Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Liberty of beneficent spirit not military might constitutes a Free Republic (with good defense system to guard against infiltration).

What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independence? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coasts, the guns of our war steamers, or the strength of our gallant and disciplined army. These are not our reliance against a resumption of tyranny in our fair land. All of them may be turned against our liberties, without making us stronger or weaker for the struggle. Our reliance is in the love of liberty which God has planted in our bosoms. Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands, every where. Destroy this spirit, and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.
--September 11, 1858 Speech at Edwardsville

It is your business to rise up and preserve the Union and liberty, for yourselves, and not for me. I desire they shall be constitutionally preserved.
--February 11, 1861 Reply to Governor Morton

It is not merely for to-day, but for all time to come that we should perpetuate for our children's children this great and free government, which we have enjoyed all our lives. I beg you to remember this, not merely for my sake, but for yours. I happen temporarily to occupy this big White House. I am a living witness that any one of your children may look to come here as my father's child has. It is in order that each of you may have through this free government which we have enjoyed, an open field and a fair chance for your industry, enterprise and intelligence; that you may all have equal privileges in the race of life, with all its desirable human aspirations. It is for this the struggle should be maintained, that we may not lose our birthright--not only for one, but for two or three years. The nation is worth fighting for, to secure such an inestimable jewel.
--August 22, 1864 Speech to the 166th Ohio Regimen

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Cat filmed being eaten alive for the realistic thrill of a movie scene, ripped apart by a rat pack (wasn't there a celebrity "rat pack" in H-wood? Isn't there still one?).

At one hour and 8 minutes into this Hong Kong film, the production company films a cat being eaten alive by rabid rats. It is real, there is no CGI or animal protection for animals or people (read Jackie Chan's biography about doing stunt work in the early days of the Hong Kong martial arts flick scene. No props, no compensation. His training for martial arts included a clause that if the student was killed or died from injuries sustained during training, the academy, which actually was theatrical "opera" training as it was called, was not legally responsible for the death of any student if they fell or were fatally injured even if the instructor or Sifu worked them to death.
The cat is eaten alive you can see the rats tearing out the intestines of this cat. Somehow this reminds me of the H-wood actors and directors who are as callous and calculating as these Hong Kong dramatist who appear to have imbibed the severity of the Japanese mauraders they depict.
It is all so sequential this escalation of violence. Victim becomes the perpetrator, and displays characteristic of the murdering hoardes. But to have to show a cat screaming in agony for a filming sequence is just a bit too horrific for me after years of watching human beings being artistically murdered on screen, this was much worse than any fake film portrayal of death. It also is indicative of the murderous mentality that persists in most of the actors/directors I have met. They love torture, violence, rape in real life.
However, this movie is supposed to be a true story about Japanese Unit 731 and human experimentation that is based on reality. AFter years of experiencing so many people who, when given the chance to secretly torture someone, what only restrains them from such heinous torture atrocities is the levelling hand of instruction from above restraining their even more deadly explosions of repressed lack of humanity.

I need to stop looking at YouTube pages and writing on Faceboook due to the violent people putting their videos on my pages to elicit a response, so they can attack me (devour like rats) whatever they can steal and rob of me and attack me like the rats that they are for their promotion in this sick system I am embroiled into unwillingly. Every time I write about another one, and yet another one, they viciously attack me and they get paid and promoted and I get tortured for reacting, and tortured for not reacting. The onl solution is to try to block all of you out and do my searches outside of this system (on subjects that are actually meaningful and interesting for me personally outside the ugliness of trying to understand your hate and murder death system). THIS MOVIE SAYS ALL ABOUT YOU READERS AND YOUR ORGANIZATION that all the fake stuff in the theaters cover over with thrilling entertrainment (misspelling intentional).

As long as I continue to look up information where I know people are gong to hack and intrude on my private searches to try to get my attention so they can then attack me like a rat pack, a burgeoining group of rats now into double-digits sitting in rows observing one hate actor or director, wiith videos and the like filming what the rapist abusers and haters and feminist Nazis and the black nazis and everything else under the sun (pun intended) are doing to me to get responses of hate, rape and violent negativity outo fme so they can get promoted.]

This movie is a more honest depiction of their cruelty, ignorance and hate. Ignorant because they have no human sense unless they are instructed on how to think and what to say and how to act and what to wear and how to eat and what to think and how much violence to inflict upon orders and just rationale.

The tortures are never going to end until someone actually does something significant to stop these sick attackers and provide sanctuary and justice for me. Otherwise, the endless repetition of me wriiting about tortures and violence directed at me goes in this revolving cycle of me writing about one torture only for worse or more to continue on some other aspect or level. It only lessens for a few hours after I write. When I write it turns on the readers and provides promotion in this hate crime culture that has endless actors and wanna be YouTube stars endlessly attacking me to get promotions.
Like a pack of rats.
This "experiment" torture based-on-a-true account, not fiction, worse than a horror flick, worse than a few snuf films, worse than the imagination can delve for any person like me who has a more benign imaginary expectation of the human race.
This sort of thing will become more exorbitant the longer this technology is not stopped and the more people get involved with no group blocking this type of activity.

Like a pandemic it's growing and growing.

