ZERO INFORMATION on how to heal this problem. And so, drugged up and shitting diarrhea poison out and being raped, beaten adn abused in 8-hour stretches every day for over 2 years from his aabuse, and an increase in the terrorist groups in the shops in the streets in the stores and where I live--this filthy Nazi KGB piece of sick ugly dirty parasitic shit and his whore group h ave obtained tv series, endless promotions
and they are so clinging to get m ore, they have n ot 'finished" as I fight and fight this ugly filthy creep who is once more trying to "control" my exercising to stop me, to claim he is "controlling" me as I am FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE TO HEAL. HE IS AN OBSTACLE TO MY HEALING AND HE IS DOING IT DELIBERATELY TO SLOWLY KILL ME, AND KEEP M E SHITTING POISON OUT FOREVER TO MY DEATH AS HE PROFITS OFF IT, WHILE YELLING AND SCREAMING THAT HE KNOWS EVERYTHING WHEN i CONTRADICT HIM HE HAS HIS FILTH MACHINE OFHATE DESTROY AND RIP AND POISON AND ABUSE ME BECAUSE i SAY HE IS FUCKING KILLING ME, INCOMPETENT AS ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE TO THE LYING SHIT HE I S CONSTANTLY CLAIMING THAT HE'S THIS EXPERT AND MUYST FORCE HIS UGLY FILTHY SELF UPON ME EVERY DAY WHILE i AM AT 100% CONCENTRATION TO FUCKING H EAL. He has kept me sick and dying for another 2 years while I was doing the CORRECT exercises initially, which he "instructed" me to change to t h ings that pulled the poison and kept me so weak and unable to move while the poison was constantly being injected and poured into my every possible portal for violation and violence. PLEASE GET THIS SICK FUCKING UGLY OLD APE DUNG OFF ME. Trump is behind him, 100% I am now getting a slew of Trump videos and I never want to help t his group of fucking shit who have been torturing, raping and poisoning me mutilating having me hit by cars unending torture for years and years and years--grey hair lining my face, my body just smothered with damaging chemicals--the bitch whores these pig men marry come to laugh about the mutilation to my body as they viciously attack me as well. Please kill them all goddamn whatever force it out there get them off me. How incompetent the politicians really are and how sick and evil they all are.
"Vampire in Brooklyn".
I have such little energy in my body and life from daily drugging and poisoning so *I react in a "trauma" state and write and write on this blog--hoping one day someone will have some compassion and care and actually stop all this.
Seems impossible at this time but I am so physically drained and stressed out from the nightly terror teleportation that i must get it out
I am constantly being attacked in one form or another, as this life and youth-sucking parasite who is abusing me for his endless free promotion--and the group of filth has not obtained their collective goals, this group of filthy Nazi whore shit associated with Baryishnikov, which is his rapist sleaze filth ugly wife and shit daughter--all psycho on a Nazi elite aristocratic power high just like the filthy wife of the man from American Horror Story is at this time as well; all trying to emulate the vicious and extremely genocidal oppressive ruling class of the ancient regime of Europigapeland
the 4th reich, brutality brought back and all chances of equality and freedom gone. their freedom consists of this contract out on me so their ugliness and stupid mediocrity won't have any other competition outside of the 4th Reich white supremacy entitlement and the minorities who are "allowed" to compete must placate and abuse me, for example, to prove they are full in with a type of Orwellian aristocracy far exceeding anything ever in history of violation of the human condition (equals freedom of speech, thought, movement and achievement only for their filthy asses to steal and suck as much out and believe it is their entitlement).
So he's going on, the group around him and the pig shit pit and the other filthy creeps who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years and years and years are urging this vile dirty ugly filthy old man to just constantly have absolutely no concern about me, because they believe I am to be a slave, that I am already a slave and have no human rights, no right to even write my own story they demand that I give them all details so they can once more take ideas from me, claim them as their own, not only NOT pay me in any way, s hape or form but steal from me, destroying my body so the blonde Nazi whores don't feel any chance of me being happy and beautiful ever
and then they work to slowly kill me but still sucking as much out of me and giving back slow, agonizing death and that is all they give, literally--which is they only take and not just take but are taking everything from m y life anyone possibly could take from another human being.
I think to myself that if i just ignore this ugly dirty filthy pig, which is impossible because he's constantly injecting his vile and dirty ugly mouth into my most extreme concentration to heal--which he has been preventing me from doing and repoisoning me and abusing meinto old age, raping and abusing and having otherm en rape and beat me while he watches on, as the shit filth bigot women watch hugging the men who beat and rape me in front of them, after and before they steal my tirades about feminism and how women have rights to live without rape and about rape culture and domestic violoence
which they then steal as their concepts--for over a decade as wel
and they are all there, still the same pig apes I fight furiously to get off me
for years
still there but with new pig ape shit like baryishnikov who has "only "been slowly killing me yelilng that I owe him every single thingi possible for his "help" and then torturing mefor fighting to get this ugly dirty thing off me and now he's back yapping his "advice" and when I tell him he does not know what this poison is, he attacks me again so I spend hours not exericing, because that is his goal to deter and stop that and redirect me to harming my body and then insulting and posioning me
and I did not finish, I am now too exhausted once more to take a shower, Yesterday they sucked so much of my life out from the attack on the internet with my banik that i had to literally zone out by playing a computer game, immersed in it, for hours and I was too exhausted to take a shower and in too much pain (I have to clean the floor after a shower because the floor is wet an d the terrorists pour debris, grease and hair on the wet floor. I wipe it down, and they still pour grease, hair and debris on the floor but it's not in a complete puddle. They also pour water mixed with grease, debris and hair so the floor is dry but there are puddles with grease, debris and hair after I clean and clean after a shower
it is too much for my body, my spine is coated with hard poison and fractured vertebrae
this pig I must reiterate has been stopping my progress for 2 years and torturing me with vicious hate and violence and instructing English pig ape shit to rape and beat and fascistically yell absolute obscenities at me. This pig ape B-KGB-bot was awarded by the English Crown one month after he began teleporting and beating and raping me plus forcing his disgusting ugly voice on me while always in the exact middle of the height of concentration. I need to finish the exercisees and he is constantly giving me one choice--to constantly stop and yell to shut the fuck up and die and go to hell--which so stops my exercises and energy and drains me--because after 2 years this is thepoint I am at, asking nicely has done nothing.
and the other choice is to try to "ignore" this filthy parasite, and it's impossible when someone is blasting their shit voice into your inner ear and no matter which direction or how loud the m usic I am blasting into my brain is, I can't negate the voice that overrides the music and attempt to focus and block this filth fuck shit out
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