Monday, July 6, 2020

Prosecutor brutality: the gatekeeper at a higher level is as corrupt as the murdering police brutes (who are as corrupt as the brutes who they answer to).

Is this not as disgusting a crime against humanity, against all codes of ethics, against all human rights, a crime against humanity but somehow relegated to "normal" prison guard procedure?

I experience this kind of murderous behavior from police when I try to report stalking crimes against me.

But this case is somehow extremely disgusting and that this prosecutor remains in office and an incumbant at that? How sick some of the Florida prison system crimes are (as well as police, and the Nazi groups which promote the Euro-p rapist murdering genocidal mafia who attacked me with aims to slowly kill me via poisoning. They remain at the top of their professions and only attaining these higher positions after having teleported and torturing and raping me for years. This particular vile person I have written of extensively who has many venues in Miami, has won entertainment awards from ideas he stole from me in drugged "confession" type torture/teleportation/rape and trauma-based mind control situations. He's been handed clubs and restaurants and real estate he did not have until he began this contract out on me. This is the type of person that the Nazi Party in Florida, the KKK in Florida, and the resulting "power structure" of the United States welcomes into MY COUNTRY with red carpet VIP treatment and has me poisoned and allows all kinds of parasites to attack me.

I feel a sympathy for this man horribly MURDERED with silencing of LAW AND ALL LEGAL FOUUNDATION FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and for which it stands, there is no stand and hopefully in light of this new movement, something will be done to DESTROY THOSE GUILTY OF THIS HEINOUS MOST DISGUSTING HORRIFIC CRIME OF MURDER AGAINST A PRISONER.

Horrific MURDER of a defenseless prisoner in a Florida prison (guess what color this prisoner was?).

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