Friday, July 24, 2020

Terrorist Report Attack attack (kill doggie doo gang activities---or, "I was born to roll" inspirational song inspiring the doggie doo gang slang silliness, just watch vid below for fun!!! ha ha jokerz).

I am listening to some old 80's funk archived music, which is rejuvenating. Old school funk from the 70's, or remixes or remastered. Almost makes me not want to get into the ugliness of the unhip unfunk fu**s but.....what the funk I will do it because, hope what I write will one day, one day (today?) cause the down fall permanently of these scumbag pig apes and their minority minion whores who do their best to behave like the white pig ape whores who pay them for their disgusting orders.

Does that sound racist? This is a most racist organization which publicizes itself as an equal opportunity criminal gang stalking group controlled, albeit, by white Nazis. Or, my experience of this group.

Please note that my brain is completely wacked by the technology, and I am ranting in hate which makes me appear negative and unhip but, wtf lol it's really duress, torture, and subliminals. I am listening to this song and it's inspiriting my skewed ranting into a silly not hip hop mood. There was a very black nazi racist movie I just watch (for a few moments) directed or produced by Kevin Hart---about a pathetically dismal loser "Jewish" white male rapper who was completely emasculated by the black Nazi anti-Semites, operating as usual as proxy Nazis for the white Nazis who hide their racism and just turn over the hate to the blacks to inflict absolute anti-semitism and get away witih it--because they are underprivileged blacks and discriminated=against blacks and if they make absolutely heinous racist anti-Jewish movies there is no outcry--I watched this movie and this Jewish dude who was such a pathetic ugly stupid loser in the film, with his nagging parents (especially the mother character, in a racist depiction that actually is not so far from the stereotype but just bad enough to be abslutely murderous and not funny but disgusting). and this Jewish guy was attempting to be a rapped, with the blacks snorting in hate and making dumb nasty jokes about how uncool he is.  I am not trying to be a rapper a la black rap, because as Ice Cube the Lice Pube would say about Jews, "Fuck 'em" if they don't like it, "fuck 'em". Oh yeah, fuck the black nazis. That is another part of my rant that I "forgot" and am adding it to this very vitrioulic hate rant, which sounds when I re-read it so negative and ugly, if I were a reader opening these pages and trying to read my writing, I would turn off immediately and stop reading my words are so ugly and negative and "immature'. This is how bad the "broken record" syndrome of hate is being pumped into my brain. I have no idea how much of what i write is actually of my own mental creation and not pumped into my subconscious by subliminal technology. The endless attacks I experience here in this room are enough to really make anybody, I don't care who, more than upset to the point, when endlessly drugged with poisons as I am every single day, to be unable to control the subliminal. ALL THE DISCREDITING I experience and have to fight in addition to everything else, which is only marginally written of below (ranting, straying off topic, not able to focus, hacking inserts, my brain feeling like it's in a slight sieve crushing operation).

But this is fun music to listen to, while typing (not exactly listening to the words, so don't "blame me" if the lyrics are racist, sexist, gang-star oriented towards crime or sleazy sex brainwashing)

just a fun groove, usually the music is more interesting than some of the lyrics--I really mean the sound of his voice and the music. I also experienced this when listening to rockabilly music--usually the vocals are things I hate, but the music is groovin---

I really am not able to think any longer in a linear fashion this is just rambling into every possible tangent.

I wanted to add that today, as I was in the motorbike shiop (more written below, I am in the re-editing statge at this moment, only briefly to insert the music vfid) after this Porn began attackking me wiht all the trigger gestures and insults and hate but so subtle with such a nice, warm greasy smile style--I bean to laugh, I told her I was listening to Elvis music and began to dsance in the middle of the shop--I had intended to be cold, businesslike and go in and out with no response or emotional response to the ugliness she and her pig ape handlers instruct her to do before hand and through the instructions and verbal attacks simulated with the sublininal tech--I was dancing adn telling her to listen to Elvis and laughing and smiling while and after she was attacking me. The idea that I was under attack was immediatley swiped clean out of my consciousness and all felt like a fun, happy joyous friendly situation. I cannot describe how DANGEROUS the use of this technology is. As my brain and emotions and cognitive processes were being turned on and off simultaneously by this tech.

