Thursday, February 8, 2024

Terrorist report: more items broken, more plants killed after planting seeds for the 13th month in a row--plant after plant slowly killed--seeds planted endlsssly to save money and nothing grows. Planted more inexpensive seed packets and could smell the stench of fungus throughout my tiny cubicle torture unit, because the plants had been doused with fungus to kill all seed growth--poured via mechanical arms on my patio less than one hour after I planted the seeds.//Today I had to receive a package of ear buds because THREE pairs have been ruined by this terror team with their mechanical arms in the last two weeks. one of the packets had been opened and the earbud barely works on one side, yanked out of the socket or whatever they did, but still operating, barely if I don't move the plastic cord in any direction. Otherwise, a cheap pair I paid a higher price than they were worth, perhaps replacing the original for a lower quality product.//The delivery person had no change for a small bill, and they knew this and the delivery people always have change for a 1000 baht bill (something like $20). He took my money and ran out and took 15 minutes to return. I returned and my sink faucet has been broken and is dripping at a constant fast pace--done while I was out of the room by the terrorist scum in this building. I also go outside onto my patio and some creep 2 floors below, where a nest host of the creeps live, (now drilling into the cement and steal so drilling/pounding is constant once again)--but they have broken in the last 3 weeks my toilet seat, 3 ear buds, two music players, my patio chair,, a pair of pants I sewed literally by hand was stained and ripped after having washed it yesterday--ripped along the seam--the terrorist had already poured bleach on the fabric and I have had to use permanent marker to try to conceal the bleach marks (brown satin pants and lace leggings attached, all done by hand by myself, and it took a long time. My own design, ripped, stained by the shit that breaks into my room under orders of the filth millionaires and billionaires of Whorewood who are attacking me non-stop for more millions while they destroy and spray stinking filth that is permanent on everything I own and all furnirture on walls and every material item so my room stinks even with the patio doors open 24 hours a day, the stench never leaves.//I have been writing about this filth scumbag Baryishnikov, who I told to go away over one year ago and is still clutching on for his rotten life to obtain endless attention and deals for himself and his creep bigot Nazi brood of skank whores blonde Nazi filth and crap from Europigapeland and his shit wife and daughter. This ugly sinister filth creep latched on screaming "hints" at how to stretch and in one year+ h e literally gave me 2 single pieces of advice, literally only two, each piece of advice offered only single time, in the year of his forcing himself, but probably more like his assistant, with one single tip, to put my shoulders back. Demanding not only a baby out of m e, but submission and groveling worship for his two posture bits of advice given on two isolated days, only twice in the year+ of endless forcing his voice (or assisant_ to say put shoulder back, put shoulders back, whilel making comments non-stop about everything I was thinking and doing. Poisoning me so badly all I did was crap out piles of black stinking poison that were laced with instant hardening accelerators so it appeared like they were "old" poisons, and going on and on day after day in utter pain because the "help" he was giving, which I was drugged and was literally brainwashed into believing was helping me but just the poisons were so latched on. I have no doubt they did a lot of hypnosis conditioning to believe this crap while I was in deep theta sleep, teleported and not conscious,

 Baryishnikov is utterly worse than deplorable and is grasping onto retaining this position of control and violence in this murder operation that this filth creep first brutally raped me to obtain his promotion by Queen E of that deplorable fascist Nazi country "across the Pond"

Slapping while sticking his filthy greasy penis in my mouth while the spawn of Depp was giggling and watching closely as I was in a state of delirium my body drugged to the max my nervous system in a heightened, uncontrollable state of all sorts

finally hitting him back when I was barely able to regain control over my unconscious deep sleep state and the drugs and the hypnosis-

the creep began to yell over my attempts to get him to stop and shut up

telling him to go away and hitting him and telling him I don't like him, I only need health care and I was dying from poisoning and the pig apes shitpigpitalina were poisoning me to death as I begged for help endlessly and no one came. The pigs of Whorewood refused to help me with even a single bit of money while they had their minions STEAL my money, literally month-after-month so I was so short on money I could not afford anything healthy, and I still can't. now with the increase in money from the stimulus I can barely afford to eat unhealthy food, while they continue to poison me. My body has aged, they ahve cut out part of my uterus so my hormone levels are wacked out

but this filth creep Baryishnikov has tortured and stolen my cat, not in that order

has had human remains smothered in barbecue sauce, with a lot of blood, piled high to the brim of the "on sale" meat section which usually has barbecue meat cuts soaking in sauce and herbs--

has been torturing me on a 24/7 basis and inflicting heinous deep sleep hate and torture skits, and he is still going on and on and on and on and on and on and on

