Monday, July 13, 2020

Outside of uttering, "ciao bella" and kissing his wealthy patrons on the cheeks, he can't think, create anything original, and under threat of exposure: so he spread his legs and pounded his fist down.

Surrounding him were a host of artistic bastuds bastardizing intellectualism in the United States. The surrounding entourage of actor clown whores were all: Waiting for the lucre to luxuriate withal the rooms of entitlement, a new American elitism of nobility spawned out of Fascist, Nazi mafia with the inevitable Northern French, German and Scandanavian and et al squandrons of infiltrators into the United States of WhoreHollywood via expectations of not having to actually think to create anything orriginal, due to the technological entitlement that enables the lowest to rise to the top via the European fascist, Nazi model.

This mafia hormone-growth entity was their benefactor, who didn't need to use the N-word in public as it was his shirt color despite always wearing fashionable Voodoon white. In Miami the color white is a well-known warding off of the evil Loa, but in the rest of the world, they know that underneath this pristine supreficial garb color, scrubbed sparkling clean by his brown-skinned slaves smiling at the sunrisen glow of hanging and latching on to the periphery of power and wealth obtained in what these happy-to-serve and attack in gang stalking groups could only be used to: Colonialistic empire servitude and oppression and the oppresiion of others.

He supported their "first black" leader in his Facebook profile, as it was this leadership which enabled him and his anti-American, Fascist (but not supporters of Mussolini), Nazi, knee-bowing down to French socialite Italians scared they would be associated with their Meditteranean neighboring dark-skinned neighbors---servicing their benefactors of the lucrative genocides and IMF and World Bank policies, which funded this mafia onslaught--unfortunatelly all derived from the UNITED STATES affiliation with mafia and Nazi collaborators out of Italy in order to wrest some of the wealth from the hidden, not invested yet into Swiss Bank Accounts, Nazi gold bullion heists obtained joyfully by the extraction of gold fillings from dead Jewish bodies (and gypsys, and "real" Communists instead of the Totalitarian types who wanted fascist control using the C-word system, as also was a dominant power group in Italy before the Socialists wrested almost full domination over the sway of European politics.

 His Fascist predecessors who had had Mussolini smashed to death in order to protect Mafia interests in Italy were none other than Mr. George C. Scott who proudly stood as General Patton in front of  a Hollywhorewood replication of national pride, the American flag draped behind the actor larger than life, enclosing the entire screen--as a film prop accessory, to imply that THIS huge symbolic progapandized bastardize misuse of the American flag would immediately bring associations of the not-yet fully indoctrinated-into fascist Nazism "normal" average Amerrcan movie-goers into the fascist lines awaiting the hand-outs from the filth lucre obtained from mass murder, genocide, and failed States that win banking holidays in the Sun for both investors and CEO's alike. Patton, the actor, goes on to patronize the patriotic viewers into the false dissemination that all was done for a Just cause. The entire film is a depiction of the Italian Campaign where the US Central Command had instructed Patton to "step down" and allow British forces to overtake the Italian area in an action that Patton had decided would inevitably fail. Using mafia sources to overtake this position of the central Mussolini-held Fascist Axis Power forces, Patton utilized the keen local mafia out-of-business guerillas to navigate mountain passes in order to gain a foothold into enemy territory; also countermining official orders to allow the British forces to claim victory (or defeat) at the hands of the Mussolini defense troops.

Mr. Fascist Mussolini had blocked the Mafia in Italy. Mr. Mussolini was literally smashed to death after Patton-lead forces closed down the Fascist shopkeepers, only to re-instate sanctioned, officially although covertly, Mafia as partners in both Italian and American political power strategy.

