Saturday, July 11, 2020

Due to Teleportation blocking my dreaming/sleeping state-of-being, I cannot access The American Dream. James Baldwin versus William F. Buckley, Jr. in debate over racism in America, the dream unwoven and wound up in a tight, safe ball for the exploiters to laugh and dance around.

The "American Dream" is for those who play into the games of the Nazis who control the GDP and all it's rivulettes of money and power flowing into Nazi Europ countries via all kinds of American institutions. IF you are black and only have shopping in Milan as your dream come true American Dream, to demonstrate how successful you are as an American living up the Dream to be Free, but downplaying me and helping fascist Nazis with Europ fascist Nazi backing to torture, poison and attack me
this is a lecture you might find more intellectually stimulating than years of your bs media posturing, all compacted into a few hours of lecturing.
P.S., there would be no Malcolm X Biography without one of the participants, and thus nothing for you to endlessly imitate in your media posturing inbetween your shopping sprees in Paris Fashion week while you schmooze with the fascist Nazis who promote you for helping bigot white rapists to torture and rape and poison and drug and steal ideas from me.
So listen well, oh nasty nappy hypocrites and listen well you dumbed down white folk trying to be pc with your newly found political correct anti-racist posturing.
And now one more hour of me writing about this crap and struggling to get one single hacked and ruined WNYU archived program which has been inserted with mind control hate programming by a radio host not listed as the host on the very program, after more than 40 minutes of struggling to get the computer to not be blacked out any longer.
Then writing more about this situation which is what these creeps/you creeps are attacking me to obtain so you can traumatize me into writing about theories as you can steal idea after idea to have anything relevant to the current politically correct media circus that is the antithesis of all that is politically correct.
Asking for years for people to defend me seriously, without this going on and on any longer. Waiting for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS and writing about it for years and years as the black president who really HELPED IN HAVING TRUMP HANDED THE POSITION OF POWER due to THIS VERY SITUATION.

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