There is still an ongoing war between Koreans and Japanese at the diplomatic level regarding unmet reparations for these war crimes.

THERE ARE FOUR FILMS of MEN BEHIND THE SUN. This movie series has been so successful obviously overwhelming audience approval and rating. MEN BEHIND THE SUN MOVIES 1, 2, 3 AND 4 for all your fantasy and entertainment gore!!!!! Just wait until more and more people get their hands on these torture teleportation and other murder weapons that remain unacknowleged from all authority sources, whiich hands these out to death and murder and rape squads like drugs to addicts who are drooling to murder and torture people to death!!!! Yeah, the crossover from reality, victimization, movies, actors and the actors of "reality" are beyond good and evil in the production of death culture that new technology makes so available and these torture weapons and technologies are being hande dout as rewards for any violent criminal and promotions abound for participating and remainingsilent, and like the torturing murderers, laughing and smiling and giggling as the victims are screaming and beinig murdered and tortured to death in "experimental" technology.

Viewers not only LOVE this series but can't get enough wartime mutilation, human sacrificial disection, films with animals being ripped apart. The Chinese LOVE LOVE these movies about their culture. The rest of the world LOVES LOVES LOVES these hate movies about murder that is graphic and explicit and based on a true story.

According to accounts based on testimony, this is a real story about experimentation that happened during the Japanese invasion of Harbin, China. NONE OF THE PRISONERS SURVIVED UNIT 731 EXPEIMENT CAMP. THIS IS NOW HAPPENING IN HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, USA on a micro level with the technology, gang stalking and torture apparatus of political assent. The situation is not as violently murderous at this point. If there is some conflagration and the rats are let loose, human sacrificial dismemberment and other tortures will be inflicted upon people while they are sleeping and in a comatose, MK ULTRA microchipped state. For example. This group has such a diabolical insane point of reference for torture that they will create all kinds of murder scenarios that are covered up. However, the basic mentality is demonstrated here with not-CGI special effects but real blood and dismemberment of animals. I don't think that was necessary to make a point in this film for the production uniit.

Dizzy from brain attacks from directed weapons while typing. Always happens while I sit in front of any computer due to "mind control" tech aimed into my brain.

Reaching deep into the caverns of my mind and brain. Places many men have gone before or think they have ! A Star Trek into the known spiral of brainwashing and mind control! With pleasant musack for your easy traumatizing control over the human species as your interstellar plot to control the UNIVERSE!!!

On a POSITIVE BLUE NOTE (McCoy Tyner on the piano uncomparable)

On a postive Blue Note: The late, more than great McCoy Tyner with the great and greater John Coltrane. Somehow live makes the music so vivid it bespeaks a spectrum of hot red zones of passion and ABILITY TALENT GENIUS.
no. maybe McCoy Tyner is unbeatble in combo with Coltrane...? Unbelievable chords he plays I watch in absolute awe of his genius.

Consciousness alters into this elevated state of elaborate zenith zones of altruistic melodic calm amidst the panic of notes scurrying to the skies and beyond....

How could I be more "polar opposite" to Prez D. Trump, I wonder?

I just heard him on a Democracy Now, YouTube Video. I mean our leader, Mr. Prez D. Sr., speak at a rally at Mt. Rushmore for this Independence holiday. Putting blame on the "fascist" radical "Left", he could not have expressed his accusation in a more opposite form than I have been writing for years about the genocidal often-labeled "Right-Wing" Nazi organization which I have personally witnessed infiltrating the United States with full positive reception of many of the "Right Wing" bigot Nazis of America. How Americans of this ilk cannot sense or understand the dangers therein, I do not know only that I obtained a much more full understanding of the Nazis when I moved and lived in Germany and learned the language and studied various books on the subject (including from Malcolm X) and then understood their infiltration tactics and then saw pattterns of exploitation and infiltration when I moved back to the United States. Particularly when I lived in Florida, and most telling, on South Beach which has become an almost fascist European-controlled colonized hate "Little Riviera". 

I have written extensively but always drugged up, ranting, with hacking errors and the block to my brain, about the people teleporting and attacking me who are in bed and in league with fascist Nazis who pose as "alternatives" and "care" about racism and make endless movies on the themes of rebelling against tyrannical authoritarian people or systems. I see, from my experiences, study and observation these people first using charm to infiltrate, money to buy out, and and using various subordinate groups (often stalking groups which also operate as agent provacateur) and now openly using terror tactics to overthrow the US culture from within (i.e. H-wood). The Boogaloo group is another such "alternative" "Right Wing" group, which openly states it's intentions but that was omitted in the above discussion.

I am not blaming Trump, but just stating that I have to laugh when I hear his speech because it's so 180 degrees from everything I been writing about.  It sounds like me but absolutely the opposite direction.

I also wrote recently on Facebook that the backlash against the Black Lives Matter protestors was inevitable. Trump says that the "Antifa" "Left" is responsible for the agent provacateur radicalisation of the terror attacks during these protests. I believe it was at least partially the responsibility of the "Far Right" Neo-Nazi terrorists (who are also blacks, whites, Jews, etc there really is no color division between who wants to get promoted and who claims they are fighting racism and being paid for their media stance).