I alweys return from this shop feeling enraged about how these reactions are literally forced upon me and how these pieces of shit can get away with these types of insults and attackks and I am rendered smiling and laughing as my brain is being inutterably altered.


Drugged and my home vandalized non-stop despite years of fighting to block all portals of entry in this tiny microstudio torture/rape/imprisonment/hate torture chamber. The mechanical arms continue to break through the dollar store and cheap hardware store items I have bought, struggling wiith poisons ripping my body slightly apart daily, poisoned non-stop--fighting with subpoverty researces to block the penetration of these mechanical arms breaking through holes they bore through that are less than a square milimeter (or half inch--I'm not so well-acquianted with the metric system still after years of living outside the US standard of measurement).

I am ranting and drugged up every single post, and in every situation, therefore. The healing of the poisons already existing in my body is taking probably 5 or 6 times longer than if I were not repeatedly re-poisoned with murder hardening chemicals, mixed with the drugs that keep me so blankk and inert that I sit in front of this laptop tube and nearly drool sitting like a zombie into the screen. I have so many fascinating concepts I want to materialize which remain dormant, and the educational videos I have downloaded remain unwatched because it literally hurts my brain, my head to concentrate for more than a few minutes at a time, due to the microwave or other electronic torture instruments aimed at me continuously while I sit in front of these plebian tubes intended to blank out mind and soul connection.

My home is filthy upon waking. I spend hours cleaning pillows, blankets. Upon opening my closets wafts of stale, fungus and filthy odors pour out. The interiors of the cupboards, just the large ones, have sets of hooks tied together with rope and pvc strings---one door opens sets of rows of shelves, each one has thin and warped particle board separating my room from the terrorist's room next door, where the insertion of mechanical arms through the parts that are not hooked solidly into the cheap thin panels are simply laser-cut and bore through, opened slightly and these mechanical arms are pushed through. I surmise this as I have zero evidence for any single thing; of course with no support or help system, all finances blocked, it is impossible for me to get one single person to help me document what is going on so I have to write what I cannot prove. Each of these shelves, rows of 6 just for one huge layered cabinet reaching below my knees and extending to the ceiling--6 paeis of hooks tied to the back of each of the shelve walls, making more than 72 hooks I have had to pound into one set of shelves behind one panel set of doors--there are four of these and then there are the "kitchen" cabinets, and then there are the tiny little spaces which are placed nearly on the floor as part of drawers that I can't use because the terrorists can open them from behind and extend the mechanical arms into the room--and on and on--making each cupboard door and interior requiring 92 hooks in one cabinet, of four---plus the kitchen cupboards, plus another huge shelf above the refrigerator which is impossible for me to keep anything that can be stained or sprayed with stinking fluids--it is a huge and deep interior space which is impossible to stop the stalkers I mean terrorists from entering with their mechanical arms. Every hook has requred me to physically exert back muscular strength which has left me bedridden and in pain for months due to the exertion. A microchip which was "tweaked" whenever someone would slam a door in the hallway, I would experience a shock in a specific area in my left rib cage. The exertion from screwing and pounding in all those hooks--more than 300 in all, more than that number---ripped out this microchip so now there is no twitching when the terrorists make sudden sharp noises. However, there is another one on my right ribcage side which is also tweaked, but the effect is ever so much lighter on that side.

