Thursday, July 2, 2020

Margaret Thatcher was a prescient superhero pre-Brexit soothsayer

I've heard so many nullifying things about her from Labor Party English (wankers, many of them gang stalkers, the usual "liberal" facade always willing to do fascist Nazi tactics to assume power while wearing the brown shirts of the working class--not to pose as an advocate of Tory or Conservatives or Republicans or any other party that is mainstream.)

HOWEVER, this small tidbit of an old lecture is amazingly powerful in it's succinct assessment of what HAS come to pass and what is currently under continuous debate in old Foggy swamp-land.

A few pro-Thatcher pundits (not many in the Parliament video below, Thatcher's very last stand before her legislative body of 3-piece suits. One pundit has to shout above the booing males (one of the most vociferous is Neil Knnock.

Boris Johnson has made an economic trade pact with the United States, post Brexit. Now the British can blame the US President instead of their own post-Thatcher leader(s).for ensuing ecoonomic woes or successes. Time will tell post-Corona Virus. 

Nevertheless, I would be willing to pay more for some Hobnobs and otherwise I don't know much about the benefits the US will obtain from closer ties wiith that foggy country, or set of countries. I hope readers can exempt me a bit due to sickness from drugging/poisoning and also lack of access to internet for a year and near physical and mental paralysis regarding in-depth study of politics. I wonder if this economic trade pact will have any lasting benefits for the United States. I have no doubt the UK truly needs such an economic tie.

What a quick, keen and well-articulated turn around of political attack Thatcher demonstrates. 

Kinnock says what should be said about Ameriican politics NOW.

"Things" seem to change very little in the space of the last few decades. Thatcher was correct about the future of the UK merging with the Continent. Kinnock was expressing the dismay of the poorer classes withthe wealthy. However, all I see all the time is the poor only too willing to assume the "sleazy" corruption of the wealthy at the very first opportune time to strip off their humble working class mantle and chill with the Beverly Hills fascist Nazi billionaires..(not meaning "all" just some I have met lately and for a long ago in a far away country back in old foggy England when I lived there a year or two. All I ever heard was hate for Thatcher and thought she must have been a monster exploiter for the "common people". I now, after years of gang stalking by the "common people" of that foggy country, as I listen to Thatcher's lectures or debates I find a resonance with her and an admiration for her verbal acuity. Smooth-tongued or duplicitous, it's still a fascinating display of verbosity.All I ever heard from the gang stalker "winging" plebs was outspoken hate with no information except that they were losing benefits. All I saw of the very same people was gang stallking hate towards me. I also was stallked by a wealthy English "aristocrat" who called Thatcher, "Mother". He triied to poison me to death while teleporting me. Maybe he did that because he had the "power" to do so while the poorer clasess of England could only "dream" of having the money and "power" to do so upon a whim. All they can do is participate in gang stalking and winge about politics when they don't get as much as they think they deserve, but only bow down in awe to the very wealthy and obey theiir orders to perforrm gang stalking hate tactics.

I still admire Thatcher for her political competence, whether it was politically correct according to my preferences or not...I have completely lost all respect for the wanker brown shirt typical English bigot who gang stalks me and claims they are for the working class and whatever they claim about how they care so much about society. All of the same people take orders from the very wealthy and at first chance will grab at power in order to push others down. A very opinionate statement and very easy to debuunk--my statement is an OPINION based on experience. This blog is about venting and writing about gang stalking and teleportation experiences. 

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