Beaten savagly to death, Mussolini with his mistress in the town square of Milan as warnings not to mess with Mafia in Sicily or on the mainland of Italy. For further terror traumatizing of any pro-government, anti-Mafia citizens, a bloody crushed body of Mussolini with a sign placed on his body, and the footage of the mob breaking his skull in twain is below, along with the battered to death lover who thought she was really in big with the big guys only up to the point of being surrounded by Mafia ranks who still are funding anti-fascist, Nazi movies in Hollywhorewood. It was the "Italian Campaign" that the movie used to demonstrate the power of American anti-Fascism, and I have to wonder how much influence the Italian Mafia had to do with the funding and publication and prize-winning status of this film?

On to Lucky Luciano, and that is a story that you can watch in many movies glorifying the American who was a kind of diplomatic partner living in Italy, to create a linchpin power structure that I am now facing and dealing with in this technological terror, Nazi, Mafia power cartel operating out of Hollywhorewood.

Spreading his legs because he could not think of anything else to utter, the symbol of sexual disgrace aimed at the target the teleportation rape and torture object who he has had his English partners torture, rape and disfigure as the American partners watch on "learning" "observing" emulating imitating the fascist, Nazi methodology and LAUGHING hyenas promoted into highest positions. The Italian with his enlarged, hormone-growth Nazi experimental monster body, limited capacity for any expressive creativity, burdened with conventionality and poise of gesticulating morbidity (static, stoic, unmoved and unable to utter anything outside of fashionable fascist but not Mussolini-controlled chaotic capitalism, mafia controlled to the apex of the American power structure in politics and in the media as well). This last statement should not be in parenthesis.

Inarticulate in English, although English is not his native language, the 30+ years he had already spent in the United States, have left him morbidly incapable of speaking in English with any real finesse except to utter the expected nicities when power machinations are involved in the Machiavellian maneuvers. Conventionally retaining his Italian identity because to assimilate into American culture would entail losing the power of his European mystique, mostly sticking with his Italian partners in the enterprises which inevitably were closed down to grafting grifters gratifying every gratuity in the entertainment industry.  They stole, they lost businesses.

Now after more than 30 years of attacking me to get these free deals out of gang stalking, rape and torture via teleportation:

stealing ideas using the trauma-based mind control drugging/torture protocols utilizing me as a prototype sucking-dry portal of information--

after more than 30 years of this man I never wanted, never liked, but "making love" while my body was a huge balloon of poisons and drugs--bloated so large I almost died from paralysis after one more year of his leadership in attacking me personally, with teams of Germasns poisoning, raping and attacking me via the gang stalking, with US government approval, and me ending up at the Emergency Room in Stuttgart because I could not hold my head up any longer. The poisons were hardening into my neck, into my skull, my entire body saturated in hardening, bloating chemicals and drugged so badly that I would jump up from a sitting position automatically when someone was trying to force me into some servitude position. My body was probably, at that point, more composed of poisons than flesh and bone. 10 years later, I remain with this hard poison in my body after years of detoxifying. 

The mafia personality has been handed new free businesses, ostensibly, the  larger the businesses the more graft and theft of the profits can be induced, especially when all crime is conveniently overlooked and money is pouring in because of his involvement in new technological torture, rape and theft of intellectual property along with mind control, torture and all that mafia and nazis have ever dreamt of in order to steal more and control THE WORLD (please note I left the titles in small caps because I do not honor them with official Noun titles).

Because he could not, and cannot create a single, original idea he has had to steal and rob concepts out of me (and Prince, after using Mafia and the Florida Nazi masses to have a Black entrepreneur, oh gasp, back in 1996 how insulting to the Florida Nazi Mafia cartels, a black male original owning and creating a disco with more creativity, more originality, than the conventional Fascist, European and their Nazi/Mafia American counterparts. The overt racism expressed in Miami, and on South Beach, at that time was absolouely and vehemently openly expressed. The N-word was not a whispered occurrance during that time. Certainly not for Italians who I worked for selling cigars, on South Beach, the partners with this inarticulate huge-bodied hormone-growth monster who is now a huge celebrity in Miami Beach for his new, huge clubs. After stealing from every venue possible for years and years, finally obtaining the stature where the crimes can be concealed, the power status invoked to bring the worst, most stupid of the violent, hormone growth Nazi experiments in the "uber mensch" to bring to the planet huge human beings, towering over the normal height of the rest of humanity. I have found that many of the men who are supposed to be "leaders" of society out of Europe, entrenched into South Beach and Miami and Florida and now US POLITICAL leadership positions of absolute authority, but behind the scenes of the ostensible "Democratic" spouting verbal lashings of false dialectics in the media--behind all of them are nearly inarticulate hormone Nazi growth mafia out of Italy and Germany and etc (models out of France hold a particular sway in American political life, all enhanced in their careers by dark-haired Italians who are keen to procreate with blondes in order to lighten up their Meditterannean complexions).