How could I be more radically polar opposite than Trump when he blames the terrorist attacks and lootings and burnings on his campaign opponents?

3 minutes into vid, Trump speaks to rally about terrorism and blames his political opponents.

Having written all that: Trump does call the "Left" wing terrorists/agent provacateur "Nazis", which is where our points converge into one clarifying identifcation of blame for all the attacks. Are the terrorists Left-wing Nazis or are they Right-wing Nazis?

Monday, July 6, 2020

Media duplicity and threat of me responding on YouTube

First: I just spent over 10 minutes re-editing this post, as after I had written hackers deleted every period at the end of every sentence. They also added at least 4 spaces between every paragraph. While I tried to correct every mistake, they then blocked functions of the keyboard. This is a brand new remote keyboard I just bought last month.


I was diverted from expressing, on my last post, that I did not look up the YouTube video where I had posted a comment, which I obtained from a search regarding a movie I had watched, drugged up and "assuming" that someone out of an extremely remote country did not have access to my immediate stalking situation. I believe the video may have been a "plant" hack into my internet searches, put immediately upon my viewing of this movie, as was the latter search for information about these scoundrels who I really don't give any real concern about. The subject was fascinating. What this (Nazi, openly adamant Nazi fascist follower) expressed is that "Hollywood is crap, and don't watch their movies." That is a near verbatum expression of what I have written repeatedly and for a very long time, but also just wrote that within the last few months.
As I wrote, hackers can change date on the template of YouTube to make a video appear that it was posted whenever they want it to read.

It was a bait and I bit into the bait he used to lure me into an entrapment (my theory, you attackers will be keen to label this and me a paranoid schizophrenic episode of paranoia--but not, for people who understand stalking methods, if any will ever publicallly acknowledge the protocols but of course only the targets attempt to write, as I do, or make videos and then they are destroyed by the agencies aligned with the stalking and death squadron groups, politico and media all participate. (All and I mean it appears that "all" however I can't access alternative media or people unless they are sanctioned by this stalking terror global concern).

I also did not research his video because he's using extreme violence towards me for expressing a kind of schadenfreude at his stupid band "beef" murder power grab media hype movie which has a very fascinating theme.

If only I could write about it but the hacking makes wriiting impossible. The attacks on my nervous system make hand writing also nearly impossible. My hand shakes while I hand write and the poisons hardened into my back make the physical act of sitting and using my body to fight and struggle to hand write also makes it a very short-lived experience fraught with cramping of my hands and fatigue and brain attacks by the tech (but much worse while I sit iin front of the laptop).
I am surrounded by teams of Scandinavian stalkers since I wrote a post on his nasty fake video--all of them well overfed, huge athletic and pampered by the money they stole from the victims of the Holocaust, victims of European banking cartels sucking out loan relief packages from places like Thailand (as I recall, there was a huge economic crash here in Thailand back in 1999 or sometime in that time frame. The hacking and extreme slowdown of computer searches makes looking up this information a waste of time for my puropse here.

As I really can barely write at all due to the impediments of the hackers and physical blocks and brain-altering tech.

I am surrounded by people breaking my bones while I sleep if i respond to this pig ape out of Denmark and his English counterpart--two ugly old men I responded to because they hacked into my YouTube page recently and the English one lately wiith a plethora of his rotten bloated nasty face and fake alternative news commentary in interviews, held by the media conservatives who love this character for his duplicity and hype.

I am under threat and always nearly hit by trucks and cars while driving. Nearly hit nearly every five minutes, litterally.Now I am backkspacing so much and pounding down continuously I can't get anything else out. It's painful on my arm to pound with full strength
and wasting time writing about hacking as well
I am under deadlly threat if I resond to his ugly rotten face (both of these creepy men who put their crap on my YouTube recommended page on top of the screen, and induced by subliminal suggestion I click on and they attack me with deadly force so they can get their promotions and hope to get more infiltrated into H-wood (with full acceptance from all the fake news "liberals" participating in this scheme, which appears to be most of the most famous ones in the media, from my years of experiencing one of them after the next attacking and causing physical harm to me and then they all get new tv shows and movie starring roles.
I want to wriite on his page and express how the stalking intensified almost exponentially after I posted, so the readers can know that this fake is a fake
However, I will desist and for other reasons besides.. The harm to my body never stops but they have just put my foot into a huge deformity and that is dangerous for me.. i hope this ugly creep is killed in some accident immediately. That is my real response to this pig ape and his partner out of England, who also threatened me if I write about how fake he is--this rotten Johnny fake punk puke personality who please, don't let more of them infiltrate H-wood through this Brat Pit gang of psychos who are welcoming in every and any scumbag out of Europe to infilatrate H-wood to incorporate a fascist media conglomerate. It already is fully entrenched and in place and controlling the media and your perceptions. The technology also plays a part in controlling how you view and conceive of what is being put out by them. It's all so duplicitious.

I am still drugged, nightly attacked by these stalkers, and this post has a few hate rants derived from the drug/tech interface but I tried to control it. Discrediting of my personality is the driiving force of these attacks and yes, I did play into it once again. I leave it as is because part of me wants to express hate and expletive language.