I am not getting to the grueling thorughs that hav plauge dme all day. The rage and hate, from the drugging, the tech altering my brainwaves into a hate and negative szone, the endless struggle to stop the stalkers from inserting objects under my dying fingernails--the cuticles have receded, the fingernails are like oyster shells but broken, no blood flow, day after day objects are inserted under these cuticles. My HAIR is literally cut in a ragged crooked line every day, hair cut away from the apex of my skull every day, stinking grease smeared and rubbed into my scalp every single day (I mean night, while I am in the comatose MK ULTRA "alter" state and teleported to being raped, beaten abused, insulted, put into "homeless" situations. Of course, all is augmented by zero finances coming in except for this subpoverty income that I am always on the verge of losing for various reasons. They are using a shredder on my hair, every single day. My body smells bad after I wake up and I think I am being raped every night, every single night by these pig apes and their greasy scum partners who are renting the studio, stallking and terrorizing me here, getting free rent, and inserting subliminals into my brain in cycles with hate phrases repeatedly poudning into my skull whiich I can hear as low hissing hate words, repeated. There is always a fake "tinnitus" hissing in my ears as well, which is characteristic of technolgoies "hacking" into the brain or inner ear functions. Or it is noise being amplified as a more subliminal form of torture that never ends, the noise has gone on for over a decade every single moment of my life.

My body remains covered with cellulite pushed to the top of my skin due to the hard poisons which sink ever-so-deeper the more poison I detox, the more is slides and compresses directly into my skeleton. This is a slippy substance that conforms to body contours. As my body mass decreases because muscles and tiessue are continuously also being ripped out as thepoisons slide off, due to endless struggle on my part. I remain sittiing in this room gtortured wiith psychological hate messages and brain/emotion/cognitive functions pushed into hate zones (ELF zones in the brainwave Herz zone, probably since I am not an expert, and the need to study these scientific concepts is blanked otu by the drugging and literal pain from exerting any effort to study or read of focus on anything more than blank (hate_ entertainment)


The motorbike rental place where I have paid every month money to only be attacked by the female "owner" (who is absolutely controlled by the Europig community, in an area where I used to live, where the Thai girls were friendly as far as the terrorist organization allowed them, and once the place became more infilatrated and "developed" (the once beautiful natural areas are all carved out and turned into hotels, coffee shops, and horrible tourist clothing s hops and crap like that, endless restaurants and just cement destroying the once beautiful natural areas). The Thai girls, as this is a prostitution area, massage and happy endings, all controlled by white pig Europig males and their nasty whore wives who want the minorities more enslaved and more pornographically abused than they are by theiir whoremongering pig husbands---

the girls werre once friendly, there were more older men, shabbby, retirees with low budgets proliferating the area. As the waelthier more young and aggressive, determined to make their money out of the swelling tourism industry has increaesd almost exponentially--mostly after the coup d'etat which is underwritten by white Europig male investors

and the girls now can't understand English although more and more English-speaking businesses proliferate. They are nasty, the Europigs use deadly traffic near-death maneuvers whenever I drive in that area where I lived for over 2 years when it was peaceful, I could ride motorbike by the beach and enjoy the area, and now it's literally a death trap of drivers nearly hitting me (I was hit three times in that area as the tourism boom increased, the accidents and the hate of the more younger, make-up plastic surgery Thai females increased and the older former pioneers of this colonialistic jaunt are now either kicked out of thailand (there was also a huge repatriation of the Thai Immigration as people who kept going to various other countries to do Visa runs were denied re-entrance as the young Nazi pigapes moved on in and took over what these nasty old men (but not as nasty as the younger pig ape men out of Europigland) and

This woman, named Porn, is from Bangkok. As opposed to the women who were friendly, although nasty terorist agents, now the prostitutes from Bangkok and their male ilk have taken over the tourist areas that once were the domain of the Issan (Northeast area of Thailand, on the Laos border, a very {poor" area but all claim that the people are so friendly and warm and nice there. Something happens to many of these so-called "wonderful" nice Thai girls once they reach Phuket and are turned into massage prostitutes. \But the Bangkok prostitutes like the motorbike rental personality I have to deal with (and I must deal with it, because the billionaires who are torturing me out of the US and LA and DC are partnering with these whores and pig ape nazis who are not famous, more nasty more disgusting uglier but of the same material and the same mentality, but even worse because they are not as visible to public scrutiny, and thus, they do the disgusting torture attacks for the ever-smiling f*crew in all the famous celebrity/media and political spectrum of just a few colors just black and white spectrum really only white that is black in spirit and various shades therein but only controlled by the white hue of black-hearted soul hue.