In my last few posts I wrote of this one particular personality because his response is always aboslute violence to any verbal joke, expression of intellectual analysis I write on my many posts, trying to appeal to any rational thinker reading my posts who actually cares about decency, are anti-racist, care about feminist ideals--but I discover they are as limited as the nearly silent, boring and inarticulate leader who is showering them with money and contracts because the American political and media spectrum is absolutely under the domination of Nazi Mafia cartels. I find this as more of a fact a dismal reality that no movie ever actually "exposes", no documentarist "dares" to detail or create.

The reaction to my last few posts was this man who I find ugly and sinister and morose, although now a "reputable" owner of huge, massively endowed with all and every support for his mediocrity stunt and appratus of party planning and creative organisation for this boring non-personality but contrived "fashionable" European mogul who had previously failed or was part-manager of small little, tiny clubs now owning huge corporate venues on some of the largest properties on Miami Beach--all since having begun teleporting me after I made ONE PHONE CALL back in 2009 from Phuket to South Beach, asking him for "help" against stalking which I thought originated by-proxy from another French male, one of his partner buddies in this system (they are all in a group gang-bang orgy formation, these men and their hanging-on female partners). The sleazy Italian mafia parasite nearly sounded like he was having an orgasm when I phoned him this one time, asking for help against what I had thought was a stalker out of South Beach because the overt stalking began when I clicked on his brand-new website inquiring about an apartment for rent (I was, at that time, living in Gainesville, Florida and trying to get my graduate degree at the horrible Miami public state university which was a far worse education I experienced in two weeks than my Freshman year of high school at Nicolet High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). I had to leave Miami a few years before struggling to enter into graduate school, because of the violence this Italian man had directed at me when I avoided his every leg-opening, crotch insinuation of hate-sexual advances and glaring grimmaces of hate directed at me, while asking me if I would meet him at his "club" and I was so drugged I said, "yes" as he approached me while I was walking in the street. I simply never went to any club, disco or place he owned except for one other time, where he was sitting nearly in front of the front door, spreading his legs as I entered his restaurant (which had been owned by people who welcomed me in with smiles and warmth, before the Nazi invasion of South Beach became the norm instead of the sly subterfuge that has become an open "Little Riviera" now, with fascists like this man and his associates having taken over the entire system. The American simply adore him and his ilk for having driven me out, and people like me, or just killing, murdering and installing a fascist, Nazi cartel officially sanctioned at all levels, in nearly all of the State of Florida.

And thus, under duress from mind control technology, hacking and all the other blocks and hacks and typo inserts this group always forces upon me while I fight and struggle to type, think, and relate anything and at this point, mostly for stress relief as I was teleported and assaulted as usual last night.

This nasty Italian man had me between his legs two nights ago, asking me if I was sexually aroused by him. Under a state of sleep, teleportation, hypnosis, I was also drugged when I bought food at a shop earlier that day, I could hear the gurgling noise of having been poisoned which I am very familiar with now. Under all those conditions all I could do was feel an extreme coldness sitting inbetween his huge, hormone-growth legs and I tried to get away, as I always have done with this nasty mafioso Italian not-stallion but rapist creep whore with his whorewood buddies and political deviant associations put into highest position for collaborating with above-written technologies and power Machiavellian machinations.

The pounding down of his fist is a symbol.