My metatarsal bone put out-of-alignment by stalkers breaking into my home while I slept and was under the microchip MK ULTRA comatose state/teleported to abuse and torture.

The title says it all. I had a slight bruise on the area of my left large toe after the accident. Three days later the area was jutting out at an extreme angle. I also have been very drugged due to the stalkers entering and putting skin drug patches on me, along with injuries, my entire room stinking of toxic fluids, and two rotten nasty Europig males responsible for these attacks and the network of shit that permeates my life surrounding me in gang stalking operations.

I spent another day, yesterday, hammering hooks into more cabinet panels, gluing paper to the cracks of the cabinets on the hinge side, and then cleaning up endless blankets, pillows. This morning I awoke to more stinking pillows and tape wound around my computer electrical cord.

Hacking is much worse today, double spaces and letters I press are doubled or tripled constantly.

This is a repeat, daily operation of fighting to heal my body, clean up stinking objects which takes sometimes HOURS every single day. The putridity is so overwhelming all I can do is clean so I don't have to breathe it in while I"m sleeping and must shut the open air sliding glass door (which is smeared with stains and grease. Also my hair is smeared with grease, but I was so physically worn out after pounding in 6 hooks into plastic-coated fake wood panels, exertion that is extreme because what is really needed is some power tool to insert these hooks. When I hammer nails into the few wooden areas of the cabinet, it is like cutting through butter compared with the plastic panels I have had to nearly injure myself (I have injured myself doing this).

Again, another day of pasting and pounding, cleaning objects I just cleaned yesterday. I have not been able to do little things like dust objects which are caked with dust because I'm either so physically injured from all the spine manipulations the stalkers force on me while I"m comatose and sleeping. The foot injury DEFINITELY was caused by stalker violence, not from the accident. This group creates accidents and then later, while I'm unconscious and unable to "wake up" from the teleportation/comatose MK ULTRA state/microchipped brain operation shutting down situation (my consciousness is literally teleported from one state of physical space to the space they teleport me to, however unreal that may sound).  Thus I have no awareness of being cut into, my body injured, broken and etc. They have also broken vertebrae which is why I am "disabled" and all from these nighttime attacks I can't imagine how many other obscene attacks have taken place all these years of disgusting foul creeps surrounding me in cheap housing that I am forced to live in (and not excluding all the very wealthy people I have also lived around all these years, but as I write, uglier unkempt rotten disguusting people having access to my body is more unaesthetic than the violent, even more dangerously deadly wealthy who feel absolutely "entitled" to do whatever they want. The only thing holding them back from more extreme violence is this contract out on me, and also they want to force a baby out of me for their research or their sick and stupid Nazi theosophical concept that this pseudo-religious stigma they have put on me is some cause to create a bi-racial brat for them to program into Nazi ideology and have some kind of whatever it is...what ever it's bs

the above first paragraph was filled with expletives and hate. I am induced into this state and it comes out like poison and subliminal coercion. Please excuse this profain use of language. I am going to leave it as is, only now to demonstrate how my emotions are being manipulated. At the moment I am more calm because I have assessed that this reaction was due to mind control. It is very upsetting to say the least to understand that nighttime stalkers have put my metatarsal bones out of alignment in a very serious way and I have spent years fighting to defend myself against these attacks and I have spent years and years writing to some silent audience.

The disgusting, ugly creepy old men who I had, in one case, responded to his rotten foul videos with his nasty ugly face leering into the camera for this YouTube video. Like his Nazi fellow propaganda manipulation media circus operator, Angela Merkel, both uttered their hate and hissing venom in quiet, subdued tones almost pleasant and lyrical in tone. Lies and distortions.. If they followed in the Hitlerian vocal demonstative shouting fascist style, they would be recognizable immediately for being what their hushed tones bely.

The other English creep who I have written about is also culpable, as are the H-wood American celebrities who have admitted personally to me for ordering potentially fatal accidents to occur and then they had their stalkers re-open the injuries to cause sustained and permanent damage and then further deterioration of the injured area. I refer specifically to the nasty actor I  call Brat Pit. He's an adamant fascist Nazi and full supporter of Europ fascist Nazi infiltration of the United States, via the H-wood media propaganda circuit. He and his partners, the "feminists" and blacks and et al, expect to have top priority in the new fascist media complex alongside the fascists out of Euro-p-land who hand them contracts, awards, all manner of top production costs and top quality assistance in all they endeavor. This also has happened to the Italian mafia Nazi I can't stand his name, I call him Sickola Scumbo but that's a silly, immature name. He obtained huge businesses in Miami. I sold cigars in his club on South Beach for almost two years and this man has been handed every manner of professional and artistic bolstering because these mediocre Nazi Mafia types have to have some kind of basis to claim that they are "superior" and thus, they steal concepts from people like me and then have people like me discredited, eliminated or in the case of Prince, murdered and they also have attempted to murder me.

Now I have a huge bone sticking out of my foot because of two rotten ugly older men who I had resopnded to, either recently or in the past few years, because they hacked into my YouTube recommened page, I clicked on their rotten faces spewing out fake garbage about how much they as white males are fighting corrupt political systems. Assisted by the not-famous openly fascist, nazi sleaze and the team of crap (here where I live, it's often much younger men out of Russia, France, etc who attack me, all backed by the US teams I have also written of, extending into the Executive branches of the US Government and all that entails).

