Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hacking story for bedtime and don't ever wake up to smell the bs readers you readers smug about it never happening to you (or is it not happening to you 2?)

Over 20 minutes to upload a music show from an archived radio program. Hackers blocked the page on two browsers. After more than 10 minutes of refreshing the page and the link blacked-out completely nothing on the page, I then restarted the entire laptop, and then the pages kept being blocked for another 15 clicks and refreshes in a row. It has taken more than 20 minutes to open one single link in an archived program list.
The program that did come out was with a different radio host than listed on the program. This female has been the host for programs before (I believe all were hacked programs and the real host blocked from my particular access). The songs were all reminders of situations I was intimately dealing with and subjects I had written and conversed with teleporting terrorists about.
She is back, although a completely different host is named in the program guide. Many times the hackers block access to my searches until they can download, reformat and reinsert their mind control programming into the templates of the webpages I am trying to get "entertainment" music out of.
Functions on the keyboard are blocked. Trying to simply highlight a URL link and copy and then paste here has been arduous as the highlighting works only for half the link and then stops functioning. This also happens routinely, II have to highlight and repeat the same function four times to get the blue highlight to actually copy an entire link or paragraph or sentence. Time spent day after day just endlessly repeating worthless waste-of-time functions.
I copied this link directly and you can see that the page refuses to copy and download, blocked to access.
Over 20 minutes, and then another 5 minutes just simply trying to copy and paste the link, and another 5 minutes restsarting the machine, and another 10 minutes struggling to type and backspace hacker inserts this very page.
Just to get one link that has been replaced by extreme mind programming. The messages this charming-sounding female host puts on are all filled with hate.
I probably would not want to hear the songs she puts on at this point it's all probably very subliminally charged.
There have been times when I download some of the electronic music from various shows on WNYU, and I can "hear" subliminals inserted into the throbbing sychronized beats. I won't use the word they use, the people using the synthetic telepathy (mind reading tech, whatever it is called, that is the only terminology I have heard it used, as well as Voice-to-skull/V2K).
I just want to have a lot of great music at hand. This site has a smorgasboard of various interesting shows which I want to be able to access. Nearly one hour trying to obtain music from one link which has already, by the time I get through all the blocks, it has already become a product of negative mind programming that is offesive. There is also fun or not so negative punk music out there that I want to hear, the music for itself, for instance.
Trying so hard. I wonder if anyone will ever defend me so I'm not going through this endless attackk system, living next to creeps hissing hate sentences and phrases into my "inner ear" repetitiively (it's so nasty and disgusting, and what these sleazy nasty creeps say is like schoolyard 3rd grade but seriously deadly hate)
Where are the happy, fun people of the planet who will, at the very least, protect me so I can be excluded without being tortured non-stop or at any time? At this point I want no more human contact just my cats returned, you pigs attacking me gone forever, me living with people who if they are racist and stupid, at least leave me the f-alone, instead of this perpetual crap forced upon me. Also so I have a chance to compete without blocks to everything for my own personal business.
Can anyone ever accommodate me in this?
Here is an example of what has been taken away from me by people claiming they are "Liberal", "Democratic", "Equality-based Feminists who are lesbian black panther activists and black equal rights advocates now screaming in media publicity drives for equality who also attack me" and white liberals and white feminists and Jewish fighters for all things Democratic who also turn away
can't I at least be ostracized without stalking and this kind of endless attack on every single thing I do, not paid for by the US GOVERNMENT or any subsidiary group out of America (or any country?)


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