I keep trying to let Americans know that this is an enemy of the united States, this Latvian Nazi--truly from a Nazi background and of course he will deny it, he is a constant liar in everything he does for the public. His watered down weak and mild speeches about his great "escape" from Russia is a complete hoax and part of his KGB persona as an infiltrator for the "globalist" agenda--I could use other terms as I'm not used to using that terms, only that he is connected to Paris, and thusly his partner in rape, the spawn of Depp and Depp himself were then, the same year, by year's end, literally given standing ovations for mediocre over-paid productions of sleaze and stupidity in their output which was, in my opinion, absolutely fostered by the influence of this filthy rapist creep Baryishnikov.

I suggest that people watch a movie he made about abusing women or using them. Actually, every movie I have ever seen about him uses this theme constantly as this is part of his former vigor, and I suggest a lot of methamphetamines and cocaine. 

One of them uses the them of the ballet Giselle--where a wealthy man uses and discards a poor woman who then dies or commits suicide--a common theme in 19th Century "Romantic" literature. 

The film is set in a double but parallel theme of the ballet not contrasting to the abuse and inter-changeability of the females in the lower ranks of the ballet troop who all, seemingly, can't wait to be seen in public with the famous dancer and will allow themselves to be exploited. The point that this creep loves is the hurt that the women display when he callously dumps them for other women, usually more "blonde" as he is a Nazi to the core. Blonder hair, and whiter skin and bluer eyes, that is the recurrent theme of his exploitation of women in his movies and he replaces the poor less blonde one for the wealthier more blonde-ish one. He is reinforcing all kinds of establishment morays and this one is on a racist hierarchical scale.

Because I recognized this scale quite a long time ago, I just refused consciously to play into it. I have to admit that being drugged to the max with hardening poison retaining drugs into my nervous system was not a great help in fighting against being absolutely drugged and my nervous system under attack. But eventually I would be able to recognize the situation and pull away. Because I pulled away before the pig ape scumbag Nazi was "finished" exploiting me, I became a target of stalking and assault by teams of minions and the white pig ape and his lover, wife or whatever standing back, as usual gloating.

But the movie, it has to hide most of this so it makes the user assume that the Europigape tradition of the "rake" male, the "Renaissance man" who is adept at many artistic talents, intellectual and has many lovers on the side of his arranged marriage, etc the tradition that he is upholding for white male entitlement. Always on display for his movies, along with the theme of the rebel against traditional authority because of his orchestrated "defection" defecation upon America with this twisted and skewed play-acting about how he is so rebellious and so anti-authoritarianism. That is his usual stance for his every milk-toast seemingly milk-toast, mild-mannered speech and it's disgusting because he's a true very seriously sick and deadly passive-aggressive murdering bigot and I have had to see it close-up for over one year.

But none of the shit from Whorewood will get this psychopath off me, and the love it because he has French connections (like the movie, like heroin) and they are addicted endlessly to one drug or the other so he is buying them all out, probably with money funneled from Putin himself, who also had joined in with Trump while he was the President and Russians plagued this condo with their rape and dismemberment disfigurement of me, daily putting my hips and spine out of alignment then poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison so the poison acted like a glue, seeping into every vulnerability and tear in body tissue.


And so, he won't stop. I finally have been calling him the most honest but nasty names I can think of. I hit him with a stick that I found in this teleportation. I kicked him yesterday screaming to get off me and using every most nasty insult that i honestly also believe about him, no holds barred on the nastiness to get him off me

and so this month, just in two weeks, endless items broken, my teeth cut to the root and they keep drugging and attacking me in the middle of the night so I have to take off the layers of protection around my hands and then my head and as I try to begin to put everything away, in the dead middle of the night, the technology is being beamed into me so I am instantly nauseous and must lay down immediately, and I use my music player (they broke so while I am in a deep sleep they remotely turn it off and then turn it back on so I wake up thinking it's been on the whole time. Before they stole it from my room and returned it with the cover broken, I did not wake up at all so I know they hacked something into it). The next player they literally broke that i ordered

and I am now spending money and the items being broken now are endless. So today they have just broken my faucet. I had to wait so long for the delivery gut to get change that I have no idea how much of my food was poisoned. I did my best to not open any packages so they could poison anything as I just returned from shopping. Now the faucet is dripping constantly and it was not before.