Really on a ranting mind controlled digression--not able to focus or concentrate.

I walk into her shop (so hard to get to the point, I was trying to paint a sort of picture a backdrop to the situation, and got into a huge digression about the demographic shift--more material for some pig ape to steal and claim as their own creative concept--except that the pigs hacking into this are the whoremongering scum that I describe and they probably won't make a movie about Bangkok prostitutes as they probably can't find any way to manipulate the concept to make themselves out as benevolent heroes of desperate-for-money "devloping' SE Asian countries surrounded by genocides and wars for decades by violent Colonialists. One of these pig apes has made a movie based on this old theme, but I never watched it. The title was titillating as a theme on genocide and that in itself was a basis of sales for the parasites to latch onto and feed off the thrill of vicarious mass murder put into movie format (entertainment, making them bring joy and smiles into the world of schadenfreude variety).

And so, the technology is aimed into my brain the moment i walk into the shop I can't "remember" that I am under attack. The pigs have rigged some contraption to make whatever I put on her desk blow onto the floor. I can feel a gust of wind coming down from the ceiling. Whatever money I put on the desk blows off immediately even if there is no wind or fan blowing in any direction. Today I put the money under a stack of rental papers, which the Porn star of these endless attacks on me made blow onto the floor by pumping the papers up and then down while the gust of air blew from above. I had just commented on how this very spot makes things fall on the floor, and because I had tried to avert these attacks, under directions as all she does and says are things that really a native English-speaker would say, and all are contrived and attack and probably rehearsed, and doubtlessly conveyed with subliminal tech or ear buds or what--ever. Many people operate like this.

As I understood only after leaving this place, after she swiped her nose in a disgusting trigger gesture (the disgusting Thai people with no cartilage in theiir noses try to emulate white Europig Nazi pig apes snubbing their noses at me, th is is a definite trigger mechanism that always accompanies some very, often, treacherous rip-off or near-death accident situatioon or something very negative so the trigger always implies a very serious threat and attackk always coming from some oblique angle orr from behind or hitting me from a blind spot--etc etc etc whoever conceives of these attacks as I know have no positive creativity--which is why they steal from me--because i could never conceive of disgusting stupid attack scenarios and hate verbal attacks as these pigs always do, but they seem to lack all kinds of creative concepts that are original. All they can do is tear down in order to raise their mediocrity up.

What i just described sounds rather innocuous because she looked like a disgusting pig smearing her not-cartilage nose in a huge, entire hand operation of gesticulating in a rude and ugly way at me, which she does repeatedly every time I am paying or having to look at her. One time she began swiping her nose and immediatlely rubbing her hand on my brand new very pretty "designer" shirt (a purple shirt with ruffles, fragile fabric and not some cheap item) and smearing snot and grease on my shirt while I stood unable to move, literally transfixed and frozen, smiling and unable to tell her to stop. This is how bad the attacks are. She exploits this every time I am there, smiling in a greasy, ugly way.

I want to add that my "landlord" terrorist is also from Bangkok and his nasty and mean-spirited hate demeanor is almost exactly like hers, Porn also from Bangkok. There is a movie called, "Bangkok Dangerous" which, in the Thai version, is a bit closer to the point than the more formulaic American version which makes Thai people appear as wonderful if they are nice, warm Thai women with their white male partners who they are so sweet and safe and loving towards (not ever, ever interestedin having a sugar daddy pay for their rent or family or clothing shopping taking care of their children, nothing like that in the American version). In the Thai version the story is very different. It is of course a fictional account. what I experience is a gritty nasty greasy personality scamster type that is vicious, dangerous and only too sleazy to recount on a level of hate violence and obedience and absolute deference to the pig apes who control them (please note, Thailand has been surrounded by genocides, death squads, military martial law governments for over 50 years, for much longer than that).