Pouding down on keys and backspacing continuously due to hacker insertions. This will inevitably be rewritten by hackers once I publish the post.

Boogaloo Movement. Quote taken from a movie, used by practicing shooter of the "anti-black lives matter" Boogaloo Movement. Quote written by one of the fascist Nazi/mafia writer/directors out of H-wood who has attacked, participated in torture of me in this teleportation/gangstalking terrorism situation forced upon me. Stolen concept after concept for years obtained by hacking into my Facebook page.

I had to re-write the above and I have not yet re-read or edited what HACKERS botched up after I posted:

To continue, thus, do not let typos affect my content, as I cannot control hacker inserts (as I type hackers block keys from functioning, making typing absolutely impossible any longer. The hacking is always so bad and the re-writing of my words after I post, and then the block to my brain by the tech makes whatever is posted a mess. I must write this as a sort of caveat every time I post something or try to communicate in any way (in the privacy of this blog) because of the extreme efforts at discrediiting me by this organization.


As I predicted and have written of for so long: what these fascist, Nazi people teleporting and attacking me out of H-wood are reallly doing is inspiring vehement racists to create a more fascist and racist society. A "Civil War" is what would bring down Constitutional Rights and install a fascist, Totalitarian/Nazi adjunct to the already facitious Europ-land "Democratic" regimes which harbor fascism and Nazism under seemingly benign pretenses of domination and world control (or at least the citizens I I have been attacked and terrorised by (using the term terrorism as the operative definition, not my emotional state. I am upset by terror tactics and drugging but these people don't traumatize me, the attacks are combined with extreme drugging so I can't handle my emotional reactions. I continue to struggle to stop the night-time break-ins while I'm unconscious and under this microchipped, "alter" MK ULTRA comatose state where they can cut into my body and I feel nothing, don't "wake up" and don't feel pain as much, upon waking.

Back to the point, The first thing you hear is a line from one of his movies--this male writer/director, actor who is partnering with extreme genocidal fascists out of Europe. Now quotes from his movie with gunfire raging are being used by extremely racist groups. I do not want to use the term "right" or "left" as these are tentative bipolar reactions to a circle of violence that has not the real definitive directions of left or right. National Socialism was a Left organization. Conservatives like Churchill was a "right-wing" more Libertarian type of politician.

Also, another English man who was murdering me and stealing ideas, and continues to do so, used the term "boogie woogie" to describe his very violent "artsy" piece which he obtained funding to turn into a film within two weeks of me contacting him (while I was living in Miami, he was in London, had no movie on his resume, and now has a production company, has continued to steal concepts and ideas from posts on Facebook and now all the hackers of course have access to hacking into my blog as well).

I know he based his book/movie on a Mondrian title for a painting, but nevertheless, Mondrian is credited with being a member of the secret soociety aka "Illuminati", according to an analysis oof this art (cubism and his particular style, which expressese a certain philosophy tied-into Illuminist philosophy. As an extra connection: There is a building named The Mondrian on Miami Beach (South Beach). South Beach, where this Italian rapist, murdering Nazi Mafia anti-American, beloved of the Florida KKK American branches of the Nazi Party---all the big nazi supporters of the World Nazi Order attend souirees at The Mondrian Hotel, where there are very lavish parties held.

A HACKER MESS: ---upon reading what has already been posted, which I will not rewrite but just redefine in some way here. The lack of cohesion and what appears to be a rambling mess of nonsensical connections is due to these attacks on my keyboard and hacker deletions and inserts, as well as my brain literally being blanked out and memory lost as I fight to type and lose all track of what i am trying to express and then get lost, and then the hackers delete words and phrases so it's all very incoherent:

"that Italian" I wrote of just a paragraph above, is the man I have written of, not the H-wood writer/director, althought they are very connected in this stalking and torture group system (intimately connected, partners on a very personal level operating TOGETHER along with other members of this group, which I have written of extensively on Facebook--this Italian mafioso who is almost a similar type of character to this H-wood personality (much less creative and intelligent than the American counterpart--who aspires to be just like his partner and that is a shame, but however no one quotes from the less intellectual and creative Italian guy because he has nothing original to say. However, both of them foment fascist groups and I believe the Italian helps to install fascist underground operations, as I have seen him partnering with very anti-American operatives (from my vantage, not with evidence or "proof" that these are agents or operatives.

As all of them partner with government covert funding and sources, obviously these actors and mafia entertainment imitators are all operatives in one device or another.

Comparisons, links, theories, definitive concepts connections that cannot be coincidences.

Prosecutor brutality: the gatekeeper at a higher level is as corrupt as the murdering police brutes (who are as corrupt as the brutes who they answer to).

Is this not as disgusting a crime against humanity, against all codes of ethics, against all human rights, a crime against humanity but somehow relegated to "normal" prison guard procedure?

I experience this kind of murderous behavior from police when I try to report stalking crimes against me.