Please GET THIS MOTHER F--er off me. He said in an interview with Charlie Rose that his mother committed suicide. At this point, his problems about women and his mommy and his lack of responsibility to learn about his own problems and then dumping his psychoses on me at this near-death stage of his rotten shit life of abusing and using women because he refuses to read or study about the problems that many people experience so there are many books on this subject--but his domestic violence has now reached a murderous level of violence and his clutching and grasping at me like a drowning man trying to revive his former fame is disgusting as he is in every way

HE HAS STOLEN MY CAT LA MOUX. This is all I have left in my life that is anything I love and if she is still alive, can't ANYONE EVER FUCKING HAVE HER RETURNED TO ME AND GET HER AWAY FROM THIS LOVELES SLEAZY AND DISGUSTING GROUP? 

Goddamn the US government for this contract and for NO ONE EVER STOPPING THIS OR STOPPING A PIECE OF SHIT LIKE THIS CREEP I have been writing about how sick he is for  YEARS NOW as this is more than one year of telling him to fucking go away over and over and over and over

Like all of these filthy ugly dirty "famous" scumbag Nazi filth creeps--the blacks and the latinos and the jews--it's basically one single dysfunctional dirty creep after the next and I have never "allowed" this to happen to me and I never chose shit creeps like this--I avoided fuckers like this I have learned that they are not decent that they are violent and now I know that they are NazI shit fully indoctrinated in rape and torture and murder of Jews. I'm the easy target for now because jews think it's great that I am some outlier and therefore easily substituted for them as a scapegoat. 

CAn someone get this fucking piece of shit Baryishnikov off me and this group and have my cat La Moux rescued and returned to me?

She does have a microchip and could be located. She was microchipped at the Chalong Animal Clinic, next to the Tesco market and near the Chalong Temple. Her name is La Moux. I could go there and try to get this information but every single shop now, under order of this filthy fuck Baryishnikov and this group of trashy skanky crap from Whorewood, operating with the white trash Nazi cartels here in Phuket on "vacation" but operating as Nazis openly without wearing swastikas as the Thais literally act like bowing slaves and viciously attack me and smirk and laugh about it as the white trash observes. I am scared they will not give me information and what can I do if I could locate her, if they have not taken the chip out? Please have her returned PLEASE RESCUE MY CAT AND HAVE HER RETURNED TO ME SHE IS AT LEAST 25 YEARS OLD

PLEASE GODDAMN what more must they steal from my body and life and ideas and leaving me with everything stolen broken and non-stop torture while the sick Nazi shit of Congress applauds these filthy fuckers and Jews come to get the "get out of Concentration camp free" cards for behaving like dumb scum and apes in front of the Nazis--gloating, making jokes, acting like stupid pig apes as the white trash hands them awards. Rotten Ben Shapiro attacked me like a dumb and ignoramus a$$ and was instantly applauded by Elon Musk who went with Shapiro to Auschwitz to "prove" he's "not racist" and "stands with Israel" but what a load of shit both of these idiot savant pig apes really are.

So I remain writing to the void to fucking stop this tirade of violence from the KGB--and I mean literally he is an agent, as most of them are for FOREIGN governments as infiltrators, grooming and programing and incentivizing every scumbag opportunist like Ice Cube and Farrakhan to become as virulently greedy, stupid, sleazy and violent because they "care about Palestinians" and whatever other excuses they make to literally emulate the "master" whom they love and adore, but are put on these anti-racist platforms because the subliminnal persuasion that is employed by this technique is often called "back masking" by music experts--in that words spoken but then recorded and played backwards can say the exact opposite. And the brain does pick up on these discrepancies but unconsciously. And that is why every scumbag fake is being put into leadership position as the fake "opposition" to the actual Nazi regime (plus criminal organized crime, thusly so many mafia and criminals glorified in these shit movies, as part of the larger programming)

But Baryshnikov's programming is to appear like he's some anti-authoritarian but the psychology of the subliminal is what is really telling.

Plus, I "forgot" to write, but in this movie where the ballet Giselle if featured as a parallel plot, if you look at his face closely in the movie, you will see something like an embittered mask that some may interpret as being something like an evil hate mask. And then years later, he really has turned into a psyhopath with both Nazi and KGB  programing from his Europigape past and also from his life in Europigapeland now, with fascism and Le Pen and Nazis growing all over the place, and this fucker is definitely one of them and is pretending.

Please get this sick fuck off me goddamn.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...