And, I feel exhausted trying to obtan the ideas that are being blocked.

My home is filhty all I do is clean up the stinking filth these terrorists pour into my room. They also insert these mechanical arms at every single possible moment during the day and night, leaving evidence of spraying stinking foul substances on clothing and pillows and blankets, ripping the artwork I plastered on the floor to stop them from opening teh floor panels---all ripped to the point that holes with grime, layers of dirt, it's all completely ripped into shreds from repeat daily and nightly attacks with knives and these mechanical arms. Flowers continuously picked off the vines, which are partially killed off as the mechanical arms also are being conveyed from the patio above mine and entering through the holes the terrorists have killed in what should have been a flowering vine wall I created with my own kind of artistic matrix spanning the entire length of the patio opening---it should be a kind of solid wall with vines and flowers and there are huge gaps. I put entire covering on the panels of the ceilingof this area, and then covered each corner with layers of art and other objects, and now there are huge holes where the once very thick layers of vines are complete huge holes

and I remain in this situation after YEARS of writing abou tthis.

People continue to surround me wiith babies, as the token symbol of the baby that some male who has tortured, raped, abused, terroized, stolen whwever possible from me, one of them has stolen my cat so people drive by me wearing helmets with cat ears glued onto the helmet as another symbol of me getting my 25 year old cat back one day if and when I finally heal with no health care as they keep on having me poisoned and drugged, aboslutely slowly murdering me day after day

and their nasty pig ape whore gold-plated shit wives

all operating in one huge pile of pigape trash

oh, that is just a small iota of the hate and rage these pig apes have engendered. Of course that is what they want me to live in, continuous hate, ugliness, filth, sitnking, my body ruined my hair a shredded mess, my clothing stinking I spray bleach and then anti-fungus cleaning fluids and then I smear essential oils on the clothing because I open these cabinets and all I want to wear stinks, after I have just cleaned it. this, with no human contact, sitting in a torture zone, cleaniing sticking fillth and then sitting in a comatose daze every single day, unable to function or get anything else done, frozen with hard chemical rippingout of my body, left with no animals or friends adn sitting alone in this torture environment\\t

then surrounded by creeps the white pig apes and their wanna be white and rich parasites surroudnign me continuously, blocking my every movement, sabotaging every single thing I attempt to live, make money,m have any single beautifuul happy thing including justt one animal pet like a cat--j

my blog, which I have listed many tags on the header of the first page of the blog, remains silenced and unpublished due to hackers blocking and diverting my every web search and attempt to earn money online. Everything else is blocked likewise.

Thus I remain absolutely stuck in this situation. I have paid endless hundreds of dollars for a rental motorbike, paid off the investment for this abusive Porn manager slave/whore who insults, attacks, sexually gropes, swipes nasty fluids on me and my clothing, makes comments endlessly about how I look and what is wrong with how I dress--the people who appear to also get into this huge free lucrative deal are likewise nasty, sleazy and filled with hate and negativity. This is the case almost everywhere, all the time. It is even worse with the blacks and whites in H-wood, the same dynamic remains a constant worldwide.

I also wrote a post yesterday on my Faceobook page about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Her videos have been permeating my YouTube "recommended" page for at least one year. There were a slew of her videos for a while, I ignored every single one. The YouTube page is one of the main formats that the terorists in the media use to get my attention. Not that I am paranoid as I am not even suspicious. It goes into the inevitable and beyond suspicioun or paranoia.


Oh could I "forget" except for my brain being blanked, squeezed by technology and drugging that never ends due to my home being violated every night while I sleep and I'm drugged every day and night!

AlMOST HIT BY TRUCKS every five minutes while driving around Phuket, miles and miles, every four minutes huge trucks veer from the side of the road, block my path, as motorbikes and cars drive into me from behind at angles I can't see. People also alter my rear-view mirror so when I try to swerve out of the way of cars and bikes and trucks nearly hitting me I can't see. Every few minutes this goes on and on. Very very life-threatening, continuously.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...