But this case is somehow extremely disgusting and that this prosecutor remains in office and an incumbant at that? How sick some of the Florida prison system crimes are (as well as police, and the Nazi groups which promote the Euro-p rapist murdering genocidal mafia who attacked me with aims to slowly kill me via poisoning. They remain at the top of their professions and only attaining these higher positions after having teleported and torturing and raping me for years. This particular vile person I have written of extensively who has many venues in Miami, has won entertainment awards from ideas he stole from me in drugged "confession" type torture/teleportation/rape and trauma-based mind control situations. He's been handed clubs and restaurants and real estate he did not have until he began this contract out on me. This is the type of person that the Nazi Party in Florida, the KKK in Florida, and the resulting "power structure" of the United States welcomes into MY COUNTRY with red carpet VIP treatment and has me poisoned and allows all kinds of parasites to attack me.

I feel a sympathy for this man horribly MURDERED with silencing of LAW AND ALL LEGAL FOUUNDATION FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and for which it stands, there is no stand and hopefully in light of this new movement, something will be done to DESTROY THOSE GUILTY OF THIS HEINOUS MOST DISGUSTING HORRIFIC CRIME OF MURDER AGAINST A PRISONER.

Horrific MURDER of a defenseless prisoner in a Florida prison (guess what color this prisoner was?).

FINALLY evidence of stalking activities by police.

I had to rewrite this post 3x due to hacker deletions. Any mistakes on this post, which I am not going to re-read for the 4th time in a row, are due to hackers:

Here's a video of Police in Broward County breaking into a citizen's home by picking a lock. Police issued No warrant, or if there had been a warrant, it officially may have been a "no-knock warrant" with no notice or search identifcation reported to home-owner. I experience this from stalking groups, supported by the ridicule and silencing of police, every single day and have been for years and years. All orchestrated by government state-sponsored terrorism, activated by civilian stalking teams. All authorized surreptitiously by police and higher government sources.


STOP THIS TYRANNY BY POLICE AND THESE MURDER/DEATH SQUADRON STALKING GROUPS. Police and stalking groups are intrinsically tied together.
You readers who remain silent about stalking and these unlawful search and siezure break-ins are the cement holding the police violations against all Constitutional Rights, and the gang stalking terror organizations which foment terror and murder operations (albeit slow murder through repeat poisoning and planned "accidents" and inserted diseases and microwave heart attacks and etc etc.


Sunday, July 5, 2020

(Thai)) Ladies Prefer Greys. Why can't I prefer them (or younger ones). ???? (wtf) but a life reality many, millions ofThai women must live with or chose as a necessity for living beyond corrugated tin shack poverty to get out--every day.

These older men want me to behave like their already programmed Third World sex slave prostitutes, loving any Jack, John or Jill who hands a few dollars for a nighttime of orgiastic denegration and with older men, it appears like a money-profiting lifestyle. This same myth is being forced upon me by many older men who promise wealtth if I just participate in their exploitation of me.

I have tried to relate how these ugly, disgusting old men with their YouTube videos have attacked me. they are physically revolting to look at, which as I have written in a jest but it's very sombre: the ugliness of the stalkers is near a putrid sense value, aesthetic of vomitgore mentality when you have to see them proliferating your YouTube recommended page, which I am drawn to due to the mind control interface I have tried to describe very briefly above. The hacking and blocks to my brain make any writing extremely arduous and  impossible to get all out I want to express, in any tangible way or form.
The combination of putrid attacks and the people involved are such a revolting system of ugliness, stupidity, hate, greed, selfishness, and all tauted as wonderful heroes of society in these media drives to install fascist and Totalitarian puke rotten creeps into higher positions of power.
Thus, the mechanical arm got through the tiny space I have not had the strength to pound in which was altered between the space of last night and this morning. I have at least been able to create systes where I can detect entry, and they did get in. My hands, hair and skin have as usual been smeared wiith damaging chemicals. My haiir is a mess, my hands are huge, ugly and worn out from YEARS OF hand washing clothing that is sprayed daily with toxic sprays that are deadly to inhale. I must close all windows and seal doors to try to avert break-ins from the outside. When I had windows in the last horrrid torture place I lived in, I had to literally tape the sliding windows because the landlord refused to install screens and blocked all access to me installing screens. The people you idolize in the media who I have written of for years and years ensured I was unable to earn a single penny online and thus stuck living off circa $700 per month, as I am relegated to right now. The criminal terrorist teleportation creeps have been put into the Executive office, their children and wives receive only the top beauty treatments but put me in a place with over 30 panels which these mechanical arms break through every night to inflict damage to my body and beauty and health (slow murder) every single day. They rise into billionaire status and become leaders of society.
You all continue to do nothing to stop them or this system.
You're all profiting off this system in your comfort zones, assured that you will always have people to push down in order to keep your standard of living.
The teleportation terror hate skit they forced on me last night was of kittens who appeared dead in baskets. I had written of another ugly old man (aging I mean) who has put a proliferation of his nasty deformed and near-dead cats and dogs he "rescues" which became an endless stream of videos because I had once searched for animal rescue videos. His videos began to dominate my pages and the severe deformation of these animals caught my attention, as they were calculated to do for what appears to be an absolute scam and sinister "charity" organization.
As I wrote yesterday, a bit in detail. I did not include this organization's videos on my pages because first I don't want their ugly faces to deform my blog or Facebook--I am not trying to incriminate one single person but the entire group. I did put one of his videos on one of my Facebook posts I believe it was on July 3. I had, at that time, bought into the scam as apparently so many others have done. The money is flowing into this ersatz organization and it's cruelty towards animals. As I am under attack because this sick nasty creep is obviously a part of this stalking system, . However, I will include a white older male's (Farang) p.o.v on the beautiful younger Thai "girls' with the older men out of white male land---it's pretty honest in a sordid way. The older men who are putting their endless videos on my youtube channel, which I am brainwashed into clicking on (please imagine a type of drooling comatose but waking zombified state, that is how badly the drugs and tech affect me). I watch their videos and then they attack me. When I fight back against theiir exploitation scams and schemes, they have me put into accidents and then continue the disfigurations and tortures. Their women participate even more assiduously then the men. Younger men are more violent and not more attractive than the older men. However, a rash of nasty older man attacking me like vermin is simply disgustiing and awful to experience. The younger men have not attacked me as much as these older, more established men because they are in the first line-up of "entitlement" to "experiment" with rape and torture teleportation technology. I am a type of prototype but I assure you readers that until this technology becomes a rampant source of pornographic rape and violence and murder and pedophilia--you will be stuck with these wonderful great and wealthy older men!!!!