For anyone who may have lost relatives in the War against Fascism and Nazism, for those who do not want fashion models out of Paris to rule over the dark-haired, embarassed to be dark Meditterannean fascists, wanna be mogul mafia murdering minions of blonde-Nazis who perform the violence for the blondes who sit back laughing watching and obtaining all the filthy money as partners and controllers of the above-stated: for those who DO NOT WANT THIS GROUP TO CONTROL YOUR LIVES AND POLITICS AND MOVIES then do not sick back silently any longer waiting for the next prsident to have to bow down, scrape and obey these forces in order to gain the leverage to influence the Nazi American party affiliates who pose as Democratic Patiors to support them in their campaign schemes for power. They must inevitably obey these commands. Those who claim they are "independent" of lobbies such as the above are not deluded but they are deluding you with their claims, if you believe this. There is no power in the United States without having to bow down to these cartels, if you follow the organized criminal societal rules of promotion, all clouded-over by silencing of targets like me and in absolute obedience to authority while cranking out movies about fighting corruption. Such a formula that always works. You can see it most visibly in the italian-American Stallion's endlessly underdog formula movies that always win top boxoffice procedes. That is a plot-driven story for another post.

****Please note that all mistakes, incoherencies of writing, grammar and style are due to hacking and technological interference with my brainwave functioning from stalker/hacker attacks. Otherwise, after this group attacks me for having written anything negative about their endless negative pursuits to turn me from a happy, beautiful and creative person into a destroyed human being writing and obsessing with non-stop, 24/7 violence pitted against me by them, they then steal all ideas possible, often verbatim, and then profit and I remain fighting against poverty and illness and endlessly writing about "them". There are so many of "them". Here is an very slippery attempt to detail some of the historical significance of the current state of affairs. I have tried to attain research articles online instead of resorting to badly written and biased book reviews, and all requests for pdf's on research done on these activities have either been blocked by the hackers or deleted if they do arrive after request in my email box. I continue to have sensations of dizziness and nausia after I get up from writing in front of this hacked and from whatever has been inserted into the machinery of this laptop to shoot out at my brain to render me unable to focus or concentrate, lack of memory, cohisiveness, etc****


I know about The Forge restaurant on 41st Street because of some "Italian-Americans" who brought me to meet the owner, Sharif Malnick one single time who surveyed me silently, friendly, silenced, observant. This is where the "Italian Stallion" actor, who is partners with the huge Italian hormone-growth rapist teleporting mundane thug I have written about (with ptsd hate) above, the partners in the club where I sold cigars for one or two years--still teleporting me 30 years later attacking me with his host of Hollywhorewood "A-list" actors. The Forge is a status place of meet and greet meat factory exclusivity and domination machination power dinner parties. The word on the streets is that politicians and media moguls and Mafia meet to eat the best meat (famous for steaks and cigars) hotspot where real politics are forged and policies decided after the Brandy and Cigars.

Notice that white is a theme, along with beef-stained chunky wood in other more respectible rooms where the cigars and beef meat decisions are determined.

The owners once had a collaboration with Mr. Lucky Luciano. This is referenced online. Or, the original owners were associated with Luciano, the mobster who also lived in Italy to foment the right Mafia structure and gently lead it to commit violence in American life.

Oh, I found a more local link to this above statement of connections and associations. Thank you to the New York Times which had the timerity to "bust the balls" of the bulls disguised and dressed as Eagles.


How my persoonal history relates to all of this:

BOTH OF MY GRANDFATHERS, ON BOTH SIDES conducted business deals on the Docks of lower Manhattan (the lower East side). My step-father's father operated a linen store in the Brokklyn Flatbush garment district (notorious for mafia dealings/Jewish mafia collaboration). My uncle on my father's side is a well-known Defense Attorney in Miami. My father has admitted he was a lawyer for "the mafia" in NYC.  I believe this contract out on me is nearly 100% derived from my personal background, a situation which I never consented to and still am fighting to stop this criminal contract and activity. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...