This video, just trying clicking at 9 minutes into the video (this is an English or UK older man gleefully describing how the Thai ladies/bargirlz really do prefer greys. "Cheers!" he happily states intoxicated with whorehouse grandeur and grandizing entitlement.

This is the future of the teleportation technology to which so many are clamoring to obtain and participate in. The women feel entitled as their men rape and beat and disfigure the women who they want broken, ugly and crushed emotionally, until they 'love" perpetrators because otherwise they are forced into stinking, filthy hovels as this stinking filthy group has forced onto me, like a 3rd world sex prostituted torture victim. Not that I am. I fight out of this American Democratic human rights culture that EVERYONE is decimating because they want a promotion and they can't stand to see me beautiful, happy, successful, more creative than them, with more chances than white bigot males and their nasty females of all the brown-skinned varieties who are some of the most vicious attackers possible on the planet of the apes stalking covert operations, where evidence of torture is disguised. Obviously real "old school" visible torture is much quicker and more deadly. This is slow torture to death that is disguised by invisible attacks, silenced by all society surrounding the target. Scars are made to appear as natural deformations of the sloppy and unkempt and "dirty" target. For my part, all i do is clean up their filth and fight to keep theiir attack units out of my home, study and research how to defend myself and write to the endless void of the "do nothing" denizens reading my posts (mostly drooling with glee that their bigot system, encompassing blacks and whites and Jews and every other possible group, does nothing and says nothing and I remain like this.

What a revealing video this man describes the attitude of a man lavished with "entitlement' here inThailand. I fight against this every day and I am deformed by the "feminist" women who support these men.

I should include human rights against the IMF and other World Bank policies which create these sex rape and abuse cultures where the women love the nasty perpetrators because they have no other salvagable financial opportunities. Some Thai people work 7 days a week, sometimes for 12 hours a day. For very little money. A $20 all-night prostitution night is more luxury than a few days of 12 hours of work .


Here's another vblog about how nice prostitute penetrators are fighting against all these scamming "lying" bargirls.

What victiims they are of Thai women who are just using these older men who are such "gentlemen" who are most of the demographic who attack me in vicious store attacks, but they call themselves "gentlemen" as opposed to the more nasty and violent younger men (who attack me with violence along with their Thai younger women who are very very glad to have younger men who are more attractive than older men they actually become lying professionals about because they have to lie so much about how they prefer greys to young and virile men who are nastier but at least not ugly and nasty older variety.

In ten years of living here i've wittness the change from older retirees exploiting the poverty of Thailand and their lying Thai wives/girlfriends who attack me for them, and the proliferation of younger men coming to invest in Thailand with their much happier but still endlessly lying Thai consorts.

Sorry, that's an observation i wish I were just making a nasty comment but no......AND THIS IS WHAT THIS TELEPORTATION/GANG STALKING/TORTURE/DISFIGUREMENT and discrimination severe discrimination on every level system is trying to force me into. While stealing ideas I obtained from a life of academic life and studies (but thwarted oh how much by druggiing and mind control blankeing of my brain and body and mind control forcing me into a kind of blankk media consumption which I now recognize after slowly climbing out of this particular druggiing and poisoning abyss from detox and awareness)

Here in Thailand I see directly the paradigm this group of nasty men are trying to force upon me, theiir blonde and black and every other color female right behind them cheering them on and attacking me so I am broken down physically and they all blossom off it.

Stop exploitation of the impoverished "Emerging economies" of all nations. Stop human trafficking. Stop pornographic exploitatoin wiith drugging and torture of women. STOP THE WOMEN WHO CLAIM THEY ARE FEMINSITS FIGHTING THIS SYSTEM WHO BLATENTLY ATTACK ME TO OBTAIN IDEAS ABOUT DISCRIMINATION SO THEYCAN GET PAID FOR MORE BEAUTY TREATMENTS WHILE THEY HAVE THEIR STALKERS DEFORM MY BODY AND SMEAR DESTRUCTION ON MY HAIIR, SKIN AND BODY and poison and have blemishes put on my body as they are enthralled wiith destroying competition, then they call me all kinds of insulting names when they teleport me. This is a REALITY that is silenced and NEVER discussed almost never. That's another subject I'm sure there is much information about this on YouTube and in the feminist literature but I'm so busy every single day cleaning and fighting and healing and fighting to get ANYONE to stop these attacks and protect me. Still entertaining the stalking organization (and endlessly backspacing the hacking errors) and continuously seeing the ideas I write of as promotional "alternative/liberal" concepts the celebrities teleport me to torture and then suck out and then exploit whiile I remain in horrid poverty and stuck as a target.

I wish them destruction you can go to thailand and get lots of slaves. I feel empathy for the Thai "girls" but on the other hand, most of them laugh as they participate in destroying my home and body so I can't really feel very sorry for them at all. This also applies to black women and men and all the other "discriminated-against' "minorities including your millionaire/billionaire celebrities in H-wood.

I need to rearrange this blog or create a real page with links and other such organizational details.

However, I am immersed in cleaning up stinking toxic filth every single day that the stalkers pour and spray and sprinkle into my room. I fight every day to do some thing to block off every single space, crack and any place a tiny electronic/mechanical arm can enter through the tiniest of spaces. Last night I had placed a tiny brush on top of the tied-together little metal strips on the huge plastic-coated planks of the cabinet doors. I have screwed hooks at the tops and bottom of the panel doors but my body is too vulnerable and weak to screw and pound in more of the hooks into plastic pieces after more of the hard poisons have erupted out of my body (detox through the normal portals of my body) but I used the word erupted because the poisons literally are glued/latched onto skin/bone and muscles/sinews/arteries/blood vessels. The detox involves my body having to both heal from tissue being ripped out of my back, hips, skull etc and the horrific poison that flows through my bloodstream simulaneously. Healing involves days and days of not being able to do more than sit glued to the boob tubes and reacting to every attack in the psy-ops rotating system. Thus, days of screaming in rage into the internet as drugs that blocked my body, perception and skewed my mind over 30 years ago, putrifying into my body, solidifying and then finally ripping out from my various detox (slow, labyrinth ripping out program) into me not able to fend off the attacks these hateful people incur by their YouTube videos.

I cannot describe how vulnerable a person is to suggestion and scams when these drugs and the interface with the tech are combined.

I have tried to relate how these ugly, disgusting old men with their YouTube videos have attacked me. they are physically revolting to look at, which as I have written in a jest but it's very sombre: the ugliness of the stalkers is near a putrid sense value, aesthetic of vomitgore mentality when you have to see them proliferating your YouTube recommended page, which I am drawn to due to the mind control interface I have tried to describe very briefly above. The hacking and blocks to my brain make any writing extremely arduous and  impossible to get all out I want to express, in any tangible way or form.

The combination of putrid attacks and the people involved are such a revolting system of ugliness, stupidity, hate, greed, selfishness, and all tauted as wonderful heroes of society in these media drives to install fascist and Totalitarian puke rotten creeps into higher positions of power.

Thus, the mechanical arm got through the tiny space I have not had the strength to pound in which was altered between the space of last night and this morning. I have at least been able to create systes where I can detect entry, and they did get in. My hands, hair and skin have as usual been smeared wiith damaging chemicals. My haiir is a mess, my hands are huge, ugly and worn out from YEARS OF hand washing clothing that is sprayed daily with toxic sprays that are deadly to inhale. I must close all windows and seal doors to try to avert break-ins from the outside. When I had windows in the last horrrid torture place I lived in, I had to literally tape the sliding windows because the landlord refused to install screens and blocked all access to me installing screens. The people you idolize in the media who I have written of for years and years ensured I was unable to earn a single penny online and thus stuck living off circa $700 per month, as I am relegated to right now. The criminal terrorist teleportation creeps have been put into the Executive office, their children and wives receive only the top beauty treatments but put me in a place with over 30 panels which these mechanical arms break through every night to inflict damage to my body and beauty and health (slow murder) every single day. They rise into billionaire status and become leaders of society.

You all continue to do nothing to stop them or this system.

You're all profiting off this system in your comfort zones, assured that you will always have people to push down in order to keep your standard of living.


The teleportation terror hate skit they forced on me last night was of kittens who appeared dead in baskets. I had written of another ugly old man (aging I mean) who has put a proliferation of his nasty deformed and near-dead cats and dogs he "rescues" which became an endless stream of videos because I had once searched for animal rescue videos. His videos began to dominate my pages and the severe deformation of these animals caught my attention, as they were calculated to do for what appears to be an absolute scam and sinister "charity" organization.

As I wrote yesterday, a bit in detail. I did not include this organization's videos on my pages because first I don't want their ugly faces to deform my blog or Facebook--I am not trying to incriminate one single person but the entire group. I did put one of his videos on one of my Facebook posts I believe it was on July 3. I had, at that time, bought into the scam as apparently so many others have done. The money is flowing into this ersatz organization and it's cruelty towards animals. As I am under attack because this sick nasty creep is obviously a part of this stalking system, I will enumerate on other aspects of

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).